CID Report (Death): 0139-03-CID259-61189

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<p>CID report of investigation and accompanying documents into the death of a detainee at Abu Ghraib prison, Iraq. The cause of death was determined to be natural.</p>

Investigative File
Friday, June 4, 2004
Sunday, November 7, 2004

DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 222^D MILITARY POLICE BATTALION (CID) UNITED STATES ARMY CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION COMMAND APO AE 09342 CIMPL-OP 4 JUN 04 MEMORANDUM FOR SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION - FINAL SUPPLEMENTAL - 0139-03-C1D259-61189-5H9A DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCE: 1. 11 AUG 03/1700 - 11 AUG 03/1700; COMPOUND 2, BAGHDAD CENTRAL CONFINEMENT FACILITY (BCCF), ABU GHRAIB, IZ DATE/TIME REPORTED: 16 AUG 03, 1800 • I INVESTIGATED BY: SA SUBJECT: 1. NONE; [NATURAL DEATH] VICTIM: 1. MIHDY, WATHIK SALAH (DECEASED); CIV IRAQ; INTERNMENT SERIAL NUMBER (ISN) 14028; M; WHITE; COMPOUND 2, BCCF, ABU GHRAIB, IZ; (NFI); [NATURAL DEATH] INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: About 1800, 16 Aug 03, the 10" MP BN (CID) reported the death of a detainee while in the custody of U.S. Forces, at the BCCF. Investigation disclosed that on 11 Aug 03, at Compound 2, BCCF, detainee MIHDY, while detained by U.S. Forces died as result of Arteriosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and the manner of death was natural. EXHIBITS/SUBSTANTIATION: ADDED ATTACHED: 4. .Agent's Investigation Report (AIR) of SA farrlila. , 4 Jun 04, pertaining to initiation of investigation and receipt of final autopsy report and Information Report. 7c u to - ACLU-RDI 41 p.1 DOD-DOACID001954 5. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) Autopsy Examination Report 03-366B, 19 May 04, pertaining to detainee MIHDY. 6. AIR of SA 31 May 04, pertaining to Iiiigi;\ coordination with Magistrate's Cell, BCCF. ADDED NOT ATTACHED: None The originals of Exhibits 4 and 6 are forwarded with the USACRC copy of this report. The original of Exhibit 5 is retained by AFIP. STATUS: This is a Final Supplemental report. This investigation is terminated IAW CIDR 195-1, para 4-17a(8)a, medical authorities determined detainee TALEB's death resulted from natural causes and there is no evidence to contradict their findings. Report prepared/Approved By: MOM CW4, MP Operations Officer DISTRIBUTION: 1 USACRC (original) 1 CDR, BCCF 1 DIR, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, AFIP Annex Bldg 102, 1413 Research Blvd, Rockville, MD 20858 1 THRU: CDR, 3rd ME, Gp (CID), Ft Gillem, GA TO: HQUSACIDC, ATTN: CIOP-COP-CO, Ft Belvoir, VA 1 SJA, BCCF (email) 1 PMO, BCCF (email) 1 DCG, Detainee OPS, MNC-I (email) 1 PMO, MNC-I (email) 1 SJA, MNC-I (email) 1 File 2 U ACLU-RDI 41 p.2 DOD-DOACID001955 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE e DATE: 4 JUNE 2004 FROM: CDR, 22 ND MP BN (CID) //OPS// TO: DIR, USACRC CDR, HQUSACIDC //CIOP-ZA// CDR, 3 RD MP GROUP //OPS// CDR, BCCF SJA, BCCF PMO, BCCF PMO, MNC-I DCG, Detainee OPS, MNC-I DIR, AFIP, AFME SUBJECT: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION - 2ND SUPPLEMENTAL/SSI - 0139-03-C1D259-61189-5H9A • DRAFTER: SA RELEASER: SA / / 1. DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: 1. 11 AUG 03/1700 - 11 AUG 03/1700; COMPOUND 2, BAGHDAD CENTRAL CONFINEMENT FACILITY (BCCF), ABU GHRAIB, IZ 2. DATE/TIME REPORTED: 16 AUG 03, 1800 3. INVESTIGATED BY: SAiWirSAWArarlart brieds bb 4. SUBJECT: 1. NONE; [NATURAL DEATH] 5. VICTIM: 1. MIHDY, WATHIK SALAH (DECEASED); CIV IRAQ; INTERNMENT SERIAL NUMBER (ISN) 14028; M; WHITE; COMPOUND 2, BCCF, ABU GHRAIB, IZ; (NFI); [NATURAL DEATH] 6. INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: THE INFORMATION IN THIS REPORT IS BASED UPON AN ALLEGATION OR PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION AND MAY CHANGE PRIOR TO THE COMPLETION OF THE INVESTIGATION. OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM INVESTIGATION ABOUT 2100, 28 MAY 04, THIS INVESTIGATION WAS REOPENED UPON ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW THAT THE MANNER OF DETAINEE MIHDY'S DEATH WAS CLASSIFIED AS NATURAL; HOWEVER, NO AUTOPSY WAS PERFORMED. THEREFORE, THE MANNER OF DETAINEE MIHDY'S DEATH IS STILL UNDETERMINED. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE • 1 ""), 1.1 •. 1 ACLU-RDI 41 p.3 DOD-DOACI D001956 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE ABOUT 1800, 16 AUG 03, THE 10 TH MP BN (CID) REPORTED THE DEATH OF A DETAINEE WHILE IN THE CUSTODY OF U.S. FORCES, BCCF, ABU GHRAIB. 2ND SUPPLEMENTAL: THIS REPORT WAS INITIATED TO CHANGE THE MANNER OF DEATH FROM UNDETERMINED TO NATURAL. ABOUT 1110, 4 JUN 04, ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY REPORT 03-366B PERTAINING TO DETAINEE MIHDY WAS RECEIVED. THE REPORT REFLECTED THE CAUSE OF DETAINEE MIHDY'S DEATH TO BE ARTERIOSCLEROTIC CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE AND THE MANNER OF DEATH WAS NATURAL. 1ST SUPPLEMENTAL: PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION DISCLOSED THAT ABOUT 11 AUG 03, DETAINEE MIHDY WAS INTERNED TO THE BCCF FOR UNDETERMINED REASONS. WHILE IN PROCESSING TO THE BCCF, DETAINEE MIHDY WAS TREATED FOR SHORTNESS OF BREATH AND ALLEGED HE HAD A HEART CONDITION; HOWEVER, DECLINED TO PROVIDE SPECIFIC INFORMATION. DETAINEE MIHDY WAS OFFERED AN ALBUTEROL INHALER TO ASSIST IN HIS BREATHING; HOWEVER, REFUSED. DETAINEE MUHDY'S VITAL SIGNS WERE CHECKED AND WERE FOUND TO BE IN POOR CONDITION AND HE HAD A TOTAL LOSS OF ELECTROLYTES. DETAINEE MIHDY WAS FURTHER PROCESSED INTO THE BCCF AND SENT TO COMPOUND 2. LATER IN THE DAY, DETAINEE MEHDY WAS FOUND UNCONSCIOUS AND CARDIOPULMINARY RESUSCITATION .(CPR) WAS ADMINISTERED TO NO AVAIL. ABOUT 1700, 11 AUG 04, DR (MAJ) 320TH MP , 4 BN, ABU GHRAIB, PRONOUNCED DETAINEE MIHDY DECEAS D AND OPINED THE PROBABLE CAUSE OF DEATH WAS MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION. ON 18 AUG 03, DETAINEE MIHDY'S REMAINS WERE ALLEGEDLY TRANSPORTED TO DOVER, MD, FOR AUTOPSY BY THE ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY WITH THE FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT PENDING. THE CASUALTY LIAISON OFFICER IS SAMMIWarlani 17760100-1 22m MP BN (CID), APO AE 09342 AT DNVT (302) 550-111111. INVESTIGATION CONTINUES BY THE USACIDC. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE • • ACLU-RDI 41 p.4 DOD-DOACID001957 (i) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY .- LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 7. CID REPORTS ARE EXEMPT FROM AUTOMATIC TERMINATION OF PROTECTIVE MARKINGS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 3, AR 22-55. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE • ACLU-RDI 41 p.5 DOD-DOACI D001958 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE DATE: 28 MAY 2004 FROM: CDR, 22ND MP BN (CID) //OPS// TO: DIR, USACRC CDR, HQUSACIDC //CIOP-ZA// CDR, 3 RD MP GROUP //OPS// CDR, BCCF SJA, BCCF PMO, BCCF PMO, MNC-I DCG, Detainee OPS, MNC-I DIR, AFIP, AFME SUBJECT: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION - 1 sT SUPPLEMENTAL/SSI - 0139-03-C1D259-61189-5H95 DRAFTER: SA b6'' 1 RELEASER: SA 1. DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: • 1. 11 AUG 03/1700 - 11 AUG 03/1700; COMPOUND 2, BAGHDAD CENTRAL CONFINEMENT FACILITY (BCCF), ABU GHRAIB, IZ 2. DATE/TIME REPORTED: 16 AUG 03, 1800 3. INVESTIGATED BY: SA IIIIMMIRENNOR b7C/h` b&i 4. SUBJECT: 1. NONE; [UNDETERMINED DEATH] 5. VICTIM: 1. MIHDY, WATHIK SALAH (Deceased); CIV IRAQ; INTERNMENT SERIAL NUMBER (ISN) 14028; M; WHITE; COMPOUND 2, BCCF, ABU GHRAIB, IZ; (NFI); [UNDETERMINED DEATH) 6. INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: THE INFORMATION IN THIS REPORT IS BASED UPON AN ALLEGATION OR PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION AND MAY CHANGE PRIOR TO THE COMPLETION OF THE INVESTIGATION. OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM INVESTIGATION ABOUT 2100, 28 MAY 04, THIS INVESTIGATION WAS REOPENED UPON ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW THAT THE MANNER OF DETAINEE MIHDY'S DEATH WAS CLASSIFIED AS NATURAL; HOWEVER, NO AUTOPSY WAS PERFORMED. THEREFORE, THE MANNER OF DETAINEE MIHDY'S DEATH IS STILL UNDETERMINED. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE ACLU-RDI 41 p.6 DOD-DOACI D001959 (I) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE ABOUT 1800, 16 AUG 03, THE LO TH MP BN (CID) REPORTED THE DEATH OF A DETAINEE WHILE IN THE CUSTODY OF U.S. FORCES, BCCF, ABU GHRAIB. PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION DISCLOSED THAT ABOUT 11 AUG 03, DETAINEE MIHDY WAS INTERNED TO THE BCCF FOR UNDETERMINED REASONS. .WHILE IN PROCESSING TO THE BCCF, DETAINEE MIHDY WAS TREATED FOR SHORTNESS OF BREATH AND ALLEGED HE HAD A HEART CONDITION; HOWEVER, DECLINED TO PROVIDE SPECIFIC INFORMATION. DETAINEE MIHDY WAS OFFERED AN ALBUTEROL INHALER TO ASSIST IN HIS BREATHING; HOWEVER, REFUSED. DETAINEE MUHDY'S VITAL SIGNS WERE CHECKED AND WERE FOUND TO BE IN POOR CONDITION AND HE HAD A TOTAL LOSS OF ELECTROLYTES. DETAINEE MIHDY WAS FURTHER PROCESSED INTO THE BCCF AND SENT TO COMPOUND 2. LATER IN THE DAY, DETAINEE MEHDY WAS FOUND UNCONSCIOUS AND CARDIOPULMINARY RESUSCITATION (CPR) WAS ADMINISTERED TO NO AVAIL. ABOUT 1700, 11 AUG 04, DR (MAJ) A11111111111111,320 TH MP eX,17(;.4- BN, ABU GHRAIB, PRONOUNCED DETAINEE MIHDY DECEASED AND OPINED THE PROBABLE CAUSE OF DEATH WAS MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION. ON 18 AUG 03, DETAINEE MIHDY'S REMAINS WERE ALLEGEDLY TRANSPORTED TO DOVER, MD, FOR AUTOPSY BY THE ARMED FORCES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY WITH THE FINAL AUTOPSY REPORT PENDING. THE CASUALTY LIAISON OFFICER IS SA 22" MP BN (CID), APO AE 09342 AT DNVT (302) 550-amp INVESTIGATION CONTINUES BY THE USACIDC. b 7 h -/ 7. CID REPORTS ARE EXEMPT FROM AUTOMATIC TERMINATION OF PROTECTIVE MARKINGS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 3, AR 22-55. FOR OFFICIAL UgE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE • ACLU-RDI 41 p.7 DOD-DOACID001960 CIOP-OP (195) 1 SEP 2003 MEMORANDUM FOR SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION — FINAL(C) — 0139-03-CID259- 61189-5H9A 1. DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: 11 AUG 2003/1700 HRS - 11 AUG 2003/1700 HRS; ABU GHRAIB PRISON, BAGHDAD, IRAQ 2. DATE/TIME REPORTED: 16 AUG 2003, 1800 HRS 3. INVES ATED B 41111111111111111 /.') 7—6/ b9\ "NSA 4. SUBJECT: 1. NONE. [NATURAL DEATH] 5. VICTIM: 1. MIHDY, WATHIK SALAH (DECEASED); CIV; PRISONER # 14028; MALE; OTHER; ABU GHRAIB PRISON, BAGHDAD, IRAQ; (NFI); ZZ; [NATURAL DEATH] 6. INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: This investigation was initiated based on notification from the 10 th Military Police Battalion (CID), that an Iraqi prisoner died while in U.S. custody at the above location. The investigation established probable cause to believe Mr. MIHDY died of Myocardial Infarction. Mr. MIHDY was held by U.S. forces as a prisoner at the Abu Ghraib Prison. On 11 Aug 03, Mr. MIHDY came to the medical personnel and complained of chest pains. Mr. MIHDY went un-conscious and cardio-pulmonary resuscitation was started. Mr. MIHDY was pronounced dead at 1700, II Aug 03. STATUTES: None (Natural Death). EXHIBITS: Attached: 1. Agent's Investigation Report (AIR 8 Aug 03, detailing b7C b6 initial • tion; coordination with SF d interview of SFC 2. DA Form 2669-R, Certificate of Death, undated, pertaining to Mr. MIHDY.. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 08 ACLU-RDI 41 p.8 DOD-DOACI D001961 bl4b0 Special Agent in Charge CIRC-ABE SUBJECT: CID Report of Investigation: 0139-03-CID259-61189 3. Personal Data Report, 11 Aug 03, pertaining to Mr. MIHDY. Not Attached: None. The originals of Exhibits 1 through 3 are attached to the USACRC copy of this report. STATUS: This is a Final "C" Report. This investigation is being terminated in accordance with CID Regulation 195-1, paragraph 4-17 (a) (6), wherein the Special Agent in Charge determined that furtherance of this investigation would be of little or no value and the leads remaining are not significant. Leads remaining obtain autopsy report and interview other prisoners. Commanders Report of Disciplinary Action Taken (DA Form 4833) is not required. Report Prepared By: Report Approved By: 111110b17O.'2-dai ," -J Special Agent, 0 _ DISTRIBUTION: 1- DIR, USACRC (original), Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 1— CDR, HQUSACIDC (ATTN: CIOP-CO), Fort Belvoir, VA (Email only/Less Exhibits) 1-10a' MP BN, ATTN: Operations Officer, Victory Camp, APO AE 09335 (Email only/Less Exhibits) /4--+ 1— CID LNO, CJTF-7, ATTN: CW3 V Corps, Victory Camp, APO AE 09335 (Email only/Less Exhibits) • 440 1— PMO, 1 g Armored Division (ATTN: LT , Victory Camp, APO AE 09335 (Email only/Less Exhibits) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY -2- ACLU-RDI 41 p.9 DOD-DOACID001962 CIRC-ABE SUBJECT: CID Report of Investigation: 0139-03-CID259-61189 1 — PMO, V Corps (ATTN: SFC lir Victory Camp, APO AE 09335 (Email 674 4 only/Less Exhibits) 1 SJA, 15t Armored Division (ATTN:gaiar Victory Camp, APO AE 09335 P6r 27(0 -4- (Email only/Less Exhibits) 1 - File FOR OFFICIAL USE - 3 - - ACLU-RDI 41 p.10 DOD-DOACID001963 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT CID Regulation 195-1 b(11 ROI NUMBER 0139-03-CID259-61189 PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGE DETAILS .out 1800, 16 Aug 03, SA was notified by the 10th Military Police Battalion (CID), Victory Camp, Baghdad, Iraq that an Iraqi National Prisoner had died while in U.S. Army custody at Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq. ' ,7c .Q b4 .• 1 8 Au. 03 SA - ' , this office, coordinated with SFC ilir Personnel Service Sergeant, 320 th Military Police Battalion, Abu Ghraib 'nson, Iraq who prov a e. he Certificate of Death and Personal Data Report for Mr. Wathik Salah MIHDY, Service Nu 4028 (NFI). Mr. MIHDY was pronounced dead at 1700, 11 Aug 03, by MN (Dr.) Battalion Surgeon, 400 th Military Police Battalion with the cause of death listed as Myocardial Infarction. (See Certificate of Delth and Personal Data Report for details) About 1230, 18 this office, and SA interviewed SFC , Medical Treatment NCO, 320 Military Police Company, Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq who treated Mr. MIHDY upon his arrival to the Abu Ghraib Prison. Mr. MIHDY was suffering from shortness of breath and stated that h heart condition, but refused to provide specific information about said condition. SFC tated Mr. M as offered an albuterol inhaler, to help with his shortness of breath, which he refused. SFC stated Mr. MIHDY's vital signs were not good and he had a total loss of electrolytes. SFC old Mr. MIHDY to relad drink plenty of water. Mr. MIHDY was returned to the prison in- .ro - .• area. SFC urther related that Mr. MIHDY was interned at compound two. SFC tated later in the ay r. MIHDY was found unconscious and Cardio Pulmonary esuscitation (CPR) was administered to which Mr. MIHDY did not respond. 11111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Last Entry/M0/0/0/0///////////////////////////////////////// TYPED AGENTS NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER i , ORGANIZATION .. __ -- - ___ e#C1 MO 12th MP Det. (CID), Camp Victory, Iraq SA APO AE 09335 SIGNATURE 4110811/01Plymmessw-,f,t,,,,---- , DTE EXHIBIT 1$' / . AW 0-3 bx4i;(0-. b61 CID FORM 94 1 FEB T? FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1.L ACLU-RDI 41 p.11 DOD-DOACI D001964 Page(s) • Referred to: U.S. ARMY MEDICAL COMMAND FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/ PRIVACY ACT OFFICE ATTENTION: MCFP 2050 WORTH ROAD, SUITE 13 FORT SAM HOUSTON, TEXAS 78234-6013 MR. JOHN PETERSON John.Petersonl@cen. amedd. army. mil (210) 221-7826 ACLU-RDI 41 p.12 DOD-DOACID001965 Page(s) 13 • • Referred to: U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND 7115 SOUTH BOUNDARY BLVD ATTN: CCJ6-DM MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE FLORIDA 33621-5101 MS. JACQUELINE SCOTT (813) 827-5341/2830 ACLU-RDI 41 p.13 DOD-DOACI D001966 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT 0139-03-C1D258-61189 CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES DETAILS About 1200, 28 May 04, this investigation was reopened to further investigate the death of detainee MIHDY, ISN 14028. The investigation was terminated on 1,- Sep 03, reporting the cause of detainee MIHDY's death was Myocardial Infarction with the manner of death as natural. No final autopsy report was received determining the cause of death. About 0645, 30 May 04, the undersigned dispatched a Request for Assistance to the Ft Knox Res' Agency, USACIDC, to locate, identify and interview Dr (MAJ) BN Surgeon, 400TH MP BN pertaining to the care and treatment o e ainee MIHDY. About 0715, 30 May 04, the undersigned dispatched a Request for Assistance to the F Knox Resident A enc USACIDC, to locate, identify and interview SFC Medical Treatment NCO, 320 th MP CO, pertaining to the are and treatment of detainee MIHDY. About 0726, 30 May 04, the undersigned dispatched a Request for Assistance to the Carlisle B Resid USACIDC, to locate, identify and interview SFC PSNCO, 320 th MP CO, pertaining to the care and treatment of detainee MIHDY. About 1030, 30 May 04, the undersigned dispatched a Request for Assistance to the Prisoner Interrogation Team (PIT), 75 th MP DET (CID), to obtain detainee MIHDY's dossier file. About 1110, 4 Jun 04, the undersigned received Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) final autopsy report 03-366B reporting the cause of detainee MIHDY's death to be Arteriosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and the manner of death was natural. (See Autopsy Report) About 1300, 4 Jun 04, the undersigned received an Information Report from the PIT, 75 th MP DET (CID), pertainin to t atteppts to locate detainee MIHDY's dossier file. (See AIR of SA i0106-1 About 1350, 4 Jun 04, the undersigned requested all additional Requests for Assistance be terminated as result of the autopsy findings. /// Last Entry /// FOR-OFFICIAL USE 01nILY'' EXHIBIT 4 PROTECTIVE MARKING IS EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC TERMINATION (Para 13; AR 340-16) (When Data Is Entered) C n ORM 94,a I OCT 95 bz0 ft, ),-, 1 ACLU-RDI 41 p.14 DOD-DOACID001967 Page(s) • • Referred to: U.S. ARMY MEDICAL COMMAND FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/ PRIVACY ACT OFFICE ATTENTION: MCFP 2050 WORTH ROAD, SUITE 13 FORT SAM HOUSTON, TEXAS 78234-6013 MR. JOHN PETERSON (210) 221-7826 ACLU-RDI 41 p.15 DOD-DOACID001968 ORGANIZATION PRISONER INTERROGATION TEAM (PIT)(CID) Baghdad Central Confinement Facility, Abu Ghruyeb 09342 DATE 31 Mav 04 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CID FORM 94 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT CID Regulation 195-1 -014844-6-1-92.59-89t94 ROI NUMBER"8139- 03- CIDc9S9- (ott 6, 0048-04-CID789 PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES DETAILS BASIS FOR INVESTIGATION: On 30 May 04, this office received a Request for Assistance (RFA)(0139-04-CID259-61189) from 22nd Military Police (MP) BN (CID), Baghdad International Airport (BIAP), Baghdad, Iraq APO AE 09342, requesting a copy of detainee file of Detainee Wathik Salah MIHDY, Internment set I mber (ISN) #14028. About 0900, 31 May 04, S coordinated with the agistrate's Cell to obtain a copy of the detainee file and dossier for Detainee MIHDY. SA etermined the detainee file was last located at the Ministry of Justice (MOJ), Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA). Due to how records were kept during at the time, the detainee dossier could not be located. The detainee was released 3 Aug 03. Status: Your RFA has been completed. No further investigative activity is anticipated by this office. ///LAST ENTRY/// • ACLU-RDI 41 p.16 DOD-DOACID001969 Wow, •-•••• DATE: 21 AUG 2003 FROM: SAC, 12TH MILITARY POLICE DET (CID) TO: DIRECTOR, USACRC, USACIDC, FORT BE•VOIR, VA CDR, HQUSACIDC //CIOP-COP-00// CDR, 10" MP BN (CID) (ABN) (FWD) //OPS// CDR, 3D MP GROUP (CID) //OPS// LNO CID, CJTF-7 SUBJECT: CID REPORT -2D STATUS/SSI - 0139-03-CID259-61189 - 5H9A DRAFTER : SA trx,y0-) RELEASER: SA UNCLASSIFIED - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1. DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: 1. 10 AUG 2003/0001 - 10 AUG 2003/2359; ABU GHRAIB PRISON, BAGHDAD, IRAQ 2. DATE/TIME REPORTED: 16 AUG 2003, 1800 3. INVESTIG TED BY: SA SAAIIIIIIIIIF 2 b7(012 ;1 )/g2-1 ; SA 4. SUBJECT: 1. NONE. [NATURAL DEATH]. 5. VICTIM: 1. MIHDY, WATHIK SALAH (DECEASED); CIV; PRISONER # 14028; MALE; OTHER; ABU GHRAIB PRISON, BAGHDAD, IRAQ; (NFI); ZZ; [NATURAL DEATH]. 6. INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: THE INFORMATION IN THIS REPORT IS BASED UPON AN ALLEGATION OR PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION AND MAY CHANGE PRIOR TO THE COMPLETION OF THE INVESTIGATION. THIS IS AN "OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM" INVESTIGATION. THIS INVESTIGATION WAS INITIATED IAW FRAGO 209, 28 JUN 03, HQ CJTF-7 (CONDUCT INVESTIGATIONS OF ALL DEATHS OF U.S. PERSONNEL, TO INCLUDE MILITARY AND CIVILIANS, WHICH OCCUR IN IRAQ AFTER 1 JUL 2003). 2D STATUS: THE PURPOSE OF THIS STATUS REPORT IS TO CHANGE THE MANNER OF DEATH FROM UNDETE MIN D TO NATURAL. ON 18 AUG 03, SA OORDINATED WITH MAIM= tve,)4 IIIIIIIIIFBATTALIO SURGEON, 400TH MILITARY POLICE BATTALION, 07/ 460-Ap • ; ••- ....• A • ACLU-RDI 41 p.17 DOD-DOACI D001970 ABU GHRAIB PRISON, BAGHDAD, IRAQ, WHO PROVIDED A COPY OF MR. MIHDY'S DEATH CERTIFICATE. THE DEATH CERTIFICATE REFLECTED THE CAUSE OF DEATH AS A MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION (HEART ATTACK). INITIAL: THIS INVESTIGATION WAS INITIATED EASED ON NOTIFICATION FROM THE 10TH MILITARY POLICE BATTALION (CID), THAT AN IRAQI PRISONER DIED WHILE IN U.S. CUSTODY AT THE ABOVE LOCATION. PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION REVEALED MR. MIHDY WAS BEING HELD BY US FORCES AS A PRISONER AT THE ABU GHRAIB PRISON. MR. MIHDY SUFFERED FROM MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION AND DIED ON 10 AUG 03. MR. MIHDY'S BODY WAS FLOWN TO DOVER, MD, FOR AN AUTOPSY. RESULTS PENDING. THE CA ALTY LIAISON OFFICER FOR THIS MATTER IS CW2/111, t124g -4- SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE, AT DSN 302-530-0. bZ(14 INVESTIGATION CONTINUES BY USACIDC. 7. COMMANDERS ARE REMINDED OF THE PROVISIONS OF AR 600-8-2 PERTAINING TO SUSPENSION OF FAVORABLE PERSONNEL ACTIONS AND AR 380-67 FOR THE SUSPENSION OF SECURITY CLEARANCES OF PERSONS UNDER INVESTIGATION. 8. CID REPORTS ARE EXEMPT FROM AUTOMATIC TERMINATION OF PROTECTIVE MARKING IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 3, AR 25-55. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ACLU-RDI 41 p.18 DOD-DOACI D001971 DATE: 18 AUG 2003 FROM: SAC, 12TH MILITARY POLICE DET (CID) TO: DIRECTOR, USACRC, USACIDC, FORT BELVOIR, VA CDR, HQUSACIDC //CIOP-COP-CO// CDR, 10TH MP BN (CID) (ABN) (FWD) //OPS// CDR, 3D MP GROUP (CID) //OPS// LNO CID, CJTF-7 SUBJECT: CID REPORT -INITIAL/SSI 0139-03-CID259-61189 - 5H9B DRAFTER : SA 7 to., b41 RELEASER: SA UNCLASSIFIED - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1. DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: 1. 10 AUG 2003/0001 HRS - 10 AUG 2003/2359 HRS; ABU GHRAIB PRISON, BAGHDAD, IRAQ 2. DATE/TIME REPORTED: 16 AUG 2003, 1800 HRS 3. INVEST GA ED B ; SA SA 4. SUBJECT: 1. NONE. (UNDETERMINED MANNER OF DEATH). 5. VICTIM: 1. (DECEASED) MIHDY, WATHIK SALAH; CIV; PRISONER # 14028; MALE; OTHER; ABU GHRAIB PRISON, BAGHDAD, IRAQ; (NFI); ZZ; [UNDETERMINED MANNER OF DEATH]. 6. INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: THE INFORMATION IN THIS REPORT IS BASED UPON AN ALLEGATION OR PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION AND MAY CHANGE PRIOR TO THE COMPLETION OF THE INVESTIGATION. THIS IS AN "OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM" INVESTIGATION. THIS INVESTIGATION WAS INITIATED IAW FRAGO 209, 28 JUN 03, HQ CJTF-7 (CONDUCT INVESTIGATIONS OF ALL DEATHS OF U.S. PERSONNEL, TO INCLUDE MILITARY AND CIVILIANS, WHICH OCCUR IN IRAQ AFTER 1 JUL 2003). THIS INVESTIGATION WAS INITIATED BASED ON NOTIFICATION FROM THE 10TH MILITARY POLICE BATTALION (CID), THAT AN IRAQI PRISONER DIED WHILE IN U.S. CUSTODY AT THE ABOVE LOCATION. PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION REVEALED MR. MIHDY WAS HELD BY US FORCES AS A PRISONER AT THE ABU GHRAIB PRISON. MR. MIHDY SUFFERED FROM MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION AND DIED ON 10 AUG 03. ACLU-RDI 41 p.19 DOD-DOACI D001972 MR. MIHDY'S BODY WAS FLOWN TO DOVER, MD FOR AN AUTOPSY. RESULTS PENDING. THE CASUALTY LIAISON OFFICER FOR THIS MATTER IS CW2 b^x, t'`/ 111111111SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE, AT DSN 302-530 D2rii367-/ INVESTIGATION CONTINUES BY USACIDC. 7. COMMANDERS ARE REMINDED OF THE PROVISIONS OF AR 600-8-2 PERTAINING TO SUSPENSION OF FAVORABLE PERSONNEL ACTIONS AND AR 380-67 FOR THE SUSPENSION OF SECURITY CLEARANCES OF PERSONS UNDER INVESTIGATION. 8. CID REPORTS ARE EXEMPT FROM AUTOMATIC TERMINATION OF PROTECTIVE MARKING IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 3, AR 25-55. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ACLU-RDI 41 p.20 DOD-DOACI D001973 Circle Last Name Date Issued V W V W Circle Last game Date Issued Circle Last Name Date Issued V W V W ACTION COMPLETED Obtain MP Report / MPR # q NCIC entry on stolen prop q Film submitted for contact sheet q Copy of AIR posted in ACIRS q Obtain all documents concerning the positive urinalysis q , 'ACTION Sources targeted Medical records requested Name check dispatched Name check results received All documents marked with the ROI or file number FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ACLU-RDI 41 p.21 DOD-DOACI D001974 AGENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY (CID Regulation 195-1) C534tgazggi-cAtr9 TIME, DATE, AND AGENT SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACITIVITY Dispatched Final Supplemental. FILE CLOSED :ID FORM 28 1 Oct BO PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED ACLU-RDI 41 p.22 DOD-DOACID001975 Kt. • -- AGENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY (CID Regulatson 195-1) Control Number 0 139 -03-CID259-61189 TIME, DATE, AND AGENT SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACITIVITY 28 May 04 121 - VI About 1200, 28 May 04, this investigation was reopened to further investigate the death of detainee MIHDY, ISN 14028. The investigation was terminated on 1 Sep 03, reporting the cause of detainee MIHDY's death was Myocardial Infarction with the manner of death as natural. No final autopsy report was received determining the cause of death. 30 May 0! About 0645, 30 May 04, the undersigned dispatched a Request for Assistance to the Ft Knox Resident Agency, USACIDC to locate, identify and interview Dr (MAJ) BN Surgeon, 400 TH MP BN pertaining to the care and treatment of detainee MIHDY. About 0715, 30 May 04, the undersigned dispatched a Request for Assistance to the Ft Knox Resident A enc , USACIDC, to locate identify and interview SFC Medical Treatment NCO, 320 h MP , per aining to the care and treatment of detainee MIHDY. About 0726, 30 May 04, the undersigned dispatched a Request for Assistance to the Carlisle Barracks Resident Agenc , USACIDC, to lo entif and interview SFC PSNCO, 320 th MP CO, per aining to the care and treatment of detainee MIHDY. About 1030, 30 May 04, the undersigned dispatched a Request for Assistance to the Prisoner Interrogation breibt - f Team, 75 th MP DET (CID), to obtain detainee MIHDY's dossier file. 4 Jun 04/111 About 1110, 4 Jun 04, the undersigned received Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) final autopsy report 03-366B reporting the cause of detainee MIHDY's death to be Arteriosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and the manner of death was natural. (See Autopsy Report) About 1300, 4 Jun 04, the undersigned received'an Information Report from 75th MP DET (CID), pertaining to the attempts to- ocate detainee MIHDY's dossier file. (See AIR of SA About 1350, 4 Jun 04, the undersigned requested all additional Requests for Assistance be terminated as result of the autopsy -findings. Dispatched 2 nd Supplemental Report. CID FORM 28 PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM WILL SE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED 3 1 Oct BO ACLU-RDI 41 p.23 DOD-DOACI D001976 I: 15 T: 90 1215 1 8 Ati 03 AGENT'S ACTIVITY SUMMARY (CID Regulation 195-1) Control Number 0139-03-03)259-61189 TIME. DATE, AND AGENT J SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITY 1150. 18 Aug 03 bt•kr. I Coordination with 320 th MP S-3. (See AIR of SA 1)0 Coordination with 320th Personnel NCO. (See AIR of SAME., I: 15T: 0 1230. 18 Aug 03 MM. I: 30 T: 0 113C 4kc c3 OWN, 1/ac' 3/2 -bt4 03 0111111 060'3 r131 hk-N 06- / Coordination with 320th Medical Treatment NCO. (See AIR of SAM, MIN ( 077 /c leaf 57.411/J te 4,- C5)6\'11"(tN. J'sv /rile/ F,4„/ kera/i. 71? 61 6- N : , R\iu1 RT:7-c his& mz con ) \ C6/fecied / 5 546 KZ) , ieC , nits% r•e•rt • I .40 rem nrmet Al I IRF. ()NI .Y PAGE 2_ 4 ACLU-RDI 41 p.24 DOD-DOACID001977 AGENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY (CID Regulation 195 -1) Control Number 0139-03-CID259-61189 TIME, DATE, AND AGENT SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACITIVITY 11.1„. 16 Aug 03 MEW ble,W I: 10, T: 0 a1u9m30m 6 16 Aug 03 =Mr • I: 40, T: 0 VAL I . About 1800, 16 Aug 03, this office . was notified by j CW4 • • that a Iraqi prisoner died while in U.S. custody. Built case file and completed INI report. To SAC for review. • SA C— /6\c\Nc ' ---, i 4 Z- .N4 1?-0' () 114 A \ 'OC 3. \'''biYooci rv\-1 -r. Rt.? _ . • CID TO321 28 PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED t .5 ACLU-RDI 41 p.25 DOD-DOACI D001978 CID FORM 94 11-1$ AGENT'S INVESTIGATIVE REPORT 0061-04-CID342- CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES At 1800, 10 Jul 04, S interviewed SGT11111111, Co, 3/318' One Station Unit Training (OUST), Fort Meade, MD 20755, who rendered a sworn statement wherein he detailed his knowledge of the death of Iraqi detainee. SGT elated he receiv a detainee who appeared to be drunk, as he was staggering and falling over himself. SGT ummoned the medics, who check the detainee's vitals and cleared him for entrance to the compound. Approximately 30 minutes later, a group of detainees gather around a tent and began chanting. The detainees then carried the body of the individual around the compound. When the detainee's body was recovered by compound guards, it was examined by medics, and the detainee was pronounced dead (See Swo Statement for details). At 1433, 11 Jul 04, SA interviewed SF 320' MP BN, 140 Stewart Road, Ashley, PA 18706, who rendered a sworn statement wherein he detained his account of the death of a Iraqi detainee. SFCiararrelated he was the medical NCO for the Medical Section/Operations for Baghdad Central Corrections Facility (BCCF), and during the peak of detainee in processing, he examined between 800-900 detainees daily. He further related he could not recall a specific incident where a detainee had alle edl died from Myocardial Infarction, due to the number of detainees he examined. SFC stated several detainees with preexisting medical conditions died while in BCCF due to the nature of the prison complex (See Swo Statement for details). At 1600, 11 Jul 04, SA interviewed MS 320th MP BN, 140 Stewart Road, Ashley, PA 18706, who rendered a sworn statement wherein he detailed he knowledge of the death of a Iraqi detainee. MSG tated he was called to compound 2 one day for a disturbance, and when he arrived, he noticed e detainees carrying the body of another detainee. The detainees we e instructed to leave the body in the common area, and after securing the gates, MS went into the common area and carried the body of the detainee toward the main gate. As MSG arried the body out of the 47 /b6-Icompound, it defecated on him. Upon exiting the compound, he placed the body on the ground and left the area to clean off (See Sworn Statement for details). ///LAST ENTRY/// 19411,47-1 Carlisle Barracks Resident Agency (CID) 3d Military Police Group, USACIDC Carlisle, PA 17013 Date: 11 Jul 04 Exhibit: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ACLU-RDI 41 p.26 DOD-DOACID001979 P76 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE INVESTIGATIVE WORKSHEET DATA REQUIRED BY PRIVACY ACT AUTHORITY: Title 10. United States Code, Section 3012 (g) ROUTINE USES: Your social security number and other personal information are used as an additionaUaltemate means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To provide commanders and law DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of your social security number enforcement of1;cials with means by which information may be is voluntary accurately identified 1 REC Code 2 Action Code 3 Date Submitted 11 Jui 04 4 SEQ Number 0061 5 Year 04 6 Unit 342 7 ROI Number 8 Rel to Case 9 Control ti INDIVIDUAL DATA 10 Last Name • I 1 First Name 111111, 12 Middle Name 13 Grade E-5/AR 14 Social Securityumber 15 Other ID Number 17 POB-C tv 18 POB-ST 19 POB-CTY US 2 ex M 21 Race C 22 Ethnic 21 23 Height 67 24 Wei t 192 air BRN 6 Eye 27 Citizen HAZ US 28 Educ 12 29 Prior crd N 30 Martial S 31 MOS 31B I 32 MCAC 1 AR 33 Position 34 Industry 35 Security I 36 Physical Marks: SEC 1 None 37 Alias- Nickname(s) 138 Alias- Nickname(s) 39 Alias- Nickname(s) 40 Organization f C Co, 3/318th MP OSUT 41 If Contractor, Contract 4 42 Military SVC Army 43 Subunit 44 Fort/ City Fort Meade 45 State MD 46 Country US 47 Zip Code/APO 20755 48 Address 49 City 50 State 51 C war 52 ' FAMILY MEMBE ATA 53 JUV I 54 Family Ret 155 Sponsor Last Name 56 Sponsor First Name 57 Sponsor Middle Name 58 Social Security Number l 59 SPON Grade / 1 60 SPON MCAC 61 Sponsor Unit Address 62 SPON City 163 SPON ST 1 64 SPON CTY 65 SPON Zip Code/APO OFFENSE tI 66 Offense Code 67 UFC 68 Offense Code 69 UFC 1 70 Offense Code 71 UFC JI 72 Offense Code 73 UFC ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Telephoner/ ETS PCS/DEROS Date INTERV Start Time 1NTERV Start i 1 Place of Interview Start Date INTERV End Time INTERV End Fingerprint Photo Vehicle Data 1 Disposition CORPORATION DATA 74 Contractor Number 75 FED SERV/PROD 4 76 Corporation Name 77 Corp Address 78 Corp City 79 Corp State 80 Corp CTY 81 Corp Zip Code 82 Contract Number NOTES FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE CID Form 44-R (Automated) Edition of 1 Aug 87 will be used until exhausted I ACLU-RDI 41 p.27 DOD-DOACID001980 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE INVESTIGATIVE WORKSHEET DATA REQUIRED BY PRIVACY ACT AUTHORITY: Title 10, United States Code, Section 3012 (g) ROUTINE USES: Your social security number and other personal information are used as an additional/alternate means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To provide commanders and law DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of your social security number enforcement officials with means by which information may be is voluntary accurately identified 1 REC Code 12 Action Code 3 Date Submitted 11 Jul 04 4 SEQ Number 0061 . 5 Year 04 6 Unit 342 7 ROI Number 8 Rel to Case 9 Control # INDIVIDUAL DATA • 10 Last Name • I I First Name 12 Middle Name 13 Grade 14 Social 15 Other ID Number B 17 POB I • •' .‘' 18 POB-ST 19 POB CTY s US 20 ex 21 Race M C 22 Ethnic 21 23 Height 5'8" 24 We' 220 air BRN Eye 27 Citizen BRN - US duc . 14 29 Prior Rc d N 30 Martial M 31 MOS 31B AR 32 MCAC 1 33 Position I 34 Industry I 35 Security 36 Physical Marla: Tattoos, Right Bicep, Heart w/Rose I SEC I Left Bicep, Tasmanian Devil 37 Alias- Nickname(s) I 38 Alias- Nickname(s) 139 Alias- Nickname(s) 40 Organization 320th MP BN 41 If Contractor, Contract # 42 Military SVC Army 43 Subunit 44 Fort/ City Ashley 45 State PA 46 Country US 47 Zip Code/APO 18706 48 Address 49 City 5 rate 51 Count 52 Zi Co^ FAMILY MEMBER DATA 53 JUV 54 Family Rel 55 Sponsor Last Name 56 Sponsor First Name .. 57 Sponsor Middle Name 58 Social Security Number .-- 59 SPON Grade / 60 SPON MCAC 61 Sponsor Unit Address 62 SPON City 63 SPON ST 64 SPON CTY 65 SPON Zip Code/APO OFFENSE 66 Offense Code 67 UFC 68 Offense Code 69 UFC 70 Offense Code 71 UFC 72 Offense Code 73 UFC ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Telephone # ETS PCS/DEROS Date INTERV Start Time INTERV Start Place of Interview Start Date INTERV End Time INTERV End Fingerprint Photo Vehicle Data Disposition CORPORATION DATA 74 Contractor Number 75 FED SERV/PROD # 76 Corporation Name 77 Corp Address 78 Corp City 79 Corp State 80 Corp CTY 81 Corp Zip Code 82 Contract Number NOTES - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE CID Form 44-R (Automated) Edition of 1 Aug 87 will be used until exhausted ACLU-RDI 41 p.28 DOD-DOACID001981 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE INVESTIGATIVE WORKSHEET DATA REQUIRED BY PRIVACY ACT AUTHORITY: Title to, United States Code, Section 3012 (g) ROUTINE USES: Your social security number and other personal information are used as an additional/altemate means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To provide commanders and law DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of your social security number enforcement officials with means by which information may be is voluntary accurately identified 1 REC Code 2 Action Code 3 Date Submitted 11 Jul 04 - 4 SEQ Number 0061 5 Year 04 6 Unit 342 7 ROI Number 8 Rel to Case 9 Control # INDIVIDUAL DATA 10 Last Name I I First Name 12 Middle N 13 Grade E-7/AR 14 Social Sec IS Other ID Number 6 17 POB-Citv 18 POB-ST 19 POB-CTY US 20 Sex 21 Race 22 Ethnic M C 21 23 Height 69 24 Weig t 174 5 Hair BRN 26 Eye BRN 27 Citizen US 28 Educ 16 29 Pnor cal N 30 Martial M 31 MOS 91W 32 MCAC AR 33 Position 34 Industry 35 Security SEC 36 Physical Marks None 37 Alias- Nickname(s) 38 Alias- Nicknarne(s) 39 Alias- Nicknarne(s) 40 Organization 320w MP BN 41 If Contractor, Contract # 42 Military SVC Army 43 Subunit 44 Fort/ City Ashley 45 State PA 46 Country US 47 Zip Code/APO 18706 48 Add 49 City 50 State 51 Country 52 Zi Code FAMILY ME AT 53 JUV 54 Family Rel 55 Sponsor Last Name 56 Sponsor First Name 57 Sponsor Middle Name 58 Social Security Number 59 SPON Grade / 60 SPON MCAC 61 Sponsor Unit Address 62 SPON City 163 SPON ST I 64 SPON CTY f 65 SPON Zip Code/APO OFFENSE 66 Offense Code 67 UFC 68 Offense Code 69 UFC 70 Offense Code 71 UFC 72 Offense Code 73 UFC ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Telephone # ETS PCS/DEROS Date INTERV Start Time INTERV Start I I Place of Interview Start Date INTERV End Time INTERV End Fingerprint I Photo Vehicle Data 1 Disposition CORPORATION DATA 74 Contractor Number 75 FED SERV/PROD # 76 Corporation Name 77 Corp Address 78 Corp City 79 Corp S ate 80 Corp CTY 81 Corp Zip Code 82 Contract Number NOTES FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 6'74 'kit CID Form 44-R (Automated) Edition of I Aug 87 will be used until exhausted 9 ACLU-RDI 41 p.29 000-DOACID001982 W4 MNC-I 0 • erations Officer Ka: • From: 111111111WW4 MN C-1 Ope9affig Officer Sent: Friday 1:52 PM To: CW4 E-mail) Subject: REF 1 RFAs for the Washington District for Carlisle Bks to locate, identify and interview SFC SNCO, HHD, 320th MP Co, Sugar Notch USARC, 140 Stewart Rd, Ashley, PA to Ft Cmpbell District to Ft Knox RA to locate, identify and interview SF ed Treatm NCO, 320th MP CO, 1635 Armory Rd, Akron, OH 44306 to Ft Campbell District to Ft knox RA to locate, identify and interview Dr (MAJMOMMINIIPBn Surgeon, 400th MP BN All RFAs may be terminated. We received the final autopsy report on detainee Wathik MIHDY, ISN 14028 which disclo ed - he died of natural causes. Thank you for the assistance. 1 (5 ACLU-RDI 41 p.30 DOD-DOACID001983 To: Cc: Subject W4 CJTF7-Operations Officer CW5 CW -mail) RFA tor Carlisle BKS Please pass along to Washington District for Carlisle Barracks. -76 Re9 - -f 11139-03-CID259-61 MIHDY.pdf RFA 189 (15T SUPP... 04-CID258-61189 (: 1 -=. ACLU-RDI 41 p.31 DOD-DOACID001984 pt0Vided the DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 22nd MILITARY POLICE BATTALION (CID) UNITED STATES ARMY CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION COMMAND - APO AE 09342 CIMPL-OP 30 May 2004 MEMORANDUM FOR Special Agent-in-Charge, Carlisle Barracks Resident Agency, 3D MP Group (CID), 116 Forbes Ave, Suite 11, Carlisle, PA 17013-5028 SUBJECT: Request for Assistance - 0139-03-CID259-61189 (CAT I) 1. About 1800, 16 Aug 03, this investigation was initiated based upon information from the 10 th MP BN (CID), that detainee Wathik Salah MIHDY, CIV Iraq,.Internment Serial Number (ISN) 14028, Compound 2, Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF), Abu Ghraib, IZ, died while in the custody of U.S. Forces. On 1 Sep 03, the investigation was terminated listing the cause of detainee MIHDY's death as Myocardial Infarction and thd manner of death as natural. On 28 May 04, the investigation was reopened as an autopsy report had not been received listing the cause and manner of death. 2. Preliminary investigation disclosed that about 11 Aug 03, detainee MIHDY was interned to the BCCF for undetermined reasons. While in processing to the BCCF, detainee MIHDY was treated for shortness of breath and alleged he had a heart condition; however, declined to provide specific information. Detainee MIHDY was offered an Albuteral inhaler to assist in his breathing; however, refused. Detainee MIHDY'S vital signs were checked and were found to be in poor condition and he had a total loss of electrolytes. Detainee MIHDY was further processed into the BCCF and sent to Compound 2. Later in the day, detainee MIHDY was found unconscious and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was administered to no avail. 3. About 1215, 18 Aug 04, SFC AIIIIIPPSNCO, HHD, 320 th MP CO, Sugar otc. USARC 140 Stewart Rd, Ashley, PA 18706-1463 (HOR: TEL: bzi 2_ ACLU-RDI 41 p.32 DOD-DOACID001985 CW4, MP Operations Officer USACIDC with the Certificate of Death and Personal Data Receipt pertaining to detainee MIHDY. 4. Request your office locate, fully identify and - interview SFC pertaining to her knowledge of detainee MIHDY's death. Request you obtain any and all records SFC1111111111For her unit may possess pertaining to detainee MIHDY. Request you obtain any and all information from SFC pertaining to the personnel who assisted in the care and treatment of detainee MIHDY and determine the exact circumstances as to how detainee MIHDY was found unconscious before his death, who found him and whose attention it was brought to. Re uest you obtain any further information from SFC ou deem appropriate. 5. PPOOCC this action is the undersigned at DNVT (302) 550- all or 584-41111 ira or 1111111111111111, Encl 3 1. 1st SUP Rpt 2. Cert. Of Death (MINDY) 3. Pers. Data (MIHDY) tr7ef ko 1.3 ACLU-RDI 41 p.33 DOD-DOACI D001986 W4 CJTF7-Operations Officer bzri .b.L To: CW5 E-mail) Cc: CW4 -mail) b7ei 1 .1 Subject RFA ease pass o Campbell for Ft Knox RA RFA for Ft Knox, can you distribute through Ft Campbell Dist. BLC 14E Plir;" fl'ga! 0139-03-CID259-61 MIHDY.pdf RFA 189 (1ST SUPP.— 04-C1D258-61189 (: 1 ACLU-RDI 41 p.34 DOD-DOACID001987 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 22nd MILITARY POLICE BATTALION (CID) UNITED STATES ARMY CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION COMMAND APO AE 09342 CIMPL-OP 30 May 2004 MEMORANDUM FOR Special Agent-in-Charge, 31 st MP DET (CID) Air Assault, 3D MP Grdup (CID), 2745 Kentucky Ave, Fort 'Campbell, KY 42223-563S SUBJECT: Request for Assistance - 0139-03-CID259-61189 (CAT I) 1. About 1800, 16 Aug 03, this investigation was initiated based upon information from the 10 th MP BN (CID), that detainee Wathik Salah MIHDY, CIV IRAQ, Internment Serial Number (ISN) 14028, Compound 2, Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF), Abu Ghraib, IZ, died while in the custody of U.S. Forces. On 1 Sep 03, the investigation was terminated listing the cause of detainee MIHDY's death as Myocardial Infarction and the manner of death as natural. On 28 May 04, the investigation was reopened as an autopsy report had not been received listing the cause and manner of death. 2. Preliminary investigation disclosed that about 11 Aug 03, detainee MIHDY was interned to the BCCF for undetermined reasons. While in processing to the BCCF, detainee MIHDY was treated for shortness of breath and alleged he had a heart condition; however, declined to provide specific information. Detainee MIHDY was offered an Albuteral inhaler to assist in his breathing; however, refused. Detainee MIHDY'S vital signs were checked and were found to be in poor condition and he had a total loss of electrolytes. Detainee MIHDY was further processed into the BCCF and sent to Compound 2. Later in the day, detainee MIHDY was found unconscious and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was administered to no avail. 3. About 1230, 18 Aug 04, SFC Medical Treatment NCO, 320 th MP CO Akron, .0H 44306-3899 (HOR: etAinee- MIHDY!P.P0P'jii§ .4rkj..Va Z6744544 Armory Rd , / treated ))7eag7-1- ACLU-RDI 41 p.35 DOD-DOACID001988 b2cti&-÷ 4. Request your office locate, fully identify and interview SFC pertaining to his treatment of detainee MIHDY. Request you obtain any and all records SFC 1111111,Or his unit may possess pertaining to the treatment of detainee MIHDY. Request you obtain any and all information from SFC pertaining to the personnel who assisted in the care an treatment of detainee MIHDY. Request you determine from SEC if he referred detainee MIHDY to a medical doctor for evaluation before sending detainee MIHDY to Compound 2, if not, why not when detainee MIHDY's vitals were in poor shape. Request you determine the exact circumstances as to how detainee MIHDY was found unconscious before his death, who found him and whose attention it was brought to. Request you obtain any further information from SFCMaryou deem appropriate. Ate6- 5. POC this action is h 1 e undersigned at DNVT (302) 550- 411110or 584 or cho le .amr .mll Encl 3 1. 1 st SUP Rpt 2. Cert. Of Death (MIHDY) 3. Pers. Data (MIHDY) CW4, MP Operations Officer 14 ACLU-RDI 41 p.36 DOD-DOACI D001989 W4 CJTF7-0 erations Officer To: Cc: Subject: CW 2) (E-mail) CW -mail) RFA ease TorwTto Campbell Please pass this to Ft Campbell Dist for forwarding to Ft Know RA. b74 /-' PDF 6. 0139-03-CD259-61 M1HDY.pdf RFA 189 (1ST SUPP... 04-CID258-61189 (. 1 '7 ACLU-RDI 41 p.37 DOD-DOACID001990 n;e tk2,4 'DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY r, Prisoner Interview/Interrogation Team (PIT)(CID)(FWD) Military Police Detachment (CID)(FWD)(-) 22" Military Police Battalion (CID)(FWD) Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF) Abu Ghruyeb, Iraq APO AE 09342 CIRFR-PIT 31 May 04 MEMORANDUM FOR Operations Office, 22' Military Police (MP) Battalion (BN)(CID), Baghdad International Airport (BIAP), Baghdad, Iraq APO AE 09342 SUBJECT: Final Information Report (0048-04-CID789) =-- 1. Reference your RFA (0139-04-CID259-61189), dated 30 May 04, is complete. 2. Man-hours expended were as follows: a. Investigative: 1 b. Administrative: c. Travel: 0 d. .0015 Funds 0 e. Privacy Act Disc. 0 3. Point of contact for this report is SA 1111111111111111111a DNVT 550-411 or e-mail: (2Ius .armm b-74,176-1 End I_ AIR of SAIIIIMP CW2, MP Special Agent in Charge 18. ACLU-RDI 41 p.38 DOD-DOACID001991 •---- -- r - •-• • WT - 1,..,,t1.1 4,1 ,A770J1JV .1 .-r.A.+11.." J1I-) rage i o! 5 • v4..) f6' b From Sent To ' us.arrn Cc Bcc 5 Subject FW: Info report 0139-04 -CID259 (0061-04-CID342) Attachments air.doc • 32K gip. 144K oc 145K 11116°c 144K lir Moe» alilirdoc» 11o>> For your case. I will also send this SIPR. 0 i•inal Messa•e From ilc L6 I To:' Sen • 12/04 6:09 AM 4 Subject: Info report 0139-091-CID259 (0061-04-CID342) Sir, I tried your other email address, and it wou t send. The interview of MSG Compound NCOIC), SF edic NCOIC), and SGTM (Shift N IC were completed this weekend. All three could not Identify Mr. MIHDY from the photograph provided to this office due to the poor quality of the Fax. All three recalled an incident of a older heavyset male who had died while in the compound for a alle ed heart condition. I am still pending the interview of SP who the MP tasked to watch the individual mentioned above at the ire ion of SGT' This office made contact with her last night and we are attempting to conduct the interview ASAP. I have attached the 44's of the interviewed individuals and a copy of my AIR. Special Agent . Carlisle Barracks Resident Agency 116 Forbes Avenue Suite 11 157 httnc•i/tvPhmaa lic army mil/frame html7rtfPnceihlp=tnipArlancr=Pn 7/1 inane.> Tuesday, July 13, 2004 10:24 am ACLU-RDI 41 p.39 DOD-DOACI D001992 ,r • 4.A•11.4 ...kW/1 1./ ....;.1ays• ,a-T",./.1,./...• • Carlisle, PA 17013 (717) 245-4111.11111 WARNING: This message is intended for the use of the individual or entity to which. it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, law enforcement sensitive, and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by reply or by telephone (717) 245-41111Pand immediately delete this message and all its attachments FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITVE «air.doc» War doc» ~doe» .15 ••• .11. V • .0 174 G6 --f 20 `1 1 • 7 /1 nnne ACLU-RDI 41 p.40 DOD-DOACID001993 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: W4 CJTF7-O s erations Officer 4 CJTF7-Operations k I-Ye; 0:30 AM -mail) • - Or you RFA RFA )1 CID2:0 61103-(F goi (.( t Vt • _-z 1 ACLU-RDI 41 p.41 DOD-DOACI D001994
