CID Report (Death): 0035-2008-CID789-53215-5H9B; Mohammad Fahdil Khamat Marush, 40 y/o Iraqi Male, Air Force Theater Hospital Joint Base (AFTHJB), Balad, Iraq, December 7, 2008 ("Undetermined")

This is a CID investigation in to the death of Mohammad Fahdil Khamat Marush, a detainee at the Air Force Theater Hospital Joint Base (AFTHJB), Balad, Iraq on December 9, 2008. It is reported that Mr. Marush was initially a detainee at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Cropper, where he underwent a medical evaluation that revealed he had a brain abscess. He was then transferred to the AFTHJB for more extensive medical care. The Report states that Mr. Marush underwent a CT Scan that discovered that the abscess was being caused by a bullet in his brain. The injury was old & preexisted his coming in to coalition custody. The Report could not discover the circumstances of how Mr. Marush incurred his injury. While at the AFTHJB Mr. Marush's condition became unstable, and he subsequently died while undergoing treatment. Cause of Death: Complications of Penetrating Head Injury; Manner of Death: Undetermined.

Investigative File
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, January 13, 2011