CID Report: 0014-03-CID899-63484

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<p>Iraqi civilian reported that an NCO from the 1/325th Infantry Battalion stole $2,650 from the trunk of his car after stopping him at a checkpoint on June 4, 2003. The soldier denied the allegation. The investigation did not develop any witnesses to the theft of the funds.</p>

Investigative File
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 38th MILITARY POLICE DET (CID) 22"d MILITARY POLICE BATTALION (CID) CAMP VICTORY NORTH, BAGHDAD, IRAQ APO AE 09342 CIRF-CHD 17 Aug 04 MEMORANDUM FOR SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION —FINAL SUPPLEMENTAL — 0014-Q3-CID899-63484 /5N2B 1 DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: 1. 04 Jun 2003/1000 — 04 Jun 03/1130; BAGHDAD, WEAPONS TURN IN CHECK POINT, GRID COORDINATES MB 33101 89950, GHAZALIA, IRAQ DATE/TIME REPORTED: 5 Jun 03, 0935 4 74_644., INVESTIGATED BY: SA SA tveyioesei,4 6 2, 1,3 IMPSAMINI11.11.1110S 64-c 41G-r,64 -5- SUBJECT: 1 , SSG M; BLACK; 1/325 INF BN, 82 ABN DIV, FT BRAGG, NC 28310; [ROBBERY] bu-s*.4-5- 2. SPC Re"-r6G-5-11/1/11111M; NATIVE AMERICAN, 1/325 INF BN, 82 ABN DIV, FT BRAGG, NC 28310; [ROBBERY (UNFOUNDED)] 3. SPC; M; WHITE; 1/325 INF BN, 82 ABN DIV, FT BRAGG, NC 28310; [ROBBERY (UNFOUNDED)] Ale* 3-%•6G3— VICTIM: 1. wifilmfac r v 3.1? 1 -3 M; 614 .61- INVESTIGATIVE SUMMMARY: This investigation was initiated based on notification from the Provost Marshal's Office that an alleged robbery occurred at a U.S checkpoint in Ghazalia, Iraq. 674 5 6 Investigation did not develop sufficient evidence to prove or disprove SSG ­committed the offense of Robbery as initially alleged by WIN. Mr. 7C'46 y,t Y reported that S5 stole $2,600 in U.S. Currency at gunpoint from the trunk La •*/,‘-‘' of his privately owned vehicle (POV) after being stopped at a U.S. checkpoint. SSG FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY-LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE, DOD-DOACID000648 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY-LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 0014-03-CID899-61184 ssiAid .4!,,itirY iiiiiiltp denied stealing the funds from Mr.11111111111130V. Subsequent investigation did not develop any witnesses to the theft of the funds and the investigation did not diminish the integrity or credibility of Mr. amallegation. bnl I IA -f ditiiiiii Further investigation established SPCialifik5-and SPC did not commit the offense of Robbery as initially reported. SP and SPC.1.11111014X-Xci UT-XS--hu-irdie-y,were never implicated by Mr111110concerning the theft of the funds and neither were near the trunk of the POV during the alleged theft, STATUTES: Article 122, UCKI: Robbery EXHIBITS/SUBSTANTIATION: ADDED ATTACHED: 9. Agent's Investigation Report (AIR) of S 10 Jul 04, detailing the administrative review of case and coordination with CPT and CPTIIIIMA Pt' Ja-3.414.4,4-3 I0. AIR of SAIIIIII687th Military Police Detachment (CID), 3 rd Military Police Group (CLD), Fort Bragg, NC 28310, 7 Jul 04, detailing receipt of the Request for Assistance and interview of SSG 0C-S,,, 4 -5- 11. Waiver Certificate of SSG 7 Jul 04. ADDED NOT ATTACHED: None The originals of Exhibits 9 through I I are forwarded with the USACRC copy of this report. STATUS: This is a Final Supplemental Report. Report Prepared By: Report Approved Br 4n 4, AG-6 AA. pecta Agent, pecial Agent in Charge DISTRIBUTION: 1 - D1R, USACRC (original), Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY-LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE- DOD-DOACID000649 FOR OFFICIAL USk. ¦1NL Y-L AW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 0014-03-01)899-63484 1 - THRU: CDR, HHC, 1/325th.1321'd Abn Div, Fort Bragg, NC TO: CDR, 11325 th 1nf Bn, 82114 Abn Div, Fort Bragg, NC 1 - THRU: CDR, 22nd MP BN (CD), APO AE 09342 TO: CDR, 3D MP GP CID), Fort Giller n, GA 30050 1 - SJA (ATTN: CP.( 1 - File 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY-LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE DOD-DOACID000650 DATE: 22 JUN 2004 FROM: SAC, 38 TH MILITARY POLICE DET (CID) TO: DIRECTOR, USACRC, USACIDC, FORT BELVOIR, VA CDR, USACIDC //CIOP-ZAW CDR, 22ND MP BN (CID) HOPS// CDR, 3D MP GROUP (CID) HOPS// PM, 1 AD //PM// SJA, I AD //SJA// SUBJECT: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION - 1 ST SUPPLEMENTAL/SSI - 0014- 03-CID899-63484 - 5N2B1 DRAFTER: SA RELEASER: SACINIMIIIIIIIIIV7C-6A41 1. DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: 1.04 JUN 2003/1000 - 04 JUN 03/1130; BAGHDAD, WEAPONS TURN IN CHECK POINT, GRID COORDINATES MB 33101 89950, GHAZALIA, IRAQ 2. DATE/TIME REPORTED: 05 JUN 03, 0935 67G-`if 47C -1.) Ai-, 3. INVESTIGATED BY: SA 11.111111111111P AA iiips 7C-/)A4.44.2 7L Ls) At--s- 4. SUBJECT: 1 MN); SSG1111=1111111111.11110 M; BLACK; 1/325TH INF 82ND (ABN), FT BRAGG, NC 47c-37,014 -S 28310, FORCES COMMAND; [ROBBERY (UNFOUNDED)]. 2• SPC 111.1111111PM; NATIVE AMERICAN; 11325TH INF 82ND (ABN), FT BRAGG, NC/de-0564-y 28310, FORCES COMMAND; [ROBBERY(UNFOUNDED)]. 3. PC;11111.111111111.11.1111. M; WHITE; 1/325TH 82ND (ABN), FT BRAGG, NC 28310, FORCES COMMAND; [ROBBERY (UNFOUNDED)]. 5. VICTIM: I 44. CIV. " M; /)7C-S!,G4-3/ (UNFOUNDED)]. THIS IS AN IRAQI FREEDOM INVESTIGATION" 6. INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: THE INFORMATION IN THIS REPORT IS BASED UPON AN ALLEGATION OR PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION AND MAY CHANGE PRIOR TO THE COMPLETION OF THE INVESTIGATION. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY-LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE DOD-DOACID000651 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY-LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 0014-03-C1D899-63484 ST SUPPLEMENTAL: THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT IS BEING SUBIMMTD TO REOPEN THIS INVESTIGATION. DURING AN ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW OF THIS CASE FILE BY THE UNITED STATES ARMY CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION COMMAND HEADQUARTERS, IT WAS DETERMINED THAT SEVERAL POTENTIAL WITNESSES TO THIS INCIDENT WERE NOT INTERVIEWED. THE INTERVIEWS OF THOSE POTENTIAL WITNESSES WERE PENDING AT THE TIME OF THIS REPORT. FINAL REPORT: INVESTIGATION ESTABLISHED THERE WAS INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE TO DETERMINE IF SSGIONIIMSPCININIPOR SPC41111111.04-S,S)S, COMMITTED THE OFFENSE OF ROBBERY AS INITIALLY ALLEGED. INVESTIGATION CONTINUES BY THE USACIDC. 7. COMMANDERS ARE REMINDED OF THE PROVISIONS OF AR 600-8-2 PERTAINING TO SUSPENSION OF FAVORABLE PERSONNEL ACTIONS AND AR 380-67 FOR THE SUSPENSION OF SECURITY CLEARANCES OF PERSONS UNDER INVESTIGATION. 8. CID REPORTS ARE EXEMPT FROM AUTOMATIC TERMINATION OF PROTECTIVE MRKINGS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 3 AR 25-55. 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY-LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE l_ DOD-DOACID000652 CIOP-OP (195) 20 Jun 03 MEMORANDUM FOR SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION - FINAL (C) - 0014-03-CID899-63484 - 5N2B1 DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: 1. 04 JUN 2003/1000 HRS ZULU - 04 JUN 03/1130 HRS ZULU; BAGHDAD, WEAPONS TURN IN CHECK POINT, GRID COORDINATES MB33101/89950, GHAZALIA, IRAQ DATE/TIME REPORTED: 05 am 03, 0935 ZULU -/ .64 satititiasimp INVESTIGATED BY: SA and SA SUBJECT: 1. (NMN); SSG; MALE; BLACK; 1/325 1-1 INF 82 (ABN), FT BRAGG, NC 28310, FORCES COMMAND; [ROBBERY (UNFOUNDED)]. 2. S,PC;11111111111111111111, III0 MALE; NATIVE AMERICAN; 1/325TH INF 82ND (ABN), FT BRAGG, NC 28310, FORCES COMMAND; [ROBBERY(UNFOUNDED)]. 7t s) 6 6 *.5--5 3. SPC ;.MALE ; WHITE; 1/325TH 82ND (ABN) , FT BRAGG, NC 28310, FORCES COMMAND; [ROBBERY (UNFOUNDED) [ . maitirat 6 7 C-Sir 14-V VICTIM: 1.111111111111111M11110 CIV; 01 MALE,1111111.111111111111111.111.1111.11111111.1111.1.111.11111.M" VI444 -4 / _ [ROBBERY (UNFOUNDED) ] . "THIS IS AN IRAQI FREEDOM INVESTIGATION" INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: Investigation established there was insufficient evidence to determine if SSG pe.?„ 441/111111110SPC.or SPCIIIIIIIIIIIIkommitted the of robbery 4; ad 7-6,44-6/ as initially alleged. 674-6-V 1 STATUTES: Article 122, UCMJ: Robbery FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DOD-DOACID000653 C lop-OP SUBJ: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: 0014-03-C1D899-63484 EXHIBITS: Attached: 6744544-.1 Sic i-/ 1.Agent's Investigative Report (AIR) of SAMINDand S detailing the receipt of the initial complaint, coordination with SSG 20 Jun 03, 7c-ii44-5 interview of Mr1110. crime scene examination, collection of evidence, photographs 67‘..`e) b $* documenting the crime scene, interview of CPT rights waiver certificate and ¦S G 4-3 sworn statement of SPAIN... rights waiver certificate and sworn statement of 67 4•5) h" --SPC ri ghts waiver certificate and sworn statement of SSG1.11.111. 6744:45;,64•Si coordination with LTC-coordination with CPT receipt of originalb16-313..1 1,4*-1) 3 police report, interview of PF interview of scion...coordination 670, 7, 14-)./ with CP coordination with CP DS, interview of Mrlign.44 y, 44.44 V IIIIIpinterview of Mind coordination with CPTIIIIIIMP61z.Yrt/.3/ 6Z-V.09,.3 2. SALUTE, Red One report, 04 Jun 03, detailing initial notification of incident. 3. Evidence collection document, pertaining latent p nets. 4. Waiver Certificate and Sworn Statement of SPC detailing the incident at the gun turn in point on 04 Jun 03. rsi4cf- 5. Waiver Certificate and Sworn Statement of SP etailing the incident at the gun turn in point on 04 Jun 03. 6. Waiver Certificate and Sworn Statement of SS detailing the incident at the gun turn in point on 04 Jun 03. 7.Iraqi Police Report (original). Not attached: Retained within the Evidence Depository, this office: 8. (5) finger print hinge lifters containing latent fingerprints. The originals of Exhibits 1 and 4 through 7 are attached to the USACRC copy of this report. The original of Exhibit 2 is maintained within the files of l st AD, Main TOC, BIAP, Baghdad. The originals of Exhibits 3 and 8 are retained within the files of the evidence depository, this office. STATUS: This is a Final Report. No Commander's Report of Disciplinary Action Taken (DA Form 4833) is Required. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2 - 2 - 7 DOD-DOACID000654 CIOP-OP SUBJ: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: 0014-03-CID899-63484 Report Prepared By: Report Approved By: 111111. Special Agent, Special Agent in Charge 67c-/) 64-6 7-* 47c-i) b 6- / DISTRIBUTION: 1 - DIR, USACRC (original), Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 I - THRU: CDR, HI-IC, 1/325 Inf (Abn), Ft Bragg, NC TO: CDR, 1/325 th Inf (Abn), Ft Bragg, NC 1 - THRU: CDR, 10 th MP Bn (CID)(FWD), APO AE 09336 TO: CDR, 3rd MP Group (CID)(FWD), APO AE 09336 1 - SJA (ATTN: CPTIIIIIMID(Email)/11111i1.11110Rus.arrny.smiLmil Ot...3i Lie 3 1 -PMO (ATTN: LT11111111110¦ BIAJP, b7t 4- 3 -File FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3 - 3 - 8 DOD-DOACID000655 ROI NUMBER AGENTS INVESTIGATION REPORT 0014-03-CID013-63484 CD Regulation 195-1 PAGE 1 OF e PAGES DETAILS. 100) 641 At 0935Z, 5 Jun 03, SAIIIIIIIIIIIIMill this office,as °Red via a SALUTE (Red 1) Report o (Exhibit 2), that at approximately 1600, 4 Jun 03, Mr .WA stopped at a US Checkpoint, where he was allegedly robbed at gun point by US sol gers. There was sketchy information concerning the location of the crime scene and the identification of the soldiers involved. At 0939Z, 5 Jun 03, SA.and SA this office coordinated with the 1 st AD Pr o t §.rshal's Office and 8 MP Bde Liaison Officer, afterwhich, contact was made with MSG (i¦IF1), S-3 NCO/C, 709th MP 8n, located at grid coordinate MB 421852. MSG II* 14:3 rel.formation provided in the SALUTE Report he provided was sketchy, howevirlir, 4th Pit 1 st Sqd, 527th MP Co, was the ind•vid I t at had responded t .ck point fifer the alleged robbery, and knew it's location. S requested SS. ome to he 1AD PMO, and provide an escort to the crime scene. was working midnight shift, 1111,11W but would conduct the escort at 1930Z, 5 Jun 03 kg-6 ,64-/2,Ak A _ aiS, AGENT'S COMMENT: At 2000Z, 5 Jun 03, SAIIIIIIIIMand SA met with M NFI), Translator, Ghazalia Police Department, Ghazalia, Iraq, at which time he assisted in the i nterview of the victim, mrllMlpbg-q 44- 74.4) 7Z-b bki Betty n.a.1.Z, 5 Jun 03, 5.and SA.conducted an oral interview of Mr.Mr iated that at approximately 1345, 4 Jun 03, he was tray •.r his place of wor , a tire s op, in the area of the Rasheed Camp, to his residence. Mr .igted that his two sons were with him as passengers. Along the.s i cct main route to Ghaza ia, he was stopped at a US checkpoint by three US soldiers. Mr id not identify any soldier by rank or name tag, however, he described the soldier that actually ook his money and pointed a weapon at his chest, after charging his w , .o, M da y grjepoking male, darker skinned with freckles (Later identifie s . be described the actions of the soldier, as his older son Ige 25, had witnessed them, and stated that the soldier with freckles took the __ US currency, me dinars on top of the stack, en 's acted the soldier beside him (later identified as ,and his other younger son age 22, by asking where they lived. then p. the soldier looked in that direction, away from the vehicle. This is the point when SSG.put the money in his front right pants pocket. Mrallialaryo b4-4 f.r V ted that both of the soldiers at the rear of the vehicle touched his vehicle trunk lid. Mr v . st ted that of washed the vehicle since the money was allegedly stolen. Mr stated that SSG then.I Iiicharging handle to the rear, and motioned for them to leave the area immediately. M ated that the stolen US currency was: (17) seventeen, (100) one hundred dollar denomination bills, (5) five (50) fifty dollar denominations, and the raiiiigv money was in smaller denominations (20s, 10s, 5s and 1s), for a total of $2650.00. Mr related that he also had a large sum of dinars, left in his trunk, with the exception of the small number used to TYPED AGENT'S NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER ORGANIZATION B7c-b bi-/i 323RD MP DET (CID), UNIT #92955 APO AE 09324-2955 SIGNA EXHIBIT CID FORM FORM 94 / FEB 77 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 2 OF 6 PAGES DETAILS itatial conceal the handful of US currency. Mr .concluded by stating that he had gone to the police station in Ghazalia to report the stolen money, who directed him to goalediers compound and me- it t e commanding i. e5- 9 tell him of the stolen money. Mr .dated that CPT and SSG conducted a piiire up of soldiers for him, at which time he , v-st identified the soldier that had taken the money. Mr ated that the captain apologized for his loss and stated that his unit would attempt to recover the money if it was determined to have been stolen. SA1111 apologized to MIIIIIIIPfor the soldiers actions, in infect they had stolen the 4, -. lak r LI , 61 money . AGENT'S COMMENT: No sworn statement was obtained from Mr d ue to the language/writing barrier. Mr 11111•11110 sons were unavailable at the time for an interview. 0c46iir-V 5 Jun 03, SA and SAMMIIIIIMIPconducted a crime scene examination of Mr rivately owned vehicle, which was parked outside the Ghazalia Police Department. The vehicle was described as a 1990, Toyota, Super Sedan, 4 dr, white in color, bearing Baghdad registration #135693. The vehicle appeared to be in proper working order. A search of the trunk lid, described as the area touched by the soldiers, was searched for latent fingerprints, which resulted in the locating of five latent partial prints. The prints (Exhibit 8) were collected as evidence, and ./44 documented on a DA FM 4137, Evidence/Property Custody Document (Exhibit 3). S exposed eight (8) photographs depicting the crime scene (vehicle), using a Kodak, Easy Sure, LS443, digital camera with flash. patia At 2200Z, 5 Jun 03, S.and S conducted a crime scene examination of the check point, located at grid coordinate MB3310189950, and the immediate area around the check 'point. The crime scene was described as a divided highway, with an asphalt surface, which ran north and south. The northbound lane was described as a three lane highway, which converged into one lane at a man made barrier. The southbound lane was approximately 30 meters away, separated by • a gravel/sand median which had no appearent slope. At the check point (barrier), a dirt road sprouted off to the east. There were no houses lining the northbound lane, however, the southbound -lane was lined with residential neighborhoods. Also along the north lane, there was a earthened burm, built for protection from hostile small arms fire. The burm was approximately 10 feet high and 30 feet thick at it's base. The burm extended for hundreds of yar g i tp and after the checkpoint. A search of the area revealed nothing of evidential value. SA .exposed seven (7) digital images depicting the crime scene (checkpoint), using a Kodak, Easy ure, LS443, digital camera with flash. ORGANIZATION 323RD MP DET (CID), UNIT #92955 APO AE 09324-2955 DATE EXHIBITSIGNATURE 20 Jun 03 4111111.11117Z-6 b4-/ FORM 94 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 FEB 77 IC DOD-DOACI D000657 ROI NUMBER AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT 0014-03-C10013-63484 CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 3 OF 6 PAGES DETAILS rc-, 461 l,.a hElpiL/ alio t 2245, 05. and SA.conducted and oral itiiiva CPT 1/325th INF 82nd ABN who related that CPT.was the 15-6 la (.•3 was conducting a commanders inquiry. pailigc Mai and S onducted an oral interview of CPT FSO,p1/325.Infantry Battalion (INF) 82nd Airborne Division (ABN), Ft Bragg, ed that he was conducting a 15-6 i 9 t' alon into the alleg -a by MR . . related heigiiierviewed SSG SPC. and SPC . CPT.related that he had conducted a consensual sear .e -.5 personal equipment of the scout platoon squad and was met with negative results. CPT urther related there was an M113 with a crew of four members from the 113th Armor of the l s Armor Division (1AD) present at the checkpoint when the incident occurred, and may have additional information concerning this investigation. 162441.-/ -Y1 64-.s— t 2349, 05 Jun 03, SA.advised SPC.of his legal rights which he waived and provided a sworn statement (Exh" it.C. tated that he was at the checkpoint at he time of the incident. SPC .stated he was monitoring traffic when a vehicle moving at hig.if seed and driving careless y was co.n.the road, he . .VI. SPC -.6 stated that he w s t.oth SPC.and stop the vehicle and have it pull over. SPC tated his post abo 4 ,.from the ehicle after it pulled o . e Vitnessed both SP searching in he trunk. SPC.stated ho.e could not heaanrdwSwas said or see what the r.haStG. ther two soldiers were doing. SPC. tated he could see what looked like a white bag ticking out of the trunk, but could not see the contents of the bag because he was mostly paying ttention to the traffic, t. . ry busy due to the fact that three lanes merged into one at the heckpoint. SPC zilii_i_stated he never went near the car nor did he ever see any money. t 2336, 05 Jun 03, SA.advised SPC -41­ his legal rights, which he waived and rendered a sworn sta.r phibit 5), denying that he stole the money concerning this investigation. SPC.related th.t gsbed the trunk of the vehicle, .he opened it, and observed a large sum of money. SPC.then summoned SSG 411-io came to the rear of the vehicle, and a Iiiiiifiapioning e the two and the victim. Due to the lack of communi t[.ciSh SPC.a •. determined that the money was the profits rom Mr.tire busin. admitted that he tout ed h.Fey, but insisted that he never picks it up. SPC.did state tvweinr,..that SSG picked the money up, `cleared the trunk" with it and showed it t .r. asking him where he g h.2_ney. During the initial portion of t.t aw, SPC.pally skipped from SSG.Kolding the money, to SSG.telling leave the area (checkpoint , an corralling" them to TYPED AGENTS NAME AM) SpNCE NUMBER ORGANIZATION SAp a gq,A14 -6 323RD MP DET (CID), UNIT #92955 APO AE 09324-2955 SIGNATURE DATE EXHIBIT 20 Jun 03 676-ly 064 --.) 2 CID FO FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY -.1 1 1 FEB 77 DOD-DOACID000658 ROI NUMBER AGENTS INVESTIGATION REPORT 0014-03-CID013-63484 CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 4 OF 6 PAGES DETAILS di7C-i.p44 t ei n cj doors and Mr vehiclevehicle leaving the checkpoint. SA11111111111.had SPC backup in his account to t i When SSG had the money in his hands and aske•if he "physically saw SSG • u t eponey back into the trunk by either throwing it or placing it back under or in the bag" SPC t • "I can't honestly say th t W_want to believe it...1 didn't think that it would go this far". SA tried to have SPC elaborate on this statement, and he replied that "If I knew this was g i •oriappen (the USACIDC investigation), i would h v p. ore attention" SPC stated that he was "almost positive" he did not see SSG .irn the money to the trunk, but al cr alsee him put the -money in his pocket. SPC stated that hb SSG Ockup the US currency mixed with smaller denomination dinars. SPC urther stated that the US currency was a ___, small stack of money, folded up in half, and he only saw $1 denominations. At 0020, 6 Jun 03, SA and SAIIIMNiadvised SSCIIIIIMM of his rights, which he waived, r dyed a sworn statement (Exhibit 6), denying that he stole the money in question. SSG recanted his acc O. •f the incident several times during the initial interview, prior to writing his statement. SSG at first described the 10, i ar notes as "banded in a brick and wrapped in plastic which was to large to pick up" SSG stated that the only currency he picked up was the 250 denomination dinars, and it "never cleared the trunk" and described the picking up action as "if I would have bee, bile holding the money, Id /lave fallen naturally into the trunk" (This differed from SPC account that SSG picked the mo , stood up, and turned towards one of the sons, asking where the money came from) SSG , when asked a second time which money he picke slated the 10,000 dinar notes. (Thi of have been pos I. escribed by SSG earlier in the interview). SA observed SSG to be nodding in agreement and hanging on to every word S said, concerning the and the suspicion that he took that mo A further noticed that SSG eyes began to "well up" when SA ated that he wanted to help SSG rough this ordeal, and if td. SA stated, after a long investig i . y e, "Do you understand"? SSG replied, "I'm with you all the way". SSG maintained his innocence, however, never said, 'I did not take that money". las±i„ki At 0235, 6 Jun 03, SA ip:nd SA bri r I litigg r.• Bn Co, 11325 th Inf (Abn), Ft Bragg, NC on this investigation thus far. LTC k uested the g t" tion be comp d s quickly as possible so as the situation could be resolved: LTC ated that SSG 'ad been having some personal problems in that h . w gs pregnant and due to deliver anyday and that his sister ct . ;peen raped. SSG was looking to go on 041.3 emergency leave, however LTC did not know if it was going to be possible. LTIMIIID agreed to getting USACIDC a copy o t e 15-6 investigation, provided the name of the 15-6 officer, TYPED AGENTS NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER ORGANIZATION SA11111.1111111111111111111 ide.-644,4A 323RD MP DET (CID), UNIT #92955 APO AE 09324-2955 SIGNATURE DATE EXHIBIT 20 Jun 03 7-/ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 FEB 77 DOD-DOACID000659 ROt NUMBER AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT 0014-03-C113013-63484 CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 5 OF 6 PAGES DETAILS Tion , __, and his supporting SJA (CP 2/82`m Inf, Ft Bragg, NC, who could be contacted through the 132n d LNO at 1st AO Main TOC). pcv4k-,/ ig-i)44-/ At 0330, 6 Jun 03, SAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMand SA coordinated with CPTismaf fe-vg.. 15-6 Officer and Commander, 1925th Inf (Abn), Ft Bragg, NC, at ; i the facts of this case were discussed. SA reviewed the statement of SSG pgvilanied in the statement that he ever touched the money in the trunk of the vehicle. CPT confirmed that the facts surroudi e physical line up and the search of the entire scout platoons gear, vehicles, and area CPT related that he would get a copy of the 15-6 investigation to SA as soon as possible. 4-/ AGENT'S COMMENT: Th tents taken by the unit chain of command were not filled out properly, however, CPT elated that the individuals were ''sworn" to the statements. :414j 471:464-/ At 0430, 6 Jun 03, SA and SA lobtained a copy of the original police report (Exhibit 7), taken at the Ghazalia PD, from s s G lir" 4/1/527 w MP Co, concerning this 7 ..) investigation. , 474-646-/ 47c•..1,4 4-3 At 0400Z, 13 Jun 03, SAINIMINK interviewed PFC IminpHHC, 1/325th (A Ft Bragg, „ related that he was at the check point, as an RTO, on SSG Yearn. PF related he was not in a position to observe the stopped vehicle, as his vision was obstructed by a sand burro, and his focus was on the traffic going in the opposite direction. Twitardity..3 At Jun 03, SA interviewed SG ho related that he gave SSG and his team a gator ride from the check pa' tr_,sleeping area, however did not notice anyt ing out of the ordinary, concerning SSG or his team. SGT110110prelated that he had no additional information concerning this investigation. z• -3 At 0900Z, 13 Jun 03, SAlligil igcoordinated this investigation with CP1111111P at which time the facts of this case were discussed. -_AK-A-kJ co M-At 0900Z, 14 Jun 03, SA andS 1Q444"TDS, coordinated with AD, BIAP, who declined on behalf of SSG for a second technical interview. CPT insisted that USACIDC not have any further contact with his client. ii7k4 • At 1215Z, 19 Jun 03, SAliallijIhinterviewed Mriniiiiiiiimiliminimmip i houseleNho related about 1340, 4 Jun 03, he was a passenger in his fathers vehicle whi e is TYPED AGENT'S NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER ORGANIZATION 323RD MP DET (CID), UNIT #92955 SAM11.1.11111111111111P 41*6"--6 APO AE 09324-2955 SIGNATU. DATE EXHIBIT 20 Jun 03 CID FORM 94 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 FEB 77 DOD-DOACID000660 ROI NUMBER AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT 0014-03-C10013-63454 CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 6 OF 6 PAGES 1:1E7m.s ether, brother an rveturning from their place of work when they were stopped at a heckpoint. Mr further related all three passengers in the vehicle were asked to get out of he car. Mr elated he and his f t r are asked to go around and open the trunk of the ar, when they opened the trunk SS. tarted he trunk while another soldier tood off to the side watching. M .r lated SSG.opened the flour bag they were usin•to transport money from the shop, at that time Mr ov.r od to the back of the car and could see into the trunk. Mr.urther re - •.SG.f Dinars in his left hand and $2,650.00 of picked up a g rgunt o. U.S. dol a s 'n right hand. Mr.glia ed at that point the soldier watching pointed his gun •.7. li r and his father and told the .ye around to the front of the car.ui ..41C-4' , = one at the back of the car. Mr elated he did not see if SSG.puMie oney in his pocket or not and only one soldier was searching in the trunk. __ALLkit'l .A70,1423 t 1330Z, 19 Jun 03, SAIIINIMPinterviewed who related he was in the vehicle with h ti g h r.gnd his brother when they were stopped at a U.S. checkpoint around 1340, 4 Jun 03. Mrittlit: elated he was driving the car of the vehicle when it was stopped. When he pulled over the U.S. soldiers asked.o 4en the glove compartment of the car and then asked everybody to get out of the car. Mr.elated one of the soldiers .r 1 oklig at his papers, when he finished he moved around to the back of the car w . was already searching inside of the our bag that was in the trunk and SSG ady had Iraqi Dinars in on.n .d U.S. oll.i. s ight hand. At that point SSG.pointed his.po t M.and at MR • 41 • them to move to the fr leaving Mr one at the trunk of the ar. Mr.urther related SSG.asked." e lived and when Mr urned and pointed in the dir -t'•n •ftis home the SS. must have put the money in his p• - •secause when i x irrned back around he was only holding the Iraqi Dinars. Mriew 4 4'3 .. P V VAL A Air- . elated SSC.put the Iraqi Dianrs backi t . h flour bag and then closed the trunk nd made all three men get back in the car and leave. Mr 4elated when they arrived at home the looked in the flour bag and realized the money had been taken, but he never witnessed SSG oliiiims place the U.S. dollars into his pocket. 00.414-5 . elatedp .i' , 4-1/ GENTS COMMENTS: Mr opened his wallet at one point duffing his interview revealing a ery large amount of U.S. 20.00 dollar bills. 6 nvipb -1 ___.,__k.zr_____-- L-:,.s t 0500Z, 20 Jun 03, SA oordinated this investigation with.CPIMIIIIMMEIMpTrial ounsel, SJA, HHC, 11325 Inf (Abn), Ft Bragg, NC who related there was insufficient evidence to believe SSG.PC11111111.11.6PCIMMININICommitted any offense. //////////////////.iL////////1////////////////////////LAST ENTRY///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////im ig,', 14-.o7'*hp,-p47c.-5)4 6-6 TYPED AGENTS NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER ORGANIZATION 323R0 MP DET (CID), UNIT #92955 SA 1111M111011111111.61e-o46-bh-1) APO AE 09324-2955 SIG DATE EXHIBIT 20 Jun 03 1/1111111W/j CID FORM 94 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I FEB 77 Page(s) • • Referred to: U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND 7115 SOUTH BOUNDARY BLVD ATTN: CCJ6-DM MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE FLORIDA 33621-5101 MS. JACQUELINE SCOTT (813) 827 534I/2830 111.111111111111. e0/*-4.7-c.-CDS79 r€ 4\ J\9) k_e_c % vE \S f.Nti S tzNc's kAAN. Nt (14\flV4J 0 Cfv\ry 1S V."1 0 kr,. N"\t.-(2. 'v c:5 6`•\/-e-:\\.Vr\-e)fv, cr• \s it-4 s.„ ¦ c) t °C:5 II (Ncs. J1‘(\o,..cs. 2(300 Si doth z C ,„\ \-9 „/­ 3 4,6, c_Vscx,r-K. „e33z) cf.\(\.4 to\ - 16 Pc E4-t,'1 L EtVi pa/ ot 3 " 674 40ri .67€ 4. 7-\2(11111111111110 k4/ 6 E DOD-DOACI D000664 _ _p CER I ICATE rt.11 USG 1./.1. WILLI- JCC ALK $.7S.1-.3 ¦1. LIM LIILIVULIGIA clECULV IS Wi"....oura DATA REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACF AUTHORITY: Title 10, United States Code, Section 3012(g) PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To protide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which information may be accurately identified. ROUT/NE USES: Your Social Security Number is used as an additionalfahernate means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of your Social Security Number is voluntary. 6145 h L ''S-1 LOCATION 2. DATE 3. TIME 4. FILE NO. n 4 c14.6 _.----i, -,---- 0 is" ...77-0-1 a3 o "5 411, oeiv-0 i-cran 5. NAME Xast. First,. 8. ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS °.C -5".C. -5 h.. /301-S--IC b e— 1 /9­ 6. SSN 7. GRADEJSTATUS 1.11111111.11111111111147C-5) 64 -6-E y / !'14 PART I. - RIGHTS WATVEFVNON-WAIVER CERTIFICATE Section A•Rights The investigator minima 1111111t appears below told me that he/she is with the United States Aft7 cr,,,,,..),...,... I .1::,,,,eff7 ,./.7b,..n. c_..„, ....,,,c. „id h7 c..' 4,-+Pli-5 " , , c. ‘pCp-Sp:t 1 irq.e....,,- and wa.,..5. ad toquestion me about the following offWs) of which] am sitspecte .:.,.._. ' ,i,..e.- .- r in.-c ) j4-,5 Before he/she me any questions 6the offense(s),-however, h Ire. made it clear to me that I have the following rights: . 0,11 IlI 1. I do not have to answer any questions or say anything 2. Anything I say or do can be used as evidence against me in a criminal trial. 3 (For personnel subject to the flaff) I have the right to talk privately to a lawyer before, during, and after questioning and to have a lawyer present with me during questioning. This lawyer can be a civilian lawyer I arrange for at no expense to the Government or a military lawyer detailed for me at no expense to me, or both •or • (For au:lions nor Mien'r 0 the UC-Af-) I have the right to talk privately to a lawyer before, during, and after questioning and to have a lawyer present with me during questioning. 1 understand that this lawyer can be one that I arrange for at my own expense, or if I cannot afford a lawyer and want one, a lawyer will be appointed for me before any questioning begins. 4. If I am now willing to discuss the offense(s) under investigation, with or without a lawyer present. I have a right to stop answering questions at any time, or speak privately with a lawyer before answering further, even if I sign the waiver below. 4R-S;AL -i 5. COMMENTS (Continue on reverse side) . C"14.... t. A -5 ¦ 4,, Gkiv4,_ e-, ppwt....., , 4-1,-.pITNKALpSection B. Waiver 1 understand my rights as stated above. I am now willing to discuss the offense(s) under investigation and make a statement without talking to a lawyer fiat and without having a lawyer present with me tti-ral i A "J.N1 4.t•st c. inAk C'rj I' LS 5_,i,. c- ,.... WITNESSES (If available) 3. SIGNATURE OF INTERVIEWEE --I a. NAME (Type o Print) IL -51 20 6-5- b. ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS AND PHONE • G A GATOR 2a. NAME (Type orPriou) • '.• al• II a PI'S,. • 'a• L74-64i-t b. ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS AND PHONE 4 7 ‘..-) "J _ 3.2.3 r" 719/4 ,__Z7-- C­',14.) C..4-CE ) Section C. Non-Walver L Ido not warn to give up my rights: 0 I want a lawyer. 0 I do not warn to be questioned or say anything. ' 2. SIGNATURE OF INTERVIEWEE ATTACH THIS WAIVER CERTIFICATE TO ANY SWORN STATEMENT (L),Ifortn 2823) SIMS EQUENTLY EXECUTED BY THE SUSPECT/ACCUSED. - • — - - - -- - PrgTir o (IP Nr1V eta rc sneer GTO p p SWORN STATEMENT Far use of this farm, see AR 1913-45; she proponent agency is OOCSOPS PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY: Title 1D USC Section 301; rale 5 USC Semen 2951; E.D. 9397 dated November 22. 19 43 ISSN). PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which information may be accurately identified. ROUTINE USES: Your social security number s used as an additormaiteltemste means of identificariar to facilitate rdiAg and retrieval. DISCLOSURE: Zintonua of your social security number is voluntary. 17c1) 64-..5 1. LOCATION 2. DATE lYYYYMMDD1 3. TIME 4. FILE NUMBER egtX.7 3 0 4, .0 (rm 6 I-4a al awl-o3 -ca,99 5. LAST NAME, FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME by ...5.4‘-.5--6. SSN 4x-5,44-5-7. GRADEJSTATUS LI al1111111111111111. B. ORGANI2A ON OR DRESS 414C. i -37-.5- Ale_ . .676-6)z)C-5 I. 11111111111111111111111111111111111L__ . WANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT UNDER OATH: 0,,,. --i k-14 +4--LX 3 L--.."-cip0 3 '1/4/••) 'ICptok-3.1,--4-.4_p601"p41"42.p1).-).-4_,...÷ 1.--1-e....pI S 1 o 08peic. 1p-4-La ra cl.,Apkv 104-1r-S wo._-k, c_.k...,. ,5)pt s.-„,,p fl 4•-¦%- I. ,-._1p4,. p ; ,.. . k St.-V.-.)pG--C.- c-- -LA--r o . r"-c.:..., 4p0,pc:.,...s...Apc, .,.--4-p6 C.-pcc,....,---5ps v 1 ..:..,,.- ---p._ c.„.... 1,, A.--... -LC_p4T......!p"•••.- -5 66'5 minamip -4 ,-..) 1(1p1,-,,,,,..5-p4 0p--f, ,----1 11.p1"- i v...--,,,pley -i- Lt. 54 0 p P- V\-C1p5 5 CA ir — 5-- -- c ,142. ..5 -F,_ , 00.c.17° t.-.-4 esi.o_ .-4-t, f :41.4-.4 1......e_. bg-sthil-s- IL t-p --i-to -._...,... .,.-p , c,p---t.._e_p44‘,..-4..,¦--.-"(V•Jp5 .e_.c.......---c.i.-..._ pP., ,-p6......) ..,,,....... f. .L. ----..s - -Lc-.k_. (p 1,,,....o %.71-1.1 c) ,,,,-.),,.--k.,..3,.€ Ap0, V ,..p'C--p''''.'" t '''`V5 cNv-., ....._._ — ,...,4. .c.,:, --4,-..,--44, e_,T -e-5------.2-4 p---t--L--.---,p -----'...---p- c c."-C p/::, ,...+--4p1....p1----6-----Ip A IA -5' , c.,t l ...--,._V--.p1 .."..¦20 ..__.-k,p---t-i-zi_pc____., ,.--,.-1,--,.----4% ‘ ..--,p.----p,.,-.p¦,-, , 4-. ..Q_pto .---1-1,,-1-.0.3 cs..._s. .L." .... . . ..... 1 1--01.C.10 Is-e-Ap-+1,,2p4-, ,......_,..._Y-.Q_,..--at.11.,,e 30— ¦ ,.....^..10,, ,c--LA.) c.,...3, 11,C--E2. 4 1 1,. pC,,„,1.1 -e- W--05p5 ‘8•-Q,_ ,A..) tn. . 1 --e.pc...._ A ti.....)1:0,..._po-t...-1 c...3...t -p—1-1..-..pci u-7p. r....p...._K.ApITho 0 . .c 1 c 4p 10. EXHIBIT aipiliALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PAGE 1 OF _ipel(AGES ADDITIONAL PAGES MUST CONTAIN THE HEAOING "STATEMENT OF 1 bx-s, b 4-3 TAKEN AI DATED A14-51A 4-3 — THE SDTIONI OR EACH ADDITIONAL PACE WV” HEAP THE WITMIS OF THE PERSON MAIONS ME STATEMENT. AND PAGE NUMBER MUST RE BE INDICATED. DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998p DA FORM 2023. JUL 72, IS OBSOLETEp USSna 01.00 USE THIS PAGE IF NEtuED, IF THIS PAGE IS NOT NEEDED. PLEASE PROCEED TO FINAL PAGE OF THIS FORM . ii11:5)))6 STATEMENT OF TAKEN IT DATED ele_A-A-cae d 3 9. STATEMENT !Continued! ( 11.2.%)2v-..0 Q-4-vir -1-.) -i-t,s,.("N-0,-. --o-r-. Sc-cA.:.: a_ y-,..LA.rv,,,c, v-Nst_(,(.I . r\ 0,..0._k-- - 0 VW-") Kg-ACke-, air kin.a4 u•D 0 c-,-On V\ck.k..)-e Q CA._ i.)._1-.-k m. k_i c-j- -4_.Q cv--1 0 y- 5 1--- *if,v. C o rvum 0 oLir li-c,ctistcl 42, ilAil Sc-oL.).-i- --r;) (ca,24-.-c) in _ ( anA.rai7.pc)etc;ook c.Ns Kk' -e0--0^ 1-€.04(it r-A--c I 1-14, t, v42. ' 4 iq,z, 0,04c., ,c;kcy-f-cl r\..1. I \ k As Y___ Lo 06-, 1.,1, A u.j.c,As-, -o.k ?1 ( e (.1),30,4-ev-v (1,Y1_44, CoLkvA ¶.a --k-V\c Lkn'k.ot,Q. areo- . k 00.3)b -3 \DO .WCIIIIIM6.L\10--c-. -*\(\sa_r_o__. ToAC,,n1 g r-¦ A c--k--''3 0.-rt Li-1 LA.. ,i \ c‘ e (-:. .k V-r\ocA . -1-1 - C a.,r (.N.) o..s-, u....) v.. oLf\.8 V-v)..A 4. x-\-k.sLA v.) ,c\doLos.\ 1-)s \ ,,g, v-i2 \ 50._.),_.5 4 ksi_ -C. r 0 n*..(,..) 1•\_gL-N-', c72..-''') e_Q 1-W._ C\C\ r n1A cr-y-Cp 5,4 7C-4)046-/ - /9elle-4 G h7 5-51r4 yor,.r.pce,.,. 410. 17•i 176--5— e z-1-14 . 54e (P: Gear / 449, C-.c.4 Se e e!'7-1L) 1. k/1--, ,s 4-e cc r 7 0 . o r sPc dye yoc, q: Dl r e,97,er S S6--- r "t2,4_ 11-k of A' . , e41-21YA id q71-- A e y of krierz...a.vit,), '7,4 6-16 a. ?70?-, YOL I .t r2ic 1)-e_ ,-7 C. Y+. k e ;c A -rp-.k-r5 -t-A:e".;¦-•. r4: Ae., '141 /9rih JGic. E r ec'erY#1-"1-j . INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PACE 2 DA FORM 1823. DEC f598 USE THIS PAGE fF NEEt4ED. IF THIS PAGE 15 NOT NEEDED. PLEASE PROCEED TO FINAL PAGE OF THIS FORM. STATEMENT OF TAKEN AT DATEa 6_ etYV--493-c 9 STATEMENT ? *A_ a2. , VNi 0— S cc, ‘,.) \.,4,.1 4, CO v1" hi" 0 42_ L4.42-11^`,. 0._ 5 p.04 c.c_v-...c) C o r 1).1.L.k o--vv,-1042- 4".. C2)‘_i.C. 4-- 1,1,-(u. •.( --+- ,2 CO k.a2 _.4_ b ,A s „ .. . c. _4_ , (4_ t 0.2 .-p '^", • V- %JO Les—L..1 CAZioN.....C.4 42— r N MAKING $TATEME111-- ...ustra PAGE 2, DR FORM 2823, DFC 1998 DO D-DOACI D000668 - -11-1110, -s-Si M D 1L STATEMENT OF AKEN AT es-3±-2 OW DATED r; fi 7-0 .3 6-?/-7 9 STATEMENT !Co/6.unit crs. iyocA tjo c, (ce_ 'rte-p s c -6.-.¦ 64, 15--pAFFIDAVIT t .HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT WHICH B , . I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE BY ME. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. I HAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY WITHOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR REWARD. WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT, AND WITHOUT COERCION, UNLAWFUL INFLUENCE, OR UNLAWFUL INDUCEMENT. dignittae of &sod 'air Demerit! WITNESSES -Subscribed and sworn to before me, a person authorized by law to Bdmrnister oaths. this. day rt464/ ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS W011001'0 ermn 111/171.00#112 AWN c-/ ye ante 4 arson Admniisrenng Oath) Ar-r le 1 36 GLC,-1 ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS tAzahotily Te Administer Oohs) INfT1ALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PAGE 3 OF. .f PAGES usoivi DD PAGE J, DA FORM 2823. DEC 1198 DOD-DOACID000669;h & L, WA.RN LNG PROCEDURETWAIVIi. —ER .....ER_ATE For use of this form. see AR 190-30: the rirouortenr-airenc-v is ODCSOPS DATA REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT AUTHORITY;. Title 10, United States Code, Section 3012(g) PRINCIPAL PURPOSE:.To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which information may be accurately identified ROUTINE USES:.Your Social Security Number is used as an additional/niter-nate means of gientificatirm to facilitate filing and'e DISCLOSURE:. Disclosure of your Social Security Number is voluntary. tics' A -5 4,s— 1. LOCATION 2. DATE.,. 3. TIME 4. HIE NO. A¦••4.,.0i ,-2--/sa‘ ;33 ‘( S-Jc..../ 43 4a4/ -0 ?- :•7. „f. 1 5. NAME (Lax#61744. S. ONANLZATION OR ADDRESS C'3) 6 .-.ets2_3-e- 2-;ar -5--- 6. SS. 7. ORAED7ATUS„ Fr--/- 4.-711 , /1-/c-.8-3)-(;) s)4 c-* AIY Arc-.. PART 1 - RIG.S WAIVERJNON-WAIVER CERTIFICATE Section A. Rights .44‘ /9s7, The investigator whose name appears below told me that Ite/she is with the United States -.. a,pC ,^7',.....d......1 -1,..-.' (.4c .r?"•,....•4. 1:,,,r5C /.-and wanted to question me about the following offense(s) of which I am • -.4(.¦ 7d.5).. . -.0 suspecteiVoccuse.,,,....„,,,r-Impir.„,„.0.-"4", C. . .• . --5 fore heishe asked me any questions about the • i ense(s), i • .,.&she made it clear to me that I have the following rights: 1. I do not have to answer any questions or say anything. 2. Anything I say or do can be used as evidence against me in a criminal trial 3. (For personnel subject to the UC.J141) I have the right to talk privately to a lawyer before, during, and after questioning and to have a lawyer present with me during questioning. This lawyer can be a civilian lawyer I arrange For at no expense to the Government or a military lawyer detailed for me at no expense to me, or both. -or - (For civilians not subject lathe UC. T) I have the right to talk privately to a lawyer before. dunng and after questioning and to have a lawyer present with me during questioning. I =demand that this lawyer can be one that I arrange for at my own expense, or if l cannel afford a lawyer and want one, a lawyer will be appointed for me before any questioning begins. 4. If I am now willing to discuss the offenses) under investigation, with or without a lawyer Friesen; I have a right to stop answering questions at any time, or speak privately with a lawyer before answering further, even if 1 sign the waiver below , -..- 6765)1) i -5 5 COMMENTS (Continue op reverse side) ham-' 4,17-,-- keed exce,-, er 9....--- er'.• , 44 e.,.... fetv 4 rif-3e3 Aea,fr r? Section B. Waiver I Understand my rights as stated above. I am now willing to discuss the offerise(s) under investigation and make a statement without talking to a lawyer first and without having a lawyer present with me. WITNESSES (Ifavailable) 3. SIGNATURE OF INTERVIEWEE I a. NAME (Type ar Prrn0 -. hlt".511)4-5- &. ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS AND PHONE . , -.• -A.GATOR 6,c./1 6k! 2a- NAME (Type or Prim) • •.. Z101,9:40witaawi GAT• R -S- AKI) 641 11( b. ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS AND PHONE 6. ORGANIZATI a NQt. INYEIG fa.....t. . 221.0' ,-E-rik vec ci_ /It/A.1 , /.47:.71c___(/‘ , J Z,, /-4-71--y2e2_ Section C. Non-Waiver 1. I do not want to give up my rights: 2. SIGNATURE OF INTERVIEWEE 0 I want a lawyer.. . 1 do not want to be questioned or say anything , -.V.TTACH THIS WAIVER CERTIFICATE TO ANY SWORN STATEMENT (DA Awn' 18 73) SUBSEQUENTLY EXECUTED BY THE SUSPECT/ACCUSED. -unv 24 TC niton CTr SWORN STATEMENT For use of this form, see AR 190-4S; The proponent Ageney of the Deputy Chief o f Staff for Personnel. LOCATION DATE TIME all PILE trujonst Ca/Ur ir,s i14 'S ;.5 6 -71,4/0 , ene A' 14/1 171Dizv z---.0.3 - __729dPi . LAaT NAMel lIRST nmem, MI f.SOCIAL SECURITY NUNS= GRADE/STATUS 1111111111~W4.5-44- PI-5)"-5 5--14 / SPG NSG i _vs-_Lnc A-1 f7- , Aic- wa nt stake following sttatementa t amen t unders5..sAth: 5.4Pc-)Iot-5.11,1.:.5 76 i b- 101-e olry-0 X . Mt d cit,, orupel-r SPC., Ss (7- MN&:ke..)4-e, 0.4,- +kg...Q...An-i-le&nC_e --(LD -0 .V4 e c -$4- as .,..e. e-V) C,K0.541-w 6 S d_,v ;v 1 11_9 pre4--i-ii +as+ co mi n.,).do w yl,.ai r , 0 s + c(Ai ou,,,,j.v., 4L Ah0-1-1, e..)^ , cle.). •_e_evir -1-k.z.lre4 6;05.04 e..._‘-‘ Kit,op vij SS(111111111111110.-4}11111111.111. it) c)6 t,) " Iltitcd 0--"". oleY e.a 4-.1,,.) levi' c.& +4,,u1.Cit'3° r‘..P4 '5,11P4-11).kAl '\L-T `e.W-e. -'.-F-t.a.vitA-Ajek.ja..0,..ei;k0 i(uc-,_ b.5-tbrp-eok uo„iov-I'.)--0 41) 2 i SKF ..1k; cK..1-,041,..yvol sd C.SSCP Naito a sic. bl.u s .kki\-.(0 two_ 0,\_. v-PG/ I -.c 1 u .C.4/5 r f ca. 4t) LA) .c..w ear-C. &iv j l ,fri_ )_r_ 44,.\&,m. , -1"-Y) .tierv. .571,4.i.-As 5 e,, ,,p--4-1) 5pPiA r--.w 1 \„\i,, _ if...S0.i.elsleic4.-HA-t ticK-4 .pion ( v-t Pe-4.+J 0 .4__L_A.64, .IK 7.I )2 6, J.1/1,:vvl 4­ orf2,,„ 441 hi i•Aivl • lre41`31-' 5\x. 2_, 11 Glf.2AniCk 41 .-Q-' + V VII • Th-51-. ,, or .0 4--1,a/r- +fu),,.W 66.41) See 4.I'LL.1‘-e^ el clivkl kjje,c 1 f D .1anu -4-t-g..Avvv--.W4C7.a-.t'Jvv`4.e, cp o--1-y-k. 66-11°i • 1-v. a tfow 4-kiz, 4-1/6 o _\,,,A,-; 0 y) c,,,r ..S) .1-ae.. 600K5 .;=,\,,ILe/(, eicc -(5-r.fitiat...) f 64 c °.' yv‘ 0 KaA) cyrrke oCkek.A. C °Yv"e/.. 4_kj,,+- a 44„..Q., 1,_zes i.'.kg,c,(4)0S e.-_ YNA/ 1. .1-. .Pau,.tvl: 0 viett.-5 I,' '0"-'2.-° 0 U-- 5.e e,.1-P..-k--16-4.YZ U.-)1,.e".\ful*fc) A-.). So ,•--- 4-1A/.f\AA. orkin-ejl (Lf EXHIBIT INITIALS OF PERSON MAR T J , — i1C-S) PC'S PAGE / OF PAGES ADDITIONAL PAGES MUST CONTAIN THE HEADING "STATEMENT OF. TAKEN AT. DATED _CONTINUED.' THE BOTTOM OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT R740 HE INITIALED AS "PAGE. OF PAGES. -WHEN ADDITIONAL PAGES ARE UTILIZED, THE BACK OF PAGE ) WILL BE LINED OUT, AND THE STATEMENT WI LL BE R.NcLUDED ON THE REVERSE OF ANOTHER COPY OF THIS FORM. .¦....-..... DOD-DOACID000671 PC. 5) br STATEMENT OF 1111111111111111111P TAKEN AT DATED 6 .--Tiv,43 9. STATEMENT Continued/ OC)A -lis -C ( • -57 -Fp C.4 P: Yle VIA n3 --I1) SSS (),k Niala, 0-e di.ct avid LA)-e,n-t--6 ,1 4,L2 4f) it,L.-tj.S +0 55(7. 1.1) e-v-/Aco: L\-4-ON-°Reif °int 4-0 -9-A-1,c,c,1‹. M ct:664 +D.611,0(s k)}-,.0..-1 o F 4-4-2Avl +1,9„y„, yv041A-12 ha. ct 0 I cLa r maz-N Ccs -2- Side . r if'4" urr A + o ipVeJo—Lcia-NA/No...J. +P_ 0-4) L")),42/1 e + e 9 -r- --tkt 91.,Li ct,Lod-1- -I(v) ck5trl, 5\i,ovittv) .ft „,„ ^6) k 4-kor,¦ 4-ke_ tAirTH -1-1^J2-91rt P°i1141119 s 11.-..)p So LQ .--2- 5 "%- ).. 11,4 0-Phow s 0 oLe,rry4afAot J. .,(4vv\i kJ/1 a OA-11,i51Pm. --Kvki- ti scud you. 0 t...) -hvt Slop ? -1-D \to ve)A-iGtx., 50 ,st i,i.a.14-actIty W L Wex-e o+-'(‘'jlv( ak.fa3 6e,tA_ 01J2+ 4-k a+ eau),-,p1;1 fwd iitu.. 3,6+ -I-D w e e. 601 y-o4 g_ r 0\t' vvwcA-- C4- UUz 5 A c.f O . K . was am.zt s7 1e-11 51,1u/ct.,4-(&if l r k-1,2-104-E 4-4,t4-4 ti\-eE\ Art: -5-AFFIDAVIT HAVE READ DR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENTWHICH BEGINS P GE 1, AND ENDS ON PAGE . I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE BY ME. THE STATEMEN AK. I HAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE IN!T1ALEO THE Elmo OF EACH PAGE CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY WITHOUT OF BENEFIT OR REWARD, WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT, AND WITHOUT COERCION, UNLAWFUL INFLUENCE, OR UNLAWFUL INDUCEMENT 6101 'Signature of Person Making Statement) WITNESSES: ascribed and sworn to before PIE, a person authorized by law to administer oaths, this day of ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS afore of Person Administering Oath, (Typed Name of an Administering Oath) ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS fAuttionty To Administer sl INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PAGE OF 5 AINNIMEN PAGE 3, OR FORM 2823, DEC 1998 -• USE THIS PAGE IF NEEDED. IF THIS PAGE IS NOT NEEDED, PLEASE PROCEED TO FINAL PAGE OF THIS FORM. p STATEMENT OF TAKEN AT DATED Ji4,-)60 9. STATEMENT (Corginued) DOrd IA4A- S -t/ rc (A)kut, 4 v.) 741:, 64-S5poLfzt ytA,+ e. 44-1.tmteis . ki-04--Sure tdih,,, . 1-citaAti-k- du keYvu--cd c.0,1 6efigivt. SSw rte-ty,5•-fty) wets 4-1 4-1A.1010,,.,0,,, Bi u etc , Ss Sou 44-"1/471.-toe4-4-1.t.+'^ u sede ai„ we w2:4.1 ivrt.p-1-0 01,0 cal 40 I.-1 Ladr- A-Piete 1114.1,efci•s„ 10.51647.3 LANd at e,1,,:,.4; -i-t,a_wl oA. --k-AnekrpI n,-os QiktiWIkt, 6Cp v D.Ketv,174.4-1) " in, CL;4'14 .“4,jr 44/"5 0 ( ‘4)4' s Cal-ItA-f­+1,D s* 1 e 4-14 ,eittopo LZ1(s . 47c.5") 6Z: rot, S imke) , Lks it 44 ..11 " evs-p /D, 000 di ,-,,,,.,- ,t-P/r.,5 , .--;A- P-g- /4 - 1-crud 4,,,, 77- ei-roe.el 6.-cre," itIv.r• Y7 .144- ta04:-C.. A;f-. i7c‘ S'Air..,4-.-&-)74 0.400e_ 1-47 ...110•„41.-re...-it,4446c_/-; ,,, ,i244), A.0, tit, i. arse S,... 4,,,_,..t .,.,,,_ (-27.4.,,,,-,...,...) . .1- ,-,-*_ ,......a.g...) t-zat_ ,-(--ro,-1C--, ......:4 IpeLA s-fr-ic i "' . 1,,tre-lir ,'f ,;_, /,'_f ,,,,,, 4.4,,, 1.,,,L, , 64-01--CS Lam` 4,--t--)A-?Iv 4,---ril ---r- itt—c ; Dja/ 1704-• 1/4-3;cAn? 142 ? r kciti f} 14'.5 A: I.(„),0-u co-e-4-z-Ls Yce NES-111111110 0/c 4 A 4-t-t-ttv J , ; aTs S'o/ 7/0 fle7c, ;"-) rr-,1„„ ; 7— . L-t-J, r-A4p,-1?(7‘- 5-4 geie_).24.-..1• • 7z-s a: 1),. 4.1,„0,, [i-JL, itki dam, k:".sk o1/4.,sLe n„..? 74 '-) 4,,ve oty. lAIITJA13 DF PEFISDAI MAKING STATEMar kelt, ..¦••••,¦1 1, PAGE 3 OF le PACE OA FORM 2823, DEC 1993 PAGES 7 USE THIS PAGE IF NEEDED. IF THIS PAGE IS NOT NEEDED, PLEASE PROCEED TO FINAL PAGE OF THIS FORM . 4' f. STATEMENT OF 4111111111111W TAKEN AT DATED 474'S-)44 -3 40047-- 2-1_3 -e-V05 9. TATEMENT (Cmtinuthil me-S) 64-3- INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT ci PAGE OF 57 PAGES uSAPA. VIA PACE 2, DA Pam 2ezi DEC MI 8 DOD-DOACID000674 ••¦. •-•-•,•io11ILIP for use of this form see AR 190-30: tae proponent aeencv is vut...t../ra DATA REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT AUTHORITY:. Title 10, United States Code. Section 3012(g) PRINCIPAL PURPOSE:.To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which information may be accurately identified ROUTINE 'USES:.Your Social Security Number is used as an additional/alternate means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval .._. DISCLOSURE:.Disclosure of your Social Security Number is voluntary..1, 71, bk.5--"pWC -5 U -ss I. LOCATION 2..P 3.. .1 4. FILE NO. A11/....(0.9/ I. J4.,./03 iv zz, ....../.41-as---gp 5. S. ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS 61A1 A)) r671G-5/ k -S-&hie //sz-r---)7 ----7. GRADE/STA A—ii-46f, ,C '5) bliC iert -6 PART I - RIGHTS WAIVERINON-WAIVER CERTIFICATE Section A. Rights .Z.A-,e.-Sp4. /-1. ,-5 The inv.ator whose nan.....7/"Ji/e •.(7' e7p7sold me that he/she is with the United States /"--1 • ,--ta.1 eter-erg-rez....0. ,.15)64-5 and wanted to question me about the following offense(s) of which 1 am suspectedLasoace . . c.- . .-3— .lam'-b /, Before he/she asked me any questions about the 4.: ease(s), ho ., he/she made it clear to me that I have the following rights. I. I do not have to answer any questions or say anything 2. Anything l say or do can be used as evidence against me in a criminal trial. 3. {For personnel subject to the UC L1) I have the right to talk privately to a lawyer before. during, and after questioning and to have a lawyer present with me during questioning. This lawyer can be a civilian lawyer I arrange for at no expense to the Government or a military lawyer detailed for me at no expense to me. Or both. - or - (For eivikans not subject to the UCW) I have the right to talk privately to a lawyer before, during, and after questioning and to have a lawyer present with me during questioning. I understand that this lawyer can be one that I arrange for at my own expense, or if I cannot afford a Lawyer and went One. a lawyer will be appointed for me before any questioning begins. 4. If I am, now willing to discuss the offense(s) under investigation, with or without a lawyer present 1 have a right to stop answering questions at any time, or speak privately with a lawyer before answering further, even if I sign the waiver below. 616-5,64 - 5. COMMENTS (Continue co reverse side) Pt.,' /?‘ 4745-e'..-7 /Z4. /Z-.-.1* 34 44614:tp..f ? /frGLI/C-Z.o&, s..e...-) 4.41,;4../ lc Section B. Waiver . • — d my rights as stated above. I am now willing to discuss the offense(s) under investigation and make a statement without talking to a lawyer first and thout having a lawyer present with me. b 7(5 b6-5-.WITNESSES (If available) 3 . . a ..r r-:, .a.ssodale .00.•79' -la NAME (Type orPrrst) a 7C 5•e , b. ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS AND PHONE 4. SIGNA.' -47. INVESTIGATOR r. hic-6 bt -i 2a. NAME (Type or Pnnr) 5. TYPED NAME OF INVESTIGATOR c'Afp M4) 441 b. ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS AND PHONE i. ORGAN g2,3 eee eri-any /90/ s-', Piss `G -.1, p..... --.5-r-YV-zie' 2 Section C. Non-Waiver 1.Ido not want to give up rny rig:hts. . - 0 1 want a lawyer. . 1 do not want to be questioned or say anything. 2. SIGNATURE OF INTERVIEWEE ATTACH THIS WAIVER CERTIFICATE TO ANY SWORN STATEMENT (DA form 2823) SUBSEQUENTLY EXECUTED BY THE SUSPECT/ACCUSED. n A Mimi' 131111 NC1V AGp rflITICIP.1 fir hICIV as re clutcru OTO DOD-DOACID000675 SWORE STATEMENT For use of this fors, see AR 190-45. The proponent agency of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, FILE NUMORR DATE TINM 6:151 LOCATION /1-' -C.c T11 WADE/STATUS 3 015 /1-e o make the following statement under oath: want 674.5) 17 C -5--- 444 4 Fel4nnibefi Cram wit. -nters" 5.Zo OS 4.41.543C girtet Z 044..e. Funry;f1 A.clitcVe° ,44-/ toisparo. r-vrr1.-.1.e clill 4Alt 6"Sk 4141jr‘ . 2A''''P' 44'.." IA". .(: izeiet -"a° kt5' 1;"""iScl'rs Spcallf0p,Oid a c...+LLAt (4r Cr spy :if 44 Swt c ..1 . ;., qc,d ,,,A- 0C -irritc: c . 4.4 t s ; 5 n tial. II. ,e, duet 4° mikif: 41‘j SP` d G 11 " *tie cat-rulitj 4./Fp t wq1K6s) over 4e 3eiv.. i4ssolr4-s, Cle.- GACJ.05K.. Coe" 41L " ‘ C\6" 1 fijt1-5r ILL"' wtt (I 3 Firs/30,0 J., -4, ue,I., -44 ) , flat cl e, .6er -1 ;:` 4--Ie vas-cyl, r 5C44 citui q ef554,1/ er-i , 4,1,.. id kC11-. 114 .,/c. ...ars 9 1,71:474: 1- 12444:4,16 4'it : .15; °i', N-rltA: 1 ri.rS op4. i ,,, 41.:4:, r 'Ir also St394-5 1ll -f-.. AA.,,,, ,,,,xf ,i .ss ec;1 tili,C 1,13teifacp44,;: , K4r:14'#ret.4 lt,/p, p 45e 5 III "i C ¦..#) cl; ci,,.-V s ?icIL ,,...,5 1, 5L TC t„ ,i k 6,1.; une,(slwo( tot,,-r 1 W45 ( tm t....1/t,p.0p40 .l I Z 5 rAl ;449' ,... 1 d:i4.41.5- Diut- v 1 1 c wry f. .1-kt rc. v ictieg ). ,1 MN. ID i/C.,Y ad C A-fe1;54--r44-:c," sr' viA. Ly‹. , 1.e, U el O‘C..4 )p "1°4-14J 40 VA 04-11sip445./..4pr...o Z. r 4 L4C1 W7 S 10.1C,5 1"\-'4 1.- - €4e?°". 00c.g •C 4-iic car c.Ato.J 4 mo 4 4 j , A ,,,,,, ,, „ „_, L, (44, • q I QSKeQ evx.. 1.4.444.., do 6 4 • ALAI t'll,' i " poi-0 : 1. -1\)( 'A" ti a r S ‘`0., 4 a (:-. bo a l' 5 , cdifil,,4 ,„ ..4."4,3 14j4-1 1'6'7)411 $ (C, Oa 0 ci,:viars, Ti- ,...Q5 (a c nci 61 ,..,,Aoitr A, ed 61 esAcr -.7re.... cJi,Cttf5 &tie) r cfr,C5.. ti\t.fc . . LA-"*. '66 qi.A.-or i z6e) 4007,.st iko , L;ea cl( i 4411( , 4." 11 1 aBkO4-1-5e4 ° I., ,./ Is , go, ee 'Ym cdC 0 a rti ,b,c3( ,4,tot3er 5Dme h60 4( ,•rwrs ,t .,,d 46 czt 4/..(ei -Lwt c..4 'lie Lt Li J ,culli clt 14 44 s. ovii,.14 sio,,.. 1 elm 4 1 "3 6d Id ,4 AttiGal 1 nN . n5 . 1-42A-,- 4-1A4_ 600 14-11o4-, A...rKs 4410- V).e. 00...A.J...A S(0.015% SPS. e\41.1 e.. 0ce.. 1 es,, c, i(Qtil si.:%: ;r -eglso 1341(' - , r lir)(k, .;6it 10(..,,e.,./c el .1e3 f:rkw14.KtAi'r+1;4.44 16.Ce--4/41 J .,t00 10.(" il,,1-niiA4.3r 1;14.4"t44 :5(.194(: X%W5.-1 1 1 Plno;le-44.ri 126kri" -1.-kku. 5 lq op I GkePr f4G1 -sek.; ‘)YC‘ ;., .k..L L 1041 , Pr IP;Lotr.1 s-iriAI.s -1 4; rAc 4-tic 4.-.Q4. 4 1,41..r ptoon4.1 1 emcee Go-r" S.oaf .-1(-44 Su 1 5 14 4 .1, \I tir", .1,0. 1 GAr. 1) 4. L4' ; K. --c-p A;,4,•.56.p...,,,..., ?,,, lin) 1-in 0-1 k 47 c4It Si 1.05-- ir ON ,MASSING STATEMENT ON INITIALS. EXHIBIT PAGE t 614Si 14-5— A DO LT TONAL PAGES MUST CONTAIN THE READING "STATEMENT OF TAKEN AT DATED _ CONT INUED . " THE fiOTTOM OV EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THE .INITIAL OF THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT ANO SE INITIALED AS s' PAGE OF PAGES . " WHEN ADDITIONAL PAGES ARE UTILIZED, THE BACK CF PAGE 1 WI LL BE L I NE D GUT, AND THE STATEMENT WI LL IFIE CONCLUDED ON THE REVERSE OF ANOTSiES:\ COPY OF THIS EGAN' . 3 0 USE THIS PAGE IF NEWEL,. IF THIS PAGE IS NOT NEEDED. PLEASE PROCEED TO FINAL PAGE OF THIS FORM. STATEMENT OF TAXEN AT 0 6 DATED 5 S STATEMENT (Continued/ OS) 5a MU GI" ni on A ei L,ci. clo' 4- weAk-• at L -4,346 54-r t•eic aeound C • v ) 4Y+43 oui Sc k C. 5ec. asic :1 Wt. sl,..alku deirc,'n a eLl I: 5,3.'61 a. r W a kKed o.rovstA r r t. 61 Or ...i...141, LAM 4-qt4i. n, 46 04. ar ? trsonc\ i, .064 67 66'6 c4r, LAit,4 m. 1 e. r 4--oc uc IGG u. ir(4,-AGA6 c•-•q5 54: t.1 i,e,,, . r . Qiv% /Noir' aS-.Iit 1./.1ki 0 C 105 td ° C.Irq; s. }nntd I ' 1110 L.4 44 C In 41 11 4-4-1 . 5 1, oalC" v K 4q, ci S dar 4.,\,1,4 1.14, C air 4-LL eld 0115d si, jeel 4,49./ vdottn 4 (o..#1‘ Tharli45,-4-14. S41121IVAP/ 4 ss 47c-S, 4,4-s- 49444.7,a-1S av /tIr AY- 1)01 17,c. DI- vadt_ 4 , /Pc). ic_tt,,,J-tA 7LrIA, fL t2-4-".) yoL• /74 h.fre-11-0_ 7`-",..//c 4: No. Z wee, /& 1 A / AIL" L.4-5 fk. '0,i- LAS or- afroc, 4 2-17) Db. sto,, 71.1-f o c (.);--r‘t aTh, 7Z-' z-s-rz,,4„ IN'TiALS OF PERSDN MAKING STATEMENT PAGE PAGES usav v+ PAGE 2, DA EDAM 2823. DEC 1998 DOD-DOACID000677 GATED STATEMENT OF 5 5 G 1111111111111111_ TAKEN AT C) O 7-411. 47 7 47C-3)64-5 c 9. STATEMENT /Continued! AFFIDAVIT A 7C. ,— • --.5) P. -.5 1, 6, w HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT WHICH BEG S ON PAGE t, AND ENDS 9 PAGE 3 . I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE BY ME. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. I HAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALED THE BOTTOM GE CH E CONTAINING THE STATEMENT, I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY WITHOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR REWARD, WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT, AND ON, UN FUL INF UENCE, OR UNLAWFUL INDUCEMENT. g -5 Gs king Statement' WITNESSES: Subsorrhed and sworn to beiore ma, a parson authorized by law to actrnioister oaths, this _6_1-Say of.--5-1-1 1111111111111111111111WM:a0 ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS 1111111111111111111111 ttmosterrag Cern" /67 ("Li ' C I.e_ 13 t( GLe..44 ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS (Authority To Administer Oaths" INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT 1 PAGE OF 3 FADES PAGE 3, DA FORM 3823, DEC MB USAPII 4100 -2 DOD-DOACID000678 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY-LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE ROI NUMBER 0014-03-CID899-63484 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES DETAILS On 22 Jun 04, this investigation was reopened based on an administrative review by the United States Army Criminal Investigation Command headquarters, which determined several potential witnesses to this incident were not interviewed. On 28 JUn 04, SA oordinated with CPT 1/325" Inf Bn, 82'1 Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, NC 28310, who stated he init al. conducted some interviews for the unit's 15-6 investigation. CPT.Jf(qtated he did question four individuals from 1/13tr' Armor Bn, lSt Armor Division, but could not recall their names. He stated the four individuals stated they were in a M113 vehicle behind a berm, and were unable to see any activity on the street where the alleged incident took place. About 110 , 10 Jul 04, SA 41111111111a1100 this office, coordinated with CPT.Trial Counsel, Office of the Staff Judge Advocate (OSJA), lAD, Baghdad, Iraq (BIAP), who opined that the offense of Robbery should be unfounded. AGENT'S COMMENT: SAiiiiiiiii(coordinated with the Commander, 3'" 0 Military Pol . ce D tachment (CID), Baghdad, Iraq, who stated he disagreed with CPT 74,10 ...s an.robbery should be unfounded pertaining to Ed the o fe s. SPC.and SPC.Fwever, there was insufficient evidence to prove or disprove SSG.committed the offense of robbery as initially reported. ///LAST ENTRY/// TYPED AGENT'S NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER ORGANIZATION 38th MP Det (CID), 22 nd MP BN (CID) S Baghdad, Iraq, APO AE 09342 SIGNATURE DATE EXI-AfBiT 10 Jul 04 CJD FO FOR 0 ICIAL USE ONLY-LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 1 FEB 77 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT.0014-04-CID899-63484 0506-04-CID023 CID Regulation 195-1.PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGE --------------------------------------- _______ ------------------ Basis For Investigation: About 0900, 7 Jul 04, this office received a Request For Assistance (RFA).9 . 38th MP Det (Iraq), to locate and re-interview SSG. C Company, 1' Battalion, 325" Airborne Infantry Regiment (C Co, 1/325 AIR), Fort Bragg, NC (FBNC) reference his knowledge of a robbery which occurred in Ghazalia, Iraq. Details: kg:14P/ 4 7C -5,64:s- AboUt 1020, 7 Jul 04, SA.advised SSG .of his rights, which he waived, and provided an oral statement detailing the events that t. 'red at a Traffic Control Point (TCP) on 4 Jun 04, in Iraq. SSG.stated a vehicle was stopped at the TCP that he was guarding due to eradict driving..9 search of the vehicle a bag of money was located by SPC Co, 1/325 AIR, FBNC, in the trunk area of e. SSG.stated he was notified of the money by SPC and he proceeded to the trunk area and opened the bag. SSG ooked into the bag and saw US Currency folded in half and secure rubber band; the bill facing out was a one dollar bill. SSG 'Sstated he assumed all the bills were one dollar bills. in the bag that 1 appeared to be Iraqi Dinars. SSG Naafi stated h. dosed the truntilievehicle was allowed to leave. SSG.remembered SPC.11, as i.mediate vicinity and witnessed all his actions. SSG.stated at no time did he remove the bag of money from the trunk or any monies from within the bag. Agents Comment: SSG.stated he was interviewed and provided sworn statements twice before and stated he did not understand why he continued to be interviewed for the same offense. /////////////////////////////Last EntrY////////////////////////////// 6iC `.lz 4k4 ‘42,_ . 87th MP DET (CID) (ABN), DSE 3rd Military Police Group (CID) Fort Bragg, North Carolina 28310-5000 kx-y Date:.Exhibit: /10 7 Jul 04 DOD-DOACID000680 p rimari I .....pVT,NrI1M1111%11 r n.e''pwr,rr TT^. . 11...-•p••••••••• • • ••p.......-• • .... For use of this form, see AR 190-30, the proponent agency is ODCSORS DATA REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT AUTHORITY:p Title 10. United States Code, Section 3012(g) PRINCIPAL PURPOSE:pTo provide commanders and taw enforcement officials with means by which information may be accurately identified. ROUTINE USES:pYour Social Security Number is used as an addibonaliahemate means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. DISCLOSURE:pDisclosure of your Social Security Number is voluntary. 1 .pLogoivoN 2. DATE , 3. Tw 4.pFILE NO. i? -)Th Pit b-e..1-) F4-gra-35 AJC_ 7 .-. I. fy 0 q /0a0 . o E. OFIGANWATION OR ADDRESS 61t 6 C.•pC-sz) ,pI /3AS- 4/K) . _GRA.ATU S • Ft &cc-55 )' 3/0 i it141.1 t 6pc-14 v4._ PART I - RIG TS WAIVER/NON-WAIVER CERTIFICATE Section A. ' Rights p i p i The investigator appears below told me that he/she is with the United Slates Army.Cr,"..4,1/-1-4uesT-I c.Gi. t---i C.)kl CC)A1 r.--•pd( iitl Ale X and wanted in question me about the 'allowing offense(srei which I am L--suspectedisMNPp.1.._a rce„....,, Before he/she asked me any questiartsjabout the olleriseis), however, he/she made it dear to me Mal I have the fallowing nghts: 1. I do not have to answer any questions or say anythIngli NC'S) birs—p--- 2. Anything I arty or do can be used as evidence against me in a criminal triageb 7L3ib4-.‘ 3. fFor personnel subject to the UCMJ) I have the right to talk privately to a lawyer before. during. and alter questioning and to have a lawyer present with me during qggsltoning. This lawyer can be a civilian lawyer I arrange for at no expense to the Government or a military lawyer detailed for me at no expense to me, or both. 47C45 14-g - or -(For civilians not subject to the L1CM.1) I have the right fa talk privately to a lawyer beIore, during, and alter questioning and to have a lawyer present with me during questioning. I understand that this lawyer can be one that I arrange for at my own expense, or it I cannot afford a lawyer and went One, a lawyer will be appointed for me before any questioning begins. III am now wiling to discuss the of fensels) under investigation, with or without a lawyer present, I have a right to Stop answering questions at any time, or speak Privately with a lawyer before answering further, even if I sign the waiver belowilill 4 74 -3 )b (9-3 5. COMMENTS (Continue on reverse side Section R.pWaiver I understand my rights as stated above. I a.willing to discuss the offensels) under Investigation and make a statement without talking to a lawyer first and without having a lawyer present with me. f..".' WITNESSES Pi available) 3..%GRA.F VIEWEE. -- - Ia..NAME (Typo or Print) ..-.- 07C 'SJ 64-5 b.pORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS AND PHONE I. SIGpRE OF it i -its -TOR 4s7C -64---,/ 2a.pNAME (Type or Print) ,,-;=. , INVESTIGATOR 44X-1.)a4i-1 -pORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS AND PHONE e.pORGANIZATION OF INVESTIGATOR Suction C.pNon-waiver t. Ida not want to give up my lights: 1:11.I want a lawyer. 0pI do not want to be Questioned or say anything. 2 SIGNATURE OF INTERVIEWEE ATTACH THIS WAIVER CERTIFICATE TO ANY SWORN STATEMENT (DA FOAM 2823) skissEouEnnur EXECUTED EY THE SUSPECT/ACCUSED. DA FORM 3881, NOV 89 EXHIBTL/Lsik DOD-DOACID000681 THE WARNING 1. WARNING - Inform the suspectraccused ot: a. Your official position. b. Nature of of tense(s) The tact that he/she is a suspect/accused , 2pRIGHTS - Advise the suspecVaccusecl at his/her rights as to/Mers: 'Were i ask you any questions, you must understand your rights.' a. You do not have le answer my questions or say anything.' b. 'Anything you gay or do can be used as evidence against you in a ruminal c. (For personnel subject to the UCII.4.1) You have the right to talk privately to a lawyer before, during. and after questioning and to have a lawyer present with you during questioning This lawyer can be a civilian you arrange for at no expanse to the Government or a military lawyer detailed for you at no expanse to you, or both. - - or -(r-or civilians no subject ro the fiCA41) You have the right to talk privately to a lawyer berme, during, and sifter questioning end to have a lawyer present with you during questioning. This lawyer can be one you arrange for at your own expense. or 0 you cannot allord a lawyer and want one, a lawyer will be appointed for you before any questioning begins.' d. 'II you are now willing to discuss the ottense(s) under investigation, with or without a Lawyer present, you have a right to stop answering questions at any time, or speak privately *tits a lawyer before answering further, even it you sign a waiver eseiricate.- Make certain the suspectemeused hilly understands his/her rights, THE WAIVER 'Do you understand your rights?' J 4'5 ,, 'Do you want a lawyer at this timer la' 04--the suspect/accused says "no," determine what is not understood. and if (t1 the suspectlaccused says 'yes.' stop the questioning until he/she has a necessary repeat the appropriate right, advisement. It the suspectraccuSed lawyer. It the suspect/accused says 'no," ask him/her the -hollowing question.) _...-says 'yes,' ask the following question.) 'AI this ume, are you willing to discuss the afro:insets) under investigation and Have you ever requested a lawyer after being read your rights?' FJO,Lye_ make a statement without talking to a lawyer and without having a lawyer elf the suspect/accused says 'yes,' find out when and where. II the request present with you?' (lf the suspect/accused says "no.' slop the interview and was recent (i.e., fewer than 30 days ago), obtain legal advice on whether to have him/her read and sign the non-waiver section of the waiver certificate continue the interrogation. If the suspect/accused says "no.' or it the pnor on the other side of this form. If the su.spectlaccused says "yes, - have request was not recent, ask him/her the following question ) him/her read and sign the waiver section Of the waiver certificate on the other side of this loan.) AN SPECIAL IN STPUCTIONS , WHEN SUSPECT/ACCUSED REFUSES TO SIGN WAIVER CERTIFICATE: If the suspecUaccused orally waives his/her rights but refuses to sign the waiver certificate. you may proceed with the questioning. Make notations on the waiver certificate to the effect that he/she has staled that he/she understands his/her tights, does not want a lawyet. wants to discuss the offensets) under investigation, and refuses to sign the waiver certificate. IF WAIVER CERTIFICATE CANNOT EIE COMPLETED IMMEDIATELY, In all cases the waiver certificate must be completed as soon as possible_ Every effort should be made to complete the waiver certificate before any questioning begins. It the waiver certificate cannot be completed at once, as In the case of street interrogation, completion may be temporarily postponed. Notes should be kept on the circumstances PRfOR INCRIMINATING STATEMENTS: If the Suspect/accused has made spontaneous incriminating statements belote being property advised of his/her rights he/she should be told that such statements do not obligate him/her to answer further questions. COMMENTS (Continued) 2pIt the suspect/accused was questioned as such either without being advised of his/her rights Or some question exists as to the propriety of the first statement, the accused must be so advised The office ot the serving Stall Judge Advocate should be contacted for assistance in drafting the proper rights advisal. NOTE:pIf I or 2 applies, the fact that the suspect/accused was advised accordingly should be noted in the comment section on the waiver certificate and initialed by the suspeclfaccused , WHEN SUSPECT/ACCUSED DISPLAYS INDECISION ON EXERCISING HIS OR HER RIGHTS DURING THE INTERROGATION PROCESS: II during the interrogation, the suspect displays indecision about requesting counsel (for example, 'Maybe I should get a lawyerpfurther questioning must cease immediately. At that point, you may question the suspect/accused only concerning whether he or she desires ro waive counsel The questioning may not be utilized to discourage a suspect/accused from exercising his/her rights. (For exempla, do not make such comments as 'II you didn't do anything wrong, you shouldn't need an attorney.') REVERSE OF DA FORM 3881 1_1.S. Government PnntIng Otce: 1994 — 300:2170579 OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DOD-00ACID000682 DATE: 06 JUN 03, 1130 HRS ZULU FROM: SAC, 323rd MILITARY POLICE DET (CID) TO:. DIRECTOR, USACRC, USACIDC, FORT BELVOIR, VA CDR, 10Th MP BN (CID)(ABN)(FWD) //OPS// CDR, 3D MP GROUP (CID) //OPS// PROVOST MARSHAL //PM// CDR (UNIT) CDR (BN/SDE) SJA (UNIT) SUBJECT: CID REPORT —INITIAL- 0014-03-CID899-63484/ DRAFTER : SA.1€4..) 1S" RELEASER: SAC.1,7C -6 644 UNCLASSIFIED - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1. DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: 1. 04 JUN 2003/1000 HRS ZULU — 04 JUN 03/1130 HRS ZULU; BAGHDAD, WEAPONS TURN IN CHECK POINT, GRID COORDINATES MB33101/89950, GHAZALIA, IRAQ 2. DATE/TIME REPORTED: 05 JUN 03, 0935 ZULU 3. INVESTIGATED BY: SA 1.01161611.11111k SA 44-1/ ,a_ . 4. SUBJE.INOMMAIFigi44-15.-SSG; 411161111 7775777777777777MF 82ND (ABN), FT BRAGG, NC 28310, FORCES COMMAND; (ROBBERY]. SPC; 11111.11111111.1111/11.11 MALE; RED; 1/325TH INF 82ND (ABN), FT BRAGG, NC 28310, FORCES COMMAND; [ROBBERY]. bicitis 2 . ammaiiiiilawiiima . 4-s intaikaimaga 3. SPC; MALE; WHITE; 1/325TH 82ND (ABN), FT BRAGG, NC 28310, FORCES COMMAND; [ROBBERY]. smilemitirm 5. VI CIV; MALE; OTHER; IR.OBBERY]. 6, INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: THE INFORMATION IN THIS REPORT IS BASED UPON AN ALLEGATION OR PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION DO D-DDACI D000683 AND MAY CHANGE PRIOR TO THE COMPLETION OF THE INVESTIGATION. "THIS IS AN IRAQI FREEDOM INVESTIGATION" THIS INVESTIGATION WAS INITIATED BASED ON NOTIFICATION FROM THE PROVOST MARSHALL'S OFFICE ON A SALUTE (RED 1) REPORT AND WAS BASED ON AN ALLEGED ROBBERY THAT OCCURRED AT A US GUN TURN IN/CHECKPOINT IN GHAZALIA, IRAQ. Y INVESTIGATION DISCLOSED THAT MR ALLEGE.0 ED AT.$2650.00 BY SSG SPC.IN SPC DENTIFIED.A COMPANY CONDUCTED PHYSICAL LINEUP AS THE INDIVIDUAL THAT STOLE HIS MONEY AND POINTED HIS WEAPON AT HIM. 1/325TH INF 82HT3 (AEN) CHAIN OF COMMAND CONDUCTED A SEARCH OF THE SCOUT PLATOONS PERSONAL GEAR AND VEHICLES WHICH FAILED TO LOCATE ANY ALLEGED STOLEN MONEY. ON 06 JUN 03,.WAS ADVISED OF HIS LEGAL RIGHTS AND PROVIDED A SWORN STATEMENT, WHEREIN HE DENIED THE ALLEGATION THAT HE REMOVED THE MO. QM THE TRUNK OF THE CAR OR POINTED HIS WEAPON AT MR -S ON 05 JUN 03,.WAS ADVISED OF HIS LEGAL RIGHTS AND PRO IDE A SWORN STATEMENT, WHEREIN HE WITNESSED SSG TICK THE MONEY UP.THE TRUNKLID" BUT COULD NOT RECALL IF SSG.UT THE MONEY BACK INTO THE TRUNK OF MR111111110..URTHER SEE ANYONE CHARGE AND POINT THEIR WEAPON AT MR 674-S 4 ON 05 JUN 03,.WAS ADVISED OF HIS LEGAL RIGHTS AND PROVIDED A SWORN STATEMENT, WHEREIN HE DENIED HAVING KNO Es •F ANYONE REMOVING MONEY FROM THE TRUNK OF MR OR ,SEEING ANYONE CHARGE AND POINT THEIR WEAPON 44-4/ AT MR INVESTIGATION CONTINUES BY USACIDC. iLher REQUEST,. pACRC NAME CHECK Oqemmommmowill'IMOAND 7. COMMANDERS ARE REMINDED OF THE PROVISIONS OF AR 600-8-2 PERTAINING TO SUSPENSION OF FAVORABLE PERSONNEL ACTIONS AND AR 380-67 FOR THE SUSPENSION OF SECURITY CLEARANCES OF PERSONS UNDER INVESTIGATION. B. CID REPORTS ARE EXEMPT FROM AUOTMATIC TERMINATION OF PROTECTIVE MARKING IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 3, AR 25-5S. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SEQUENCE NUMBER 0014-03-CID899-63484 23 Jim 04 Locate fully ID and interview four remaining witnesses 231an 04 Re-coordinate with SJA for opine 23 Itm Make necessary changes to Final Supplemental Report Zul Circle.Last Name Date Issued Circle.Last Name Dale Issued Circle Last Name Date Issued V W V W VW ACTION COMPLETED N / A ACTION COMPLETED.NIA Obtain MP Report / MPR # Sources targeted Medical records requested Film submitted for contact sheet Copy of AIR posted in ACIRS Name check results received Obtain all documents concerning All documents marked with the sitive urinal sis the ROI or file number — intvr ,; TIC.A rIVE STANr)AF, r‘c• ACTIVITY /PERSON PHONE NUMBER • . • DOD-DOACID000686 AGENT'S ACTIV1T1 ,i3MMARY Coatroi Number.%)000-03-0D000-00000 (CID Remdadou 195-1) mfr. DATE. AND AGENT SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITY 4110162i5 Jun 03 Rec'd sketchy information, on a SALUTE (Red 1) Report, from 527` — 74-'04 -I MP Co, that some soldiers stole money at gunpoint, from an Iraqi I: 10 National, at a checkpoint, at an undetermined location in the Baghdad AO. e SikleUTE Report identified a possible suspect of name SGT T3i5th Int however, preliminary information indicated that no such soldier existed in that unit. 0939, C X.9, 709th MP Bn (5594/Wand spoke with MSG 1:30 S-3 NCOIC), the drafter of the SALUTE Report for (444.4additio Info. MP sent to the crime scene was SSG who worked midnight shift and w unavailable until 2330, (1930Z) 5 Jun 03. Requested SSG &me to IAD Main TOC to escort SA(s) to Crime Scene and Gahzalia Police Department 1000, Developed IP, assembled gear, located grid of Ghazalia PD and 527 th I: 20 MP Co. 1930, Met with SSG111/1111111.11enroute Ghazalia PD. T: 30 bird/ 2000, Arrive at Ghazalia, meet with translator, Iraqi Police, and Victim 1: 60 111.1111.11110‘"/114"/cunija/ -if 2100, Int of Vi See AIR) NOTE: No Sworn Statement taken I: 30 due to language barrier. 2130, Conducted CSE of Victim's POV at Ghazalia PD (See AIR . photos I:30/A:60 and Evidence Voucher) Fingerprints from trunk lid. 2200, Conducted CSE of checkpoint Grid ME33310189950 (See AIR, photos) 1:30/T:30 2255, Coord with CP S-2, 1/325 th 1:05 7G 63 2300, Coord with CP SO, 1/325' , Original 15-6 Officer (See I:15 AIR) stiatT-C- 2330, Int of Suspect (See AIR, Waiver, and Statement) ic-i) 4- I 1:60 2330, Int of Suspect 11.11111111111 (See AIR, Waiver, and Stint) 11111111, 7r. /) 6i-1 bit 5^66'S 0151Z, 6 Jun 03 Int of Suspectel11111. (See AIR, Waiver, and Stint) 11111111.11M45 67C-1/ 441 0235, n CO, briefed and discussed case thus far. Coord with LTcitakb-3 1:20 0330Z, 6 Jun 03 2ID FORM 28 R OFFICIAL USE ONLY PAGE 1 OCT 80 DOD-DOACID000687 I Iscussed case (See AIR) Requested copies 0" 's sworn statements and AGENT'S ACTIVITY Vffiegietir-Central Number 0000-0 v1100-00000 CIDpEde* A AND AGENT L20/T:30 0515, T:45 1130, A:75 1245, 1:15 0645Z, 7 Jun 03 .7G-4)44-/ A:30 0645Z, 7 Jun 03 67(.4.16/../ 1:30 1300Z, 6 Jun 03 DELAYED ENTRY A:30 0600hr 08 Jun 2003 Zulu 1C 4/ A:30 0605Z, 8 Jun 03 7C-/) k 1:30 0800Z, 9 Jun 03 ;64-/ 1:30 0550Z, 10 Jun 03 1:30 n-646. -/ Need to get time of Int for SSG maybe have 113 team, SGT 1954 01:177=111Mrd fr!ZP:¦.:777.J=2. 1..177.11101 Arrived BIAP, Briefed SAC Prepared caseftle, drafted Initial Rpt Coord with CP.Requested 15-6 Copy (See AIR) Prepared casefile. To SAC for review, transmittal of Initial Rpt and Poly Request. Coordinating Interviews of remaining witnesses at 1 s' AD D-MAIN TOC. Turned evidence into evidence custodian SAC Review... On 07 Jun 2003 turned in initial and request for a polygraph to the 10th MP BN on subject, SSG.Continue with EP and inform SAC of any significant activities..' 1/L.-Ali "3 Attempting to coordinate remaining interviews with LT .822 LNO. Pending interviews. Still attempting to schedule interviews, comrno/logistical problems.... 763 •4 -3 Coordinated with have SSG.owed to the DMAIN TOC for a technical interview on 11 Jun 03, after being told li.her will be here that day. No word on time frame, OPS stated he would find out ETA and get back to us. 7 -/4k1 -,5-, -S" idt44.7.3111111111111and RTO come up with SSG and get those interviews completed at same time... cuilif,40 0400Z, 13 Jun 03 Int of PF.RTO) completed. (See AIR) C/,4 -/ 0400Z, 13 Jun 03 Int of SG.gator driver) completed (See AIR) 414 .1 CID FORM 28 FOR OFF1C1AL USE ONLY PAGE 1 OCT 00 rf • DOD-DOACID000688 AGENT'S ACTIVIT1 ATM:MARY Control Number 0014-03-C1D1199 (CID Regulation 1 46-1 IME, DATE, AND AGENT SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITY A"5--- 0500Z, 13 Jun 03 Spoke with SS.ho stated he had sought legal counsel with SAIIIIIIIP611-//,./ CF1111111111.1DBIAP who advised him not to undergo a Technicalblai M-3 I: 60 Interview. SS appeared to want to "clear up the matter" and -51 14.5— suggested that he return to TDS for guidance. Provided TX contact number to PMO/CID and offered for TDS to accompany him back, if he decided to take poly. 09002, Briefed CPT.on poly declination. Requested that he coord 1: 15 with supporting TDS and have him coord with this office. _ ,h.4 .3 0800Z, 14 Jun 03 Coord with C.TDS, he will not agree to having SSG 1111111111.67Eq)126-/ ake an exculpatory poly. I: 30 11 1,141114 0400Z, 17 Jun 03 Rec'd an e-mail from SFcamiii3imvhick related that she 00-641. 1111.11M 70/*/ had a lead on the stolen money pertaining this investigation. 1:10 0500Z, Attempted contact numerous times, above number goes to an unidentified I:90 PMO. Unidentified Bn HQ TX is 300-58011111111knable to get through total . that number. Called first number back, requested they leave a message for SFC .call CID Office. 7Z-1) 44. g r3 1230Z, Contacted by CPT.inquiring if this SA had rec'd the 15-6 copy I: 15 which he dropped off to 1 AD PMO a week ago. Told him negative. He will get a second copy here, ASAP. . 1300Z, Contacted PMO again. Requested SFC 1 ASAP. I: 10 . I: 15 1700Z, Contacted by Her lead had nothing to do with this case. 1130Z, 19 Jun 03 Enroute Gazalilia PD for interview of two sons. T:30 Ag. t,) /34 - 1215Z, Sig Ints of twd111.11.ons (See AIR) I: 60 13152, Traveled back to SLAP T: 30 marigatifts k74-3,„4,3 0400Z, 20 Jun 03 Sent E-Mail to SJ. Requesting a phone call to discuss case facts. 1.111.04 vi 46/ PAGE 43 CID FORM 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 OCT 80 DOD-DOACID000689 AGENT'S ACT1V1T1 _UMMARY Corgrol Number 41014-03--CID899 {CID Deviation.145-1) TI ttE, DATE, AND AGENT 0400Z, 20 Jun 03 10002, A1C-44Ce -/ 1200Z, 1000hr 20 Jun 03 Zulu 11111111111167e4, p CID FORM 28 OCT 8t3 SUMMARY OF INVESTTGATIVE AcTivrrar Worked on AlRafFinal/AAS Coord with CPT 11111.11111110C (See AIR) 7c-3, 3 - Prepared AIRJCIosed File/ To SAC for review and transmittal of Final Rpt SAC Review... Based on SJA review and opinion, close case, Final C. A: 195 T: 225 I: 840 .0015: none p FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PAGE r, DOD-DOACID000690 AGENTS ACTIVIT f SUIIMARY Control Number (CID Regulation 181-1) co) q-co-c/c..45,-3viry TIME, DATE, AND AGENT =MART op ZWESTTGAT1W Arrymn "bis-rtZt 13Q -N-1zek-) zi 014 n 03 cd p,A D,e , 14)+Q- q3 -2,6"*-z4fi (4.6"_)) 67C-I) 66- -, — 53-A )4-) i( • OPS 1C-/) 1111,.)-111ti1463 vx.fc-re At"' CID PORN 28 1 Oct 90 PREVIOUS EDITIONS or THIS FOAM NTII, DE USED uNT.11. EXHAUSTED .muult 5 DOD-DOACI13000691 Control Number AGM'S ACTZVIL.. SUMMARY (CMD Paqulatiou 195-1) I 0014-03—C1D899-63484 MINIM OE MVUTIGRXIVI =MITT TDR DATI, AMP =INT Received casefile from SAC who stated casefile needed to be reopened as per USACIDC recommendations 17 Jun 04 SA 4111111167r-/1 64-/ and review. 18 Jun 04 Reviewed casefile, recommendations are to attempt SA. pc-644-/ and interview four potential witnesses to this incident; however, the information to locate these four individuals is very vague. Will attempt to locate these individuals through the unit's 15-6 officer and by contacting the BN directly but no names were given. Then coordination with SJA will be made to correct the final submitted by 323' s . 19 Jun 04 Looked through the lAD phone book and no 113th armor was located. Will determine their home station as they probably redeployed. 21 Jun 04 Found the 15-6 of i e n the ARO web search page SA 111111057C-6.66-/ and e-mailed CPT.a determine if has any 010C records from this ncident and would be able to assist in locating the four individuals at the check point. Notified by SAC that a 1 st Supplemental report needed to be drafted in order to officially reopen the case. 22 Jun 09, 1200 Drafted 1" Supplemental Report. To SAC for review SA 111111.A7c1 and dispatch. Cka. u,w - orw7t64-/ • \- It's: , `,.T. c-...••••-\—\-'-. S."LI 3p$ -s° Sk1111111111,0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM WILL BX USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED CID rom 28 1 Oct SO DOD-DOACID000692 WNW.= MGM AGENTS ACT rV1TY SUMMARY. (CID Regulation 195-1) 0014 CiDgq9- FDIC, DAIT, ARD ACIMIT 0900, 23 Jun 04 1000, 25 Jun 04 SA11111.6744, AC - 1345, 27 Jun 04 SAIIIMAka044-/ 09111,28 Jun 04 2050, 28 Jun 04 S ANIMIN7C./) ,4 1000, 29 Jun 04 SAINIIIW 74-I64-/ 2000, 2 Jul 04 SPIIIIIMW14 4 -/ 1115, 2 Jul 04 sumoar OF INFASTICATIVI ACIT/VIIT Noted SAC's comments. Added IP to casefile. Still no response from 15-6 officer. Will attempt to contact 113th Armor directly but with no names and not even a company or platoon to focus on, these four individuals may not be located. -3 E-mailed CPT.a second 15-6 officer appointed in the case to determine if he has any information on the four individuals. Coordinated with Division who stated 113th Armor were no longer in theater and were not sure what brigade they fell under. Received an e-mail from CPT.who stated he did interview the four soldiers from 113 th Armor and they did not see what occurred during the incident on 5 Jun 04; however, he did not have any documentation and did not know how to contact the soldiers as he doesn't have their info. See E-mail attached to casefile. A 7C-4014 --3 Have not heard anything back from CPT 1111111111 Discussed with SAC who stated since CPT verified that the soldiers were interviewed at one point and did not see what occurred, there is no need to continue to locate 4 rt . Guidancewas to coordinate with SJA, CPT.all"Obtain opine again, and then correct Final as it went out with insufficient evidence to prove or disprove but then the offenses were unfounded, which is not in accordance with how CID writes a Final Report. If it's insufficient evidence to prove or disprove then the offenses should stay founded unless we can confirm that an offenses was not committed. Will attempt to coordinate with SJA tomorrow, 3 Jul SA.A4 04 and get this one wrapped up: To TC for review and resuspense. CID POEM 28 PREVIOUS ISDITIONS.OF ISIS WORM WILL RI USED UNTIL S.XimosTro 1 Oct SO DOD-DOACID000693
