CID Report: 0174-03-CID469-60225

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<p>Iraqi detainee alleged that he was taken from his cell to another location by plain-clothed Americans who beat him in the head and stomach, dislocated his arms, &quot;stepped on the [his] nose&quot; and broke it, and stuck a pistol in his mouth and discharged it (empty), while demanding he admit to having committed crimes. He claimed that one of the soldiers later beat his leg with a baseball bat. Medical reports in the file confirm that the detainee had a broken nose, fractured leg, and scars on his stomach. Soldiers confirmed that TF 20 interrogators questioned the detainee and wore plain clothes. Although the case was initially closed, it was reopened based on an indication that the detainee's initial reticence to make a formal complaint was due to threats by U.S. soldiers. The investigation was closed after it &quot;failed to prove or disprove&quot; the offenses.</p>

Investigative File
Friday, October 15, 2004
Sunday, January 30, 2005

FOR. OFFICIAL USE ONLY — LAW ENFORCEMEN r SENSITIVE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 43RD MILITARY POLICE DETACHMENT (CID)(FWD) 22ND MILITARY POLICE BATTALION UNITED STATES ARMY CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION COMMAND OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM APO AE 09323-2647 15 October 2004CIRC-AB (43)A MEMORANDUM FOR SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION — FINAL SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT - 0174-03 -CID469-60225-5C1L / 5Y2 / 9G1 DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: 1. 8 Sep 03/0259 — 8 Sep 03/0500; GRID 38S LD 78680 28340 (RESIDENCE, TIKRIT, IRAQ) DATE/TIME REPORTED: 21 OCT 03, 0900 b2 6("0 i b6)(c) 1 INVESTIGATED BY: SA faillill11111=1.111; SA NiNalliall11111.111,; SAA SA )SAMININIP Millanir SA NIMENNWHIERINI. SUBJECT: 1. UNKNOWN; [NEI]; [AGGRAVATED ASSAULT (UNFOUNDED)] [MALTREATMENT OF A PRISONER (UNFOUNDED)] (t))b C-7 -) C() VICTIM: 1. 011111111111111111Mat, DETAINEE NUMBER airariaimigio irair M; OTHER; TIKRIT, MA AGGRAVATED ASSAULT (UNFOUNDED)]A[[MALTREATMENT OF A PRISONER (UNFOUNDED)] INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: This is an "Operation Iraqi Freedom" Report of Investigation and a Category I Monitorship Investigation. This investigation was notified by the Staff Judge Advocate (SJA), 4ID, Camp Iron Horse, Tikrit, Iraq, APO AE 09323, of a possible detainee abuse incident involving Mr411111111, A0) 66, ) b(1)(0 Investigation failed to prove or disprove the offenses of Aggravated Assault and Maltreatumlt of Prisoner Occurred as initially alleged. Further, this office received an Operational Review Memorandum from the 11 th MP BN, Fort Hood, TX 76544 (FHTX) requesting this office to complete further leads. Further, investigation established probable cause to believe the offenses of Aggravated Assault and Maltreatment of A Prisoner were not committed as initially alleged as a thorough investigation FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY — LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 1 DODDOACID 005895 7.• 41D DMAIN 43MP DET CW4 10TH MP BN LDGSEC From: 1.1111.ember 20, 2003 3:45 PM Sent: 4ID DMAIN 43MP DET; u) To:, CW4 CJTF7- S Cc: 11:11,!!!krGhriab (0174-03-CID469-60225) \Subject: \ We Here is RFA #0035-03-CID149 for you to open. Passed. wet me know when you have completed it so I can close the number here. Regards, GM Original Message-- 41D DMAIN 43MP DET From:. Thursday, November 20, 2003 5:20 AM Sent:. (E-mail); garayagarimmimmi(E-mail);(1101111FIV CW4 CITF7-0PS1E-mail);A To:. M (E-mail);A -mall) Subject:.RFA to Abu Ghriab (0174-03-CM469-60225) V All: I don't have an email address for anyone at the prison, but our victim on this one has allegedly been transferred there. Detainee number (41D)411111111 His name isA His allegation was never recorded on paper, but passed around the units here before we got the report. His allegation was that he was beat by several captors, some who wore civilian clothing (TF20?), before he was placed in the Detention Facility here. He was allegedly treated for pissing blood and later recovered. Nothing in the packet here reflects medical treatment other than a note saying so. (No medical records of any sort). Please attempt to locate elffilland obtain a written statement from him regarding these allegations as well as research his records packet for any medical records they might contain regarding the treatment he received and any record of injury, treatment, etc. Thanks. 4111111111111.11111. CW3, MP Commander 43d MP Det (CID) Tikrit, Iraq D N VT 1 tilt oily DODDOACID 006020 411101111111111111111011SA CID From: MallialIONI$A CID Thursday, May 27, 2004 12:09 PM .• Sent: To: CRC Records Belvior (E-mail); 111111111111111111111111E-mail) A CID Cc; 1ST SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT - CID Report of Investigation 0174-03-CID469-60225. Subject: CID Report of Investigation 01... Fort Hood Resident Agency (CID) Chief, General Crimes- TEL# CELL : DSN#: 11Ir FAX# 2 - - ALT CAUTION: This message may contain law enforcement sensitive information. Do not disseminate, which includes forwarding the contents of this message, without the approval of the sender. If you are not the intended addressee, or the person responsible for delivering it to the intended addressee, you may not copy or deliver it to anyone else or use it in any unauthorized manner. To do so is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you receive this e-mail by mistake, advise the sender immediately by using the reply facility in your e-mail software. 1 74 DODDOACID 006019 Page 1of1 - 4111111111111111111.11111MOSA CID From: 11111111111111111PA ../.6 ragg a rm y m II] Tuesday, June 15, 2004 1:07 PM Sent:. To:.anummenhood, . Subject: Info Report . 0 • Sir, this office has received you RFA. Our case number is 0435-04-CID023. • I have located him at SFAS. We are coordinating to have him come to this office for an interview. V.Should be completed soon, 41111111111111111 6/15/2004,. 73 DODDOACID 006018 Page 1 of 1 - AKQWebmail *3 -2:t1)-e '?&.f-6 c) Welcome to AKO Mall »A ii L.' Inbox Trash Drafts Addresses Options Folders Inbox Sent ki53 A 4te Move message to folder: ring/. nh, All Forward nelpto Ariti Arlrirpqseq Prpvinuic Npvh. rc.,mnncp.H/ R/. Sent Friday, July 16, 2004 7:40 am To MOINIIM _ CcA /11.11111111111111111 Bcc Subject CAT I RFA UPDATE so I am going to coordinate with the Your guy was released from ABU prison, will go find this guy. I will keep local Task Force and ODA to see of they go into Tikrit and find him. you updated and let you know if we can SPECIAL AGENT 1st MILITARY POLICE COMPANY (CID) 1st INFANTRY DIVISION FORWARD OPERATING BASE DANGER OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM II APO AE 09392 TIKRIT, IRAQ DSN Email:A AOriginal MessageA .mil] From: A Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 12:30 PM To: Subject: Re: I think I found a match for your guyljewas captured on 8 Sep 03 and processed on 22 Oct 03, NDRS #1.11.0ur data base showes he was released but not the date. CJTF-7 can provide you with a release date. MOM Special Agent in Charge 75th MP Det (CID)(-) BCCF,-Abu Ghraib, Iraq APO AE 09342 DNVT: — )Original Message A Fro m: 7/16/2004 httos://,7n9lnlc&lang=en&cert=false DODDOACID 006017 Page 1 of 1 AKO.Webmail 6 /7V03 - C.1) 9 4,0 - to AKO Mail » 4111111/111111M© Welcome to » Inbox. Folders Inbox Sent Trash Drafts Addresses Options IIiI VIP Move message to folder: rnmnn P P niu Renht AU Fnrwprrl npletp Arid Aririrpc P Prpulni).Mesut.rInqp From Sent Thursday, July 15, 2004 2:44 pm To Cc Bcc Subject RE: RE: Per 4111111111111111conversation Hey what's upellnaWell I am here in Iraq for the last 6 months and have 6 more. When I left Knox I went to Huachuca for 2 years and now I am in GerMany, but deplOyed to this hell hole. Anyway, not so sure we will bd able to interview this guy. Things are really heating up over here and we have had 10 deaths in the last 7 days. So we will see if the task force guys will go to his house (which I doubt because since 28 Jun 04, we do not even really patrol the city anymore) or if they can take me to his house. I also already emailed Abu prison just to make sure he is not still there. I will let you know on Monday what the deal is, I should know by then if we can find him or not. Talk to you later 4111111111011 SPECIAL AGENT 1st MILITARY POLICE COMPANY (CID) 1st INFANTRY DIVISION FORWARD OPERATING BASE DANGER OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM II APO AE 09392 TIKRIT, IRAQ DSN.11111111111111111110 Email:.A" AOri inal Message A From:A us. arm .mil] . Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 7:40 PM Subject: Re: RE: PerA conversation _Hone thinas ate: Hay.ent..heard. much...about.,]/DCcQ/1&lang=en&cert=... A7/15/2004 DODDOACID 006016 AKOWebmail Welcome to AKO Mail » Inbox Inbox Sent Trash Drafts Addresses • Options 4140 Move message to folder. Crwrinncp PAnly 1:2pnly All Fru-wan-I Arirl Arirlreccpc'.Prpvintiq Alpyt.(-Inc P From 11111111.11kallIM!-A•m9 Sent Thursday, July 15, 2004 9:13 am To.111111111.111.1WILCR11111111111.1M r Cc E -rr C_140241111.111111111111M .m11 Bcc Subject RE: PerA-onversation In reference to your case number 0174-03-CID649-60225, I have a few questions. First of all, is there an AIR or Sworn Statement which details the original interview of victim? Second, the grid coordinates you provided, where did they come from? The local task force is going to want to know this prior to going out of the wire to get 'this guy so we can interview him. And lastly, when the detainee, was released to the S-2, was it to go home or to go to the local DCCP. Is there any reason to believe he is still in custody? This may take a while because of on going operations in Tikrit as well as the local force protection level. One more quick question. If the guy was interviewed already, is there anything specific you want me to get out of him when I do interview him? Our case # is 0136-04-CID469 and I am the case agent. 1111111•111 SPECIAL AGENT 1st MILITARY POLICE COMPANY (CID) 1st INFANTRY DIVISION FORWARD OPERATING BASE DANGER OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM II APO AE 09392 TIKRIT, IRAQ DSNONIMIIMIN. Email: From: MEIMMissA CID [mailto Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 9:49 PM To111.1111111111111111.11 (E-mail) Subject: Per 111111Miconversation CID Report of Investigation 0174-03-CID649-60225 1ST SUPP (Agg AsIt-Maltreatment).doc If you need anything else let me know, thanks. 7/15/2004 9705kVSLk&lang=en&cert=false DODDOACID 006015 AKO Webmail. Page 1 of-1 - e. 71i-oi -c./6). • ipozer 1,f. A » Sent . Folders Inbox.Sent.Trash.Drafts ' Addresses.Options A V rnrnringt. Rpnlv All Fnrwarri nplptp Arlri AMrpccec Prautrnuc NPVP rICISP From Sent Wednesday, July 14, 2004 11:59 am A To u Cc Bcc Subject Cat 1 RFA . Attachments RFA .doc 48K Chief,' Sorry to lay this one on you. This guy was in custody and interviewed by CID about his complaint, but it sounds like he thought he could get out of detention earlier if he did not make a formal complaint. He still may not want to, if so, just let me know. He is known as the INNI111.111because he sells ice in Tikrit, to U.S. forces. Last I can find on him was that he was released to DIA, (Detainee # 1111.11so I have no idea if he is still under our control. **He lived in a dangerous part of town according to the guys that picked him up. The grid to his house is in the RFA. I have not been there, so I don't know what else you need in the way of info. Just let me know if you need anything. Keep Safe. Fort Hood CID .A-https://webmailus.arm .mil/en/mail.html?sid=LEn69hdUAIVIWw&lang=en&cei At— falseA7/14/2004 DODDOACID 006014 Page 1 of 1 . • "4. 1.011.1111.1010011SA CID . From: 411.11111111.11/] Sent:.Wednesday, July •21, 2004 10:18 AM u To:. AemapE86th) (E-mail); Cc:. Subject: CAT I RFA Hey MB Here is an update in the CAT I RFA. The guy was released from ABU prison so we have coordinated with the local Task Force and we are going tomorrow to go to his house, which the location was provided by you. I shouldalways wanted to tour downtown Tikrit, so this works I have an answer on the status of his complaint tomorrow. for both of us. I'll send pictures. If he is not there and the locals do not know his current location we will close this RFA. If he is there we will interview him and determine exactly what happened. 4ilige care, SPECIAL AGENT 1st MILITARY POLICE COMPANY (CM) 1st INFANTRY DIVISION FORWARD OPERATING BASE DANGER OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM II APO AE 09392 TIKRIT, IRAQ DSN Email: A 68 7/21/2004 DODDOACID 006013 ) • Page 1 of 1 111111MinniMPSA CID From:.] Sent:.Saturday, July 24, 2004 5:52 AM To: 41/0/1MINNIMPA CID' Subject: CAT I RFA UPDATE Drafted letter to Tikrit Police Chief to locate alleged victim. Met with the police chief today at 1000 and he agreed to find this guy and facilitate an interview. Doubt that this will happen but will give it a week or so before I close this RFA. '--A\ \9)"1111111111k PECIAL AGENT ' .-\'? .A 1st MILITARY POLICE COMPANY (CID) i A N 1st INFANTRY DIVISION V.FORWARD OPERATING BASE DANGER C)AOPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM .II APO AE 09392 TIKRIT, IRAQ DSN A 7/25/2004 67 DODDOACID 006012 Page 1 of 1 e SA CID -C_.09-49-5- From: sI.@ u], Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 7:03 AM To: Subject: CAT I \ \ „.\ Reference the CAT I RFA, we are going to the police chief tomorrow to see if he could find the guy. If he could not find him we are going to close this RFA due to current threat condition. If he did not find him do you need an J . report an AIR? I will email you on Monday and let you know if he found him or not. Hope things are going well. 1111111111, SPECIAL AGENT 1ST MP CO (CID); 1ST ID FOB DANGER; OIF II APO AE 09392 TIKRIT, IRAQ 8/13/2004 66 DODDOACID 006011 Page 1 of 1- .•A „ 4.1101111111 SA CID (PKI) de — WA:7 0114-c4-4 From:. A CID Sent:.Sunday, August 15, 2004 5:05 PM To:.111111111111111. Cc:.411111.11111101111111111SA CID (PKI) Subject: RE: CAT I Outstanding!. Now we (read you more thafi likely) have to ID the subjects from TF 20. • .Original Message . From: MIMI [] Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2004 4:29 PM ,.V, Subject: CAT I ) ---\V. \ .\.Interviewed your guy today and his father; we got an 8 page statement and he supposedly got his ass „.....,\F.kicked. Once the statement is translated I will email' you a copy. He gave a pretty detailed statement and V.good descriptions. Hope this doesn't convolute your investigation, but he was pretty shaken up and also provided medical records as well. Will give you more details when the statement is translated. Also attached photos of the guy if you need them. 140W AGENT 1ST MP CO (CID); 1ST ID FOB DANGER; OIF II APO AE 09392 TIKRIT, IRAQ 8/16/2004. 65 DODDOACID 006010 • Page 1 of 1 - 014-0,-“01449.- (i)045,9-5- 4111111111.111111MSA CID (PKI) From: 1111111111111111111111111SA CI!? Sent:AThursday, August 26, 2004 8:03 AM To: MOW Cc:Aaliall..1111FA CID (PKI) Subject: RE: CAT I. Don't if we will need more at this time because I don't know what the statement or info rpt say. Close it, and we will send another if needed. Thanks again. k9) e safe, AOrigisageA From:] A. Sent: Tbursda August 26, 2004 9:51 AM To: Subject: CAT I IMMO We are going to close this RFA, we got the statement back and is going to be sent out in the mail. Is there anything else you need us to do before I close this? Thanks, 1111111111. SPECIAL AGENT 1ST MP CO (CID); 1ST ID FOB DANGER; OIF II APO AE 09392 TIKRIT, IRAQ 64 8/26/2004. DODDOACID 006009 ¦ • •:••.-.•. - ••A• graia/a/MaaSA CID (PKI) . To: 11.1111111111111111111.Mr—G2 (PKI) . Subject: CID Investigation \•X Dear Mr.11111111111111b \ I am conducting an investigation on an iraqi prisoner and I was told to get in contact with you to find out who I can contact 1\.• to gain access to the 4ID Sciff to review this particular detainees records. If you could email me this information or call me at my office, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you. SA apamplummumipt Special Agent Fort Hood Resident Agency (CID) SDN 1 63 DODDOACID 006008 .1- • 11111111110=01111SA CID (PKI) 011 Li —0 0.,t,04(61— fn09615- From:A Ill Corps SSO G2 Sent:A Tuesday, Se tember 07, 2004 9:56 AM r--G2 (PKI) 9 (. 121A ) To:A Cc: A CID (PKI) Subject:A : CI nvestigation /764)3. b(i)a)3 41D SSO is 1L11111111111111.111111111111. Why is a SCIF needed for this? Just curious. II Corps SSO/DODIIS Ii114 DS5.1111111(C°5131.111.111111 SIMVIEE: )cum. hood: arniy. smi( mit mail -toil/la cwrz. flood:army. smirmif 5WICS: 4111Illp avn-ts. hood ic. gov mailto:11111P cum-ts. hoodic. gov AOriginal Message From:iimmagivr—G2 (PIU) Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 9:49 AM To:A. ME-mail) Cc: all.11.11111SA CID (PIC) Subject: FW: CID Investigation how can we help SIA arfa 410 has their SSO back up and in operation right. Who is the SSO? MIS -----Original Message--- From: 4111111111111111WA OD (PKI) Sent: Thursda Se tember 02, 2004 1:07 PM To:A r--G2 (PKI) Subject: ID Investigation Dear Mr4 I am conducting an investigation on an iraqi prisoner and I was told to get in contact with you to find out who I can contact to gain access to the 4ID Sciff to review this particular detainees records. If you could email me this information or call me at my office, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you. SA Special Agent Fort Hood Resident Agency (CID) 1111111111111111 D 62 DODDOACID 006007 UNbLAS FOUOA— SUBJ: REQUEST FOR AUTHORITY TO CONDUCT POLYGRAPH EXAM A: DOD DM 5210.48, DTD 24 DEC 84 B: DOD REG 5210.48R, DTD 24 JAN 85 C: AR 195-6, DTD 29 SEP 95 1. REQUEST FOR AUTHORITY TO CONDUCT POLYGRAPH EXAMINATION OF: 11011111101111111.111•1110, CPT; anommt 1/22nd InfBn, Fort Hood, TX 76544; 4.11.11. \A .2. THE FOLLOWlNG INFORMATION IS PROVIDED: A h6)1 A: Assault and Maltreatment of a Prisoner 009AB: 0174-04-CID469-60225- 5C1(SA 311/11111111/SA 4111111.11111111111111111110 bb)(c) C: On 21 Oct 03, USACIDC was notified of an alleged assault and maltreatment of Mr • ONIMIEmplum Detainee Number.* was a prisoner of U.S. Armed. Forces who was suspected of being a Fedayeen Financier. Mr 11111111111111Pclaimed after being captured on 7 Sep 03, he was taken to a prison North of Tikrit, Iraq where he was placed. in a cell. Mr41.111111111111 stated he was taken from the cell during the night to another building behind the jail by three,Americans A 1p dressed in civilian clothes, and one interpreter named "1111/011111/111' Mr alliallliclaims that he was beat all over his body by their fists, hit with a stick, had a gun held to his head, and choked -him Du A ko with a rope. Mr 411/1111/Dstated the assaults happened on three separate nights in September 03, \ during his interrogation. CPTION111111111was interviewed and related he was the officer in charge of the S-2 and a counterintelligence tearn. 11/111111/110stated he and his tearn did question Mr 11110111.10but they at no time hit or choked Mr applis. 4////afing further denied of having , any knowledge of anyone hitting or choking Mr 101.1•R and believes he made the story up in an attempt to be released. 4111111111111111.stated that he was unaware that any other teams interrogated Mr iming. but stated there were Special Forces and different Task Forces in the area. 1111.1111111 is susPected of assaulting and choking Mr MM. and/or knowing of others who have assaulted MrilIMMINIOduring his detainment. 11111111111111111has agreed to take a polygraph examination to verify his denials. This is an "Operation Iraqi Freedom" investigation. D: YES E: YES F: YES G: NO H: NO I: YES J: CRC NAME CHECK HAS NOT BEEN CONDUCTED. 3. CID REPORTS ARE EXEMPT FROM AUTOMATIC TERMINATION OF PROTECTIVE MARKINGS UP CHAPTER 4, AR 25-55. 61 DODDOACID 006006 CIRF-CHD (195-2b) SUBJECT: Request for Assistance (0174-03-C1D469-60225) -Category 1 Monitorship (0212 - 04-CID001) V\A7. Request your office to locate, fully identify and interview CPT MINN. Please obtain a sworn statement documenting his knowledge and action during the capture of the aforementioned. 8. Please conduct any other investigative activities deemed appropriate and provide this office with the number of Man-hours, Travel time, and Administrative hours utilized. 9. Point of contact for this request is SA 1111111111111111.1111at DSN: MO COM: or e-mail at: iffillisashoorwr m mil or A CW2 Chie , General Crimes 60 DODDOACID 006005 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FORT HOOD RESIDENT AGENCY (CID) UNITED STATES ARMY CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION COMMAND P. O. BOX V FORT HOOD, TEXAS 76544-0740 fiEPLY TO ATTENTION OF A 15 June 2004 CIRF-CHID (195-2b) • MEMORANDUM FOR Special Agent in Charge, 87 th Military Police Detachment (ABN) (CID)(DSE), 3 rd Military Police Group (CID), USACIDC, Building 8, 1221 Randolph Street, Fort Bragg, NC 28310-5000 SUBJECT: Request for Assistance (0174-03-CID469-60225) -Category I Monitorship (0212-04-CID001) 1. This office is currently investigating an incident involving Aggravated Assault and Maltreatment of a Prisoner. 2. This investigation was initiated upon notification by the Staff Judge Advocate (SJA), 4 th -N le Infantry Division (4ID), that Mr 111111111111111111111.4ID, detainee number/MEM was a possible victim of detainee abuse. Mr11111110was apprehended during a raid on 8 Sep 03, \ Th-A) and alleged he was blindfolded and taken to an unknown location in northern Tikrit, Iraq, where (pl he was confronted by five Americans dressed in civilian clothing (NFI) and an Iraqi interpreter, 411111111,NFI) who beat and choked him. After being transferred to Al-oi a for four days, he was transferred to the Division Collection Center Point (DCCP), Camp Ironehorse, Tikrit, Iraq. Mr as at the DCCP for ten days before being examined by medical personnel, as he was urinating blood. 3. This investigation was closed on 5 Feb 04, Final (C) as determined the complainant/victim's cooperation was necessary for the satisfactory resolution of the investigation, and such cooperation was not forthcoming. Remaining leads include the identification of the persons involved in the interrogation and the canvass of the soldiers involved in the raid. 4. On 28 May 04, a 1 st Supplemental Report was dispatched to re-open the investigation and , complete further investigative leads, which the operational review determined 1 LT MEM minimmusie1 -22nd Infantry Battalion, 4ID, Fort Hood, TX 76544 now promoted to Captain, was identified as the team leader of the unit attached to Task Force 20 during the raid and capture of Mr MEN who was never interviewed concerning the alleged abuse. 5. Coordinations were effected with CPT Aunit which revealed he was on block leave until 15 Jun 04. 6. On 14 Jun 04, coordination's were again made with CPT Aunit which reflected was currently attending a three week Special Forces Assessment Selection at Fort CPTA Bragg. 59 DODDOACID 006004 r FACSIMILE COVER SHEET Fort Hood Resident Agency P.O. BOX V, Building 2200 Fort Hood, Texas 76544 UNITED STATES ARMY CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION COMMAND THIS MESSAGE ORIGINATED FROM: 54- FAX NUMBER: DSN: 737-3307 CIV: (254) 288-3307 PHONE NUMBER : DSN: CIV: DATE: / S Z".:77-10 6y ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS/COMMENTS: NUMBER OF PAGES TRANSMITTED (In.clucliiig Cover Sheet): 3 WARNING DO NOT PROCESS, STORE, OR TRANSMIT CLASSIFIED INFORMATION ON NON-SECURE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS. OFFICIAL DOD TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS, INCLUDING FACSIMILIE MACHINES, ARE SUBJECT TO MONITORING FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SECURITY PURPOSES AT ALL TIMES. USE OF DOD TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO TELECOMMUNICATION SECURITY MONITORING. FOR OFFICIAL. USE ONLY 58 DODDOACID 006003 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET Fort Hood Resident Agency P.O. BOX V, Building 2200 Fort Hood, Texas 76544 ki00`4 UNITED STATES ARMY CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION COMMAND 19L 1 THIS MESSAGE ORIGINATED FROM: FAX NUMBER: DSN: 737-3307 CIV: (254) 288-3307 PHONE NUMBER DSN: CIV: DATE: (=;? c %.1 in IMMEDIATE ni PRIORITY F7ROUTINE ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS / COMMENTS: Q-," C_ PMect) NUMBER. OF PAGES TRANSMITTED (Includigg Cover Sheet): WARNING DO NOT PROCESS, STORE, OR TRANSMIT CLASSIFIED INFORMATION ON NON-SECURE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS. OFFICIAL DOD TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS, INCLUDING FACSIMILE MACHINES, ARE SUBJECT TO MONITORING FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SECURITY PURPOSES AT ALL TIMES. USE OF DOD TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO TELECOMMUNICATION SECURITY MONITORING. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 57 DODDOACID 006002 ... • 'YIN J. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY" Fort Hood Resident Agency (CID) United States Army Criminal Investigation Command P.O. Box V Fort Hood, Texas 76544-0740 14 Jul 04 CIRF-CHDD 75th MEMORANDUM FOR Special Agent in Charge, 75Military Police Detachment(CID)(MINUS), 22nd Military Police Battalion (CID), USACIDC, FOB Danger, Tikrit, IZ 09391 . SUBJECT: Request For Assisance, Category 1 Monitored Investigation(0174-034-CID469-60225) 1. This office is currently investigating an allegation of iaDetainee Abuse and Aggravated Assault. Iftvestigation to date has .VD determined the victim, Mr Civilian, Iraq, reported he was beaten w ile a etainee in Custody . of U.S. Forces'. Mr 411111101was interviewed while in' custody and deblihed tAT-j to provide any information that would identify the subjects of 0Dthis investigation. ,f(j)F 2: Coordination with members of Recon Platoon, 1/22 Infantry, Fort Hood, TX 76544, determined their unit detained Mr D on two separate occasions between Aug and Sep 03, Mr earallwas taken to the Division S-2 temporary detention cell located at grid Coordinates LD 789 294 (FOB Regulars).: Shortly after being (V D released to the Division S-2, on 8 or 9 Sep. 03, five Americans in civilian clothing and an Iraqi translator allegedly beat Mr. OL) 0111111, causing him to experience blood in his urine and stool. 3. Request youroffice determine if Mr iimmis still in U.S. custody and obtain a sworn statement froth him detailing the circumstance of assault upon him. If he is not in U.S. custody, attempt to locate him at his residence located at gaimffara. Mr (Erallwas known to sell ice to U.S. 4111111.1111110,41.0. forces in Tikrrt, Iraq. 4.' Point of Contact for this action is the undersigned, email //s// 19(1)(11/ WO1, MP Special Agent 56 DODDOACID 006001 :5'7'0A•A • DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMVP:.: Prisoner Interview/Interrogation Team (PIT)(CID)(FWD) 10m Military Police Battalion (CID)(ABN)(FWD) 3rd Military Police Group (CID) USACIDC -Abu Ghruyeb Prison Complex (AGPC) Abu Ghruyeb, Iraq APO AE 09335 eed3 „? -6 D CIRFR-AGPC (195-2b) 25 Nov 03 MEMORANDUM FOR Special Agent in Charge, 43rd Military Police Detachment (CID), Tikrit, Iraq. SUBJECT: First Information Report (0036-03-CID149) 1. Reference your request for Assistance (RFA) 0174-03-CID469- 60225, received . on 21 Nov 03. 2. Requested activity has been completed. Manhours expended: Investigative - 3; Travel - 1; Administrative - 1. 4'. There were no privacy act disclosures or .0015 funds expended. . 5. Point of Contact is SADDSN amigragglimp or email 41.111.1111111, 3 Encls 1. AIR of SAlififfile CW2, MP 25 Nov 03. Special Agent in Charge 2. Sworn Statement of M X25 Nov 0 3 . 3. Translation of Mr.Dstatement. 55 DODDOACID 006000 • •.' • .1`. . . DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 87th MILITARY POLICE DETACHMENT (CID)(Airborne) U. S. ARMY CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION COMMAND 8-1221 RANDOLPH STREET FORT BRAGG, NORTH CAROLINA 283105000 ncra TO ATTENTION OF 17 June 2004CIRC-ABBA MEMORANDUM FOR Special Agent in Charge, Fort Hood Resident Agency, 6th Military Police Group (OD), Fort Hood, TX 76544-0740. SUBJECT: Third Information Report (0435-04-CMO23) 1. Reference your Request for Assistance, 0174-03-M469-60225, dated 15 Jun 04, 2. Investigative activity by this office has been completed (See Enclosures). 3. The following administrative data is provided: a. Investigative hours: 5 b. Administrative hours: 1 c. Travel hours: 2 d. No Privacy Act Disclosures or .0015 funds expended. orA 4. POC for this action is SA IIIIMMIMTat DSN:A 61) Encl (3) CW3, MP 1. AIR of SA Special Agent in Charge 2. CID 44 of CPT 3. 2823 of CPT — 54 DODDOACID 005999 ClRF-CHID (195-2b) SUBJECT: 2nd Request for Assistance (Updated) (0174-03-C1D469-60225) -Category I Monitorship (0212-04-CID001), 7. Request your office to re-interview CPT iii.Mas a suspect into the alleged detainee abuse. Please obtain mug photograph and full case prints. Please ask him the identities of other soldiers and personnel involved in the raids. Also request your office offer CPT 11111111111111the opportunity to undergo a polygraph examination if he denies any knowledge or participating in the alleged detainee abuse incident. 8. This office is required to send USACIC an update on the progress of this investigation on a weekly basis. Request your office provide an update to this office every Friday. or SA 5. Point of contact for this request is SA 41111111111.11111.11P at DSN:11111111.10 COM: hood.arm .mil. or e-mail at: 40111/1/1/Mt ho0Wrm .mil or M1 R6) 6 CW2, k (7)(6) Chief, General Crimes 53 . DODDOACID 005998 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FORT HOOD RESIDENT AGENCY (CID) • UNITED STATES ARMY CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION COMMAND -P. O. BOX V FORT HOOD, TEXAS 76544-0740 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF A 6 July 2004CIRF-CHD (195-2b) MEMORANDUM FOR Special Agent in Charge, 87 th Military Police Detachment (ABN) (CID)(DSE), 3 rd Military Police Group (CID), USACIDC, Building 8, 1221 Randolph Street, Fort. Bragg, NC 28310-5000 SUBJECT: 2nt' Request for Assistance (Updated) (0174-03-CID469-60225) -Category I Monitorship (0212-04-CID001) 1. This office is currently investigating an incident involving Aggravated Assault an d. Maltreatment of a Prisoner. 2. This investigation was initiated upon notification by the Staff Judge Advocate (SJA), 4 th 4ID, detainee numberaill.(NFI), was a A Infantry Division (4ID), that Mr possible victim of detainee abuse. Mr was apprehended during a raid on 8 Sep 03, and alleged he was blindfolded and taken to an unknown location in northern Tilcrit, Iraq, where he was confronted by five Americans dressed in civilian clothing (NFI) and an Iraqi interpreter, 11111111111111.NFI) who beat and choked him. After being transferred to Al-Oja for four days, he was transferred to the Division Collection Center Point (DCCP), Camp Ironehorse, Tikrit, Iraq. Mr 411111111111,was at the DCCP for ten days before being examined by medical personnel, as he was urinating blood. 3. This investigation was closed on 5 Feb 04, Final (C) as determined the complainant/victim's cooperation was necessary for the satisfactory resolution of the investigation, and such cooperation was not forthcoming. Remaining leads include the identification of the persons involved in the interrogation and the canvass of the soldiers involved in the raid. 4. On 28 May 04, a 1 St Supplemental Report was dispatched to re-open the investigation and complete further investigative leads, which the operational review determined 1 LT 411/11111. -aiririam11011111,1-22'd Infantry Battalion, 4ID, Fort Hood, TX 76544 now promoted to Captain, was identified as the team leader of the unit attached to Task Force 20 during the raid and capture of Mr Eigaillini, who was never interviewed concerning the alleged abuse. . 5. Coordinations were effected with CPT 411111111111111111.which reflected CPT was currently attending a three week Special Forces Assessment Selection at Fort Bragg. b Co) 1 b(7)o0 6. On 17 Jun 04, SA 1111.111.111111 Fort Bragg Resident Agency, Fort Bragg, GA, interviewed CPT 111111111M who provided a sworn statement detailing his involvement in the raids conducted while he was deployed. 52 DODDOACID 005997 OERF-OP SUBJECT: 5th Update of Category I Monitorship ROI 0174 703-0D46-60225 (0212-04- CID001) his capture, or the circumstances surrounding his capture. CPT .denied seeing any detainee abuse during the raids he was on. . 0 (b) b. This offiCe is preparing a second request to offer CPT Tia polygraph .bl-d611 examination and to obtain the identities of other team members who participated on the raid. (2).b (7)(c) 4. POC for this action is SA 4111•111111111111111111111111.11111ior the undersigned at DSN: oim Com: or 1110011111.011W, . b(6 ) //ori al si ed// ,MP . 19 (7)(0 6 Chief, General Crimes 51 DODDOACID 005996 OF ' ARMY.- , DEPARTMENT ME 4.;RD MILITARY POLICE DETACHMENT (CID ) 11TH MILITARY POLICE BATTALION (CID) P.O. BOX V FORT HOOD, TEXAS 76544-0740 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF 6 July 2004CIRF-CHD MEMORANDUM THRU Commander, 1 l th Military Police Battalion (CID): ATTN: CIRF-ZC-OP, P.O. Box V, Fort Hood, TX 76544-0740 Commander, 6th Military Police Group (CID), ATTN: CIRF-OP, Mail Stop #84, Box 339500, Fort Lewis, WA 98433-9500 Commander, 3 rd Military Police Group (CID), ATTN: CIRC-OP, 4699 N. 1st Street, Forest Park, GA 30297-5119 FOR Commander, USACIDC, ATTN: CIOP-COP-CO, 6010 6 th Street, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5506 SUBJECT: 5th Update of Category I Monitorship ROI 0174-03-CID469-60225 (0212-04- CID001) On 17 May 04, this office received a Request for Investigation (RFI 0212-04-CID001) from 1. Headquarters, USACIDC, via 3 rd Military Police Group (CID), Forest Park, GA to conduct an operation review of all detainee death/abuse investigations to ensure standards of timeliness, thoroughness, and timely reporting were met. x 2. This investigation was initiated upon notification by the Staff Judge Advocate (SJA), 4ID, thatIMr. 411111111111111.111111 was the possible victim of detainee abuse. Mr. amwas apprehended ). during a raid on 8 Sep 03, and alleged he was blindfolded and taken to an unknown location in )\-1. northern Tikrit, Iraq where he was confronted by five Americans dressed in civilian clothing and 1/41).an Iraqi interpreter, and was beaten and choked. After being transferred to Al-Oja Mr. was at the DCCP for ten days before being for four days, then to the DCCP. examined by medical personnel. This investigation was closed 5 Feb 04 as a Final (C) as determined the complainant/victim's cooperation is necessary for the satisfactory resolution of the investigation, and such cooperation is not forthcoming. Remaining leads include the identification of the persons involved in the interrogation and the canvass of the soldiers involved in the raid. The investigation was reopened to complete the aforementioned leads. 3. Since the last update the following investigative actions have been completed: a. On 17 Jun 04, SA 41011111111. Fort Bragg CID, interviewed CPTW igiallaaganiii. BBC, 1/22 InfantriBn, 4ID, Fort Hood, TX, who was the team leader on the raid which detained Mr 1.111111111. He related he had no recollection of Mr4101.11/111, 50 DODDOACID 005995 '•.' -S CIRF-ZC-OP SUBJECT: Operation Review of CID Report of Investigation (0174-03-Cb469-60225) a. The investigation was initiated based on the allegations submitted by the SJA, 4lD, some 40 days after Mr. own capture. There were no medical treatment exhibits or explanation for the lack thereof included, in the ROI. b. 1LT. RECON, 1-22 Inf, 4ID was identified as the platoon leader at the time of the cajtture of Mr..No concerted effort was made to locate, identify and interview 1LT IMIlregarding the capture or identify the personnel involved. c. On 25 Nov 03, Mr.411111111was interviewed while detained at Abu Ghruyeb Prison Complex by SA auliniwith the assistance of Mr. Category II, Civilian I i) 3 Linguist of Titan Industries. Mr. .translated statement states in part," I do not want to 6)6)3 file a complaint against the American Forces so I can get released.... I was not forced or -.threatened by anyone to write this statement." This statement, alone, is alirima facie indication of threats. d. There was no effort to prove or disprove the allegations of Mr. soleas presented by the SJA, 4. This ROI will be reopened to complete the above-identified leads and/or follow other investigative leads that may be developed during the investigation. 5. The point of contact for this action is the undersigned at DsNagrall COMA or (6) W4, MP Assistant Operations Officer b 1-t)() 6 2 49 DODDOACID 005994 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 11TH MILITARY POLICE BATTALION (CID) • 6TH MILITARY POLICE GROUP (CID) P. 0. BOX V FORT HOOD, TEXAS 76544-0740 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF . CIRF-ZC-OP. 19-May-04 MEMORANDUM Commander, 6th Military Police Group. (CID), ATTN: CIRF-OP, Mail Stop #84, P. 0. Box 339500, Fort Lewis, WA 98433-9500 Commander, 3rd Military Police Group (CID), ATTN: CIRC-OP, 4699 N. 1 st Street, Forest Park, GA 30297-5119 FOR Commander, USACIDC, ATTN: CIOP-COP-CO, 6010 6th Street, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060­5506 SUBJECT: Operation Review of CID Report of Investigation (0174-03-CID469-60225) 1. On 17 May 04, this office received a Request for Investigation (RFI 0212-04-CID001) from Headquarters, USACIDC, via 3 rd Military Police Group (CID), Forest Park, GA to conduct an operation review of all detainee death/abuse investigations to ensure standards of timeliness, thoroughness, and timely reporting are met. 2. On 19 May 04, the undersigned conducted an operational review of the above referenced Report of Investigation (ROI) to determine if it was operationally sufficient. This ROI was initiated on 20 Jul 03 by the 43 rd Military Police Detachment (CID) (FWD). When the 43 rd MP Detachment redeployed from Tikrit, Iraq to Fort Hood, TX, this case file was brought back for distribution to the Crime Records Cent6r (CRC), Fort Belvoir, VA. The case file is maintained at the Fort Hood Resident Agency, Fort Hood, TX in accordance with applicable regulations. • 3. This investigation was initiated upon notification by the Staff Judge Advocate (SJA), 4ED, that Mr. gssmaisla was the possible victim of detainee abuse. Mr. .was apprehended during a raid on 8 Sep 03, and alleged he was blindfolded and taken to an unknown location in northern Tikrit, Iraq where he'was confronted by five Americans dressed in civilian clothing and an Iraqi interpreter, and was beaten and choked. After being transferred to Al-Oja for four days, then to the DCCP. Mr. ilmewas at the DCCP for ten days before being examined by medical personnel. This investigation was closed 5 Feb 04 as a Final (C) as determined the complainant/victim' s cooperation is necessary for the satisfactory resolution of the investigation, and such cooperation is not forthcoming. Remaining leads' include the identification of the persons involved in the interrogation and the canvass of the soldiers involved in the raid. However, during the operational review, the following investigative leads were identified: 48 .._ DODDOACID 005993 ;'• CID FORM 66 . 1. DATE 2. TIME RECEIVED 7. CASE NUMBER ,c7/ o'er 03 deed• 0/ 7ii-C3-Ca 46 nOc:7/' 3. OFFENSE 8. ASSIGNED TO PsgSP-1--) -7 4. SUBJECT . 9. OF ACTION b (6) 1 uNtfrth.31--GC.• h17)0ti 5. VICTIM 10. , , REPORTS " . TYPE SUSPENSE I COMP 6. CASE DESCRIPTION • . Mar ckefe),r4,z.k 1,41_, h,e,.. ,,t_ 7 AOC lo s ei9 614 /6-b9d. 'Mf- U 2. S U.S. ' (,_ L..12S.t''.ritc5.-k.c, , (R io •.d y • rarce-'5 11. OTHER ACTION 12. CID FUNDS - re. 8 d Li ACTION RQRD COMPL DATE AMOUNT i J. r /11•1/--;) 9 A;'c 0 I r 1C a3 oy ;A . ; ; . i i , . a Pi" 71 ---4 S6,//Y,170i? i , ' ifil 4 ier' , -A-cif.; ei7 47 DODDOACID 005992 ;Mr 60 s. (4-03-croikoq- bit b(6) !I' io cD I _f_k_aiA,J,QcoLtion, nun 0 44eailiapcibai C103 .M,41--,--1 LAD e_.tavt.,QA L612.1 ttioai (Oame-s) TwaGrzatt. b (7)()4- mtUAck4sAirttutilitri (10 rneXuni-m • TF 20?) q‘layniictiAL OLLAja” -dglzLw_dhiAAxrLl bad . 1364_ DicLipt __IpiE,AaticEEL 4////11 6)4 cut vluA_ (7) 66) 7 SF waA, rernopv_. Ltui iteux_ ylculiokcaiL? bn cdimui..129 4fiLorionQA weak_010_! eicitha ao alttillfaCCVW.0 Wank 6,0_eicd-k2,6 7 DCOL_ haLQ_._ JADar1,0 taiLid 4, ei2,u,6 u_13)2/it_p_fLsnLts,&.3 ri ?, b66) V - i u3 01,06 bt 1Wcut_41.3oLink 13-673( 7 oia A.,641.kx lai odru&r_uz isau„. ‘wal -_nask? _ ti Cd___ci- eaL --1. a uLeJt cufaalitia_atot, • • , A " t.Ikk-A. uvakerks_p_ax.T._ ._L-P.L_ ­ ' diuY_L.L1___lw-L_k)„L'UJ/A-4TJ-LU.t./t_LetXtzm. pr__11131-kte„., L b-66--)- iiko -_.-(F-lau.cv___40 vz mit- 01 : , . . , A _ A.¦ _...,"". .4• , wort. .a..1011M.impti;.W1._.R., guitar or+.. ----r.,--. 19-l c6 46 DODDOACID 005991 Pe61(78 4 1,0acittLka ePf mar sta &3 t;i__ADAiii-9- 45 DODDOACID 005990 s: • . 1 • 44 DODDOACID 005989 t2,lIVOn IMO ok sa s&T 011111111-ap D5 to5sig Aum 64 fry. ._ .(IJO . 100ri kr 1c.c;os) srctlxstyk Ksco.a • 43 DODDOACID 005988 kit-kc Y,),L,, q,0 A032(i OWN (s:-.)%iuccc dqc,c, ..--:bC wi-tre. aumrwas.\'c- b(6) ) LI .,., ¦00) coals.3ep 23 )A fe..-i ct\c-c V k),16 MOW \4es . 6 1 5 /0 -pg •-- c 1 (4(09 ok_tecA.ato pb1,cc,Q cylis2,b AI) iNarote0 • 1, (is) ., il •v . , )1 0-1Alk DTI cesp30., , . 1,0) 0¦01 1 .. ba)/ -b(7)6.))• -._. paimir: LOric .,i1-, l),-;a3. ,,qm:k---• :•;g*.-- '(tki.Clic'ck \1".'1 -1' (0 ti b (7) (;) q .. '‘. . NC 1 r‘iexv\40. CPT --5F 60N • ( w yko r cuu 0\,,e,q)c2/11;),10/ alaiclfre— / olo 4hey. OW 0\1 01.0#)-e,S -..-. • POSSOcki T *o \--2,--z, ior -to ci, toa.a.A4.e iv pir.-rh;;;;-,v •Lnliertiiuu ,. cmne_i vel IllaWr.6(6) V 6 (7)(6) 2/ -calk tH,0 cs3ri. 3r0 ,_ye____ ubc vvy .74 1 —10(.6-V 11 _• ii \ CbTA \ACA-C ' 1(6(v r OM. 9 (1919(i/j0 il I \-.,kil,. `Ntk-• \(--(2._nv ` .0•4--e .,-, . /04 4.e'er 0.1 -44 - 7-4-6-41/ ,,, rtrie I,/ its. /fp ars - 41 1,) s'70-f-//v 52N --t.c. at „.1J-1•4. 42 DODDOACID 005987 frierle.4440 a ta-e/rte . ndq-role4 f I okort dt/i) fr% t• b 0)66) 3 dew$ /- /42r- AM Yr itt. eAp(i 1/1 of d m( /441 poi ,i0/ (41/46#01/- „zip oc.frd 04‘a ireit„,„ r-e,careir.chi 11 ° 1 r -red-A OA/ rece4 irci,J l;.);r1Le.,t -- Jed di( ,,,6,04ed?”.iv) ,isvible /w . 1/1.“,deir ttrpU &'11. 1 (144-44 • I' 014 -04°41 of/i A 9 cat: t144- Wed 41 DODDOACID 005986 .• " ........ • 40 DODDOACID 005985 • Y. 39 DODDOACID 005984 Page(s) 3q Referred to: U.S. ARMY HUMAN RESOURCES COMMAND ATTENTION: AHRC-FOI, RM 7S65 200 STOVALL STREET ALEXANDRIAVIRGINIA 22332-0404 , MR. THOM JONES (703) 325-4053 DATA REQUIRED BY PRIVACY ACT AUTHORITY: Title 10, United States Code Section 3012 (g) ROUTINE USES: Youi social security number and Other personal inforinarion Are used as an additionaUaltemate means of identi • • • to facilitate and retrieval. • PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of your social security N is voluntarymeans by which information may be accurately identified. I. Rec Code: 2. Action Code: 3. Date: 4. Rel to Case: 5. Control: 6. Sequence II 7. Year 8. Offide 9. ROI II Offense: 12. Mi 13. Grade/Rank: • 1 ----' - TrSocial Security Number: 1 S a ID Num01.1111.11.11/911.95 17. 18. POB St: 19. P013 Zip .. . 20. Sex: 21. Race: 22. Eth . Weight . . 24, f ye C9lor: . t.2a..7: 28. Educ: 29. Prior Record; 3 0 !.. Inr'i, . n o Dr-d. 31. MOS: 32. Job Description/Location: 33. MC 34. Security` Ir: 35. Physical Marks/ Tattoos: 36. Spouse Military: Branch. -' lifet%A,:.c,,, . •Yes: ¦ No: ¦ 37. Al ias/Nicicnames: 38. Alias/Nicknames:, 39. Alias/Niel:names: 40. Unit/ Organization: 41. Unit Phone Number:. Home: Cell/Pager. 42. Military Service: 43. Sub Unit: 44, Fort/City. 45. State: 46. Country: 47 Zip Code/APO' 49. C' - 48. 50. State: -51. Country: ' 52. Zip Code/APO: 53. JUV: 54. Funny Rel: 55. Last Name: 56. First Name: 57. Middle Name: . 58. Social Security: 59. Grade/Rank: . 60. MC: 61. Unit: 62. City: 63. State: 64, ZIP/APO: 65. Phone: Wk: • Hm: . , :.`. -.:1,.. - • :'..., 1,.,.. ', ; ,,-.;:!.;.0 SitS. 66. Offense Code.: 67. UFC 68. Offense Code: 69. UFC: , 70. Offense Code: 71. UFC: 72. Offense Code: 73. 1.1-ir ' pt,.a: -..e -'.., • '.-•,:.....„-'. -,* : ' ---,,, -1-,-„.' . Telephone: ETS: PCS/DEROS:' , Date / Time Interview START: Date: Time:Place of Interview: Da r, / Time Interview END: Date: Time: Disposition: :''.' ...:,,-; 74. Category: 75. Type: 76. Recovered: 77. Value: 78. Insurer: 4 Policy: YcariDate h ‘;• Ycs: ¦ No: ¦ / 81. Model: 82. Vehicle Style: 83. N of Doors: 84. Color: 85. Size: SUV 2 Blue Mid size 86. •I.N: 87. License Plate: 88. State: 89. DOD Decal Number: NOTES: I . . . LAST HIV TEST: CID FORM 44-R...Online version FHTX, 1999 33 DODDOACID 005982 0 435=O 42.-4412-1 • • DATA REQUIRED BY PRIVACY ACT AUTHORITY: Title 10, United States Code Section 3012 (g) ROUTINE USES: Your social security number and other personal information Are used as an additional/alternate means of identification to facilitate and retrieval. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of your social security # is voluntary means by which information may be accurately identified. 1. Rec Code: 2. Action Code: 3. Date: 4. Rel to Case: 5. Control: 6. Sequence # 7. Year: 8. Office 9. ROI # Offense: d.a., 6 60Aps- 017 - 0,:00,1,)liwil,,, _ 11. First Name: 12. Midd e Name: 13. Grade/Rank:10. Last Name: . 03/CPT SOB 411111111111110 14. Social Securi Number: 1 15. Other ID Number: 16. Date of Birth: 17. POB Ci : I 18. POB St: 19. POB Zip: 140 26. Eye Color: 27. Citizen: 28. Educ: 29. Prior Record: 30. Marital:20. Sex: 21. Race: 22. Ethnic: 23. Height: 24. Weight: 25. Hair: 5,8" Single I I IMale 1 White 170 brown blue US 16 NO 31. MOS:1 32. Job Description/Location: 33. MC: 1 34. Security Clr: 1 35. Physical Marks/ Tattoos: I 36. Spouse Military: Branch: Yes:• No: ¦ 11A INFANTRY SE 38. Alias/Nicknames: 39. Alias/Nicicnarnes: 37. Alias/Nicknames: • 41. Unit Phone Number: Home: Cell/Pager: 40. Unit/ Organization: 1122N INFANTRY BATTALION, 4 INF DIV 45. State: 46. Country: 47. Zip Code/APO: 42. Military Service: 43. Sub Unit: 44. Fort/City FORT HOOD TX US 76544 50. State: 51. Country: 52. Zip Code/APO:48. Home Address: 49. City: US al. q, 11,tion 1, 53. JUV: 54. Family Rel: 55. Last Name: 56. First Name: 57. Middle Name: 160. MC: 161. Unit: 58. Social Security: 159. Grade/Rank: 62. City: 63. State: 64. ZIP/APO: 65. Phone: Wk: Hm: i )11 'Vt. II 73. UFC:66. Offense Code: 67. UFC: 68. Offense Code: 69. UFC: 70. Offense Code: 71. UFC: 72. Offense Code: ETS: PCS/DEROS: Date / Time Interview START: Telephone: INDEF Date: 17 JUNE 04 Time: 1220 Date / Time Interview END:Place of Interview: Date: 17 JUNE 04 Time: 1302 G COMPANY, SF SELECTION, BLDG T2746, CAMP MCKALL Disposition: ,-, , !,\1 1061,A LE 1 i4',/ _ . : :16 JOi,i 74. Category: 75. Type: 76. Recovered: 77. Value: 78. Insurer: Policy: Year/Date Exp: Yes:Q No: • / 81. Model: 82. Vehicle Style: 83. # of Doors: 84. Color: 85. Size: 89. DOD Decal Number:87. License Plate: 88. State:86. V.I.N• NOTES: HOME OF RECORD STREET ADDRESS: LAST 111V TEST: 32 DODDOACID 005981 DATA REQUIRED BY PRIVACY ACT , AUTHORITY: Title 10, United States, Code Section 3012 (g) ROUTINE USES: Your social security number and other personal information Are used as'an additional/altemate means of identificatiori to facilitate and retrieval. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of your social security # is voluntary means by which information may be accurately identified. 1. Rec Code: 2. Action Code: 3. Date: 4. Rel to Case: 5. Control: 4. Sequence # .7. Year: 8. Office 9. ROI # Offense: -CID 13. Grade/Rank: 14. Socia ecuri 15. Other ID Number: 19. POB Zip: 30. Marital: . 33. MC: 34. Security Or: 36. Spouse Milityy: Branch: Yes: . •No:L IIIK_ 39. Alias/Nicknames: 37. Alias/Nicknames: 38. Alias/Nicknames: 41. Unit Phone Number: Home:40. Unit/Or anizati on: 42. Military Service: 44. Fort/City: 51. Country: 48. Home Addr : 56. First Name: 57. Middle Name:53. JUV: 54. Family Rel: 55. Last Name: 60.:4C: 61. Unit 58. ocial Security: 59. Grade/RanIc 62. City: 63. State: 64. ZIP/APO: 65. Phone: Hm: Tqrm ))1 70. Offense Code: 71. UFC: 72. Offense Code: 73. UFC:66. Offense Code: 67. UFC: 68. Offense Code: 69. UFC: (.` PCS/DEROS: Bate,V Time Interview START: Telephone: ETS: Date: Time: Date / Time Interview END: Place of Interview : Date: Time: Disposition: 74. Category: 75. Type: 76. Recovered: 77. Value: 78. Insurer: Policy: Year/Date Exp: Yes: . No:. 81. Model: 82. Vehicle Style: 83. # of Doors: 84. Color: 85. Size:79. Year: 80. Make: 87. License Plate: 88. State: • 89. DOD Decal Number: 86. V.LN: CID FORM 44-R...Online version FHTX, 1,999 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 31 DODDOACID 005980 ot1g-To3- etoqvi - td:\,na5. I.I.I - -. DATA REQUIRED BY PRIVACY ACT -- ROUTINE USES: Your social security number and other personal information'Iltle 10; United States Code Section 3012 (g)AUTHORITY: • Are used as an additicmaValtemate means of identification -,-to facilitate and retrieval . . DISCLOSURE:• Disclosure of your social security # is voluntary To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which information may be accurately identified. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: 31. MOS:I 32. Job,Description/Location: 34. Security C1r 1. Rec Code: 2. Action Code: 3. Date: 4. Rel to Case: 5. Control: 6. Sequence # 7. Year -. 8. Office - CID 9. ROI # -, Offense: - I C'"1 11 ll .`:,, Iiii ¦ t, \I , ri, ,, 1 1 10. Last Name: 11. F • 12. Middle Name: 13. Grade/Rank: 14. •.F.1 IT -' _11 1.0 15. Other ID Number: . ate of Birth: 17. PO 19. POB Zip: . . s. . Ethnic: 23. Height: 24. Wei ht: ye Color: uc: or ecord: 30. Marital: 33. MC: 35. Phy sical Marks/ Tattoo s: 1 36. Spouse Military: Branch: Yes: ¦ No: ¦ Olt) I en,11 tr,tx Poi c.2. I Sp oiliz,-1-I 39. Alias/Nicknames:38. Alias/Nicknames: 37. Alias/Nielmames: . Ce1VPager: 41. Unit Phone Number: Home: 40. Unit/ Organization: 14 1 1 m.P CD Code/APO: 43. Sub Unit: 44. Fort/City:42. Military Service: 50. State: 51. Country: 52. Zip Code/APO:49. City: 48. Hom ess: Middle Name: 53. JUV: 54. Family Rel: 55. Sponsor Last Name: . 56. Sponsor First Name: 57. Sponsor 160. Sponsor MC: 61. Sponsor Unit:59. Sponsor Grade/Rank:58. Sponsor Social Security: 63. Sponsor State: 64. Sponsor ZIP/APO: 65. Sponsor Phone: • Hrn:62. Sponsor City: ,-111 .. _, - 71. UFC: 72. Offense Code: 73. UFC: 66. Offense Code: 67. UFC: 68. Offense Code: 69. UFC: 70. Offense Code: -, `I HA l'Ilkikt,:ril , A r• ll , ..... Date / Time Interview START:PCS/DEROS: Telephone: Di • Date: Time: Date / Time Interview END:Place of Interview: Time:Date: Disposition: - I , . r)Vr.P.IY7';nr37. 1''T ,1 ,11'),/... Year/Date Exp: 74. Category: 75. Type: 76. Recovered: 77. Value: 78. Insurer: Policy: Yes: ¦ No: ¦ 80. Make: 81. Model: 82. Vehic e Style: 83. # of Doors: 84. Color. 85. Size: 79. Year: 89. DOD Decal Number. 87. License Plate: 88. State:86. V.I.N: NOTES: LAST HIV TEST: CID FORM 44-R...Online version • FOWFFIcIAL USE ONLY LAW EinrORCEMENT SENSITIVE DODDOACID 005979 0114-05 -c toolkci _ ,, -- • DATA REQUIRED BY PRIVACY ACP ROUTINE USES: Your social security number and other personal informationAUTHORITY: Title 10, United States Code Section 3012 (g) Are used as an additional/alternate means of identification to facilitate and retrieval. . To provide commanders and lain, enforcement officials with DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of your social security # is voluntaryPRINCIPAL PURPOSE: means by which information may be accurately identified. 7. Year 8. Office 9. ROI # • Offense:1. Rec Code: 2. Action Code: 3. Date: 4. Rel to Case: 5. Control: 6. Sequence # -• -CID - r 1110 ,, i ¦ ii, 1 ,i1 it I, 12. Middle Name: 13. Grade/Rank:11. Name:10. Last Name: I to : 19. POB Zip: . FSIMMtvoiriwioirrntil 15. Other ID Number: Dr or Record: 30. Marital: hand . Ethnic: 23. Height: 24. Weight: " . . ye Colo . . it n. :. Educ: . 1 ..) L. 11 I" tie) Brarich: 31. MOS: 32. Job Description/Location: 33. MC: 35. Physical Marks/ Tattoos: 36. Spouse Military: Yes: ¦ No: ¦ k i 3, lin 39. Alias/Nicknames:37. Alias/Nicknames: 38. Alias/Nicknames: 41. Unit Phone Numb r. Home: Cell/Pager:40. Unit/ Organization: 46. Country: 47. Zip Code/APO:42. Military Service: 43. Sub Unit: 44. Fort/City: 50. State: 51. Country: 52. Zip Code/APO:48. Home Address: 49. Ci : )5 a ll 1 1. m‘ti . , 1 54. Family Rel: 55. Sponsor Last Name: . 56. Sponsor First Name: 57. Sponsor Middle Name: 53. JUV: 58. Sponsor Social Security: 59. Sponsor Grade/Rank: 60. Sponsor MC: 61. Sponsor Unit: 62. Sponsor City: 63. Sponsor State: 64. Sponsor ZIP/APO: 65. Sponsor Phone: Wk: Hm: , ( ,.. 72. Offense Code: 73. UFC: 66. Offense Code: 67. UFC: 68. Offense Code: 69. UFC: 70. Offense Code: 71. UFC: 1, ¦ ;,,i111 , 'U I lf I .I :Iri 1 I _ . PCS/DEROS: Date / Time Interview START:Telephone: Date: Time: • Date / Time Interview END:Place of Interview: Date: Time: Disposition: ...... I 1 :0i)gt 1i ¦ ,7101710 L ), .. Policy: Year/Date Exp:74. Category: 75. Type: 76. Recovered: 77. Value: 78. Insurer /Yes: ¦ No: ¦ 81. Model: 82. Vehicle Style: 83. # of Doors: 84. Color: 85. Size:79. Year: 80. Make: 87. License Plate: 88. State: 89. DOD Decal Number: 86. V.I.N: NOTES: . LAST HIV TEST: . CID FORM 44-R-Online version FHTX, 1999 FOR OFFInhAL USE ONLY LAW ENFOR6FAENT SENSITIVE DODDOACID 005978 ..• ,:... :-. INVESTIGATIV' WORKS= - • DATA REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACI ROUTINE USES: Your social security number and other penaaaa — I Tide 10. Urdted Siaddinianalfahatiase means of t= Code. Section 301.2(0. .Atrii-ioRirr: . ink mason are used as an identification to laclitate Ming sod retrieyal. sod ix?, enforcement cifidaIs p-oside ccommundeol To . . Disdosuse d your nodal asurity number kwhmury. PRIM T° with means by whidi informance may be accuramly Identified. DISCLOSURE I 5 YEAR 16 UNIT 17 ROI NUMBER 8 REL TO CASE 9 CONTROLS -4 5E0 NUMBER2 ACTION CODE 3 DATE SUBMITTED 1 REC CODE 4 1 2 -5 1 A 4'.2 1 INDIVIDUAL DATA 13 GRACE . 12 MIDDLE NAME 11 F10 LAST NAME 15 a...3 15 m 19 FVB-CTY 18 NUMBER 1 15 OTHER ID NUMBER 14 B 13 2 2 15 29 PRIOR RECORD 30 MARITAL25 HAIR23 HEIGHT 24 WEIGHT P 9 s' C . _— 1 1533 PCSMON 34 INDUSTRY I 35 SECURITY 132 MCAC 31 MiCIE 2./4t Tr 2. -,, / Iry.2. 5 /170 38 ALIAS-NICKNAME37 ALLIS-NICKNAME(S) 41 IF CONTRACTOR. CONTRA-CT 1 40 ORDANIZA11ON 4. Pigs ----28,9z 13 25 47 ZIP COCE/APO //2172 //II i. 4 • 43 SUBUNIT 44 FORT/CITY • 42 MILITARY SVC 4 18 2 . I. 2 51 COUNTRY DP CODE/APO49 C 48 ADDRESS 2. 18, MILY MEMBER DATA 57 SPONSOFI MIDDLE NAME I 55 SFONSOR FIRST NAME , 55 SPONSOR LAST NAME54 FAMILY REL53 JUV 151520 12 1 - . B1 SPONSOR UNIT ADDRESS I 59 SPON GRADE 2 60 SFON MCHC58 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 64 SPON CTY IP 65 S ON ZIP CODE/APO 63 SPON ST • 62 SPON CITY 2 2-18 OFFENSE 73 UFC71 UFQ .72 OFFENSE CODE 69 UFC . I 7D OFFENSE CODE 67 UFC 69 OFFENSE CODE65 OFFENSE CODE I 1 b 1 1 • ADMINISTRATIVE DATA DATE INTERV TIME INTERNFOS/DEROSETS TELEPHONE if I START START PH OTO FINGERPRINT PLACE OF INTERVIEW TIME INTERVDATE INTERN PLACE OF INTERVIEW END END END 'START IX5FOSMON VEHICLE DATA CORPORATION DATA 75 FED SERV/MOO 1 76 CORPORATION NAME 74 CONTRACTOR NUMBER 25 4 12 81 CORP ZIP CODE 79 COftP ST 133 CORP CT(• 78 CORP CITY • 77 CORP ADDRESS 111 ' 2 2 82 CONTRACT NUMBER . • 15 e s _ . . . EDITION OF 1 AUG 87 WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED CID FORM 44-R 1 DEC 87 28 DODDOACID 005977 0114 -05-C is t - teogR - :•• INVESTIGATIVE WORKSHEET . DATA REQUIRED 13Y 1HE PRIVACY AC i ROUTINE USES: Your social security number and other personalTitle 10, United States Code Section 3012 (g). AUTHORITY: info are used as an additional/alternate means of . To provide commanders and law enforcement officials identification to facilitate and retrieval with meaiis by which information may be accurately DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of your SSN# is voluntary. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: identified. 6. Sequence # I. Year: 8. Office: ROI #. Offense: 1. Rec Code: 1. Action Code: 3. Date: 4. Rel to Case: 5. Control #: _ - 03 - CID 034 - INDIVIDIRT , DATA 12. Middle Name: 3. Grade:11. Pint Name: 10. Las Name: . • . IN : I.o :1 i : . ' • : riliniii:i4 • ' I :.Al' . I i er 1111 • ' . ocia c " r-' • ( o o. . • o or; . wine: • • or ' con I • . '4.: -i eig . ,`erg . " • it . 6-6 laci 61X 8PO OS S. . I. MOS: 32. o6 Descnp on/ location:33. MCAC: 34. Security CIr: .35. Physical Iv arks/or 1 attoos: 36. Spouse Military Y/N Service # none. 1 ip niorik. I .39. Alias/Nicknames: 38, Alfas/Nicknames:3 /. .lias/Nickames: 41. Unit Phone Number: Home /Cell Phone Number. 40. Unit/Organization: f vyl e . 4Military SVC:: 43. Sub Unit: 44. Port/City: . e: . Country: . i FORT HOOD TX U.S. 76544 I ARMY 49, City: 50. State: 31. Country: 52. Lip Code/Apo:48. Home Address: U.S. I FAN' . ME VI TA .Sponsor as ame: 57. Sponsor Middle Name:53. JUV:.54. Pamily Re( S. Sponsor Last Name: . Social Security: 59. Sponsor tirade: 50. Spun CAC 61. Sponsor Unit: 58. Sponsor 'rity: 63. Sponsor St: 64. Sponsor City: 6 . Sponsor Lip/ APO :62. Sponsor City: FFE S , /2. Uttense Code: /3. UPC,66. Offense Code: 6 /. UPC-68. Offense Code: 69. UPC /U. Offenseoe: /1. UPC, pus/DEAR:MINIS ATIVF, DATA, Date lritery Start: rime 'Mery Start: 1 elephone: b 1 S' 1 ime lntery End: Place of Interview End: Place of interview Start: ate tery End; Disposition: . vEHic;.,E DATA Year/date Exp: /6. Recovered: / /. value: Iti. Insurer: Policy #4, Category(lost,stolen,Damaged, Into) /5. 1 ype(Uov,Pov,Unk) POV 81. Model: 82. Vehicle Style: 83. # of Doors: 84. Color: 85. Vehicle Size: /9. Year: 8U. Make: 8 /. License Plate: 88. State: 89. DUD Decal Number:86. V,I.N: . NOTES: • Last Iry Test EDITION OF 1 AUG 87 WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED ' CID FORM 44-R 1 Dec 87 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY LAW. ENFOReVIENT SENSITPA DODDOACID 005976 7 INVESTIGATIVE WORKSHEET . DATA REQUIRED BY 1HE PRIVACY AL 1 AUTHORITY: Title 10, United States Code Section 3012 (g) ROUTINE USES: Your social security number and other personal info are used as an additional/alternate means of To provide-commanders and law enforcement officials ' identification to facilitate and retrieval PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: with means by which information may be accurately DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of your SSN# is voluntary. identified. 1. Kec Code: 2. Action Lode: 3. Date: 4. Rel to Lase. 5. Control #: ' 6. Sequence # 7. Year: 8. Office: 9. KCJ1 #: Utfense: CA 14 - 03 -TIDO -(0ar- INDIVIDITAI DATA 10. Las Name: 11. Name: 12. Middle Name: . 13. tirade: W MO E.-) P.Ei etk cia e • • • m•er • i It • miaTirwmirini .1111:1aXitsib : ' • : • • iii : l' . iml . eig : . air o •. fit. ye o r: :r . . or.: ',' • 40 1 0 ill •I . o escnp o oca ion: A ysica • ar or a o .: 01 pouse ervice ' ORA) ()rico ott SCI,I A..: Z: cLiun J lias • c .mes: (Abirtp,A • ". 1 c . aures:-. • • ias lic . ames: 40. Unit/Organization: 41. Unit Phone Number:, Home /Cell Phone Number. -. .•.., ... 42. Military SVL. 43. Sub Unit: 44. Port/City: 45. State: 46. L I $ •• 9414/44-311-FOR-T-Hltrefr• .4;;X .4375. iasia . 48. Home Address: 49. City: 50. State: 51. Country: 52. Lip Code/A o: U.S. 54. Family Rel 5. Sponsor Last Name: PAI‘41VgN,BNI/liTii 57. Sponsor Middle Name: ' 5.3. JUV. 1 58. Sponsor Social Security: 59. Sponsor tirade: 50. Spon Iv LAC 61. Sponsor Unit: 62. Sponsor City: 6 . Sponsor St: 64. Sponsor City: 6 . Sponsor Lip/ AP() : /0. OtgILEVe: 66. Offense Code: 67. UPC 68, Offense Code: 69. UPC 71. UPC /2. Offense Code: /3. UPC telephone: EIS: PC.S/DEROP:MINIS NinFig/talkft: lime Intery Start Place ot Interview Start: Date lntery End: lime lntery End: Place of Interview End: I Disposition. VEHI . . . 4. Lategory(lost,stolen,Damaged, into) /5. I ype(Uov,Pov,Unk) /6. RecoveredC T) Dijue‘. /8. Insurer.. Policy # Year/date Exp: POV /9. Year: 80. Ma e. 81. Model: 82. Vehicle Style: 53. # ot Doors: 84. Color: 85. Vehicle Size: 1111 ( a,te ecal NuMbq. : km& NOTES: Last HIV Test: . CID FORM 44-R EDITION OF 1 AUG 87 WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED • 1 Dec 87 -26 DODDOACID 005975 • Control Number AGENTS. ACTIVITY SUMMARY 0174-03-CID469-60225 (CID RegUlation 195-1) SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACITIVITY TIME, DATE, AND AGENT Tc .1' .le&, 4-1 D/c. -ree - Co re e ...troe,,J. 4., i -; . (61j • d fill, /‘ c153/ dYi rot. 41 6(1) tiff , c..fh-r.t. --7-pi d,," pio5 ... b ( 6) I I) (I) Lc) I . • p/co if 6 SLA - f-ri r.te/iv(.. rs , ffetiv-4- A n( e-e, J e. ct-et ... , 4, A,0 ... . , PREVIOUS EDITIONE4OF THIS FORM WILL HE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED CID FORM 28 -1 Oct 80 DODDOACID 005974 • AGENTS ACTIVITY iUMMARY Control Number (CID Regulation 195-1) 0174-03-C1D469-60225 TIME, DATE, AND AGENT SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACITIVITY cre 4.17,7 4 to. 41/k,14-A-12. ct. e evty'h-d r • „/ sot "-71 iSk 1.-1 LA / 54° • •415:41-e-An (65 q gaff c):: b e*L rj 61./ etorr Li:AD ddadi itLei2.itiof (g"ict Attotifea a( da a edo."4" d.4-44, "IA Pzi ILA/As A.,„4 laisi no 6,-fa----4./Rieei trA444a devi.ote, itiva 0140.vvez Jiff I. fr- thouldio ugwythict Tô TC QA LAzuCeLt.) Gkatt- t3,6104 pegzi -b ftQ -RA (01'" CID FORM 28 PREVIOUS EDITIONS Og THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED 1 Oct 80 DODDOACID 005973 • Control Number AGENTS' ACTIVITY SUMMARY 0174 03 C1D469 -60225 '(CID Regulation 195-1) SUMMARY 07 INVESTIGATIVE ACITIVITY ' TIME, DATE, AND AGENT About 0905, 10 Sep. 04, SA ORM this office, advised CPT.of his 0905/ 10 Sep 04 legal rights which he waived and denied striking, choking, or placing a weapon in MR. MM.mouth. CPT alailestated the ODA were co-located with his detention facility and also held prisoners there. CPT stated the ODA wore BDU's most of the time but also wore civilian clothes. Stated he is not aware of anyone, other than himself, conducting an interrogation on MR. aMeibut if ODA interrogated someone who provided further Intel on someone else, the ODA would pull those people and interrogate them also. CPT did not remember the names of personnel in the ODA. CPT ‘0 td").- stated he was the main person Who conducted interrogations and he had a female interpreter named 11111 MR. did not mention any v) 11 female personnel in his statement. A review of secret documents provided by CPT410.10 indicated that MR. 1230/ 10 Sep 04 41/11111111111was identified as a Fedayeen member by several sources and paid money to individuals to conduct attacks on coalition forces. Documents indicate MR. 411/////liwas captured on 8 Sep 03 and had several weapons, Fedayeen paraphernalia, and anti -American propaganda in his possession. Information \o C LP) gathered on other detainees state that MR..shared a cell with another )U\ Lc/ Fedayeen member and both detainees would bully other prisoners and brag about anti-Amerioan acts they had carried out. On 15 Sep 03, MR../111110 was b • interrogated by 1/22 TF in which he denied being a Fedayeen member. MR. ANIMprOvided names of people who were Fedayeen members. Those same people providea-MRAIMIla name as being a Fedayeen member. Agent's Comment: MR. allallascreening report, 2 Oct 03, states that MR.4111111111111was deceptive and evasive throughout his screening. MR. initialallegations of abuse do not match his second statement. MR second statement seems exaggerated and other injuries are added. At this time I have no further inforniation on ODA personnel who could have posibly interrogated MR. — ,51) eft,x6- ricdsia 031 CPT 1111.111111111110110 6.)4 1 410 Fwm who oei ()ea -P11-€,C2 U. 'O su. sci F.,:u ;ounce FA0A_ 0,A OU,SAZ\A2. ($) c -i 111-40L-LL-Qi" ara }--taitreoth-Apali netuaDJM-d QAL.&sr-QA iu,,utiukco( ct.0 GU, RA-(24-1 To Tc (-cu( c.LL) PREVIOUS EDITIONE6OF THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED . CID FORM 28 • .9C) 1 Oct 80 DODDOACID 005972 •,. .; • • Control Number AGENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY 1) .r0174-03.-CID469-60225 (CID Regulation 195 - SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACITIVITY TIME, DATE, AND AGENT, To TC for weekly update. Also due to SAC for review.- . q . 4elp .olLp ell, ew 4,0 ietvrt I ¦Chil. r ee. i.i. , .SU.-ocdot ,..4,., itc... 1 1) alhi-011-1/.1 7.11,; 1* 111111 ha I t Co VilVee' 0 A e. _N-1/44. •ern-ai-4--fe-ok.L .. Ir v. cl,-1.-il--. 1'IA ?-) A h LA- is• 64- er. dircg4+•-)J, 17 v'trrt.,14a—`41 it ‘, 47 -) ) Pl. G. r i f ),2 * \ 0 l.'9 . IA "VI tx.1 e c oal kit,' z CO .1.,V Al po el ' / \9 (5 ) 6 i' IL,- 1- etie oh,' 71 4...c- 1 14 s m os. ve y) e'r all Ls-Z) it r•/,,....4.t 1. Mir /CrIrc Oq - ' /). )3(fc-C4' Ifh..2-. 0 h •rNr 62,--r`'4 '4.'tr'rii IA' 6rI"r6€1".e'''•' 0r if ISHC t a 4 ) • • i,(1--) • //, . - 6&,, ___. 1.15 it)bg4 eee..4-1(4-‘ aavt;g1' ce4A. 44 e s it-4 ;',./- ,,,le . 1 eiv stmo, . di ' Atcti ed=e, .. . CID . FORM 2B. PREVIOUS EDITION57OF THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED 7 not RA DODDOACID 005971 + - • 1,, • • • • •r • " AGENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY (CID Regulation 195-1) • Control Number 0174.03-C1D469-60225 TIME, DATE, AND AGENT B 3L1) G4/O0 SUMMARY 08 INVESTIGATIVE ACITIVITY rt-51A trtO inoQ,oillettiorz acilo -1-(t bALyn 3-6sp:p 64, alto 11) Treyirkit find Latat aitt Aseidad, 9V 1111111Ta _j_ZIA 111111 aX16abt50 Va)D) (I Sep Dt_k oiact skttaek CO: Izz u61 CST 6A1111110,. beArIkvock ta,LA usillitv wo-aa P-415thak „1.-Lf uiTh CAD ,,c4ettiza 01* -K. AA. \Rad-6r me..ofiri feLp24,1,00A W -Occ343. 0.-1 i\XISRAriGn . Pro awuvrtEuti (A.141.0 4-4 ocu_fzo. noam uo31111111.1/(00) " oto fo& Luca u) v.1;1/3 imr0 4-w AA-art.A-0-QJ41)510h naLQ aoctut0-0 ota-mho • b450,01'64 D 0 tp, At-t) iatew;42-uo , Coxa www_galltviti o4@ea) , Ur gait 6Q.maikki2c)-. `ut4e)Luitz.L6 tb WD-Phorveaill,d_ I 6Pt Odabed aiql tAt Inlacdad. QS 6w9)2A-'d niunz-Q , OAcH , udd biz who zkdad btocaw ukAIA-2,& 41A9 lactrad duck eiculdUck ‘akt boinci ik Ln --tvad) Maud_ bkd uavftmt U Jo±Q.,6 Vu2_ tYIR .11111111111 1/4AMIctiad oaaVOL6, Vkiz ,k.onItICIA. and U1ORAL \NailA ukcth eik 4itu intudfui EndlcaLb .*01cuLk.. 1,0 0,140 Q.cutIAA ‘10ect -Lo tok 1/4.0keAk. uity,} t.cbt PAimiki 'LA `-lelkft T-EPLAZ 1410-mt:0-4. 6c) PAM. 64-INDA-tymb NL9.6, VC11-)9_ Nosizn bamal- C_cuAQa \oka LLIPAA,D, 4A.112 L-/.11 1-2,(ketc3s PREVIOUS EDITIONSWF THIS FORM WILL HE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED CID FORM 28 1 Oct 80 • 1 t3 DODDOACID 005970 . r . • .... . - „, Control Number AGENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY 0174-03-CID469-60225 .. (CID Regulation 195-1) SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACITIVITY TIKE, DATE, AND AGENT • . SIA. kokp,g\ 0.,U6 oLA . 6n mgaduitska wiffifft 14° tc 1 (WG 04 •I QM, ()kali ickack bi) ,t6,3 Wil 041±D 06.61 U. L00-:WILA OM LiMu2:-01 Au_ steth2d, IT go alt.),u4 i 0_ thNittdcn z-komati- :t-et;Uok t'a LACYYlVath ei6D in -T1V.AAt . . l 1 . ai-:-Kt-0 d(2.1e46Y1 lq,a4 1,1) (P-) i Liel t, 1,311 tukta bicuo,Ln VAN 'UM 'e-a"1-1 (-&-gt bALLis-u oA OJUAP-Illail--4* ,. qcock c_mi.11-kY1 wino O-k ClEitlitZ) a0a-IYI , N%-46e-Y11.1Lni • P inb-6 PD.:x.6J tabifi Doi ow.Vic)' 16 iily A, oq Lt.?,c(04-e 4— • SW. ofc p4mGk.' . t' fir i vi'cl-e-I . ri 4 • 1,, ,;. . Tv--1,, Pia€A..1 ,Aacrt-v WI . ,S{6L-taxrk ., keki-oir2a exvic,:a 9(2)(4.6*.¦ ot OM . *) 04 -0.0±2.0 Alak VUO 9:(1.40/., rbui. QW;ct-Ue_CA -the illin --N2- up-0 . -&s2-01 ca a dj-apt-o-nt tOte6 .. 10X.G.AW1 0--rOs 01)'1 LI ,--A-0-0,0-0 pAcUiagi V104)Aka6'. Y-A.Reki€04 2a4 . tdevd.0 (:noy. coke ..‘A.A.A•• 2:004 cuack C-Q.ADNaiiii_ . (2-./D b(-11 -w_ctisd pt. a bAztan nay un V-­ me_ MN Loco 0OCIA. 1.9 311,1: ks•LOin ak-elenC1CY) OS16. ,..Vick,a C.ciA,4) -­ ' A-LIC3OU-k-q. . u314-11- gli oetk-rn.c.rd- inCiaS/:1- - -1- --0 ---103-er&Q,11.1 'kb 0. 0._ bkgratiun rov - Lndiccds-d iviz, v \54` 6WerA-ank rata- --1.12z • „fiseku..)J2J 011111.p 0*-QA actPtiva. _ ctu 0„,,-,,-,-;ey,f0 who t i \ S) . koVick . Lool)/ck, bil D co,o,bcADA-lan k,olmellilli ;We wtio sierctid C.n-Varoc3a5c5ko -WeAR cUnki OR auiuttA 0.1rAtua6 Vow -,LArto W -1P 9-0 0-r6- ,S6n.k-l8 pautaz.oto--44 &LLD oiat kr\d-iy,,a Kim ; ath. WaLld ' .) (I .PREVIOUSEDITIONE9OF THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED CID FORM 28 1 Oct .80 DODDOACID 005969 ;)••••• ••-• -. Control Number AGENTS ACTIVITY 'AIMA.R . 0174 03 -CII)4 6 9 - 6 02 2 5' - (CID Regulation 195-1) SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACITIVITY TIME, DATE, AND 'AGENT 1430/ 17 AUG 04 Attempted to contact Mr. ImmIlt Negative Results. 4111111111 come,a ham 0-011 kAr611111111111 uoh6 skghtd iett +0 ccd-ch hj-rn. to %day cuusu-na AgtO W (It 1`6 SA._ On kyr.. • cre..0-;c14- t ) tl /Aifo ler e) - fotAA-6 ( bLto cc) I WW 1 did-too:0e 04" eec,rairtit . 3) fifrieo suJ &CA" . 40 1; 4.54-c 16°4 (Mt /1"yo 111,111111111 ti 770/ rfce ke-dt ropy &e a A.4._ ivdrik ( 1.1 4f-4-4 n.,AYtai 6 zstv) (7)--, et, 45 az, --a-sstg-10 sof-UM Cerfpro GLC76 pi-v(4-44 .4" ,A4A 74 9 ovid_ ige4 )4 ad. PREVIOUS EDITION OF THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED tID FORM 28 1 Oct 80 • • DODDOACID 005968 • AGENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY Control Number . / Dr1 Lk-0-404 -1.0oa`5"- TIME, DATE, AND AGENT SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITY • 747-1 (of OA/..;4 r ea s-e -44* Pt 744 .e4/e4 ,e A.t '0. -.0 /o.c. Lf KLe /kre fee-or (4 •f 4ePlf fir sfe.S IMF ;7 'er Vile j 'to p-/94 of y A46 bed: - (e'1,441, 601-64044 Lam' 09 -----2 1-ner 4/6-4-ez A Ca,LA 12- A06 CA Poz-tQ.d, eALN2ck e - SA lilt Ira% , wqo vce;c6a )--kaLQ bum Or , 1(Q A0b cu,0 ohs) c6ok.,1/44 a ctractila t,-ka MIR ¦ clIvq+k3 ackciatoincLA era szyuu-Q-ot-TF 9c) • ciikk 40 ,AQAD Quoft-v9i ue4 own meal-i Ca i Q.)03 i'k(t Min alao plout`dszi 1iti3 alkW1-04 )--03 . Oce. coo-04,R ¦Ass2-c-k--k-D 'Lsr\i=ii-w (eto -sp c.. Y -- o .5:-¦Aitk U-1f9- at-tQA A-4. ci2ovliki-n Ao siCaY) Q.A. MC. c&A-1- ,s_(­ ,Akrs),.1:c_03) _A-Q.CC,t68 , 1,3 11-10-0 Vl' 0 cs_uLkst A . V,o.c..k. )41 , Vkiksil 01,,Lt . LOVULA-k. ‘ .CA.Z4 %(V)--Q-& "4QD0-141C SPC. 6 1111111111 U31 r\-QCO °2-. -Wil'eCS — COCCOOTtO Ai) Cox .c 11• se DODDOACID 005967 . „ e —4(oci woaa5- Control Number AGENT'S ACTIVITY SUMMARY 0174-2003-CID9,84=3P2+2- SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITY TIME, DATE, AND AGENT Went to Bldg 12011, FHTX, S-2, 1/22 INF, and met with CPT411.who 08/02/2004 14:00 stated CPT is currently in the process of PCS'ing to Ft. Wachuka. CPT telephonically contacted CPTOMMaand told 0:20 INV him to come to the CID office on 3 Aug 04. Provided me with contact 0,) I info of 411111111111111.ndlinne b 6-0 0 1) Also stated that SFC eillapts'd. Provided me with his leave address of Plo O/ft%\e-j1:0 /-t vex ek“,1 I/23-div AA et 4/.4.44. v d di a -57) de 4,14,1 /4A--11m f pi ci44-sai fee .0 C&1 Li-) err 1.1111111011- Li) Le, Ala 0Y Plic-- (10014.- al* rtef • --XF Lvt rn P i who lnkeyoi eLo SPc. ,D.66-11W/ I Ied, OL& Ite1.zd Pemonria Moak- 611 MIAMI" SPC 11111RV 11)(13-b2 aee0C41113 aS ‘QairL elandiii6n VDU-A- .5VUZ rn • Sly6,..w-cy no+ 6pc2. tri ca. • 411ja Q,A10-t-k.,u)kic­. fem.e_pabtr procrasu-)3 %A.e.thlytpAnt 13-DA aocalz • W07 10111/.... who s rif26 1.0 AUG 04 1100 knkvabiewed come:n.03,0-Mr. kti&O SFC11111111tielza TF. OCk_iabz 15):su-rie (PA- OY\CV 400-1- Siwom Vrea-uneuCLQ \50A. &sG 11111111 Pr110' MP Ca,fasacAAlc uc-3). nArex3.)e_ti_v_d 1633 , anA7FAL sawdszek ,\kintvory\Y4s ,-K x`111 rkieustasu kotzta &Wad . (MA u-101-tLuivuralQA u-)(2-kk- Aft-k."-VA-ka t.o .0 60-0-tatoko vt-y. : wa.0 +1,-63.kiabes6 -it sAll. 4 t-AP 12 DODDOACID 005966 • Control Number AGENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY &•"0-/-c/D in 9 -iZsr" (CID Regulation 195-1) 0 l' SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACITIVITY TIME, DATE, AND AGENT ec(cric c.1.4„t: „,444 ,44 ch-vtz-1 /no& iti,Qatpea flegiatitA-'C A/4) re-- `? cj -Reacieca evnd-(0-(X(2.1,02ck C1J\S6 1110) 'k(2) OC-Vricor Woo trefrock.f.6 Catilettss ULArt-OCLZ----(0 tiler. vi nAet• eu.) e_,PT W) kacb, t k-IA ik • \3016..0.13 cima, 20 'Atb I On 23.. ¦./45 CLOJ/Wck_s 1 3 EXHAUSTED: F THIS FORM. WIWBE USED UNTIL PREVIOUS EDITIONo_u CID FORM 28 DODDOACID 005965 • CONTROL NUMBER • . mHARy AGENT ACTIVITY 'ST PpRegulation 195-1) 744-61 3 -C (/) 4,6? TIME, DATE, AND AGENT SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITY 1( • . i'l id 0 0 467 Ji-( trzezi: -gig* . 1). Don.e. I ¦ 1(1°)ite,-) ,,. _5) :oh t. \0(1(1) _ . G sotsia,,Isi... *04,1 fie4il ... . . m t ., e ba f#' eA- Pi fp-1,441 H.0/ /L2( J,c,1 MIN illifil II 1 Li h(i) • I 9 OW') I . . e.d-,4.-.. . eg04, ,,i./.. d //Jo A./1(i9,. /33-.,),/ d.`t• /t/eeti k E.-:- kt .0,c,,,, e,, 0 L, Di) Otis JA,, ec , / Aigc71 -7:::95,,e n,d___ .7i / .../r c fir /06c47e/p/e. (,,,,,,.. affe.e-IP . - i-Jc,-&7'. Uc ,4-16,/, -'7D--• 1s zio, LI di i vio, dia„. _ reve,17.1 r PGOA fro, ; 7s fil (I„( D I( • ealLit it*it- e(Vitlx4-‘. Mit° Ale ID coal ve acid \ 41r.wit 6i-tf , 'Ike y il d ' \t.) 0 11 V 1 61-1 1 D T INV: TVL: PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED. CID FORM 28-R • U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1986-491-918:40020 . 1 OCT 80 14 DODDOACID 005964 CONTROL NUMBER AGENT ACTIVITY SUMMARY (CID Regulation 195-1) - 0 /7-0..7 -e--1 b 1-7‘ 9-66 z 2.s-' -. • TIME, DATE, AND AGENT SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITY qf0, i, '0..r//oP A, id molt from . rekiced. 11111111i 7.- 49.5.a , 1,, .cf g . a.s:si;5' A 4 /a ,› ja-e-0 _.... . q. 1-1 .0 LIf, 1,..-fieid -/". /Ski • s /9-11. . /d ,,,e,,e) 44 feniT te:m tival6 :­ _ ''''. r./, -47,64/11^4-LIr 1.1 ;II 4'1 Li ', . et.z---bic."6` 7 --c —A-:(/ -• , 14' r,'r --• i) i,//t-1) cat kifil d 03. i -3 id 0)J( •61 . / 4 cdv--,-y 4 / rti - kt4-.!i-dili ei,: s. AL i'! /1A-g) 9 14'.. sfc ..,,,,,,,,,,, • ,,i..., dr) 7. 6.1.1 /3 -IV 4 5-"`— a ic f 7 —CP L4-I •4‘ AMP' . 1 7-d---ei ze..4,e,z4ts ,. C A4‘---... . Q ()pi% ' _L---, _ . • if &,,/,,i , • INV: -TVL:. PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED.. CID FORM 28-R • U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1988-491-918:40020 1 OCT 80 " 15 DODDOACID 005963 Oxy i f rS Control Number AGENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY 077r-o2-0109. 45,er (CID Regulation 195-1) SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACITIVITY TIME, DATE, AND AGENT ' aegaz p fl Zjui D it' Art, 2 K.04;11:1- fig/f9-44(1 INV an all eg.aL,M . Wigi s ifrzo• X973 Cah7Wzi efr 1111111 4,j,ge 1J ei-v,e rfrt 4/4e0*, /S/7 .u/0 -dal 94 „ad . hid .fd-pre afAe f1111111111aid po? • ed,a hjc L,e4;9 .X.o11//kV/. v C)/1/1 Ar de-41_0 es-ezdze 4frre anif •Nkiii (. e(A-At‘l i'9(111111111, /i/o/ r co( DebS II, 171)71 4 4A / -04? /via( r OW IV dvaef eef0/. 1111111101/r. 49/-''1..(4)d C164-1( 0 : f/s7 dijej RS"' 0 9/ cr,(.tx /:1 7 /-75 9 //"" a v 1111111111.111111,Ie.-11°r eeo-d. s7,$) JIM ono 4,t/ei fg / b,e'vtilith-buk) 6,0c o b 0 atci j; i$1/42 Lee', .f /11,0-4,11 ete,6L12-1 f Goirfc we A4e-ls ref-6( amp Pi( Of per,r. A ta, /e6a ).4- x`1 112f 1 6 PREVIOUS EpItIONo-yF, THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED CID FORM 28 DODDOACID 005962 z•• • ' • - • CONTROL NUMBER AGENT ACTIVITY SiTMIVIARY . ' (CP) Regulation 195-1) •: C/•? V-0 3 - TIME, DATE, AND AGENT SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITY .._r. . . 7 0 a or I . Aicc-c-i'Liri ce,-( fige4.1. ,4 z'), I • . WI i 4 /(1°allil . 11(0r 1 ' • a1 . itc:d-. geLd-A) tr-I, iller, la aird-e.s Z65) ft' (-•'." gdtb ­4' :) el7"J . 14cA­fi .: Km- c-it"- c-1,4-411 c."-e- • c-c--44- 6. ? --­1 ,1 6 ct 0 I/3 v c.g1.4-...4.4 YVI .k.S ri--'-MN . OP° rakt. S 4'4.4.0-.itV s.C.-C.0.42... . • 00 0 it2.1....c. 4, c,„,,,d „/.4 L.J1/.4- --1--. • ---.6s -- . . • C__ ''=:, gii,clic 6, fiv--1,3 -, . . .. . _ . _ _ .. ETV: TVL: CID FORM 28-R 1 OCT 80 PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED.. * U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1988-491-918:40020 17 DODDOACID 005961 CONTROL NUMBER AGE NT ACTIVITY SUMMARY (CID Regulation 1954) 6/9-(01--00--x4 ycof SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITYTIME, DATE, AND AGENT Z?. suie-3 ufb Atef- Pfa 6104c)L-- c4--&fr'a cif-00if 06 /5r/f-//0 cle • 0- /(47 _56-4 e„tiv, [RFA b fiviost,Y fcad it4) loW1/160` azp,, 4-6 ig4-4 majii /006--J . te, vdpv;f(Ds lo a M.)2) (cci'-e- " BGG 44/VA_, 56/frh-84 IPO 4.:1•PV'P' &itr (a_ e„t„,40 /Lcif/.4-,-Lx coidee.f Apit-kt (cr)Aig oyLtn d-i\eyt vkjf.E.AA41-9 - NOM 4),sp;x2i,J C-/ LatAe- ".77vv;IAAQ" f 111111d A-v/4-e- i wet-Joe\-0-. 0/4-0-f Ii)11-16f -1L,4- Lief Jj , 6 -c 15(:),1„,d 4046., -Fer-11111111w- Reo 0- icrw °C2-4 2 - 3 i tAt 11 CO/11--!, INV: TVL: CID FORM 28-R PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED. • U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1988491-918:40 020 1 OCT 80 18 .‘ • DODDOACID 005960 -4. , • AGENT ACTIVITY STT ilViARY (CID Regulation 195-1) CONTROL NUMBER On-V-03-cflteY(67 TIME, DATE, AND AGENT SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITY /5- -4.7e/t, 0 Oa No domia/fcArr a,4 /6t (AeAld g/gri,c4( 7 ) h Wa ..1-4/ C'on-1,1c.-te 4 # 14- .111..e c Iran oc SAf eior WWI Skei lay 747' Seeiale. fnite r(114111),e 13 7-P ?I -inti v? „1,1 /3 ..3:4,,,b4. is. . C,;Ke5 As‘cissil,..+Selec.1701 ecigi -fendiri S. 111111111 . ,-5 1 af CP •1 P . . 3 i..Jks A'1149-e yonc Pr giro x,. ($r$s-2 fcr4 . (-1.17 it/e, %n-etvie0 (,-10/ 4011 Ril. who s idixj ail 42.041-aeled 8 reql A, 6,-.33 . jh fe (Pe f-e_ fr,,,' -dt 6.r/fs . Ail fiity., 6---4 - /0 7214-4- CcirccelA i4-Q4, Li\ n cer war • )( c '2 5 t" 06)9 44.11 0 ‘• &itct5 (Adeij 5 . • Aitotoult÷ile.r Ake,vad -7q-1-4 6)3 5r9 INV: TVL: CID FORM 28-R PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNtI(.. EXHAUSTED.. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1986-491-918:40 020 1 OCT 80 19 DODDOACID 005959 Control Number.. AGENTS ACTIVITY SW.:21ARY (CID Regulation 195-1) SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACITIVITY vb c, 0 31 JAN ay 111111111111 ,6 0,1( A6 gib ilteor 69/ (A-D 1°--et tete. 2c--nkfPI.( CMJ 14e, Parni-c T-a- CAC-. 70,1i0 0,./ss 9 -/1-* 7:6 .5 (xcc PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED 20 DODDOACID 005958 • 1. 0/*CONTROL NUMBER 6 0.2 ks„•--- AGENT ACTIVITY SUMMARY (CID Regulation 195-1) 4.194=63-CID469- 64246- TIME, DATE, AND AGENT 22 Dec 3 • . Noolzz ilec 03 Wilii 070D(zb h2-0 ME 1310 / z 6 ALV OM oda (CZ 7a4 aki - INN /ait/i) ho o LI MO CID FORM 28-R 1 AUG 88 SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITY Returned from leave on 20 Dec 03. departed on leave 22 Dec 03: Case reassigned to smirefor monitoring during-absence: II 4. -17 1-1)C6)-/ 1)Contact Abu-Ghriab pertaining to case number listed in loose email in file and determine where statement is and when , it might be here. Get sufficient information to post a status report advising that case will be closed upon receipt of statement due to lack of cooperation from victim. Deliver a copy of the stat report to-SJA and brief on out come pending closure. Then set aside pending receipt of documentation and return of SAMININNifor prep of final. . (101 todahrte 01`t4 fit'fiie,1 yd itier,/,',62_;ta -p4 ,40,1/444 4)0., coot/Med, 1 1) sy/c .4/1 ittiverA, . All-ki.' 4.ff4/ eeeCIP1-' Iy --.f • , kce. I L).-ec4 ?Ate) /rot, Olifol to pi , liinii 1-6 id_c_ Or ttli`e 1,./ . '''''''' Aviv 6 Pc,tet, i Oife,..5-fi(6cs Aeesddficciti-64 /4,14cliA_AV I A , , ,...---_-.# 4)/',0°-72` - a A/ i, m 0 ,J7-ti r Si iLt Nd ,r/'/.41/9 / / a/n it/iiiii-i(1.-li V/ I A/Ad,c i C vo i f FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED PREVIOUS DITIONS OF etos , , 21 DODDOACID 005957 , . • t CONTROL NUMBER AGENT ACTIVITY SUMMARY (CID Regulation 195-1) 0 17 03-clik - 6,apa(5- TIME, DATE, AND AGENT SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITY gOe pre. p2 r. 43 o3 Fthf 'At pori-t SNIP ).7 (1)(0 - 22 INV: . TVT DODDOACID 005956 AGENT ACTIVITY SUMMARY (CIDRegulnlion 195-1) TIME, DATE, AND. AGENT 5,4c /* ' 'c 2 - in--(1-het-7- 3. 11-\ Irer‘f(et3 /7A)0/4 3 • CONTROL NUMBER a1 7 (b(4(0?- SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITY , („r_ . 0Lc P 11 In#L20(cce ) sc Invol-kodn g4. 12(09 b 'No-) d/c/j/ 7/--/Z" Ace 6 (// e ;flea" 7G-t/d ,Jd k_I: //f1/ d,6/1-ee /dtz SeiMehe0 /3k 4&,/ ./a0,4/ Wye L LS)/') 1 1 0,e G(1. 6 (97/ill /8 /Vey 13 A5A f 9/ Cf) ,fihrI LitC G) / eft\ TO c 2 C- 2 IOW .0 4.1 ccovr;1&evf6W6de 614) A/14.c7=-6,0 Ad MD, WM 4is g-­ a//A4 b to-b (7)a) I/ 77/ CJ 7f4 - W • ///tio voY 4,6'-M/(7" /9 Z-d hr-//a4 rd //4/ Ce/ 0 b (6) • b(i)(c) q r).-erkit-e..---ei Vs•°.--S 0 7 wet, 05 )— Mere ?.t f(ej7,71-ec/) kJ- ' crYA °tug (\c1.1—- _ t. jg.5 TVI.: DODDOACID 005955 • CONTROL NUMBER , AGENT ACTIVITY SUMMARY. (CID Regulation 195-1). i7q -03-a (1)24(7 k)9YgS. . 'TIME, DATE, AND AGENT SUMMARY INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITY Pao/01g oa e-c=/c=, ( 4 z h CO 3 CA) /A e Pi 11.111111 h6)( We 11D-5 . 1-- 1-2-ce4f • 1-ci (clvirj-1 0 S. iliofh Nercfe". rwbc 659 115. 3o ca,f-as w1 Prio, MUM b-vvv›.(it- 6 Co 1(7)a) 1(906. 3 Alovo3 1/14 e a_Sl‘q h!,'1-1 -46 a 7y3i, pay. a..3- 6tIor k m 5 al' _Tr/ ',wee' /.0-e -,z(.4_5 Tr-267- So\cliper-s hPvt. ty-eeii Involve 41 4v9ini 7L0 JLNI-1-1) ICT 4 ince C Prle-} )e)A (jr am, 3.. fteAct i n in-lertitet.3 _vicf r u jd c , -ct 7/4,c. Z"--,k7-e,­9 • 7",./.?, AA‘e-Q oda- ow/ 5 (.1-a,t03 . pia P. INV: TVL: 2• will col +1 „„pc iincg._ 24 CID FORM 28-R PREVInllq 1 Mr nn DODDOACID 005954 . • , • •-CONTROL NUMBER AGENT ACTIVITY SUMMARY .• (CID Regulation 195-1) -• . 6/7q- 03-c/b(A, 97-6,oc9.9.s TIME, DATE, AND AGENT cat Ocio3 1030 22. csC e.3 I 160 cti-- SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITY AJ C(4 Sy STA-4-tke04-. cAkr Mir rvor4e1 c, a re'll 4eA 0 Pr: um. 5-2, r¦g- W 1 s\erN by *x}er . cSolj art s I arl"42-S b 66) ,71 19 (1) (5 v Le 6c VArellint Cdr r­ c) r, re j c`cc.afth h bb)(6) 1,4 Ir d . t_re s)n. 4:,a4 kikt c)Is 441 (7 kvNi t rcf-2 c i 5 r.'cAio re pi? c„? Prey «.3. 2'6 3rcI-IP el& 0 oukct_ t r- 2- Ck.,-5 25 vrwc.s\%.‘-e,4 c' C 2 cciL *z_k\c/\c So db-)-1 tV\_ N"1-5 CC-- 1 1ThdlUt t 4SZA 1.0,c.c.{ .kt¦ct. . br2C,Ire (N( a-eporci-. rTo SA-C 07" re u' fe12,-„( vnd.e tc. devc ssdeed d.) Looxs .ec-rette-0(w Li) conA•tAxt CID FORM 28-R PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED 1 AUG 88 25 DODDOACID 005953 yl DODDOACID 005952 Last Name Date Issued Circle V I Last Name Date Issued I V W V W • V W. IBTAINKtr) :27 ACTION COMPLETED N / A ACTION COMPLETED N/ A Obtain MP Report / MPR # Sources targeted NCIC entry on stolen prop Medical records requestedFilm submitted for contact sheet Name check dispatched CI Copy of AIR posted in ACIRS 1:1 Name check results received Obtain all documents concerning All documents marked with the positive urinalysis the ROI or file number INVESTIGATIVE STANDARDS ACTIVITY / PERSON PHONE NUMBER VreicIAVir4kliviavto, liOtif16 EYEVVONESSES1NTERVIEWED //a-)-ri.df 1-4Xcht 214thour.s.. . ' . EVIDE -WEDPOSITED 1 clUpid4y. V¦ 01 8Q111 L.ST:$' 5,d'Otyditysl ; P4k#05;SENTOV.IT 5it11:4611#0 MEANINGFUL INV ACTIVITY IlTdtitylc100. t.RPAtfOLLQVV19.F. 1 54:1 utP 01 4Ys :.,.1cNC:I.W.NZ0.0*FINALS LNFOOSIDEDEINALS. 15 dtity:.diy8 i:'UNKNOWIOL1134 FINALS. 30.dalltraY;a, TACTIONIAKENt 30, coltcrays; Investigative Plan FOR OFFICIAL USE 01\Y, DODDOACID 005951
