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Chart displaying the categories "Location", "Date", "Serial", "Interviewers", and "Interviewee", and showing 25 entries, all of which display "Abu Ghraib" in the "Location" category.

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This document is labeled as "Page 2 of 2" of what appears to be an e-mail message. The message is almost entirely illegible; all that is visible is a small portion of the address block.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Ajimi Berra Al Khattab, a former Major General in Command of Iraq's 6th Armored Division, Basara, Iraq; former Commander of Iraq's III Corps; High ranking Baa'th Party Member; and part of Saddam Hussain's inner Circle. Mr. Khattab was captured on July 2, 2003 and considered a "High Value" detainee. He was one of the first prisoners to be held at the Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF), Abu Ghraib, Iraq, following the American takeover of the facility. There are few records or documents related to his interrogation & confinement, but some are present in this Report. Ajimi Berra Al Khattab is reported to have died of an apparent heart attack at BCCF on November 11, 2004, while undergoing interrogation, however, the investigation could not find any accurate records of his death in existence. This CID investigation was initiated to find authoritative documentation of Mr. Khattab's death. The investigation pursued all leads, and all to no avail. The investigation finally concludes with the following, "To date, this office has made numerous attempts to locate documentation which would provide further details as to the circumstances surrounding Mr. KHATTAB's death. All efforts have met with no avail. No more investigative activity is anticipated at this time. Should additional information be brought to light at a later time, this office will reopen this investigation."

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A CID Investigation into the death of an unidentified Iraqi combatant who was shot after being wounded on the field of battle. The investigation found that a Sergeant on a raid that escalated in to a firefight "committed the offense of Murder" when he shot the detainee who had already been wounded. It is reported that the squad came under heavy gun fire and mortar fire and was unable to evacuate the wounded detainee. It was than that the Sergeant leveled his rifle on the detainee and shot him, killing him. This file contains the investigative report and includes Sworn Statements of soldiers who were involved in the firefight and witnessed the shooting. The report concluded that the Sergeant who shot a detainee who "had no means to resist." The Sergeant was ultimately demoted from E-6 to E-1 and given an "Other Than Honorable" discharge.

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A CID investigation into the death of an Iraqi detainee Mobass Fahad at Abu Ghraib Prison on November 15, 2004 from Acute Myocarditis. Mr. Fahad was reported to have a history of seizures and asthma. He was treated at the Camp hospital, and was discharged. On the day he died, Mr. Fahad was walking around, and then laid down and had a witnessed seizure. He died of Generalized Tonic Clonic Seizure with Anoxia. Corpsmen attended to Mr. Fahad and performed CPR. Mr. Fahad was transported to the hospital, but died. There were no obvious signs of trauma. This file contains the investigative report with interviews, photos and Sworn Statements, as well as medical records of Mr. Fahad. Cause of Death: Acute Myocarditis; Manner of Death: Natural

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This is a CID report in to the death of detainee Rashid Salman Mohammad Al Ghurairi while being transported following his arrest at his home near Kalsu, Iraq on November 13, 2005. It is reported that Mr. Al Ghurairi suffered an apparent cardiac arrest while in a helicopter en route to Forward Operating Base (FOB) Kalsu, Iraq. CPR was initiated, but failed to revive Mr. Al Ghurairi. Mr. Ghurairi was pronounced dead upon arrival at the FOB. This investigative report contains fourteen (14) Sworn Statements & interviews, records of the raid and transportation, as well as interviews with medical personnel. No Autopsy included because Mr. Al Ghurairi's remains were released to his family for burial.

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A CID investigation into the death of Adnan Mukhlef Sweidan, a detainee who died at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF) Control, Camp Bucca, Iraq on May 15, 2005. Mr. Sweidan died as a result of complications of thyroid surgery preformed on April 5, 2005. It is reported that surgical gauze was accidentally left in his throat after the procedure. This sponge led to his death by causing an interference with Mr. Sweidan's breathing. Cause of Death: Asphyxia; Manner of Death: Accidental. Not a criminal matter, no abuse or intent to harm.

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A CID investigation into the death of Awad Hasan Munthir, a detainee at the Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF), Abu Ghraib, Iraq on August 15, 2005. Mr Munthir was found in his cell, hanging himself in a shower stall with his bedsheets. CPR was initiated, but failed to revive Mr. Munthir. Mr. Munthir was transported to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. The Cause of Death: Manner of Death: Suicide

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Taha Turki Labaih who died while in custody the Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq on March 7, 2006. Mr. Labaih collapsed in the TIF compound. It is reported that Mr. Labaih was having labored breathing and was becoming unresponsive. Medics were called to assist him. When medics got to him he was already breathless and without a pulse. CPR was initiated, but failed to revive Mr. Labaih. He was brought in to the camp hospital in cardiac arrest and never regained consciousness. No trauma found. He was pronounced dead. Cause Death: Heart Attack 2nd Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease; Manner of Death: Natural

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This is a CID investigation into the killing of three (3) detainees at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq. The dead detainees, Rasoul Jabal Daraj, and two (2) other unnamed Iraqi male detainees (referred to as Mr. Daraj's brothers), were reported to have been attacked by four (4) other detainees with sticks & other weapons in the yard of the camp. The two unnamed men were killed at the scene; Mr. Daraj died of his injuries on March 26, 2006. Shortly after arriving at the compound, and before being attacked, Mr. Daraj told the US personnel at the TIF that he and his brothers were not safe there. He expressed fear that their lives were in danger at the hands of the other detainees. It is reported that Mr. Daraj and his brothers were called "traitors" by other detainees, and that they were thought to be cooperating with the American forces, thus making them marked men. The attack was carried out near Building 5, Compound 3B at 8:30 am, March 7, 2006. The four (4) detainees who attacked Mr. Daraj and his brothers were found, arrested and charged in the attack. Cause of Death: Complications of Blunt Force Head Injuries; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Tha'ir Kaduri Salman, a detainee at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq on May 28, 2006. Mr. Salman was playing volleyball in the camp yard when he was witnessed to suddenly collapsed. Medics responded to assist him. CPR was initiated, but failed to revive him. Mr. Salman was transported to the TIF hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Cause of Death: Athersclerotic/Thrombotic Coronary Artery Disease (Heart Disease); Manner of Death: Natural.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Talib Enezy Ghadban, a detainee at the Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF) hospital on January 7, 2006. On December 31, 2005 Mr. Ghadban was complaining of being lightheaded and checked in to the camp hospital. While under treatment in the hospital he suffered a stroke, which required him to be placed on life support, including a ventilator. On January 7, 2006 Mr. Ghadban succumb to his illness and died. Cause of Death: Stroke; Manner of Death: Natural.

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Ibrahim Ismail. Mr. Ismail was a detainee who died at the Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF) Combat Support Hospital (CSH), Abu Ghraib, Baghdad, Iraq, June 5, 2006. Mr. Ismail was admitted to the hospital after being taken in to custody by US forces following a firefight on May 15, 2006. It is reported that on May 15th, Mr. Ahmed and two other men were caught laying Improvised Explosive Devises (IEDs). They were engaged by US forces, and as they attempted to escape. Mr. Ahmed was shot & captured. Mr. Ahmed was then admitted to the hospital for his injuries. On June 5th he began to suffer from an acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. He died soon after. Cause of Death: Complication from Gun Shot Wounds; Manner of Death: Homicide (Justifiable).

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Salah Safak Hamed. Mr. Hamed was a detainee that was transferred to the Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF) Combat Support Hospital (CSH), Abu Ghraib, Baghdad, Iraq from the 10th Combat Support Hospital (CSH) on June 25, 2006, for treatment for gun shot wounds. It is reported that Mr. Hamed was admitted to the hospital after being taken in to custody by US forces following a firefight with Iraqi Forces near Balad, Iraq. It is further reported that on May 15th, Mr. Hamed became engaged with Iraqi Forces at a roadside checkpoint, and was shot several times while being taken in to custody, and suffered several serious wounds. On July 5th, while under treatment at the BCCF CSH, Mr. Hamed experienced a medical emergency that caused him to stopped breathing. CPR was initiated, but failed to revive him. He was pronounced dead shortly thereafter. Cause of Death: Gun Shot Wounds; Manner of Death: Homicide (Justifiable).

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Muntasir Hamad Furayh Al Mehlawy at Camp Remembrance II Internment Facility, Camp Cropper, Baghdad, Iraq on October 28, 2006. Mr. Furayh Al Mehlawy was in a communal tent housing unit at Camp Cropper, when he was found dead of an apparent strangulation. The matter was determined to be a homicide. This report is the investigation & prosecution package against six (6) detainees who killed Mr. Furayh Al Mehlawy. It is reported that these detainees attacked Mr. Furayh Al Mehlawy while he was sleeping and killed him by strangulation. They then placed him back in his bunk to be found the next morning. Convictions of Murder were returned against the charged detainees. Cause of Death: Asphyxiation due to Ligature Strangulation; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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This is a CID investigation into the reported death of two (2) Iraqi men in February 2005. The men, Jasim Mohammed Shihab and Ahmed Jasim Radhi were supposedly killed by US soldiers. investigation was begun more than a year after the deaths of the men occurred, and was initiated to determine if the allegations that the men were killed by US soldiers were correct. The incident is believed to have occurred on February 14, 2005, following a US patrol being attacked by a roadside bomb. It was alleged that several US soldiers wounded one man and shot dead two others. This file is the investigative effort to determine if any US soldiers were involved in the assault and the killing. The investigator interviewed all the known soldiers in the vicinity at the time. Interviewed members of the victim's family, and reviewed reports from the daily events to determine if there was evidence concerning the accusations. The investigator could not substantiate the allegations.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Hamid Muhsin Khazi, a detainee being held at the Task Force Rapture Screening Facility Area (SF), Iraq on December 8, 2007. Mr. Khazi was shot by a Sergeant on the compound grounds. It is reported that Mr. Khazi was assaulting the Sergeant with a wooden board when the Sergeant pulled his pistol and shot Mr. Khazi in the torso. Mr. Khazi was treated for his injuries, but died from his injuries. Cause of Death: Multiple Gunshot Wounds; Manner of Death: Homicide (Justified).

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Mohammed Anwar Abdulkarim, a detainee at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq, on October 27, 2007. Mr. Abdulkarim was attacked by another detainee and stabbed to death. It is reported that several detainees conspired to carryout the killing. Criminal charges were brought against the attackers. Cause of Death: Sharp & Blunt Force Injuries; Manner of Death: Homicide

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This is a CID investigation into the death of Hader Ali Hussein, a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq, on July 20, 2007. Mr. Hussein was attacked and beaten by other detainees in Compound 10C of Camp Bucca on June 30th, and was admitted to the camp hospital to recover. While being treated at the camp hospital, Mr. Hussein suffered a cardiac arrest, and was placed on life support. He subsequently died on July 20, 2007 due to complications from his injuries. This CID investigation accuses ten (10) detainees with Murder & Conspiracy, and an 11th for Communicating a threat to a witness. Cause of Death: Myocardial Infarction 2nd to Blunt Force Injuries; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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This is a CID investigation into the death Mohammad Qusay Khalid, a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq, on July 11, 2007. Mr. Khalid was attacked & beaten by other detainees for an apparent violation of Islamic law. He was taken to the camp hospital for treatment, but succumb to his injuries and died on July 26th. This CID Report is the investigation in to Mr. Khalid 's death. This Report charges nine (9) detainees with Murder & Conspiracy in connection with Mr. Khalid 's death. Cause of Death: Sharp & Blunt Force Trauma of the Head; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Layith Husayn Khalaf Al Fahadwi, a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Cropper, Tent 4, Compound 4. On November 11, 2007 soldiers were alerted that Mr. Al Fahadwi was not well. He was found at his bunk unresponsive and near breathless. As he was being attended to he went in to cardiac arrest. CPR was initiated, and Mr. Al Fahadwi was transported to the 31st Combat Support Hospital (CSH), where he was pronounced dead. This CID Report charges seven (7) detainees with Conspiracy & Murder. Cause of Death: Asphyxia by Smothering; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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This is a CID investigation in to the reported killing and mutilation of an unarmed Afghani civilian in Helmand Province Afghanistan by a Special Forces soldier. This CID investigation alleges that a Master Sergeant (MSG) shot the Afghani male on March 1, 2008, killing him, and thereafter cutting off one of his ears as a souvenir. This CID Report charges the MSG with Murder. The MSG was found not guilty of Murder in a court-martial.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of a detainee in Hutal City, Afghanistan, on December 4, 2008, and the death of a Department of Defense (DOD) Human Terrain Team (HTT) Member who died of injuries sustained in the same incident. This Report found that on December 4th Abdul Salam, an Afghan national, set Ms. Paula Gene Loyd on fire with a petrol product in an attempt to kill her. After igniting Mr. Loyd on fire, Mr. Salem tried to flee the scene, but was stopped by another unnamed DOD HTT contractor, who took Mr. Salem down to the ground at gun point. It is further reported that Mr. Salem was resisting being taken in to custody, and it was unclear if he was further armed. The DOD HTT contractor who had Mr. Salem at gunpoint stated that he shot Mr. Salem when he could not gain control of him, and because he realized that Mr. Salem had just set Ms. Loyd on fire. The gentleman who shot Mr. Salem admitted malice to his actions, but also maintained the killing was prudential because the threat Mr. Salem posed was not controlled. The unnamed gentleman was found Guilty of Voluntary Manslaughter for the killing of Mr. Salem. Paula Gene Loyd Cause of Death: Complications of Conflagration Injuries; Manner of Death: Homicide; Abdul Salem Cause of Death: Undetermined; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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This is a CID investigation in to the death of Al Monsour Mohammad Al Jobouri, an Iraqi national who was reportedly shot & killed on May 16, 2008 in the Jazeera Desert, Iraq. This CID Report is the criminal investigation of a First Lieutenant (ILT) and a Sergeant who were implicated, charged, tried and convicted of Mr. Al Jobouri's murder. The soldiers were also charged with Conspiracy to cover-up the crime. Cause of Death: Trauma & Bleeding 2nd Gun Shot Wounds; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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This is a CID investigation into the reported unlawful killing of two (2) unknown Iraqi civilians. This Investigation was initiated upon a tip made by a family member of a soldier. The family member claimed that the soldier unlawfully killed two (2) Iraqi men while the soldier was serving in and around Ramadi. The Investigation found the accusations to be unfounded, and as a result of an family dispute, and that no crime(s) are found to have occurred & there was no credible information to support the allegations.

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This is an NCIS investigation in to the shooting death of detainee Haskem Shefi Abdullah at the Entry Control Point 5 (ECP-5) on September 20, 2005 while being guarded. The Report states that as a US Marine was guarding Mr. Abdullah, and while the Marine was handling his sidearm, Mr. Abdullah attempted to gain control of the weapon, and was shot in the struggle, killing him. This Report includes: 1) Report of Investigation (Action, October 20, 2005); 2) Report of Investigation (Interim, September 28, 2005); 3) Investigative Action (September 22, 2005); 4) Report of Investigation (Interim, October 23, 2005); ); and NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This is an NCIS investigation of the death of Muhammed Numan Nahar, a 71 year old Iraqi national who died at Camp Al Qaim on October 2, 2004. Mr. Nahar was captured near the Syrian Boarder and taken to Camp Al Qaim for detention and interrogation. While in detention, Mr. Nahar complained of stomach pains and weakness. During the overnight from October 1-2, 2004 Mr. Nahar was in his cell, (Cell "N"), complaining of stomach pains and vomiting. A doctor and corpsman were called to render aid. After an exam, Mr. Nahar was left for the night. Mr. Nahar was observed in distress and requesting water in the early morning hours of October 2nd. At 12:50 pm Mr. Nahar was found dead in his cell. Cause of Death: Acute Peritonitis due to perforating Gastric Ulcer; Manner of Death: Natural. This file contains a photograph log from the investigation into the death of Mr. Nahar.

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This is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for approximately thirty (30) minutes when he fainted and slumped in his chair. The interrogator called for medics and CPR was performed, but was unsuccessful in reviving Mr. Abdal. Mr. Abdal was transported to the Al Asad Combat Surgical Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. This file contains: 1) Investigative Action: Results of Interview of Detainee, (Feb. 21, 2007); 2) Investigative Action: Results of Interview, (Feb. 21, 2007); 3) Investigative Action: Results of Interview of Firefighter, (Feb. 21, 2007); 4) Investigative Action: Results of Fire Department Incident Report, (Feb. 21, 2007); 5) Report of Investigation (Action, Feb. 16, 2007); 6) Report of Investigation (Action, Jan. 17, 2007); and 7) Report of Investigation (Open, Jan. 17, 2007). Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease and Mitral Valve Prolapse with Annular Calcification; Manner of Death: Natural. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Hasan Salih Mohammed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a Task Force 88 raid in Tawara Iraq on February 5, 2007. Mr. Mohammed died of unknown causes while being taken in to custody. His body was left on the helicopter Landing Zone (LZ) the night of his death, but was eventually recovered by Marine Patrol 3/4 Kilo Co. and turned over to Iraqi Policemen (IP). The IPs brought the body to the local hospital that eventually released the body to Mr. Mohammed's son. Mr. Mohammed's son returned the body to village of Beyji, Iraq for local burial, Mr. Mohammed's home village. This file contains a report of Investigative Action (March 22, 2007), which is an interview with the home owner of the house that was raided and where Mr. Mohammed was taken in to custody. The homeowner did know Mr. Mohammed, but was not aware if he had any medical problems. The home owner allowed an examination and photographing of the house. The Investigator found a 10 year old boy who was reported to have told people that Mr. Mohammed was "Dropped from a helicopter", and asked him if he actually saw that event. The boy said it was not true.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Hasan Salih Mohammed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a Task Force 88 raid in Tawara Iraq on February 5, 2007. Mr. Mohammed died of unknown causes while being taken in to custody. His body was left on the helicopter Landing Zone (LZ) the night of his death, but was eventually recovered by Marine Patrol 3/4 Kilo Co. and turned over to Iraqi Policemen (IP). The IPs brought the body to the local hospital that eventually released the body to Mr. Mohammed's son. Mr. Mohammed's son returned the body to village of Beyji, Iraq for local burial, Mr. Mohammed's home village. This file contains: 1) a report of Investigative Action (March 24, 2007), which is an interview with the US Navy Dog Handler on the Task Force 88 raid when Mr. Mohammed was captured and died; 2) a report of Investigative Action (March 26, 2007), which are Photos & analysis of the ladder used as litter to transport Mr. Mohammed once he died; and 3) a report of Investigative Action (March 26, 2007), which is a list of people reported killed or detained during the raid while visiting the house during the raid to determine if Mr. Mohammed had family in the area (with Arabic translation). The Navy Dog Handler reported that he did not engage Mr. Mohammed, and only saw him after he was dead. The photos are visible. The list of names produced information that Mr. Mohammed was from Beyji, Iraq. There also appear to be others from this town still in custody. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Hasan Salih Mohammed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a Task Force 88 raid in Tawara Iraq on February 5, 2007. Mr. Mohammed died of unknown causes while being taken in to custody. His body was left on the helicopter Landing Zone (LZ) the night of his death, but was eventually recovered by Marine Patrol 3/4 Kilo Co. and turned over to Iraqi Policemen (IP). The IPs brought the body to the local hospital that eventually released the body to Mr. Mohammed's son. Mr. Mohammed's son returned the body to village of Beyji, Iraq for local burial, Mr. Mohammed's home village. This file contains a Report of Investigation (Feb. 12, 2007), which contains a chart/list of the persons taken in to custody following the raid on February 5, 2007. This is a a list of the sixteen (16) occupants of the home that was raided. A disposition of the persons taken in to custody appears to have a discrepancy as it concerns Mr. Mohammed (guest #5), who is listed as "detained and released" as opposed to "Was found dead after the raid on the way to the chopper's landing ground", which is what is listed for the detainee (guest #4) listed above Mr. Mohammed.

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This is an NCIS investigation of the death of an Iraqi detainee, Thair Hamid Khalaf Hassan Alwani, who died in the custody of the Military Transition Team (MiTT) on December 22, 2007 while being transported from Combat Outpost (COP) Manion to the Camp Fallujah Regional Detention Facility (RFD), Iraq. This file contains: 1) Report of Investigation, (Closed, June 3, 2008); 2) Report of Investigation, (Interim, April 25, 2008); 3) Report of Investigation, (Action, April 20, 2008); 4) Report of Investigation, (Interim, April 18, 2008); and 5) Death Certificate & Autopsy Report. It is reported that while being transported in a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle, Mr. Alwani grabbed the M-4 rifle of one of the guards, caused a round to be fired and was then shot multiple times by the soldier, who resorted to using his handgun. Mr. Alwani was pronounced dead at the scene. The report states that there did not appear to be any violations of the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) identified in this matter at the time of the filing of the Report. This file was forwarded to the Contingency Response Field Office (CRFO), for review and authority to close. Manner of Death: Multiple Gun Shot Wound; Manner of Death: Undisclosed. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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This is an NCIS investigation of the death of an Thair Hamid Khalaf Hassan Alwani, Iraqi detainee who died in the custody of the Military Transition Team (MiTT) on December 22, 2007 while being transported from Combat Outpost (COP) Manion to the Camp Fallujah Regional Detention Facility (RFD), Iraq. This file contains: 1) Investigative Action: Death Scene Photographic Evidence, (December 24, 2007); 2) Investigative Action: Photographic Coverage of Exterior of MRAP Vehicle, (December 24, 2007); 3) Investigative Action: Collection of Evidence, (Dec. 24, 2007); and 4) Investigative Action: Photographic Coverage of v/Al Alwani's at the PRP (Dec. 24, 2007). It is reported that while being transported Mr. Alwani grabbed the M-4 rifle of the soldier guarding him, caused a round to be fired and was then shot multiple times by the soldier, who resorted to using his handgun. This file includes several photos and detailed description of the death scene. File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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TThis is an NCIS investigation of the death of an Thair Hamid Khalaf Hassan Alwani, Iraqi detainee who died in the custody of the Military Transition Team (MiTT) on December 22, 2007 while being transported from Combat Outpost (COP) Manion to the Camp Fallujah Regional Detention Facility (RFD), Iraq. This file contains: 1) Investigation Action: Obtaining Photographs from Marine, (Dec. 24, 2008) and Three (3) Sworn Statements from Soldiers in the vehicle at the time of the shooting. The soldiers states that they did not see the shooting, but recall the verbal commands to Mr. Al Awani to stay still, to stop moving and to "Sit back" several times, then one shot was fired, followed by several more shots, and the call for "Clear". File attachments redacted by an NCIS Redacted Page Information Sheet.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Adnan Eid Abbass, an Iraqi national who died in the custody of USMC while being transported to the Detention Facility at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Camp Korean Village, Iraq. Mr. Abbass was one of several men arrested for suspected insurgent activity and being transported in the back of a Highly-Mobil Multi-Wheeled Vehicle (Highback) to FOB Korean Village for detention and interrogation. When the Highback arrived at the FOB, Mr. Abbass was discovered deceased of apparent natural causes. This file contains a report of Investigative Action: Weather Conditions at Camp Korean Village on 04JAN06, (Jan. 23, 2006), and Photographs of the vehicle Mr. Abbass was transported in (Vehicle #2).

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Faisel Kurdi Serhan, and Iraqi civilian who died while being placed in to custody by soldiers of Alpha Company, 3rd Battalion, 172th Infantry Regiment, US Nat. Guard stationed at Camp Ramadi, Iraq. Mr. Serhan was stopped in a vehicle with two (2) other men after being observed placing Improvised Explosive Devises (IEDs) on the roadside in Ar Ramadi. According to the soldiers, an AK-47 and IED bomb making material & detonators were found in the vehicle. As the soldiers began to search the men, Mr. Serhan would not submit to a pat-down, made an attempt to take a soldier's rifle, and then ran off. The soldier's believed Mr. Serhan was in possession of either a weapon or a detonator for the IEDs in the vehicle, so they shot and killed him. This file contains a Report of Investigative Action (Oct. 12, 2005) detailing the contacts with Charlie Medical Corps (Charlie Med) at Camp Ramadi, Iraq to recover Mr. Serhan's body. After a search of the records from the intake of Enemy killed in action (EKIA), it was determined that "no enemy killed in action (EKIA) were brought to [Charlie Med]" or recovered on October 9, 2005, nor did they have any information on Mr. Serhan. It was reported that Mr. Serhan's body was left in the street for "approximately eight hours" but nobody observed who eventually moved the body. Also included in this Report is the Mission Checklist for Alpha Co., 3rd Battalion, 173th Inf. Reg., the unit that participated in the incident. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Walid Tawfiq Jabar, and Iraqi civilian who died at the Regional Detention Facility (RDF), Camp Al Asad, Iraq. On Oct. 19th, 2008 Mr. Jabar "fainted" while being interrogated. Mr. Jabar was without a pulse, so corpsmen initiated CPR and transported Mr. Jabar to the 325th Combat Support Hospital (CSH), at Camp Al Asad, Iraq for emergency medical treatment. Once stabilized, Mr. Jabar was placed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to recover. Mr. Jabar did not recover, and died at approximately 6:51 am on the morning of Oct. 20, 2008. This file contains Investigation Action: Receipt of PMO Records, (Feb. 23, 2008); and Investigation Action: Results of Autopsy, (Feb. 29, 2008). This file includes the USMC Provost Marshal's Desk Journal of the Al Asad Air Base, and Mr. Jabar's fingerprint card from his autopsy. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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This document is a Department of Defense (DOD) email with the schedule and check list for the handling of deceased Muslim Guantanamo detainees, including the Muslim ritual body preparation; how detainee remains were signed over to a Yemeni Embassy delegate; and the transportation arraignments the remains.

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A CID investigation into the death of Naser Ismail, an Iraqi civilian killed during a raid upon his home in Balad, Iraq in January 2004. This CID Report is detailed in the investigation in to the death that resulted in Premeditated Murder charges being brought against the Squad's Sergeant. The report states that the Sergeant and a Private First Class (PFC) were involved in the death of Mr. Ismail as co-conspirators. The Sworn Statements and evidence gathered states that the Sergeant & PFC were in the home alone with Mr. Ismail when he was shot three (3) times in the chest. The investigation also explored possible "Kill" orders given by the Squads Captain prior to the raid being conducted, but no proof of such orders was established.

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This is a CID Report in to the Death of Naser Ismail, an Iraqi citizen that was shot & killed in Balad, Iraq on January 3, 2004. This Report is the Investigative Action and prosecution of the soldiers involved in the matter. It is reported that seven (7) soldiers involved in the raid, killing and/or conspiracy to cover-up the incident. This Report includes Sworn Statements; collection of evidence; death scene sketches; and photographic evidence.

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This CID investigation in to the alleged unlawful shooting death of an unnamed Iraqi male following a firefight. The Report states that on March 20, 2005, in the vicinity of Salman Pak, Baghdad, Iraq, a man who was engaged with coalition forces became wounded & unable to continue fighting and was subsequently shot & killed by a Sergeant in the patrol. It is reported that after a convoy came under fire from Anti Iraqi Forces (AIF), a US patrol returned fire, hitting the AIF fighters. The Report states that upon a search of the area, a Sergeant discovered a wounded AIF fighter, and shot him while he was immobilized & unable to offer resistance. The Report states the Sergeant was charged with Attempted Murder, faced a General Court-Martial, and was found Not Guilty.

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This CID investigation in to the alleged unlawful shooting death of five (5) Iraqis during a raid on a house near Samara, Iraq. It is reported that as soldiers raided a house looking for certain specific insurgents when they shot the Iraqi civilians, including a 7 y/o girl. The Report states that the soldiers were attempting to capture several known High Value Targets wanted for insurgent activities when they shot & killed two of the subjects, and also killed three other unintended Iraqi civilians. Four (4) soldiers were charged, but cleared of Murder Charges. The Court-Martial determined the killings justified & within the Rules of Engagement.

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This is the Autopsy Report & Death Certificate of Abdulla Fawzzi, a 54-year-old Iraqi detainee. It is reported that Mr. Fawzzi who was admitted to the 86th Combat Support Hospital (CSH) for treatment of gunshot wounds to the lower extremities. The Report states that Mr. Fawzzi experienced multi-system organ failure and cardiac arrest. Cause of Death: Complications of Gunshot Wound of the Left Leg; Manner of Death: Homicide.

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This document appears to be a scan of business cards for two government employees: U.S. Army Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, George R. Fay, and one unknown employee of the DOD Office of General Counsel. In addition to the two cards, the document includes handwritten text indicating the presence of a log provided to the OIG by MG Jay and Eliana Davidson on 6-9-2004. The log itself is not included with the document.

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Fax to Ashley Deeks regarding the rough agenda for the November 29, 2006 interagency meeting regarding High Value Detainees.

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This chart contains information on suicide attempts made by Guantanamo Bay detainees as of June 10, 2006. The Detainee No. and Date of Event columns are redacted. The Method of Attempt, Number of Attempts, and Prognosis of each attempt are also listed.

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A heavily redacted chart of interviews at Abu Gharib prison. The chart is divided into "Location", "Date", "Serial", "Interviewer", and "Interviewee."

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This document is an FBI deleted page information sheet about approximately three deleted pages.

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Cover sheet for responses from [redacted] Internal Investigations II Unit.

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The document is a press release from the FBI regarding the release of FBI documents related to detainees in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay. The statement includes information about FBI employee surveys conducted regarding possible mistreatment of detainees at Abu Ghurayb and Guantanamo in 2004.

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The document includes information about a document request made by the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General for FBI documents regarding detainee issues, specifically a a confidential memorandum clarifying the status of detained personnel.

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The document includes information about a document request made by the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General for FBI documents regarding detainee issues, specifically Department of Defense forms signed by FBI agents prior to conducting interviews and documents delineating interview techniques allowed.

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The document includes information about a document request made by the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General for FBI documents regarding detainee issues, specifically minutes, notes, memoranda, and other documents from any debriefing by the Director of Agents upon return from overseas.

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The document is a news article written by NBC News Correspondent Campbell Brown regarding possible prisoner abuse at Battlefield Interrogation Facilities operated by Delta Force in Iraq.

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The document includes information about a document request made by the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General regarding detainee issues, specifically the 2003-2004 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the FBI and another redacted party regarding the overseas work of FBI agents when assigned to a redacted location.

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The document is a detailed meeting agenda for the SAAC Executive Council Conference held at the FBI Headquarters from September 28 through 30, 2004.

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The document includes notes from FBI Director Robert Mueller's meeting with the SAAC Executive Council during the conference held at the FBI Headquarters from September 28 through 30, 2004. The notes detail the Council's concerns and appreciation.

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet about approximately 6 pages.

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Cover sheet for responses from Section Chief Toni Mari Fogel Internal Investigations Section

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The document includes information about a document request made by the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General regarding detainee issues, specifically any documents related to the FBI's initiation and conduct of special inquiries and special administrative inquiries related to the FBI employee observations of possible detainee mistreatment.

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The document includes information about a document request made by the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General regarding detainee issues, specifically any documents related to allegations of misconduct against FBI employees due to the manner or timeliness of their reporting of possible mistreatment of detainees as well as all documents related to FBI responses to such allegations.

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The document is an information sheet that lists pages deleted from this FOIA release (FBI pages given to OIG).

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The document includes information about a document request made by the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General regarding detainee issues, specifically any documents related to employees' observations and concerns about the treatment and interrogation of detainees held any venue controlled by the U.S. Military as well as documents related to FBI policies regarding the treatment and interrogation of detainees.

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The document includes information about a document request made by the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General regarding detainee issues, specifically any documents related to the complaint by an FBI agent concerning detainee treatment and the FBI's response to this complaint.

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The document is a mostly redacted cover sheet followed by a CIRG after-action report for the FBI deployment to Quandahar, Afghanistan from 12/11/2001 through 02/11/2002 in support of the Joint Interagency Task Force (JIATF) sponsored by the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM).

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The document is a sheet that lists pages deleted from this production of documents by the FBI.

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The document includes information about pages deleted from this production of documents by the FBI as well as which exemptions were used by the FBI to withhold these documents.

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The document is a form to request and authorize temporary duty travel for Department of Defense personnel, filled out for a redacted entity's service in Bishek, Kyrgyzstan, Bagram, Afghanistan, and Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

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The document is a notice describing an individual last seen in the Fallujah, Iraq area who is wanted for questioning. The document also includes an email about a lost officer who is in Fallujah.

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The document is an Operations Order drafted by the FBI Counterterrorism Division (CTD) to support the CTD's plan for the integration of FBI assets with the Department of Defense in Iraq to exploit Iraqi Intelligence Services (IIS) personnel, documents, and electronic media. The document includes information about threat assessment, friendly assets, and execution phases.

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AN FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet showing one page had been deleted.

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FBI deleted page information sheet including one deleted page.

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A considerably redacted two column chart with abbreviations on the side of one column. Handwritten information on the page includes: "GTMO"; "33 Responses"; "Second LIST."

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The document is a slip sheet containing the project name "GTMO" (Guantanamo) and the document image key (OIG-INTV-001053).

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A cover sheet called "GTMO Special Inquiry" with the following information written on the sheet: "Emails received which were individuals: not on GTMO, wrong identity, Afghan."

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Talking points on FBI participation in overseas interrogations of detainees at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Gharib. The document notes the "400 actionable leads" that have been a "direct result" of the "4,000 detainee interviews." It goes on to say that, "These leads and the extensive intelligence generated by these interviews; have led to new cases, identified previously unknown links between subjects and supported ongoing investigations."

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Considerably redacted talking points on the legal standards that apply to interrogations of detainees in Guantanamo Bay, Abu Gharib and Afghanistan. The notes specifically talk about Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, Article 16 of the Convention Against Torture and federal torture statutes. File name: DOJOIG005719.

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The document is a slip sheet containing the project name "GTMO" (Guantanamo) and the document image key (OIG-INTV-000028).

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The document is an information sheet that lists pages deleted from this FOIA release (FBI pages given to OIG).

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The document is a cover sheet from the Defense Intelligence Agency, but all other information has been redacted.

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FBI deleted page information sheet indicating that twenty-one pages have been deleted.

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A title page for the Office of Inspector General's Review of Detainee Issues.

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The document includes information about a document request made by the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General regarding detainee issues, specifically any documents related to the disagreements concerning interrogation plans and government agency disputes.

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The document is an FBI cover sheet for the release of interview reports from New York pertaining to detainee ISN 661. The reports are for the Department of Defense, Criminal Investigation Task Force.

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A DOJ FBI Internal Routing/Action Slip forwarded to the Office of Professional Responsibility.

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The document is an information sheet that lists pages deleted from this FOIA release (FBI pages given to OIG).

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The document includes information about a document request made by the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General regarding detainee issues, specifically any documents related to communications between FBI employees and any other U.S. Government entities regarding concerns about detainee treatment, interrogation techniques, and the legality or efficacy of such methods.

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The document details guidelines for conducting Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) investigations, including delegated investigation/adjudication cases (DIAs), delegated investigations (Dis), and non-delegated cases (NDs). The document also includes information on investigative issues and whistleblower protections for employees.

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The document includes Part 1 of the FBI Manual of Administrative Operations and Procedures (MAOP), which addresses activities and standards of conduct. The document includes information on ethics advice and training, personal conduct regulations, discussions of internal resolution processes, and reporting requirements for unacceptable conduct.

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The document is an information sheet that lists pages deleted from this FOIA release (FBI pages given to OIG).

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The document includes information about a document request made by the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General regarding detainee issues, specifically any documents related to the conduct of operations by FBI employees in overseas venues.

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The document includes information about a document request made by the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General regarding detainee issues, specifically any documents related to the conduct of operations by FBI employees in overseas venues.

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The document includes information on American policies on a variety of topics, including international terrorism investigations and counterterrorism, as well as information on the FBI's international terrorism responsibilities and the Counterterrorism Threat Assessment and Warning Unit (CTAWU).

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The document includes several sections of the FBI Manual of Investigative Operations and Guidelines, including information on full-field terrorism enterprise investigations, publications of terrorism enterprise organizations, and the collection of publicly available information.

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The document includes sections of the FBI Manual of Investigative Operations and Guidelines, including information on investigations of government employees, investigations of FBI employee misconduct, and administrative inquiries.

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The document includes sections of the FBI Manual of Investigative Operations and Guidelines, including information on the authority of a special agent, investigative responsibility, and investigative authority and the First Amendment.

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The document includes information about a document request made by the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General regarding detainee issues, specifically any documents related to the conduct of operations by FBI employees in overseas venues.

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The document is an information sheet that lists pages deleted from this FOIA release (FBI pages given to OIG).

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The document is an information sheet that lists pages deleted from this FOIA release (FBI pages given to OIG).

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The document includes sections of the FBI Manual of Investigative Operations and Guidelines, including information on policies for the Department of Justice and the Department of Defense related to the investigation and prosecution of criminal matters.

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The document outlines relevant policy issues for FBI operations with the military in the Global War on Terrorism, including the use of force, detention and interrogation, and command relationships.

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The document is the FBI Office of General Counsel response to the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General request for additional information, regarding supervisory employees in the National Security Law Branch and Counterterrorism Law Unit 1 and 2.

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The document is an organizational chart for the National Security Law Branch, headed by Deputy General Counsel Julie F. Thomas.

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The document includes handwritten notes describing the interrogations of Detainees #63 and #682 as well as the tensions between the FBI and the military at Guantanamo Bay.

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The document is an information sheet that lists pages deleted from this FOIA release (FBI pages given to OIG).

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The document is a list of FBI affiliates, their locations, and their respective missions.

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The document is a fax cover sheet for 20 pages (including cover) faxed to the FBI in New York.

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The document is a list of employees taking military leave, with names redacted but BPMS titles and total military hours listed.

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The document is a chart that depicts the functions and organization of the FBI Office of General Counsel.

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The document is part 13 of the Office of Inspector General 02/18/2005 request for documents, but the document is entirely redacted.

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CITF-G/JA REPLY TO ATTENTION OF .,,b2 per CITE 1, 6 per CITE Pagel: 'b -7C per CITE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION TASK FORCE . FORT BELVOIR, VIRGINIA 22060-5506 ALL FBI INFORMATION COVIATIVLD HEREIN IS T_INCLASSIFIEL DATE L17-22-2009 BY 65179 DM1/1.LT ' b5 per CITE 15 Nov 02 CITF-G/JA (Updated: 11/18/2002) Page 1 of 1 ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT — CLOSE HOLD/FOUO FB1018110CBT ozo REQ 2/18/05—PART 13 • FB10000065 DOJOIG012894 22 per CITE }DC per CITE . 7 (7 per (7 IT E' Page 2 CITF CTTF-G/JA (Updated: 11/18/2002) Page 2 of 3 - , - ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT—CLOSE HOLD/FOUR FBI018111CBT OIG REQ 2/18/05—PART 13 . FBI0000066 DOJOIG012895 b2 per CITF . b6 per CITF - b7c per rITF--- b5 per CITE' CITF-G/JA (Updated: 11/18/2002) Page 3 of 3 ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT—CLOSE HOLD/F000 FBI018112CBT OIG REQ 2/18/05–PART 13 F1310000067 DOJOIG012896 --1r=b2 per CITF h6 pe.r CITF b7C per CITF _f de:4A ner CITF v." CITF-G/IA (Updated: 11/18/2002) Page 4 of 3 ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT—CLOSE HOLD/FOUO FBI018113CBT OIG REQ. 2/18/05–PART 13 FB10000068 DOJOIG012897

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The document is part 13 of the Office of Inspector General 02/18/2005 request for documents, but the document is entirely redacted.

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The document is an information sheet that lists pages deleted from this FOIA release (FBI pages given to OIG).

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The document is a daily schedule for an Iraq pre-deployment briefing.

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This document is a schedule of Iraq pre-deployment training events.

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This is document is titled "Tiger Team Concept" and features a page asking "Why Change?" The reasons focus on the need for more teamwork, detainee cooperation, and control of information. It features a chart with a "Daily Interrogation Goal" listing team plans and duties.

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This document, labeled "Overview," lists information about an unspecified approach.

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This document is a page listing 104 pages withheld from release and the reasons for their withholding.

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This document is an Iraq Task Force daily situation report. It contains information about interviews of detainees and provides short summaries of the information they gave. It contains statistics on detainee status and personnel status.

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This document is a list of pages that have been deleted from the released documents, including the code indicating the reasons for deletion. A total of 17 pages were deleted.

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This document is a page listing pages withheld from current release, as well as reasons for the withholdings.

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This document is a list featuring descriptions of various abuses that occurred throughout Afghanistan. Most of the abuses involved slapping and punching.

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This document is a fax detailing the work by the FBI with detainees held by the Northern Alliance in Sheberghan, Afghanistan. it concludes that, at this time, no detainee can be considered "safe" and recommends several for transfer to Bagram and GTMO. It also includes information about a database of biometric information on detainees being compiled by the FBI and summaries of the deployment team's list of detainees who require re-interview, most of which is redacted.

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This document is a list of pages that have been deleted from the released documents, including the code indicating the reasons for deletion. A total of 43 pages were deleted.

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This document lists procedural rights of "performance eligible" employees (employees who have spent more than one year in the same position) in case of adverse actions against them.

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This document consists of excerpts from the Legal Handbook for Special Agents concerning confessions and interrogations.

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This is an internal Pentagon document showing the internal review processes for various tasks. It consists of pictograms that illustrate the order of these processes and includes time estimates.

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This is a page of handwritten notes with the title "FBI GWOT OPS." It lists broad categories of FBI Global War on Terrorism operations.

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This document is a page of handwritten notes concerning FBI practices and interrogation.

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This document is an FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment from Afghanistan (6/29/04). It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. It is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan (6/29/04). It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan (6/26/04-6/28/04). It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan (6/28/04). It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan (6/25/04). It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan (6/24/04). It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan. It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan. It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan. It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan. It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan. It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan. It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan. It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan. It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan. It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan. It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan. It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan. It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan. It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan. It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan. It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan. It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan. It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan. It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This document is a FBI Situation Report for FBI Detachment in Afghanistan. It contains logistical information about FBI presence as well as detainee information, summaries of detainee interviews, and updates about FBI missions throughout Afghanistan. The document is heavily redacted.

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This is a list of 3 Classified DOJ Legal Opinions released in May 2005. There are three memos from Bradbury to Rizzo on the list: (1) Re: Application of 18 U.S.C. 2340-2340A to Certain Techniques that May Be Used in the Interrogation of High Value al Qaeda Detainees, (2) Re: Application of 18 U.S.C. 2340-2340A to the Combined Use of Certain Techniques that May Be Used in the Interrogation of High Value al Qaeda Detainees, and (3) Re: Application of US Obligations under Article 16 of the Convention Against Torture to Certain Techniques that May Be Used in the Interrogation of High Value Detainees.

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Indemnification Agreement between Mitchell, Jessen and Associates, LLC ("MJA") and the U.S. Government.

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Indemnification Agreement between Mitchell, Jessen and Associates, LLC ("MJA") and the U.S. Government, James Mitchell and the U.S. Government, and Bruce Jessen and the U.S. Government. This agreement supersedes the November 8, 2007 Indemnification Agreement. Unlike the November 8 agreement, this one provides that indemnification can be made to Jessen and Mitchell individually.

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Indemnification Agreement between Mitchell, Jessen and Associates, LLC ("MJA") and the U.S. Government, James Mitchell and the U.S. Government, and Bruce Jessen and the U.S. Government. This agreement supersedes the November 8, 2007 Indemnification Agreement. Unlike the November 8 agreement, this one provides that indemnification can be made to Jessen and Mitchell individually.

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Independent Contractor Contract between Bruce Jessen and the U.S. Government.

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Independent Contractor Contract between Bruce Jessen and the U.S. Government.

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Independent Contractor Contract between James Mitchell and the U.S. Government.

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This letter provides Bruce Jessen, of Mitchell, Jessen and Associates LLC confirmation of Verbal Authorization to Proceed Not to Exceed for DCI's Counterterrorist Center (CTC) Elicitation and Training for a CTC Project (name of Project redacted in part).

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This document is a list of past OLC advice on interrogation dated October 2, 2007.

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This document is a list of past DOJ advice on interrogation dated October 12, 2007.

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This document is a list of classified DOJ legal advice regarding the CIA's interrogation program dated April 29, 2008.

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This Statement of Work dated June 15, 2005 includes Mitchell, Jessen & Associates' (MJA) Technical Proposal dated April 27, 2005, which lays out the objectives and scope of the Project with the Counterterrorist Center (CTC) (the name of the project is redacted), the tasks and requirements associated with it, and the documents MJA must comply with throughout their Contract. The Proposal also includes sections on security, deliverables, location, special considerations, reporting requirements, and management.

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This Statement of Work is a revised version of Mitchell, Jessen & Associates' Technical Proposal included in the June 15, 2005 Statement of Work.

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This document is a list of DOJ advice on interrogation dated December 12, 2007.

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This document is a list of DOJ advice on interrogation dated November 9, 2007.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract includes the first modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the government. The modification increases contract value and obligation from $1,183,783 to $8,854,423.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract was filed to de-obligate excess FY 2009 funding from Mitchell, Jessen & Associates Account Line. The contract value remains at $76,007,361.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract includes the second modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the government. The purpose of this modification is to increase contract value to $11,834,833, and contract obligation to $9,854,423.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract includes the fourth modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the government. The purpose of this modification is to increase contract value to $26,765,516, and contract obligation to $19,854,423.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract is the fifth modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the government. The purpose of this modification is to add clause 152.245-714, "Government Property (NOV 2005)".

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract includes the third modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the government. The purpose of this modification is to increase contract value to $21,765,516, and contract obligation to $14,854,423.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract is the sixth modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the government. The purpose of this modification is to increase contract value for to $36,915,516, and contract obligation to $30,004,423.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract is the seventh modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the government. The purpose of this modification is to increase contract value to $43,826,609 and contract obligation to $36,915,516.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract is the eighth modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the government. The purpose of this modification is to decrease funding from $43,826,609 to $40,903,684.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract is the ninth modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the government. The purpose of the modification is to "fully fund" the contract, thereby increasing total contract funding from $36,915,516 to $40,903,684.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract is the tenth modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the government. The purpose of the modification is to increase the contract value and target level-of-effort (LOE), extend the period of performance, and increase funding.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract is the eleventh modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the government. The purpose of the modification is to increase funding from $45,903,684 to $52,403,684.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract is the twelfth modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the government. The purpose of the modification is to increase funding from $52,403,684 to $53,403,684.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract is the thirteenth modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the government. The purpose of the modification is to increase funding from $53,403,684 to $65,403,684.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract is the fourteenth modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the government. The purpose of the modification is to increase funding from $65,403,684 to $66,840,637.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract is the fifteenth modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the government. The main purpose of this modification is to increase funding from $66,840,637 to $69,900,073.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract is the sixteenth modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the government. The purpose of this modification is to increase the contract value to to $98,285,630, increase the total target level-of-effort (LOE), extend the period of performance to March 1, 2009, and increase funding.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract is the seventeenth modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the government. The purpose of this modification is to increase funding from $73,100,073 to $73,700,073.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract is the eighteenth modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the government. The purpose of this modification is to increase funding from $73,700,073 to $75,700,073.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract is the nineteenth modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the government. The purpose of this modification is to increase funding from $75,700,073 to $79,950,073.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract is the twentieth modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the government. The purpose of this modification is to decrease the contract value from $98,285,630 to $88,476,917, decrease the value of and target level-of-effort (LOE) for Option Year 3, and decrease the value of Option Year 4.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract is the twenty-first modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the Government. The purpose of this modification is to increase the contract value from $88,476,917 to $107,645,019 and extend the period of performance to March 1, 2010.

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This Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract is the twenty-second modification to the March 2005 contract between Mitchell, Jessen & Associates and the Government. The purpose of this modification is to incorporate the settlement cost of $612,088, as a result of termination and adjust the contract value and funding accordingly.

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This 2002 chronology of events details Gul Rahman's time at COBALT including the assessments and interviews conducted of him and the interrogation techniques he was subjected to, according to cable reports and visits. It also lists the dates that psychologists Bruce Jessen and James Mitchell arrived at COBALT.

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This CIA list includes Abu Zubaydah's reported terrorist activity, injuries at the time of capture, highlights from reporting, legal authority for interrogation techniques used, and interrogation techniques used on Abu Zubaydah.

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This email includes a list of Office of Technical Service (OTS) officers involved in the Detention, Rendition or Interrogation of terrorists since September 11, 2001. The list includes James Mitchell and John (Bruce) Jessen.

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This Statement of Need requests that the CIA's Counterterrorism Center (CTC) renew James Mitchell, Bruce Jessen and two additional SERE psychologists' Independent Contractor contracts so that they can continue to support the CTC's interrogation program.

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James Mitchell's Resume, which includes a description of his work as an Independent Contractor for the CIA.

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This document is Dr. James Mitchell's contractor performance report from April 12, 2006. He received a performance rating of "Exceptional" in each category of performance.

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This CIA document contains USG's plan to obtain intelligence more quickly from unlawful combatants through interrogation. The plan discusses the current CTC interrogation team for Abu Zubaydah and the plan to train more CIA officers to deploy these methods on a "broad range" of unlawful combatants and to deploy these officers into the field.

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This message includes notes on the attached revised interrogation plan, and discusses the role of the CIA's Operational Assessment Division in implementing this plan.

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Bruce Jessen's Resume.

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These slides contain the first section of a two-part presentation given by Dr. Bruce Jessen to train American interrogators headed to Guantanamo Bay on how to extract information from detainees.

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These slides contain the second section of a two-part presentation given by Dr. Bruce Jessen to train American interrogators headed to Guantanamo Bay on how to extract information from detainees. This section also includes specific strategies for overcoming Al Qaeda resistance.

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These slides contain part one of a two-part presentation given by Dr. Bruce Jessen to future interrogators at Guantanamo Bay on how to overcome Al-Qa'ida Resistance based on "recently obtained Al-Qa'ida Documents."

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These slides contain part two of a two-part presentation given by Dr. Bruce Jessen to future interrogators at Guantanamo Bay on how to overcome Al-Qa'ida Resistance based on "recently obtained Al-Qa'ida Documents."

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This is a chart which lists 384 detainees of the US government; everything but their names, the dates of ARB completion, and their home countries are redacted.

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This document contains a chart labeled "Detainees-Limited Access" from the National Security Council Distribution Receipt West Wing Desk. The chart contains a list of government officials under the "addressee" column.

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Expert Declaration of Prof. Kevin Jon Heller in Salim v. Mitchell

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Annex A: Some Publicly Known Deaths of Detainees in U.S. Custody in Afghanistan and Iraq

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USACIDC Documents Ready for Release to the ACLU: Specifies pages withheld from 24 CID documents (Gibbons stamped CID000003-001508), including photographs of US soldiers and "deceased foreign nationals" that are not in the public domain, and foreign-language statements.

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This list is of nineteen (19) documents, dated from 7/1/03 - 5/24/04. Includes policies/procedures, briefing and guidance, memos, and e-mails produced. It appears that this is part of a larger document production.

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A list of the 106 annexes to the Taguba Report.

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Report on the Escape of Prisoners on Jan 26, 2004 from Camp Bucca conducted by the 310th Military Police Battalion.

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Army Regulation Army Regulation 190-8 establishing policies for the treatment and administrative procedures for Enemy Prisoners of War, Retained Personnel, Civilian Internees and Other Detainees.

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Army Field Manual FM 3-19.40: Military Police Internment/Resettlement Operations. Military Handbook for Police Internment and Resettlement Operations. Field Manual depicts the doctrinal foundation, principles, and processes that Military Police will employ when dealing with enemy prisoners of war, civilian internees etc. Provides that the provisions of the Geneva Conventions are applicable to captives and detainees from the time they are captured until they are released or repatriated. . . . Detainees receive humane treatment . . . captives and detainees are not murdered, mutilated, tortured, or degraded."

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Field Manual FM 34-52 sets forth the basic principles of interrogation doctrine and establishes procedures and techniques applicable to Army intelligence interrogations.

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The Fourth Geneva Convention sets forth conduct in time of war.

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Cover Page for CID Report. No additional pages attached.

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Cover Page for CID Report. No additional pages attached.

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FRAGO 176 deployment orders for 1st Armored Division; 89th Military Police Brigade; 16th Military Police Brigade and the 89th Military Police Brigade February 13, 2004.

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Investigation Team Witness Interview List. Names on this list are redacted.

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Military deployment orders dated November 19, 2003. Fragmentary Order assigning responsibility for Abu Ghraib to the Commander of the 205th MI Brigade, effective immediately.

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Army Field Manual FM 27-10 listing Treaties Relating to the Conduct of Land Warfare. Field Manual setting forth treaties relating to the conduct of land warfare which have been ratified by the United States.

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Cover Page for CID Report. No additional pages.

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Regulation setting forth policies and procedures governing the conduct of intelligence activities by Department of the Army intelligence components.

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Log Book for the 72nd Military Police Company at Abu Ghraib Prison, Aug. 2003

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310th Military Police Battalion, Al-Hillah Prison Standard Operating Procedures.

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320th Military Police Batallion Change Sheet. Appears to be a blank form to record prisoner arrival and departure.

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800th Military Brigade Slides of Prison Locations and Lay-out

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This Dod manual that provides the basic doctrine and policy governing the unified direction of forces and discusses the functions of the Department of Defense and its major components.

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800th Military Police Brigade Tactical Operations Procedures.

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Field Manual FM 3-19.1 Military Police Operations.

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Mobilization Orders for the 800th Military Police Brigade

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Sample Detainee Status Report

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Cover Page for General Ryder's Report Annex 19. No content. No additional pages.

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Cover Page for Annex 40. No additional information. No additional pages.

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Cover Page for Annex 97. No additional information. No additional pages.

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Cover Page for Annex 103 and 104. No additional information. No additional pages.

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Training manual: Mission Plan for the Transportation Cargo Transfer Company

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Army Manual for Mission Training Plan for Light & Medium Truck Companies, Motor Transport Battalion

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Army manual re: Combat Support Hospital Tactics, Techniques & Procedures

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Field Manual for urban operations. Overview of offensive & defensive operations in urban areas and stability & support ops (i.e. peacekeeping ops & humanitarian assistance support). Information is strategic & tactical in nature; no information relevant to POWs or torture.

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Regulations establishing the policy, procedures, and responsibilities associated with the U.S. Army Corrections System (ACS). ACS is for "military offenders," including those transferred from other (non-army) services and provides "uniform system of incarceration and correctional services for those who have failed to adhere to legally established rules of discipline" (1-5). 3 types of ACS facilities: confinement facilities (pre-trial and short-term posttrial confinement), Regional Corrections Facilities, and U.S. Disciplinary Barracks (USDB) (long-term incarceration for military prisoners of all services). (2-2). All prisoners "will engage in useful employment supplemented by appropriate supervision, mental health programs, professional evaluation, education, training and welfare activities." (unless precluded by disciplinary, medical or other reasons.) (5-2). Prohibited punitive measures include "(e) The use of irons, restraining straps and jackets, shackles, hand irons, or leg irons as punishment, (f) Removing prisoner's underclothing, clothing or other debasing practices, (g) Flogging, branding, tattooing, or any other cruel or unusual punishment, ... (i) Any strenuous physical activity or body position designed to place undue stress on the prisoner, (j) The use of hand irons, leg irons, belly chains or the like to create or give the appearance of a chain gang." (12-9, at p59). "Use of force or physical contact by cadre personnel is prohibited, unless necessary to prevent harm or injury to an individual or to prevent destruction of Government property." (15-11).

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Regulations establishing responsibilities policies and procedures for direction, management & control of Army military working dog (MWD) program. Primary uses for MWD: Patrol dogs, Narcotics/Contraband detection, Explosives detection. Other listed uses include "Enemy prisoner of war control" (4-3, p10). No regulations specific to enemy POW control; general use of force regulations (4-2, p9): "release of MWD to apprehend a person suspected of commiting a serious offense is the minimum force necessary when the alternative is escape or the use of deadly force." "When necessary, the dog's ability to deliver a bite of pressure provides an added dimension of physical force as an alternative to the use of deadly force." (4-1).

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Regulations establishing responsibilities, policies and procedures for training soldiers in the Code of Conduct and training in survival, evasion, resistance and escape techniques.

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Army Field Manual No. 19-15: FM 19-15 Civil Disturbance. Guidelines for civil disturbance control operations. Information & Operations planning; Use of force guidelines; use of live ammunition; use of deadly force; etc.

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Legal Guide for Soldiers: An introductory manual assisting soldiers in understanding legal obligations.

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Manual for counterintelligence operations, tactics, techniques, procedures. Relevant sections is Appendix A, Counter-Human Intelligence Techniques & Procedures; Section II, Investigative Legal Principles outlines legal rules of investigations.

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Manual laying foundations for military police operations; its various functions; and limitations.

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Army Field Manual FM 8-10-14: Employment of the Combat Support Hospital Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures

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This Mission Training Plan document is missing booklet cover and several other pages.

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Mission Training Plan for Headquarters, Forward Support Battalion For Heavy, Light, Air Assault and Airborne Divisions

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Army Training and Evaluation Program 63-226L-MTP: Mission Training Plan for Headquarters, Main Support Battalion, Airborne, Air Assault, And Light Infantry Divisions.

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Army Field Manual No. FM 3-0: FM 3-0 Operations

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Army Field Manual FM 100-23-1: FM 100-23-1 HA Multiservice Procedures for Humanitarian Assistance Operations. Operational-Level Roles and Responsibilities. Tactical Level Organization and Coordination. Domestic Operations. Appendices; How commanders should address issues in Humanitarian Assistance as if they were guided by international law.

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Army Training and Evaluation program No. 63-622-MTP: Mission Training Plan for Headquarters Area Support Group

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Army Field manual 27-14: FM 27-14 Legal Guide for Soldiers

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Army Field manual No. 19-15: FM 19-15 Civil Disturbances

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Army Pamphlet 360-512: Army Public Affairs Code of the U.S. Fighting Force. Obligation to oppose enemies, uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights and Ethical Guide.

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Army Pamphlet 690-47: Civilian Personnel DA Civilian Employee Deployment Guide. Manual providing information on civilian (employees of DOD) deployment procedures. Civilian employees deployed are only subject to UCMJ in "congressionally declared war." Civilian Employees are not exempted from protection under the Geneva Conventions.

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Army Field Manual No. FM 3-19.1: FM 3-19.1 Military Police Operations

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Army Pamphlet 27-173: Legal Services Trial Procedure. Legal Services Manual.

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An Army regulation governing the armed forces' cooperation with and use of the services of the American National Red Cross. The regulation deals with services of the Red Cross to the U.S. Armed Forces. Chapter 1 - General (includes mission of the Red Cross with the Army), Chapter 2 - Services of the Red Cross to the Department of the Army. Chapter 3 - Privileges and Facilities Extended to the Red Cross.

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Army Regulation 690-11: Civilian Personnel Use and Management of Civilian Personnel in Support of Military Contingency Operations. Manual on the mobilization, deployment planning and management of civilian personnel of DOA deployed in crisis situations.

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Army Regulations 40-400: Medical Services - Patient Administration. Manual that consolidates regulation and prescribes policies and mandated tasks governing the management and administration of patients.

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Pamphlet 600-8-101: Personnel General - Personnel Processing: In-, Out-, Soldier Readiness, Mobilization and Deployment Processing. Manual on mobilization and deployment processing of soldiers (to and from theater of operations, demobilization and redeployment).

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Army Field Manual No. 3-19.4: FM 3-19.4 Military Police Leaders' Handbook Describes need to set up temporary EPW (Enemy Prisoners of War) collecting points; Evacuating EPWs quickly so their transit does not impede the movement of friendly forces; Internment and resettlement of enemy prisoners of war (EPWs); Calls for humane treatment from moment captured to the time they are released; and Refers to Geneva Conventions and other army manuals.

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Army Field Manual: Multiservice Procedures for Humanitarian Assistance Operations. This manual is a joint publication of the armed forces. This publication provides military forces, civilians, and volunteer organizations with information pertaining to humanitarian assistance (HA) operations where the size or extent of the assistance requires the formulation of a US military joint task force UTF).

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Army Pamphlet 690-8: Civilian Personnel - Use and Administration of Local Civilians in Foreign Areas During Hostilities. Basic Policies, Planning Considerations and Emergency Administration.

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Army Pamphlet 715-16: Procurement - Contractor Deployment Guide. Discusses when US contractors are and are not covered by the Geneva conventions in an armed conflict.

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Army Field Manual No. 34-52: FM 34-52 Intelligence Interrogation. Manual sets forth basic principles of interrogation doctrine and procedures and techniques applicable to Army intelligence interrogations. Includes a prohibition againts the use of force, mental torture, threats, insults, or exposure to unpleasant and inhumane treatment of any kind.

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Army Field Manual: Intelligence Interrogation (Chapters 5 - End). Also includes discussion of fear as an interrogation tool, but states that an interrogator's actions must not violate the Geneva Conventions.

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Manual outlining the effects of combat stress and assigning responsibility to officers and medical health personnel for controlling combat stress. Notes that killing or torturing enemy prisoners may be a manifestation of combat stress, but that such acts violate the "Law of Land Warfare" and should not be allowed or covered up by superiors.

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Manual guiding armed forces functioning at the operational level of war in concert with joint, multinational and/or interagency organizations. Outlines link between overall strategy/campaign and tactical operations, command structure (national & multinational).

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General reference manual for Army personnel in execution of their duties. Guidance on resolving ethical dilemmas, and the ethical reasoning process.

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Army Field Manual No. 3-06: FM 3-06 Urban Operations. Provides the Army soldier with guidance and understanding of the urban warfare environment and the proper manner to conduct themselves and participate in operations.

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Army Field Manual Glossary. End of glossary/reference section of ARTEP 8-705-MTP. Pages may be missing.

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Army Pamphlet: FM 27-10 THE LAW OF LAND WARFARE, December 1956 version.

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Army training and evaluation program for the Combat Support Hospital. Chapters include: Unit Training, Training Matrix, Training Plans, Training Exercises, Training and Evaluation Exercises, and External Evaluation. Appendix B: Geneva Conventions. .

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This single page is a cover page for a larger document entitled: The Army Reserve Serving with an Army at War. It discusses the Abu Ghraib Detainee abuse.

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Editorials, Articles, Opinion Editorials and Letter to the Editor re: Abu Ghraib and the War in Iraq. Some of the OP-EDs are from former or current government officials. Many of the articles and opinions are from ordinary citizens expressing their thoughts on the war in Iraq and the detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib.

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Army Magazine: Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL), September - October 2002 issue.

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Army Central Command Combined Arms Assessment Team Initial Impressions Report (ARCENT CAAT). This is a report in several chapters concerning various aspects of military operations and assessments.

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Article by CPT Richard J. Hughbank, 519th MP Bn, Ft Polk, LA and MAJ Jennifer L. Curry, Total Force Integrator, Ft Leonard Wood, MO, members of a CALL Combined Arms Assessment Team (CAAT). Discusses Command and Control Team, Perimeter Security Team, Staging Area Security Team, Personal Identification Data Collection Team, Mobile Interrogation Team, Medical Team, Holding Area Team, Detainee Security Team.

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The article is a compilation of observations that the JRTC Intelligence and Fire Support team viewed while in the CENTCOM AOR during operation Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. The article discusses taking detainees in to custody.

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Military Review Magazine Article: Military Commissions, Past and Future. This article discusses the history of military detention and treatment from the Revolutionary War to the present with a focus on Federal Court decisions and Military justice on the field of battle.

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This is a Power Point presentation for the 427th Support Battalion on the Geneva and Hague Convention Laws of War. It covers the rules of engagement and how to handle detainees and others captured on the field of battle.

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This is an operations guide for the Mounted Brigade Combat Team TACSOP. It covers their standard operating procedures and order of operations. It is undated.

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This is an Army PowerPoint Presentation on the use of interview techniques to be used by Military Police investigators.

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Army Field Manual 34-10: Division Intelligence and Electronic Warefare Operations. November 1986.

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Army Field Manual 34-25: FM 34-25 CORPS Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations. September 1987.

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Army Training and Headquarters Evaluation Program 43-888-30-MTP: ARTEP 43-888-30 Mission Training Plan - Ground Maintenance Company, Aviation Support Battalion, Heavy Division, AOE

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Soldier Training Publication No. 21-24-SMCT: Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks - Skill Levels 1,2,3, and 4. Published August 31, 2003

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Army Training and Evaluation Program No. 34-114-30-Mission Training Plan: Mission Training Plan for the Military Intelligence Company (Armored Cavalry Regiment).

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Army Field Manual No. 4-01.30: FM 4-1.30 Movement Control

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Army Field Manual No. 3-21.9: FM 3-21.9 The SBCT Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad

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Army Training and Evaluation Program No. 5-520-10-MTP: Mission Training Plan for the Engineer Team, Quarry, (75TPH) (LC).

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Army Training and Evaluation Program No. 19-313-30 MTP: Mission Training Plan for Echelons Above Corps, Corps, and Division Military Police Companies (Combat Support).

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Army Field Manual No. 7-100: Opposing Force Doctrinal Framework and Strategy.

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Army Field Manual 8-10-14: FM 8-10-14 Employment of the Combat Support Hospital Tactics, Techniques and Procedures

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Army Field Manual No. 4-0: FM 4-0 (FM 100-10) Combat Service Support

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Army Field Manual No. 100-15: FM 100-15 Corps Operation

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Army Regulation 638-2: Care and Disposition of Remains and Disposition of Personal Effects

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Army Regulation 638-2: DA PAM 385-40 Army Accident Investigation and Reporting

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Army Regulation 27-20: Claims

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A claims form (and follow-up memorandum) submitted to the U.S. Army Foreign Claims Commission by an Iraqi colonel who claims he suffered a broken leg and injured elbow from abuse and torture at Camp Poko. The follow-up memorandum recommended that the claim be forwarded to the branch responsible for Camp Poko for "further investigation and final resolution."

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Army Training and Evaluation Program No. 63-136-30-MTP: Mission Trainig Plan for Headquarters Detachment, Main Support Battalion, Heavy Division

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Army Training and Evaluation Program No. 63-002-30-MTP: Mission Training Plan for Headquarters Company, Division Support Command, Heavy, Airborn, Air Assault, and Light Divisions

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Army Training and Evaluation Program No. 63 -386-30-MTP: Mission Training Plan supply Company, Aviation Support Battalion, Digitized Division

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Army Training and Evaluation Program No. 5-437-10-MTP: Engineer Platoon, Engineer Company, Engineer Combat Battalion, Corps

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Dvision Medical Operations Center Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures.

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Army Field Manual No. 4-02.4: FM 4-02.4 (FM 8-10-4) Medical Platoon Leaders' Handbook; Tactics, Techinques, And Procedures

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Army Field Manual No. 11-32: FM 11-32 Combat Net Radio Operations.

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Army Medical Health Record Form: Chronological Record of Medical Care. Blank.

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Army Medical Health Record Form: History and Physical Exam Form. Blank.

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Army Medical Health Record Form: Routine Exam Form. Blank.

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Army Medical Health Record Form: Transfer Form. Blank.

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Army Presentation re: 3rd Brigade Combat Team Detainee Cage Operations Operation Iraqi Freedom. Standard Operating Procedure and Forms for Detention, including staffing, intake, detainee property, detainee rules (no speaking, no written communication), and medical treatment.

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Email between Marines concerning a detainee case spreadsheet and the investigations underway. The attachment is not viewable.

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This US Marine Corp spreadsheet lists twenty (20) cases of alleged detainee abuse. The table of cases includes ten (10) substantiated incidents and ten (10) unsubstantiated incidents. The incidents include: beating detainees with fists; holding pistol to detainee’s head while another Marine took a picture, and photographing detainee with a flag draped over detainee’s body; spraying detainee with fire extinguisher; electricly shocking a detainee; and burning a detainee’s hands.

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This US Marine Corp spreadsheet lists twenty-one (21) cases of alleged detainee abuse. The table of cases includes ten (10) substantiated incidents and eleven (11) unsubstantiated incidents. The incidents include: beating detainees with fists; holding pistol to detainee’s head while another Marine took a picture, and photographing detainee with a flag draped over detainee’s body; hitting the head of a detainee on a table and squeezing his testicles; electric shocking a detainee; and burning a detainee’s hands.

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This US Marine Corp spreadsheet lists twenty-one (21) cases of alleged detainee abuse. The table of cases includes ten (10) substantiated incidents and eleven (11) unsubstantiated incidents. The incidents include: beating detainees with fists; holding pistol to detainee’s head while another Marine took a picture, and photographing detainee with a flag draped over detainee’s body; hitting the head of a detainee on a table and squeezing his testicles; electric shocking a detainee; and burning a detainee’s hands.

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This US Marine Corp spreadsheet lists twenty-one (21) cases of alleged detainee abuse. The table of cases includes ten (10) substantiated incidents and thirteen (13) unsubstantiated incidents. The incidents include: beating detainees with fists; holding pistol to detainee’s head while another Marine took a picture, and photographing detainee with a flag draped over detainee’s body; hitting the head of a detainee on a table and squeezing his testicles; electric shocking a detainee; and burning a detainee’s hands.

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This US Marine Corp spreadsheet lists twenty-one (21) cases of alleged detainee abuse. The table of cases includes ten (10) substantiated incidents and eleven (11) unsubstantiated incidents. The incidents include: beating detainees with fists; holding pistol to detainee’s head while another Marine took a picture, and photographing detainee with a flag draped over detainee’s body; hitting the head of a detainee on a table and squeezing his testicles; electric shocking a detainee; and burning a detainee’s hands.

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This is a List/Chart of fifteen (15) pending cases for NCIS Team Iraq as of June 14, 2004.

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Document records that there have been 17 allegations of abuse at Guantanamo Bay since January 2002 that have been reported through CSRT process.

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Army Action Plan: Job Action Sheet Detention Hospital Joint Task Force Guantanamo Bay Cuba. Blank form for manpower pool coordinator.

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Army Action Plan: Medical Intervention for Helminthic Infections. Standard Operating Procedure.

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Illegible handwritten notes.

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Newspaper article entitled,"Nevada national guard soldier says she reported no prisoner abuse." Article on National Guard Specialist, Donna Menesini. Menesini stated she was the 'older female soldier' who was mentioned during an Article 32 hearing into pnsoner abuses at Abu Ghraib. Reported that she wrote journals, but did not document abuse because there was no abuse to report.

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"Rights Waiver Procedure/Waiver Certificate" form.

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First page missing - only contains signature/oath.

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Army Action Plan re: Detainee Packet Checklist.

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Army Presentation re: Detention Operations for Collection and Handling of Detainees. Also gives "Issues," or problems within detainee operations, including "excessive detention period at BCTs," "All evidence not transported with detainee," and "Incomplete coalition capture forms/statements"

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Army Action Plan re: Checklist for Brigade Level Detention Facilities regarding conditions/processes within detention facilities, as well as a form for "Overall Conditions of Facility"

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Coalition Provisional Authority Forces Apprehension Form. Standard form requesting information about the detainee and the circumstances surrounding his apprehension

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Army Detainee Packet Checklist

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Army Detainee Processing Flowchart and Checklist

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Army Collection Point-Holding Area Checklist

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Army Detainee Processing Checklist. Lists Packet Requirements, along with "New Guidance from Ironhorse" and instructions to "Think of detainee's packet like it is a court case?"

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Geneva Convention Treatment of Prisoners of War August 12, 1949.

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Army Detainee Packet Checklist

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Army Enemy Prisoner of War and Detainee Guide. Includes Legal Obligations to EPW and list of definitions

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Military newspaper with an article on the marines MPs to train on the handling and detention of Enemy Prisoners of War.

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Deleted Page Information Sheet Bates Pages 6387 - 6546 Have Been Removed by AR 15-6 Investigations — 4th Infantry Division.

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Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Record data of all detainees who were treated in U.S. Army medical treatment facilities in Afghanistan and Iraq between December, 2001 and September, 2004.

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet

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This is a June 2000 manual for JAG Officers.

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Soldier's Manual and Trainer's Guide for MOS 95C. Corrections Specialist, Skill Level 1.

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Soldier's Manual and trainer's Guide for MOS 31E; MOS 95C, Corrections Specialist, Skill Levels 2/3/4.

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Lists cases and investigations in spreadsheet format. Cases are listed by: Case ID, agency investigating, type, unit/place, date of occurrence, date of report, report by, closed or open, status [redacted], note.

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Lists cases and investigations in spreadsheet format. Cases listed by: Case ID, agency investigating, type, unit/place, date of occurrence, date of report, report by, closed or open, status, etc.

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Lists investigations in spreadsheet format. Cases listed by case ID, investigation by, date of incident, date reported, etc.

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FOIA Referral Page. Redacted Pages of Executive Summary Related to the Death of MG Mowhoush. No additional pages. No content.

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Gives overview of detainee abuse cases, including courts-martial, Article 32 charges. Cases from Abu Gharib, Samarra and Bagram. Mentions charges, defendants, and JAG updates, including administrative actions.

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Deleted Page Information Sheet. Withheld under FOIA Exemption 5, USC Section 552(b)(5).

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Flow chart outlines the detention procedure and the appropriate chain of command.

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CID Report: List of CID Documents Maintained by the OTJAG. Lists of page numbers of evidence in investigations.

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Bates Pages 8560-9072 have been removed. Releasability determination to be made at a later date.

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PowerPoint presentation on the number of detainee abuse investigations, death investigations (natural/undetermined deaths, justifiable homicides, homicides) and other soldier misconduct investigations (assaults, sexual assaults, robbery/theft). The reports do not list the facility names. Lists numbers of homicides, detainee abuse cases and investigations by month.

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Notice Page re: Bates Numbering Error from Page 9415 - 9567. No other pages; no other content.

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Power Point presentation entitled "Geneva Convention Humane Treatment of Detainees." The presentation defines current detention operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Defines key terms and standards of conduct when interacting with detainees. Includes forms and instructions for filling out forms.

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PowerPoint presentation entitled "Communicate with Detainees & Muslim Cultural Awareness." Discusses methods for effectively communicating with detainees, including dealing with problem detainees. Includes a lesson on Islam, its history and practices.

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PowerPoint presentation discusses methods for dealing with stress while working as a staff member in a detainee camp.

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PowerPoint presentation discussing the impact of the HIV and hepatitis viruses and identifies universal precautions and preventative measures in a detainee environment. Discusses the testing and management of detainees infected with HIV or other blood-borne diseases.

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PowerPoint presentation discussing methods for ensuring the safety of staff members at detention camps. Includes being aware of potential attacks and reacting to dangerous situations.

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DOD PowerPoint discusses appropriate actions to take in the event of a bomb or incendiary or explosive device is on site.

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Presentation discussing self-defense techniques.

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DOD PowerPoint discusses procedures for detainee meal operations.

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Coalition Provisional Authority Forces Apprehension Form; Form an official completes when a person is apprehended.

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Document is a table of contents and a training schedule.

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Army Detainee Types and Segregation Plan. States detainee types: Criminal Detainee (CD), Security Internee (SI), Detainee of Intelligent Interest (DII), Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW). Notes "Marking and Segregation Plan" to track detainees and gives example tag.

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Page has "4ID" handwritten in the center.

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Handwritten memo. Mostly un-readable. No date. No author.

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Questions for the Chaplain concerning his observations and experience in dealing with detainees and about the soldiers' morale, spiritual wellness and stress levels. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter.

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DoD Questionnaire: Questions for soldiers concerning their observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter. A Staff Sergeant answers questions about knowledge of laws of war and detainees in a handwritten form. The Sargent transposed the questions and then answered them.

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet

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This document is a list and schedule for interviews and surveys on soldiers concerns and their observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement.

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet. Blank Page

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Deleted Page Information Sheet - Bates pages 14707 - 14752 withheld pending review. IDA: Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Contents Redacted Under FOIA Exemption

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BATES PAGES 2993-2994 WERE REFERRED TO: Headquarters, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) & Fort Campbell, ATTN: AFZB-IT-A, Ms. Valeria M. Florez, Fort Campbell, Kentucky 42223-5000

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Blank Page - MP/MI School

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Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Handwritten notes apparently from an investigator making notation on the surveys he is encountering. He appears to be synopsizing and condensing the responses given to surveys on detainee operations and detention. No author or date for the handwritten notes.

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Blank Page - JRTC/NTC

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Blank Page - CJTF-7

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Deleted Page Information Sheet - Bates pages DAIG 3695 - 3741 have been withheld in their entirety pursuant to FOIA exemption B(5).

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Army Detainee Processing Worksheet: 4th Infantry Division Detainee Disposition Worksheet

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DOD PowerPoint presentation describes types of detainees, detainee flow, timeline of detention. Describes holding authority, required documentation.

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Blank Page Information Sheet: Photographs not provided based on application of judge's in camera rulings. (tourist-type photos)

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Blank Page Information Sheet Pages 20533-20547 withheld in their entirety pursuant to FOIA exemptions (b)(2) - 3

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet. Bates Pages 20548-20549 depict photos which are nonresponsive and have not been provided based on application of judge's in camera rulings (tourist-type photos)

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Chart lists the cases of detainee abuse, their location and other information concerning the handling and management of the case load.

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This document is almost completely empty of any information. The first page does not have any context and only has a cryptic list.

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Instructions for a course entitled "HUMINT Intelligence Collector." Discusses intelligence oversight and procedures. Examples of special activities would include the movie Clear and Present Danger - inserting drug interdiction troops into Columbia because these soldiers could not be identified as a United States asset.

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High Profile Detainee Status chart of 10 detainees. Chart includes information regarding their arrival dates and dates of their last interrogations. [Details are redacted].

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Email includes a list of 36 detainees captured in March/April 2004 and their status. [Names redacted].

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet in response to the ACLU's FOIA request. The DOD notes in the sheet that it has withheld a photo depicting a deceased individual pursuant to FOIA exemptions.

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Admin Law Control Sheet provides brief information concerning a detainee death at the "3 bct Detainment Facility."

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A deleted-page information sheet from the DOD. Bates Numbering Error from 6396-6400.

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Admin Law Control Sheet provides brief information concerning the shooting death of a detainee.

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet. Blank Page. Contents redacted.

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Punch list for collection of documents relating to detainee operations at 501st Military Police Division Interrogation Facility.

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet Blank Page

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet Blank Page

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This is a DOD inspector General's checklist after touring a detainee holding facility. it appears the facility being inspected checks out as sufficiently compliant.

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Inspector General's checklist - Blank

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List of photographs redacted in the document Production request re: ACLU v. DOD, No. 1:04-CV-4151 (S.D.N.Y.)

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Press Reports re: General Karpinski's Role in the Detainee Abuse Scandal and the Fall-out May 2004

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Army Newpaper The Call: Issue September - October 2002

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These are notes and observations on Operation Iraqi Freedom from the JRTC Fire Support team while in the CENTCOM AOR during OPERATIONS Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom from May 31 - June 13, 2003.

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Army Newspaper: Military Review Atricle re: Military Commissions, Past and Future written by Lieutenant Colon.el Jody Prescott, U.S. Army, and Major Joanne Eldridge, U.S. Army Reserve.

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Army Presentation re: Geneva and Hague Convention PowerPoint Presentation Briefing for the 427th Support Battalion.

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A deleted-page information sheet from the DOD in response to the ACLU's FOIA request. The DOD notes that bates pages 244-267 and pages 276-281 are non-responsive and have been removed from this submission (Mounted Brigade Combat Team TACSOP).

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Soldier Training Manual ST 3-90.33: Mounted Brigade Combat Team TACSO; Handling EPW's and Captured Material

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Deleted Page Information Sheet - Mounted Brigade Combat Team (TACSOP)

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Only cover page is provided. No explanation of why rest of document is withheld.

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Army Field Manual - FM 34-25: Corps Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations. Only cover page is provided.

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Same as RDI 447

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DOD Medical Form: History and Physical Exam Form - Blank

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DOD: Routine Medical Exam Form - Blank

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Detainee Transfer Form - Blank

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Contents Redacted Under FOIA Exemption

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The email includes a PowerPoint slide entitled "CID Detainee Summary." The chart states there are 83 detainee abuse investigations, 28 of the abuse cases involve detainee death investigations.

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A deleted-page information sheet from the DOD in response to the ACLU's FOIA request. The DOD notes in the sheet that pages, 15853-15869, were referred to CID on March 1, 2006 for further review.

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A deleted-page information sheet from the DOD in response to the ACLU's FOIA request. The DOD notes it withheld photographs, bates pages 15877-15884, pursuant to FOIA exemptions.

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Document is a PowerPoint presentation from Office of Provost Marshall General discussing designations and responsibilities U.S. Army personnel.

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The emails reference six attached documents, including Excel spreadsheets, which detail Abu Ghraib detainee deaths and escapes.

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Email includes charts, which summarize detainee deaths that have occurred in Iraq and Afghanistan. The charts list the case number, manner of death, and whether an investigation is pending. One chart lists eight homicides in Iraq.

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Email includes charts, which summarize detainee deaths that have occurred in Iraq and Afghanistan. The charts list the case number, manner of death, and whether an investigation is pending. One chart lists six unnatural/homicides in Iraq.

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A deleted-page information sheet from the DOD in response to the ACLU's FOIA request. The DOD notes that pages, 16058-16091, were referred to CID.

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Deleted Page Information Sheet

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A deleted-page information sheet from the DOD in response to the ACLU's FOIA request. The DOD notes that pages, 16253-16255, were withheld for further review.

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Presentation discusses the task force's mission, identifies detainee operations issues and provides recommendations. Included in the slides is a map of the Abu Ghraib complex.

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Document includes a detainee abuse Q&A that asks a series of questions about detainee abuse, detainee death and detainee abuse/death investigations.

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[Document completely redacted].

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PowerPoint presentation entitled "Draft Army Detainee Operations and Detainee-Interrogation Operations Integration Plan." The slides include graphs and plans to improve the Army's detainee interrogation strategies, overall detainee operations and synchronize Army efforts internally.

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DOD PowerPoint presentation on DOD enemy prisoner of war detainee program. The presentation provides an outline of the DOD's objectives policies with respect to the EPOW detainee program.

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Chart shows the ebb and flow of media coverage on detainee abuse since January 2004.

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A deleted-page information sheet from the DOD in response to the ACLU's FOIA request. The DOD notes that it withheld bates pages 23329-23331 pursuant to FOIA exemptions.

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Document is an excerpt from AR 27-10-Chapter 21, it "prescribes policies and procedures for implementing title VIII, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1987."

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A deleted-page information sheet from the DOD in response to the ACLU's FOIA request. The DOD notes it withheld bates pages 23521-23523 pursuant to FOIA exemptions.

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 A blank separator page.

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Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Deleted Page Information Sheet Pages

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Powerpoint presentation about Geneva Convention issues and detainee concerns.

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List of enclosures to Schmidt-Furlow Report on AR 15-6 investigation into allegations of abuse at Guantanamo.

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Deleted Page Information Sheet

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This withheld document is an extract from a report from the ICRC.

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The index lists this document as: Cover of AR 15-6, Procedures for Investigating Officers and Boards of Officers w/Table of Contents.

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The index lists this document as: Definition - Preponderance of the Evidence for AR 15-6

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The index lists this document as: FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogations, Cover and Table of Contents.

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The index lists this document as: MG Dunlavey Summarized Witness Statement. The document is listed here as: Deferred Pending Completion of Review

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The index lists this document as: MG Dunlavey Request dtd 11 October 2002.

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The index lists this document as: Gen. Hill Forward to CJCS dtd 25 October 2002.

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The index lists this document as: SECDEF Approval Letter dtd 02 Dec 02.

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The index lists this document as: SECDEF Rescission dtd 15 Jan 03.

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The index lists this document as: SECDEF Memorandum dtd 16 Apr 03 New Policy.

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The index lists this document as: CDR USSOUTHCOM Memorandum dtd 2 Jun 03.

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The index lists this document as: LCDR Summarized Witness Statement.

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet

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The index lists this document as: SAC (redacted) Summarized Witness Statement

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The index lists this document as: SA [redacted] Summarized Witness Statement

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The index lists this document as: SA [redacted] Summarized Witness Statement

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The index lists this document as: SA [redacted] FD 302 from FBI dtd 14 July 04

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet

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The index lists this document as: SA [redacted] FD 302 from FBI dtd 9 Sep 04.

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The index lists this document as: Summarized Witness Statement

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The index lists this document as: Interrogation Level Timeline

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The index lists this document as: Summarized Witness Statement

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet

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The index lists this document as: Shift Log 23 dec 02. Heavily redacted. "Detainee seen by medic at 21:30 hours. His vitals were normal. Detainee taken to the latrine and exercised a couple of times during the night".

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Deleted Page Information Sheet

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet

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DOD PowerPoint presentation on the detainee population, detention procedures, prosecutions, and transition issues in Iraq. The presentation provides the nationalities and numbers of detainees held, as well as other information about the detainees. It also describes what happens to detainees in the coalition and Iraqi systems.

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Powerpoint presentation gives details of the Geneva Conventions, and the 5 S's (Search, Silence, Segregate, Safeguard and Speed to the rear).

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DOD Presentation re: Deaths of Detainees Under U.S. Military Control PowerPoint Presentation.

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DOD PowerPoint presentation on Guantanamo's states that the facility is a "Long-term holding facility for detention of enemy combatants" and gives a brief descriptions of detainees and the initiatives being undertaken at the camp to ensure the facilities effectiveness as a detention facility for enemy combatants.

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This DOD Regulation was issued by the U.S. Central Command on February 7, 1995. It discusses the "policies and procedures for determining whether persons who have committed belligerent acts and come into the power of US forces are entitled to EPW status under the Geneva Convention" and is applicable to "all members of US forces deployed". The Geneva Convention is cited as a primary source of US policy when dealing with Enemy Prisoners of War

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This is an excerpt of Articles 4 and 5 of the 1949 Geneva Convention.

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List of annexes to report by BG Formica.

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List of legal references for Formica Report. Heavily redacted. Under a section headed "Interrogation," states, "US policy expressly prohibits as a means of or aid to interrogation: Acts of violence or intimidation, including physical or mental torture; Threats or insults; and Exposure to inhumane treatment." Footnote 4 provides examples of physical and mental torture, defines coercion, and states, "Such acts are punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice."

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Three maps of Iraq showing OPCON (Operational Control), TACON (Tactical Control), Direct Support, and General Support. Titles and all details are blacked out. First map is dated pre-January 2004.

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8-page document entirely withheld. Cover sheet says: "Annex 9. Withheld/EXEMPT. b(1) 1.4a AND b(2) high (8 pages)"

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Cover sheet for Annex 12-16: Published Regulations. Actual documents not included.

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Fragmentary Order (FRAGO) regarding detainees at a Temporary Holding Facility (THF) capable of holding up to 15 detainees at Radwaniya Palace Complex. Contains instructions for setting up THF and processing detainees. "The [redacted] THF will expedite detainees' onward movement to the Corps Holding Facility at Abu Ghurayb Prison, Camp Ganci."

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8 pages withheld/exempt. Cover sheet says "Annex 20. 8 pages withheld/EXEMPT. b(1) 1.4a & 1.4c & b(2) High."

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Contents Completely Redacted.

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All content withheld. Cover sheet says "Annex 22. 2 pages withheld. b(1) 1.4a. b(2) high."

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Sign-in sheet for a Temporary Holding Facility (THF) stating that the undersigned "have read and understand the THF and Policy Memorandum and will enforce the Policy and SOP'S during [their] duty shift at the THF." States that "the sign-in requirement applies to all personnel on duty at the THF, to include Guards and Interrogators." Names have all been redacted, but ranks are provided. Dates of sign-in range from May 11, 2004 to May 22, 2004.

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Charts relating to investigation results. Handwritten note states: "137 detainees held by [redacted] units – compiled from data provided by MSC(CF) Units operating detention facilities and verified with information from [redacted]". All information from the charts is redacted.

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List of detainees summaries in reverse chronological including name, date captured, capturing unit, where detained, departure date, and remarks. All information redacted except for some dates of capture, some remarks, a few descriptions under the "Name" column (e.g. "2 x IRAQIS), and codes for capturing units for detentions in 2003. Dates of capture range from November 2003 to May 2004

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Cover sheet labeled: "Annex 40-43 CID Documents (& Portions of Annex 120)" No other information included.

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Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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Contents Redacted Under FOIA Exemption

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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FOIA Referral Page. Fully withheld under FOIA Exemption 1

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This Detainee Tracking form is for a redacted detainee listed as a "Security Internee" and "Interned". The detainee was captured in a raid on a village. He admits to being part of a Fedayeen cell, but claims he was only there to gather intel for the Coalition "something that has never happened".

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This is a tag that is tied to and accompanies the detainee as he is moved through the detainee internment process. The detainee associated with this tag is redacted but the tag states that he is "very combative" and "will try to fell at the first possible chance. [He] has broken 2 sets of flex-Cuffs and tried to escape. [He} is the cell leader of the Al-Winat Village ACF cell."

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This is a worksheet for the in-take and processing of detainees captured in the field. The detainee associated with his worksheet is redacted, but states he was captured and confessed to participating in "6 separate occasions" of "IED attacks on coalition forces." The detainee is ordered being transferred to "AGIF". The document quality is difficult to read.

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This Detainee Tracking form is for a redacted detainee listed as a "Security Internee" and the action being taken is “Refer to Article 78 Panel”. The detainee was captured in a raid on a village. He admits to being part of a Fedayeen cell.

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This is a tag that is tied to and accompanies the detainee as he is moved through the detainee internment process. The detainee associated with this tag is redacted but the tag states that he is "the younger brother of [redacted]."

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Formica Report Annexes 170 through 180: Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Medical Encyclopedia - Information on anal fissures.

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Formica Report Annex 182: Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Formica Report Annex 183: Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Contents completely redacted.

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Formica Report Annexes 191 through 192: Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Fragmentary Order 801 marking the activation of the Multinational Forces Iraq under command of General Ricardo S Sanchez and Lieutenant General Thomas F Metz. At the handover of power to the Interim Iraqi Govrnment on 06/20/2004, "the dynamic of the theatre will change significantly". The role of the Multinational Forces is to stabilize the region.

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List of soldiers assigned to duty of Detainee Guard times with emails attached discussing the shift assignements.

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Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Deleted Page Information Sheet.

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Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Deleted Page Information Sheet

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A redacted chart with names, capture tags, ISN, NDRS numbers and status of detainees. All information is redacted, except for handwritten notation under Status.

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Handwritten note. Content: "Pulled this from Buces (?) files FYI."

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A timeline for DOJ criminal case, US v. Passaro.

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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A deleted-page information sheet from the FBI in response to the ACLU's FOIA request.  The FBI notes in the sheet that it has withheld 51 pages in their entirety (stamped Detainees 1099 to Detainees 1149) pursuant to various FOIA exemptions.

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Deleted page information sheet.

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Deleted page information sheet.

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Deleted page information sheet.

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Deleted page information sheets.

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Contents redacted.

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CNN news story reporting that International Committee of the Red Cross concerned that U.S. authorities were not providing information on the identities or whereabouts of certain detainees. Article references Taguba report on "ghost detainees."

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FBI handwritten notes regarding legal issues and interrogation of detainees.

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Deleted page information sheet.

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FBI list of interviewees and dates of interviews at Abu Ghraib Prison from Oct. 2, 2003 through Nov. 22, 2003.

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Deleted page information sheets.

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Deleted page information sheet that references "Detainees 1386-1388" and "Detainees 2605-2607."

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FBI Director Robert S. Mueller's questions for the Military Liaison and Detainee Unit (MLDU) from his 05/20/2004 testimony. The contents are redacted.

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Deleted page information sheet referencing an Electronic Communication from CIRG concerning assistance and challenges during TDY in Guantanamo (2620-2626), some DOD documents (2627-2648); and a draft document (CIRG at Guantanamo to Commanding General, Joint Task Force).

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FBI Deleted Page Information sheet referencing a memorandum concerning interview strategies at Guantanamo (2693-2694) and a memorandum concerning legal issues regarding interrogation techniques (2695-2697).

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Deleted page information sheet.

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Printout of Newsday article (AP News) entitled "Guantanamo Returnees' Treatment Criticized." Gareth Peirce, who represented Asif Iqbal and Shafiq Rasul, said that the Metropolitan Police mistreated the British men arrested upon their return to England from Guantanamo.

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Indicates that certain pages were "not considered for release as they are duplicative of Detainees 1261-1267." Reference number for these documents is "Detainees 2724-2730."

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Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Deleted page information sheet that references "Detainees 2733-2736" and "Detainees 2753-2756."

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Deleted page information sheet that references "Detainees 2775" and "Detainees 2774."

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet referencing Emails from CIRG/BAU re: Guantanamo matters. Authors referenced include: Marion Bowman, Stephen Wiley; Addressees include: Frankie Battle, Larry Mefford, John Pistole, Marion Bowman, Stephen Wiley, Guantanamo Project; topics include: briefing notes. November 25, 2002 Email with final copy of GTMO Memorandum attached. Some of the contents are redacted.

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet: Duplicate of Detainees 1210, 1209, and 1208.

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet referencing an email from CIRG concerning interrogations; Camp Delta; an interrogation update for 10/03-04/02; Mission Statement for CIRG/BAU at Guantanamo.

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Contents redacted.

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Information duplicative of Detainees 2907. Page reference Detainees 2980.

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Series of FBI Deleted Page Information Sheets, with fully redacted documents attached.

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet referencing emails from Valerie Caproni and CIRG/BAU concerning follow-up of observations of DOD personnel (3104); same (3105-3106); Memorandum concerning interview strategies at GTMO (3107-3108); Memorandum (from CIRG/BAU) regarding requested attention.

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FBI FOIPA Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Deleted page information sheet that references "Detainees 3133," Detainees 1318," and "Detainees 3134."

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Contents Redacted Under FOIA Exemption

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Handwritten FBI notes regarding military personnel behavior at Abu Ghraib prison. Includes accounts of humiliation. [Documents are handwritten, slightly illegible].

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI Chart: "Abu Ghurayb prison - Iraq FBI Personnel Interviews." Includes names of individuals interviewed; the FBI personnel who interviewed; office assignment/POC; Current location/status; INSD Personnel Assigned to Conduct Interview; INSD TL/AI Advised.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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Contents Completely Redacted Under FOIA Exemption

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Testimony of Valerie Caproni, GC, before the House Intelligence Committee 7/14/04

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FBI Deleted Information Sheet

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An immediate DOD Press Release: "Review Procedures Announced for Guantanamo Detainees"

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Entire Contents redacted.

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Pages 1559 - 1580 were inadvertently skipped during numbering

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Cover page marked "OGC E-MAILS PART 2 [Pages 1581-16861].

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FBI Questionnaire Concerning Activities at GTMO. List of questions to be answered by interviewees regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Contents completly redacted.

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Information Regarding Detainees at Guantanamo, Contents Completly Redacted

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Contents completly redacted.

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Contents completely redacted.

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FBI Notes re: Documents Provided to SSA, FBI While Assigned to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Between April-May 2002 and November-December 2003. Contents redacted.

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Discusses Ibn Sheik al Libby being sent to Egypt to be tortured in order to get information from him. "Later, FBI sources complained to me that the Egyptians didn't learn any more from the prisoner than they had."

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Memo re: To Provide Counterterrorism and CIRG Divisions with a Progress Report. Encloses FBI team "Interrogation Strategy". Document heavily redacted.

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Note re: Language Specialist FBI Boston, Tour of Duty Baghdad handwritten notes, contents completly redacted

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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Entire contents redacted.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI notes. Non-descript information on Page 8 that states "On or about 5/28/2004 FBIHQ/CTW Unit Chief reported the receipt of a telephone call from [redacted] [who] advised [the] UC he returned to the United Stales. [Redacted] also advised he was under the impression the FBI had [redacted]... FBI Charlotte reported the receipt of a telephone call from an individual identifying himself as [redacted] and also identified himself as being [redacted]." On Page 12 it states "On 7/14/2004, 315N-CE-89590 was converted to 47B-CE-89919." Contents is otherwise completely redacted.

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Form appears to be notice to an unidentified agent that an official administrative inquiry regarding possible misconduct or improper performance of official duties is underway.

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An index of documents, listed document types include ECs and emails.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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CBC News Article: Hawala Unregulated International Financing Networks

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FBI deleted page information sheet for pages that were duplicative of pages already processed for release.

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Contents completly redacted.

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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CIA press release States that May 2004 New Yorker story on a "DOD/CIA program to abuse and humiliate Iraqi prisoners" is "fundamentally wrong" and that spokesman has no awareness of CIA officials who could have confirmed the details of the New Yorker's "inaccurate account."

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Cover Sheet re: Reprocessed Documents. No other content. No documents attached.

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Handwritten note indicating a document(s) is attached. Contents redacted.

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This is an FBI Case Notes report. The agent who compiled the notes titled it: Afghanistan Torture Case, with the following entry legible " In a case referred to DOJ by Army CID [redacted] contract interpreter who may or may not be a U.S. Citizen, is alleged to have [redacted], but it is unclear as to whether the crime was observed [redacted] was also reportedly present for abusive activities related to [redacted]. It was determined that this would be more appropriately handled by Violent Crimes Section (VCS) since they handle Maritime investigations. VCS has advised ASAC A.J. Turner, WFO, they would be receiving a referral of this information via EC. The referral has not been completed to date. Chief Robert Spenser was advised of the new POCs. WFO is coordinating with Army CID." Contents is otherwise redacted.

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FBI list of documents received from SA [redacted]. Contents redacted.

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Handwritten note. The name Dave Nahmias, DOJ is readable. Also, the Pentagon is mentioned. Contents Completely Redacted.

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This documenis an academic paper presented by Philip B. Heyman of Harvard University.

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A series of blog posts by a former OLC lawyer, Marty Lederman, discussing the difference between the DOJ's memo on torture from August 2002 and the memo on torture from December 30, 2004 (ACLU-RDI 3547).  The posts conclude that the Bush administration must have determined that the only constraint on CIA interrogation was the anti-torture statute - in other words, that the administration had concluded that the prohibitions on cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment did not apply to the CIA.

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Associated Press article about Iran’s insistence that none of its citizens had been arrested in Afghanistan.

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State Department Q & A session with the foreign press re: foreign nationals held at Guantanamo. This is a transcript of the press conference and covers the detention of the Guantanamo detainees, including their demographic information and the rational the U.S. is employing to keep and maintain the detainees in the facility.

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This is an article published in the Agence France-Presse concerning the release from Guantanamo of twenty-three (23) Afghanis back to Afghanistan and their journey back to their homes.

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In response to allegations made by non-governmental agencies, the IACHR issued to the DOS a Request for Precautionary Measures, asking that U.S. to have the legal status of Guantanamo detainees determined by a competent tribunal, and also requested that the DOS inform it within 30 days of actions taken.

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Note states that UK Parliament will issue a report on detainees in Afghanistan, Guantanamo and Iraq, discussing the participation of British intelligence and military officers in interrogations. The report will note that interviews with UK intelligence officers were generally conducted in accordance with the Geneva Conventions, with the exception of an incident in which an Iraqi prisoner was presented to the UK, by US officials, hooded and shackled during the interview. The Note mentions that some of the detainees questioned by UK intelligence personnel complained about their treatment while in detention.

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Translation of a news article, discussing the death of a detainee, Egyptian national, Mohamed Abdel Moneim Al-Azmeerly.

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Note cover sheet with handwritten notation. No relevant text.

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ICRC Press Release regarding a meeting between the President of the ICRC, Jakob Kellneberger and Colin L. Powell. It states that during Kellenberger's meeting with government officials, the ICRC president will review in particular the situation at the US detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. When Mr Kellenberger last visited Washington in May 2003, he asked the US authorities to institute due legal process and to implement other significant changes for the more than 600 detainees held at the facility."

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International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Press Release summarizing a meeting between ICRC Kellenberger and DOS officials, including Colin L. Powell. It notes that Kellenberger, in his meetings with Powell, Rice and Wolfowitz, "lamented the fact that two years after the first detainees arrived at Guantanamo, and despite repeated pleas, they are still facing seemingly indefinite detention beyond the reach of the law, and that the ICRC’s concerns regarding certain aspects of the conditions and treatment in Guantanamo have not yet been adequately addressed." 

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Press release from the Office of the White House Press Secretary, discussing the status of Taliban and Al-Qaeda detainees at Guantanamo. The press release outlines that detainees are not POWs and while they will be treated humanely and in accordance with the principles of the Geneva Convention, they will not receive POW privileges.

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DOJ Fact Sheet discussing their investigation of terrorist organizations and groups since 9/11/2001. Also, the fact sheet explains the necessity for withholding the names, dates, and locations of arrest of detainees.

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Theo van Boven, U.N. Special Rapporteur issued press release expressing concern about reports of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of Iraqi detainees by United States of America and United Kingdom military forces serving under the Coalition Provisional Authoritydetainees in Iraq.

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Geneva Convention Article 2: Convention (III) Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War: Part I General Provisions

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Geneva Convention Article 3: Convention (III) Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War: Part I General Provisions

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Geneva Convention Article 4: Convention (III) Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War: Part I General Provisions

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Ed Cummings presentation on the applicability of Geneva Convention in War Against Terror against non-state actors.

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Incomplete printout of the Third Geneva Convention provisions.

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Geneva Convention Article 4: Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War Part I: General Provisions.

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Geneva Convention Article V: Convention (V) Information Bureaux and Relief Societies for Prisoners of War

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Gene Dewey, State Department Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration forwarded this news article about an Army reservist loved by Iraqi detainees for her kindness to Richard Boucher as an example of "Good News" about soldiers serving in Iraq.

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Herald Sun (Melbourne, Australia) News Article re: CIA Grills Aussie Traitor Aboard Ship - David Hicks

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Washington Post Article re: Extended Detention in Cuba Mulled - Officials Indicate Guantanamo Bay Could Hold Tribunals, Carry Out Sentences

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DOS Daily Press Briefing Index. Lists topics to be discussed: Terrorism - Detainees at Guantanamo/Geneva Convention/International Committee for the Red Cross/Australian Situation Terrorist List; Mexico - General's release from prison; Venezuela - Demonstrations; and other topics.

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DOS Daily Press Briefing conducted by Richard Boucher, with Q&A's from the press corps at the briefing. Subjects covered: Assistant Secretary Beth Jones, Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs recent trip to the countries of Central Asia; Our Ambassador in Geneva spoke directly with ICRC President Kellenberger; and Taliban detainees at Guantanamo and the application of the Geneva Conventions to them.

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Press release entitled "Government Accepts Military Commissions for Guantanamo Bay Detainees" concerning the matter of David Hicks, an Australian accused of being a Taliban fighter and held in Guantanamo

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Press article from an Australian newspaper concerning David Hicks, an Australian accused of being a Taliban fighter and his detention at Guantanamo.

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News artice from The Australian concerning David Hicks, an Australian accused of being a Taliban fighter and his detention at Guantanamo.

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U.N. Security Council Resolution 1538 (2004) welcomes the appointment of the independent high-level inquiry into the Oil-for-food Program.

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The embassy of an unknown country sent a note seeking information about a national who is being detained by the U.S. at Guantanamo. The DOS note written in response to their note states that the DOS is not in a position to respond to inquiries of this nature. It goes on to also discuss the laws of war.

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DOS Press Release of a CNN Interview of Richard L. Armitage discussing the administration's response to a "detainee scandal."

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Press release discussing, generally, the U.S. government's goal towards disarmament and democracy in Iraq.

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Roundtable interview with Secretary of State, Colin L. Powell. On May 26. 2004, Mr. Powell answered a series of questions from journalists regarding allegations of detainee abuse in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay.

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Press release from the ICRC discussing the Geneva Convention's policy on a state's mistreatment of detainees, prisoners of war and internees.

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Radio Free Asia article about twenty-two Chinese-origin ethnic Uyghur detainees (they are a minority Muslim population in China) being held in Guantanamo. The article discusses allegations that the Uyghur detainees were abused/mistreated by a Chinese delegation that traveled to Guantanamo. The article mentions that human rights organizations are concerned that if the detainees are returned to China that they may face harassment, detention or torture; in a statement to RFA, Colin L. Powell said the detainees would not be sent back to China.

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Address from Louise Arbour, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, to the Biennial Conference of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) in Berlin, Germany on August 27, 2004. The address discusses, generally, global terrorist attacks with a focus on the U.S. war on terror.

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UN News Centre article reporting a UN experts findings after visiting an "illegal prison" in Afghanistan. The expert reported that the detainees were originally detained by the Northern Alliance and some U.S. forces, he reported that the conditions of the prison were inhumane and violated 'every standard of human rights... .'

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Bloomberg News Article re: US Holds Terror Suspects at Secret Location, Red Cross Says

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White House Press Release on the status of detainees at Guantanamo with a fact sheet from the on the treatment, housing, access and medical treatment of detainees. The press release makes a specific point of stating "neither the Taliban nor al-Qaida detainees are entitled to POW status" but will be afforded three meals a day that meet Muslim dietary laws, water, medical care, clothing, shoes, shelter, showers, soap and toilet articles and washcloths along with the opportunity to worship.

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Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs re: Swedish Citizen at Guantanamo Base Released

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American Bar Association Resolution re: Independent Human Rights Monitors for all Non-U.S. Detainees Held in U. S. Custody. The resolution recommends that the U.S. ensure access by the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC), the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, and independent Human Rights organizations monitor the detainees in U.S. custody, and urges the U.S. govt to report its interrogations techniques in detail.

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Guantanamo Detainees Op-Ed by Pierre-Richard Prosper Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes Issues, March 2003. In this Op-ed Amb. Prosper describes how it is that America came to the issue of taking Al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters and the difficulty in handling such non-state actors. He states that "these combatants clearly fail to meet the legal criteria under Article 4 of the Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War to be granted the benefits associated with Prisoner of War status." He concludes by stating "Our goal is to work with the Government[s] to uncover further information that can assist in determining how the case of its detainee will ultimately be handled.”

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United nations Secretary-General's Bulletin Observance by United Nations forces of international humanitarian law. The Secretary-General, for the purpose of setting out fundamental principles and rules of international humanitarian law applicable to United Nations forces conducting operations under United Nations command and control, promulgates the following guidelines.

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Report of the International Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights to the Special OSCE Meeting on the Prevention of Torture, Vienna, 6-7 November 2003. The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights is a non-governmental organization that seeks to promote compliance with the human rights provisions of the Helsinki Final Act. This report describes problems related to torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in ten OSCE participating states, including the United States. According to the report, the U.S. in the "war against terrorism" has raised serious suspicions about practices that may amount to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. The holding of terrorist suspects incommunicado for indefinite periods gives rise to serious concern. Also, according to the report, the U.S. military is failing to conduct proper investigations into civilian deaths resulting from the excessive or indiscriminate use of force by its members.

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International Herald Tribune article by Johan Steyn entitled "Guantanamo: A Monstrous Failure of Justice" that is a report on a speech Lord Steyn gave at the 27th F.A. Mann Lecture. Lord Steyn condemns US treatment of detainees at Guantanamo.

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DOS Press Release re: Guantanamo Detainees and Other War Crimes Issues. Remarks by Ambassador Pierre-Richard Prosper's to the Foreign Press Center.

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United Nations Report re: Preserving Civil Liberties and Fighting Terrorism Efficiently: Is It Possible?

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Press release from Sweden's Ministry for Foreign Affairs announcing the release of a Swedish citizen who had been held at Guantanamo for over two years.

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State Department press release announcing the transfer of six (6) terror suspects from the government of Boznia and Herzegovina to U.S. forces.

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This document is a State Department press release of a press conference held by State Department Spokesman David Boucher concerning issues on the Middle-East peace progress with the Israelis and Palestinians, specifically discussing Yassar Arafat; International Terrorism; the Guantanamo detainees; and the Daniel Pearl matter. The press release is in a Q&A format.

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This undated news article is a partial news article with no title or identification as to its publication or author.

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Cover sheet apparently requesting clearance on a document. [Document not included].

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Press release/declaration by International Committee of the Red Cross' President, Jakob Kellenberger regarding the ICRC's position on the Iraq crisis. Mr. Kellenberger reminds the U.S., Iraq and the U.K. of their obligations under the Geneva Conventions to protect lives and preserve human dignity.

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ICRC press release announcing its renewed assurance of its highest consideration for the Permanent Mission of the U.S.

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Press release from the International Committee of the Red Cross regarding the "chaos" in Baghdad and other parts of Iraq. The ICRC urgently appeals to the Coalition forces and all other persons in authority to do everything possible to protect essential infrastructure such as hospitals and water-supply and evacuation systems from looting and destruction.

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DOS Daily Press Briefing Index. Lists topics to be discussed included, Terrorism- Detainees at Guantanamo/Geneva Convention/International International Committee for the Red Cross/Australia situation.

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Press release of trancript of Secretary of State Colin L. Powell On BBC TV with Huw Edwards. Sec. Powell discusses Iraq; Abu Ghraib prison abuse; and the President Bush & UK PM Blair relationship.

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United States Embassy in Kabul Responds to Press Report Alleging Abuse.

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United Nations Press Release: Iraq - UN Rights Report Delayed so Coalition Governments Can Provide Input

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Press report on Canadian Guantanamo detainee reportedly "in pain" by former Guantanamo detainee, but disputed by Canadian officials. The article is published in Globeandmail.com.

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Redacted CIA document referencing enhanced interrogation techniques and waterboarding.

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Memorandum from a CIA employee to a CIA attorney. Heavily redacted document, references waterboarding.

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Draft document with attachments describing "permissible interrogation techniques" and necessary approval for those techniques. The document also mentions waterboarding.

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Heavily redacted typed draft outline. References interrogation techniques and waterboarding.

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Heavily redacted outline. References waterboarding.

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A heavily redacted checklist, references waterboarding.

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This document is comprised of two parts, a checklist and a draft of a report. The document is heavily redacted, but references waterboarding.

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Heavily redacted and typed draft outline and plan identical to Other Document #87. The document mentions waterboarding.

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This page of handwritten notes of an OLC attorney lists documents (primarily OLC memos) related to the CIA interrogation program. [OLC Vaughn Index #129]

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This Department of Justice production pursuant to ACLU v. DOD, No. 1:04-CV-4151 (S.D.N.Y.). The list is of videotapes that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) either had or has in its possession and are either available or destroyed.

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DOS Note discussing letters sent by UN Rapporteurs asking for explanations regarding allegations of torture at detention facilities in Iraq. Refers to one letter that discusses the detention of four Iraqis allegedly being held incommunicado in Basra.

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Congressional Correspondence Clearance: Senator Bingaman requesting a copy of a Washington Post article dated December 26, 2002 concerning methods used by the U.S. to obtain information from persons it has detained.

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This document is cropped and unreadable

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This is a press release by the White House concerning the application of the Geneva Conventions to foreign fighters captured in the War on Terror and held in Guantanamo. This is a verbatim account of a press conference as part of the White House daily briefing. There is a brief Q&A.

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Hand written note from Colin Powell to Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz concerning a note from UK Foreign Minister Jack Straw.

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State Department cover sheet for delivery of documents re: PCC Meeting on Detainees

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Information on lesson titled "Stress Management Within Detainee Operations"

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Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG)/Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) Work Books Volume 3 cover sheet.

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Statement by Philip T. Reeker, Deputy Spokesman for the State Department, regarding the transfer of six terror suspects from Bosnia and Herzegovina to U.S.. The statement states "The United States commends and strongly supports the resolute action of Prime Minister Zlatko Lagumdzija and the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina in transferring six terror suspects to U.S. forces. These six persons posed a credible security threat to U.S. personnel and facilities as well as to the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The U.S. appreciates the close cooperation of the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its law enforcement authorities in this matter. Their actions have made a significant contribution to the global war on terrorism.

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Medical log book from the Hard Site at Abu Ghraib prison Medical Office listing the detainees and their ailments. Most information is redacted.

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet Blank Page

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DOD Deleted Page Information Sheet Blank Page

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This document is a two (2) page handwritten note on the detainee abuse and conditions at Abu Ghraib prison. The note draws conclusions as well as assements. It appears to have been jotted down by a person with knowledge of the prison and circumstances of the abuse allegations.

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DOD List: List of Contractor and Projects Concerning Tank Repair and Diesel Generators

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Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Document appears to be a PowerPoint presentation that explains appropriate interrogation tactics, techniques and procedures. Topics include use of an interpreter and interrogation planning and preparing. [Contents redacted].

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DOD PowerPoint presentation discussing interrogation strategies. [Contents redacted].

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DOD PowerPoint presentation discussing interrogation strategies. Discusses strategies like "fear up," "pride & ego up/down," [Contents redacted].

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DOD PowerPoint presentation discussing interrogation strategies. [Contents redacted].

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FRAGO 383A is a fragmentary Order directing soldiers to treat Iraqi civilians and detainees in a professional manner. The order prohibits the maltreatment of civilians or detainees in Iraq, the order defines maltreatment and provides a number of examples. [There is mention of a "LTC James"].

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This document is a list of evidence gathered and the military forms used. The primary form cited is the DA Form 2823. The list also includes the Unit(s) involved in the investigation and Item in evidence.

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Army PowerPoint Presentation re: Slides of Instructions for Patrols of Anti-coalition Mosques

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Detainee tracking log of detainees at Baquba Airbase (e.g. Camp Warhorse, FOB Gabe and Badger Detention Facility). Provides location of detainees, their names, and detainee ID numbers.

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This document is the standard Army form used when apprehending a prisoner. This form is completed and pertains to the apprehension of an Iraqi who was caught firing upon U.S./Coalition forces from his home and roof along with his two (2) sons in Baqubah, Iraq, November 22, 2003.

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Coalition Provisional Authority Forces Apprehension Form is a standard form that officials complete after the apprehension of a detainee. Form fields include, detainee name, location, time of incident, etc.

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Record of capture documents, including a detainee intake sheet, which has a photo [redacted] of a detainee, along with his DOB and the reason for his detention. The detainee was about twenty five years old at the time he was captured, he was captured with his father and two brothers. Also, it was reported that the detainee fired upon the soldiers with an AK prior to being apprehended.

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Coalition Provisional Authority Forces Apprehension Form is a form that officials complete after the apprehension of a detainee. Form fields include, detainee name, location, time of incident, etc.

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Coalition Provisional Authority Forces Apprehension Form is a standard form that officials complete after the apprehension of a detainee. Form fields include, detainee name, location, time of incident, etc.

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Locations visited by an investigating officer from November 2003 to December 2003. [Document is likely related to an AR 15-6 investigation, but the report is not known].

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530th Military Police Battalion-Camp Ashraf Mission Brief/PowerPoint presentation on the rights of enemy prisoners of war (EPWs). The presentation includes Geneva Convention articles and principles, which discuss the proper treatment of EPWs.

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News article about a German television news report that reported the torture and killing of an Iraqi prisoner by US soldiers at a US military base in Al Asad West, Baghdad, Iraq. The news program, Spiegel TV, reported that a 47 year old Iraqi, Asad Abdul Kareem Abdul Jaleel, was picked up on the road by soldiers on suspicion of belonging to an insurgent group, he was then taken to the Al Asad Airbase and 'sadistically tortured. ' The report mentions that the soldiers also photographed the abuse. Also, it was reported that the U.S. pathologist, Luis A. Santiago, determined that Mr. Jaleel died in his sleep.

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The Joint Interrogation Debriefing Center's interrogation standing operating procedures, among other rules and principles, it provides an interrogation code of conduct.

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Presentation from the Naval Inspector General (IG), discussing the Naval IG's review of detainee information released under the FOIA to the ACLU.

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This one page document is an index of documents produced by the DOD and the date produced.

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Handwritten Note: Cover Sheet with: Document Listed as 2-S in TOC are included in USAR index & provided. POC - David Goldsmith"

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Receipt of note entitled "GTMO Special Inquiry"

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Handwritten notes on observations of detainee interrogations at Camp Delta, Guantanamo. The FBI agent notes that he saw a detainee "chained hand/foot" in a fetal position; detainees urinated & defecated upon themselves; and the temperature of the rooms were very hot because of no air conditioning or very cold because the air conditioners were turned up to chill the room.

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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Receipt of Original Notes re: Interview. No contents.

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Handwritten notes of FBI agent deployed to Guantanamo. Agent notes are a timeline of his activities witnessing interviews and detainee abuse at Camp Delta, Guantanamo. The typed-out version of these notes are in ACLU RDI 4893 and email ACLU RDI 4896 and ACLU RDI 4897.

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Receipt of Original Notes re: Interview. No content.

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Handwritten note of an FBI agent who toured through Camp Delta, Guantanamo. These notes are related to ACLU RDI 4893, ACLU RDI 4895, ACLU RDI 4896 and ACLU RDI 4897.

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Receipt of Original Notes. No Content.

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FBI Note: Handwritten Notes from FBI Agent Touring Through Guantanamo. Related to ACLU RDI 4900 and ACLU RDI 4901.

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Receipt for Original Notes. No content.

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Handwritten notes by an FBI agent who toured through Camp Delta, Guantanamo. The Agent recalls hearing about a rumor, wherein a male detainee was purportedly dressed in female clothing, make-up applied and involuntarily given a lap dance by a female prison guard, either at the direction or personal performance of Military Interrogators.

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Receipt of Original Notes of Interview. No content.

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FBI agent's handwritten notes about his tour of Camp Delta, Guantanamo where he states that he walked into a Camp Delta observation room and noticed a detainee in an interview room rubbing his leg due to possibly being placed in-a stress position. The detainee was wearing leg-irons and was handcuffed with cuffs chained to his waist. He was advised that the chains were adjusted to force the detainee to stand in a "baseball catcher" position. The agent also reports other suspicious incidents, but does not report direct knowledge of detainee abuse other then as contained herein.

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Receipt of Original Interview Notes. No content.

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Handwritten notes from FBI agent touring through Guantanamo Bay.

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Receipt of Original Notes. No content.

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FBI Notes re: Handwritten Notes of FBI Agent Touring Through Guantanamo Bay.

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet

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FBI Chart re: List of Personnel Who Toured Through Guantanamo. Names redacted.

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DOS Press Release asking if the ICRC has access to detainees in Iraq, including detainees at Abu Ghraib. The answer is yes.

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Army Training and Evaluation Program No. 8-668 (MRI)-30-MTP: Mission Training Plan for the Area Medical Laboratory

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CIA printout of 10 U.S.C 892, Art. 92, describing punitive military justice for armed forces personnel accused of failing to obey orders or regulations.

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CIA printout of 10 U.S.C 918, Art. 118, describing the military definition of, and punishments for, murder.

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CIA maps of Iraq printed from the Internet.

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CIA presentation entitled "Human Rights: Background & Current Practices." The presentation gives a brief historical overview of human rights and reviews important international organizations that protect human rights.

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CIA copy of excerpt from "Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers," recounting a series of murders carried out for the purpose of selling corpses as cadavers.

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CIA copy of 18 U.S.C. 2441: War Crimes. Document includes legislative history and analysis of the section.

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CIA copies of various Fourth Geneva Convention articles, including Article 147 (Grave Breaches), Article 49 (Deportations, Transfers, and Evacuations), Article 5 (Derogations), Article 68 (Penal Legislation), Article 78 (Security Measures, Internment, and Assigned Residence), Article 41 (Assigned Residence, Internment), and Article 42 (Grounds for Internment or Assigned Residence: Voluntary Internment).

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CIA copy of London Times article describing an invasion of U.S. troops into three Iraqi towns close to the Syrian border in an effort to flush out foreign Mujahidin fighters.

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CIA-run LexisNexis search results for "Iraq War News" and "mowhoush." Results include twelve published news articles relating to the death of Iraqi General Abed Hamed Mowhoush while in U.S. custody and under U.S. interrogation.

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CIA copy of a Los Angeles Times article reporting the death of former Iraqi general Major General Abed Hamed Mowhoush.

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This article describes the investigation into the death of an unidentified Iraqi detainee at the Abu Ghraib prison. A photograph of the detainee's body, which the LA Times calls one of "the most indelible images yet made public," was released during the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal.

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CIA copy of Associated Press article describing U.S. military efforts to stem the flow of unauthorized individuals and weapons into Iraq from Syria.

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This May 24, 2004 Newsweek article discusses the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal. It describes legal justifications for the Bush administration's interrogation program.

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A redacted PowerPoint presentation from the Defense Intelligence Agency's Middle East and South Asia Office. The presentation slides describe the DIA's Insurgency Database and criteria for the inclusion of Iraqi regime leaders and/or insurgents on the "Black List" and "Insurgent Leader List."

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Likely a cover sheet for CIA documents from, or relating to, incidents in 2003.

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This article describes inquires by the Army's Criminal Investigation Division and the Pentagon into the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal in Iraq.

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This article describes the CIA Inspector General's investigation into the death of three prisoners in U.S. custody in Iraq and Afghanistan. The article names two of the three of the prisoners, Mandadel Al-Jamadi and Abid Hamid Mowhoush.

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CIA copy of a news transcript for an April 2003 DOD briefing discussing DOD policies on the Geneva Conventions, enemy prisoners of war, and war crimes, especially in the context of the Iraqi conflict. The briefing was presented by Bryan Whitman, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Media Operations, and featured W. Hays Parks, Special Assistant to the Army JAG, and Pierre-Richard Prosper, U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes Issues.

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CIA copy of an "Information Page" by the National Institute of Health on Cerebral Hypoxia, explained as a condition in which there is a decrease of oxygen supply to the brain, as can occur from drowning, strangling, choking, cardiac arrest, or head trauma. The article discusses different types of hypoxia, along with the prognosis and possible treatments.

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This May 5, 2004 transcript from ABC World News Tonight: ABC TV reports on the CIA's investigation into the death of "Mon Adel Al-Jamadi" and "Abed Amid Mahoush" in Iraq as well as the death of a detainee in Afghanistan. It describes the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal and U.S. "rules on torture."

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This article describes the government's criminal investigations into the abuse of prisoners in U.S. custody in Iraq and Afghanistan following the Abu Ghraib scandal. The report describes ongoing investigations by the CIA's Inspector General and the reactions of executive and legislative U.S. officials to the scandal.

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Press release from the White House affirming the Bush administration's belief in the Geneva Convention, but noting that Taliban detainees are not entitled to POW status and that members of al-Qaeda are not covered by the Convention.

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This article details "the deaths of at least 10 prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan" and indicates that U.S. officials considered "a possible criminal investigation of a [CIA] officer in the death of one prisoner." It also describes Congressional criticism of the Pentagon's disclosures related to the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal.

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This article describes criminal investigations into detainee deaths and assaults in Iraq and Afghanistan in the aftermath of the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal. It documents Condoleeza Rice's public "apolog[y] to the Arab world," and Donald Rumsfeld's "public assurances that those responsible for misconduct would be held accountable." The article also describes allegations that Pentagon officials did not appropriately consider a March 2004 report by Army Major General Antonio M. Taguba critical of the conditions at Abu Ghraib.

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This article describes the Justice Department's investigation into the deaths of three detainees in U.S. custody, two in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. The investigation focused on the role of CIA officers and contract employers in the deaths. As the article indicates this was a noteworthy because, "The Justice Department inquiry...means CIA employees or contractors may be prosecuted in civilian courts. Until now, only the military was known to be investigating the deaths and degrading treatment of detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan."

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CIA copy of Chicago Tribune article reporting on increasing hostility to, and assaults on, American forces in Iraq. The article specifically discusses the danger of remote places like Al-Qaim, where Third Armored convoys were attacked several times per week.

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CIA copy of a Colorado Springs Gazette article about the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment's operations in Iraq.

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Asia Times Online article written by Nir Rosen, who travelled with the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment in Iraq. The article discusses various American soldiers' understandings of why they are at war.

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This article describes the aftermath of the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal, focusing on the photographed bodies of deceased detainees. It describes the CIA Inspector General's and DOJ's investigations into the possibility that the Abu Ghraib scandal pointed to a larger pattern of abuse, "that the violence at the prison went far beyond degrading treatment of detainees."

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This articles describes the arrest, detainment, and interrogation of Abid Mahawish's four sons (Husam, Arkan, Qusay, Mohammed) in Iraq. The youngest brother, Mohammed, was subjected to a mock execution.

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This article describes "a set of secret rules for the interrogation of high-level Qaeda prisoners" that the Bush Administration, Department of Justice, and CIA adopted after September 11.

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This article criticizes the CIA's use of secret detention facilities and its interrogation methods. It states, "several of the CIA's detainees probably have been tortured and "a controversial Justice Department opinion defending such abuse was written after the fact to justify the activity."

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This article describes public opinion in Iraq about U.S. detention practices. It states, "Iraqis resent many things about the U.S. occupation, but the detention of roughly 13,000 prisoners - most of whom have not been formally charged - has triggered intense disgust."

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This article criticizes U.S. detainment processes in Iraq. It states, "Many [Iraqis] languish in prisons indefinitely...there is no judicial process for thousands of detainees."

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This article reported that Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez, the senior American officer in Iraq, had ordered criminal investigations into allegations of abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison.

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This letter from CIA Director George Tenet to Pat Roberts, Chairman of the U.S. Senate's Select Committee on Intelligence, alerts Roberts of the enclosed CIA Inspector General's memo on the death of Iraqi detainee Manadal Al-Jamaidi.

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This Powerpoint presentation describes U.S. strategies for "assist[ing] Iraqis in beginning investigations and prosecutions of selected major crimes by Saddam Hussein and key members of his regime" and "aid[ing] in establishing Iraqi Special Tribunal's court and infrastructure, including expedited selection of judges."

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This "Medical Encyclopedia" entry defines myoglobin as "a protein in heart and skeletal muscles." It also describes how to test myoglobin.

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CIA copy of Asia Times Online article by Nir Rosen following the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment in Iraq.

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CIA copy of Philadelphia Inquirer article reporting on the withholding of names of six U.S. soldiers arrested in Iraq as a result of the prisoner-abuse scandal at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison.

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CIA copy of London Sky News article describing Prime Minister Tony Blair's response to photographs showing American soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib.

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CIA copy of Antiwar.com article describing the release of photographs revealing abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison.

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CIA printout of Third Geneva Convention, as available on the Yale Law Avalon Project's website.

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CIA copy of Chicago Tribune article detailing the running standoff between U.S. and Iraqi forces at the police station in Husaybah, Iraq's "Alamo."

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CIA printed copy of Fourth Geneva Convention as stored on the website of the Yale Law School's Avalon Project.

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CIA copy of Asia Times Online article describing Iraqis' largely resentful sentiments toward the U.S. military and the latter's beliefs about those sentiments.

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CIA copy of Asia Times Online article describing the preparation and execution of an Army "Tiger Strike," named "Operation Decapitation," led by Lieutenant-Colonel Gregg Reilly and intended "to pursue those Iraqis attacking [Reilly's] soldiers every day."

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Medline Plus entry for "Myoglobin - serum."

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CIA copy of L.A. Times article reporting on the Pentagon's reversal on its conclusion about the death of Abed Hamed Mowhoush, an Iraqi general who died in U.S. custody in 2003. The article describes the history of the Pentagon's position, which initially ascribed the death to natural causes, but in 2004 switched to homicide. The article expounds upon suspicions that Mowhoush was abused at the hands of U.S. soldiers with an array of techniques including mock assassinations, physical abuse, and suffocation.

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CIA copy of Colorado Springs Gazette article concerning the 1st Squadron of the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment's economic assistance efforts in an Iraqi combat zone.

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CIA copy of a Chicago Tribune article detailing industrial shortages and Army investments in the Al Anbar province.

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CIA copy of a transcript of George W. Bush's speech on the U.N. International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, emphasizing the conviction that "Torture is wrong no matter where it occurs" and that the United States must lead the fight to eliminate it, even as "These times of increasing terror challenge the world." The transcript includes a sharp indictment of the abuse of detainees at Abu Ghraib.

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CIA copy of L.A. Times article reporting that the CIA is seeking to determine whether its operatives played a role in the imprisonment of "ghost detainees," Iraqi prisoners held without names, charges, or other documentation. The article notes that the CIA's role in the detention of prisoners is unclear, especially in the contexts of some detainee deaths and other detainee mistreatment scandals.

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CIA copy of a London Times article describing a woman in Baghdad that learned of her husband Munadel al-Jumeili's death at Abu Ghraib only when a TV program ran an image of him in a story on abuse at that facility. The article explains al-Jumeili's family's subsequent efforts at acquiring information related to his death.

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CIA-OGC memo indicating that [Redacted] of the OGC initiated contact with the prosecutor in Fort Carson, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

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CIA copy of RFE/RL report compiled by Kathleen Ridolfo listing descriptions of various armed groups in Iraq.

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CIA copy of RFE/RL report compiled by Kathleen Ridolfo listing descriptions of various political groups and parties in Iraq.

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CIA copy of an article from the London Independent on Sunday reporting on the death of a son of an Iraqi policeman and the "brutal" treatment of some Iraqi prisoners while in British custody. The article describes physical beatings and violent assaults of detainees.

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CIA copy of Washington Post article reporting that Attorney General John Ashcroft had stated that killings or abuse of military detainees in Iraq that involved civilian contractors could be prosecuted by the Justice Department. Ashcroft's comments were prompted by the release of Abu Ghraib photos.

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CIA copy of a New Yorker article tracing the responsibility for American soldiers brutalizing Iraqis at Abu Ghraib.

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CIA copy of Washington Post article discussing prisons in Iraq, the CIA's interrogations, and the use of torture and rendition.

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CIA schedule of briefings to congressional oversight committees on Iraqi prisoner abuse. Lists date and time of briefing, committee addressed, members involved, and liason officer presenting.

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CIA copy of U.S. News & World Report article discussing the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment's Operation Rifle Blitz, which was carried out to fight Iraqi resistance in Husaybah, Karabilah, and Sadah.

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DOD PowerPoint presentation on the detainee population, detention procedures, prosecutions, and transition issues in Iraq. The presentation provides the nationalities and numbers of detainees held, as well as other information about the detainees. It also describes what happens to detainees in the coalition and Iraqi systems. [This is a less-redacted version of a document previously produced to the ACLU by the DOD.]

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Two pages of a Human Rights First report that includes a profile of the homicide of Manadel al-Jamadi, an Iraqi citizen captured and tortured in Abu Ghraib by Navy SEALS and CIA personnel. Al-Jamadi died on November 4, 2003 after being tortured in Abu Ghraib as a "ghost detainee."

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CIA copy of this standard form used when apprehending a prisoner.

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CIA copy of the complete text of the Article 15-6 Investigation of the 800th Military Policy Brigade by Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba (the U.S. Army's report on Iraqi prisoner abuse at the Abu Ghraib Prison in Baghdad). The report is also known as the Taguba Report. This particular version seems to have been released by NBC News.

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This document appears to be a human rights manual, intended to provide basic information regarding national and international recognition of basic human rights. It includes the historical background of the development of human rights awareness, current international oversight organizations, and the policy of the U.S. government regarding human rights. There is no date on this document, however it references the European Commission of Human Rights which was abolished in 1998.

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A Central Command presentation slide entitled, "Iraq Detainee Population Categorization." The slide contains a pie chart categorizing the Iraq detainee population. Categories include: "Enemy Prisoners of War," "High Value Detainees," "Civilian Internees," "MEK," and "Criminals."

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Printer sheet from a top-secret agency system. The document states that "human review of each page" is required prior to dissemination from agency control.

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Press Release from the Public Affairs Office of the 82nd Airborne Division concerning the death of Maj. Gen. Abed Hamed Mawhoush.

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This map represents the locations of Non-US Coalition Forces in Iraq in July 2004. There is a legend on the second page.

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Cover page of Close Quarters Defense Student Guide, Level One for Protective Operations. Author's name redacted.

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This presentation lays out the organizational structure of the The Iraq Survey Group (ISG), its mission statement, goals, operating hypotheses, and issues. One part of the ISG's operations was the Joint Interrogation and Debriefing Center.

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This document is a selected chronology of representative documents concerning U.S. interrogation policy and legal requirements. While the bulk of the document is redacted, the chronology includes references to OLC memoranda from Jay S. Bybee and John Yoo to Alberto Gonzales, William Haynes, and John Rizzo.

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This document lists 21 photographs of Mr. Al-Jamadi. The photos themselves are entirely redacted.

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This Iraq Survey Group chart lists the current high value detainees as of March 12, 2004 and intends to "inform HVD stakeholders of current ISG analytical/exploitation focus." The document states that detainees scheduled for release are highlighted, whereas new detainee entries are in blue. Accompanying the chart are the justification statements for the potential release of detainees presumed to be of no intelligence value to ISG.

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This chart lists the "black list" numbers for what appears to be detainees held in U.S. detention facilities. The chart notes two detention facilities in which these detainees are being held : Special Prisoner Confinement Facility (SPCF) and the Joint Interrogation Facility (JIF). The names of the detainees have been redacted. The second page includes an inquiry concerning the status of detainee number 183.

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Partially redacted log reporting activities and incidents during prison shifts in November 2003. Based on the date range recorded, this log may relate to the death of Manadel Al-Jamadi.

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Record documenting the capture of Abu Ali, senior member of the Abu Abdullah Terrorist Group, Manadal Al-Jumadi, Abu Abdullah, Abu Abdullah group cell leader, and "one unknown male, Ivo Mahmudiyah". Abu Ali was detained by Naval Special Warfare Task Unit-Arabian Peninsula (NSWTU-AP) Polish GROM on April 11, 2003 The record indicates that he would later be transported and passed to the Abu Ghurayb Detention Facility. The NSWTU-AP also detained Mandal Al-Jumadi and Ivo Mahmudiyah on April 11, 2003. The records indicates that "Manadal was taken back to the CCJSOTFAP NSWTU-AP compound" and "Later, the unknown man [Ivo Al Mahmudiyah] was released after being questioned."

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Chart displaying the categories "Location", "Date", "Serial", "Interviewers", and "Interviewee", and showing 25 entries, all of which display "Abu Ghraib" in the "Location" category.

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