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This commander's report is in reference to CID number: 0058-04-CID939-82650. There is a recommendation for no action to be taken. There are no specifics on the charges or other information to identify the matter.

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This document is part of the transcript of the Article 32 proceeding against Spc. Timothy F. Canjar who was accused of detainee abuse at Camp Bucca, Iraq in May 2003. See ACLU RDI 1322 and the other documents following in sequence.

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Article 32 Proceeding Charge Sheet for additional charges against Scott McKenzie for his role in abusing detainees at Abu Ghraib prison. The additional charges are: 1) obstruction of justice; and 2) attempt to impede investigation.

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First Lieutenant Glenn A. Niles, Jr. assaulted three (3) detainees at Al Taji Police Station, Baghdad on July 30, 2003. He admitted to striking two (2) detainees in the stomach with a closed fist and kicking the third in the shoulder. A petition for clemency noted that the detainees had attempted to escape from detention by knocking a hole in the wall of the facility, the detainees had not been injured and the entire incident lasted 5 seconds. 1LT Niles was sentenced to a reprimand and forfeiture of $1003 pay permonth for 12 months.

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This Court Martial record (volume 7 of 8) discusses the court martial proceedings of Staff Sergeant Ivan L. Frederick, II, who was charged for offenses he committed while assigned to the Abu Ghraib Detention Facility on or about November 08, 2003. SSG Frederick was arraigned and charged with a number of offenses, including maltreatment of subordinates, conspiracy, dereliction of duty, assault, and wrongful commission of an indecent act with detainees. Included in the record is the continuation of the Article 32 Investigative Report from volume of 6 of the Court Martial record, motions and an interview of a Psychology Professor regarding the abuse at Abu Ghraib and the photos. When asked about the photos, the Professor stated that "the images are wrose than anything we have seen before, by their vividness, by their variety of the sexual nature." Also included, is SSG Frederick's offer to plead guilty.

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This Commander's Report is in reference to CID number: 0058-04-CID939-82650. The Corporal who is the subject of the disciplinary action is charged with obstruction of justice; found guilty; and given a written reprimand.

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Article 15 Investigation proceeding wherein two (2) charges of abusing detainees was established against an enlisted (E3) person. The charges were: 1) On Nov. 22, 2003 the E3 stuck a detainee on the head with his hand; and 2) On Nov. 22, 2003 the E3 stuck a detainee on the head with his foot.

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This Court Martial record discusses the court martial proceedings (volume 3 of 8) of Staff Sergeant Ivan L. Frederick, II, who was charged for offenses he committed while assigned to the Abu Ghraib Detention Facility on or about November 08, 2003. SSG Frederick was arraigned and charged with a number of offenses, including maltreatment of subordinates, conspiracy, dereliction of duty, assault, and wrongful commission of an indecent act with detainees. Included in this record is trial testimony and discussions between parties on a safe and manageable way to procure victim/witness testimony.

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This Court Martial record (Volume 7 of 7) discusses the court martial proceedings of Private First Class Edward L. Richmond, Jr., he was charged with murder for shooting and killing an Iraqi civilian-farmer on or about February 28, 2004 at or near Taal Al Jal, Iraq. Included in the record are photos (withheld), exhibits, motions, orders, briefs, voir dire, and instructions to panel. PFC Richmond plead not guilty, he was found guilty of the lesser included offense of voluntary manslaughter. Also, he was sentenced to forfeit all pay and allowances, was reduced in grade to a Private, confined for three years and dishonorably discharged. Included in the record are letters from family, US Representatives, and a brief explanation of the facts and judgment.

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Lists all relevant dates of the charges and Court Martial against SSG Scott McKenzie

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This Court Martial record discusses the court martial proceedings of Staff Sergeant Ivan L. Frederick, II, who was charged for offenses he committed while assigned to the Abu Ghraib Detention Facility on or about November 08, 2003. SSG Frederick was arraigned and charged with a number of offenses, including maltreatment of subordinates, conspiracy, dereliction of duty, assault, and wrongful commission of an indecent act with detainees. Among the five charges and over ten offenses, Krol conspired with Specialist Roman Krol, Corporal Charles Graner, Jr., Specialist Armin J. Cruz, Specialist Sabrina Harman and others to abuse detainees at the Abu Ghraib Detention Facility. The abusive conduct, included, forcing detainees to masturbate in a public corridor and placing naked detainees in a human pyramid and photographing the pyramid. SSG Frederick was found guilty of eight of the twelve offenses and was sentenced to the following, his grade was reduced to the grade of Private, he forfeited all pay and allowances, he was sentenced to ten years of confinement and he was dishonorably discharged. Included in the record is the record of the hearing, a summary of the charges and various memorandums.

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This is the verbatim record of the trial of USMC Lance Corporal Walter H. Laak who was tried for abusing detainees. He pleaded to all charges. His punishment was confinement for 120 days; Reduction to pay grade E-1; and discharge from the Marine Corps.

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This Article 15 Proceeding concerns an incident at the Tigris River Bridge in: Samarra, Iraq, January 3, 2004. The charges against the Major are for impeding the investigation in to the matter by wrongfully attempting to influence soldiers to make either make false, misleading or incomplete sworn statements regarding incident in which two (2) detainees were pushed into Tigris River near Samarra where one of them (an Iraqi civilian, Zaydun Ma'mun Fadhil) drowned.

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This document is part of the Article 32 hearing transcript of Spc. Timothy F. Canjar. See ACLU RDI 1322 and the other documents following in sequence.

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In October 2003, Specialist Cruz participated in the abuse of detainees in the Hard Site at Abu Ghraib. Spc. Cruz and others ordered three (3) detainees to strip naked. The detainees were handcuffed together with metal handcuffs "to mess with them." Spc. Cruz and others made the detainees get down on the ground and crawl naked on their elbows such that their genitals were dragging along the floor, causing them "physical suffering and humiliation". Detainees do Physical Training (PT), i.e. jumping jacks, roll left or right, while naked. Spc. Cruz then poured cold water on the naked detainees. Ultimately the detainees were handcuffed with their naked bodies pressed tightly together in such a fashion as to suggest the men were sodomizing one another, and while in this position Spc. Cruz used his feet "to press the detainees closer together". The detainees were in a state of terror, pain and hopelessness throughout the abuse (3102). At one point, Spc. Cruz noticed that one of the detainees started bleeding around the handcuffs. He told the soldiers to loosen the handcuffs and then he left. The next day he reported what had happened with the detainees. Spc. Cruz pled guilty to all charges was sentenced to a reduction in rank to Private E1 (from E4), confinement for 8 months and discharge with a bad-conduct discharge.

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Article 32 Findings on Abuse of Detainees at Camp Bucca, IO Report. Documents related to investigations of abuse of Iraqi detainees by four (4) military personnel. The Investigating officer's report finds by a preponderance of the evidence that one of the accused's "actions were cruel and maltreated" an EPW; and that the accused "inflicted bodily harm" on the EPW and that the use of force was "unlawful."; investigating officer's reports are addressed to BG Karpinski.

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This is the Court Martial record (Volume 4 of 7), the record of trial, of Private First Class Edward L. Richmond, Jr., who was charged with murder for shooting and killing an Iraqi civilian-farmer on or about February 28, 2004 at or near Taal Al Jal, Iraq.

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Court Martial proceeding was brought against Sgt. Javal S. Davis, a key figure in the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal. This document contains the charges; investigative report; defense motions; transcripts and other material associated with prosecuting Sgt. Davis.

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The document is part of the Article 32 Proceeding charge package against Sgt. Scott A. McKenzie. It lists grammatical changes to be made to transcripts by page and line.

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A soldier was convicted for threatening a detainee with a loaded weapon. Punishment includes: 180 day suspension, $250/month forfeiture for two months. The inquiry found that the soldier threatened and fired their weapon in an effort to scare the detainee during an interrogation.

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This document relates to the Article 32 proceedings and Court-Martial of Spc. Timothy F. Canjar. The document include: 1) the Errata Sheet; 2) Record of Trial; 3) Certificate in Lieu of Receipt to demonstrate delivery of documents to the accused; 4) convening of the members of the hearing board; and 5) the Charge Sheet. The proceedings were terminated on January 7, 2004, and all charged were dismissed with prejudice. Includes appellate record.

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Article 15 Proceeding against a soldier who used pepper spray on a detainee after the detainee threw a liquid of unknown substance from his cell on the soldiers. The Soldier states that the detainee threw a cup of liquid once, and then was attempting to throw a second cup when the soldier verbally warned the detainee several times to stop before spraying him. The soldier states he was following SOP to protect his soldiers from exposure to the potential diseases the liquid may contain. According to Camp Delta SOP, pepper spray is not to be used as a punitive measure; it may only be used in self-defense. The investigator finds that while the soldier's actions were not "in direct procedure with the SOP...they were very close to the standard set in place by the SOP". The use of the pepper spray was found to be reactionary and not malicious. Counseling is recommended.

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Commander's Report of Court Martial and Disciplinary Action taken against ten (10) soldiers accused of crimes during thier tour. The crimes listed are: 1) Looting (Art. 103 UCMJ); 2) Violation of a General Order (Art. 92 UCMJ); and 3) Accessory (Art. 78 UCMJ).

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This Court Martial record (volume 2 of 8) discusses the court martial proceedings of Staff Sergeant Ivan L. Frederick, II, who was charged for offenses he committed while assigned to the Abu Ghraib Detention Facility on or about November 08, 2003. SSG Frederick was arraigned and charged with a number of offenses, including maltreatment of subordinates, conspiracy, dereliction of duty, assault, and wrongful commission of an indecent act with detainees. Included in this volume is the trial transcript.

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This Court Martial record (volume 6 of 8) discusses the court martial proceedings of Staff Sergeant Ivan L. Frederick, II, who was charged for offenses he committed while assigned to the Abu Ghraib Detention Facility on or about November 08, 2003. SSG Frederick was arraigned and charged with a number of offenses, including maltreatment of subordinates, conspiracy, dereliction of duty, assault, and wrongful commission of an indecent act with detainees. Included in the record are emails, and the Article 32 Investigative report of Staff Sergeant Frederick, which includes co-conspirator sworn statements, witness testimony and exhibits. In Jeremy C. Sivits' sworn statement he stated that he did not believe the chain of command sanctioned the abuse because "our command would have slammed us. They believe in doing the right thing. If they saw what was going on there would be hell to pay."

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39-A Proceedings re: Transcript of Arraignment for Sergeant Scott A. McKenzie. This transcript is the procedural setting of trial date and assignment of attorneys for Sergeant Scott A. McKenzie.

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This Article 15 procedure was brought against a soldier who was present during an interrogation of a detainee at a jail facility in Iraq. The soldier was accused of punching the detainee with a closed fist; firing a weapon near his head; and threatening the detainee with action against his family. The soldier submitted a handwritten statement admitting to the charges, but states that it was on-going when he joined in and considered normal at the detention facility he was operating out of. He also make the point that he was not trained in detainee operations before being given the assignment. The soldier was found guilty and was reduced in rank, received extra duty and confinement and a reduction in pay for several months.

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This is the verbatim trial record of First Lieutenant Glenn A. Niles, Jr. of the 615th Military Police Company who was accused of grabbing a detainee by the neck and punching him in the stomach with a closed fist. This occurred on July 30, 2002 at the Al Taji Police Station in Baghdad, Iraq. The 1LT pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced to: 1) a reprimanded; and 2) forfeit $1,003.00 per month for 12 months.

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This is the Court Martial record (Volume 5 of 7), record of trial, of Private First Class Edward L. Richmond, Jr., who was charged with murder for shooting and killing an Iraqi civilian-farmer on or about February 28, 2004 at or near Taal Al Jal, Iraq.

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This Article 32 Proceeding pertains to charges brought against four (4) soldiers for causing the drowning deaths of two (2) Iraqis in the Tigris River outside Samarra, Iraq on January 3, 2004 by forcing them in to the river. The soldiers were accused of making False Official statements; Manslaughter; Assault; and Obstruction of Justice. The proceeding also describes one of the soldiers obstructing the investigation by coaching the other soldiers in their answers when they gave statements to investigators. The soldiers were convicted of the charges.

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This Court Martial record (volume 8 of 8) discusses the court martial proceedings of Staff Sergeant Ivan L. Frederick, II, who was charged for offenses he committed while assigned to the Abu Ghraib Detention Facility on or about November 08, 2003. SSG Frederick was arraigned and charged with a number of offenses, including maltreatment of subordinates, conspiracy, dereliction of duty, assault, and wrongful commission of an indecent act with detainees. Included in the record is SSG Frederick's petition for appeal, emails, motions and hearing transcript. In regards to Frederick's appeal, Frederick appealed the conviction based on the court's refusal to change the venue the appeal was denied without prejudice.

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This is the Court-martial record of trial with the verbatum transcript of the proceeding of Specialist Jeremy C. Sivits. Spc. Sivits pleaded guilty to some charges and was found guilty of others. The charges were that on November 8, 2003 Spc. Sivits conspired with a Staff Sergeant and others in the mistreatment of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison. Spc. Sivits: 1) took photographs of nude detainees being forced into a human pyramid position; 2) negligently failed to protect detainees from abuse, cruelty and maltreatment; 3) did maltreat a detainee, a person subject to his orders, by escorting the detainee to be positioned in a pile on the floor to be assaulted by other soldiers, as it was his duty to do; and 4) did maltreat several detainees, persons subject to his orders, by taking a picture of said detainees who were laying on a pile on the floor, while another guard, kneeled on top of the pile of detainees.The sentence was a reduction to the grade of Private (E-1); to be confined for one year and to be discharged with a bad-conduct discharge. The forfeiture of pay was ordered waived effective May 22, 2004, for a period of six months, with the direction that those forfeitures be paid to the accused's wife for her personal financial support.

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This Court Martial record (Volume 6 of 7) discusses the court martial proceedings of Private First Class Edward L. Richmond, Jr., he was charged with murder for shooting and killing an Iraqi civilian-farmer on or about February 28, 2004 at or near Taal Al Jal, Iraq. Included in the record is the record of trial and the final judgment-sentencing. PFC Richmond plead not guilty, he was found guilty of the lesser included offense of voluntary manslaughter. Also, he was sentenced to forfeit all pay and allowances, was reduced in grade to a Private, confined for three years and dishonorably discharged. Included in the record are letters from family, US Representatives, and a brief explanation of the facts and judgment.

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This document is part of the transcript of the Article 32 proceeding against Sergeant Scott A. McKenzie. The transcript starts in the middle of counsel's questing of a witness, and concludes with the proceedings being recessed.

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Sargent Taylor was accused of dereliction of duty by not preventing Iraqi detainees from being abused by soldiers under his command. Specifically, detainees were locked in abandoned tanks; sprayed with fire extinguishers; and had shots fired near them to scare them. He is also accused of doing the same as above himself. He was found guilty of all charges and sentenced to areduction of pay grade to E3.

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This is an Article 15 proceeding against a Military Police soldier who punched a detainee about his body with his fist after the detainee was already shackled. The soldier also faced charges of dereliction of duty by failing to secure the detainee’s cell door and disrespecting a superior officer during the same incident. The sworn statements contained in the proceeding are consistent in that the detainee was removed from his cell and placed in another cell so his cell could be searched. The MP transferring the detainee failed to lock/secure the new cell door and the detainee attempted to exit the cell. A struggle ensued, and the detainee bit the MP while being shackled. It was then, in reaction to being bitten, that the MP struck the detainee with his fist. It was after that that the MP was disrespectful to his superior officer at the scene. The MP received reduction in rank to Private First Class (E3), and extra duty for forty-five (45) days.

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This Court Martial record discusses the court martial proceedings of Specialist Roman Krol, who was charged for offenses he committed while assigned to the Abu Ghraib Detention Facility on or about October 25, 2003. Specialist Roman Krol was arraigned and charged with a number of offenses, including, conspiracy, assault, and cruelty and maltreatment. Krol conspired with Staff Sergeant Ivan Frederick, II, Corporal Charles Graner, Jr., Specialist Armin J. Cruz, Specialist Sabrina Harman and others to abuse detainees at the Abu Ghraib Detention Facility. The abusive conduct, included, forcing detainees to perform physical activities in the nude, forcing detainees to crawl on the ground so their genitals would drag across the floor, pouring water on naked detainees, and throwing a football at detainees while they were naked, handcuffed and on a pile on the floor. Krol plead guilty to and was found guilty on all charges, except for a charge that he slapped the detainees. He was sentenced to a reduction in grade (Private), discharged for bad-conduct and he was sentenced to confinement for ten months. The record includes, among other documents, a chronology of events from the date of the first offense, the record of trial, transcripts of a CNN interview with Paula Zahn, and sworn statements.

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This is the transcript of the Article 32 Proceeding investigating the charges of detainee abuse committed by Sergeant Scott A. McKenzie and three other soldiers of detainees as they arrived at Camp Bucca on May 12, 2003. The charges include abusing a detainee by kicking him in his groin, encouraging other to do the same and attempting to cover the incident of abuse up after the fact. Sergeant McKenzie and the other soldiers were represented by counsel and witnesses were sworn in and questioned by direct examination and cross-examination.

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This document is a reciept of the delivery to Sgt. Mckenzie of official records and trial record delivered.

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Court Martial Records of SPC Megan Ambuhl, who did not participate in abuse of detainees, but pled guilty to Dereliction of Duty for not reporting the activities of MP and MI personnel at Abu Ghraib Prison. She was sentenced to forfeiture of 1/2 months pay for one month and reduction to Private. The Court Martial found that "SPC Ambuhl's decion not to report alleged detainee abyse at Abu Ghraib BCCF clearly appears to be related to her lack of training as a corrections officer, a lack of understanding of proper procedures regarding treatment of detainees, and perceived influences from civilian and military intelligence agencies who she assumed had authority of the hard site."

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This document is part of the transcript of the Article 32 proceeding against Spc. Timothy F. Canjar who was accused of detainee abuse at Camp Bucca, Iraq in May 2003. See ACLU RDI 1322 and the other documents following in sequence.

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This is an Article 15 proceeding against a Military Police soldier who punched a detainee in the mouth at Guantanamo hospital when the detainee spit at the MPs. The incident was reported in sworn statements by the soldiers present as follows: Detainee, Mash Alawad Alhabiri, was taken to the Guantanamo hospital for an unknown treatment. While there he complained of his wrist restraints being too tight. As one MP attempted to loosen the restraint, the detainee spit at the MPs and began to physically exert himself in an effort to assault the MPs. The MPs who is the subject of the proceeding attempted to subdue the detainee with a punch. The detainee was subdued. The detainee suffered a bloody lip, but the injury was minor, and did not require stiches. The proceeding did not find detainee abuse was present; rather the soldier was reacting to the situation, but did so inappropriately. The soldier received a reduction in rank; forfeiture of half pay for two (2) months and extra duty with restriction for forty-five (45) days. (see ACLU RDI 2477 & 2478)

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Court-Martial charge package for soldiers accused of detainee abuse. This court-martial setms from incidents where Iraqi detainees were stripped of their clothing and released.There is also an allegation of a detainee being shocked.

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Record of proceedings under Article 15 UCMJ, to evaluate whether a soldier attached to 1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group should be punished under Article 15 for assaulting a detainee at Ar Ramadi. Lists allegations that soldier was "cruel toward and committed maltreatment against a detainee named [redacted] by striking this individual at least three times." Includes form advising soldier of his rights. Attaches email stating that as punishment for the assault, the soldier "was reduced one rank, forfeited pay, and was placed on extra duty for 45 days." Document deals with the same incident discussed in the last 3 pages of ACLU-RDI 2611, which are labeled "Formica Report – Annex 122". Most likely a labeling error.

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This Court Martial record (Volume 4 of 8) discusses the court martial proceedings of Staff Sergeant Ivan L. Frederick, II, who was charged for offenses he committed while assigned to the Abu Ghraib Detention Facility on or about November 08, 2003. SSG Frederick was arraigned and charged with a number of offenses, including maltreatment of subordinates, conspiracy, dereliction of duty, assault, and wrongful commission of an indecent act with detainees. Included in the record is the testimony of a Clinical Psychologist, who testified for the defense. After conducting a psychological assessment of SSG Frederick, the Psychologist determined that SSG Frederick did not show any sociopathic or anti-social tendencies and there was no indication that SSG Frederick was a sadist. Also, included were exhibits and Army leadership training material.

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This Article 32 proceeding concerns a hearing where defense request for witnesses, discovery, and general procedures for the Article 32 hearing were covered. The hearing was to present the charges to the accused; to determine thoroughly, and impartially, all of the relevant facts of the case; to weigh and evaluate those facts; and determine the truth of the matters in the charges and if they are sufficient to proceed to the next procedure in the court martial process. Spc. Canjar was represented by counsel and was given an opportunity to address the court in an opening statement or to remain silent. Witnesses were sworn in and gave testimony as to what they observed relevant to the charges against Spc. Canjar. The transcript is a verbatim transcript of the proceeding, but is abruptly ended, mid-sentence on the last page of the document. The continuation of this transcript is found in the ACLU RDI documents that are in sequence following this document.

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Court Martial and Record of Trial of Corporal Scott A Burton, of the 81mm Mortar Platoon, Weapons Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment. He was tried at Camp Pendleton, CA. Burton conspired with Corporal Jeffery S. Case to use a fire extinguisher "to spray its contents in the face and body of an Iraqi detainee" who did not have a weapon and was "unthreatening". He also locked detainees in an abandonned tank and forced detainees to kneel in front of fighting holes while he fired a round next to a detainee's head, described as a "mock execution". He pleaded "Not Guilty" to all charges. Burton was convicted and sentenced to forfeit $156 pay per month for 6 months, to perform hard labor without confinement for one (1) month and to be reduced to pay grade E-3.

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This document is a heavily redacted Report by investigating officers pertaining to an AR-15 investigation in to a matter out of Forward Operating Base Raider, Tikrit, Iraq. There is no a narrative or discernible fact or specifics in the report.

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Court Martial proceedings of Staff Sergeant Scott A. McKenzie, of the 320th MP Battalion at Camp Bucca, Iraq. Charged in relation to incident involving McKenzie abusing Iraqi prisoners of war when they were transported to Camp Bucca. He was one of four soldiers investigated. McKenzie was also accused of trying to impede an investigation into the incident. Charges and testimony indicate that while the four soldiers escorted prisoners from the bus to the camp, they assaulted and dragged prisoners (some of whom were already injured) to the holding area. The abuse included throwing a prisoner "to the ground striking him on the head and legs as he walked to the in-processing tent" and holding a prisoner's "legs apart and encouraging other soldiers to kick him, while other US soldiers kicked him in the groin, face and abdomen," throwing prisoner "to the ground on his face and stepping on his previously injured arm," and "twisting his previously injured arm, causing him to scream in pain." Testimony from accused, fellow soldiers, prisoners and CID Agent.

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This Article 32 Proceedings concerns an accusation of an incident of detainee abuse at Camp Bucca. Iraq. The subject of the hearing is Sergeant Scott A. McKenzie, a female Master Sergeant and a Specialist accused of knocking down, punching and kicking a detainee as he arrived at Camp Bucca. The details of the abuse include several personnel holding the detainee face down on the ground, spreading his legs and kicking him in his groin numerous times.

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This document is part of the transcript of the Article 32 proceeding against Spc. Timothy F. Canjar who was accused of detainee abuse at Camp Bucca, Iraq in May 2003. See ACLU RDI 1322 and the other documents following in sequence.

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Specialist Sivits was arraigned at a special court martial in May 2004 for his role in abuses at Abu Ghraib prison on 11/8/03. He pled guilty to the charges of maltreating and conspiracy to maltreat detainees for his role in an incident of abuse in which photographs were taken of nude detainees who had been forced into a human pyramid position and otherwise sexually humiliated. He also pled guilty of dereliction of duty in that he negligently failed to protect detainees from abuse, cruelty and maltreatment. He was sentenced to reduction in rank to Private E-1 (from E-4), confinement for one year, and discharge with a bad-conduct discharge.

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This is the Court Martial record (Volume 2 of 7) of Private First Class Edward L. Richmond, Jr., who was charged with murder for shooting and killing an Iraqi civilian-farmer on or about February 28, 2004 at or near Taal Al Jal, Iraq. Included in the record is the Article 32 investigation, which includes a letter requesting a new Investigating Officer. The defendant argued that the Investigating Officer (IO) assigned misapplied a critical legal standard, which unfairly prejudiced the defendant. It was the defense's position that the the burden of proof was not on the defendant to prove the shooting was unlawful, but was on the government. Also included are motions, emails and records.

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Report on an AR 15-6 inquiry into treatment of a detainee captured by a SEAL team in January 2004. This is the conclusions and findings of the investigator. Several soldiers state that SEALs performed a battlefield interrogation, during which "one of the SEALs used his foot to keep [the detainee] down." The detainee was also surrounded by a group of military personnel who kicked him at multiple points during the interrogation. A Specialist reports hearing the detainee "yelling in pain." Soldiers report seeing bruises on the detainee's forehead, eye, and chin after SEALs handed him over to SHTF guards. In another incident, when a soldier "tried to remove the zip ties on the detainee, [the soldier] moved and the knife cut his hand." Documents do not include conclusions of investigation, only summarized findings. Attaches memo appointing First Lieutenant as Investigating Officer, dated January 31, 2004.

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This is the Court-Martial of Specialist Armin J. Cruz of the 502nd Military Intelligence Battalion, 504th Military Intelligence Brigade. SPC Cruz was charged with two (2) counts of maltreatment of a detainee at Abu Ghraib prison and pleaded guilty to those charges.

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This is the verbatim trial record of First Lieutenant Glenn A. Niles, Jr. of the 615th Military Police Company who was accused of grabbing a detainee by the neck and punching him in the stomach with a closed fist. This occurred on July 30, 2002 at the Al Taji Police Station in Baghdad, Iraq. The 1LT pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced to: 1) a reprimanded; and 2) To forfeit $1,003.00 per month for 12 months.

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This is the Court Martial record of Specialist Timothy F. Canjar. It includes the charges against Spc. Canjar and his plea(s) as well as. Spc. Canjar was charged with: 1) dereliction of duty; 2) maltreatment of detainees (4 counts); 3) intent to deceive by making a false official statement; 4) abuse of a detainee (4 counts); 5) impeding an investigation; and 6) conspiracy to obstruct justice Notes that proceedings were terminated January 7, 2004 with all charges and specifications referred withdrawn and dismissed with prejudice, with all rights, privileges and property that was deprived during the pendency of the charges restored.

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This is the Court-Martial of Specialist Armin J. Cruz of the 502nd Military Intelligence Battalion, 504th Military Intelligence Brigade. SPC Cruz was charged with two (2) counts of maltreatment of a detainee at Abu Ghraib prison and pleaded guilty to those charges.

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This commander's report is in reference to CID number: 0058-04-CID939-82650. Judicial Finding: Not guilty. There are no specifics on the charges or other information to identify the matter.

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Commander's Report of Disciplinary or Administrative Action concerning CID Nos. 0073-04-CID939-82567 and 0058-04-CID939-82650

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Article 32 Proceeding Charge Sheet for charges against Scott McKenzie for his role in abusing detainees at Abu Ghraib prison. The charges are: 1) dereliction of duty; 2) maltreatment of detainees (three counts); 3) aiding and abetting in maltreatment of detainees; 4) making Official False statements to investigators; and 5) assault (four counts).

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This is an Article 15 proceeding against a Military Police soldier verbally harassed a detainee and splashed a detainee in the face with Pine Oil. The proceeding found the allegations were substantiated and that the responses of the company-level chain of command were deficient, specifically that "[The soldier] did twice mistreat detainees under his care and that his company chain of command was aware of these incidents and did not report them to the chain of command. Additionally, in one of the two cases, no corrective action was taken” In the Pine Oil incident, the officer was reticent in applying punishment as he had "no proof other than the word of a detainee," despite the fact that Pine Oil was found on the door of the cell and the detainee was found in significant pain in his eyes and face. According to testimony, the soldier threw the Pine Oil after being spit on by the detainee. One soldier testified that the soldier in question had a quick temper.

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This Court Martial record (volume 5 of 8) discusses the court martial proceedings of Staff Sergeant Ivan L. Frederick, II, who was charged for offenses he committed while assigned to the Abu Ghraib Detention Facility on or about November 08, 2003. SSG Frederick was arraigned and charged with a number of offenses, including maltreatment of subordinates, conspiracy, dereliction of duty, assault, and wrongful commission of an indecent act with detainees. Included in the record is the Army Regulation 15-6 Investigation into the offenses committed by SSG Frederick's Brigade, the 205th Military Brigade, which included in the AR 15-6 investigation is a list of approved techniques the Army used on detainees. Also included are interrogator notes taken during a victim's/detainee's interview and Army Regulation 190-8 policies.

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This document is the continued transcript of the Article 32 proceeding against Sergeant Scott A. McKenzie. This transcript picks-up after a recess in the hearing. It starts at 8:00 am on September 1, 2003 and recesses again at 5:05 pm on September 1, 2003.

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This is the Court Martial record (Volume 3 of 7) of Private First Class Edward L. Richmond, Jr., who was charged with murder for shooting and killing an Iraqi civilian-farmer on or about February 28, 2004 at or near Taal Al Jal, Iraq. Included in the record is the charge sheet, motions and polygraph examination report (the result of which was inconclusive).

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Article 32 Proceeding Charge Sheet for charges against Scott McKenzie for his role in abusing detainees at Abu Ghraib prison. The charges are: 1) dereliction of duty; 2) maltreatment of detainees (three counts); 3) aiding and abetting in maltreatment of detainees; 4) making Official False statements to investigators; and 5) assault (four counts).

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This Court Martial record discusses the court martial proceedings of Private First Class Edward L. Richmond, Jr., he was charged with murder for shooting and killing an Iraqi civilian-farmer on or about February 28, 2004 at or near Taal Al Jal, Iraq. PFC Richmond plead not guilty, he was found guilty of the lesser included offense of voluntary manslaughter. Also, he was sentenced to forfeit all pay and allowances, was reduced in grade to a Private, confined for three years and dishonorably discharged. Included in the record are letters from family, US Representatives, and a brief explanation of the facts and judgment.

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This Article 15 Proceeding concerns an incident at the Tigris River Bridge in: Samarra, Iraq, January 3, 2004. The charges against the Lieutenant Colonel are for impeding the investigation in to the matter by wrongfully attempting to influence soldiers to make either make false, misleading or incomplete sworn statements regarding incident in which two (2) detainees were pushed into Tigris River near Samarra where one of them (an Iraqi civilian, Zaydun Ma'mun Fadhil) drowned.

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This Commander's Report is in reference to CID number: 0058-04-CID939-82650. The Corporal who is the subject of the disciplinary action is charged with obstruction of justice; found guilty; and given a written reprimand.

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This document is part of the transcript of the Article 32 proceeding against Spc. Timothy F. Canjar who was accused of detainee abuse at Camp Bucca, Iraq in May 2003. See ACLU RDI 1322 and the other documents following in sequence.

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Court Martial Records of SPC Megan Ambuhl, who did not participate in abuse of detainees, but pled guilty to Dereliction of Duty for not reporting the activities of MP and MI personnel at Abu Ghraib Prison. She was sentenced to forfeiture of 1/2 months pay for one month and reduction to Private. The Court Martial found that "SPC Ambuhl's decion not to report alleged detainee abyse at Abu Ghraib BCCF clearly appears to be related to her lack of training as a corrections officer, a lack of understanding of proper procedures regarding treatment of detainees, and perceived influences from civilian and military intelligence agencies who she assumed had authority of the hard site."

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Court Martial of LCPL Ryan S. Roberts. LCPL Roberts was charged with dereliction of duty; maltreatment of a prisoner; and holding a pistol to the head of a detainee while being photographed. He pleaded guilty to all charges and received a sentence of: Reduction to pay grade E-1; Forfeit of $500 pay per month for three (3) months; and confinement for 90 days.

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This document is part of the transcript of the Article 32 proceeding against Spc. Timothy F. Canjar who was accused of detainee abuse at Camp Bucca, Iraq in May 2003. See ACLU RDI 1322 and the other documents following in sequence.

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