Army Operations Guide ST 3-90.33: Mounted Brigade Combat Team TACSOP ST 3-90.33

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This is an operations guide for the Mounted Brigade Combat Team TACSOP. It covers their standard operating procedures and order of operations. It is undated.

Sunday, January 30, 2005


1. This card discusses how the BCT S2 section conducts operations.
2. General. The Intelligence section, to include the ACT, operates as part of the main command post (TOC). Their function is to analyze the enemy's actions and provide recommendations to the brigade commander regarding enemy actions. It is the responsibility of each member of the section to take the initiative to ensure they continuously track friendly and enemy actions and start, complete, and update, as appropriate, the IPS products. Everyone must also track current operations so they are able to update the S2, the commander, or other staff officers at any time. Interaction with other staff sections, to ensure synchronization of the brigade's plan and adjustment to the situation is essential.
The mission of the ACT is to provide timely and predictive intelligence to support the BCT commander. The S2 plans, directs and synchronizes intelligence collection operations in support of the commander's Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR) and targeting efforts, produces fused intelligence products to subordinate units, and disseminates combat information, intelligence and targeting data to subordinate units.

Intelligence Team Responsibilities: 1) Develop the BCT deep picture in support of the Brigade Plans Team 2) Maintain the BCT intelligence database 3) Focus on and answer the BCT PIR's 4) Maintain a continuous shared picture ofthe enemy current situation 5) Assist the S2 in discovering gaps in the collection effort 6) Post the division INTSUM and INTREPS 7) Maintain Battle Rhythm on intelligence products 8) Ensure that the enemy picture is disseminated to adjacent and subordinate elements 9) Support the planners for contingency planning (12,24,48 HR assessments)

3. Shifts. During tactical operations, the section primarily works in two shifts. The day shift consists of one OIC (ACT), NCOIC (S2), and four analysts (2 from the ACT), track driver. The night shift consists of one OIC (S2), NCOIC (ACT), and four analysts (2 from the ACT). The shifts will mirror the TOC shift changes. However, during battles, all soldiers will be up and taking part in the fight. The in-contact battle rhythm allows 6 hours of sleep per 24-hour cycle. The NCOIC determines guard duty requirements in coordination with the HHC ISO and XO. Each shift will be present 10 minutes prior to the Battle Update Brief. The shift OIC and NCOIC conduct a quick section update brief after the BUB. The focus for both shifts is tracking current R&S operations and the enemy situation. During tactical operations, shifts are often adjusted as the command post changes location.
Battle Stations. Two hours prior to any battle, the section goes to battle stations. In this situation, all personnel are alert and aware of the friendly and the complete enemy situation to include weather. This includes updating all ASAS R WS systems.

On shift personnel wake new shift personnel one hour prior to shift change. The new shift reports to the TOC NL T 15 minutes prior to shift change. The Day I Night shifts are based on the morning and evening BUB cycle.

Morning shift personnel perform vehicle PMCS and tum the results into S3 NCOIC/HHC ISG.

The shift NCOIC will conduct a sensitive items inventory on all personnel and turn in results to S3 NCOIC at 0700 and 1900 daily.

Each OICINCOIC/ATCCS Operator briefs change of shift to the incoming personnel individually whenever possible in order to minimize the disruption to Intel Cell operations.

f. Battle Update Briefs. The senior person on shift conducts the Battle update brief (BUB). These briefings occur at 0500 and 1700 daily and two other times at mid-shift directed by the XO or Battle Captain. This briefing is conducted in front of the TOC SITMAP and CIC.

300.1 -S2 OPERATIONS GUIDES (cont.)
S2 Shift Change Brief

Blue Situation

BUB Notes

Expected Enemy Activities Next 12 Hours

Last update of current sit overlay status

FM Update of Enemy Current Situation

Resource/ Asset Synch Matrix

Current BOA

Review System status slides. -ASAS, FBCB2, RADIOS, DNVT, TRACK, TRUCK

Review Division 24hr Assessment

Enemy Critical Events

Status ofIntel Systems (ATTCS/Collection) (Resource Status Report)

Targeting updates OlC.

Next mission.

Product available.

4. Routine Actions. Friendly and enemy activity is monitored continuously and under all configurations by the S2 section in the TOC. Employ the following procedures to track these actions, record and disseminate information as received and analyzed, and to update the commander and staff whenever required.
a. Weather. Obtain weather reports from the SWO every four hours. Ensure you get barometric pressure, temperature, and humidity data. Post the information on the weather
. forecast board and disseminate to all subordinate elements. Conduct a net call for severe or unusual weather. reports.
Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Security (RS&S).

Assist the S3 Chief of Recon with posting HIl 0 CA V OP locations.

Track on the current sit ASAS R WS.

Evaluate reports of enemy action for reliability before posting and distribution. The current sit RWS is used to track the enemy's actions.

R & S Update Briefing/Checklist
Review Enemy Task Org for Reconnaissance

BDA. .. What's left?

Where did they go? Where did we kill them? (Work from N to S or E to W)

Where were they successful?

Where are proposed enemy infiltration routes and OPs? (based on terrain and where you think they were successful)

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300.2 -S2 OPERATIONS GUIDES (cont.)
f. Battle Update Briefs. The senior person on shift conducts the Battle update brief (BUB). These briefings occur at 0500 and 1700 daily and two other times at mid-shift directed by
Battle Update Brief (BUB)
I. Weather

Enemy Situation Composition, Disposition in the BCT AI -BN & CO size maneuver units -Arty & Mortars -Recon Elements -AT units

Enemy Activity -Last 12-24 Hrs -Projected next 12-24 hrs -Assessment: -What's enemy doing / want to do? -How close is enemy to S2 prediction?

Review Intel CCIR -Answered PIRlIR (most important only) -Outstanding PIR & Why Important

,. n n ••
the XO or Battle Captain. This briefing is conducted in front of the TOC SITMAP and CIC.
5. Intelligence summaries (INTSUMs) are published at 0600 and 1800 hrs each day or more often as appropriate. They summarize enemy activity within the brigade's area of operation and predict the enemy's future actions. They are sent out by one ofthree means:
a. "Soft" copy sent out over the RWS e-mail.
b. Hard copy given to the unit LNOs as required.
c. Broadcast it over the brigade 0&1 net.

Two types of INTSUMS are routinely used, depending on time available. They are described below, in the order of most preferred to least preferred.

Graphic INTSUM. Predictive Sit analyst shares the approved predictive sit MCO and does a "print screen" of the picture. The hard copy is distributed in the TOC and a copy is put in the battalion LNO box.

Written INTSUM. This format is sometimes more appropriate than the graphic INTSUM. The written INTSUM may be used in conjunction with a graphic INTSUM. Distribute the text INTSUM via Free Text messaging on the ASAS to all ASAS and MCS systems in the

6. FM Intel Update. It is used to update the commander during the battle. Make the information complete, but brief as possible, when delivering a FM INTSUM. Write it out prior to sending over FM.

300.3 -S2 OPERATIONS GUIDES (cont.)
1) Commander's Intelligence Update Given by the S2 to the commander over the brigade command net to inform him of a critical enemy situation. a) Current BOA.
"We've destroyed 2 x BMPs. Remaining combat power for the Assault Force is 8/23. b) The event.
"We have located and are tracking 3 T80s and 9 BMPs at grid XX" moving east at 20 kph"
c) What it means. "This is the Fixing Force. It should reach PL BOB in 15 minutes."
d) Provide a recommendation. "Watch for the Fighting Patrols 5 km to its front vic grid YY, and for the Assault Force 10 km behind it, vic grid ZZ."
e) The update can also be used to remind the commander of expected enemy action that was previously briefed. For instance ... "Now that the lead unit is through the pass, watch for the enemy to drop FASCAM or Persistent Chemical in the pass to split our forces."
f) Because these are on the command net, it is critical that they are accurate, quick, and useful. Write it out before you get on the net. Otherwise, the S2 will get stepped on.
Sensitive Items Reports. Sensitive items reports are due from all assigned and attached elements at 0700 and 1900 hrs. each day. The Intel NCOIC will physically get eyes on every item and check the serial number.

LNO Box. The section will place all products in an "outbox" type container and clearly mark them for each unit.


Mounted Brigade Combat Team TACSOP ST 3-90.33
300.4 -S2 OPERATIONS GUIDES (cont.)

;0000-', Products
10100 ---jBN INTREP
'ISM RevicwlUpdate (ACT ;L ':'~l

: 8~==~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~;:~
i0400 Jl ;?~,?O PULL ACE INTSUM (POSTED)""
, f" '-0500: BUB to CDR ~urr .CMD Nel Hud~le
1'1 'Sit and Assessmentj\5Z .­
, .-~i2' Br:.. CPT)
'PIR Review (';.~)
,0500---:'7 '-Publish new PIRs
, 0 :'Asset Status 10 Div CM
/0600 ~L-'-_________--J

, , '4 Hr INTREPlr.,T,',,,,, IBNs and DTAC)
10700 ~r-'D-I-V-B-U-B--'~ BN INTREP
L08iio-'~ ·0800: PULL ACE INTREP (POSTED),"? ."','"
0900 ~"ISM ReviewJUpdate,;.r;! Ctll52i
1000 ________________~·_4~H~r_IN_T_R~E_P_'O_U_T'_'h_;~(B_N_._a_n_d_D_T_A_C~)
1100 ~-1200: PULL ACE INTREP (POSTED),n, T,.,h,
1200 L______________~__________
I -Future DPS I I I
1300 --j Brief ""I,,»,,) H BN INTRE~
,4 Hr INTREP ,00 roc,,) (BNs and DTAC)
1400 ·MNVR Rehearsal (lWfAf;.''I)

"ISM Rcvi~w/Updatc!t..C; ':I"i:'l:~q
1500 -~========='-_____---,

-Update to XO (Curr Sit and Assessment)(S2 152 BTl CPT )
1600 _

-PIR Review(S!,
'BUB to CDR:",
·Publish new PIRs ,!l2)
-Asset Status to Div CM',\CT ~t'I.z!i
-Revised flightsched to UAV ~;.\~~ .. I,i.,.11

1'4Hr INTREP",",I ,,,,"~, (BNs al1d DrAC) I 'DIV BUB 'Develop ECOAs for l1ext ng~lt """ 1900
°MA Brien $=2 rl,'1:~; j'IiJ""l
-2000: PULL ACE INTREP (POSTED)",,',') "hI
·Wargaming ~S"::;I ~I;:~.~·ACT ;,;1:'11)
r;":::====================~----'i2100 ~.~1 'ISM Review/Update,."", ';''''" 1 : ::~ , '24 Hr UAV Plan to OIV CM!~cw,,"',
: 2200 E I ·4 Hr INTREP,·») .. roc,,, (BNs and DTAC) I
: 2300.5 ..Write/Publish plan (Annex 81 ISM, Annex L) ' 1"JOn!.)
. t~ I
L~~~O,~ -2400: PULL ACE INTREP (POSTED),ou r".",


DODDOA 01 ~~7R
Mounted Brigade Combat Team TACSOP ST 3-90.33

Shift Minimum Manning:
1 x S2 Officer: S2I Assl S21 Warrant Off
1 x S2 Analyst: ASAS Operator
1 x ACT Analyst
CGS and UAV: Platfonn dependant
Day Shift Reports -0500 Shift Change Brief -0545-After BUB Night Shift Departs -0600
BUB Products Checklist
(Update to 52 NLT 0400 & 1600)
'Current Sit MCO wi BDA(S2 BIG)
·ScouUColiector Status (52 BIG)
-6/12/24 ForecastsfOB Toch)
·ISM (ACT Chief)


·Current Situation in AOIR
·Next 24 Assessment

Night Shift Reports -1700 Shift Change Brtef-1745-After BUB Day Shift Departs -1800
2 BCT 52 Out of Contact Battle Rhythm
RED = Key Event Green = POC Black =Events

Mounted Brigade Combat Team TACSOP ST 3-90.33
300.6 -S2 OPERATIONS GUIDES (cont.)
Tirre(mn) 0 15 30 45 60



Mounted Brigade Combat Team TACSOP ST 3-90.33
Time(hrs) 0 1 1% 2


DODDOA 013383


1. Brigade TOC. During field operations, S2 disseminates/distributes intelligence information. Analysts perform critical functions and process information without having to seek supervision or further guidance based on following the established battle rhythm and focusing on the Intelligence requirements that are approaching L nov. To achieve this all analysts must understand the Commander's intent, Mission and current situation. Additionally, they must constantly review the enemy situation in comparison to the event template and current SITEMP and update the Battle Captain with intelligence that meets outstanding requirements.
S2 Working Sit RWS. This is the HUB of the digital analysis of the enemy situation and is situated closest to the S2 Track Door to facilitate face-to-face cross talk. Working Sit RWS pulls the enemy database (MCO) from the ACE / DTAC and plots current enemy disposition in the Division Area of Intelligence Responsibility (AOIR) to the BDE SITEMP. The Working Sit RWS pulls the subordinate unit in-contact overlays and adjusts the SITEMP based on the latest overlay from the ACT Database (Db) R WS and the in-contact overlays. The Working Sit RWS adds doctrinal intent graphics and symbols to the overlay to portray the threat Common Operating Picture as derived by the senior analyst and BDE S2 Battle Captain. It is saved as an overlay and sent by EDC to the Current Sit RWS.

S2 Current Sit RWS. This RWS shares the Brigade's threat visualization to commanders and staffs at all levels. S2 working sit EDCs to the Current Enemy Situation R WS. The Current Sit RWS provides the ASCDB to the JCDB. SR is turned on only on this RWS. JCDB criteria is set to Auto-forward ALL. The Current Sit RWS is displayed on the Command Information Center (CIC) Large Screen Display. The overlay is also shared as an ASAS MCO to allow Higher and Adjacent units to pull the BOE CRP as their battle rhythm or situation dictates. A Graphic INTSUM will be posted IA W with the Battle Rhythm depicting the SITEMP/EVENTEMP for the next 12 hours.

ACT Oatabase RWS. This RWS receives all the reports to the BCT and ensures an accurate database and picture ofthe enemy within the BCT AOIR. The ACT Oatabase (Db) RWS receives SPOT/SALUTE reports and TACREPs from within the BCT and T ACREPs meeting BCT requirements from Division and higher elements. The Ob R WS correlates and resolves duplicate reports and forwards an ASAS overlay to the S2 Working Sit hourly lAW the battle rhythm. This provides the basis for analysis of the enemy situation within the BCT Area of Intelligence Responsibility (AOIR) and Area of Interest.

ACT Targeting/ BOA RWS. The ACT Targeting/BOA RWS receives spot reports from BCT Targeting Intelligence Platforms (like UAV). Targeting/BOA RWS forwards TIOATs to the FSE AF AT AOS when targets meet Digital Target Selection Standards and the criteria established by the current Attack Guidance Matrix. Targeting/BOA RWS auto forwards all contacts to the Db RWS for incorporation into the BCT Threat eRP. Both ofthese reports are primarily sent using digital Geographic area alerts and alarms. Target Area Alerts are used for TIDATS and SA Alerts for forwarding to the Db RWS. The Targeting/BOA R WS also maintains an overlay depicting the last known location and records the equipment and personnel destroyed at each location as reported or

available. A spreadsheet is also maintained within the ACT to track attrition of each threat organization by composition (equipment and personnel).
e. The UAV Ground Control Station and JSTARS Common Ground Station from the OS MI company are integrated into the BeT TOC to provide real-time observation lAW the capabilities ofeach system.
f. The BCT TOC integrates the S2 and MI ACT into the BCT Targeting cell. The design provides a workspace that allows the analysts and operators to easily pass information back and forth while maintaining complete situation awareness. The following Diagram describes the physical layout ofthe BCT Intel, Targeting and crc portion ofthe BCT TOC:

2. Requests for information (RFI) are submitted whenever the commander's intelligence needs are not being met through routine dissemination of Current Sit Overlays, fNTREPS, or fNTSUMS. They can be general or specific.
a. S2 OPs receives intelligence requests from, subordinate, adjacent, and higher commands.
b. S2 OPs logs RFI, then attempts to answer immediately ifpossible.
c. If an immediate answer is not available, OB Tech submits the RFI to Collection
Management at the DMAIN.
d. S2 OPs disseminates answers to requesting units as appropriate.

3. The Following Chart Describes the responsibilities for functions within the BDE Intel Team at the TOC and supporting MI Companies:

Distributed Intelligence Operations. The BDE Commander must clearly understand the threat actions that are occurring (Combat Infonnation) and will occur in the future (Intelligence) within his Area of Interest. To achieve the best possible understanding of that threat, the BDE S2 relies on the units in contact to keep the Threat Common Relevant Picture (CRP) current and accurate. This requires the maximum use of our Intelligence systems and constant communication between Brigade S2 and subordinate unit S2s as well as flank or adjacent units. The primary mechanisms for this communication from lower to higher are the BN/TF In Contact Overlay (MCO), spot reports, S2 BCT Oil net huddles, and INTREPS. The primary mechanisms for this communication from higher to lower are the BeT Current Sit Overlay, S2 BDE Oil net huddles, BDE INTSUMs, and TACREPs.

BN/TF in contact overlay. Each of these overlays is updated hourly when units are in direct or indirect contact. Updates are conducted every 4 hours or as changes occur when not in direct/indirect contact (i.e. reconlcounter recon fight or SASO).

Maneuver BNs produce standard ASAS SITEMPs of threat contact with doctrinal graphics depicting the enemy intent within the BN/TF AOIR. These are updated and shared for the BDE TOe to pull lAW the battle rhythm.

The Combat Engineer BN S2 produces the BOE consolidated obstacle contact overlay (friendly and enemy) in MCS (or ASAS light if equipped) and pushes it to the BN S2s and the BOE S2 Working SIT ASAS. (As an MCS CTP Plan or an ASAS light overlay).

The OS Artillery BN S2 produces the BOE Indirect Fire in contact overlay on ASAS and shares it for the BOE and BN S2s to pull. This overlay depicts AN/TPQ-36/37 acquisitions of artillery firing positions and locations fired upon. Additionally an estimate of special munitions use is templated depicting locations where high volume fires have been delivered.

SPOT Reports. Spot reports are passed by all subordinate units to the ACT Database RWS in order to provide continuous updates of new contact and Battlefield Information of interest to the BOE Commander's Threat CRP. There are four primary methods of communicating this information. In priority, two are digital over ASAS, one is digital over FBCB2, the other is voice over Combat Net Radio (SINCGARS or TACSAT) or MSE. Oigital methods are preferred because they allow the most rapid dissemination of combat information across the BCT.

ASAS provides two means of transmitting combat information. Both types of messages are submitted to the ACT Database R WS. As a part of the BN/TF S2 Pre-combat Checks and MDMP, geographic area alert criteria and alarms are established to auto-forward T ACREPs from within the subordinate units AOIR in accordance with the BCT R&S/ Collection plan requirements that fall in the BN/TF AO. The SPOT/SALUTE is secondary digital means over ASAS when alerts and alarms are not established but the Combat Information meets the BCT Commander's requirements.

FBCB2 is the secondary means of submitting Combat Information for units with ASAS and the primary means for units without ASAS. FBCB2 SPOT reports are submitted to the ACT RWS for RAPID dissemination across the BCT.

Ifno digital means is available, SPOT reports are submitted via SINCGARS on the BOE 0/1 net to the BDE TAC or TOC; via SPITFIRE TACSA T radio to the TOC or via MSE to the BDE S2.

a. Subordinate S2s submit INTREPs as free text messages every 6 hours to provide a
common understanding of the BN/TF situation for the BCT Commander. INTREPs are
submitted to the BCT TOC and TAC. Formal written INTREPs are not required while in
direct/ indirect contact. The BCT S2 0/1 net huddle will be used to maintain threat
situation awareness during those times. An INTREP is submitted after direct/indirect
contact terminates to follow up on the situation. The INTREP battle rhythm is then re­
established by the BCT S2.
b. BCT S2 OPS submits INTREPs lAW the battle rhythm.INTREP Format is as follows:

Must be titled INTREP.

May include graphics as necessary.


Current DTG

Current Enemy Contact

ECOA Assessment

R&S Update (current OP's routes and NAIs, upcoming changes)

Request for BCT assistance on NAIs as required

IR Update (current, what has been answered, changes)

(10) BDA
5. S2 BCT Oil Net Huddle. The Net huddle is conducted hourly when the BCT is in direct or indirect contact to ensure the BCT S2s have a common understanding of the enemy within the area of interest. The frequency of these net huddles follows the INTREP battle rhythm when not in direct/indirect contact and will be conducted after each INTREP is published. The Net Huddle is a rapid update covering critical information. It does not preclude other cross talk and discussion among S2s. The following format is followed:

BCT T AC S2/TIO and BCT S3 Chief of Recon: Current Enemy SIT in the BDE AO ECOA Assessment BOE Recon update: BRT/Striker Ops active and NAIs/TAls under observation BOA update (destroyed by BRT/STRIKER or FSCOORD) Changes necessary or upcoming (on plan) to the BCT RECON fight.

Main Effort BN/TF then Supporting Effort! Follow and Assume BN/TF S2s Current Enemy Situation in Contact ECOA Assessment BN/TF RECON Update (current Ops routes and NAIs, upcoming changes) Request for BCT assistance on NAls as required BN/TF PIR Update (current, what has been answered, changes) BOA

Engineer BN S2 Obstacle Contact (Current BCT Obstacle overlay DTG, new obstacles since the last update) Assessment of obstacle intent BN PIR Update (current, what has been answered, changes) BDA from Engineer BN contact

DS Artillery BN S2 Indirect Contact from counterfire radar (Location of firing points, locations of concentrated fires and indications of use of special munitions) BN PIR Update BOA from artillery

BCT TOC S2 OPS ECOA Assessment Next Critical Event(s) (Event Template Synch) Next 6/12 hours ISR (BDE and Higher assets and NAIs being covered, changes) BCT PIR Update (current, what has been answered, changes) BDA Changes to BCT Recon in the until the next huddle

6. INTSUMs. The BCT S2 produces INTSUMs periodically lAW the battle rhythm to provide a summary of threat activity and an assessment of activity for the next 24-48 hours. The INTSUM FORMAT is:
a. Issuing Unit.
b. Time and date of issue.
c. Executive Summary
1) Brief Statement of enemy Situation and future intentions (Next critical event)
2) Current PIR
3) Current R&S/Collection Focus
d. Summary of enemy activity for period:
1) Ground activity.

2) Trace of forward elements.
3) NBC activity.
4) Air activity.
5) Other (new tactics, cr, etc.).

e. Personnel and equipment losses (enemy): 1) Personnel (KIA, WIA). 2) POWs. 3) Equipment destroyed and captured.
New enemy counter-mobility (obstacle) effort.

Administrative activities.

New identification:
1) Units.
2) Personalities.

Enemy movements.

Composition (Estimated number and types of vehicles).

Weather and terrain effects.

*1. Brief discussion of enemy capabilities and vulnerabilities.

*m. Conclusions.

NOTE: *Lines must be included.
a. Using FBCB2 During Execution (INTEL) 1) Enemy spot reports are critical to SU and feeds to higher. 2) S2 must be on the address for SPOT/SALUTE Reports list to get feed into ASAS. 3) Everyone in the network sees the icon and can 'hook' on it to see information about
the enemy contained in the spot report. 4) FBCB2 operator can set system to display either the ASAS picture only, FBCB2 feed only, or both. See paragraph below on Managing Red SU Source of Info. 5) SA picture is good, but analysis is still essential. S2 or unit leader should provide the unit a verbal assessment ofthe situation and likely enemy actions on a routine basis.
b. Managing Red SU Reporting
1) One ofthe biggest challenges in maintaining RED SU is icon or SALT report management. Often times a SALT report is made and never followed up with a change of location, ifthe enemy was destroyed or that the enemy has been handed off to another observer. Once a report is sent, the initiator or company/unit CP is responsible for keeping the icon updated as the enemy moves or passes responsibility to another observer to keep picture current.
2) Usually the separate Recon sections of the BRT sends their initial SALT reports to the Troop CP by voice. The Troop CP either generates the digital SALT report or tells the reporting section to send the report. Using this technique helps prevent dual reporting, allows soldiers to dismount from their vehicles, and enhances the recon elements survivability especially during periods oflimited visibility.
c. Managing Red SU Source Of Info
1) It is important to understand that the ASAS intelligence picture adds to the existing enemy SU (already generated by FBCB2) and could cause the FBCB2 screen to appear to have duplicates. To avoid this, the user has the option to display the FBCB2 Red SA picture, the ASAS picture or both. Generally, before a mission starts, the ASAS picture should be displayed. This provides a complete enemy picture of the total battlespace. When a mission begins, users should rely on the real­time FBCB2 SALT reports, as they are more focused and timely. Unit SOP should be to display the FBCB2 SALT reports and dictate pre-defined times (or "on-order") to look at the ASAS feed for the correlated picture.
2) The user can use the Omni Pan box to help sort out this situation. Only Red SALT reports are displayed in the Omni Pan box. The enemy companies generated by the S-2 and ASAS are not reflected in the Omni-Pan Box.
d. Managing Red SA Filters
1) Other SU filter settings also play an important role in managing the SU picture. How the user sets the filters are determines how much or how little ofthe SU picture is being viewing. Again, these filter settings should be standardized based on the unit's mission and the users position/role.
This card establishes the basic procedures for handling captured personnel, equipment and documents and conduct of Interrogation Operations by assets attached to or under the operational control of the BCT.

Units rapidly pass captured equipment, documents and personnel to the BDE S2 and MP holding facility. Interrogation of Enemy Prisoners of War (IPW) operations are conducted by the MI Battalion's as Company in support of the BCT. The IPW team works to answer the Brigade Commander's Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR)

a. EPW HANDLING PRINCIPLES: 1) Direct Support MPs acceptance of EPWs from capturing units. 2) Firm control. 3) Accountability. 4) Humane treatment. 5) Maximum use of backhaul. 6) Minimum essential field processing. 7) Wide dispersion and frequent displacement of EPW 8) Collection points. 9) Austerity of personnel, facilities and transportation for evacuation.


a. Immediately disarm all prisoners. Segregate weapons of intelligence value and evacuate
such weapons with the prisoner to the collection point. Evacuate other weapons through
logistical channels or render them inoperable.
b. Search, Silence, Segregate and Safeguard prisoners. Isolate prisoners who attempt to
influence others.
c. Use capture tags to indicate documents/equipment found duririg the search and report any
effort by the prisoner to communicate with or influence other prisoners.
d. Allow captured personnel to retain personal effects including money, valuables,
protective equipment (helmet, mask, flak vest, etc.), identification cards/tags, insignia of
grade and service and nationality, awards, and articles having a personal or sentimental
value. As a minimum, the tag will include the following information:
1) Date/time ofcapture
2) Place of capture
3) Capturing unit
4) Circumstances surrounding the capture
e. Ensure that documents are properly tagged and evacuated with the prisoner.
f. Segregate prisoners into the following groups (females are separated from males):
1) Commissioned Officers
2) Noncommissioned Officers
3) Other Enlisted
4) Suspected Agents
5) Suspected Civilians

g. Evacuate the prisoner from the point ofcapture to the Brigade Collection Point. MP
assets will evacuate prisoners from Brigade Collection Points to the Division Central
Collection Point.
h. Safeguard all prisoners to the collection points, preventing any mistreatment or abuse.
i. Provide first aid to wounded prisoners and MEDEVAC the seriously wounded through
medical channels.
j. Use the key word "STRESS" when processing EPW/CI.
1) S-Search and Silence
2) T-Tag
3) R-Report capture to higher HQ
4) E-Evacuate EPW to nearest collection point
5) S-Segregate
6) S-Safeguard.

4. Responsibilities.
a. IPW Team 1) Provide guidance to the MP Platoon on set-up and physical lay out of the BEDD
2) Set up and operate HUMINT CP at the BEDD Facility.
3) Conduct EPW Pre-Screening, Screening and hasty Interrogations as required.
4) Maintain current copy of the BDE PIR's at all times. Update every four hours or
upon change of mission.
5) Establish screening/interrogation site within the BEDD Facility NL T I hour after
6) Be prepared to receive detainees for screening NLT 30 minutes after BEDD Facility
7) Man the HUMINT CP as required.
8) Question/Interrogate EPWs, detainees, refugees, border crosses, etc., as required.
9) Provide linguist support to CI section as required.
10) Be prepared to conduct EPW search and admin functions when lacking sufficient MP
11) Be prepared to provide EPW tags.
12) Maintain current screening log and HUMINT CP Log.
13) Submit HUMINT summary report to ACT for each 24-hour period of activity.
Include copies of all captured documentation, EPW Statistical Data, EPW Screening logs, and CI highlights and significant events. 14) Submit all information concerning the BCT's PIR obtained from EPW operations to the ACT as soon as possible in SALUTE format.
b. IPWNCOIC 1) With input from the CI Section Chief Warrant Officer, develop the HUMINT Rules of 2. Engagement (ROE) using FM 34-52 and FM 27-\ O. 2) Submit HUMINT ROE to the Company Commander for Approval. Ensure all IPW
soldiers have been fully briefed on the HUMINT ROE. 3) Serve as the HUMINT CP OIC. 4) Ensure all interrogators are familiar with all persons on the CI target lists. 5) Conduct coordination with MPs.
c. MP's (IPW NCOIC coordinates with MPs). 1) Set up BEDD Facility with input from IPW OICINCOIC 2) Search and Log in all EPWs 3) Provide Physical Security over detention area. 4) Provide guards/EPW escorts during all interrogation operations. 5) Provide EPW Tags. As a minimum, the tag will include the following information: 6) Date/time of capture 7) Place of capture 8) Capturing unit 9) Circumstances surrounding the capture 10) Conduct EPW evacuation to higher HQ's or Medical Treatment Facilities, as
d. DS Company ACT
1) Provide current PIR's to HUMINT CP every four hours or immediately upon change
of mission.
2) Maintain communications with the MI Bn BOC/CIAS/G2 Opns.
3) Provide copies of all current data bases to HUMINT CPo
4) Provide IPW Team technical taskings (SORs), and receive EPW reports as required.
e. GS MI Company GSOC
1) Maintain communications with the MI Bn BOC/CIAS/G2 Opns.
2) Exercise IPW Team movement control and provide IPW Team mission taskings.

5. Prescreening and Screening Operations.
Prescreening. Prescreening is conducted as the basis for subsequent screening. Upon the receipt of a prisoner, the following tasks are accomplished. 1) Assign the EPW an interrogation serial number 2) Record the time of capture 3) Record the place of capture 4) Record the circumstances of the capture 5) Record the capturing unit 6) Identify and Record all weapons and equipment captured with the EPW. 7) Record or copy verbatim, any documents seized from a POW.

IPW Operations. IPW operations conducted in support of the Brigade are as follows: 1) Set-up and operate the Brigade Enemy prisoners of war Detention and Detainee

(BEDD) facility.
2) Conduct HUMINT Command Post (CP) operations.
3) Conduct EPW pre-screening and screening at Bde.
4) Execute EPW interrogation planning and preparation.
5) Serve as Interpreters.
6) Exploit captured documents and equipment.
7) Conduct hasty interrogations.

The IPW Team will man the BEDD facility at the Brigade Support Area or at a Forward Collection Point and serve as the HUMINT CP for both the OS MI Company's IPW and CI sections.

The composition of an IPW team is as follows: 1 x 97E20L, 1 x 97E 1 OL

BEDD Facility Diagram
Missions from ACT via GSOC


Hex Tent
For Interrogations


e. Screening Operations. Screening operations are conducted by soldiers selected by the IPW NCOIC based on the interrogator's experience, skill, and availability. 1) EPWs deemed to be uncooperative will not be interrogated by IPW teams assigned to
MI Battalion. All uncooperative EPWs will be sent to the division or higher BEDD Facility. 2) Priority of screening for cooperative EPWs will be as follows: EPW Screening Priority

3) A screening report is completed for each EPW screened. One copy ofthe screening report is retained at the HUMINT CP and one copy is forwarded by with the EPW to the next higher echelon IPW sight.
4) Captive tags are checked for accuracy. Any missing information will result in the EPW being returned to the MP's until such time as the tag is as complete and as correct as humanly possible.
5) Information obtained during the screening phase of the operation will be maintained in the screening log. All screening logs remain open from 0001 to 2400 daily. At that time, the screening log is removed and stored in the HUMrNT CP and a new log is opened.
6) During the screening process, ifthe EPW is deemed to be of interest to the CI section, the CI section will be alerted and the EPW will be detained until such time as the CI section can complete its debriefing. The CI team will not be allowed to debrief any EPW until the IPW team has interrogated the EPW for all immediate tactical information.
f. Interrogations. EPWs are not interrogated until all preparation and planning for the
interrogation is satisfactorily completed.
1) Interrogation Planning and Preparation.

The interrogator reviews and is very familiar with the Brigade's PIR.

The interrogator prepares the interrogation plan and has the plan approved by IPWNCOIC.

The interrogator has a map prior to conducting any interrogation. The point of capture is plotted on the map.

All control questions are prepared.

Possible interrogation approaches are identified and rehearsed prior to conducting the interrogation.

2) Check all EPWs for their assigned Interrogation Serial Number upon completion of their interrogation. This number is used to identify the individual who supplied the information.
Captured Documents and Equipment.

Documents not captured with an EPW will be batched together and assigned a control number using a different alphanumeric code than the one in use for the ISN.

DODDOA 013400
a. Capturing units do not retain EPW documents and equipment for war trophies or personal
b. Capturing units report enemy map stocks found to the BeT S2.
c. Captured documents are exploited as time permits on a case-by':case basis. All captured
documents are copied, batched, and tagged. Document tags are issued the same ISN as
the EPW.
d. Translations of captured documents will include the translator's name and signature when

Document screeners review incoming documents that:
1) Are of immediate tactical value
2) Satisfy the Brigade Commander's PIR.
3) Are ofSIGINT value (SOIs)
4) Require Special Handling (Maps, Technical Documents, etc.)

All documents are categorized lAW FM 34-52. 1) Category A-Documents containing SPOT report information which satisfies a PIR or is a Technical Document/Map. 2) Category B-Documents containing information concerning enemy cryptographic

information of SIOINT value. 3) Category C-Documents containing general information of intelligence value. 4) Category D-Documents containing no apparent intelligence value.
Captured Equipment. Captured Equipment identified in the OPORD or OPLAN as being of intelligence interest is evacuated rapidly to the BDE S2 for further processing and exploitation. Other captured equipment is evacuated through logistical channels or destroyed/disabled. If unsure ask for guidance. War Trophies are subject to the ROE in the theater of operations. AS A RULE of thumb, do not attempt to take war trophies.

The Brigade S2 requests additional IPW support from the MI BN during any operation where EPWs are expected to exceed the capacity of IPW teams already attached. At least one IPW team (2 personnel) will be requested through 03 channels.

This card specifies emergency destruction procedures for cryptographic and classified material under the control of the S2.

Field Emergency Destruction: The authority to implement this plan is normally the BDE Commander and XO, S2, or the ACT OIC. If they are not present or available, the senior person present may implement this plan. Report implementation of this plan to ACofS, 02 as soon as possible.

Priorities/Methods of Destruction:

a. COMSEC (in priority):
2) Clear the variable fill, "Z ALL"
3) Remove the battery
4) Destroy the equipment with axe and/or mattock.
1) Disconnect drives and destroy with axe and/or mattock
2) Unhook systems from power and destroy with axe and/or mattock
c. FBCB2-Select Self Destruct from the appropriate menu.
d. MSEIDNVT -There are four DNVT's on the table in the SICPS, disconnect wires on the
side of the phones, then destroy with axe and/or mattock.
e. SOl -Destroy by thermite grenade, fire, or shredding
f. Any other COMSEC material, or computers, in the Ml068 or CP area destroy with axe
and/or mattock.

4. Classified Documents -all classified documents, to include floppy disks and videotape disk, will be destroyed in conjunction with the COMSEC equipment. The desired method of document destruction is by thermite grenade, fire, or shredding. Battle Captain has overall responsibility of destruction.
This card describes reconnaissance operations of the Brigade.

Reconnaissance is an operation designed to obtain information on the enemy, potential
enemy, or the characteristics of a particular area (FM 10 1-5-1, Operational Terms and
Graphics, 30 Sep 97). Reconnaissance goes on continually during operations and is
conducted by all elements of the Brigade Combat Team.

The Brigade's specialized reconnaissance units are the BRT and the scout platoons of the

Engineer, chemical and MP units also perform limited or specialized reconnaissance.

Corps and division cavalry, aviation, MI, engineer, chemical and MP units also conduct
reconnaissance and may contribute to the Brigade's reconnaissance effort.

Types of reconnaissance.

a. Route Reconnaissance. A route reconnaissance is a directed effort to obtain detailed
information of a specified route and all terrain from which the enemy could influence
movement along that route (FM 17-95, Cavalry Operations, 24 Dec 1996).

The BRT and scout platoons of the Brigade can be employed to perform route

reconnaissance within the zone or sector in preparation for movements or to gain . information on the area.

Route reconnaissance should precede Brigade and battalion/TF movements
whenever practical to assure uninterrupted movement of march units.

Normally a scout platoon is required to reconnoiter each route. An MP platoon can reconnoiter a route where enemy combat forces are not present.

Time required for route reconnaissance depends on terrain, weather and enemy

Unless otherwise directed the BRT or scout platoon will produce a full Route Report at the conclusion of its operation.

4. Area Reconnaissance. An area reconnaissance is a directed effort to obtain detailed information concerning the terrain or enemy activity within a prescribed area (FM 17-95).

The BRT and scout platoons can be employed to conduct area reconnaissance of proposed battalionlTF AA, defensive positions, small towns, BSAs, and other well­defined areas.

During attacks scout platoons can reconnoiter potential axes, attack positions and reserve positions, suspected enemy LZ's or bypassed positions, and parts of the Brigade rear area where information is incomplete.

In defense scout platoons can reconnoiter positions in depth; potential reserve, FA, sensor or CP positions; and threatened portions of the rear area.

Infantry, armor and MP companies have limited abilities to conduct area reconnaissance but are not trained to provide the same level of information on the area.

5. Zone Reconnaissance. A zone reconnaissance is a directed effort to obtain detailed information concerning all routes, obstacles, terrain, and enemy forces within a zone defined
DODDOA 013404
by boundaries. Obstacles also include chemical and radiological contamination (FM 17-95). Cavalry squadrons usually perform zone reconnaissance; the mission is not normally assigned to units of the Brigade.
6. Reconnaissance operations.
Reconnaissance operations precede, accompany and follow the combat operations of the Brigade. Reconnaissance continues during the Brigade attack or defense.

The R&S plan is executed under the direction of the S3 as part of maneuver operations.

Battalion/TF scouts normally operate under the direction of their commanders.

Information developed by corps and division reconnaissance guides execution of the Brigade reconnaissance operation when higher level reconnaissance is conducted forward or to the flanks of the Brigade.

304.1 -RECONNAISSANCE (cont.)
. 7. The Reconnaissance and Surveillance Plan
Brigade coordinates its R&S plan with the reconnaissance operation of its higher headquarters and with adjacent brigades.

The S2 recommends reconnaissance objectives for the R&S plan based on the CO's PIR.

The S2 nominates reconnaissance objectives and requests point reconnaissance from higher level of command.

The S2 consolidates battalion/TF patrol plans and R&S plans into a Brigade plan, assuring optimal coverage of reconnaissance objectives and recommending changes as appropriate.

The R&S plan is designed to achieve objectives that reinforce the Brigade operation plan. It may confirm intelligence or terrain estimates, validate assumptions in the maneuver plan, detect enemy actions that threaten the Brigade, or develop targets for Brigade fires. It provides for continuing reconnaissance during the main Brigade fight.

The S3 plans NBC reconnaissance to locate and mark NBC hazards that affect Brigade operations.

The S3 and ABE plan engineer reconnaissance of areas where mobility, counter-mobility and survivability considerations influence the Brigade's operations.

When division or corps aviation units are operating in the Brigade zone or sector, the Brigade may request that they provide point reconnaissance or reports of observations along their flight corridors.

8. Reconnaissance reports.
Timely reporting of reconnaissance results is essential to Brigade operations.

Units conducting reconnaissance submit partial reports as they operate since it their reports are always time sensitive. The S2 posts results of reconnaissance to the Brigade COP (MCS and ASAS) as they are received.

The BRT and battalion/TF scouts submit route reports and reports detailing the accomplishment of area reconnaissance by voice and FBCB2 during and after their miSSIOns.

This card describes the organization of the BRT.

Organization..The BRTconsists of5 officers and 65 enlisted soldiers. The Troop is organized into a HQ platoon, two scout platoons, and a striker platoon.

HQ PLATOON: The Troop HQ platoon is organized and equipped to perform command, control, communication and logistical support functions for the troop. The platoon consists of2 officers and 12 enlisted soldiers. It is equipped with 2 x Ml 025 HMMWV, 1 x M998 HMMWV, I x MI 097 HMMWV shelter carrier with S250 shelter, and 1 x M925 5-ton cargo truck with I x M149 400 gallon water trailer.

SCOUT PLATOONS: A BRT scout platoon is organized and equipped to conduct reconnaissance and screening in support of its parent troop. When the parent unit is performing missions within the economy of force role, the scout platoon may conduct offensive, defensive, and retrograde operations in support of the troop mission based on a permissive METT -TC or when augmented. The platoon consists of I officer and 17 enlisted soldiets. It is equipped with 6 x MI025/26 HMMWVs (3 x M2 .50 cal and 3 x MK-19). The platoon leader and section leaders are armed with M2 .50 cal while the platoon sergeant and squad leaders are armed with MK-19s. Each vehicle is equipped with AN/TAS-8 LRAS3. Although not organic, the platoon will normally operate with a habitually attached engineer reconnaissance squad. The platoon can organize into various configurations, usually from 2 to 3 sections; however, it can operate for short durations as 6 separate elements. See FM 17-98 for details on the TTP for a HMMWV scout platoon. The BRT scout platoon usually employs 3 sections of2 HMMWVs each.

STRIKER PLATOON: The Striker platoon may be organic to the BRT, or may operated as an habitual attachment (brigade and division dependent). Each platoon is comprised of six three-man Striker teams organized into three squads of two teams each. The role of the Striker platoon is to execute deep fires for the Brigade Commander, shaping the brigade's battle-space to provide favorable conditions for the close fight. The Striker Platoon Leader is the BRT Fire Support Officer. The Striker platoon headquarters ensures each team is trained and equipped to execute fires in support of brigade operations and coordinates among the teams. The Striker platoon normally conducts insertions in conjunction with the scout platoons, but can operate independently based on

.METT-TC. One or more team(s) of the platoon may be air-inserted on any given mission.
Mounted Brigade Combat Team TACSOP ST 3-90.33
