CID report and accompanying documents related to an investigation into the mistreatment of a female Iraqi prisoner at Abu Ghraib prison on October 7, 2003. The female prisoner stated that she was taken out of her cell and brought to an empty cell where once inside one "one of the soldiers held her hands behind her back while another soldier forcefully kissed her" and then the "soldiers took her out of the cell and took her downstairs, where they showed her a naked Iraqi man and told her that if she did not do what they said, then they would take her clothes off and make her look like the Iraqi man. She was then escorted back to the abandoned cell upstairs where she was forced to get on her knees and raise her arms and hands over her head where the "skinny white male without glasses, removed her shirt, leaving her in her bra" the detainee stated she began to cry and the soldier through her shirt at her and started cursing at her. She stated that she was then taken back to her cell. [The Commander's reports at the beginning of this document list the CID number as 61121. This appears to be a typo.]
SUSPENSE DATE (YYYYMMDD) HANDER'S REPORT OF DIrglrINARY OR ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIOr. For use of this form, see AR I!r3; the proponent agency is ODCSOPS 2004/03/31 PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT ,ORITY:0Title 10 USC Section 301; Title 5 USC Section 2951; E.O. 9397 dated November 22, 1943 (SW.o II ,IICIPAL PURPOSE:0To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which information may be accurately USES:0Your social security number is used as an additional/alternate means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. , OISCLOSURE:0Disclosure of your social sagurity number is voluntary. I. THRL) 2. TO 3. FROM Commander Commander, ACO Special Ay= in Charge 205th MI Brigade 519th Ml Battalion 12th Military Police Detachment (OD) Abu Ghraib, Iraq Abu Ghraib, Iraq APO AE 09335 4. USACRC CONTROL NUMBER 5. MP REPORT NUMBER S. SUB-INSTALLATION IDENTIFIER 0216-03-CID259-611210 .,„ To be completed by the commander or supervisor of the subject identified below and in corresponding MP/C10 report Check all eianlicable blocks. Briefly explain circumstances not covered by blocks. For multiple offenses resulting in more than one type of action taken or action the report, explain in block 15, Remarks, which offenses apply to blocks checked and action taken for other taken for offenses not listed in offenses. Retain last copy and return all others to addressee indicated in °TO" block on completion of final action. ariiii—ii KG-5,cl -5—0E4 . b44--S1 k‘-6 7. NAMEiiiiiC astFirst Ail)minivoLB. GRADE 9. iSi b4C—So10. DATE OF Blia‘gliDD I I l 1 a.0OFFENSE(s) 11b. DATE OF OFFENSEis) Indecent Assault; 2003/10/07 Conspiracy; Maltreatment of a Prisoner; 2003/10/07Communicating a Threat; 12. ACTION TAKEN -0-e,---NONE ---- ---00I INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE —0-0-- I0I (2) OTHER (Explain in Remarks) --- Subject was advised that although no action was taken, the report would be retained in Army records and that requests for amendment, correction, or expungement may be submitted IAW AR 190-45 (MP Reports) or AR 195-2 (CID Reports). b. ADMINISTRATIVE REFERRED TO (Check appropriate blocks)oDATE REFERRED (YYYYMMDDIoDATE RESPONDED (YYYYMMDD) F = FAMILY ADVOCACY D = DRUG/ALCOHOL ABUSE S = SPECIAL REFERRAL — E = EQUAL OPPORTUNITY L = LEGAL OFFICE • M = MENTAL HEALTH R = REUEF AGENCY X I c. NONJUDICIAL (Article 15, UCM,1) oCOMPANY GRADE X FIELD GRADE0 riSUMMARIZED 0GCM AUTHORITY GENERAL OFFICER d. JUDICIAL (If subject was tried by court martial attach a copy of the court-martial order giving findings and sentences.) 0I oSUMMARY COURT MARTIAL oGENERAL COURT-MARTIAL SPECIAL COURT•MARTIAL CIVIL COURT L JUDICIAL FINDINGS GUILTY 0DISMISSED NOT GUILTY OTHER (For example, guilty of a lesser included offense. Explain in Remarks.)o 1 -------, RESULTANT SENTENCES, PUNISHMENTS, OR ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION0 •_ (11 ORAL0(21 IN WRITING c_ DETENTION X d. FORFEITURE e. FINED0$ 750.000/010MONTHS i0REDUCED FROM E40TO E3 g. EXTRA DUTY FOR0DAYS0r01 h0RESTRICTED FOR0 a. REPRIMAND b. ADMONITION DAYS i. CORRECTIONAL CUSTODY FOR0DAYS0I0I j. CONFINED +_YEARS0iviONTHS k. PUNITIVE DISCHARGE ADJUDGED0TYPE: 1. ADMINISTRATIVE DISCHARGE0 EFFECTIVE DATE m. OTHER (For example, suspension of driving privileges. Explain in Remarks.) C FL MI 4533, DEC 19S8 DA FORM 4833. JUN 80. IS OBSOLETE 01.11Pcji.• DOD-DOACID001801 SUSPENSE DATE trlYYMIWODI COMMANDER'S REPORT OF Der — (NARY OR ADMINISTRATIVE ACTI For use of this form, see ARik',:'.rJ; the proponent agency is ODCSOPS 2(04103/31 PRIVACY ACT STATE6/ENT 1943 ISSN). AUTHORITY:rTitto 10 USC Section 301; Title 5 USC Section 2961; E.O. 9397 dated November 22. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE:rTo provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which information may be accurately ROUTINE USES:rYour social security number is used as an additional/alternate means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. • INSCLOSURE:rDisclosure ofr%KidrCIUMbOriSr" ". 1. THRU 2.IP a, 'Commander CCoritintritileromr, Charge . ' , A to —0Poke Detachment (CID) , n , ,0 205th MI Brigade 51141 Battalion % Abu Ghraib, Iraq Abu Ghraib, Iraq APO AE 1'335 6. StMlOSTALLATIONtiENTIRER 4. USACRC CONTROL NUMBER 5. MP REPORT NUMBER 0216-03-C1D2.59-61121 To be completed by the commander or supervisor of the subject identified below and in corresponding PAP/CID report. Check allipPlicable blocks. Briefly explain circumstances not covered by blocks. For multiple offenses resulting in more than one type &action taken or action taken for offenses not listed in the report, explain in block 15, Remarks, which offenses apply to blocks checked and action taken for other offenses. Retain last copy and return all others to addressee indicated in "TO -block on completion of final action. 7. NAME lataililaat m8. GRADE dogb66..10. DATE OF BIRTH , (YYYY.MMOO) first, Ml)g9. SSN 7-3 MINIM 1:710-51 '-11 b. DATE OF OFFENSE(s)11 a. OFFENSE(s) Indecent Assault; 2003110/07 Conspiracy; Maltreatment of a Prisoner; 2003/10/07 Communicating a Threat; 12. ACTION TAKEN (Explain in Remarks! — a.--NONE--------r-11 -INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE------- --r- -rIr1 121 OTHER and that requests for amendment. * Subject was advised that although no action was taken, the report would be retained in Army records correction, or expungement may be submitted lAW AR 190-45 (MP Reports) or AR 195-2 (CID Reports). b. ADMINISTRATIVE DATE RESPONDED (YYYYMMDDI REFERRED TO (Check appropriate blocks) DATE REFERRED (YYYYMMDDI F = FAMILY ADVOCACY D = DRUG/ALCOHOL ABUSE S = SPECIAL REFERRAL E = EQUAL OPPORTUNITY L = LEGAL OFFICE M --z, MENTAL HEALTH R = RELIEF AGENCY I X 1 c. NONJUDICIAL (Article 15, UCMJ) COMPANY GRADE X FIELD GRADE SUMMARIZED . rGCM AUTHORITY rGENERAL OFFICER Ird. JUDICIAL (If subject was tried by court-martial attach a copy of the court-martial order giving findings and sentences.) gSUMMARY COURT MARTIAL GENERAL COURT-MARTIAL SPECIAL COURT-MARTIAL CIVIL COURT 13. JUDICIAL FINDINGS _ GUILTY DISMISSED NOT GUILTY OTHER (For example, guilty of a lesser included offense. Explain in Remarks.) 14. RESULTANT SENTENCES, PUNISHMENTS, OR ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION I a. REPRIMAND rb. ADMONITION (1) ORAL (2) IN WRITINGr j DETENTION X d. FORFEITURE e. FINED $ 500.00 /r1rMONTHS DAYS 1 h. RESTRICTED FORr X f. REDUCED FROM E5 rTO E4 rIrI g. EXTRA DUTY FOR rDAYSr, MONTHS i. CORRECTIONAL CUSTODY FORrDAYSrIrh. CONFINEDrYEARSr ji II l:. PUNITIVE DISCHARGE ADJUDGEDrTYPE: I. ADMINISTRATIVE DISCHARGE0 EFFECTIVE DATE m. OTHER (For example, suspension of drivingrivileges. Ex lain in Remarks.) DA, FORM 4833, DEC 1998 DA FORM 4833, JUN 80, IS OBSOLETE Gor) • • U0 DOD-DOACID001802 Svw,tnat up., c I .. , COMMANDER'S REPORT OF DePLINARY OR ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIOllp. For use of this form, see AR T. 03; the prominent agency is 00OSOPS0 ,.-2004/03/31 PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY:0Title 10 USC Section 301; Title 5 USC Section 2951; E.O. 9397 dated November 22, 1943 (saw PRINCIPAL PURPOSE:0To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which information may be =Prat* ROUTINE USES:0Your social security number-is used as an addidociallaltemate means of identification to facilitates filing and retrieve/. VMLOSURE:0Disciasure of •- - i i a number isi , THRU 2. TO 3.0a Commander Conhitander, A CO 9004014ent hrOiarge 205th MI Brigade 519th MI Battalion 12012411'1aq Police Detachment (CID) Abu Ghraib, Iraq Abu Ghraib, Iraq APO AE 09335 4. USACRC CONTROL NUMBER 5. MP REPORT NUMBER 8. SUEtfNSTALLATION IDENTIFIER 0216-03-C1D25961121 - To be completed by the commencler or supervisor of the subject identified below and in corresponding k4PICID report. Check 0 applicable blocks. Briefly explain circumstances not covered by blocks. For multiple offenses resulting in more than one type of action taken or action taken for offenses not listed in the report, explain in block 15, Remarks, which offenses apply to blocks checked and action taken for other offenses. Retain last copy and return all others to addressee Indicated in "TO' block on completion of final action. 7. NAME OF SUBJECT (Last, First, Ml)g18. GRADE 9. ssN19-1L-5-1 1:6- Er10. DATE OF BIRTH MIYYMIWDDI 10111111111111111111111111 iix-s -, 6b-S-0E4 ainligi ailMIIII io7c-6-, 11a. OFFENSE(s) 11b. DATE OF OFFENSEis) Indecent Assault; 2003/10/07 Conspiracy; . Maltreatment of a Prisoner; 2003/10/07Communicating a Threat; 12. ACTION TAKEN 1,01 a:0'NONE INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE0 ri 12) OTHER (Explain in.Remaricgi * Subject was advised that although no action was taken, the report would be retained in Army records and that requests for amendment, correction, or expungement may be submitted IAW AR 190-45 (MP Reports) or AR 195-2 (CID Reports). Iglb. ADMINISTRATIVE REFERRED TO (Check appropriate blocks)gDATE REFERRED (YYYYMMDD)gDATE RESPONDED (YYYYIVIMDDI F = FAMILY ADVOCACY D = DRUG/ALCOHOL ABUSE S = SPECIAL REFERRAL E - EQUAL OPPORTUNITY L = LEGAL OFFICE M = MENTAL HEALTH R = REUEF AGENCY X0c. NONJUDICIAL (Article 15, UCMJ) g I COMPANY GRADEr. X FIELD GRADEr _rI SUMMARIZED 0LgGCM AUTHORITY rGENERAL OFFICER I I d. JUDICIAL (If subject was tried by court-martial attach a copy of the court-martial order giving findings and senrences./ gSUMMARY COURT MARTIAL gGENERAL COURT-MARTIAL SPECIAL COURT-MARTIAL CIVIL COURT 13. JUDICIAL FINDINGS ¦ GUILTY., ¦ DISMISSED NOT GUILTY0. OTHER (For example, guilty of a lesser included offense. &plain in Remarks.) • , 14. RESULTANT SENTENCES, PUNISHMENTS, OR ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION CHORAL ri(21 IN WRITING a. REPRIMAND b. ADMONITION c. DETENTION X d. FORFEITURE e. FINED0$ 500.000/010iviONTHS 1. REDUCED FROM E40TO E30101g. EXTRA DUTY FOR0DAYS0I_0I h. RESTRICTED FOR DAYS 0I. CORRECTIONAL CUSTODY FORrDAYS j. CONFINED0YEARS0 MONTHS k. PUNITIVE DISCHARGE ADJUDGED0TYPE: I. ADMINISTRATIVE DISCHARGE0 EFFECTIVE DATE ....,..,, m. OTHER (For example, sus ension of drivin grivile es. Ex lain in Remarks.) A FORM 4833, JUN 80, IS OBSOLETE c-J03 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY UNITED STATES ARMY CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION COMMAND 12th MILITARY POLICE DETACHMENT (CID) (FWD) BAGHDAD BRANCH OFFICE APO AE 09335 0 CIRC-ABE (195) 30 Jan 2004 MEMORANDUM FOR SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION - FINAL "C" - 0216-03-CID259- 61211 - 6C1/6X1/5S1F/5T1 DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: 1. 7 OCT 2003/0100 HRS - 7 OCT 2003/0330 HRS; ABU GHRAIB PRISION. ABU GHRAIB, IRAQ 2. DATE/TIME REPORTED: 21 OCT 2003, 0900 HRS 3. INVESTIGATED BY: SASOdialf, SA Mi SA OMMEMNIMMSA . SAMMONS! folc•IP(4,0-41111 b s" r6-4. 4. SUBJECT: 1.0 SGT; AMMOMMIR M; WHITE; A COMPANY. 519TH MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BATTALION (FORT BRAGG, NC), ABU GHRAIB, IRAQ; CT; [INDECENT ASSAULT] [CONSPIRACY( [MALTREATMENT OF A PRISIONER] [COMMUNICATING A THREAT] SUBJECT: 2. MMININgliIIMOMM• SPC;MMiiiiiiii4Mi 12 4.-5-0 SMISMOMMI M; WHITE; A COMPANY, 519TH MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BATTALION (FORT BRAGG, NC), ABU GHRAIB, IRAQ; CT; [INDECENT ASSAULT] [CONSPIRACY[ [MALTREATMENT OF A PRISIONER] [COMMUNICATING A THREAT] SUBJECT: 3 , ONSMINOt M; WHITE; A COMPANY, 519TH MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BATTALION (FORT BRAGG, NC), ABU GHRAIB, IRAQ; CT; [INDECENT ASSAULT] [CONSPIRACY[ [MALTREATMENT OF A PRISIONER] [COMMUNICATING A THREAT] 5.VICTIM: 1.. 4111111MMINEININIMI CIV; IRAQ; F: OTHER: CORE OF AL-SALHYAT PRISON, BAGHDAD. IRAQ; ZZ [INDECENT ASSAULT] [CONSPIRACY[ [MALTREATMENT OF A PRISIONER] !COMMUNICATING A THREAT] -1741Z OFFICIAL USE ONLY CIRC-ABE (195) SUBJECT: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: 0216-03-CID259-6 i 211 INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: This is an " Operation Iraqi Freedom" investigation. This investigation was initiated based on notification from the 10th Military Police Battalion (CID) that a female prisoner was mistreated at the Abu Ghraib Prison. Investigation did not establish sufficient evidence to prove or disprove SGT SPC 40.1/and SPC—committed the offenses of Indecent Assault, b4C-6 1 10‘" — Conspiracy, Maltreatment of a Prisoner and Communicating a Threat. STATUTES: Article 134, UCMJ: INDECENT ASSAULT Article 81, UCMJ: CONSPIRACY Article 93, UCMJ: MALTREATMENT OF A PRISIONER Article 134, UCMJ: COMMUNICATING A THREAT EXHIBITS/SUBSTANTIATION: Attached: 1. Agent's Investigative Report (AIR) of SA411.r 23 Oct 03, detailing initial notification, interviews of0SPC....and SPC.11111.Mand other Vie--5'1 bL-S-law enforcement activity. 2. Non-waiver certificate of SGT , 21 Oct 03 (USACRC and file copy only). 6-}c., -6 196 -5' 3. Non-waiver certificate of SPC 021 Oct 03 (USACRC and file copy only). b6-5 4. Non-waiver certificate of SPC 021 Oct 03 (USACRC and file copy only). CI, -5" 5. Sworn Statement of SGT021 Oct 03, detailing how three military intelligence personnel came in and interviewed two female prisoners. 6. Serious Incident Report, 7 Oct 03, detailing the incident involving Ms. 7. AIR of SA 31 Dec 03, detailing the collection of Sworn Statements, witness interviews, and command coordination. 8. Sworn Statement of SSG.. 10 Oct 03, which detailed his knowledge of the i(06- incident inVolvinu NilsONNEon 6-7 Oct 03.654c -jk)(0-LI 9. Sworn Statement of SGT 10 Oct 03. which detailed her knowledge of the interroaation of M SEAM06' • S_E_ON1--1r= r, 4 1a ‘J CIRC-ABE (195) SUBJECT: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: 0216-03-CID259-6121 1 10. Sworn Statement of SGT .10 Oct 03. which detailed his knowledge of the interrogation of MsdNIMI 4°‘-‘ 4.4 1747-4 lo(c,- 3 11. Sworn Statement of CPTIIMIll 10 Oct 03, which detailed her knowledge of theloc,- LI interrogation of Ms0 C: LI100• 4.1 12.Sworn Statement of SGT40Oct 03, which detailed her actions on the night of S Oct 03. 13. Sworn Statement of SSGII:g -940ct 03, which detailed his investigation into the allegations of inappropriate behavior involving MsaMin. 14. Sworn Statement of SPC ¦¦ 9 Oct 03, which detailed her knowledge of the incident involving MsaNION1 107-"-iitb& -1-1 15. Sworn Statement of Mr.0diali 3 1Dec-fL 03, which detailed his knowledge of the interrogation of Mss.0fo 4. 464 lob -/ 16. AIR of S0detailing receipt of Record of Proceedings Under Article 15, UCMJ, pertaining to SPC MEM SPC4¦1111111 and SGTL 30 Jan 04. 17l-c- 17. (3) Record of Proceedings Under Article 15. UCMJ, pertaining to SPC SPC allINEM and SGT....13 Jan 04. tenc - Not Attached: None. The originals of Exhibits 1 through 5, 7 through 11, 15, and 16 are attached to the USACRC copy of this report. The originals of Exhibit 6 and 12 through 14,and 17 are maintained in the files of 205 th Military Intelligence Brigade, Baghdad, Iraq. STATUS: This is a Final "C" Report. This investigation is being terminated in accordance with CID Regulation 195-1, paragraph 4-17 (a) (3), wherein all of the subjects have received non-judicial punishment for the offenses under investigation, and it appears unlikely that further investigation would identify additional subjects or would produce evidence, which would exonerate an already identified subject. Leads Remaining: Continue attempts to locate and interview witnesses within Abu Ghraib prison. On 3 Jan 04, COL0 , Commander, Military Intelligence, 205 th Military Intelligence Brigade, APO AE 09323, administered Field Grade Articles 15 to STAMM! SPCOMMand SGT .As a result, SPC aMivas biG -5', te,- 5-- reduced in rank to PFC, (suspended to he automatically remitted if not vacated before 5 • .4 3 - 3 - -9 CIRC-ABE (195) SUBJECT: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: 0216-03-CID259-612 I 1 (ctc-0- Mar 2004), and required to forfeit $750.00 in pay. SPC 0was0reduced in rank to PFC, and required to forfeit $500.00 in pay. SGT11111111111/1 was reduced in rank to 10:;-c-5 , 6G-SPC, and required to forfeit $500.00 in pay. Commander's Report of Disciplinary Action Taken (DA Form 4833) against SGT AMIN SPCIMIllgand SPC0is pending. 101-C-6 ( (0C,-5- Report Prepared By: 0 Report Approved By: I toto -1 ENP- b-i-orf b6-1 ammini90106-1 al Agen Special Agent in Charge DISTRIBUTION: 1 - DIR, USACRC, 6010, 6th Street, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5506 (originals with exhibits) 1 - CDR, 10th MP BN (CID) (FWD), ATTN: Operations Officer, APO AE 09335 (w/EXHIBITS) 64Z.,--3 ef-p - 1 - CID LNO, CJTF, ATTN: SSG 0V Corps, Victory Camp, APO AE 09335 (e-mail only/less exhibits) 104c.- 3,667-5 -PMO, 1st Armored Division (ATTN: LTC41.11111111M, Victory Camp, APO AE 09335 (e-mail only/less exhibits) 61c-3, bC -'S 1 - PMO, V_Corps (ATTN: SF OIMIll Victory Camp, APO AE 09335 (e-mail only/less exhibits) 3 1 -SJA, 205 th Military Intelligence Brigade (ATTN: CPT 0, Joint Interrogation Detention Facility, Abu Ghraib, Iraq (e-mail only/less exhibits) 1 - Commander, 205th Military Intelligence Brigade, Joint Interrogation Detention Facility, Abu Ghraib. Iraq (w/exhibits) 1 - File 4 - 4 - ROI NUMBER 0216-03-C1D259-61211 AGENTS INVESTIGATION REPORT CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 1 OF 3 PAGE DETAILS BASIS FOR INVESTIGATION: About 0900, 21 Oct 03, this office was notified from the 10 th Military Police Battalion (CID), that a female prisoner had been mistreated at the Abu Ghraib Prison, Baghdad, Iraq (IZ). i-C0 About 1100, 21 Oct 03, SA W-0) coordinated with CPT0 A Company, 519 th Military intelligence (MI) Battalion (BN), Abu Ghraib Prison, Baghdad, IZ and briefed him on the investigation. 191,-14 320th MP About 1120, 21 Oct 03, SA 111111111coordinated with SSG 0 Battalion, Abu Ghraib Prison, Baghdad, 12 who stated that all of the female prisoners were transferred to Al- Salhyat Prison (MB 436 868) on 13 Oct 03. 61-C-5 ( E0- About 1144, 21 Oct 03, SA0 this office, advised SGT -5-0, A Co, 519th MI BN, Abu Ghraib Prison, Baghdad, 12 of his rights, which he invoked and requested legal counsel. -4 372nd MP Company, L(. About 1150, 21 Oct 03, SA WIIIIIIinlitgewed SSG flOWN01111111iiiMallralraa Abu Ghraib Prison, Baghdad, IZ who stated his company took over the prison operations on 15 Oct 03 from the 72 nd MP Company. About 1151, 21 Oct 03, SA 0 this office, advised SPC tc•s ,„_s MP A Co, 519 th MI BN, Abu Ghraib Prison, Baghdad, 12 of his rights, which he invoked and requested legal counsel. b b- k17-5-0A Co, 519th MI BN, Abu 1 SPC0 Ghraib Prison, IZ of his rights, which he invoked and requested legal counsel. About 1220, 21 Oct 03, SA0advised 4267-072nd Military PoliceAbout 1235, 21 Oct 03, SA0interviewed SGTry011111 ,4 Company, Abu Ghraib Prison, Baghdad, 12 who rendered a Sworn Statement detailing how the three military 0intelligence personnel came in and interviewed two female prisoners. (See Sworn Statement of SGTIIMINO /24b6-‘4 for details)0 . . 72" Military Police About 1250, 21 Oct 03, SA1164i1 bnGt'e-r¦, iewed SSG4114111141 .Company, Abu Ghraib Prison, Baghdad, Iraq who stated that he did not know anything about the incident. SSG 14-40 failliPstated that MI personnel were always coming in to interview personnel and that no log was kept if they interviewed prisoners in the cell block area. ORGANIZATION TYPED AGENT'S NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER 12 th MP Det. (CID), Camp Victory, Iraq APO AE 09335 SA EXHIBIT SIGNATUR htJU FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CID FORM 940 1 FEB 77 ROI NUMBER 0216-03-CID259-61211 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT CIO Regulation 195-1 PAGE 2 OF 3 PAGE DETAILS About 1135, 23 Oct 03, SAIIIMImterviewed Ms. 0 1A1-Salhyat Prison, Baghdad, 1Z \vile detailed the incident that happened with the MI personnel. Ms. illillastated she was in her cell, when three b MI personnel and an interpreter came to her cell and escorted her down the cellblock to an abandoned cell. Ms. tated one of the MI soldiers stayed outside of the cell and acted as a lookout. Ms.111111111111kescribed the male who waited outside as a white male, young, skinny and wore glasses. Ms.1111.11.stated that inside bl the cell, one of the soldiers held her hands behind her back while another soldier forcefully kissed her. Ms. escribed the male who held her hands as a white male and skinny. Ms.11111111111110described the male', who kissed her as a heavy set male. Ms.a.M. stated the soldiers took her out of the cell and took herble--14 1 downstairs, where they showed her a naked Iraqi man and told her that if she did not do what they said, then they would take her clothes off and make her look like the Iraqi man. Ms.1111111111stated she was then escorted back to the abandoned cell upstairs where she was forced to get on her knees and raise her arms and hands over her head. Ms.1111111111111110stated the skinny white male without glasses, removed her shirt, leaving her in her bra. Ms. -stated she began to cry and the soldier through her shirt at her and started cursing at her. Ms. i,-c -4, 11111111110stated the soldiers told her they were going to come back each night and talk to her. Ms.11111111111111,1-c stated she was then taken back to her cell. AGENT's COMMENT: No statement was taken from Ms. due to her not being able to read or write Arabic or any other language. The interview was witnessed by SGT111111/111.1111111111111111111111111. 770 th ienc-Li ( 1047- th MP Bn.0 MP Company, 400 I 61,-14 About 1201, 23 Oct 03, SA0conducted a photographic line up with Ms.0In viewing #1, Ms. ,identified picture #2 (SGT.' the soldier who pulled her shirt off. Ms 0identified b." ( Vir• r. cpicture #5 (SPC lIMION) as the soldier who stood guard outside of the door. Ms. 0identified picture #6 14.-10 (SPC11111111111. as the soldier who kissed her. Ms. 1111Mistated that the soldier in picture #6 used to have c-,4 j6G. a mustache. In viewing #2, Ms.M1111111identified picture #4 (SGTIMIIIIIPas the soldier who pulled hertn4 -shirt off. Ms0identified picture #3 (SPC ilIMP as the soldier who stood guard outside of the door.o bfr 4/4.64, ' Ms.16111111Didentified picture #2 (SPC 111.1111110 as the soldier who kissed her. In viewing #3, Ms.oz.ii,s --q,S-11111111111111*dentified picture #6 (SGT 11111111., as the soldier who pulled her shirt off. Ms MS identified wc .5" picture #1 (SPC0as the soldier who stood guard outside of the door. Ms. 0identified picture #7 (SPCIIIMEN. as the soldier who kissed her. 103-(--6-, (c4-5' IIIgterviewed imiiirminium who stated that three MI soldiers and an interpreter took her out of her cell and took her down the hall to a vacant cell. Ms.alestated that the soldiers did not do anything inappropriate to her and just talked and questioned her to see if she knew anything about th Fedaneen. About 1 720, 23 Oct 03, SAVII 19 -4,z-q / Lc- cl b(c. -I. About 1)33, 23 Oct 03, SA 0onducted a photographic line-up with Ms. dab In viewing 41 Ms. Ali identified picture #2 (SPC awilimp as the interrogator; #3 (SPC.81111116 as the soldier who waitedt,1c-5,47;-5" ORGANIZATION TYPED AGENTS NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER . ba" 12 th MP Det. (CID), Camp Victory, Iraq 101-C*1 1 1*-1 APO AE 09335 SA sIGNAT0bit(66_ 1gDATE I EXHIBIT — 23 Oct 03 L (1"P''' -11)1I, 0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY nCID FORM 94 1 FEB 77 ROI NUMBER 0216-03-CIO259-61211 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 3 OF 3 PAGE DETAILS 1/z -5ibG outside; and #6 (SGT MM. as being inside the room. In viewing #2 Ms.0dentified picture #1 (SPC as the interrogator; #4 (SPC WM) as the soldier who waited outside; and #5 (SGT as being inside the room. In viewing #3 Ms.1111111identified picture #3 (SGT 0as being inside theisx--4/ room; picture #4 (SPC F 0as the interrogator; and picture #5 (SPCIIIIIMIS as the soldier outside of the room ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////11/Last Entry//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////8 TYPED AGENT'S NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER ORGANIZATION 12th MP Det. (CID), Camp Victory, Iraq — SA APO AE 09335 0 SIGNATURE DATE 1,4c-libfrt 23 Oct 03 CID FORM 94 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 FEB 77 TS WARNING PROCEDUREIWAIVER CERTIFICAT .e u:e a' :en fAffil. see AR 190 30. the orosonent agent; :s 80CSOPS DATA REQUIRE° BY THE PRIVACY ACT AUTHORITY:0 Title 10, United States Code. Section 301:Ni PRINCIPAL PURPOSE:0To provide commanders and la',v enforcement officials with means by v.ih:ca information may be accurately identified. ROUTINE USES:0 I our Social Security Number is used as an addittonalialternate means el identification to lacilitat.e Ming and retrieval. DISCLOSURE:0 Disclosure ol .,Obr Sacral Seventy Mirs:11, er it voluntary . IDIC '5' I h&-—0bl4 -) k(0--- LOCATION 203A T E 1111111111110i 30TN,IE0MINo-0:,0H L E :.:c ik 14 LA.0C7 kIC06 110?Iooe r0C S00I 10;4.: --Z, /3, i0 CI--L ' 1 Li --i00....F L.J/2;5-2 5.0AIM !last firsi MD o16 ... ,---, w o5.-AoORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS 0,0s I 2 ±-L.1 1„k j / Eid.' ,04140 Ii C 0 , 1.0 GRADDSTATUS iiiiiiimimit ...., i)7C-) 7'-'' e- s / A 0 AR)0A F c) 9 72 S PART I . RIGHTS WAIVER/NON•WAIVEFI CERTIFICATE Section A.oRights - The 'nvestigator whose name anoears below to 0me that netshe is inn me United States Army 0 C S0a ` 11,)osee C. I& i,0 V" and wanted to question me newt tne following offenselsl of t%hicn I am So0, .0C i,Le0i ,Ae (A -, ,0 4\-,.. .ofl +0•0i-0lik C Su m.0( 0o stKoectedi0-A0'0SU • ro.t._ 1 466 :orhelshe asked me any Questions atm0the ollenselsi. nowever, he•she made it clear to are that I have the following rights: 10I do not have to answer any Question Pt say anything. tr4c. gpyte?1 Jay or do can be used as evidence against me in a criminal trial. 30tlir personnel subject OMB /XXIoI have the right to talk Drivelery to a lawyer before. during, and after questiontng and to have a lawyer present with me during questioning. This lawyer can be a civilian lawyer I arrange for at no expense to the Government or a military lawyer detailed for me at no exoeose to me. -S-or both. • Of0• /roe civilians not subject to the UCAIJ/ I have the right to talk privately to a lawyer before. during, and after Questioning and to have a lawyer present with me during questioning I understand that this lawyer can be one that i arrange for at my own expense. or if I cannot afford a lawyer and want one, a lawyer 11 .5-#'511 be appointed for me before any questioning begins 110.0It I am now willing to discuss the of tensels1 under investigation. with or without a lawyer present. I have a right to stop answering questions at any time, ar speak minutely with a lawyer before answering further. even it I sign the waiver below inq"-/6) 5.0COMMENTS (Continue on reverse side/ Yes 1110 v., ,,..,'0Ie • us01 /0S,0Ct 1.-,0 it-a_ue_0own Q ' j0/et IV0r.. A .4-4.0io*o,..o. Section R. Waiver I understand my rights as stated above0I am now willing to discuss the ottensefs1 under investigation and make a statement without talking to a lawyer first and without having a lawyer present with me. WITNESSES //./ availably) 3.oSIGNATURE OF INTERVIEWEE NAME (Type or Print! qC. .-5—otip— S.— ' • 4 ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS AND PHONE / / 2a0NAME 'Type or Print! 5oTYPED N0E OF 0 iIESTIGATOR0 r ... ..8 _ i \ b0ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS AND PHONE 60ORGANIZATION OF INVESTIGATOR 12 i \-%0MF0 Zel0(ii10)(F.,,,0 m•0„_0.0, z. .0 _, Section C.0Non.vvaiver I de not want to give LID my right: •- ,1 c•L‘it0I want a lawyer0 l An not wan: to he Creasman or say anything ____ . _________ _0_ _ .__ ____ ___ ..) i0,0 SIG --0 -0•0 -----,...-- .; i 7 ACH THIS WAIVER CEI}' 0TO0S0ORN ST ATM ta0R01 ,.7.: ;OM2523, :,IESEGUEN11.1 DI CUIED BY IRE SUSPECTIACCUSED 0 4„) 4,,,0,0UStPA101 OA FORM 3881, NOV 890 ( 'f.' ' ; 0' i' !0' ;,''0‘; t, ' 1111PPitihtil0ti4A8..isiMel '.:0 0nt ;.)1 ( M ft11.41,110t0t0I li r ;! 'il0, !11i 0ii \0»0("I \ ) li10' i.I . 101 ''.0k .-tH VI' 1 1 IL \s/ Jlia) 1-• DOD-DOACID001811 RIGHTS WARNING PROCEDURE/WAIVER CERTIFICATE For use of this form, see AR 190-30: the proponent agency is ODCSOPS DATA REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT AUTHORITY:r Title 10, United States Code, Section 3012(g) PRINCIPAL PURPOSE:0 To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which information may be accurately identified. ROUTINE USES:r Your Social Security Number is used as an additional/alternate means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. DISCLOSURE:r Disclosure of your Social Security Number is voluntary. • -1 -‘5-- 1.0LOCATION DATE0) 30TIME0 'r 4.0FILE NO. /V-A,/ 60Pii‘g.„,_ --1---row_____ ocoe 3 :0S( ,, _46-030 6CAS7o• :Q, ... _ ,-,Ii 4G} 5. B. aRGANIZATION OR ADDRESS 8 Cc, 57 /74 V‘ /AZ- Agvu .0SSN0 . 7.0GRA0STATUS /9-140 Ld Gkrajp Pr.:Sd'A-- --VIIIIIINII61C-6;t6 E - g PART I - RIGHTS WAIVER/NON-WAIVER CERTIFICATE Section A. Rights The investigate0whose name appears below told me that h' 0is with the United States Army0C r i AA; ;44_1g.T.--a." q e'.4,kg'' ... 'g4..A..g.SAg"g',,,0-and wanted to question me about the following off 0elsl of which I am suspectedlaeettsed: 0yl0 ..°MillErlIlilia .r 4 f)tyrlea-e‘roCo.1,111,-,r=e-c. eLsba asked me any questions about the offensels), however. he.f.a2 made it clear to me that I have the following rights: • not have to answer any question or say anything. ything I say or do can be used as evidence against me in a criminal trial. r personnel subject orhe UCMJo I have the right to talk privately to a lawyer before, during, and after questioning and to have a lawyer present with me during questioning. This lawyer can be a civilian lawyer I arrange for at no expense to the Government or a military lawyer detailed for me at no expense to me, or both. or or or civilians nor subject to the UCMJ) I have the right to talk privately to a lawyer before. during, and after questioning and to have a lawyer present with during questioning. I understand that this lawyer can he one that I arrange for at my own expense. or if I cannot afford a lawyer and want one. a lawyer l be appointed for me before any questioning begins. .0I am now willing to discuss the ottensersi under investigation, with or without a lawyer present. I have a right to stop answering questions at any time. or speak privately with a lawyer before answering further, even if I sign the waiver below.0 . ji 7 C "5/ kfc7-, 5.0COMMENTS (Continue on reverse sidel 11 41/'oL.)t¦oetec-ol''oe0 i0_,06) ,-iro---o%- Section B. Waiver I understand my rights as stated above. I em no w willing to discuss the offensels) under investigation and make a statement without talking to a lawyer first and without having a lawyer present with me. WITNESSES0(If available/o 13. SIGNATURE OF INTERVIEWEE0' la.0NAME (Type or Print) I b.0ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS AND PHONE -0I SIGNATURE OF I VE T0-----6—K-1 - I 40ATOR 64 2a.0NAME (Type or Print) TYPED0A E OF INVISTIG 'I (4 1 -0-0-0-0-0•0-0•0• ), Jif` b.0ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS ANC PHONE 0 ATOR ORGANIZAT ill/qt1 4,1,"oDell' CC i 6.) f_A-0:ry ee,...,i,,,At w -7,26 46--d1.3.735 !Section C.0Non-waiver li,do not •.,ant to give up0ri0hts r. '"01 .,ant a la•.vver0 1(10 not rant to be questioned or 55•,, anytblog 1376, -5-#10-5.-o/146, ,, s-i a,__3 TSNA I 11 "CH TIFICATE T ORN STATEMENT IDA FOArl9 2S7T SUSSFOUFNTEY EXECUTED0LHE SI1SPECI ACCUSED _ • — • —.-----. LISAPA 2 01 DA FORM 3881, NOV 89 EDITION OF NOV 84 IS OBSOLETE0 DOD-DOACID001812 RIGHTS WARNING PROCEDURE/WAIVER CERTIFICATE For use of this form, see AR 190-30: the proponent agency is ODCSOPS DATA REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT AUTHORITY:rTitle 10, United States Code, Section 301219) PRINCIPAL PURPOSE:.To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which information may be accurately identified. ROUTINE USES: Your Social Security Number is used as an additional/alternate means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. DISCLOSURE:.Disclosure of your Social Security Number is voluntary. ..-- — ! 6/C—s--1 t. LOCATION DATE03.0TIME0alp , 4.0FILE NO. 0 1. 4 ,o, S..-J, .^....o_..br_ 3 0 33;/6 - 0 3 -0.07-5-'-/2 // ....:o4, o2o1 Ce +od)o'o—LO.,_sg-C2o_oi0 _ / 5.0AME.5 asr, First. MI)o . 8.00 GANIZATION OR ADDRESS 10-1C'5L_L..C 00A/ W0- e-/T441/4 /1A-T k. GN,ro.,lo 0 /:•se-)'-& ADE/STATUS PART I - RIGHTS WAIVER/NON-WAIVER CERTIFICATE Section A. Rights The investigator whos0name appears below told me th.t heilerre i0with the United States Army (....' •ri' vgl.,_scs.v...10-T'-v iJ., :1.10.9.CC/1/‘ •.- ,...•......•...._,.....II.A.— •.al. and waited to question meabout the following citfensels) of which I am suspected/Trevose*:0......itn.MIRIJ121.elm0i00_ _0 iILMMMIIMP"M.0-0.......• OC,4••-•- 1 • ._ ;:fore hejskie asked me any questions about the offensels), however, heipinrrmade it clear to me that I have the following rights: not have to answer any question or say anything. ything I say or do can be used as evidence against me in a criminal trial. r personnel subject oche UCMJoI have the right to talk privately to a lawyer before, during, and after questioning and to have a lawyer present with me during questioning. This lawyer can be a civilian lawyer I arrange for at no expense to the Government or a military lawyer detailed for rile ar no expense to me. or both. or- (For civilians not subject to the UCili1J1oI have the right to talk privately to a lawyer before, during, and after questioning and to have a lawyer present with me during questioning. I understand that this lawyer can be one that I arrange for at my own expense, or it I cannot afford a lawyer and want one. a lawyer will be appointed for me before any questioning begins. 4101 am now willing to discuss the oftensels1 under investigation, with or without a lawyer present. I have a right to stop answering questions at any time, or speak privately with a lawyer before answering further, even if I sign the waiver below. b1C5.0MMENTS (Continue on reverse side)o At A' ---R.R/ e :I r .04 gC eIGe5'---.& 6 ./- • o..-Sr\PANe-1 ck-rriesi-A 3C'vN-) NT" e"-0..-tda ro- k-is? a Section B. Waiver I understand my rights as stated above. 1 ant now willing to discuss the offensels1 under investigation and make a statement without talking to a lawyer first and without having a lawyer present with me. WITNESSES (If available) 3.0SIGNATURE OF INTERVIEWEE a. NAME (Type or Print) -o-o---0 4.0-.7100'1- b. ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS AND PHONE0 SIGNATURE OF INVESTIGATOR 0.-.0: 2a.0NAME (Type or Print/o 0 5. b'-C)0h-1 tS 6 ` ()ROA 1 A..tQA C IDN b.0ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS AND PHONE0 OF INVkSTITOft i Section C. imon-waiver I do not0to give •.10 rtIV rights ::ant0 I do nol V., and to ;, ,2 questioned or say anything rL0 1'11(9 . ATTACH THIS WAIVER CER0 VORt•I Si A Tp.iisriti0.., (),331;1.1.?52.?1 SUBSEDUENT1', Li:I:CUTE° BY 1HE SUSPECT ACCUSED 0 0 EDITioN OF NOV 84 IS OBSOLETE USAI1A 2 ill CA FORM 3881, NOV 89 14'. A DOD-DOACID001813 SWORN STATEMENT For use of this form, see AR 190-45; the proponent agency is ODCSOPS 0C•4 1 t0C-11 LOCATION0 DATE)/ 0 a 03 TIME0/336 FILE NUMBER Camp Vigilant, Baghdad Iraq 0 444600M-03-cifirisir- .4 10,-11 OCIAL SECULAST NAME, FIRST NAME. MIDDLE NAME0NUMBER0GRADE/STATUS E-5 UMW PC-'44/b6-(40 to 4C-- 11 &''' -Li 0 GA0A I0OR ADDRESS 72nd M P CO. APO AE 09335 to0—`11k,-41 I, SG _061-C -14/ b6. y WANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT UNDER OATH: On 6 October I was assigned to wing I of the hard site prison. at approximately 0100 hours I was approached by SSGININII who informed me of a pending MI interview. I then made contact with four M I personnel one of which was a translator, I did not get their names but I can visually identify them. They informed me that they needed to speak with the inmate in cell number 102. I then retrieved the inmate, they then asked me where they could conduct the interviews, I then pointed to an open area toward the center of the wing as a location for past interviews. M I then took custody of the inmate escorting her to an open cell located towards the south west corner of the wing. I then conducted my cell and area checks. As I was conducting my cell checks I could not see or make out what was being said in the area of the interview, at times the interview seemed loud, which is consistent with past interviews. The interview lasted approximately one hour at which time the inmate was placed hack in her cell. M I talked to an additional inmate, through the door of cell number 99. M I then informed me they needed to interview the inmate in cell number 99 as well. 0I then retrieved the inmate M I escorted the inmate to the location of the previous interview. This interview lasted approximately an hour. The inmate was placed back in cell number 99 M I departed the area approximately at 0330. I was summoned by the inmate in cell number 102. She then pointed to M I as they were leaving then she partially raised her shirt I then gestured and asked the inmate in cell number 99 if the M I personnel asked her to raise her shirt she then responded no and pointed to the ' ate in102 gesturing that she was crazy. ///0 —glid-eff4tatertent-Ill 0 O. 1111110c---, 1106.- q 4 . 1111111,4c..-Liib - Lf ,0. 6) ,0c‘.) A 00i....).?._J0fie_0Ifs-2 .9, 10-Feint/ c-0-"Li 146- A .0 Q.01) ,-40you06-ac0./Ac t0Fe r5 0+071? (0make0-1/ f:--09 ,v/ /0/ 4:710,0 t071, 4--0 k0c0(-''CC AO-X.-41 L A e .-05 A,;,- 71 r // Ac' f A4'1 - i0-5 ) C0j, ,,(3071" jes,„ere,-,10IA.71-0,,,,c670cc/a- , A .0:I-0d ,- .9(0(I, 10tz.//00 2 0.'d.'d0 10i0's0e 2 (_: ( Le40 Q0A bo- 40L..; 4 e, 40) , (4 e0I 4.0g0 oc. -T- D3 erfolc-cli b(-- q 0100„ CL014 , Aei, c01 ,d0-1,,-i0occur01. toit---y k,- q 0.,0 .• 10- 4 .0tAL',,,0/41 - 10,••,,0yAc.0A 4 r J06 / rd. J'" 01„' C-1.060 1i 00t.,,, q___50/-1, e05t,,,, 04,„/)._ • -( e (via le0, it 1--r , i0 /0lc;0,,e,5 i 4 •0IT0dc04,-,./:-0c,,,ne,„&,-0,?e.,-k0,i,t/Pi e0Z, ,_,_: .-/0x '0.- 711, ..7 „:.:0J /, ¦.'_0?....),-,. 50) ,e , 0' Ce\ ,0g 0 '-'-)0/)", , '0.11/V0 /1/l'.y 0' ^ -!....-e ,,, e0,. „0-21 / t 0-/0' - . 1' i e,‘-' 01--' re- ' 5.0,44 c' 1/ A- .070,., 00,,,i _.0fe.r507.¦ n.e I0,,-te0,,,0.h.,.:0r^o/rl0''''' 0)).0c'n0/ ,i ic.rr..'rc' /c/' 0a rid0°4 e. , r --I0P-€ t 50'10(-(= --= i05 /0VI, f0•0c 7111 C.:0dav .r, -44/10(o-Li -,)0 c9 ,.,c 0s r c4 0 10-0 -/07 O.0L,,,/, ,, /0c,,f , 0.40_I A ,0/7) 7"0n...2-.^,3(;,7, ,? e /0/00 /z-047-- e0, / .'r0 , r)017? -2 ¦,/0,„.::• / .:?.0Z.,-,/,0= ..0/1,1,i0,,,, ,0,; ¦ 1 ,0L.,-., ::06,,,0,01-,•01.1,---'0" ' /7 ::%-ri1-c0."0,_,..0L.0t.....,e0:.-0.2.,,,,-; ::;....5 c0Z0c:0,0y'fit..4 //),,,01,1,‘,,,0.::, 1 ,:f0,;:.;0,./1,,01_,0:.', f, Cf,i- ,1.', ¦ :.,¦ !0I, • - .-", EXHIBI I0 INITIA0ERSON MAKING STATEMENT0 -'7 I PAGE 1 OF0°.----0PAGES to0q (4-cf0 ADA(77oNA! pAGFS 1,1US' (7)N TA IN THE HEAnING -STATEMENT OF 0__ TAKEN AT0DATED _0_ CONTINUED." THE BOTTOM? OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT AND BE INITIALED AS "PAGE0OF0PAGES " WHEN ADDITIONAL PAGES ARE UTILIZED, THE BACK OF PAGE 1 WILL BE LINED OUT, AND THE STA i EMEN! I.A.ILL BE CONCLUDE!) ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF ANOTHER COPY OF THIS FORM. U yrkfiTC V2.00,... DA FORM 2823, JUL 72 SUPERSrF_N[pES/p:ar FoRtn,/,, ,\"I JAN 68, WHICH WILL BE USED. )1 1-"XHINT I6-O3 c STATEMENT •Connnuedlo %ale "ilLip. -51 ' 11 ::=o CA.) CI /^ e.c; i‘-,,..5(:: 5 . Or 6.," , (2 _ Do0 y,.,,-(.. Ii ,,, t 41 Ay 7171 ' ;3' /0 4 -1 2oll -710.-71,c,...-,.5 "e, . ./,00 . ///,,.,,,,, kyl-ci--1, bb -LI 0 -, .„„),.,.. „1 f ///01 ,, . 1o6-Li 446-T-EiSe8r , HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT WHICH BEGINS ON PAGE 1 AND ENDS ON PAGE 0. I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE BY ME. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. I HAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY WITgOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR REWARD, WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT, AND WITHOUT COERCION, UNLAWFUL INFLUEN o • Subscribed and sworn to bore me, a person authorized bAtar5to WITNESSES: „,....61-/ administer oaths, this .05 0day of 0OCT 0, 19----83" at TOC, 72ND MP CO, CAMP VIGILANT, IRAQ blc--i 1 16.---1 ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS (Signature of ersonAdministering a '7c0104 -r (Type minis e g Oath! ART 136 (b)(4) UCMJ ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS (Authority To Administer Oaths) t167- or PI-RSON MAKING SI ATEMENT • INFI V.A. S OG i PAGE (7 OF0----PAGES u s6 EECLV 2 OQ DOD-DOACID001815 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT RCN NUMBER 0216-03-C10259-61211 CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 1 OF 2 PAGES DETAILS tolc. About 1400, 3 Nov 03, SA0and SA0 coordinated with LTC Officer in Charge, Joint Interrogation Detention Center (JIDC), Abu Ghraib, Iraq. LTC related that the facility did not maintain a computerized database of the prisoners' locations and tracking where they were was accomplished through the use of a dry-erase board. LTAINUMstated he would not be able to determine the identity of the "naked male prisoner" as many personnel have been transferred and he would not be able to identify who was in the cell Ms.111111111111kvas taken to. LTC iMilefurther stated, the unit did not have a typed Standard iv Operating Procedures (SOP) and the SOP at the time of this incident was verbal. LTC.... stated there were no scheduled interrogations the night Ms.1111111111.was interrogated. LTC 111.11111Pcould not provide any further information for this investigation. 10th On 10 Nov 03, this office received the following Sworn Statements from the Military Police Battalion (CID), Camp Victory, Iraq: 6-1e: 120 • SSG0 Joint Interrogation and Debriefing Center (JIDC), Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq, which detailed his knowledge of the incident on 6-7 Oct 03 (See Sworn Statement for details). SGTvimmarnitilime • , JIDC, Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq, which detailed her knowledge of the interrogation of Ms1111111111.(See Sworn Statement for details). b -5 - • SGT0 A Company, 519th Military Intelligence Battalion, Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq, which detailed his knowledge of the interrogation of Ms.11111111.1 0 (See Sworn Statement for details). -3r3 • CPT0 JIDC, Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq, which detailed her knowledge of the interrogation of Ms./Mt/See Sworn Statement for details).tow-N,i2C4 On 13 Nov 03, this office received the following Sworn Statements from the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, Camp Victory, IZ. a SGT 72"d Military Police Company, JIDC, Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq, which detailed her actions on the night of 8 Oct 03 (See Sworn Statement for details). TYPED AGENT'S NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER ORGANIZATION 12!h Military Police (MP) Detachment (DET), 3D Military epi onie itcte -1 (=g- Sly Police Group (CID), Victory Camp, APO AE 09335 DATE EXHIBIT HU' - 2 ¦ (IL( 0) FOR OFFICIAL. USE ONLY 1 FEB 77 U ROI NUMBER AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT 0216-03-C1D259-61211 CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 2 OF 2 PAGES DETAILS Icaltib(-SSG0 72 nd Military Police Company, JIDC, Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq, which detailed his investigation into the allegations of inappropriate behavior involving Ms TSee Sworn Statement for details). b4c, -1-11 10"-I nd0• SPC 72 Military Police Company, JIDC, Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq, which detailed her knowledge of the incident involving Ms1.11110(See Sworn Statement for details)._ OC.- 1.) bf:, -1 visamikiisimagtcr4is ii At 1400, 14 Nov 03, SA111.11.coordinated with Mr. Project Director, Titan Technical Operations Support Services, Coalition Joint Task Force (CJTF) Kuwait, Unit 6990, 9th Street, Camp Doha, Kuwait, and briefed him on this investigation. Mr...11. 19X -`1/ related his current employee did not reflect the name of Mr. 0 and believed he was 0( 176.-1/ transferred or his employment was terminated. Mr. 0tated he would ascertain the current ,--ti r,: location of Mr. IIIIIIIPand contact this office with the information.x -q1b671 ( U;lc--) 4,-) a b9c.-(2 bl-cdnli:(oswy three At 1325, 3 Dec 03, SA0nterviewed Mr. Translator, Titan Corporation, B1AP, who rendered a Sworn Statement where he e 0ssing any d witnessing inappropriate touching between jvis0limpand the rinterrogators (See Sworn Statement for details).0 q, 1,-(i b4C-ilb&--1 On 20Joint Interrogation blc..3,6- e,-3,s 20 Dec 03, SAIIIIIMIgcoordinated with LTCB 0 Detention Center (JIDC), Abu Ghraib, Iraq. LTC11.111.1stated that SGT....SP and SPC111.11111.would each receive a Field Grade Article 15304c -51 11v-6 0_joic___.-_-3A- _3 ____ On 31 Dec 03, SA coordinated with CPT _____ IIIII. Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, 205 th Military Intelligence Brigade, Abu Ghraib' Iraq. CP 0pined there wasb -31K- insufficient evidence to prove SGTUNIIIIIIIDSPC IMMOPand SPC.Mgcommitted theot- te.-f. offenses of Conspiracy, Indecent Assault, Maltreatment of a Prisoner and Communicating a Threat. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ILAST ENTRY111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111 TYPED AGENT'S NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER ORGANIZATION 12m Military Police (NAP) Detachment (DET), 3D Military SA Police Group (CID), Victory Camp, APO AE 09335 DATE EXHIBIT 0-7114- I .FOR OFFtClAk USE ONLY 1 FEB 77 1, U (52 iho-c 20 02/) SWORN STATEMENT is OD For use of this form, see AR 190-45; the0 2tfSOlifix LOCATION0 b9c.'02-11 DA0 TIME0" FILE NUMBER Titan Headquarters, BIAPr '1/0 3 20°71 13 LAM Ft NAME. MIDDLE NAMEo SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER GRADEJSTATUS 1044-',:b 100-qr111111111111111111 .-4/ 106-'I Ci v ORGANIZATION ADDRESS: Titan Technical Operations Support Services, Baghdad International Airport, Baghdad, Iraq b&-q o 10'9-c-411 b&-1L, WANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT : On the evening of 6 Oct 03, about 2300, 611111.1.1.1111111.1.andIM111.01.came and got me for an interroction. We all (dit•-51/:‘,"6" walked MP on duty and they asked to interrogate the girt (Ms 11.1. The MP on duty brought Ms Io a cell on a second floor for the (11C.--i-1 14 ,-44 interrogation. Ms movas in the isolation cell on the fast floor, but her assigned cell is on the second floor. Msaillawas seated on the bottom 64C -4 1 196 '44 bunk bed and, one interrogator was seated by the door"... the rest of us were standing and facing Ms LThe interrogation lasted 01.-5; 1 / Up-Fi g approximately 45-60 minutes. During the interrogation Ms elMdmilted she and her boyfriend were Fackeieen Millie (Terrorism) and was explain:ogle-4c .1.1 1 b4, -4( how she was given some type of medicine and how the attacks against the coalition were carried out Alter the interrogation was Wished with Ms 11111.1 stayed in the interrogation room and 111.11.111•11.ind11111111111took Ms0town to the first floor for about 5 minutes, thenbi4C -41/5-k."4 brought her back to the second floor to her original Gell. After they placed Ms 0rack in her assigned cell, the three interrogators went and gat theaL 41.-11 second girl to the interrogation morn. The interrogation of this girl lasted about 45-60 minutes, there was some yelling, but no one touched her or Ms OM.lO7c 44 Ic(9- 0: SAONE. 64Z -1 I ho-1 A: .427-C -1-1 / 1=4-.4/0 OC-c-1 i 110'4( Q: Did you witness any of the three interrogators pull Ms.111. shirt off of her? A: No.0 110(9 -LI 0: Did you witness any of the interrogators kiss Ms0on the mouth? A: Hell no. 0: Did you smell any alcohol on the breath of any of the interrogators? A: No sir. cticl/ 14 41 CI: Did you witness any of the interrogators threaten Msa in any way? A: No, it was not a hard interrogation. 0: Prior to this interview, did anyone tell you what to say? A: No, Q: Do you know why Ms was taken downstairs for about five minutes then returned to her original cell on the second floor? A. In my opinion, I think they were taking her to the isolation cell, then changed their mind and returned her to her assigned cell. Q: Was Ms _ver taken to the male segregated portion of the prison? b7 4 / 1067 ' 4 A: I don't know, they could have taken her when they took Ms ...downstairs for the five minutes.• 10(0'• CI: Which of the three interrogators was the lead interrogator? A: 111.1111.and .11111.1674. Si Q: Did ...participate in the interrogation at all? Li? C - S' 1 1r4, - A: He was only sitting in a chair by the door. CI: She Ms0ever forced to sit on her knees?tol-c"“r 1474 A: No.0k1C--,4i icro-q Q: Is it possible Ms 11111.1.was assaulted by one of the interrogators when they took her downstairs? A: Maybe, I did not see that happen. Q: Was this the first evening interrogation you conducted? A: The first involving a female in the evening. 0: Were you threatened by anyone prior to this interview? A: No, no one ever said anything to me. EXHIBIT INITIALS OF PE: • N • I NG STATEMENT PAGE 1 OF 2 0PAGES ADDITIONAL PAGES MUST COAITalH THE HEADIVG "STATEMENT OF TAKEN AT DATED COAMNIJED " THE BOTTOlvi OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT AND BE INITIALED AS 'PAGE OF PAGES.' WHEN ADDITIONAL PAGES ARE UTILIZED, THE BACK OF PAGE 1 WILL BE LINED OUT AND THE STATEMENT WILL BE CONCLUDED OH THE REVERSE SIDE OF ANOTHER COPY OF THIS FORM. zawsotaxrramsor....g satarammamemmel.:-.......,...--smasatsastrarszumummomew . DA FORM 2823, JUL 72rSUPERSEDED DA FORM 2823, I JAN 68, WHICH WILL BE USED . li'LY\I-11[311' DOD-DOACID001818 o2 i4 -CA -(025e, - 6')//) STATEMENT (Continued) Q: Why was Ms Mae in prison? A: I don't know, I did not see her file. Q: Do you believe Ms 11/11111111111 is telling the truth about this?1,1c-q t 6c,-4 A: I don't think so. Q: Have you ever spoken with Ms ffninprior to this time? A: First time I ever spoke with her. LAS 10111: -Is b6-5- Q: Do you know if she was interrogated by MINOMOMMIIMMOO oral.* before? A: I don't know that. Q: !Id any of the interrogators appear to be intoxicated? A: No. Q: What is your personal opinion of Ms A: I believe she is a dangerous person and should not be trusted. She seemed kind of "crazy". Q: Did you witness the interrogators do anything that seemed inappropriate or unprofessional during the interrogation? A: No. IA:44)16(0-1/ Q: Did Ms. IMMOMMIbegin to cry during the interrogation? A: No. Q: At any time, did you witness any of the interrogators hold Ms IIIIIIIIII. hands behind her back? b? -H / 1°6-Li A: No. Q: Do you have anything else to add to this statement? A: The prisoner can say anything they want, people normally would yell or try to stop an attack, they was an MP right near by, if something happened the MP could have seen or heard Ms 4.11111,yell. So I don't10 ,=-41 believe this happened to Ms 111111111111WC-11*ci - Q: Do you have anything else to add to this statement? A: No. ///END OF STATEMENT///. blc- -106, 1111111111 b6,-Lf AFFIDAVIT AVE READ OR HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT WHICH BEGINS ON PAGE 1 AND ENDS ON PAGE . I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE BY ME. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. I HAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY WITHOUT HOPE OR BENEFIT OR REWARD, WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT, AND WITHOUT COERCION, UNLAWFUL INFULENCE, OR UNLAWFUL INDUCEMENT. Mcinatu of Person Making Statement) WITNESSES: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a person authorized by Law to administer oaths, this 3 day of Dec. 2003 ring Oath) ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS Special Agent (Typed Name of Person Administering Oath) ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS (Authority to Adirth,rister Oaths) INITIALS OF P.KINGSTATEviE,NT -PAGE0OF 2gPAGES g • •0•0 ¦ u t,0.1 0 DOD-DOACID001819 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT ROI NUMBER 0216-03-C1D259-6121 I CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE010OF 1 PAGES DETAILS 3 About 1 100,.the undersigned coordinated with CPT filiiiiiiiiinlia 30 Jan 04,.b-Legal Officer,.APO AE 09323.. 205th Military Intelligence Brigade,.CPT 11111111110 provided SA 111110with a copy of all of the Non-Judicial paperworkb7 pertaining to SPC OM, SPC11¦11, and SGT . (See Record oft7424 Proceedings Under Article 15,.pertaining to SPC. UCMJ,.SPC and SGT .for details).///LAST ENTRY///1094...-srbta-b 3 Jan 04,.- . - '_'PED AGENT'S NAME AND SEQUENCE.OPGAIZAII0 •UMEEF SIGNAT DATE EXHIBIT 30 Jan 04 6/C 'fi0. 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY u 25 OCT 2003 FROM: SAC, 12TH MILITARY POLICE DET (CID) TO:.DIRECTOR, USACRC, USACIDC, FORT BELVOIR, VA CDR, HQUSACIDC //CIOP-COP-CO// CDR, 10T.1 MP BN (CID) (ABN) (FWD) //OPS// CDR, 3D MP GROUP (CID) //OPS// LNO CID, CJTF-7 CDR, 205TH MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BRIGADE CDR, A COMPANY, 519TH MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BATTALION SUBJECT: CID REPORT -INITIAL -0216-03-CID259-61211 -6C1/6X1/5S1F/5T1 DRAFTER : SA RELEASER: SA.ialcrip(0-1 UNCLASSIFIED - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1. DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: 1.07 OCT 2003/ 0100 HRS - 7 OCT 2003/ 0330 HRS; ABU GHRAIB PRISON, ABU GHRAIB, IRAQ DATE/TIME REPORTED: 21 OCT 2003, 0900 HRS SA 3. INVESTIGATED BY: SA 1111111111‘111.1111.1.11 INIMMONOMMIO SA.blc-1,12(,1,17d, -s-0 4. SUBJECT: 1.. SGT; .1.11111.11111111111.111111111.1111111110 NI; WHITE; A COMPANY, 519TH MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BATTALION, ABU GHRAIB, IRAQ; CT; [INDECENT ASSAULT] [CONSPIRACY] [MALTREATMENT OF A PRISONER][COMMUNICATING A THREAT] 101C7-s 146-5- SUBJECT: 2. 0111110.11111111.1111111111111110SP0; c-Stb6" UNININMEMINIMMINIMMIND M; WHITE; A COMPANY, 519TH MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BATTALION, ABU GHRAIB, IRAQ; CT; [INDECENT ASSAULT] [CONSPIRACY] [MALTREATMENT OF A PRISONER][COMMUNICATING A THREAT] b - 5' kk, SUBJECT: 3. 111.1111.1111111111111111111.10 SPC; 31. c. ; WHITE; A COMPAN, 519TH MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BATTALION, ARU GRRATR, IRA;,; ASSAULT} CONSPIRACY) [MALTREATM7N7 ,-)17 A 7Fic,ONER) OMMHM-ICATINGA THRFJaT] lc -4 I AL-51 1.4-s- 5. VICTIM: 1.. CIV; 111.1111111110 F; OTHER; CARE OF AL-SALHYAT PRISON, BAGHDAD, IRAQ; ZZ [INDECENT ASSAULT] [CONSPIRACY] N,LUTREATMENT OF A PRISONER] [COMMUNICATING A THREAT]. 6. INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: THE INFORMATION IN THIS REPORT IS BASED UPON AN ALLEGATION OR PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION AND MAY CHANGE PRIOR TO THE COMPLETION OF THE INVESTIGATION. THIS IS AN "OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM" INVESTIGATION. THIS INVESTIGATION WAS INITIATED BASED ON NOTIFICATION FROM THE 10TH MILITARY POLICE BATTALION (CID) THAT A FEMALE PRISONER WAS MISTREATED AT THE ABU GHRAIB PRISON. Ce5(40-15-. ior4C--5t6(0-5- PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION REVEALED SGT.SPC AND SPC limum ALL THREE MILITARY INTELLIGENCEc-5/ 647-5 INTERROGATORS, WENT TO THE FEMALE WING OF THE ABU GHRAIB PRISON, AND TOOK MS..OUT OF HER CELL. WHILE ACTING64L -14, 610-4 66-q IN CONCERT, THEY THEN ESCORTED MS. IIIMMOTO A VACANT CELL67c-9( AND INDECENTLY ASSAULTED HER. (o4c,f5i6G-f INVESTIGATION DISCLOSED THAT SGT - SPC. g, AND SPC IONNIMMIPTOOK MS.INMONNOTO THE DESERTED END OF THE PRISON lo14.-Llt 6L -4 .ACTED AS A "LOOK-OUT" OUTSIDEfolc -s -CELL BLOCK, WHERE SPC OF THE CELL. WHILE IN THE CELL, SGT0HELD MS.loqc-s-,66-5 11MMONNOHANDS BEHIND HER BACK AND SPCIONIMISFORCEFULLY(o7C-11,5 KISSED MS. IMMONOWN HER MOUTH. MS. ffflaralbQUESTIONED THE10.4-g ibi:q INTERROGATORS ABOUT WHAT THEY WERE DOING AND THEY SUBSEQUENTLY ESCORTED HER TO ANOTHER CELL, WHICH CONTAINED A NAKED IRAQI MALE. THEY THREATENED HER THAT IF SHE DID NOT DO WHAT THEY SAID, THEY WOULD STRIP HER NAKED LIKE THE IRAQI MALE. THE INTERROGATORS THEN TOOK MS. IIIMINOBACK TOLat.-L. lbto•c/ ORIGINAL ABANDONED CELL, WHERE THEY THEN MADE HER KNEEL AND RAISE HER HANDS ABOVE HER HEAD. WHILE ON HER KNEES, SGT 11111111.110 LIFTED MS. VOIMEMOSHIRT OVER HER HEAD, REMOVING63c•4,5 66,-4)5 IT, THUS LEAVING MS. IMMOMMOIN HER BRA, MS. 1BEGANIolc-u/1010-4 TO CRY, AND SGT SEIMOSUBSEQUENTLY THREW HER SHIRT AT HER10 -i-c•s-ildo-.5--L(il AND STARTED CURSING AT HER. MS. -WAS TOLD THAT THEYivri-L WERE GOINII:.MS. Bc7 BACK E ACH NIGHT TO TALK TO HFR. IMMOMMIW..WHEPE SHEI6r42-1 MEN ESGDRTE.HEF.. REPORT. ME INC: 7)ENT TO A FEMALE MTLTTARv 77(2, 0T,7';TEP. ,-..CT 7 CT" ON.mem FPC.SPc.WERE RTGHT(;, WHTTH THEY INVOKED AND RP.QUESTFP LEC:AL Q 1,104 9 ON 23 OCT 03, MS..WAS INTERVIEWED AND SHOWN A PHOTOGRAPHIC LINE-UP, DURING WHICH SHE IDENTIFIED SGT mg. SPC MOMMOMMO, AND SPC .111111. AS THE SUBJECTS OF61c-' 6 1 THIS INVESTIGATION. INVESTIGATION CONTINUES BY USACIDC. 7. COMMANDERS ARE REMINDED OF THE PROVISIONS OF AR 600-8-2 PERTAINING TO SUSPENSION OF FAVORABLE PERSONNEL ACTIONS AND AR 380-67 FOR THE SUSPENSION OF SECURITY CLEARANCES OF PERSONS UNDER INVESTIGATION. 8. CID REPORTS ARE EXEMPT FROM AUTOMATIC TERMINATION OF PROTECTIVE MARKING IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 3, AR 25-55. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY U UI)0-J • • . .-;.; "• ¦•., ;1:; ;t.,1;1; "i • ,0•0 .0•0•0 ' .• • -.•*; • ;" ,;;;;;;':",4-;:1;0;" • . ....... .0 . • ' 0• .0• ,'.."‘:,;•:;,)4-.!,^ ;.4 AGENT NOTES AND SUPPLEMENTARY DOCUMENTS FROM THE FIELD FILE CID FORM 66 . DATE 2' TIME RECEIVED I 7 . CASE =GM ocrol900 09-16 -tkVc49,61 -41 )1/ I - 2 . OFFENSE 8, ASST. "0 0 1 ("'-1÷ -Trtie-c &if /95,5etui/ 4. SUBJEcT 9' TYPE OF ACTION + ----------------------------- ---------___------------- 5 . VICTIM IO'0REPORTS -MS0 TYPE 1 StTSPENSE I ComP ------------ - -0 ---- - DESMIPTION ‘26 -1"/ a/et .50 4'S ga /Ad by 3 41.fev.c01.4I e .0OTHER ACTION0IJ.0CID FUNDS 0---------------------------------------- ACt.'I ON0RQRD COMPL0DATE0AMOUNT -------- --------------0------------------ CRIMINA_L INF] EVIDENCE CUST 1. 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------- • : OSP-II111 \1 DOD-DOACID001825 g .g-A-g.g.gJ1L4M l r • fy ,ignirillgMiea iMillir'g. . , :g . .-' ,g t . - -1 U24 0 I0Oft Qb. Ibilthiiiroi ',-14.41 irldtfirirong t 4, g ' ., i 1- as C1o iiii nip -t- Mr on so' P ios 7 / r)ar :, as otf 03o'1Io0,-% SAooc-12,-.1 -o Alt\L.0.5.--ma,g' 03 , .....,.;_.-‘,...—0 ''...:......4.,_ Circle0Last Name0Date Issued 0Circle0Last Name0Date Issued0Cfrcle0Last Name0 Date Issiied V W0V W-0 V W •0 V W0 V W0 V W0 1 ACTION COMPLETED0N / A0ACTION0 cbat'sttr-E13 '0kiA Obtain MP Report / MPR # Sources targeted0 .0. NCIC entry on stolen prop Medical records requested Film submitted for contact sheet Name check dispatched Copy of AIR posted in ACTRS Name check results received 0I0•Obtain all documents concerning All documents marked with the positive urinal sis the ROI or file ouniber -, ACTIVITY/ PPR-Rnhi PHONE NUMBER0, (........:11 ,9gC i sir e coZ., 4J Li i S 1 V0 ./0 . V CV1 -0i : 6'14=5 hs60 -0. -0:,..;.• • ...0 ..,.. 0l0 ''.0-;AA _ - __.- ---0_ _0.._0_ ___0 -- —0-• -1 .0,• is vr:'0-' '-'= Vv LO' Investigative Plan FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DOD-DOACID001826 AGENTS ACTIVITY Control (CID Regulation 1 021911"-CID2,59-612U TIN M, mum, AND AGENT SWIM Off VIVIRITIGIN1115 acitmer BASIS FOR INVESTIGATION: About 0900, 21 Oct 03, this office was notified FROM THE 10'm MILITARY POLICE BATTALION THAT A FEMALE PRISONER HAD BEEN MISTREATED AT THE ABU GHRAIB PRISON. IWZI1104-1 coordinated with CPT About 1100, 21 Oct 03, SA. 3 111111111101101111111.1111111.11111. A Company, 519 th Military Intelligence (MI) Battalion (BN), Abu Ghraib Prison, Baghdad, Iraq and briefed him on the investigation. / • bt,-/ Abuu. 107c-41 lo(v - 320th NP Battalion, Abu Ghraib Prison, Baghdad, Iraq who stated that all of the female prisoners were transferred to Al-Salhyat Prison (VB 436 868) on 13 Oct 03. 132:_:±14-/. About 1144, 21 Oct 03, SA VOMOMPadvised SGT 461661'66 WININIMINOMMINIMI A Co, 519th NI BN, Abu Ghraib Prison, Baghdad, IZ, of his rights, which he invoked and requested legal counsel. la9,6/1 About 1150, 21 Oct 03, SA INOMPinterviewed SSG 11111/1/MEM 372'd MP Company, Abu 1111111111. Ghraib Prison, Baghdad, Iraq who stated his company took over the prison operations on 15 Oct 03 from the 72nd NP Company. LQ-4c. s-,g75-- About 1151, 21 Oct 03, SA Imp advised SPC1/0111.110 A Co, 519th NI BN, Abu Ghraib Prison, IZ of his rights, which he invoked and requested legal counsel. 6gIC-11b1p -1 129.C.-5LY0c About 1220, 21 Oct 03, SA IND advised SPC iiMMOMMOMMOOMMINMOMON A Co, 519 th NI BN, Abu Ghraib Prison, IZ of his rights, which he invoked and requested legal counsel. 10-c-1 110-1 About 1235, 21 Oct 03, SAWN, interviewed SGT 72nd Military Police Company, Abu Ghraib Prison, Baghdad, Iraq who rendered a Sworn Statement detailing how the three military intelligence personnel came in and interviewed female prisoners. (See Sworn Statement of SGT -q for details) interviewed SSG eallii...01.11111111.111. 72 nd Military Police Company, Abu Ghraib Prison, Baghdad, Iraq who stal-.ed that helow.-40 did not know anything about the incident. SSG MOM About 1250, 21 Oct 03, SA. PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL E7MAUSTED, CID FORM 28 1 Oct 80 (\rcolAi.r1NIIV AGENTS ACTIVITY iry OMIT=.MOM (CID Regulation I oc2-l4r?-64v-?4, DATE, AND ANT (cric (4 1 1c4 - - =Saar or IrrlWrr.GATIV* Istated that NI personnel were always coming in to interview personnel and that no log was kept if they interviewed prisoners in the cell block area. ; Io 6-1 El i0'47-1. About 1340, 21 Oct 03, SA0and SAMIllbcoordinated with LTC _and obtained a copy of the Mille -3,136-3 prepared on the incident. SA -0and SA 1111111briefede-X-1/1:6-( LTC Willinalbabout the investigation. 3 01(4 About 1800, 22 Oct 03, SArcoordinated with the n or '" escor s o 11-al ya0rison 868) on 23 Oct 03. lol-e-1 bb-1 About 0900, 23 Oct 03, SAINIMmet with'the N2 escorts at the front gate of BIAP and departed to interview the two female prisoners. 67471 JS7(0 bic-4/ _b0e About 1135, 23 Oct 03, SArinterviewed Ns. UM IIMMINNIONNEWAl-Salhyat Prison, Baghdad, IZ who detailed the incident that happened with the NI personnel. Ns. IIIIMMIOstated she was in her ce11,69c.-q /a.-t( when three NI personnel and an interpreter came to her cell and escorted her down the cell block to an abandoned cell. Ns. ,stated one of the Ni!o9c -(Itbk1 soldiers stayed outside of the cell and acted as a lookout. Ns.fleMadescribed the male who waitedtaf...-qt -Y outside as a white male, young, skinny and wore glasses. Ns. J stated that inside the cell, oneW-{,b&-t/ of the soldiers held her hands behind her back while another soldier forcefully kissed her. Ns. 111111111111601-c-Hilobq described the male who held her hands as a white male and skinny. Ns. 1111.1111bdescribed the male who kissed4716 Ido"( Ns.IIONMIS stated thetolc-4!1do-it her as a heavy set male. soldiers took her out of the cell and took her downstairs, where they showed her a naked Iraqi man and told her that if she did not do what they said, then they would take her clothes off and make her look like the Iraqi man. Ns. OINNMEIstated she was thenbic14 escorted back. to the abandoned cell upstairs where she was forced to get on her knees and raise her arms and hands over her head. Ns.11111111.stated the skinny(6}C -4f/bf q white male without glasses, removed her shirt, leaving Ns. INNOMOIstated she began to cry161/ and the soldier through her shirt at her and started cursing at her. Ns INNOMOstated the soldiers toldlor1A-4' her they were going to come back each night and talk her._stated she was then taken back toVrc. 12)&4 her in her bra. . her cell PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM WILL HE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED CID FORM 28 1 Oct 80 ij n AGENTS ACTIVITY Yr CMITROltiahlaRr jzazilzAir .42av, (CTL) Regulation 1 , LATE, AND AGICNT simplur 131MITISITIVS ACZUVAXIV\ AGENT's CONMENT: No statement was taken from Ns. 111111111111due to her not being able to read or write( ( Arabic or any othez.A.a4guags. T4g_ia,F,10.4w Ifos witnessed by SGT0 770 th 4P Company, 400 th NP Sn,.6-L-w About 1201, 23 Oct 03,0conducted a photographic line up with NS. MOM In viewing #I, (61.c-4 lo6-q. Ns.IMINIMpidentified picture #2 (white, skinny, male, no glasses) as the soldier who pulled hex shirt off. wi-c -z40Ns 111111110identified picture #5 TWhite, skinny, male, with glasses) as the soldier who stood guard outside of the door. Ns. 'identified picture #6 (heavy set, male, no glasses) as the soldier who kissed her. toitc...-,((toca -14 Ns. `stated that the soldier in picture #6 used to have a mustache. In viewing #2, Ns. MONS to;c-4 ( bc."1 identified picture #4 (white, skinny, male, no glasses) as the soldier who pulled her shirt off. Vs IMMOONISidentified picture #3 (white, skinny, male, with glasses) as the soldier who stood guard outside of the door. Ns. IMMIUMbidentified picture #2 (heavy set, male, no glasses) as the soldier who kissed her. irg9-4{rIn viewing #3, Ns. 1111.10identified picture #6 . (white, skinny, male, no glasses) as the soldier who (09-c-4 1 (04.-y pulled her shirt off. MANIOMMilidentified picture #1 (white, skinny, male, with glasses) as the soldier who stood guard outside of the door. Hs. 111111.116 fo4c-4,(9G-41 identified picture #2 (heavy set, male, no glasses) as the soldier who kissed her. VD--(010"-ltbb-About 1220, 23 Oct 03, SASMINIkinterviewed 051.11 bric-Li [94,- LI IMUNIMMOIN who stated that three NI soldiers and an interpreter took her out of her cell and took her down the hall to a vacant cell. NsAllipstated that thebic-qtk,1 soldiers did not do anything inappropriate to her and just talked and questioned her to see if she knew anything about the Fedaheen. fek—f About 1233, 23 Oct 03, SA VIMMI conducted a photographic line-up with Ns. WS In viewing #1 NsOc-(14p-t liabidentified picture #2 as the interrogator; #3 as 61c44 the soldier who waited outside; and #6 as being inside 1 the room. In viewing #2 is. IND identified picture #1 as the interrogator; #4 as the soldier who waited outside; and #5 as being inside the room. In viewing (09-c-H #3 IQs.0identified picture #3 as being inside the room; picture #4 as the interrogator; and picture #5 as the soldier outside of the room. 1 CID FORM 28 PREVIOUS ) EDITIONS Q$ T,4 ,11 \ OR.14 WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED 1 OCL 80 S i \ . C ¦.1 - - •ICTIC 101 I : Nreddata stick.0out on priorit 25 Oct 03 Prepared II! repot ". To 'S:t for011,44 —i-in to -27 Oct 03. HRt \S tif6oN\,LR. 0 N ØN ‘A) CID FORM 28 1 Oct 80 PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED 1J4C• 7bwv SUMMARY -1149t5 .11A-59' Lr, 1)0 TIME, DATE, I eterforl' T: to 03 41111111111111 tolc ociu, 4 Not d inip64c-rjtce-t I. 120o60 L'ivuz7c I S 2°0 0 CID FORM 28 I OCT 80 6, poor 0-14'1 e . mig.44444(€0,ry 4.44177-44rc. 71tept--7w. /erg .-74)..;(4eisstA, 144.4W orpt0et,,/4/ 4ite Vrz0 40 trAc.73( bs,-3 aip j6veipli 0/7 igiAlAA/ 4 LTC ge e 0C " t.Ked rn tilp 190541/1(o XS Co^141 G--)0 ci9T IM1111-At/ 5 toqc-3( Cv6-3 A - t Ge foe e 04* ill 5/4 /_, 0-r oeb eav/oF 1 1 4t ke../ 4q• V, 7 Jo1to4- 0 FOR OFFICIAL. USE ONLY PAGE AGFNT'S ArSUMMARY ‘fatte TOM DATE, AND AGr I Kv _.'ftils) kr\n-v 01-10 \4) N`0C-00174' SD. 1(5‘ dut, 1330, (3 Nth) 03 7 . 10 , OA lb No.' 03, 41,Sofeerlid 5i-Aamt-ctS flvt, sCGliaill SG 7611 iii:( SG 7" wg-,4 4. CP Irill& 4,„ -H, /0L-/14, Wv c ID" AdtbdoAg d-06, 406, arot0Pl r. COV% p, CI5Cey tut- Iniktaa0v4-6 ocr. (R;1 ccil co soh ac /de L-tion IS I billed'. CID FORM 2.8 FOR OFFICIAL USE uNLY PAGE (L, I OCT 80 co; AGENT'S Acrivillt -ARV Castro! Number t6 -034111259.612 I 1 (aD Regubedour1) I Sr TIME, DATE, AND AGE/PT SUMMARY OF EIVESTIGATIVE ACTTVITYr 0to14-1 1600, 28 Nov 03,111/M Interview 0 MIcancelled due to security issues. Interview will be first I: 15, T:00 week of Dec. .C=104 /31(.1 / b6,-/.______ inc-ti i).64 0 1325, 3 Dec 03,111111111111110 At 1325, 3 Dec 03, SAUMMNP interviewed Mr. UMMEOMMIMIND 1: 120, T:I0 11111.1.Translator, Titan Corporation, BLAP, who re nclexed a Sworn ,,..;,,, where he denied witnessing any inapprorafite '-* touching tritiween Is0d the three interrogators (See Sworn Statement for details).elc-4, Writ -Will get with SM for opine. - Appears there is insufficient evidence on this case. -Will Coord with CDR. and final. File to SAC for review: \°20 5 JAC Pr 0) , 2. C-Of % NrdVOL.'? Ukr toc s ifb 5 _ 1\1:7L0 Ut/TVW U00\0sip '-.d(?\ ofi • /611.4_ Stt /1V/4t1, (CPC-b i s5 (014-3 !Lb -. ____ Iii6ii ,,.11 .1 1/0 C(: (;e4;0L,;-' !)(..,-., OD FORM 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY0 PAGE0 I OCT 80 ( r AGENT'S ACTIVAr MMARY Control Numberr 43-002S9-61211 • (CID Regulation t,1) TtME, DATE, AND AGENT SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE Acrivrnr 129c-3 ui-3 0910, 15 Dec Called MUM. Left message to cat Nb I: 20, T: 0 either. :66-3 0930, 18 Dec Delivered copies of exhibits to SSG 0SM, CPT IMMOID3flee I: 30, T: 20 1000, 20 Dec LTC -.related the individuals would received utoW 1520 % 0or, ns: s Ir;t 11111.%.1 $1" .' I: 10, T: 0 Field I recommend the above punishment ( b:x1 bb-3g 104.-1 603 0930, 20 Dec 03momp Contacted Mr UMW dare -.Titan Corporation. Mr rIeclined to 1: 10, T: 0 be interviewed by lain r. WX: Litkb4( loG-1 1000, 26 Dec 03,1111.1. Have made numerous attempts to contact CPT Ell. As soOn as I reach I: 10, T: 0 him, this case will be closed, as BDE CDR will be taking NJP against the three subjects. -/1500, 27 Dec 03,11111111, File to SAC for review: I: 10, T: 0 n ,2P 1111110P CID FORM 2S FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY0 PAGE OCT SO AGENT'S ACTIVir JMIKARY Control Number e.Alli -03.CM2S9-6M1 (CID Regniation I TIME. DATE. AND AGENT SailMAITY Or INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITY 1300, 31 Dec 03,0/1e. I: 15, T: 0 bu toiy1c.3,0:3 plow S6Tr SPCred theb44-6;b4,5 offenses of Conspiracy, Indecent Assault, Maltreatment of a Prisoner and Communicating a Threat. 6-1 .1330, 3 .vec 03,WINNINIS Prepared Final "C" Report. I: 20, T: 0 File to SAC for review/closure: -( st4c %11 ¶ 66- cAtLI0s 4Co0IVR 5,0 \t • 'To 1.6 ( nig L., ryvan2. CertiliCTions 1= '5 bee auk_ eou0 ÷ ca 011 ‘a.. Oocur en4d CX 61 (-0 SfIc sceoard . Pkad-faCCed iSSu e 14 . I Sal e 4-/ ad-kW-15-Cleivedr1-41/S ¦ eC Lt.) -Co -"CcrSU-KerE Lolc- kip - I CcL 11 I-1 Cr • ‘..! Retoki Foe ci,Ds.s, UO9 tC10'/6 frrAWL 3 -10 o nT? •rapeloorik-Pia/1 CP"(;i CO; -T-1-14410r to re/sit. g; aisr. e. iier.paits SO 3Poi0ufdaed eir-e /Pado s Cm7 )(3 CID FORMr FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLYr PAGE I OCT 80 00 0. 0 W 01:PrIAIllo LY IP'. AGENTS ACTIVir ,MMARY Cottrell Member Gittli 43-CW23941211 Revabidoci in-1) SUMMARY or ENVESTIGATIVE ACTIVIIT 0921, 2 FEB 04 .DISTRO TO CRC, BN OPS, 205m MI BR1., FELE: MOM b" tt;(1!/ 00 CID FORM 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PAGE I OCT SO0 V 1,1 .44 .,1 A. 2 ,P"t ti- AUTHORITY:0Title 10. United StatesCode Section 3012 (g)rROUTINE USES: Yoursocia! madly stuolleend aft poicmt kftnuito Are nod as an additionaltaftemate means clidentiftearicat to facilitate and retrieve!. PRiNCIPAL PURPOSE: rTo provide comneanders and lsw enforcement officials with rDISCLOSURE: Disclosure of your social sectairy a is voluntary means by which information nay be accuse/ay identifiedr ... !. Rec Code:0L Action Ciadmr3. Date:r Nil 6. Sequence 0r7. Yearr8- Offleer9.rt1•r• OfOrtic ,. _, ,..r • .1•:- -r„: ,.-',;r,";,'".-r•:,:,--'14. ,r "'--= r:r.r' .-:',.r-•::,.'.: -?;""•• r*--.t , . ... 10.. Lastr -r! . Krit Name:r' 'r'r '1%70• -0 '--0,0-1:0c."E N '.¦ ....._............... . . -n. Filmic.: 010r: szta“....1 I711.1611111111111111111111111M11.1111,101111,21MAINLMMIIIPMIWAVAIIIIIIMIIIIMarialll 2. Simr21. Rite:rEMMIIIMIOnalligailaill 26. ';. ft. Edloc: Lizejogjw=1IIEMr 7''1•'311111 31. MOS:rI 32. Job P0cription/Location:033. MC:034.,iecurity Clr.035. Physical MarkEI Tattoos:0 36. Spouse Military: rBranch: Y,:0 No:O So'eoc_ 37. Alias/Nicknames: 33. Alias/Nicknarnes: 39. Alias/Nicknarnes: 40. Unit/0Organizan ,- Horne:gCelltPager tio 41. Unit Phone Number.0 i te-1 Di0. • 43. Military Service:043. Sub Unit:044. Fort/City: 45. State:046. Country: 47. Zip CodetAPO: _ - -4.i bb-if 48. Home Address: Eiii--4 i 10‘,-4r49. City: . S0t -051. Country: 52. Zip Code/APO: , .0.,...0,0.0. ,.n _.0_ 53..111V:054. FamilyRel:055. Last Name:0 56. First Name: 57. Middle Name: 58. Social Security: 59. Grade/Rank: 60. MC: 61. Unit: 61. City:0 63. State064. Z1P/APO:0 65.0Phone:0Wk:0 Hm: .,., FW.J:77-77:77. 7771::: -.:-. -. 1.17, 66. Offense Code:067. UFC:063. Offense Code: r69, UFC:r70. Offense Code: 71. UFC:r72. Offense Code:r73. OFC: .r, ....„r.-r . ..0 . 0:0 . ---1:\w•o7Tiliri`77:77 • ... ,..-• -.0• ' -......'0---- .00...0 s'''':..1:II -.,0 Telephone:0 ETS:0 PCS/DEROS: Date / Time Interview START:0 . Date:0 Time: Place of Interview: Date / Time Interview END: Date:0 Time: Disposition: - 74. Category: 75. Type: 76. Recovered:077. Value: 73. Insurer:rPolicy:rYear/Ditte Exp: Yes: •0No:0 I' 79. Year: 80, Make: 3I, Model: 52. Vehicle Style: 83. ,:-' of Doors: 84. Color: 35. Size: 86. V .I.N: 87. License.Plate: 83. State: 39. DOD Decal Number: N OTES: r....r71; TEST; LAST 0 CID FORM .14-R Online version 199 ri lt:11 \ 1A! „I0. DOD-DOACID001837 - t - DATA REQUIRED Eff 111E pprocvscrAUTHORITYr 1171..E 10. UXfl'0 SYAYES C.00E.S secriew 301E031rROUTINE USES:rYour modal =AI ourtirsr aruf alborporsone# idomiles maid= elisONAN,Posar t news or DISCLOSURE:rr asctmca d your 5...z1 security mimesis walusloryr -Idssacillos 10 bcattpised mice* PRINCIPAL PURPOSErTo comma coraintacs am tar ,r• - :r.r•r - •...'...,' --.1.4,r •r- i . MSC COIX .-2,,,,r Ames CODE UAW "r; „ 1-1-rr - FPL:TO • • .....; • r‘ 1. r, / ' A 10. LAST NAME it FIR-URN&r iz RIME NME 1.1. af1•( VAC' 5 13(0-T. b1G5gbr. ... b4c--5 bb.. - 7.,.7r.-. --r 'r 15. OTHER') - •r tea E:rrs...H 7. -197'C-5 kl(0"45' 1 .;-_,AN:.11111 a1-", 22. ETHNIC HEIGHT s• •r...1.41111,•71CL, -67Er 1:7,74,1, omit : -r1, .--ti •,.. 1.... 74%. _ z,". 4 la illirtik ilE Itir mrsINLVIIIIII 111.-M inrv tMIEV...M.ITAMINIIIIILLIEMN iti '. ,4,.33. POSMON 34. INDUSTRY -.-,.• MARKS 37. .i; -it CKNAME(S) ALIAS-NIOSNAME(S) ., z ALJASNICKNASIEIS) ell ,r. 40. PEIGANIZATION .IP CONTRACTOR COOMUCT 140 Pt0e,oS1 al 1 i 42. MILITARY SVCr• 49. SUBUNIT 44EQ" _ v. ,r C •MUN.MY Fe K it ' 48.ADDRESS 1 49. CITY r 50. STATS 1. COUNTRY ' -.• HP i7T7Tvi " v• FAMILY MEMBER DATA 53. JUV 54. FAMILY REL 55. SPONSOR LAST NAME 56. SPONSOR FIRST NAME 57. SPONSOR MIDDLE NAME 58. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 59. SPON GRADE 60. SPON MCAC 61. SPONSOR UNIT ADDRESS 62. SPON CITY 63. SFON ST 64. SPON CTY 65. SPON ZIP CODE/APO OFFENSE 66. OFFENSE CODE 67. UFC 68. OFFENSE CODE 69. UFC 70. OFFENSE CODE 71. UFC 72. OFFENSE CODE ADMINISTRATIVE DATA TELEPHONE 4 ETS PCS/DEROS DATE INTERVIEW TIME INTERVIEW 411/1-21-Ig4-e.L _.10Oc+ b30START START PLACE OF INTERVIEW DATE INTERVIEW TIME INTERVIEW PLACE OF INTERVIEW FINGERPRINT PHOTO END END VEHICLEr llicence 4/ decal 4 disposition CORPORATION DATA 74. CONTRACTOR NUMBER 75. FED SERV/PROD A 76. CORPORATION NAME 77. CORP ADDRESS 78. CORP CITY 79. CORP ST 80. CORP CTY 81. CORP ZIP CODE 82. CONTRACT NUMBER NOTES idie• - 6. i bfrir HOME OF RECORD: Home phone # : CEJ FORM 46.--P. EDITION OF 1 AUG 87 WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED I OCE 'ri(Arki USE O 4 u w DOD-DOACID001838 —.—.—WI INVESTIGATIVE WORRSIEBT . 0 g Ig-03' CIPAFf-0,1 DATA ItinLITEED ITT THE /SRAM' ACT ALT1150-1MY:r"Ilde IA Uoised 9esees Code, Secekes 'any,r*X114! UM Mast sectri mesolltratgaborieeet •labaseeitat we tootle An, adds0ate. d idigiitiiion lc orkpfstabiiorp„oaratir0.01.4 DecLosmertkiiikimr, ar_rwild meat* am bur is wrketss. PRINCIPAL PUT1206E Tiv;orroviie ;:arrstorabtlyaosixameertailds55 ,r .r. 1 AEC COX 2 JC.T134 COX 3 DATE SUMMED 4 SE° wee.S WOr6 INT 7 113 ROODr83.18 OR 2 52351g07. A4r2 1 6 4r2r3 'r I ,rt:.r• TO ...!.rWC. -3. lio-fr ,.-.h9c-51tb-5-t2 • .4. i7-14-5., be;-br0 16 It r0II - .1 1:11.11111111111X:o, -Erli IFOrneqv rl''--1n==.1.......NMIM ,0''''41. g ¦ ,:..i...o (014-5-105".-• folc-s _ IKE_ .mm n E77011C 13rar24 VW'. 1•rot 51 I ¦ .11'ga0.k t0 29 MDRrI. • 33.74. moi 1 2rsee; 3 YrSt.- t)r5 1r1 31 MOSr32 MCACr33 F4)51104 34 *AWRY 25 SECIATIo35 PAYSOL. wan E., • la ... 3 AUAS461:57/46tE(S)r 38 ALIA.5-1410041E 39 AWS410341X1E ...._.r.r 21 23 21 40 (AGAWAM 41 IF 0311TRACTOR 01411t4CT 1 . 25 13 4rA& SVCr43 SUBUNRo 44 RXIT/COY 45 1,1Er_46 a:(171TRY 41 V DOCE/APO .r.r 4C•5-i b.,-5o-o-5 b6,-5--o2rF. kelr- -r 15 2rZ C2.1. -ere)r0 48 ADDRESSr 49 MY EO STATE 5t COUNTRY 52 ZIP CCCE/g0 — . .r-.r.. 23-r 11 2 2 9 _.FAMILY MEMBER DATA. . 5.) JUv 54 FA7.1:121 PE.r66 STORSOS LIST 1W.12 56 500k5C0 FIRST 11.WE 51 SPONSCA FAME 16Vc1E 1 2r -_______ r20 15 15 58 SCav_ 56CuRr1v Numa.11r159 SFC/4 GRAM 63 StOH MCA:. NR ACCRESS 9 2 2 i0 :5 52 SPCis CM EU SPCti 57 64 SAY, CTIi 65 Mt, DP CCCE.WO -.15 2 2r1r 1 --r1 :,.E 66 affia COM 57 UFC 68 OFFENSE CODE 60 urC 70 CFIINSE CCM. n UFC 72 CFFD+Si CCCE 13 UFC v _0—01 6 1 5 1 ADMINISTRATIVE DATA TELENONE / EIS FMLITe. QUI it,T[Ri i HIRE&TR; i STARTr1 STMT DATE MEW TIME MERV FUZE V 1711211VIEWr-FINGERPRINT PI.LCE CF IIITE/IvIEW START DIV ENO ENO VEHICLE MIA COMM/ CORPORATION DATA 74 creffRALTOR NUMBER 15 FED SERv/PPCO 1 78 CO,K9.4110t/ NW. 12 77 CCP? AEOIr...55r 178 CORP cm 79 CL1 .STrto CCP cry 1 al CORP ZIP COLE 24r1r 1'4 2 r7 I0s MITRACT FINER '7 15 7,grE3r oto' ( in. ipc‘.____ .-};:,,r--1- irc.,-4- .--- -hi.. AA:I- •, --)0 0_,..±--- CIO FORM 4.1-R ELfro.N G 1 i•.uC at mu..txA.ult.0 NVESTIGATIVE WORKSHEET .-a e11Tgsy-g12.8 -1?01ii DATA RECIORP83 SY 212 PRIVACY ACT I AT.M4.0PMI:rThic IC. thameed. Sarni Cod& 5n rMOW.r ROCTINE 1.1554 *pa tack' aimatimacrippbor4 • kogiOxisirrr(0410:$4414.''''''' :.11troomt ci 1604.264,42010 416 UO0* WPC andreira44- ?MSC:PAL °L^ZP Lac To rty , CZVCCIP;remor Dom* araria/ imaim simptiaI'll lailICZNY. es, .Z141:r10atarearatr4540.414..44.„ Dem:6mmr 1 ?EC CCCEr12 •CTICti MOE 3 EWE SIIIIIARTEDr4 Sal 24334984S 1.841-r2 026r1 7 FO 62.261929 a pa TO CASE 9 COM. / .. A4 .2 .1 A 'r!.: A. to LASTrb7C-et 1;ros--S .11 !Iasi0ar-rVt.' 1 4 I'0107G . 5".1093 • est 16 ' -5 ic9-5 IS abl• -43 21r•rrsi i. t.IC.ZT.7 c 24 WE:Off 95 PM.'Ili' e 29 PRCR ';•r•r33 WAIN. t .-- ......—...- 1 1 ....-'..1.73.2 •c,730 opdsopa 5 i 1 2113S 32 ),ICAC 33 PCSMOR r 35 582/Rlif 21I'FRISCAL SAARZ ...r.ra I .. 1.4 .... 4- ..le A • 37 11 434541034.441E iD In Aarr — 41 IF CaMACTCR. mama / cx ,..5--/cpck44.41- (34.)0rIlh.Alu-,_Lwila.21 13 ¦. 42.UDR? SW 43 SIJBIJIUT. 44 RAT/CITY ts - =my 047 1P CCCW.E42 _..... 2. 4 1 - .)iC-6 J06":5..2.FC111(. 15 -6'251 0 c 49 art 59 STATE 51 CCUNTRY S2r103C -61a,-6 11 2 2 9 AMILY MEMBER DATA —r.. " RE_--r56 SrT.K.C.11 UST 22112E Sr SPC94SCR EMT H.414E 57 SFONSCR WOOS NAME - .------ -. —r' -r• % - 1 2r 20 r 15 15 55 SCC-24.r'y SAY DUX EC SiVi••.• ...•.km:. S2C0017Y 2142/40r.R 7 7 rr CZ 5Th CITY — &I SIKH S 64 SPO: CN26 501ZP CCCE/APO -r1S 2 I OfFENSS .ct' OITE67 UPC 11 -4.% CCCE 68 OFFENSE CIXE 'r' 63 VC / 70 CRUSE CCCE. UFC 12 CFM14 CCCEr- -, • "17 UPC 5 1 6 S 6 1 ADMINISTRATIVE DATAr - 18...8NCRE 1 ETS FM75e1 GATE 1NTSV-I ME 1NTMV srair START FUZE CF II4TEPMEW CATE MERV 113,1E 09TERVrFt.g:f Cf INTERVIEWr-RhaPPRINT RiOTO START 840 ENOrI END ,41:}410..E CATA CASRISITICH CORPORATION DATA 74 CCHTRACTCH NUMBER 1 Ti FED setwFra toI 76 CICRFCRAItti NAME I/ Ir 4r 25 77 CORP Al:CRESS 1 73 WM' CRY 79 OW STrEn CM,' CTY 31 CM° BP CME .. Li lu 22 CCNTRACT I231,1651 151 !,G-TES 1,_)t_ 0r6-,/,rc•.rF.:.)-r4.— q L......c. _.2..... x),,,,.„...,.,,,,„, ) ,„, c.-7,,e)0,, ,,,,..14.-:0 .,(_sg.--.0i\r)-,p \ I0\(..,,t-,, ,,0nm\ ‘- -i0,,..4.,. 0U „, ,,0_ I t 0U.. %.,. U A. 6) CIO FORMr x1.)7, al wILL. L1 trzt.11 urnti. ExItxusiti) DOD-DOACID001840 LAST NAME.FI T NAME MIDD NAME.GjtADE 111111111111WY/drti.isg-q/ ice, 9-41 SOCIAL SECURITY wumBER Du POB-CITY POB-COUNRTY ST. )1444(6' SEX RACE ORGANIT a.4 1:141^ dire me sk5 I all EOCURITY I 1: poa -cm PM-ST FOU:-CO TY -14-40 1111111040,tocitt f ^ SEX RACE ORGANIZA 111 A cix or`- Of LAST NAME FIRST)NAME.MIDDLE NAME GRADE AL •.•11.r •••• • fo. ¦•••g••••r• ,.. •1111. • RACE. ... SEX.ORGANIZATION LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME GRADE . SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER.DOB POB-CITY POB-ST. POB-COUNRTY RACE. .. SEX.ORGANIZATION LAST NAME FIRST NAME.MIDDLE NAME GRADE . POB-COUNRTY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER.DOB POB-CITY POB-ST. RACE. .. SEX.ORGANIZATION LAST NAME FIRST NAME.MIDDLE NAME GRADE . POB-COUNRTY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER.DOB POB-CITY POB-ST. RACE. .. SEX.ORGANIZATION LAST NAME FIRST NAME.MIDDLE NAME GRADE . SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER.DOB POB-CITY POB-ST. POB-COUNRTY SEX.ORGANIZATION RACE. .. LAST NAME FIRST NAME.MIDDLE NAME GRADE . SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER.DOB POB-CITY POB-ST. POB-COUNRTY RACE. .. SEX.ORGANIZATION LAST NAME FIRST NAME.MIDDLE NAME GRADE . SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. .DOB.POB-CITY POB-ST. POB-COUNRTY SEX.ORGANIZATION RACE. • U DOD-DOACID001841 0314-03-C 1030 107 /1 /3607' 0 3 /47.7-5— 7:--;e45 Pe/reie0740.Lir& )44 d0007' 03 SS G o •.f 13,1) 124-4 Oc1-1 111111111,111P W10 111 ifif ,eaki 11314 471.1iniciatai6 bic-Lt Ik H) iiiinaffna0-c-4f/to& -Y30714.C—C? 15 OCT "c-s Ifim c,hrco Pr 1) e-OdipA3-1 -6/?" 01•C°-4 080inciii9imart9,8)5.SG -r I ii41 / b 1111111111111.111°14:q 0.0000600.1„ 7 -2b.filf (11-.el nu k:c.X'c--- yo u 5e -e. dl 7/6-'d. 014C.L,/ ,2 5; 711(e- 10iia. 2 7i-.accu r - dr`oe IA 2A . d/o/o"7%:5o"c e • (,2‘.er. • 6-03-(.; 140;VV - l."7// 4 ce ll.4/ge 55 6-1111111111111111.011.1 to.i7(,e1 A 4' tir U -• C t4-c (t) il, # .1 r. •, _ 4 crA. ',A-0• Fr, - kRr b6 -I W02 12ThilPit JET From: CW2 0.1111111111111. (PIT) (C(D) . s.anry.smit rrij Sent: Onywy 28, 20p4 5:50 PM To: (214-i t igt‘r( cif? otr Subject: REAksiagif4111111111603-4c=t t47-I toic-L IIIIII1 b/C'l 60.'3 I just talked to CPT Imp the SJA here at Abu. He stated he was on leave whein the NJ? took place. CPT umilliellimmummk has the paperwork QO. WC-3r bi•-.3 4_1*.., that case. He is at Victory. LetillInorailliknow, as he has the cordeski that the case will need. CPT. stated the 5-5 is now 1-4 and the other two are E-1's now. 11 ¦¦111Vf-3 k* -t biiiiii^ Ori incl Message. From:.W02 12THMP CID DETiziC-1,1*4¦ -/ [Mai lt 0 smi .mi 1 I I:114-11 436-i Sent: Wednesday, jiiftiai7724 -2004 11:19 AM To: (PIT) (CID) "CW2111111.11111111111,(5-mail)104C -1,b‘-1 . b4C.-i,k:(94 . Subject: Message for 4.11.1 yI bit tlay-1 Please pass on to. that he needs the NJP action and results for the Abu _._..prison case where SGT SPC . and SPC 411110, indecently 64C-5 1 b6g assaulted Ms. (0216-03-Cr1525-gr.--H —I-s cicssing—the report as a—Final 104-C-1-4-i-104,--ti "C" based on the issuance of NJP and will need to know what level of NJP (and punishment therein), and a copy of the NJP paperwork (ie. copy of the Article 15, if applicable) for the final report. Thanks! The subject's unit is A Co, 519th MI Bn, Abu Prison 1074(---I. -( (_/ S0)C 0C-70 (7/-?;_.o 1 110316.00 W02 12THiltlD DET ih•-moi'c-12-1 From: CW4 10TH MP BN LOGSEC Sent November 26, 2003822 AM To: 1041 ) Wirt 12THMP CIO. DET Subfest: on MI Case F I know you have the answers on these, please answer and go direct with a cc copy to litirrigrOPS and myself. Thanks,11111111111VDIC-1 /1040.-( r Original. t*aaage-____. From: 11011101111111110 CW5 CJTF7-Field Ops . Officerka6C-itidowq Sent: Y^ No ember 25, 2003 11:54 AM To: blc-1 1 100-( Cc: Illmillmecloom DCSOPS OPS2 (scr (E-mail)164C-1, 1044 Subject: FW: Questions on MI Case . . Original Message. FroM:.CJTF7 -Field Ops. Officer61","'-1 Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 7:40 PM To: 1.1111111....111h CW4 CJTF7-0PS;111111111011110CW4 10TH MP BN kr14. -1 ibb."/ LOGSEC Cc:.CW3 CJTF7-AOPS; 'CID001 DCSOPS OPS2(sc) Subject: FW: Questions on MI Case . Original Message. From: 1111111111111111111 CW5 CJTF7-Field Ops. Officerblc4t "44 Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 7:33 PM To:.W4 CJTF7-OPS; .111111111.111110CW4 10TH MP BN 674,-(110‘-( LOGSEC Cc: 11111111111.111110CW3 CJTF7-AOPS; 'CID001 DCSOPS OPS2(sc) (E-mail)64C-1, 14-/ Subject: FW: Questions on MI Case ial(144-1 imp Thanks. MEI Your action. Go direct with . Original Message. From: CID001 DCSOPS OPS2(sc) [mailto. .ARMY.SMIL.MILi 1,44-4 6(. -f Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 6:53 PM To:.CW4 CJTF7-OPS`; OMPIWIMMO CW5 CJTF7-FieldloW-1 1 100-1 Ops. Officer' Cc: smil . mil ;0 army.smil.milb .0-I, 10(0-1 Subject: Questions on MI Case Gentlemen: The DAIG has oversight on MI personnel when they commit misconduct in the course of their official duties. They would like some more information before starting down that road. gu(' fn!rita 64C-5 6-5 Regarding ROI 0216-03-CID259-61211 involving nd who allegedly to have assaulted a Iraqi prisoner on 7 Oct 2003 at Abu Ghraib Prison, Abu Ghraib, Iraq. They specifically need to know: 1 - • if the three individu. were assigned as interrogators If their duties allowed1..nem access orpermitted them 1.214 .:rained access to the oIrRe Aft ;04 A E7 1r,p 14,1.7e. :,m* individual? 3. How they came to identify/know of the victim? I aooreciate any information you guys can provide. Vi1(04 LidiZt 411111P bVC-I lob -I ammiummo CW3, USA. Current Operations Branch, HQ, us4cipc Ft BeIvoir, VA 22060 1111111111 IDTC71/ bb-( bi44 kR4=4 ( 14,-11 67.cjpb~3 a ik 1016 41S ' 2 t.) t.40. • r- , ihr rAn v