Criminal Investigative Task Force Interview of Guantanamo Bay Detainee re: Detainee's Activities in Afghanistan and Pakistan Prior to Capture

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This investigative report was generated by the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) and the interview was conducted by the Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI) and the United States Army Criminal Investigation Command (USACIDC). The detainee being interviewed states he had met certain Al Qaeda leaders in prison in Germany and at safe houses in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but denied operating as an Al Qaeda member or leader. When asked about his previous statements about attending Al Qaeda training camps, he said he made up under the duress, and that none of it was true.

Investigative File
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Activity Contents 169
(1 0f2)
Title: FM40 111111111
Narrative: )Cc.) .On 20 Mar 04, 1¦111/1111¦11/11, ISN# 1¦1111111., was ''')(61 interviewed at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay Naval Station, Cuba by SA
(AFOSI) and SAMMIIIIIIMEM-gti ted (USACIDC). Linguist specialist rovided Arabic/English language translation. 19 el) en- Q.
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nye), 4111111111 was asked to 'ew a photograph of ISN: and describe his contact, if any, he may have had with him either in Germany or Afghanistan. 01111111111kteted that
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he knewellIlOom4nson in Germany, however he only saw him m passing. /111/1111M/h4'elafgcrihat the two never had a chance to speak with one another and therefore, he could speak of him personally. advised that they were both imprisoned sometime around 1996-1997, bile' however, he could not recall any other specific details because he was
cm, -iinvolved with drugs at the time. Further, dillINIMIstated he saw in the markets of Afghanistan on three or four occasion'.`" `` 9 .411101116stated that he had no other contact withillINVand when asked
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if he thought appeared sick, 1111Mlireplied, "no-rr
was asked to recount his interaction with an individual named
whom he previously stated was in charge of the Algerian W-7)(61-Guesthouse he staved at in the summer of 2000. s ted he talked to /11/11r occasioishowever,11111111100? not operate thev 04.)
guesthouse while he was staying 6ere511.111111 advised that Millirdid
not assume control of the guesthouse until sev6 (­
eral months after 111111011.1._

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moved out. allailllitafearhe met 11111111111in ershwar, PK and stayed at his residence for one night. 4111111111111raM M that he was put in contact
,tire) the assistance of al1111111111,463m he met at the
in Germany. explained that it was 11111.11-1'w who convinces him to travel to Afghanistan-11111.V6idd tell him how relocating to Afghanistan would remox0e influence of drugs frOm his life
_4 and allow him to become a better individuating/II helped 3--obtain a Pakistani Visa and althoughd111111111logeenredr to pay

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wouldn't ac ept paymenyciting it wp/his duty as a Muslim to help
others. SA.asked.ifs ever made any comments suggesting 11111111111111r Naripate in Jihad. 11.111111r responded that only wanted to see him change his
the better and that there was no mention of fighting Jihad. 411111111111111seafedrthat after staying with for the night, an Afghani named.drove him by taxi
across the Pakistan/Afghanistan border into Jalalabad and eventually, the
Algerian Safe house. He stayed at the house for approximately two months
at which time he was given the opportunity of marriage to a local Afghan
woman through a neighbor of the house.
was asked about information he had provided to interrogators in
Kandahar, AF concerning training he had received at the Darunta training
camp in Afghanistan. 11111111111111110ated rthat he provided this information
under duress and that it was completely fabricated. .was adamant
that at no point during his stay in Afghanistan, did he receive training of any
sort. Further,.requested interrogators arrange for him to undergo
a polygraph examination that he could prove his innocence.
Involved Participants
No Data Found
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