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State Department cable concerning Sec. of State Powell's upcoming meeting with the Swiss Foreign Minister Calmy-Rey. Document mostly redacted.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: February 7 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo". There is no other discernible information or context.

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This CIA cable describes the phase of Abu Zubaydah's interrogation and states that he underwent confinement, walling and the waterboard during his initial cycle of interrogations. The cable also describes his general behavior in his cell as well as his medical condition.

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State Department cable discusses comments by Canadian Defense Minister Art Eggleton and the Geneva Conventions application to terrorists in the modern era. Mr. Eggleton came under attack for comments he made that downplay the Geneva Conventions as a guiding force in the War on Terror. The cable also discusses trade relations and boarder security.

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This report concerns an Iraqi police officer, Muhammed Saddam, and by a Kuwaiti interpreter working with Coalition Forces reportedly used his position to target wealthy Iraqis for raids unless they paid him to be left alone. This report focuses on one detainee that was targeted by the pair. This detainee agreed to pay the extortion money in order to have harassing Coalition raids on his home stopped, but the detainee failed to pay the money. He was then seen on the street and confronted by Muhammed Saddam, who had him and his family members arrested and detained. The detainee states he and his family members were beaten and abused in custody because he would not pay the extortion. The abuse included beating the detainee for five hours with open hands and the hose from a water pipe. The Kuwaiti interpreter allegedly hit detainees and forced water bottles into the rectums of five or six mail detainees. Report contains physical description of Muhammed Saddam and the unnamed Kuwaiti interpreter.

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State Department cable detailing Ambassador Pierre-Richard Prosper's meeting with senior Swedish officials, parliamentarians, the press and legal experts concerning the U.S. detention of terror suspects and the label "Illegal Combatant" in order to avoid Geneva Convention status for the detainees. Amb. Prosper defended the U.S. detention policies against criticism from Swedish officials, and made the point that the terms was well known and previously used. The U.S. is evaluating the detention status and will treat the detainees in accordance with Geneva Convention principles, but not afford them POW status. The cable is heavily redacted.

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State Department cable concerning the Canadian Prime Minister statement on the U.S. agreement to treat detainees in accordance with Geneva conventions. The cable is heavily redacted.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: Transfer of Detainees in Afghanistan to Guantanamo Bay". There is no other discernible information or context. There is a handwritten notation on the top of the page that states "Important: Hold for GTMO access guidence" and at the bottom that states: “2/1 got S/WCI Blaschle’s argument for SWO to pass to CENTCOM & SOUTHCOM. SP.”

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State Department cable giving a summary of meeting between Sec. Powell and Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh. FM Lindh praised the current U.S. efforts in the Middle East and assured Sec. Powell that the Europeans will do what they can to help in Iraq. FM Lindh also expressed her interest in continuing non-proliferation efforts and to reduce the danger of nuclear weapons and development information be controlled.

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This is a DOS Cable from the US Embassy New Delhi, India to DOS Washington re: Media Reactions, June 12, 2006. The Cable contains a summary of media reactions and includes the heading; Triple suicide at Guantánamo.

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State Department cable discusses the Swiss National Council's (lower house of parliament) declaration to other nations that they continue to respect the Geneva Conventions as "indisputable mimimum standards that may not be qualified under any circumstances."

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State Department cable with talking points and guidance for answering questions from the press regarding; i) the Saudi detainees at Guantanamno; ii) Libia/Pan-Am 103 UN santions and Possible French Veto; iii) Jordan Investigation into shooting of U.S. diplomat Laurence Foley; iv) Israel/Palestinian Roadmap, Arafat and control of Pasestinian security services; and v) UN Security Council Iraq Resolution.

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This State Department cable provides insight on a trip to Baghdad, Iraq by President of the International Committee for the Red Cross Kellenberger. Mr. Kellenberger privately shared his impressions of the situation in Iraq with U.S. Ambassador Kevin E. Moley. Mr. Kellenberger's main themes expressed to the press was that there is no current humanitarian emergency in Iraq; that security, the stabilization of civil administration in Iraq, and the payment of salaries to the civil servants should be a priority; and that the coalition forces have rights and responsibilities as the occupying powers. The cable is otherwise heavily redacted.

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State Department cable announcing the release of four (4) detainees from Guantanamo to their home governments. The cable also states that the U.S. is willing to release detainees to home countries that are willing to treat the former detainees humanely and in accordance with the Geneva Conventions. The U.S. will not publicly disclose the transfer, return or release.

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DOS Cable re: State Department Press Statement. Document Contains Press Statements on the Regional Securities Ministerial Meeting held in Bogota, Columbia; A bi-lateral statement by the U.S. and Mexico on climate change; and the Canadian prime Minister's statement that Canada will not join the war against Iraq.

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State Department cable discusses a request made by members of the Italian Senate Foreign Affairs Committee have asked for a general debate on the status of the Al-Qaida and Taliban detainees at Guantanamo.

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Summary of meeting between Sec. Powell and Danish Foreign Minister. The men discussed the Gaza Strip situation, the Sudan crises and Cyprus.

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This cable describes a redacted detainee's behavior in the ninth day of a three week isolation phase.

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This State Department cable provides talking points for US mission & Embassy officials to inform foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. It states that the U.S. Government is “The United States is evaluating the possibility of prosecuting these detainees in a U.S. forum”. But that “We are also evaluating the possibility of returning certain individuals to their country of nationality for further legal action” “We would hope that you would be able to prosecute vigorously all of your nationals who have aided al-Qaida terrorists”. The cable also states that the US will provide “the opportunity to visit detainees for intelligence gathering or law enforcement Purposes”. The detainee’s government is also being asked “Do you have any information from your own sources that connects these persons with al-Qaida or the Taliban? And “What types of punishments are available under your law for offenses that have been or might be brought against these persons in your country?” Finally, assurances are given that the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) will be given an opportunity to visit Guantanamo, to ensure the treatment of the detainees is in compliance with international standards for the of treatment of detainees.

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This document appears to be a cover sheet for a request by [redacted] to interview detainees at Guantanamo.

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This Department of State (DOS) Cable relates that in a symposium organized by the Al-Jazeera TV channel in Khartoum, Sudan, Fathi Khalil, The Dean of the Sudanese Bar Association called for the release of Guantanamo bay detainees and called for "a disciplinary board" for those responsible for having the detainees held. There was a specific demand for the release of detainee Sami Al-Haj.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: Detainee Issues". There is no other discernible information or context.

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Discussion of the President's classification of six detainees as enemy combatants. Discusses the government's treatment of individuals classified as enemy combatants and how they will be tried, if tried.

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State Department cable with talking points to address concerns of foreign governments about their citizens being held at Guantanamo. The cable states; 1) These individuals pose a threat to the United States and international peace and security and are being detained on the same basis and under the same status as other detainees held in connection with our military operations.; 2) all detainees are being treated humanely and in accordance with the Geneva Conventions; 3) Representatives from the International Committee of the Red Cross will be given the opportunity to visit with the detainees; 4) Countries of nationality may request through the State Department the opportunity to visit their detainees at Guantanamo Bay for intelligence gathering or law enforcement purposes; and 5) all detainees are being give appropriate food, adequate toiletry items and access to health and sanitary facilities. Detainees will be sent home at the end of the hostilities.

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State Department cable concerning a Report from the Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, Entitled "Situation of Muslim and Arab Peoples in Various Parts of the World in the Aftermath of the Events of 11 September 2001." The report singles out the U.S. as a driver of negative feelings towards Muslims and states that the "overwhelming majority of Muslims and Arabs are law abiding citizens".

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This heavily redacted CIA cable states that in anticipation of a CIA site operating without a high value detainee psychologist on site, Bruce Jessen is requested to prepare an operational handbook on detainee management.

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State Department cable concerning Sec. of State Powell's meeting with the Pakistani Foreign Minister Kasuri to discuss India, Afghanistan, Iraq and the United Nations Security Council. The cable is mostly redacted, but includes a discussion on the difficulty for Pakistanis are experiencing visas to visit the U.S..

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This State Department cable is from the U.S. Mission to Geneva to Washington with the contents of a letter sent by Theo van Boven in his capacity as Chairperson of the 11th meeting of Special Rapporteurs/Representatives. The correspondence is to express concern of human rights and freedoms in the effort to address terrorists and to combat terrorism and to ensure that they are consistent with international human rights standards.

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State Department cable concerning Australian Prime Minister Howard's upcoming trip to New York for the World Economic Forum. The cable states that PM Howard has expressed his support for Operation Enduring Freedom and the international effort against terrorism. The cable also mentions PM Howard's concerns over steel import/export and tariffs as well as general business relations by and between the U.S. and Australia.

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Letter from U.S. Amb. Moley to U.N. Representative Fernanco Mendez, Chairperson of the Committee Agaist Torture re: Second Periodic Report on the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

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State Department cable concerning the efforts to repatriate Iranian Mujaheddin E-Khalk members back to Iran. The Mujaheddin E-Khalk members infiltrated Iraq and threatened the peace and stability of the country, but approx. 3,800 of Mujaheddin E-Khalk were captured and were being held at Camp Ashraf. The cable expresses the State Department's belief that the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights would be the best interlocutor for the possible repatriating of these persons back to Iran and efforts should be made to see that the previous meeting is followed-up on to effectuate the transfer of Mujaheddin E-Khalk members back to Iran.

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This State Department cable provides talking points concerning informing foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan, and policy guidance for foreign governments to visit and access the detainees at Guantanamo that are their citizens. The cable instructs the Missions/Embassies to inform foreign governments that: the foreign government's access to these detainees is limited to intelligence and/or law enforcement purposes; The United States will video tape and sound record the interviews between representatives of your government and the detainee(s); The senior U.S. representative present may terminate an interview at any time; The U.S. Department of Defense must be provided a copy of your government's final report on the visit; and your Government will be required to reimburse the Department of Defense for all costs associated with the visit incurred by the US Government, including the costs of transportation, lodging, and meals.

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This heavily redacted cable discusses a meeting at Embassy Suva to discuss a relocation/asylum proposal. The memo also discusses a meeting between Ambassador McGann and New Zealand High Commissioner to Kiribati Robert Kawai to discuss assistance with an "implementation team" in Tarawa.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: May 3 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo". There is no other discernible information or context.

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State Department cable stating that the U.S. has come to an agreement to return five (5) Guantanamo detainees back to their home country. The agreement includes assurances from the receiving country that the detainees will receive humane treatment; they will be treated in accordance with the Geneva Conventions; they will receive due process of law; and the detainees will not be persecuted once returned home.

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State Department Cable re: Repatriated Russian Guantanamo Detainees Released by Russian Procuracy. The seven Russian detainees from the Guantanamo military base that were previously handed over by the United States to the Russian Government have been released from custody by an order of the Russian General Procuracy. While the circumstances surrounding their release remain under investigation, there is nothing the U.S. can do about the release. Once release, the detainees were returned to Russia. Upon arrival in Moscow, they were taken into custody by Russian law enforcement officials and charged with belonging to an organized criminal group, the illegal crossing of a state border, and "mercenary activity", but were subsequently released.

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This is a cable to the U.S. Mission in Geneva, forwarding letters received by U.N. Representatives Theo van Boven, Leandro Despouy and Paul Hunt. The letters from Messrs.’ Boven, Despouy and Hunt focus on the treatment of detainees and the judicial procedures detainees will be facing in Iraq. The correspondence, collectively, cite U.N. resolutions on the treatment of detainees and the establishment of judicial tribunals for the trial and adjudication of persons tried in times of armed conflict. They pose questions to the U.S. concerning adherence to these resolutions. Specifically they ask: Are the facts alleged in the summary of the case accurate? Which is the authority responsible for investigating the allegations? Is the identity of the person or persons, group or unit responsible for the torture known? They also state that: there is concern that the military commissions, whose sentences cannot be appealed in any other court and include the death penalty; detainees are held in solitary confinement for up to 24 hours per day in a windowless air-conditioned cells; and the International Committee of the Red Cross has stated that it has observed a worrying deterioration in the psychological health of a large number of detainees.

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State Department cable describing the historic session of the newly formed Governing Council Participating in discussions with the United Nations on implementing UN Security Council resolutions post-war. UN Special representative Sergio Vieira De Melo and members of the new Iraqi government proclaimed that "Iraq will never return to a society of fear and injustice". The UN & Iraqi government stressed that they need and deserve the full support of the international community in order to keep Iraq from returning to the days when the rule of law was absent.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: February 9 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo". There is no other discernible information or context.

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State Department cable concerning a gentleman who approached the embassy to inquire about his son’s status in U.S. custody at Guantanamo. The father stated that he formed a group of detainee families to act collectively to seek information, access and the safe return of their family members. The father found out about his son's detention through their government and did not inquire of the U.S. Embassy as to the accuracy of the report of his son's detention at Guantanamo. The father claims his son was a humanitarian aid worker and was mistaken for a Taliban fighter.

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State Department cable concerning the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the Guantanamo detainees. The cable states that a determination on the legal status of the Guantanamo detainees and the applicability of the Geneva conventions to Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters is still pending. Cable is heavily redacted.

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State Department Cable stateing that the U.S. Mission received a letter from Theo van Boven re: Letter equesting to visit Guantanamo to investigate information regarding "the physical and mental integrity of persons held at the Guantanamo Bay military base, Cuba."

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State Department cable concerning the family of a detainee and his impending transfer from Guantanamo to his home country. The rights activists request that US not transfer any war prisoners because "torture, inhumane treatment and the death penalty await them" in the country they are expected to be transferred to.

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State department cable concerning a visit to Stockholm by Amb. Pierre-Richard Prosper. Amb. Prosper met with senior Swedish officials and refuted arguments that U.S. acting outside international law because the detainees are unlawful or illegal combatants. The cable is heavily redacted.

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This cable provides a report of day 12 of the cycle of interrogation carried out on detainee Abu Zubaydah on August 15, 2002. Though large portions of this report are redacted, it includes details of interrogators using a combination of waterboarding, cramped confinement, and white noise in order to extract information from Zubaydah, who again provided no new information.

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This is a general report on a cycle of interrogation carried out on August 10, 2002 on detainee Abu Zubaydah. It includes an overview of techniques used (including the waterboard, walling, hooding, and cramped confinement), in addition to brief behavioral comments, a threat update, and a medical update.

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This State Department cable provides talking points for US mission & Embassy officials to inform foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. It states that the U.S. Government is “The United States is evaluating the possibility of prosecuting these detainees in a U.S. forum”. But that “We are also evaluating the possibility of returning certain individuals to their country of nationality for further legal action” “We would hope that you would be able to prosecute vigorously all of your nationals who have aided al-Qaida terrorists”. The cable also states that the US will provide “the opportunity to visit detainees for intelligence gathering or law enforcement Purposes”. The detainee’s government is also being asked “Do you have any information from your own sources that connects these persons with al-Qaida or the Taliban? And “What types of punishments are available under your law for offenses that have been or might be brought against these persons in your country?” Finally, assurances are given that the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) will be given an opportunity to visit Guantanamo, to ensure the treatment of the detainees is in compliance with international standards for the of treatment of detainees.

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This DOS Cable from the US Embassy Kuwait to the DOS Washington describes the effort to establish a boarder crossing between Kuwait & Iraq, near Camp Bucca. The Cable describes the interest of Kuwaiti and Iraqi government officials to increase bi-lateral cooperation between the two countries.

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This CIA cable discusses the strategy for the post-isolation phase of the Abu Zubaydah interrogation and provides details on Abu Zubaydah's current status. The cable notes that the post-isolation strategy may include time in the "confinement box," per the recommendation of Mitchell.

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This DOS Cable is from the US Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan to the DOS Washington with a summary of media reactions in Islamabad US policies & other matters.

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This DOD cable discusses an article in the Irish Times that links flights from Shannon Airport to the flights detainees were placed on for transport and possible rendition. The Irish Times called them "Detainee Torture Flights". The article stated that plane spotters witnessed chartered flights, known to transport detainees on behalf of the US military, re-fueling at Shannon Airport. The article spurred activity in Ireland among anti-war activist and opposition politicians to investigate and expose the flights and potential rendition program.

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State Department Cable Subject: Reaction to U.S. Draft Transfer Agreement on Guantanamo Detainees. The cable is entirely redacted.

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State Department cable reporting on a meeting between an Ambassador and the representative of the wives and family members of detainees’ held at Guantanamo. A letter was passed to the Ambassador and a request to visit the detainees to check on their health and condition. This cable contains talking points to address the status of these citizens being held at Guantanamo. The cable goes on to state; 1) The U.S. government cannot address specific questions about specific detainees at this time; 2) all detainees are being treated humanely and in accordance with the Geneva Conventions; and 3) all detainees are being give appropriate food, adequate toiletry items and access to health and sanitary facilities. Detainees will be sent home at the end of the hostilities.

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This DOS Cable from the US Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan to the DOS Washington describes the Pakistani news coverage of matters concerning US policy and matters of interest to the US government for January 8-10, 2011. Specifically, the Cable includes press coverage of the reaction in Pakistan to the Prime Minister's acceptance of 10 pt reform agenda Nawaz Sharif.

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State Department cable to Washington informing them that a Foreign Minister has made a request for a visitation of one of his nation's citizens being held at Guantanamo. The cable is heavily redacted.

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State Department cable from Kuwaiti Embassy to State Department re: Ambassador Pierre-Richard Prosper Discusses Iraqi War Crimes and Guantanamo. The cable states that Amb. Pierre-Richard Prosper met with Committee for Missing and POW Affairs (NCMPA) to discuss POW/MIA issues related to the 1991 Iraq-Kuwaiti war.

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This State Department cable provides talking points concerning informing foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan, and policy guidance for foreign governments to visit and access the detainees at Guantanamo that are their citizens. The cable instructs the Missions/Embassies to inform foreign governments that: the foreign government's access to these detainees is limited to intelligence and/or law enforcement purposes; The United States will video tape and sound record the interviews between representatives of your government and the detainee(s); The U.S. Department of Defense must be provided a copy of your government's final report on the visit; and Your Government will be required to reimburse the Department of Defense for all costs associated with the visit: incurred by the US Government, including the costs of transportation, lodging, and meals.”

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State Department cable advising Washington that the U.S. Ambassador Farish received a Letter dated February 8, 2002 from a law firm representing a detainee held in U.S. custody at Guantanamo. The letter requests access to the detainee, a meeting with the Ambassador, and raises a number of legal issues. The letter states that the family is "Very Disturbed" at not hearing from the detainee, and they worry for his safety and question the legal jurisdiction and standing of the U.S. to hold him as he is being held. The Embassy requests further guidance to respond to this letter and other expected inquiries.

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This State Department cable provides talking points concerning informing foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. It also states that the U.S. Government has not yet made a final decision on criminal charges it may bring against detainees in Guantanamo or which legal forum to bring charges, but states that “We are also evaluating the possibility of returning certain individuals to their country of nationality for further legal action” “If you have information concerning these detainees, and especially information concerning any criminal conduct (including violations of the laws of war) that they are alleged to have committed, we would appreciate receiving that information through the law enforcement liaison at our embassy”. It goes on to state “We would hope that you would be able to prosecute vigorously all of your nationals who have aided al-Qaida terrorists”. The detainee’s government is also being asked “Do you have any information from your own sources that connects these persons with al-Qaida or the Taliban? Are there any charges pending against these persons in your country? If so, what are those charges and against whom have they been brought? Would these persons be subject to prosecution in your country, and if so, for what crimes? For crimes committed inside your country? For crimes committed outside, including for acts related to the Afghan conflict or terrorist acts? What types of punishments are available under your law for offenses that have been or might be brought against these persons in your country?”

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This cable details the results of the August 18, 2002 cycle of interrogation sessions of Abu Zubaydah, which is day 15 of the aggressive interrogation phase. The sessions were conducted by IC SERE psychologists. The cable states that Abu Zubaydah continues to maintain that he knows of no threats to the US or against the US interests beyond what he already provided.

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This State Department cable states that a letter was received from Stephen Toope, Chairman of the United Nations' Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. The letter concerns a report by the Working Group Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances regarding alleged secret detention centers under United States' authority in various parts of the world and invites the U.S. government to submit written response to the accusations/claims of the existence of such facilities.

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State Department cable forwarding on to Washington a letter received from Louis Joinet, the UN Special Rapporteur of Working Group on Arbitrary Detention concerning the deprivation of liberty at Guantanamo, and requesting information on the individuals detained without charge.

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This State Department cable provides talking points concerning informing foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan, and policy guidance for foreign governments to visit and access the detainees at Guantanamo that are their citizens. The cable instructs the Missions/Embassies to inform foreign governments that: the foreign government's access to these detainees is limited to intelligence and/or law enforcement purposes; The United States will video tape and sound record the interviews between representatives of your government and the detainee(s); The U.S. Department of Defense must be provided a copy of your government's final report on the visit; and Your Government will be required to reimburse the Department of Defense for all costs associated with the visit: incurred by the US Government, including the costs of transportation, lodging, and meals.”

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This CIA cable details the amount the agency paid to psychologists James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen for their professional services since 2002. The cable also describes the current status of Mitchell, Jessen and Associates' contract with the CIA and projected contract for Fiscal Year 2009.

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This DOS Cable is from the US Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan to the DOS Washington with a summary of media reactions in Pakistan to US policies & other matters.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: Visit to Qandahar: Focus on Detainees" with no discernible information on its contents.

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State Department Cable re: Secretary's July 16, 2003 Conversation with Australian Foreign Minister Downer - No other content or context.

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This State Department cable provides talking points for US mission & Embassy officials to inform foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. It states that the U.S. Government is “The United States is evaluating the possibility of prosecuting these detainees in a U.S. forum”. But that “We are also evaluating the possibility of returning certain individuals to their country of nationality for further legal action” “We would hope that you would be able to prosecute vigorously all of your nationals who have aided al-Qaida terrorists”. The cable also states that the US will provide “the opportunity to visit detainees for intelligence gathering or law enforcement Purposes”. The detainee’s government is also being asked “Do you have any information from your own sources that connects these persons with al-Qaida or the Taliban? And “What types of punishments are available under your law for offenses that have been or might be brought against these persons in your country?” Finally, assurances are given that the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) will be given an opportunity to visit Guantanamo, to ensure the treatment of the detainees is in compliance with international standards for the of treatment of detainees.

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State Department cable from the U.S. Mission in Geneva containing a letter received by Ms. Asma Jahangir, UN Special Rapporteurs on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions and Torture and Mr. Theo van Boven the Special Rapporteur on Torture regarding the twenty-two (22) Uighures being held at Guantanamo. The letter expresses concern over the saftey of the Uighures if they are returned to China after being resolved at Guantanamo.

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State Department cable concerning the transfer of Yaser Esam Hamdi from US custody to Saudi Arabia as reported in the newspapers.

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State Department cable concerning implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1483. The cable contains the speech about the resolution.

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State Department cable concerning the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe considering a Resolution calling the U.S. to task for holding persons in custody in Afghanistan and at Guantanamo Bay without the formal procedures normally afforded under the Geneva Conventions. The Resolution contends the Guantanamo detainees are prisoners of war and should be allowed trial. The resolution further requests that detention facilities conform to recognized international legal standards and that the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) be given access to the sites.

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State Department cable from Kabul Embassy to Sec. of State re: Afghan Human Rights Chief. Amb. Khalilzad states that he discussed detainee issues with Sima Samar, Chairperson of the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission.

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State Department cable summarizes a recent plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. At the meeting, the European Parliament reaffirmed its solidarity with the U.S. in the fight against terrorism and recognized that detainees at Guantanamo do not fall within POW status according to the Geneva Conventions.

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State Department cable from the Paris Mission re: French concern over the detainees in Guantanamo and the treatment of Guantanamo detainees generally. Much of the cable is redacted, however, some important points from the cable are: 1) it is reported that some detainees are claiming to be French citizens, but are either not or are falsifying their documents stating that they are; 2) There is a French government team visiting Guantanamo; 3) the French government is opposed to military tribunals or "Special Courts"; and 4) The French insist on all detainees being afforded the Geneva Convention protections no matter what their combatant status.

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State Department cable with talking points concerning an inquiry by the wives and family members requesting to visit their family members detained at Guantanamo. The cable states; 1) The U.S. government cannot address specific questions about specific detainees at this time; 2) all detainees are being treated humanely and in accordance with the Geneva Conventions; and 3) all detainees are being give appropriate food, adequate toiletry items and access to health and sanitary facilities.

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This cable states that the CIA may make plans to relocate Gul Rahman to a different site to implement enhanced interrogation measures after his refusal to cooperate with interrogator Bruce Jessen.

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This cable sent from the Paris Mission sent to State Department Headquarters with the following synopsis: “On March 19, 2002, post received a letter addressed to the Ambassador from the attorneys of the families of detainees who are allegedly in detention at Guantanamo Bay. In the letter, the attorneys request: (a) access to the detainees; (b) details regarding the incarceration and condition of these individuals, and (c) a meeting with the Ambassador to discuss the cases. And stattes “Post does not intend to respond further or meet with the families or their attorneys pending instructions from Washington. Finally, the Mission asks Washington to “Please provide guidance on next steps. Is there a DOD point of contact for families/attorneys in these cases? Additionally, post requests press guidance for use in responding to inquiries from local media.” The translated text of letter redacted.

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This State Department cable provides talking points for US mission & Embassy officials to inform foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. It states that the U.S. Government is “The United States is evaluating the possibility of prosecuting these detainees in a U.S. forum”. But that “We are also evaluating the possibility of returning certain individuals to their country of nationality for further legal action” “We would hope that you would be able to prosecute vigorously all of your nationals who have aided al-Qaida terrorists”. The cable also states that the US will provide “the opportunity to visit detainees for intelligence gathering or law enforcement Purposes”. The detainee’s government is also being asked “Do you have any information from your own sources that connects these persons with al-Qaida or the Taliban? And “What types of punishments are available under your law for offenses that have been or might be brought against these persons in your country?” Finally, assurances are given that the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) will be given an opportunity to visit Guantanamo, to insure the treatment of the detainees is in compliance with international standards for the of treatment of detainees.

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State Department cable concerning the Tokyo Conference; the transfer of detainees to Guantanamo; the ability and schedule of the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) to visit Guantanamo facilities and the detainees; and the ability of nations to have “Consular” visits with their citizens while the persons are being held in detention at Guantanamo. The cable mentions UK Prime Minister Tony Blair’s handling of tough questions on the matter and finally, the cable mentions that Turkish Prime Minister Ecevit was in Washington.

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This State Department cable provides talking points concerning informing foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan, and policy guidance for foreign governments to visit and access the detainees at Guantanamo that are their citizens. The cable instructs the Missions/Embassies to inform foreign governments that: the foreign government's access to these detainees is limited to intelligence and/or law enforcement purposes; The United States will video tape and sound record the interviews between representatives of your government and the detainee(s); The senior U.S. representative present may terminate an interview at any time; The U.S. Department of Defense must be provided a copy of your government's final report on the visit; and Your Government will be required to reimburse the Department of Defense for all costs associated with the visit incurred by the US Government, including the costs of transportation, lodging, and meals.

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This State Department cable provides talking points concerning informing foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan, and policy guidance for foreign governments to visit and access the detainees at Guantanamo that are their citizens. The cable instructs the Missions/Embassies to inform foreign governments that: the foreign government's access to these detainees is limited to intelligence and/or law enforcement purposes; The United States will video tape and sound record the interviews between representatives of your government and the detainee(s); The senior U.S. representative present may terminate an interview at any time; The U.S. Department of Defense must be provided a copy of your government's final report on the visit; and Your Government will be required to reimburse the Department of Defense for all costs associated with the visit incurred by the US Government, including the costs of transportation, lodging, and meals.

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DOS Cable re: International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) Delivers a Verbal Note on "Rights and Duties of the U.S. as an Occupying Power. the cable is mostly redacted.

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State Department cable concerning Under Sec. of State Dobriansky's meeting with several European and Asian leaders to discuss Guantanamo detainees; the effort to end human trafficking; and the war on terrorism. The cable is long and large portions are redacted.

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This State Department cable provides talking points concerning informing foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. The cable instructs the Missions/Embassies to assure host governments that “All detainees have been and will continue to be treated humanely”; The U.S. “[is] evaluating the possibility of returning certain individuals to their country of nationality for further detention and legal action” The detainee’s government is also being asked “Do you have any information from your own sources that connects these persons with al-Qaida or the Taliban? And, “What types of punishments are available under your law for offenses that have been or might be brought against these persons in your country?” Finally, “If pressed: We are studying the issue of allowing foreign governments access to [the] detainees in Guantanamo. Bay and will discuss with you further soon.” And concludes with, “The most pressing matter at hand is ensuring that those who pose or might pose a continuing threat to the United States remain securely detained.”

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This State Department cable provides talking points concerning informing foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. The information is on the transfer of detainees to Guantanamo, conditions of access for International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) to visit Guantanamo, and internal US policy guidance for foreign access to detainees is provided, as well assurances that the detainees will be treated humanely. Finally, it states that the U.S. Government has not yet made a final decision on criminal charges it may bring against detainees in Guantanamo or which legal forum to bring charges. And states “We are still very interested in knowing what legal steps your government is prepared to take” concerning these individuals, leaving open the possibility that the detainee(s) could be repatriated to their home country to face charges.

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DOS Cable without any context

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State Department cable with talking points addressing the concerns of the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. The cable states that the Working Group does not have a mandate or the competence to make an accurate assessment of the U.S. detention and treatment policies concerning illegal and unlawful combatants. The cable highlights the opinion of other international organizations and foreign governments that regard the Taliban and Al-Qaeda as committing criminal and terrorist acts and therefore not subject to the Geneva Conventions and not Prisoners of War (POWs).

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DOS Cable from the Kuwait Embassy to Secretary of State, Colin L. Powell, regarding a Kuwaiti citizen(s) being held by the Coalition in Iraq.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: Secretary's May 6, 2004, Conversation with ICRC (International Committee for the Red Cross) President Jakob Kellenberger". There is no other discernible information or context.

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This State Department cable provides talking points concerning informing foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. The cable instructs the Missions/Embassies to assure host governments that “All detainees have been and will continue to be treated humanely and consistent with the principles of the Geneva Convention.” And the U.S. “[is] evaluating the possibility of returning certain individuals to their country of nationality for further detention and legal action” The detainee’s government is also being asked “Do you have any information from your own sources that connects these persons with al-Qaida or the Taliban? And, “What types of punishments are available under your law for offenses that have been or might be brought against these persons in your country?” Finally, “If pressed: We are studying the issue of allowing foreign governments access to [the] detainees in Guantanamo. Bay and will discuss with you further soon.”

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A detainee who was released from custody, Maleem Fidel Mohammad, made public statements concerning being sexually abused with the use of dogs while in Coalition custody. Mr. Mohammad reportedly was hoping that his statements would turn local Afghanis currently working with Coalition forces against assisting or cooperating with Coalition forces in the future. Mr. Mohammed was also reportedly joined in this spreading of abuse allegation by Mr. Amir Mohammed Agha, who was also detained by Coalition forces at one point is reported to be very anti-American.

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This cable details the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah that took place on August 5, 2002 at the which the IC SERE psychologists were present. This interrogation included the use of walling, the water board, attention grab, confinement box, hooding, and stress positions. The cable states that the subject did not provide any new threat information or elaborate on old threat information, but that he has become more compliant.

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This memo is to address questions and concerns over the status and treatment of Guantanamo detainees. The memo states that: 1) the U.S. does not permit, tolerate or condone torture; 2) Detainees get excellent medical care; 3) the Al-Qaeda operatives are committed to killing Americans and others; and 4) the detainees are not criminals awaiting trial, but enemy combatants and are being held under detention to prevent them from carrying out their agenda to commit acts of terror.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: January 20 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo". There is no other discernible information or context.

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State Department cable distributes transcript from the May 29, 2002 press conference where a variety of subjects were addressed. Among the issued raised were: i) Deputy Sec. Armitage meets with Swedish Defense Minister Bjorn Von Sydow; ii) Amnisty International is Critical of U.S. policies; and iii) Guantanamo Bay detainees.

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State Department cable concerning the identification of detainees at Guantanamo. Specifically, the cable states "It was recently discovered that several detainees transferred to Guantanamo who were previously reported to be nationals of Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, are in fact nationals of China. The names of each detainee and the affected countries can be found in paragraph 5. If you have any question about whether they are also your nationality or if they are of continuing law enforcement or intelligence interest to your government, we can arrange a visit to facilitate your resolving such concerns."

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State Department cable concerning a meeting with Saudi officials where they discussed Iraq; the Guantanamo detainees; and Kuwaitis streaming in to Saudi Arabia. The Saudis expressed concern over the occupation of Iraq because Iraqi sovereignty is an important aspect of national identification, and stated that the war should "end as soon as possible".

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State Department cable giving direction to its Mission on presenting a statement at the PC Meeting in Vienna. The statement is one of general support and addresses the specific issues of Military Commisssions for Al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters. The points to make are i) The Military Commissions will be impartial; ii) they are consistent with the procedural safeguards found in the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Art. 75 of Protocol 1 of 1977 to the Geneva Conventions; iii) a decision can only be imposed by a unanimous decision of the panel members; iv) the accused are not required to testify, and no adverse inference may be drawn from a refusal to testify; and v) the proceedings will be open to the public to the maximum extent possible.

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State Department cable relating a request from Latvian Parliamentarians requesting the release of Latvian student from prison in Iraq. The Latvians claim that the gentleman was arrested on suspicion of being a "potential foreign mercenary" and is being held in custody at Buchbucraland prison. The Latvians point out that Lativan soldiers are serving in Iraq as part of the multi-national forces in Iraq, and as such is the case they are requesting that the gentleman’s case be reviewed and he be returned to Latvia for its law enforcement to handle the gentleman's case.

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State Department cable from Washington to a U.S. Embassy acknowledging receipt of a diplomatic note concerning certain Guantanamo Detainees. The cable states "The national[s] at Guantanamo is being held as ' an enemy combatant[s] and are being treated humanely, and in a manner consistent with the principles of the Third Geneva Convention of 1949. Only law enforcement and intelligence inquiries are appropriate for Guantanamo. The U.S. Government does not entertain consular inquiries regarding enemy combatants being held at Guantanamo."

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State Department Cable re: Corrected Information Regarding Nationally of Detainees at Guantanamo – no other content or context

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This May 2002 cable serves as a "reaffirmation" of headquarters consent for the use of the confinement box and the restrictions surrounding its use. The cable also authorizes the use of the box with Abu Zubaydah.

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DOS Cable concerning Secretary Powell's Meeting with International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) President Kellenberger. The document is heavily redacted as to the substance of the meeting, except for a brief summary stating that the meeting lasted 15 minutes; ICRC President Kellenberger was requesting access to the detainees at Bagram Detention facility and Guantanamo; and the ICRC was preparing itself in the event of hostilities in Iraq.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) Detainee Access." There is no other discernible information or context.

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This State Department cable provides talking points for US mission & Embassy officials to inform foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. It states that the U.S. Government is “The United States is evaluating the possibility of prosecuting these detainees in a U.S. forum”. But that “We are also evaluating the possibility of returning certain individuals to their country of nationality for further legal action” “We would hope that you would be able to prosecute vigorously all of your nationals who have aided al-Qaida terrorists”. The cable also states that the US will provide “the opportunity to visit detainees for intelligence gathering or law enforcement Purposes”. The detainee’s government is also being asked “Do you have any information from your own sources that connects these persons with al-Qaida or the Taliban? And “What types of punishments are available under your law for offenses that have been or might be brought against these persons in your country?” Finally, assurances are given that the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) will be given an opportunity to visit Guantanamo, to ensure the treatment of the detainees is in compliance with international standards for the of treatment of detainees.

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This document is a fax from John Rizzo to Steven Bradbury containing Mr. Rizzo's draft Q&A responses for an upcoming hearing on detention and interrogation.

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State Department cable focusing on Comments by Mary Robinson, UN high commisoner for Human Rights, about the nexis of poverty and human rights in Brazil.

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DOS cable to US Embassy and Consular posts concerning how to address allegations of abuse at Abu Ghraib prison. The cable instructs the embassy and consular officials to understand the different allegations of abuse and how to address questions and inquiries. Specifically, to point out that the military is addressing the allegations and independent panels have been convened with high ranking and well respected members to get the facts and recommend corrective action.

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State department Embassy cable informing Washington that they have informed a Foreign Affairs Minister of the transfer of some of his nation's citizens to Guantanamo. The Foreign Minister expressed concern over the reports of detainee’s abuse, but was assured that all detainees are treated humanely. The cable is otherwise redacted.

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DOS Cable re: President Bush Making a Decision on the Legal Status of the Guantanamo Detainees. The cable also mentions Sec. of Def. meeting with UK Def. minister Hoon, and a British TV show called "The American Embassy".

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This heavily redacted cable states requests to employ "additional interrogation tactics" to move Abu Zubaydah into "forthcoming posture" regarding future terrorist attacks. The cable says to refer to the redacted text below for the particulars concerning the request.

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Cable is a message from the President expressing the U.S. government's concern about the economic crisis Argentina is currently facing. The President also stated that the U.S. stands ready to assist/support Argentina. Also, a press guidance is included, among the talking points, is the treatment of detainees at Guantanamo.

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This memorandum is a heavily redacted message to Acting Assistant Attorney General Dan Levin, stating that the CIA is preparing preliminary biographies "in preparation for a future request for a legal opinion" on interrogations in CIA control.

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This document contains interview notes of a redacted official discussing their knowledge of the events surrounding Gul Rahman's death. The interview discusses different detention conditions at the COBALT site and the kinds of conditions Gul Rahman experienced during his detention prior to his death.

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State Department cable discussing a European Parliament Plenary Session of Feb. 4-7, 2002. "Reaffirming the European Parliament's solidarity with the U.S. in the fight against terrorism and recognizing that the detainees do not fall within the definition of Prisoners of War according to the Geneva Conventions." "The US Authorities are invited to guarantee humane treatement for all detainees... and to guarantee respect for international humanitarian law and human rights norms and principles... there is a call for the revision of the Geneva Convention to ensure that terrorists are covered in situations where there has not been a declaration of war."

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State Department cable to U.S. Missions and Embassies with talking points on the humanitarian situation in Iraq. The cable details the efforts the U.S. has made to ensure that civilians are not adversely impacted and that all persons are treated with dignity and respect. It also details the amount of money, food and medical supplies provided by the U.S. government in the effort to provide adequate humanitarian relief efforts.

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State Department cable with a letter from Sec. Powell's response to inquiry regarding the welfare of two men detaineed at Guantanamo Bay. The points Sec. Powell makes concerning the proposed trial of any accused held at Guantanamo are: there is a presumption of innocence of the accused; the accused are not required to testify, and no adverse inference may be drawn from a refusal to testify; the proceedings will be open to the public to the maximum extent possible; the accused my present witnesses and evidence, and cross-examine witnesses and challenge evidence presented against him; and the accused will be represented by counsel.

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This CIA cable to the Immediate ALEC Info Director discusses medical care in the event that Abu Zubaydah has a heart attack or another serious medical condition and plans for cremation if he dies. The cable also states that the detainee must remain in isolation and "incommunicado" for the rest of his life "especially in light of the planned psychological pressure techniques to be implemented."

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State Department cable with a Letter from the Secretary of State Powell to a UK Member of Parliament concerning the Detention of two (2) UK citizens at Guantanamo. Sec. Powell's response gives assurances that the detainees at Guantanamo are being treated in accordance with the Third Geneva Conventions of 1949, although the detainees are not Prisoners of War (POWs), but rather Enemy Combatants and will be detained until the end of hostilities. Regarding visitation of Guantanamo detainees: the Military authorities permit visits by foreign officials that are essential to law enforcement or for the purposes of intelligence gathering.

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State Department talking points on 1) Isreal/Palestinians: Roadmap Progress; 2) Iraq: World Bank loans for reconstruction; 3) Iraq: Appointment of governing council President, return of Iraqi refugees, Amnesty International report on internal situation in Iraq; 4) Has US sought to interview Al-Bayoumi, a Saudi who knew two of the 9/11 hijackers?; 5) "Western Sahara: UNSC Resolution on Baker Plan.

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This cable provides a report of day 6 of the cycle of interrogation carried out on detainee Abu Zubaydah on August 9, 2002. It includes details of interrogators using a combination of waterboarding, walling, cramped confinement, and hooding in order to extract information from Zubaydah.

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State Department cable providing an update on world events. The main point covered concerns an arms smuggling investigation in Bulgaria concerning prohibited weapons being shipped to Iraq and how this might impact Bulgaria's application to NATO. Also, Kazakhstan has arrested a journalist who has begun a hunger strike and the U.S. has continued to maintain its worldwide caution concerning extremist groups intent on attacking western personnel.

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This is a Cable from the US Mission Geneva about a letter and Questionnaire they received from five (5) special rapporteurs conducting an investigation on Guantanamo detainees. The questionnaire contains forty-five (45) questions under the following categories: Arrest & Detention; Conditions of Detention; Investigation & Interrogation; Trials; and Rendition & Repatriation.

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State Department Cable Subject: May 9 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo – No additional information or context.

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This State Department cable provides talking points for US mission & Embassy officials to inform foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. It states that the U.S. Government is “The United States is evaluating the possibility of prosecuting these detainees in a U.S. forum”. But that “We are also evaluating the possibility of returning certain individuals to their country of nationality for further legal action” “We would hope that you would be able to prosecute vigorously all of your nationals who have aided al-Qaida terrorists”. The cable also states that the US will provide “the opportunity to visit detainees for intelligence gathering or law enforcement Purposes”. The detainee’s government is also being asked “Do you have any information from your own sources that connects these persons with al-Qaida or the Taliban? And “What types of punishments are available under your law for offenses that have been or might be brought against these persons in your country?” Finally, assurances are given that the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) will be given an opportunity to visit Guantanamo, to ensure the treatment of the detainees is in compliance with international standards for the of treatment of detainees.

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This State Department cable provides talking points for US mission & Embassy officials discuss with foreign governments the detention of their citizens/nationals at Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. The cable addresses the requests of the foreign government(s) to visit and interview their citizens/nationals and cites specific issues pertinent to the visit. The cable states several conditions for visiting Guantanamo such as: “Your Government's access to these detainees is limited to intelligence and/or law enforcement purposes” and then sets dates when a visit can take place. The US “will video tape and sound record the interviews between representatives of your government and the detainee(s); Your government representatives may photograph, video tape, or make sound recordings during interviews only with prior approval of the US Department of Defense; The U.S. Department of Defense must be provided a copy of your government's final report on the visit; copies of all tapes, transcripts, records of conversations, and other information gathered by your representatives at Guantanamo must be provided to the US; and US Department of Defense security or law enforcement personnel will be present at all times during detainee interviews and the senior U.S. representative present may terminate an interview at any time” among other conditions to be met for a visit to take place.

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State Department talking points to present to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe concerning human rights and combatting terrorism in The Hague. The presentation focused on military commissions and Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters. The points to make are i) The Military Commissions will be impartial; ii) there is a presumption of innocence of the accused iii) a death penalty decision can only be imposed by a unanimous decision of the panel members; iv) the accused are not required to testify, and no adverse inference may be drawn from a refusal to testify; v) the proceedings will be open to the public to the maximum extent possible; vi) the accused my present witnesses and evidence, and cross-examine witnesses and challenge evidence presented against him; vii) the accused will be represented by counsel; and viii) the prosecutor will provide the accused of evidence intended to be presented at trial and exculpatory evidence.

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This August 2002 cable regarding Abu Zubaydah's interrogation is largely redacted with the exception of one paragraph that addresses restrictions on the use of the confinement box due to Abu Zubaydah's leg wound.

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State Department cable with talking points concerning non-Afghani detainees picked-up on the battlefield of Afghanistan. The cable describes how the US intends to treat the legal status and prosecution of the detainees and appears to give direction to DOS personnel on discussing with other governments how their citizens could be sent to their home country to face justice for their terrorist activities. It implies that if the home country can prosecute their own citizens that that would be acceptable to the US.

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A cable sent from Jose Rodriguez, the CIA's Deputy Director for Operations, to a CIA "black site" authorizing the destruction of 92 videotapes of interrogations that took place in 2002.

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This cable contains talking points to address the status of these citizens being held at Guantanamo. The cable goes on to state; 1) The U.S. government cannot address specific questions about specific detainees at this time; 2) all detainees are being treated humanely and in accordance with the Geneva Conventions; and 3) all detainees are being give appropriate food, adequate toiletry items and access to health and sanitary facilities. Detainees will be sent home at the end of the hostilities.

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This CIA cable states that a meeting took place with Abu Zubaydah interrogation team members, including psychologists James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen, to discuss specific interrogation techniques, legal guidance, and plans for the post-isolation phase. The cable states that the FBI would like guidance as to the participation of a special agent who is a member of the interrogation team and expected to join the team soon.

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State Department cable to deliver a letter from Sec. of State Powell to Hubert Vedribe concerning Guantanamo detainees. The letter states "Dear Hubert: My government fully shares the view expressed in your letter of January 15 regarding the conditions for holding persons at Guantanamo Bay. Please rest assured that they are beingtreated humanely, consistent with the principles of the Third Geneva Convention of 1949 and are not subject to physical or mental abuse. All detainees are provided three meals a day that meet Muslim dietary laws, if desired; medical care; clothing; shelter; showers; and an opportunity to worship. Sincerely, Colin L. Powell"

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State Department cable concerning UNCHR Robinson's comments that the Guantanamo detainees should be brought before a court or tribunal for adjudication. She said that there has been a curtailment of human rights since the September 11, 2001 attacks and that it is important "at time of difficulty that human rights and international humanitarian standards should be observed." The Irish Prime Minister and Irish press echoed this position.

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This State Department cable provides talking points concerning informing foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan, and policy guidance for foreign governments to visit and access the detainees at Guantanamo that are their citizens. The cable instructs the Missions/Embassies to inform foreign governments that: the foreign government's access to these detainees is limited to intelligence and/or law enforcement purposes; The United States will video tape and sound record the interviews between representatives of your government and the detainee(s); The senior U.S. representative present may terminate an interview at any time; The U.S. Department of Defense must be provided a copy of your government's final report on the visit; and Your Government will be required to reimburse the Department of Defense for all costs associated with the visit incurred by the US Government, including the costs of transportation, lodging, and meals.

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State Department cable to Geneva Mission to deliver a letter to Theo van Boven, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, assuring him that "the [Guantanamo] detainees are not being subjected to mental or physical abuse," detailing nature of detainees confinement, and explaining why detainees not entitled to counsel.

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This 2002 cable requests that IC Psychologist James Mitchell remain at the undisclosed location in order to provide continued assistance in the Abu Zubaydah interrogation. The cable states that Mitchell's role is "key" and they need him there to be able to employ the "full range" interrogation techniques, including waterboarding.

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This State Department cable provides talking points for a presentation to the Netherlands-Helsinki Committee meeting in the Hague in September 2003. The statement is about the military commissions and the Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters who will be tried in Guantanamo. The points being made are i) The Military Commissions will be impartial; ii) there is a presumption of innocence of the accused iii) a death penalty decision can only be imposed by a unanimous decision of the panel members; iv) the accused are not required to testify, and no adverse inference may be drawn from a refusal to testify; v) the proceedings will be open to the public to the maximum extent possible; vi) the accused my present witnesses and evidence at trial and will be afforded the opportunity to cross-examine witnesses and challenge evidence presented against him at trial; vii) the accused will be represented by counsel; and viii) the prosecutor will provide the accused of evidence intended to be presented at trial and exculpatory evidence.

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This DOS Cable to the US Mission, Geneva, Switzerland outlining the US position concerning the care, treatment & transfer of detainees captured and detained in the War on Terror and are in US custody.

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State Department cable summarizing the deliberations by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) which led to the passing of a resolution calling for improved treatment of prisoners in Afghanistan and Guantanamo. The meeting was described as "sparse" and the resolution used lighter and less biting language than previous resolutions and debates. In the end the resolution described the U.S. maintenance of Guantanamo as "Out-of-Character" with U.S. values and legal system and a departure from international law.

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DOS Cable from the US Embassy Paris, France to DOS Washington re: Media Reactions June 10-12, 2006. This DOS Cable contains the following subjects covered in the French Press: 1) Guantanamo Suicides; 2) Middle East - Israeli Strikes - Hamas; 3) Death of Zarkawi; and 4) The US and the UN.

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This cable discusses the results of CIA Directorate of Operations investigation into the November 2002 death of Gul Rahman, including hourly updates on his condition the day of his death.

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This DOS cable is to provide guidance in addressing questions concerning the treatment of detainees under U.S. control. The cable states that the U.S. Anticipates Receiving Questions About Torture During the Current Session of the Commission on Human Rights in Geneva. "The U.S. does nto permit, tolerate, or condone torture… Torture is a violation of U.S. law. Allegations of torture are thoroughly investigated... Detainees in U.S. control get excellent medical care... All detainees are treated consistent with applicable U.S. law and International law against torture...In any cases where the U.S. transfers detainees to other countries for detention, we seek and receive assurances that detainees will not be tortured... the U.S. armed forces have treated, and will continue to treat, all individuals detained at Guantanamo humanely and, to the extent appropriate and consistent with military necessity, in a manner consistent with the principles of the Third Geneva Convention of 1949... even though the Guantanamo detainees are not entitled to POW rights and privileges, they are provided... many privileges similar to POWs." "The Guantanamo detainees are not subjected to physical or mental abuse or cruel treatement."

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DOS Cable re: International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) Delivers a Verbal Request to Visit Guantanamo Detainees. The cable is completly redacted.

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State Department cable to Washington recounting discussions with the Swiss government over concerns of not classifying Al-Qaeda and Taliban detainees in Guantanamo according to Geneva Conventions. It is clearly stated that the Swiss government takes the application of the Geneva Conventions very seriously and will continue to make this point with senior government officials.

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This July 2002 cable is a request for guidance from headquarters on the use of enhanced interrogation techniques. The cable expresses hesitation about using these techniques on subjects being held in solitary confinement without legal representation and the author is skeptical as to whether he/she can assure that these techniques be administered in a harmless way with no measurable impact on the psyche of the subject. The cable also includes feedback from the IC SERE psychologists.

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This redacted memo, sent from HQS/ALEC to the CIA, explains that the interrogation process with Abu Zubaydah is "at somewhat of a standstill" and presents options for proceeding in such a way that increases pressure on Zubaydah to provide information relevant to threats. Options presented include: confinement in a box, the use of "proper medical care and humane treatment" as positive incentives, and exploitation of his love for his family.

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This DOS Cable is from the US Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan to the DOS Washington with a summary of media reactions in Islamabad US policies & other matters.

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This cable describes a redacted detainee's behavior on the twelfth day of a three week isolation phase.

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This cable describes a redacted detainee's behavior on the twelfth day of a three week isolation phase.

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This DOS Cable from the US Embassy Damascus, Syria concerns the media reaction in Damascus to US policy and other matters, June 2006.

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These are Five (5) State Department cables to Kabul and Geneva with "Subject: Response to International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC)". There is no other discernible information or context.

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This Cable from DOS Washington to the US Mission in Geneva, Switzerland contains a letter from US Sec. of State Colin Powell to the human rights group Amnesty International regarding detainees held by the US government at Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility and the Bagram Airbase, Afghanistan.

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DOS Cable from Colin L. Powell to U.S. Ambassador to Australia, John Thomas Schieffer. The Cable discusses the POW status or non-status of the Taliban and Al-Qaida detainees, and explains the specific privileges the detainees will be afforded.

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State Department cable announcing authorization to enter in to talks with other governments to take or receive their own citizens that are Guantanamo detainees for detention and potential prosecution in their home country. The cable is otherwise heavily redacted.

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Cover letter from Cob Blaha to Joann Dolan re attached dipnote from Spanish Embassy.

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Message concerning seriously mentally ill Guantanamo detainee stating; US authorities are of the view that he must be repatriated for long term care; in a meeting last week DOD Office of General Counsel advised of the urgency of finding a place for the detainee; [redacted] however is reluctant to arrange such placement.

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State Department cable providing a letter to be delivered to attorneys representing family members of certain persons being held at Guantanamo as Enemy Combatants. The letter states that the U.S. is not providing specific information on individual detainees, but that all detainees are being held in accordance with the laws and customs of war and under humane conditions consistent with the Geneva Conventions, although they are not considered Prisoners of War (POWs). The men are being fed culturally appropriate meals; they have the right to worship; and are visited regularly by the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC).

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This cable discusses the proposed strategy for the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah and the involvement on contract psychologist Dr. James Mitchell.

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This State Department cable provides talking points concerning informing foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan, and policy guidance for foreign governments to visit and access the detainees at Guantanamo that are their citizens.

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This cable address questions and concerns over the visiting, the status and treatment of Guantanamo detainees. The memo states that the detainees are illegal combatants, and not Prisoners of War (POWs). It states Al Qaeda is a foreign terrorist group and cannot be considered a state party to the Geneva Conventions. Its members therefore are not covered by the provisions of the Conventions and are not entitled to POW status, but that the detainees are being treated humanely and the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) has access to the detainees. Family members cannot visit detainees.

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State Department cable concerning the reaction by Turkish officials and the Turkish press and NGOs to the allegations of abuse at Abu Ghraib Prison. The Turkish officials were not publically critical, but the press was running articles and opinion columns expressing "disgust" and the "immediate and unconditional withdrawal from Iraq of occupation forces." the other Arab press described the reports as further splitting the Arab countries with the West and aggravating an "open wound" with the issue of the occupation of Iraq.

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State Department cable concerning the Dutch government's view that Guantanamo detainees should be treated according to Geneva conventions and international law. Some comment re: public/academics seeking more information re: policy, but not to reflexively condemn it. Cable is heavily redacted.

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This cable describes the request and process for releasing Iraqi detainees to the Iraqi officials and police to handle the detainees going forward. The standard is whether the Iraqis pose a threat to US and Coalition forces. This document is heavily redacted.

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The U.S. Mission in Australia received a letter from an attorney purporting to represent a detainee at Guantanamo. The letter states that that "We are greatly concerned that has not been given due process, natural justice and fairness. We believe that the United States is a country that respects the rule of Law and would continue to do so." and "We would like to work with you to ensure that the interests of justice are served."

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: February 11 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo". There is no other discernible information or context.

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This cable describes a redacted detainee's behavior in the sixth day of a three week isolation phase.

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This State department cable concerns a meeting between Amb. Pierre-Richard Prosper and Jakob Kellenberger, President of the International Committee for the Red Cross. The discussion focused on detention issues regarding Guantanamo, Iraq, and Afghanistan as well as legal issues connected to the global war on terrorism. Ambassador Moley and Ambassador Prosper were accompanied by Deputy Legal Advisor Steve Solomon and Ref Off Joe Cassidy. Kellenberger was accompanied by ICRC Director of Operations for Europe and the Americas Francois Stamm. The document is heavily redacted and contains no discernible or meaningful information on the meeting.

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This DOS Cable is from the US Embassy in Damascus, Syria to the DOS Washington with a summary of media reactions in Damascus to US policies & other matters.

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This DOS Cable contains thirty-nine (39) news articles from Pakistani news papers that concern the DOS and cover issues pertaining to US interests for June 10-12, 2006. Summary of media reactions under the following headings: Aid cut to Pakistan, Killing of Al-Qaeda leader Abu Musab Al Zarqawi in Iraq, and Allegations of US involvement in raid on training camp in Waziristan.

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State Department cable describing discussion in the UK Parliament concerning the treatment and continued detention of UK citizens held at Guantanamo. PM Tony Blair was questioned by opposition members about the UK's access to British citizens and how they are being treated in detention as well as their legal status and rights. Large portions of the cable are redacted.

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DOS Cable re: Secretary of State Powell's January 25, 2003 Meeting with International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) President Kellenberger. Heavily redacted: Simply states that Powell met with Kellenberger in Davos on June 25 (which seems to be a typo - all else in the document says January 25)

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This CIA cable describes Abu Zubaydah's condition in detention as of July 19, 2002. The cable states that the next stage of Zubaydah's detention will include confinement, dressing changes, walling and a head immobilizer, as requested by IC SERE Psychologists.

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State Department notification to foreign governments of pending transfer of detainees to Guantanamo of their citizens. The cable gives the talking points that the transfer is to ensure safety and security of coalition forces and the detainees. That the detainees will be treated humanely, and that the government will be contacted as soon as possible that their citizens can receive consular visits

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This cable discusses the preparation for Abu Zubaydah's upcoming interrogation phase and details his condition on day 30 of the isolation phase.

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This State Department cable provides talking points concerning informing foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan, and policy guidance for foreign governments to visit and access the detainees at Guantanamo that are their citizens. The cable instructs the Missions/Embassies to inform foreign governments that: the foreign government's access to these detainees is limited to intelligence and/or law enforcement purposes; The United States will video tape and sound record the interviews between representatives of your government and the detainee(s); The senior U.S. representative present may terminate an interview at any time; The U.S. Department of Defense must be provided a copy of your government's final report on the visit; and your Government will be required to reimburse the Department of Defense for all costs associated with the visit incurred by the US Government, including the costs of transportation, lodging, and meals.

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This May 2002 cable contains a summary of the interrogation status of Abu Zubaydah. The summary states that because this is not a law enforcement interrogation, the interrogation team is not limited to the use of traditional law enforcement methods and Abu Zubaydah is not entitled to legal protections of the Geneva Conventions. It also outlines the make up of the interrogation team, the types of methods it will employ, and the next steps the team plans to take.

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DOS Cable from the US Embassy New Delhi, India to DOS Washington, re: Media Reactions June 17-19, 2006. The Cable includes sixteen (16) news articles from Indian New outlets and features the headline Global War on Terror, with several news articles that focus on the US actions in the War on Terror. The news articles cover the suicides of detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The news articles cover the suicides of detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and Iran, Sri Lanka, Hamas, Global War on Terror, Nepal, Indo-US Relations, Indo-US Nuclear Deal, United Nations, and a political party by Muslim clerics: New Delhi.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: June 10 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo". There is no other discernible information or context.

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This April 2002 cable provides an updated interrogation plan for Abu Zubaydah, which includes descriptions of the physical environment, security measures, and interrogation process, including the use of interrogation techniques.

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This State Department cable is to US Missions/Embassies informing them that they should inform the governments where they are located about the transfer of that government's citizens/nationals to Guantanamo, and to share the information concerning those persons with the citizen's government. The local US Mission/Embassy officials are to tell the host government that “a number of individuals detained in relation to military operations in Afghanistan include “X” number of national(s) of your country” and that The US does not intend to make names of the individuals being detained at Guantanamo Bay public at this time, since these individuals pose a threat to the United States and international peace and security. For operational and for security reasons, we have transported them to the U.S. Naval Station at Guantanamo. Also assurances should be given to the host government that “All detainees will be treated humanely”, as well as a fair assessment of their legal status; potential for facing trial for terrorist activities; and allowing foreign governments to have access to the detainees.

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State Department cable to the U.S. Mission in Venna to deliver remarks of Sec. Powell to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe May 13, 2003. The points to make are i) The Military Commissions will be impartial; ii) there is a presumption of innocence of the accused iii) a death penalty decision can only be imposed by a unanimous decision of the panel members; iv) the accused are not required to testify, and no adverse inference may be drawn from a refusal to testify; v) the proceedings will be open to the public to the maximum extent possible; vi) the accused my present witnesses and evidence, and cross-examine witnesses and challenge evidence presented against him; vii) the accused will be represented by counsel; and viii) the prosecutor will provide the accused of evidence intended to be presented at trial and exculpatory evidence.

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This State Department cable is a set of talking points to address the issue of a cameraman who is allegedly detained at Guantanamo. The cable refers to two (2) letters; 1) September 16, 2002; and 2) June 4, 2002 from a redacted source asking the U.S. Government for information concerning this gentleman. The cable states "Post may use the talking points in paragraph 3 with the GOQ who is exerting pressure for additional information on subject detainee. Post should not respond in writing nor confirm that the individual is at Guantanamo." Paragraph 3 talking points state: "personal information on detainees may only be shared with host governments"; "individuals transferred to Guantanamo are deemed o pose a continuing threat to the United States and international peace and security and are being detained on the same basis and under the same status as other detainees held in connection with our military operations"; and "All detainees are being treated humanely. Representatives from the international Committee of the Red Cross are present at Guantanamo Bay.” Among other points to be made.

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State Department cable to Secretary of State Powell giving advice on upcoming visits of senior U.S. Defense policy and Pol-Mil visitors to Australia in a two-week period in Mid-August 2003 "to convey the importance of our alliance to our Australian colleagues and to prepare systematically for a tightly focused, highly productive October meeting in Port Douglas." The cable points out that the press may infer something is wrong with so many meetings and with the people scheduled, but it is stressed that these are normal meetings that are scheduled by happenstance and partly because of the high operational tempo of the schedule.

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DOS Cable from the US Embassy New Deli, India to DOS Washington re: Media Reactions June 10-12, 2006. The Cable includes a summary of media reactions under the following headings: Guantánamo Bay- "US is under pressure to defend 3 jail suicides", "Iraq-Zarqawi's Death: The Hindustan Times reported that the death of the most prominent insurgent in Iraq will definitely have a demoralizing effects on the worldwide Islamic terrorism movement", Iran, Tips Report, India-Pakistan relations, Indo-US nuclear deal, Nepal, US-Pakistan relations, Afghanistan, China, India, Pakistan, China and the US, North Korea, New Delhi.

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State Department cable re: Applying the Geneva Conventions to the Taliban detainees, but not granting Taliban POW status. Because Afghanistan is a signatory to the Geneva Conventions, the Geneva Conventions apply, but because the fighters are not wearing uniforms with insignia, etc., Prisoner of War (POW) status does not apply to them. There is an analysis of this position and conclusions based on facts on the ground.

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State Department cable distributes transcript from the April 30, 2002 press conference where a variety of subjects were addressed. Among the issued raised were: i) UK decision to treat detainees as POWs and transfer them to Afghan interim authority; ii) New U.S. Embassy in Berlin; and iii) the U.S. "Train & Equip" program planned for Georgia.

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State Department Cable re: October 18 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo – no other content or context.

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This State Department cable provides talking points concerning informing foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan, and policy guidance for foreign governments to visit and access the detainees at Guantanamo that are their citizens. The cable instructs the Missions/Embassies to inform foreign governments that: the foreign government's access to these detainees is limited to intelligence and/or law enforcement purposes; The United States will video tape and sound record the interviews between representatives of your government and the detainee(s); The senior U.S. representative present may terminate an interview at any time; The U.S. Department of Defense must be provided a copy of your government's final report on the visit; and your Government will be required to reimburse the Department of Defense for all costs associated with the visit incurred by the US Government, including the costs of transportation, lodging, and meals.

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State department cable stating that the Speaker of the House of Commons found that Defense Minister Art Eggleton misled Parliament about when he learned that Canadian Special Forces captured Al-Qaida terrorists and turned them over to the U.S.. The cable further states that further investigation in tot he matter will continue.

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This CIA cable requests SERE psychologists' comments on the proposed enhanced interrogation techniques waterboarding and mock burial for the next interrogation of Abu Zubaydah. The cable specifically asks for the psychologists' comments on the "long term mental health issues" resulting from using these techniques to eventually obtain Attorney General and White House approval.

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This State Department cable is discussing the transferring out of Guantanamo certain detainees. The cable states that there is an opportunity to "air bridge" them out in September 2003. There is also a mention of an un-named detainee who refuses to cooperate with any questioning as to his nationality or with representatives of the country he is believed to be from. As a result, there is "limited information on him".

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Email from Samuel Witten forwarding an email with attachments concerning President Issues/Military Orders.

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DOS Cable, the subject reads: Ambassador Prosper discusses detainee issues with ICRC president Kellenberger. [There is no other discernible information].

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State Department cable concerning a meeting with the French Foreign Minister Hubert Colin de Verdiere. Mr. de Verdiere expressed concerns over a United Nations Security Council resolution on Iraq; the treatment of several French citizens in the U.S. criminal justice system and bi-lateral relations between the U.S. and France. The cable is heavily redacted.

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State Department cable - Subject: Conditions for Access to Detainees at Guantanamo Bay. No additional information or comments.

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Cable issued to ensure that all civilian internees and enemy prisoners of War (POWs) are properly processed and treated humanely. The cable states that some capturing units may not be able to detain those captured and that some detainees/internees maybe erroneously released and commanders are directed to train and supervise detainee field operations to ensure detainees re properly processed and treated humanely.

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DOS Cable re: Update on Various Issues for the Secretary: Guantanamo; NATO; and Foreign Affairs

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State Department cable regarding the release of a biography of a former Danish Guantanamo detainee, Slimane Hadj Abderrahmane. Mr. Abderrahmane has not made any public statements alleging mistreatment, but the Danish press is highlighting the allegations of mistreatment while Mr. Abderrahmane was at Guantanamo. The media has also reported that the biography contains an allegation of Mr. Abderrahmane being "Beaten and Humiliated" by American troops in a prison at Kandahar Airport before being transferred to Guantanamo. The allegations of abuse have not been made to the Danish government, and are only in the book.

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DOS Cable re: Families of Guantanamo Detainees Increase Pressure on Government of France. This cable expresses the French government's preference to have French citizens returned to France to face the French judicial system and to pursue that policy with U.S. officials. The U.S. Embassy received a diplomatic note from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs dated February 19 that passed on the request of four attorneys for the families of the French detainees at Guantanamo to be allowed to visit the base.

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State Department Cable concerning Secretary of State Powell meeting with Minister of Canadian Foreign Affairs William Graham to discuss trade issues and the treatment of Al-Qaeda and Taliban prisoners held in detention at Guantanamo. The meeting underscored the long standing and close relationship the U.S. and Canada have had and enjoyed over the years.

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State Department cable stating that describing how information on U.S. military commissions will be applied to the detainees at Guantanamo was being sent to Swiss Foreign Minister Poldir Sven-Olof. Heavily redacted.

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This cable describes the current state of the interrogations for Abu Zubaydah and recommends the use of sleep deprivation to "degrade his ability to keep up his full mental capacities."

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This cable describes a redacted detainee's behavior in the fifth day of a three week isolation phase.

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This cable describes a redacted detainee's behavior on the eleventh day of a three week isolation phase.

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State Department cable with talking points to address concerns of foreign governments about their citizens being held at Guantanamo. The cable states; 1) These individuals pose a threat to the United States and international peace and security and are being detained on the same basis and under the same status as other detainees held in connection with our military operations.; 2) all detainees are being treated humanely and in accordance with the Geneva Conventions; 3) Representatives from the International Committee of the Red Cross will be given the opportunity to visit with the detainees; 4) Countries of nationality may request through the State Department the opportunity to visit their detainees at Guantanamo Bay for intelligence gathering or law enforcement purposes; and 5) all detainees are being give appropriate food, adequate toiletry items and access to health and sanitary facilities. Detainees will be sent home at the end of the hostilities. The cable is heavily redacted.

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This State department cable is providing an up and status on the transfer of detainees from Afghanistan to Guantanamo. The detainees scheduled for transfer were complicated by protesters and Human Rights Chamber which purportedly issued an injunction halting the transfer. However, those attempts were unsuccessful in stopping the detainees from being processed out and on to Guantanamo. It also notes that several detainees have had their, presumably, Afghan citizenship stripped and the efforts of those detainees to appeal that action. The state Council of Ministers was notified and confirmed the transfer decision, with one official stating that the decision was made and the government was "sticking to it", rejecting the "paper" issued by the Human Rights Chamber as "illegitimate and a violation of the government’s procedures and mandate.

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Cable discusses the U.S. government's support of peace efforts in Colombia, a helicopter accident in Colombia and the treatment of detainees in Guantanamo.

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State Department cable regarding an inquiry by UK Member of parliament Davies concerning a British citizen being held at Guantanamo Bay. The response is that all the detainees are being held in humane conditions; the ICRC has access and visits witht he detainees; and that the U.S. is still gathering information from the detainees in the effort to defeat the activities of international terrorists.

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Cable from FBI requesting Savannah ITC to check for the real names and aliases of a list of detainees who are in consideration for repatriation as per a Department of Defense request.

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State Department Action Cable with talking points about detentions at Guantanamo Bay of Al-Queada terrorists.

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This DOS Cable is from the US Embassy in Damascus, Syria to the DOS Washington with a summary of media reactions in Damascus to US policies & other matters.

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This CIA cable outlines the recommended interrogation plan for Gul Rahman and states that it should include "environmental deprivation" and "concentrated interrogation exposure." Specifically, sleep loss and fatigue are suggested as most effective in wearing down Rahman's resistance to revealing information.

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DOD cable is part of an email attachment with talking points to address questions concerning Detainee operations. Dupe to RDI 2440.

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State Department cable concerning: Australian Foreign Minister's comments suggesting ways in which the U.S. and its allies can cooperate on the war on terror; The U.S. Ambassador's meeting in Brisbane; and due process for the Guantanamo detainees. The cable is heavily redacted.

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State Department cable concerning Ambassador Prosper's March 10-11 Visit to Copenhagen for dialogue with Danish government. Includes summary of discussions of Guantanamo detainees, dialogue with NGOs, including questions of torture. Document has significant redactions.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: May 1 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo". There is no other discernible information or context.

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This May 2002 cable asks that James Mitchell's contract, which is set to expire in May 2002 be extended because his participation has been "invaluable" to the interrogation team, particularly with regards to Abu Zubaydah's interrogation.

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DOS Cable states that the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) moved towards but ultimately moderated its position on the U.S. position on applying the Geneva Conventions to the Guantanamo detainees. The ICRC statement stated that they "Welcomed the reaffirmation by the U.S. that the Geneva Conventions applies to the armed conflict in Afghanistan" but held off on presuming the prisoner of War (POW) status of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda combatants. The cable is otherwise heavily redacted.

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This June 16, 2002 cable asks that 1) psychological supervision of Abu Zubaydah be provided while the IC SERE psychologist is away and 2) that the group come to agreement on implementing the period of isolation of Abu Zubaydah, using verifiable evidence. Large portions of this cable are redacted.

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This State Department cable is directed to the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw, Poland for a Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) meeting on September 9-20, 2002. The talking points are as follows: The U.S. remains committed to respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms as we conduct the war against terrorism; We believe that the OSCE should renew its support for the Bucharest Ministerial Plan of Action, which affirms our commitments to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms in the fight against terrorism; In the past year there has been an increase in anti-Semitic incidents throughout the OSCE region; and Enemy combatants are being held in accordance with the law of armed conflict, which permits the United States to hold them for the duration of hostilities.

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State Department cable noting that the Bahrain government and public concern over the conditions and treatment of Bahraini citizens being detained in Guantanamo has become a matter of public discussion. The Bahraini government is making a public showing that it is active in assuring and protecting the rights of its citizens.

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This CIA cable states that a scenario occurred when IC SERE Psychologists entered Abu Zubaydah's cell to begin an isolation phase. The cable is heavily redacted.

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This State Department cable provides Washington with a round-up of a press briefing held in China where Chinese government officials were questioned about world affairs. Al-Qaeda's role with Chinese separatists; Pakistan; and the Middle East peace efforts are all addressed.

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This cable provides a report of day 8 of the cycle of interrogation carried out on detainee Abu Zubaydah on August 11, 2002. It includes details of interrogators using a combination of waterboarding, walling, cramped confinement, and hooding in order to extract information from Zubaydah.

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This CIA cable provides information about the size and use of the confinement box for proposed use in an interrogation of Abu Zubaydah.

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This cable includes the bios of the detainees and lists the EITs they were subjected to while they were in CIA custody. It is redacted almost in full with the exception of information on the following three detainees: Suleiman Abdullah, Gul Rahman, Abdul Karim aka Muhammad Ahmad al-Sharu' iya.

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This State Department cable relates a letter received from Theo van Boven, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, concerning the status of detention procedures and the military justice to be applied to certain detainees. Mr. Boven also expresses concern over the release of detainees back to their home countries, if they would face torture or persecution once returned.

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State Department Cable re: November 2003 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo – no other content or context.

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State Department cable stating that Gerard Stoudmann, Ambassador and Director of the OSCE office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) was critical of the U.S. for not implementing international law by detaining terror suspects at Guantanamo without applying the Geneva Conventions and using Military Tribunals. Heavily redacted.

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DOS Cable-Action request for Kabul Embassy from Colin L. Powell requesting that the government provide access to the ICRC to visit all detainees under usual ICRC conditions.

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Cable discusses many issues, including an issue of selling arms to countries with histories of supporting terrorism or regional conflict.

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This State Department cable provides talking points concerning informing foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. The cable instructs the Missions/Embassies to assure host governments that “All detainees have been and will continue to be treated humanely and consistent with the principles of the Third Geneva Convention. Representatives from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) are present at Guantanamo and will be given the opportunity to visit with each detainee privately” “We are also evaluating the possibility of returning certain individuals to their country of nationality for further detention and legal action” The detainee’s government is also being asked “Do you have any information from your own sources that connects these persons with al-Qaida or the Taliban? And, “What types of punishments are available under your law for offenses that have been or might be brought against these persons in your country?” Finally, the host government is to be asked “If custody were available to your government in the future, would you be willing to detain your nationals at least until the end of hostilities under the laws of war or other legal basis?”

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These April 2002 cables sets forth the plans, preparation, and proposed strategy for the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah.

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This CIA cable states that Rizzo, Bellinger, Gonzales, and Yoo have been briefed on the interrogation plan for Abu Zubaydah and all approve. The cable also mentions the IC SERE Psychologists managing the psychological aspects of Abu Zubaydah's interrogation.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: Release of Detainees from U.S. Control". There is no other discernible information or context.

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State Department cable to Washington stating: "Mission has received a letter from the Special Rapporteur on Torture of the Commission on Human Rights requesting, for a second time, information on 'allegations of torture or ill-treatment' of persons detained at the Guantanamo Nava base." The cable then includes the letter from Theo van Boven, the Special Rapporeur of the Commission on Human Rights on Torture, requesting information on the "system of military justice applied to the detainees, including controls, regulations and procedures, as well as information on how the authorities had to deal with allegations of torture or ill-treatment." Finally, the Mission recommends that the Department provide guidance as soon as possible for a response to Mr. van Boven's requests.

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State Department cable concerning the possible transfer of Guantanamo Detainees from Guantanamo and Bagram back to their home countries. Mostly redacted.

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This cable describes the efforts by Jordanian and Iraqi intelligence to find five (5) terrorists who were involved in the killing of a US Diplomat in Amman Jordan and the attempted assassination of a GID Colonel. This cable focuses on the capture, detention and interrogation of one of the terrorists, Abu Yasim Sayyam. Mr. Sayyam was taken in to custody by Iraqi security forces and received harsh interrogation treatment that included tactics such as slapping, punching and hitting the bottoms of his feet, all conducted by Iraqi officers and not by any US forces or directed by US forces.

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Cable from FBI requesting Savannah ITC to check for the real names and aliases of a list of detainees who are in consideration for repatriation as per a Department of Defense request.

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This cable describes a redacted detainee's behavior in the seventh day of a three week isolation phase.

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State Department cable concerning the procedures for U.S. Military commissions that may be established to try suspected Taliban and Al-Qaeda terrrorists. This State Department cable provides talking points for US mission & Embassy officials to inform foreign governments about the military commissions to try Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters. The points to make are i) The Military Commissions will be impartial; ii) they are consistent with the procedural safeguards found in the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Art. 75 of Protocol 1 of 1977 to the Geneva Conventions; iii) a decision can only be imposed by a unanimous decision of the panel members; iv) the accused are not required to testify, and no adverse inference may be drawn from a refusal to testify; and v) the proceedings will be open to the public to the maximum extent possible.

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State Department talking points on addressing questions about the legal status and treatment of detainees is addressed. The cable states that foreign governments should be told: The legal status of the detainees is currently being reviewed; all detainees are being treated humanely; the detainees are being given culturally appropriate meals every day; and the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) has access to them.

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This cable is from Stated Department Headquarters to the U.S. Mission in Geneva to give guidance to U.S. Amb. Jeffrey DeLaurentis in responding to U.N. Special Rapporteur Asma Jahanglr concerning a letter Mr. Jahanglr wrote to the U.S. about the U.S. role in Iraq potentially being in violation of international treaties the U.S. is party to concerning prosecution of war; The Rules of Engagement in effect in Iraq; and compliance with the law of war. Also, it directs Amb. DeLaurentis to emphasize the point that U.S. operations in Iraq do not fall under the Special Rapporteur's mandate.

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State Department cable providing information to Washington about Assistant Secretary William Burns visiting Kuwait on January 11-12 for Consultations with the Kuwaiti Government Focused on Operation Enduring Freedom, Middle East Peace, the U.S. commitment to ensuring peace in the region and the war in Iraq. The cable is heavily redacted.

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Fragmentary Order (FRAGO) dated June 2004. Substance redacted. Lists changes to "Situation," "Execution," "Coordinating Instructions," and "Command and Signal."

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This DOS Cable from the DOS Washington to the US Mission Geneva, Switzerland contains a communication to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). This is the US's reply to ICRC's notes verbale of Jan 6, 2004 and Mar 25, 2004 and its report of Jul 26, 2004 styled as a U.S. note verbal to be delivered to the ICRC by Ambassador Moley.

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This State Department cable provides talking points for US mission & Embassy officials to inform foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. It states that the U.S. Government is “The United States is evaluating the possibility of prosecuting these detainees in a U.S. forum”. But that “We are also evaluating the possibility of returning certain individuals to their country of nationality for further legal action” “We would hope that you would be able to prosecute vigorously all of your nationals who have aided al-Qaida terrorists”. The cable also states that the US will provide “the opportunity to visit detainees for intelligence gathering or law enforcement Purposes”. The detainee’s government is also being asked “Do you have any information from your own sources that connects these persons with al-Qaida or the Taliban? And “What types of punishments are available under your law for offenses that have been or might be brought against these persons in your country?” Finally, assurances are given that the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) will be given an opportunity to visit Guantanamo, to insure the treatment of the detainees is in compliance with international standards for the of treatment of detainees.

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State Department cable distributes transcript from the February 27, 2002 press conference where a variety of subjects were addressed. Among the issued raised were: i) Cubans forced removal from Mexican Embassy; ii) Human rights in Cuba; and iii) coca & poppy cultivation in Columbia.

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State Department Cable Subject: May 9 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo – No additional information or context.

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This State Department cable provides talking points for US mission & Embassy officials to inform foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. It states that the U.S. Government is “The United States is evaluating the possibility of prosecuting these detainees in a U.S. forum”. But that “We are also evaluating the possibility of returning certain individuals to their country of nationality for further legal action” “We would hope that you would be able to prosecute vigorously all of your nationals who have aided al-Qaida terrorists”. The cable also states that the US will provide “the opportunity to visit detainees for intelligence gathering or law enforcement Purposes”. The detainee’s government is also being asked “Do you have any information from your own sources that connects these persons with al-Qaida or the Taliban? And “What types of punishments are available under your law for offenses that have been or might be brought against these persons in your country?” Finally, assurances are given that the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) will be given an opportunity to visit Guantanamo, to ensure the treatment of the detainees is in compliance with international standards for the of treatment of detainees.

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State Department cable concerning several press reports focusing on the situation in Iraq and Saudi Araiba. International media attention focused on human rights issues, specifically Abu Graib and the killing of civilians in U.S. air strikes and the treatment of detainees.

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State Department cable concerning a meeting with the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) regarding the Global War on Terror. The cable states there was an informal meeting with ICRC officials to discuss military commissions and the treatment of detainees in Guantanamo. The first page of the cable is missing and the balance is heavily redacted.

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This CIA cable contains psychologists James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen's assessment of Abu Zubaydah's current mental state, resistance posture, and recommendations for continued interrogation.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: May 3 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo". There is no other discernible information or context due to redaction.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: May 3 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo". There is no other discernible information or context.

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DOS Cable re: Update on Various Issues for the Secretary: Guantanamo; U.S.-Canadian Relations; and Foreign Affairs.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: Reports of Detainee Abuse in Afghanistan to Hit U.S. Press." No further information; no other content.

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State Department cable concerning the 2002 International Bar association meeting where the topic of discussion "range from International terrorism, Intellectual property, human rights and civil liberties". It is also mentioned that South African President Zuma spoke. The South African Judge Richard Goldstone stated that the "Geneva Convention have clearly been violated by the U.S." as it pertains to the Guantanamo detainees.

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This cable provides formal authorization to proceed with portions of the next phase of Abu Zubaydah's interrogation, which include "more aggressive techniques" in order to obtain information, that the interrogation team concludes he is withholding, about al Qaida operatives in the US and planned al Qaida attacks against US citizens and interests. The approved techniques include employing the confinement box, attention grasp, walling, facial hold, facial slap, cramped confinement, wall standing, stress positions, sleep deprivation, use of diapers, and use of harmless insects. Formal approval for the remainder of techniques will follow once approved by the DOJ. Headquarters defers to [redacted] as to whether they should proceed with the partial implementation of the next phase or wait until all techniques have been approved by the DOJ.

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State Department cable detailing a Jan. 18 meeting between Amb. Propser and others with coordination Amg. Khaled Maghamis, Deputy Attorney General Sultan Bou Jarwa and Kuwait University Law Professor Dr. Mohammed Buzubar, all three who are members of the GOK's committee dealing with Iraqi war crimes - the document is mostly redacted.

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State Department Cable Subject: March 21 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo – No additional information or context.

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Checklist of Key Issues for Meeting with Swedish State Secretary Lars Danielsson. Topics were Turkey/EU, North Korea, Iraq/WMD, Partnership for Peace/NATO enlargement, Guantanamo Swede, and Global War on Terror. Contents redacted.

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State Department cable to Washington describing a letter left off at the U.S. Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey by a human rights group written to President Bush with accusations of human rights violations and actions in contradiction to the Geneva Convention with respect to Individuals in Guantanamo Bay and Iraq.

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This State Department cable is a synopsis of a meeting held at Sec. of State Powell's offices on January 15, 2004. The meeting was attended by: Sec. of State Powell; A/S Arthur E. Dewey; Craig Kelly; JoAnn Dolan and Carrie Santos on the U.S. side, and ICRC President Kellenberger; Beatrice Megevand-Roggo; Christopher Girod; and Frank Sieverts for the International Committee for the Red Cross's side. The meeting covered the ICRC's efforts on biotechnology; DOS legal Advisor Taft's Op-Ed in the Financial Times (of London); and the continued efforts to deal with and resolve the matter of the Guantanamo detainees. The document is heavily redacted and does not provide much context to the meeting.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: May 1 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo". There is no other discernible information or context.

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State Department cable updating diplomatic posts and providing talking points on a variety of subjects that may be inquired about, such as: i) Fugitive Christian Longo being captured in Mexico; ii) U.S. Venezuela relations; iii) War on Terror; iv) Canadian exports to the U.S. containing hemp; and v) NAFTA and arbitration procedures.

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Coalition Provisional Authority Cable to Secretary of Defense discussing Amb. Jones Meeting with International Committee of the red Cross concerning conditions in Iraq and specifically the bombing of the ICRC HQ in Baghdad. Heavily redacted.

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This state Department cable is a redacted page with no context or information. It shows the U.S. DOS locations it is intended for, but no other text or information.

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This CIA cable states that interrogators may use a confinement box on Abu Zubaydah to move him into a "more forthcoming posture" for one to two hours. The cable also allows the interrogators to use another redacted method as long as there are medical professionals present and that the technique is not repeated more than three times.

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State Department cable describing how Former Portuguese Foreign Minister Diogo Freitas do Amaral gave a speech bashing the U.S. Government for/on the war on terror and counter-terror policies. The main criticism is that the U.S. is not listening to its European colleagues ion the policies to fight international terrorism; the U.S. is violating international law; and is stifling domestic debate.

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State Department cable with talking points on responding to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention opinion concerning the detention of four (4) specific persons held at Guantanamo. The U.S. respectfully disagreed with the characterization of the detention of the individuals named as being held in an arbitrary manor. The U.S. believes they picked these men up as part of the war on terror and under circumstances that are contemplated by the Geneva Conventions concerning unlawful enemy combatants, and the NATO charter Article 5 of the Washington Treaty. The detainees are members of a terrorist network that do not conform to international treaty on the laws of war or combat and make unlawful combat upon civilians and other non-combatants. Finally, the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention lacks the legal standing to issue an authoritative opinion on this issue.

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State Department cable summarizes discussion at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe meeting on Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM) dedicated to rule-of-law issues. The US took "substantial criticism" for its treatment of detainees at Guantanamo, its position on the ICC and its use of the death penalty, but no mention of US in discussion of torture prevention.

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This cable describes the interrogation plan for a redacted detainee. The plan describes disorientation with pharmaceuticals and details complications with the detainee's medical conditions that are interfering with the interrogation plan. The cable states that the physical environment, psychological state and interrogation are intended to develop psychological dependence, learned helplessness, and short term thinking to reduce the detainee's hope so that he will disclose important intelligence.

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State Department cable with a letter from Ambassador Pierre-Richard Prosper on behalf of Sec. Powell. The letter states that the men are being held in accordance with the law of war for illegal enemy combatants, but that they are being treated humanely and in conformity with the Geneva Conventions. As for visiting the men, Amb. Prosper stated that the only visits permitted at this time are by "foreign government officials that are essential to law enforcement objectives or intelligence gathering" purposes.

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State Department cable synopsizing a meeting between Sec. Powell and Swiss Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Diess concerning the geneval Conventions application to the Guantanamo detainees.

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Cable discusses the U.S. government's knowledge of Vladimiros Montesinos' actions/dealings in Peru and a notice to U.S. citizens in Venezuela. Also, there is a brief discussion on the treatment of detainees in Guantanamo.

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State Department cable re: formal request for access to the Guantanamo detainees of a certain nationality (not disclosed). The cable states: "In a 10/20 meeting at the MFA, DCM informed MFA Americas Desk Director of [U.S. government's] to consider a formal request by the [redacted] to send a delegation to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to conduct interviews of its nationals." The cable goes on to say: "the GOs did not have a full list of the names of all its nationals detained at Guantanamo. He asked that the [U.S. government] provide such a list as soon as possible."

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The U.S. Mission in Geneva received a letter from Bertrand G. Ramcharan, Acting High Commissioner for Human Rights and passed the contents of the letter to Washington in cable form. The letter is addressed to Ass. Sec. Lorne Craner and concerning the issue of possible detention of juvenile prisoners at Guantanamo.

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State Department cable concerning the German representative to the Council of Europe. Committee of Ministers. Justice Ministry committee told U.S. Embassy officials thast military commissions are "extraordinary courts" and thus "run counter to international law and the German constitution," and thus that Germany would not approve extradition requests to military commissions.

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State Department cable requesting guidance on responding to requesting information on two (2) detainees previously turned over to the U.S. and held at Guantanamo. The Country requesting the information was the country that turned their own citizens over to the U.S. for detention at Guantanamo, but was recently petitioned by family members of the men for their return. The guidance states that the men pose a continued threat to the U.S. and it's allies, and will be released when they no longer pose such a security threat.

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This State Department cable is a report on detainees as well as an assessment of the ground situation in Afghanistan. The cable focuses on a description of the Qandahar airport holding facility holding the Cuba-bound al-Qaida and Taliban detainees, and notes that “there are currently 380 prisoners from a number of countries,” mostly between 20-30 years of age; “there is no privacy and even calls of nature are performed in public". There is a field hospital that is properly servicing the detainees with their medical needs in an adequate manner. Many of the detainees, when asked, state it was/is their "hatred" for the US that led them to fight with and for the Taliban. The detainees shout epithets at the guards and make constant threats against them, especially the female ones. With regard to access to detainees for interrogation purposes, cooperation is excellent between the US government and the foreign agencies seeking information on their own nationals

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This CIA cable to the ALEC Info Director is heavily redacted and states that the IC SERE Psychologists recommend using the waterboard technique for the "aggressive" phase of Abu Zubaydah's interrogation.

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This State Department cable provides talking points concerning informing foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. The information is on the transfer of detainees to Guantanamo, conditions of access for International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) to visit Guantanamo, and internal US policy guidance for foreign access to detainees is provided, as well assurances that the detainees will be treated humanely. Finally, it states that the U.S. Government has not yet made a final decision on criminal charges it may bring against detainees in Guantanamo or which legal forum to bring charges. And states “We are still very interested in knowing what legal steps your government is prepared to take” concerning these individuals, leaving open the possibility that the detainee(s) could be repatriated to their home country to face charges.

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State Department Cable Subject: Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo, March 21, 2003. No further information or content

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: February 11 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo". There is no other discernible information or context.

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State department cable with a response to the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights issuing of a report critical of the U.S. in its handling of terror suspects, specifically keeping detainees at Guantanamo. The response is in the name of Sec, of State Powell.

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This DOS Cable is from the US Embassy in Brussels, Belgium to the DOS Washington with a summary of media reactions in Brussels US policies & other matters.

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This State Department cable provides talking points for US mission & Embassy officials to inform foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. It states that the U.S. Government is “The United States is evaluating the possibility of prosecuting these detainees in a U.S. forum”. But that “We are also evaluating the possibility of returning certain individuals to their country of nationality for further legal action” “We would hope that you would be able to prosecute vigorously all of your nationals who have aided al-Qaida terrorists”. The cable also states that the US will provide “the opportunity to visit detainees for intelligence gathering or law enforcement Purposes”. The detainee’s government is also being asked “Do you have any information from your own sources that connects these persons with al-Qaida or the Taliban? And “What types of punishments are available under your law for offenses that have been or might be brought against these persons in your country?” Finally, assurances are given that the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) will be given an opportunity to visit Guantanamo, to ensure the treatment of the detainees is in compliance with international standards for the of treatment of detainees..

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State Department cable originating from the embassy in Baghdad describing CPA Administrator Paul Bremer's meeting with Samarra community leaders. Their meeting included discussions of concerns over security and treatment of detainees in Iraq.

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State Department cable summarizes the American Ambassador's Presentation of U.S. Policies on Iraq to 80 Mid-Level Arab Military Personnel. The officers also posed questions concerning U.S. visa policy, but the tone of the questioning was "mild".

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: January 22 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo". There is no other discernible information or context.

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This cable discusses issues that may arise during interrogations of Abu Zubaydah. The cable is heavily redacted, but sections regarding decision making authority and Abu Zubaydah's confinement conditions are partially unredacted.

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This cable describes a redacted detainee's behavior on the tenth day of a three week isolation phase.

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State Department cable to Washington summarizing a November, 2003 meeting between six (6) members of Congress and ten (10) members of the European Parliament. Topics included Iraq, the War on Terror, and Guantanamo.

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State Department cable summarizing a meeting between Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Rich Greene and Principal International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) officials in preparation for June 3-4 ICRC donor support group. Issues discussed at meeting included U.S./ICRC relations and weapons-control, including the issue of bio-technology. It was noted by Mr. Greene that the U.S. and the ICRC work closely together on humanitarian issues and have a great respect for their operational and normative roles. The cable is otherwise redacted.

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State Department cable from Brussels Mission to Washington summarizing the results of the European Council meeting. The European Parliament adopted non-binding resolution lauding the capture of Saddam Hussein and called for a return of sovereignty of Iraq to the Iraqis; the reconstruction of Afghanistan; and lifting an arms embargo to China.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: Ambassador Prosper Discusses Detainee Issues with International Committee for the Red Cross President Kellenberger". There is no other discernible information or context.

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This June 2002 cable reports on a meeting held to discuss the next phase of the Abu Zubaydah interrogation. Attendees include psychologist James Mitchell. At the meeting, it was agreed upon that Abu Zubaydah was withholding information on direct threats against the U.S., domestically and overseas and therefore headquarters approved taking a "harder line" and using different interrogation techniques, beginning with isolation, which would be orchestrated by James Mitchell. If Abu Zubaydah does not provide actionable intelligence, they will continue with the post-isolation phase, which include lessening the appearance of exceptional medical attentiveness.

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This is a memo detailing the visit of a three-person behavioral interrogation team's visit to Abu Zubaydah's holding compound and "evolving" interrogation room. It includes details of the team's suggestions for cell modifications, including "the painting of the room white," "the building of a vestibule to provide added control of potential orientation cues," and"the sanding of the holding cell bars to reduce AZ's ability to stimulate his sensorium," among others.

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This cable from the U.S. Mission in Geneva, Switzerland to Sec. State Powell is a forward of a letter received from the United Nations Special Rapporteurs on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions and Torture. The letter requests that the U.S. not deport or render the Uighur detainees held at Guantanamo to the Chinese government.

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Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) met with Moroccan Prime Minister Jettou in Rabat on 1/4/04. Discussion included counter terrorism, the FTA (REFTEL), Iraq, the Middel East Peace talks and the Guantanamo detainees.

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State Department Cable to the overseas US Missions with information and talking points to address questions raised by allies in relation to and over the legal status, treatment and detention of detainees at Guantanamo. Specifically, the cable states that the legal status of the detainees is being reviewed, they are provided with humane treatment, including “culturally appropriate" meals, and that the International Committee for the Red Cross is being given access to the detainees while they are at Guantanamo. The cable reminds the Missions that these are “very dangerous” people and that their crimes are still being investigated.

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This document is a Department of State (DOS) Cable from the Austrian Embassy to DOS discussing Austrian media highlights. This Cable discusses the suicide of three (3) Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2006, as well as other matters related to US interests.

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This DOS Cable is to the US Mission in Geneva Switzerland to respond to the human rights organization Amnesty International with a letter describing the US position concerning the detention & treatment of detainees in the War on Terror.

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State Department cable notes that a Foreign Minister contacted the DCM and delivered reports of "Harsh and inhumane treatment are meted out to the Taliban and Al-Qaeda prisoners" at Guantanamo. The cable is largely redacted, but indicates that the Foreign Minister does not want their comments to be construed as support for the Taliban or Al-Qaeda, but that the government was concerned about such reports.

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This cable details the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah that took place on August 6, 2002. This interrogation included the use of walling, waterboarding "numerous times", attention grab, insult slap, confinement box, and hooding. The cable states that after three days of the aggressive phase he still had not provided any new information regarding imminent threats or attacks against the US.

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This CIA cable describes the CIA Counterterrorism Center (CTC)'s contract with Mitchell, Jessen & Associates (MJA), a company started by psychologists James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen. The cable states that Mitchell and Jessen were "instrumental" in the development of the RDG Detention and Interrogation Program beginning in March 2002 and lists six of CTC's objectives for their contract with MJA.

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State Department cable draft response to questions submitted by an attorney for a detainee held at Guantanamo. This cable contains talking points to address the status of these citizens being held at Guantanamo. The cable goes on to state; 1) The U.S. government cannot address specific questions about specific detainees at this time; 2) all detainees are being treated humanely and in accordance with the Geneva Conventions; and 3) all detainees are being give appropriate food, adequate toiletry items and access to health and sanitary facilities. Detainees will be sent home at the end of the hostilities.

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DOS Cable discussing allegations that the U.S. Army abused prisoners at Guantanamo. An English newspaper, 'Bahrain Tribune,' reported that U.S. prison guards beat an ailing Bahraini detainee, Juma Al-Dossari.

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State Department cable for reporters questions on mtters such as: i) Israel/Palestinians: Upcoming Quartet Meeting; ii) Violence in the Mid-East Region; iii) Algeria; and iv) Access to Guantanamo Detainees. On the Guantanamo detainee issue the guidance is to say: "All detainees are being treated humanely in a manner consistent with the Third Geneva Convention of 1949; They receive adequate food; shelter; medical care; and the opportunity to worship. Representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) have privately visited the persons held at Guantanamo on a regular basis.

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Summary of the media reaction in Damascus to Syrian foreign relations with the US and other countries also named. The Cable also discusses the Suicide of Three (3) Guantanamo Bay Detainees on June 10, 2006.

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This January 8, 2003 cable sets forth observations that were derived from the process leading up to the establishment of [redacted], activities undertaken at the base, including the interrogation process, and ramifications for conduct that is undertaken in future interrogations of high value detainees, all of which they ask to be factored into the continuing operation of the [redacted] location, and the design and operation of any future high value interrogation sites.

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This cable describes a redacted detainee's behavior in the fourth day of a three week isolation phase.

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This DOS Cable from the US Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan to the DOS Washington describes the Pakistani news coverage of matters concerning US policy and matters of interest to the US government for January 11, 2006. Specifically, the Cable includes press coverage of of Punjab Governor Taseer's assassination.

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State Department cable concerning European Asst. Sec. Elizabeth Jones meeting with Danish EU Presidency representatives concerning "Political Hot Spots" such as: Iraq; Afghanistan; and Central Asia. The Koreas were discussed as was southern Africa food aid refusals. The cable is heavily redacted.

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State Department cable concerning an article in the Independent newspaper concerning two (2) Al-Qaeda terror suspects, Jamil El Banna and Bisher Amin Khalil al Rawi, being transferred to Guantanamo. The article raises questions about extradition and human rights. International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) President Kellenberger .

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This State Department cable is to assist the U.S. Mission in Geneva in addressing a report by the Acting U.N. High Commissioner on Human Rights that was critical of the U.S. role, action in Iraq and the U.S. commitment to its international obligations during time of war and the rules of engagement. The cable instructs the U.S. representative to communicate the following: 1) The U.S. takes seriously its obligations under applicable international law, including the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions and relevant resolutions of the Security Council; 2) There are vague allegations [of abuse] that do not provide sufficient information such as date and location in order to allow full investigation; and 3) we wish to inform you that U.S. will review the recommendations and respond as appropriate as soon as possible

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This State Department cable provides talking points for US mission & Embassy officials to inform foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. It states that the U.S. Government is “The United States is evaluating the possibility of prosecuting these detainees in a U.S. forum”. But that “We are also evaluating the possibility of returning certain individuals to their country of nationality for further legal action” “We would hope that you would be able to prosecute vigorously all of your nationals who have aided al-Qaida terrorists”. The detainee’s government is also being asked “Do you have any information from your own sources that connects these persons with al-Qaida or the Taliban? And “What types of punishments are available under your law for offenses that have been or might be brought against these persons in your country?”

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This August 3, 2002 cable provides authorization to implement more aggressive techniques in the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah, including the use of the water board and mock burial, as described in this cable. The cable also provides information about the discussion between the CIA, DOJ, Legal Advisor to National Security Council, and FBI regarding the use of these techniques in accordance with provisions 18 U.S.C. §§ 2340-23408 and other applicable US law.

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State Department cable concerning a filing in French court by families of two French nationals, seeking declaration of POW status for detainees. The French government argued against the family's actions. The cable indicates that the French judge has "doubts about the legal merits of the case". There was limited press coverage of the matter.

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This April 2002 cable is redacted almost in full with the exception of a paragraph that questions the effectiveness of the confinement box on Abu Zubaydah, recognizing that it had a history of demonstrated effectiveness in the SERE program.

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This State Department cable provides talking points for US mission & Embassy officials to inform foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. It states that the U.S. Government is “The United States is evaluating the possibility of prosecuting these detainees in a U.S. forum”. But that “We are also evaluating the possibility of returning certain individuals to their country of nationality for further legal action” “We would hope that you would be able to prosecute vigorously all of your nationals who have aided al-Qaida terrorists”. The cable also states that the US will provide “the opportunity to visit detainees for intelligence gathering or law enforcement Purposes”. The detainee’s government is also being asked “Do you have any information from your own sources that connects these persons with al-Qaida or the Taliban? And “What types of punishments are available under your law for offenses that have been or might be brought against these persons in your country?” Finally, assurances are given that the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) will be given an opportunity to visit Guantanamo, to insure the treatment of the detainees is in compliance with international standards for the of treatment of detainees.

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State Department cable concerning a summary of the Yemeni Parliamentary Committee's investigation and detention of "hundreds" of suspects involved in the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole in Yemen in October 2000. The Committee's report focused on possible human rights violations in relation to the basis for individual detentions and the length of detentions.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: February 2 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo". There is no other discernible information or context

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This is a memo from the CIA which describes the month-long custody and interrogation of detainee Abu Zubaydah and requests comments from Alec/HQs "on establishing the priority focus of the ongoing interrogations of Abu Zubaydah".

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: February 13 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo". There is no other discernible information or context.

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This State Department cable is captioned "Subject: Prosecution of Non-Afghanis Fighting With Al Qaeda Or Taliban" but contains no discernible information on the subject matter.

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This document is a State Department Cable to Embassies discussing the apparent suicide of three (3) Guantanamo Bay detainees on June 10, 2006. The Detainees: Yasser Al Zahrani; Mana Shaman Allabardi Al Tabi; and Ali Abdullah Ahmed each apparently took their own lives by hanging themselves in their cells in a coordinated suicide. This Cable provides an assessment of the media coverage of the suicides.

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State Department cover sheet for a document from the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs entitled "PM Cover Sheet" with Log Number: #106 and designating the Secretary of State as the recipient. The subject title is "Detainee Issues". There is no other information or context to the document.

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State Department cable with letter from Sec. Powell to the Chairman of Working Group on Detention addressing concerns over the conditions of detainees confinement and the legal theory on which confinement based in.

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This cable provides a report of day 5 of the cycle of interrogation carried out on detainee Abu Zubaydah on August 8, 2002. It includes details of interrogators using a combination of waterboarding, walling, cramped confinement, and hooding in order to extract information from Zubaydah.

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This cable describes a redacted detainee's behavior on the eighth day of a three week isolation phase.

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No relevant text.

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State Department cable concerning Israel/Palestinian issues, i.e the Gaza Strip; Allegations of Abuse at Guantanamo; and The way forward for Iraq. The cable also stats that on April, 26, 2004 a government of Bahrain delegation visited Guantanamo for a third time to meet with all six Bahraini detainees and none of them alleged abuse.

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DOS Cable regarding a letter from Special Rapporteur on Torture, Theo van Boven, to Ambassador Bremen regarding the detention of four individuals in Basra, Iraq. The letter reports that the detainees are being held incommunicado by the UK military, and are being tortured; methods of torture include, lashings with iron sticks. Mr. van Boven seeks information about the health and state of the detainees.

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This cable includes the text of the January 28, 2003 DCI approved "Guidelines on Interrogations Conducted Pursuant to the Presidential Memorandum of Notification of 17 September 2001". The cable also asks that all personnel involved in interrogations provide confirmation that they have read, understand, and will comply with the new guidelines.

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This cable includes the contents of Abu Zubaydah's April 2004 mental status exam and December 2003 psychological assesment conducted by Mitchell and Jessen.

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State Department cable concerning the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) diplomatic assistant, Beatrice Megevand-Roggo's request for access to the detainees being held in U.S. custody at Guantanamo. The cable is otherwise heavily redacted.

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This State Department cable provides talking points concerning informing foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. It states that the U.S. Government is “evaluating the possibility of returning certain individuals to their country of nationality for further legal action” “We would hope that you would be able to prosecute vigorously all of your nationals who have aided al-Qaida terrorists”. The detainee’s government is also being asked “Do you have any information from your own sources that connects these persons with al-Qaida or the Taliban? And “What types of punishments are available under your law for offenses that have been or might be brought against these persons in your country?”

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This cable describes a redacted detainee's behavior in the second day of a three week isolation phase.

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State Department cable distributes transcript from the February 27, 2002 press conference where a variety of subjects were addressed. Among the issued raised were: i) Lori Berenson's conviction upheld in Peru; ii) the status of detainees in Guantanamo; and iii) the laws of armed conflict and the rights of the U.S. to detain combatants

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This State Department cable provides talking points concerning informing foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan, and policy guidance for foreign governments to visit and access the detainees at Guantanamo that are their citizens. The cable instructs the Missions/Embassies to inform foreign governments that: the foreign government's access to these detainees is limited to intelligence and/or law enforcement purposes; The United States will video tape and sound record the interviews between representatives of your government and the detainee(s); The senior U.S. representative present may terminate an interview at any time; The U.S. Department of Defense must be provided a copy of your government's final report on the visit; and Your Government will be required to reimburse the Department of Defense for all costs associated with the visit incurred by the US Government, including the costs of transportation, lodging, and meals.

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This cable relates to a request of an Iraqi NGO, Watli Al-Radidayn, to allow six members to visit Abu Ghraib. This cable details how four members of the organization presented the request to Marines at the entrance to Abu Ghraib on 5/15/04 and the contents of the written requests presented.

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DOS Cable/letter from Colin L. Powell to ICRC President requesting access to the ICRC's confidential reports on visits to detention facilities in Iraq, Guantanamo and Afghanistan. The letter states that the reports will be disseminated, in strict confidence, to relevant congressional committees.

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This August 4, 2002 cable details the first and second sessions of the aggressive phase of interrogation of Abu Zubaydah. Throughout these sessions Abu Zubaydah continued to maintain his position that he had no additional information.

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This DOS Cable discusses a visit to a detention facility in Afghanistan. It explains that there was a previous issue at the facility of overcrowding and lack of resources, but that the current climate is better. Also, the cable notes that the facility houses seventy-five known Taliban commanders and thirty-five inmates convicted of civil crimes (e.g. murder, robbery, and gambling).

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State Department cable concerning Ambassador Dan Coats meeting with German Foreign Affairs State Secretary Gunter Pleuger. Mr. Pleuger requested the meeting to discuss the Guantanamo detainees. Mr. Pleuger and later Foreign Minister Fischer stated that "the Guantanamo detainees should be treated in accordance with the Geneva Convention, with consideration for humane treatment, protection of human dignity, protection from violence and access to medical treatment and due process in court." The cable is otherwise heavily redacted.

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State Department cable from the U.S. Mission in Strasburg. Details meeting between U.S. Congressman James F. Sensenbrenner, Jr., with officials of the Council of Europe regarding law enforcement issues related to the war on terrorism, notably military tribunals for detainees.

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State Department cable concerning the June 12 arrival of the Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh to call on the Secretary of State, Colin Powell. The issues to be covered are: The Middle East peace process; transatlantic relations; non-proliferation & disarmament matters; and fence mending discussions to cure some difficult issues that have arisen between Sweden and the U.S. over the War on Terror and the Guantanamo detainees. The cable is heavily redacted.

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State Department cable concerning the world's perception that the US was treating its detainees improperly was undermining the moral high ground upon which the anti-terror coalition stands. The cable also gives some insight to off-record meetings the U.S. Ambassador has had with others in the diplomatic corps concerning the U.S. effort to fight international terrorism. Ambassador Dan Coats continues to give assurances that the detainees are being treated humanely and in accordance with international standards of the treatment of detainees.

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State Department cable discusses various activities taking place within Canada's political system. Activities include, an application of pressure from Ottawa, hoping to sway the U.S. government to follow the policies of the Geneva Conventions in Afghanistan.

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State Department cable with talking points in response to statements and/or on the rules relating to military judicial commissions and the rule of law in the U.S. at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. It is pointed out that Military Commissions are well rooted in American Jurisprudence. Military Commissions were used in the Revolutionary War, the Mexican-American War, the U.S. Civil War and World War II. The talking points further point out that the Geneva Convention specifically contemplates Military Commissions when it states that "Prisoners of War shall be tried only by a military court". And the final points to make are: i) The Military Commissions will be impartial; ii) there is a presumption of innocence of the accused iii) a death penalty decision can only be imposed by a unanimous decision of the panel members; iv) the accused are not required to testify, and no adverse inference may be drawn from a refusal to testify; v) the proceedings will be open to the public to the maximum extent possible; vi) the accused my present witnesses and evidence, and cross-examine witnesses and challenge evidence presented against him; vii) the accused will be represented by counsel; and viii) the prosecutor will provide the accused of evidence intended to be presented at trial and exculpatory evidence.

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This State Department document is a point-by-point response to an opinion (not enclosed) by the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, the United Nations former Commission on Human Rights, to the U.S. detention of Al Qaeda operatives and others the U.S. has labeled as participants in the War on Terrorism. The response provides historical background and context to the U.S. decision to establish the Guantanamo detention facility and to keep suspected terrorist in detention there.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: May 1 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo". There is no other discernible information or context.

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This June 18, 2002 cable details the message that the interrogation team delivered to Abu Zubaydah, which is redacted, the interrogation techniques used on him and his reactions to them, and an assessment of his resistance posture. The cable requests that substantive portions of information in this cable be shared with FBI headquarters.

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Partially redacted press guidance for DOD release of draft military instruction, which lists/defines certain violations of laws of war and other offenses triable by military commission. The talking points instruct that if inquired about the proceedings to say "DoD will be prepared to conduct full and fair legal proceedings should a military commission be convened. Although no charges have been referred against any individual potentially subject to the jurisdiction of a military commission, this instruction will help to ensure that DoD will be ready to fulfill its responsibilities if called upon." And "The General Counsel of the Department of Defense intends to finalize and publish the final instruction early in March."

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This CIA cable recommends the continuation of the interrogation/debriefing process, particularly for Abu Zubaydah and mentions the psychologists James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen.

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State Department cable with talking points for Sec. of State Powell's presentation remarks to the UN Commissioner for Human Rights and Permanent Council Meeting in response to the comments of the EU Foreign Minister concerning the U.S. dentention of terrorists at Guantanamo.

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This State Department cable provides talking points for U.S. mission & Embassy officials to inform foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked up on the battlefield of Afghanistan. It states that “The United States is evaluating the possibility of prosecuting these detainees in a U.S. forum.” But that “We are also evaluating the possibility of returning certain individuals to their country of nationality for further legal action.” “We would hope that you would be able to prosecute vigorously all of your nationals who have aided al-Qaida terrorists.” The cable also states that the U.S. will provide “the opportunity to visit detainees for intelligence gathering or law enforcement Purposes.” The detainee’s government is also being asked “Do you have any information from your own sources that connects these persons with al-Qaida or the Taliban? And “What types of punishments are available under your law for offenses that have been or might be brought against these persons in your country?” Finally, assurances are given that the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) will be given an opportunity to visit Guantanamo, to ensure the treatment of the detainees complies with international standards for the of treatment of detainees.

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State Department cable stating that the Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters are enemy combatants and will not be afforded the Geneva Conventions, but will be treated humanely and in accordance with the principles of the Geneva Convention. "The U.S. is treating and will continue to treat all of the individuals detained at Guantanamo humanely, and, to the extent appropriate and consistent with military necessity, in a manner consistent with the third Geneva Convention of 1949... The President has determined that the Geneva Convention applies to the Taliban detainees, but not to the Al Qaida detainees." "[N]either neither Taliban nor Al-Qaida detainees are entitled to POW status... even though the detainees are not entitled to POW privileges, they will be provided many POW privileges as a matter of policy... The detainees will not be subjected to physical or mental abuse or cruel treatment."

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State Department cable announcing authorization to enter in to talks with other governments to take or receive their own citizens that are Guantanamo detainees for detention and potential prosecution in their home country. The cable is otherwise heavily redacted.

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State Department cable re: Principals Committee Meeting on Detainees on: 10/18/2002 at: 14:00. Remarks: Please prepare a briefing memo with annotated agenda and checklist for Principals Committee Meeting on Detainees, Friday, October 19, 2:00-3:00 p.m., White House-Siuation Room. Secretary Powell + 1 TBD. Please clear with D, P, SP, S/WCI, SCT, . PM and others as appropriate. Thanks and sorry for the short notice.

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Summary of bi-annual TransAtlantic Legislators' Dialogue meetings, which included discussions of conflicts between U.S. and European positions on Guantanamo and the war on terror.

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State Department talking points to present at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe meeting in Vienna. The points being made cover many world issues such as human trafficking and combating anti-Semitism and greater cooperation between the U.S. and European allies. There is significant portion of the letter devoted to Guantanamo and Military Commissions. The points to make are i) The Military Commissions will be impartial; ii) there is a presumption of innocence of the accused iii) a death penalty decision can only be imposed by a unanimous decision of the panel members; iv) the accused are not required to testify, and no adverse inference may be drawn from a refusal to testify; v) the proceedings will be open to the public to the maximum extent possible; vi) the accused my present witnesses and evidence, and cross-examine witnesses and challenge evidence presented against him; vii) the accused will be represented by counsel; and viii) the prosecutor will provide the accused of evidence intended to be presented at trial and exculpatory evidence.

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This cable states that after cold conditions with minimal food and sleep, Gul Rahman admitted his identity to interrogators, including Bruce Jessen. Rahman was also reportedly confused and appeared somewhat incoherent.

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State Department cable to the London Mission with an attached letter from Sec. Powell to be delivered to Edward Davey Member of the UK House of Commons, briefly explaining U.S. policy regarding access to detainees.

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DOS Cable discusses the transfer for release of detainees at Guantanamo Bay (GTMO). It states that the detainee's host governments are willing to accept the nationals. The names and countries of the detainees are listed, but redacted.

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State Department talking points on 1) Isreal/Palestinians: Roadmap Progress; 2) Iraq: World Bank loans for reconstruction; 3) Iraq: Appointment of governing council President, return of Iraqi refugees, Amnesty International report on internal situation in Iraq; 4) "Has US sought to interview Al-Bayoumi, a Saudi who knew two of the 9/11 hijackers?; and 5) The Western Sahara: UNSC Resolution on Baker Plan.

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This DOS Cable from the US Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan to the DOS Washington describes the Pakistani news coverage of matters concerning US policy, and matters of interest to the US government for August 2006.

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Cable is a forwarding of a request from the Chairman-Rapporteur of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention to visit and examine the detainees in the custody of the U.S.

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This State Department cable provides talking points for US mission & Embassy officials to inform foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. It states that the U.S. Government is “The United States is evaluating the possibility of prosecuting these detainees in a U.S. forum”. But that “We are also evaluating the possibility of returning certain individuals to their country of nationality for further legal action” “We would hope that you would be able to prosecute vigorously all of your nationals who have aided al-Qaida terrorists”. The cable also states that the US will provide “the opportunity to visit detainees for intelligence gathering or law enforcement Purposes”. The detainee’s government is also being asked “Do you have any information from your own sources that connects these persons with al-Qaida or the Taliban? And “What types of punishments are available under your law for offenses that have been or might be brought against these persons in your country?” Finally, assurances are given that the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) will be given an opportunity to visit Guantanamo, to insure the treatment of the detainees is in compliance with international standards for the of treatment of detainees.

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This DOS Cable appears to be a cover sheet for an attached document. [Attached document is not included].

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State Department cable providing talking points and summarizes discussion from September 18, 2003 Human Rights and Terrorism Meeting at The Hague. The summary includes a "surprising defense of the U.S. policies in the war against terror noting that there is "such a thing as Islamic Terrorism" but that the U.S. should be careful because some countries with fewer safeguards for human rights and without the culture and history for respecting human rights might take away only the efforts against extremists and violate basic human rights with the same techniques. It is noted that Amnesty International circulated the most critical papers on the U.S. policies. Spanish and German representatives expressed views consistent with the U.S. position. It was agreed that there is no conflict in the dual objectives of fighting international terrorism and respecting human rights.

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State Department cable concerning the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs Staff meeting notes from January 23, 2002. Multiple topics, including detainees. "Public Reaction re detainees is turning very negative." Concerns of various countries and Jones' perceptions on possible implications for US-Europe relations is discussed.

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This cable provides a report of day 4 of the cycle of interrogation carried out on detainee Abu Zubaydah on August 7, 2002. It includes details of interrogators using a combination of waterboarding, walling, cramped confinement, and insult slaps in order to extract information from Zubaydah. It also describes how, after passing the 72-hour mark since the last dressing change on a wound on Zubaydah's leg, a medical professional dressed as an interrogator in order to inspect the wound and change the dressing without disrupting the interrogation session.

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No relevant text.

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State Department cable concerning a meeting with the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) regarding the global war on terror, status of detainees and military commission.

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State Department cable concerning the government of Sweden releasing "Report on the State of Human Rights Worldwide and in the U.S." The Report covers the Israel/Palestinian conflict and is critical of Israel. The Swedish Foreign Minister was also singling out Turkey, Zimbabwe, China and Colombia as countries with human rights issues. The report is particularly critical of U.S. Handling of Detainees at the U.S. base in Guantanamo

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Government of Malaysia expressed outrage over treatment of detainees at Abu Ghraib "and possibly elsewhere." Said Malaysia would "not listen" to future US criticism of Malaysian human rights practices.

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This is a DOS Cable from the US Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia with letters exchanged between the family of a Saudi detainee and US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia James C. Oberwetter. The letter from Abdulaziz Suleiman al-Rubaish, brother of a Guantanamo Bay detainee, expresses the feelings of the al-Rubaish family concerning Guantanamo Bay's existence, and the recent suicide deaths of three (3) detainees. Ambassador Oberwetter responds to the letter by describing the legal procedures involved in the continuation of keeping detainees at the facility, and that several detainees have been transferred out of the facility.

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This November 2006 cable lists the personnel involved with the detainee program who have acknowledged reading and understanding the "Guidelines on Confinement Conditions for CIA Detainees". The list includes James Mitchell.

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State Department cable from the Paris Embassy re: French judge dismisses Guantanamo detainees’ case. On October 31, a French judge dismissed the case brought by the families of two French nationals being held at Guantanamo base. The families were seeking to force the GOF to designate the two detainees as prisoners of war. Today's decision follows the hearing on October 18 (reported reftel). According to AFP, the judge, Jean-Pierre Marcus, said that the government's position that the case had no standing in French courts was "solid" and lead to his decision to reject the case.

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State Department cable with talking points concerning an inquiry by a nation in to the status of their citizens being held at Guantanamo. The cable states; 1) The U.S. government cannot address specific questions about specific detainees at this time; 2) all detainees are being treated humanely and in accordance with the Geneva Conventions; and 3) all detainees are being give appropriate food, adequate toiletry items and access to health and sanitary facilities.

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State Department Cable forwarding a letter to the U.S. Mission from Boven re: Riduan "Hambali" Isamuddin.

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State Department Cable re: July 18 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo – No other content or context

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State Department cable describing a meeting Ambassador Pierre-Richard Prosper had with an Ambassador of another country on May 7, 2003. The Ambassador for the foreign government requested that his citizens be released from Guantanamo, and Amb. Prosper explained that the men were not the most recent arrivals at Guantanamo and are not scheduled for release at this time. The cable is otherwise redacted.

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State Department cable from the U.S. Mission in Geneva to Washington containing a letter by Leila Zerrougui, the UN Special Rapporteur on Arbitrary Detention concerning persons being held by U.S. forces where the persons have not been charged with crimes and are not being afforded the basic protections of law.

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This cable provides a report of day 9 of the cycle of interrogation carried out on detainee Abu Zubaydah on August 12, 2002. It includes details of interrogators using a combination of waterboarding, walling, cramped confinement, hooding, and white noise in order to extract information from Zubaydah.

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This State Department cable provides talking points concerning informing foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. The information is on the transfer of detainees to Guantanamo, conditions of access for International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) to visit Guantanamo, and internal US policy guidance for foreign access to detainees is provided, as well assurances that the detainees will be treated humanely. Finally, it states that the U.S. Government has not yet made a final decision on criminal charges it may bring against detainees in Guantanamo or which legal forum to bring charges. And states “We are still very interested in knowing what legal steps your government is prepared to take” concerning these individuals, leaving open the possibility that the detainee(s) could be repatriated to their home country to face charges.

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This CIA memo labeled "Legal Background" describes Title 18's probation against torture in the US criminal code and how the phrase "severe mental pain or physical suffering" is described. The memo states that at this time, none of the interrogation methods described would appear to violate this statute or other US law.

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This cable states that the use of EITs requires that a psychological assessment of records, made only by a staff psychologist be completed about the proposed subject before techniques are authorized, and that psychological interrogation assessments continue to be made throughout the detention and interrogation process. The cable also states that under newly approved guidelines, there must be at least one Special Mission Psychologist present at a site during the use of EITs who is not physically participating in the administration of the techniques.

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This State Department cable provides talking points for US mission & Embassy officials to inform foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. It states that the U.S. Government is “The United States is evaluating the possibility of prosecuting these detainees in a U.S. forum”. But that “We are also evaluating the possibility of returning certain individuals to their country of nationality for further legal action” “We would hope that you would be able to prosecute vigorously all of your nationals who have aided al-Qaida terrorists”. The cable also states that the US will provide “the opportunity to visit detainees for intelligence gathering or law enforcement Purposes”. The detainee’s government is also being asked “Do you have any information from your own sources that connects these persons with al-Qaida or the Taliban? And “What types of punishments are available under your law for offenses that have been or might be brought against these persons in your country?” Finally, assurances are given that the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) will be given an opportunity to visit Guantanamo, to ensure the treatment of the detainees is in compliance with international standards for the of treatment of detainees.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: Transfer of Detainees in Afghanistan to Guantanamo Bay". There is no other discernible information or context.

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State Department cable regarding prosecution of non-Afghanis fighting with Al-Qaeda or the Taliban. The cable states that an investigation of such persons will be carried out and, in the event that it is established that criminal acts were perpetrated by them, these individuals will then be prosecuted by the courts. If the individuals are found guilty of a sentencing offence, the punishment cannot exceed the maximum sentence allowed for by law of the foreign state where the national is from or of the territory of where the crime was committed.

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DOS Cable discussing allegations that the U.S. Army abused prisoners at Guantanamo. An English newspaper, 'Bahrain Tribune,' reported that U.S. prison guards beat an ailing Bahraini detainee, Juma Al-Dossari.

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This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: February 6 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo". There is no other discernible information or context.

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Email refers to four cables, one apparently discusses detainee release and transfers. [Documents are not included].

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State Department cable from Washington to Mission in Kabul concerning upcoming meetings in Afghanistan on the development of the Afghan army and central bank.

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This is a State Department cable containing an Action Message that states the US Government is gathering information on the identities and nationalities of detainees found in the conflict zone of Afghanistan, but is not sharing that information with the Afghans. It also provides talking points about detentions and possible repatriation of non-Afghani nationals to their home countries.

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