Vaughn Index of CIA OIG Remand Documents, ACLU v. DOD, No. 1:04-CV-4151 (S.D.N.Y. August 31, 2009)

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<p>A Vaughn index describing documents from the files of the CIA Office of the Inspector General (OIG) responsive to the ACLU's FOIA requests of October 7, 2003 and May 25, 2004. The government originally withheld all of the CIA OIG documents in full, and Judge Hellerstein upheld those withholdings. The ACLU appealed. On April 16, 2009, while the appeal was pending, the government released 4 OLC interrogation memos to the ACLU in connection with the same FOIA requests. The government then sought remand to reprocess the CIA OIG documents in light of the release of the 4 memos. The CIA reprocessed the documents and, on August 24, 2009, released 8 of the CIA OIG documents, plus the Special Review (ACLU-RDI 4611) and an August 1, 2002 OLC memo, called &quot;Item 29&quot; (ACLU-RDI 4548).</p>
<p>The 10 released documents are:</p>
<p>Special Review (ACLU-RDI 4611); Item 29 (ACLU-RDI 4548); Other-29 (ACLU-RDI 4612); Other-39 (ACLU-RDI 4613); Other-63 (ACLU-RDI 4614); Other-71 (ACLU-RDI 4615); Other-93 (ACLU-RDI 4617); Other-103 (ACLU-RDI 4618); Interview-83 (ACLU-RDI 4616); and Email-196 (ACLU-RDI 4619).</p>

Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Document Number: OIG Report
Date of Document: 05/07/04
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret, SCI
Document Pages: 158
FOIA Exemptions:
L'SI (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
121 (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
L'SI (b) (5)
L'SI (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(f)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D U) (I)
D U) (2)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
o Denied in Full
• Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a special review of the CIA Terrorist Rendition, Detention and
Interrogation (RDI) program. The document contains predecisional information and information relating to
classified intelligence operation, sources, andmethods. The document also contains information relating to the
locations ofCIA covert facilities and the identities ofCIA officers and consultants. This document is withheld in part
on the bases ofFOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3), b(5), and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section JA(c) and JA( d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section J02A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp, 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.CA. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(5) - This documentcontainsinformation relating to intra-agency predecisionaldeliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations ofCIA personnel,and thus is protectedfrom
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This documentcontainsinformation relating to the identitiesof personnelengaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Item 29
Date of Document: 08/0112002
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 18
FOIA Exemptions:
C2J (b) (I)
[j (b) (2)
C2J (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
o (b) (5)
C2J (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
[j (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
o (j) (I)
o (j) (2)
o (k)(I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
o Denied in Full
• Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a memo prepared by the Office of Legal Counsel within the Department
of Justice for the CIA. It analyzes the legality of Enhanced Interrogation Techoiques in anticipation of the use
against a senior al-Qaedaoperative. The document containsidentifying information of consultants who supported
the CIA's development of the program. This information is withheld under FOIA Exemption b(l), b(3) and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemptionb(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.c.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relatingto the organization, functions, andnames ofpersons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities ofpersonnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individualwhose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Item 61
Date of Document: 09/17/01
Document Type: Memo
Classification: SCI, Top Secret
Document Pages: 14
FOIA Exemptions:
121 (b) (I)
o (b)(2)
121 (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
121 (b)(5)
o (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions: o (d)(5)
o GJ (I)
o GJ (2)
o (k) (I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document from the National Security Counsel to the CIA discussed authorizations for
the CIA to undertake counter-terrorism activities. The document contains presidential communications, as well as
information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources and methods. The document is withheld in full
under ForA exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(5).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( I) of the National Secutity Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to Presidential communications with
members of the National Security Council which were intended to remain confidential and have remained
confidential. Thus, the document is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-I
Date of Document: 6/2212004
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 4
FOIA Exemptions:
[8J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
[8J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
[8J (b)(5)
D (b)(6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D UJ (I)
D UJ (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 4-page document dated Juue 21, 2004 commenting on the couclusions
and recommendations of an OIG report. The documeut contains information relating to classified intelligence
operations, sources, and methods, as well as predecisional information, attorney-client communications made and
kept in confidence, and attorney work-product created in anticipation of litigation. The document is withheld in full
on the basis ofFOIA Exemption b(5) and in part on the basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(l) and b(3).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section lA(c) and lA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations ofCIA personnel, as well as attorney-client
communications and attorney work-product done in anticipation of litigation, and thus is protected from disclosure
by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-3
Date of Document: 6/17/2004
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 8
FOIA Exemptions:
[)(J (b) (I)
D (b)(2)
[)(J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
[)(J (b) (5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D U)(I)
D U)(2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is an eight page document, including a routing slip, requesting continued legal and
policy support for the CIA's interrogation program. The document contains predecisional deliberations and
attorney-client communications as well as information relating to a clandestine intelligence program. The document
is withheld in its entirety under exemption b(5), and in part under exemptions b(l) and b(3).
Exemption bel) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section JA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency prcdccisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel, as well as attorney-client
communications and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-5
Date of Document: 2/2412004
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 129
FOIA Exemptions:
lSI (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
lSI (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
lSI (b) (5)
lSI (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(t)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D UJ (I)
D UJ (2)
D (k)(I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 129 page draft document, regarding the review of the CIA'sinterrogation program,
with comments and suggestions from a CIA attorney on how the document could be improved. The document is
withheld in its entirety under exemption b(5), and in part under exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(6).
Exemptionb(1) - This document containsinformation relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-10)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 ofthe Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(5) - This documentcontainsinformation relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations of CIA personnel, as well as attorney-client
communications and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b( 6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosureof which would constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-7
Date olDocument: 1113/2004
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 44
FOIA Exemptions:
[21 (b) (I)
o (b)(2)
[21 (b)(3)
o (b) (4)
[21 (b) (5)
[21 (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
o (d)(5)
o G)(I)
o (j) (2)
o (k) (I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is 44-page memo, with attached emails and cables, conunenting on a draft report
relating to the detention and interrogation program, The document contains confidential communications between
CIA officers relating to predecisional comments on the draft and suggestions for improving the document. The
document also contains information relating to classified intelligence operations and methods. The document is
withheld in its entirety under exemption b(5), and in part under exemptions b(I), b(3), and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Ceutrallntelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations ofCIA employees, and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion ofpersonal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-9
Date of Docnment: 10/7/2003
Document Type: Handwritten
Classification: Secret
Docnment Pages: 21
FOIA Exemptions:
~ (b) (1)
D (b) (2)
~ (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
~ (b) (5)
~ (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(f)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D Gl (1)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is 21-pages of handwritten notes describing an investigation into a classified
intelligence operation. The documentcontainsinformation relating to classified intelligence operations, sources and
methods, and the predecisional opinions and impressions of a CIA officer. The document is withheld in full under
FOiA Exemptions b(5) and b(6) and in part under FOiA Exemptions b(1) and b(3).
Exemption b( I) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations ofCIA employees, andthus is protectedfrom
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosureof which would constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harrn to the individualwhose
privacy would be violated, and thus the infonnation is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-II
Date of Docnment: 10/6/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: II
FOIA Exemptions:
12'1 (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
12'1 (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
12'1 (b) (5)
12'1 (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(f)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D UJ (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is II-pages of handwritten notes and cable summaries, from an interview with a CIA
officer. The document contains predecisional impressions of a CIA office, as well as information relating to
classified intelligence activities and personally identifying information of an individual. The document is withheld in
its entirety under exemption b(5), and in part under exemptions b(I), b(3) and b(6).
Exemption bel) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA( d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations ofCIA personnel, as well as attorney-client
communications and attorney work-product done in anticipation of litigation, and thus is protected from disclosure
by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to [describe nature of information] derived
from the [personnel, medical, or similar] files of a CIA employee the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly
unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. The public interest in disclosure of this information does not outweigh the
harm to the individual whose privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by
Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-l 3
Date of Document: 8/26/2003
Document Type: Handwritten
Classification: Secret
Docnment Pages: 15
FOIA Exemptions:
181 (b) (I)
D (b)(2)
181 (b)(3)
D (b) (4)
181 (b) (5)
181 (b)(6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (t)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D (j)(I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is 15 pages of handwritten notes from a CIA officer interviewing another CIA officer.
It discusses certain proposed interrogation techniques, medical information, and operational intelligence. This
document contains the pre-decisional impressions of a CIA officer and is protected from disclosure by FOrA
Exemption b(5). The document also contains information relating to classified intelligence operations. The
document is withheld in its entirety under ForA Exemption b(5) and b(6), and in part under ForA Exemptions b(l)
and b(3).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption bel).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and reconunendations of CIA personnel and is protected from disclosure
by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-I 5
Date of Docnment: 8/2112003
Document Type: Handwritten
Classification: Secret
Docnment Pages: 5 pages
FOIA Exemptions:
[8J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
[><J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
[8J (b)(5)
[8J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7)(e)
D (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D Ul (I)
D Ul (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is 5-pages of handwritten notes from a CIA officer interviewing another CIA officer. It
discusses certain proposed interrogation techniques, medical information, and operational intelligence. This
document contains the pre-decisional impressions of a CIA officer and is protected from disclosure by FOrA
Exemption b(5). The document also contains information relating to classified intelligence operations. The
document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3), b(5) and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 ofthe Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel, as well as attorney-client
communications and attorney work-product done in anticipation of litigation, and thus is protected from disclosure
by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-I 7
Date of Document: 7/31/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 5
FOIA ExemptIons:
[2J (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
[2J (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
[2J (b) (5)
o (b)(6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions: o (d)(5)
o UJ (I)
o UJ (2)
o (k)(I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a five page document, including a cover page, discussing a meeting on a classified
intelligence program, as well a legal analysis of the enhanced techniques. In contains information relating to a CIA
attorney's legal analysis and advice on a classified program, done in anticipation of litigation. It also includes
information relating to classified intelligence sources and methods. The document is withheld in full on the basis of
FOIA Exemption b(5) and in part on the bases ofFOlA Exemptions b(l) and b(3).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I 02A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel, as well as attorney-client
communications and attorney work-product done in anticipation of litigation, and thus is protected from disclosure
by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-I 9
Date of Document: 7/29/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 19
FOIA Exemptions:
IZJ (b) (1)
D (b)(2)
IZJ (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
IZJ (b) (5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D (j)(I)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 19-page Powerpoint presentation regarding the CIA's interrogation program, as it
relates to high value detainees. This documentcontainsthe pre-decisional information, legal analysis, and opinion
prepared by an attorney in contemplation of criminal, civil, and administrative proceedings. It was prepared with the
expectation of the attorney that it would be held in confidence, and it has been held in confidence. The document
also contains information relatedto classified intelligence operations, sources, andmethods. The documentis
withheld in its entirety under FOIA exemption b(5) and in part under FOIA Exemptions b(l) and b(3).
Exemptionb(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,and foreignrelations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( 1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403-l(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(5) - This documentcontains information relating to intra-agency predecisionaldeliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations of CIA personnel, as well as legal analysis
created in anticipation of litigationandprovidedto a client in confidence. This information is protectedfrom
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-21
Date of Document: 06/19/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 5
FOIA Exemptions:
I'XJ (b) (1)
D (b) (2)
L'J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
I'XJ (b) (5)
I'XJ (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j)(1)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 5-page summary of cable traffic, from a CIA officer in the field to CIA
Headquarters. The document describes the capture, detention, and interrogation of a detainee, as well as the
operational intelligence the detainee provided. The documents contains predecisional information and information
relating to operational intelligence derived via a detainee, classified sources, methods and information that could
identify personnel involved in counter-terrorism operations. The document is withheld in full under FOIA
Exemptions b(I), b(3), b(5), and b(6).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations ofCIA personnel, and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-23
Date of Document: 6/16/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
~ (b) (I)
::::J (b) (2)
121 (b) (3)
C (b) (4)
121 (b) (5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
::::J (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
C (b)(7)(f)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D m(l)
D m(2)
L (k)(I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Deuied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Ageucy
Document Description: This is a 4-page document, including a router page, that summarizes the applicable law to
the CIA's detention and interrogation program. This document contains pre-decisional deliberative process
information and confidential communications between a CIA attorney and CIA officers relating to a matter for which
the officers sought legal advice. It was prepared by the CIA attorney or employee with the joiut expectation of the
attorney and employee that it would be held iu confideuce, and it has been held iu confidence. In addition, the
information was produced by a CIA attorney in anticipation of litigation. These pre-decisional, attorney work
product, and privileged attorney-clieut commuuicatious are thus protected from disclosure by Exemptiou b(5).The
document is withheld in its entirety under exemption b(5), and in part under exemption b( I) and b(3).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA( c) and lA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel, as well as attorney-client
communications and attorney work-product done in anticipation of litigation, and thus is protected from disclosure
by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-25
Date of Document: 6/16/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Docnment Pages: 8
FOIA Exemptions:
~ (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
C2J (b) (3)
·cJ (b) (4)
~ (b) (5)
C (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
lJ (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (t)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
C (d) (5)
D (j) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (1)
D (k) (2)
C (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is an 8-page document, including two routing slips and a classification cover sheet.
The document summarizes the law applicable to the CIA's detention and interrogation program of captured
detainees. The document contains confidential communications between a CIA attorney and CIA officers relating to
a matter for which the officers sought legal advice. It was prepared by the CIA attorney or employee with the joint
expectation of the attorney and employee that it would be held in confidence, and it has been held in confidence.
These privileged attorney-client communications are thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5). The
document also contains information that relates to classified intelligence sources and methods. The document is
withheld in its entirety under exemption b(5), and in part under exemptions b(1), and b(3).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403-1 (i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel, as well as attorney-client
communications and attorney work-product done in anticipation of litigation, and thus is protected from disclosure
by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-27
Date of Documeut: 4/1 012003·
Documeut Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Documeut Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptious:
~ (b) (1)
n (b)(2)
~ (b)(3)
D (b) (4)
~ (b) (5)
[l (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D Ul (1)
D Ul (2)
D (k)(1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 3-page document that describes a meeting on the CIA's interrogation program,
which provided an update on the CIA's interrogations program and use of enhanced techniques. This document
contains confidential communications between a CIA attorney and senior executive branch officials relating to a
matter for which the officials sought legal advice. It was prepared by the CIA attorney with the expectation that it
would be held in confidence, and it has been held in confidence. These privileged attorney-client communications
are thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5). The document also contains information relating to classified
intelligence sources and methods. The document is withheld in its entirety under exemption b(5), and in part under
exemptions b(i) and b(3).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( 1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel, as well as attorney-client
communications and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-29
Date of Documeut: 2/25/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 37
FOIA Exemptions:
~ (b) (1)
C (b) (2)
[)<J (b)(3)
U (b) (4)
[)<J (b)(5)
[)<J (b) (6)
;:] (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
C (b) (7) (e)
C (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
C (d) (5)
C U) (i)
D U) (2)
D (k)(1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
o Denied in Full
• Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 37-page document dated February 25, 2003, which outlines the
proposed training and interrogation strategies. The documentcontains information relating to a classified
intelligence program, as well as classified intelligence sources andmethods. The document also contains
pre-decisional information createdto further the policy-makingprocess and information thatcould identify personnel
engaged in counter-terrorism operations. The document is withheld in part on the bases ofFOIA Exemptions b(1),
b(3), b(5), and b(6).
Exemption bel) - This document contains information relatingto intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemptionb(3) - This documentcontains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relatingto the organization, functions, andnames of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp.2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This documentcontains information relatingto intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations of CIA personneland thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relatingto the identitiesof personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-31
Date of Document: 2/21/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 5
FOIA Exemptious:
[gJ (b) (I)
D (b)(2)
[gJ (b)(3)
D (b) (4)
D (b)(5)
[gJ (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D U)(I)
D UJ (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Deuied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a I-page email with an attached four page document discussing a classified program
relating to detainees. The document contains classified information relating to intelligence sources and methods, as
well as information that could identify personnel engaged in counter-terrorism activities, and is therefore withheld in
its entirety on the bases ofFOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-33
Date of Document: 2/14/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 18
FOIA Exemptions:
i2J (b) (I)
D (b)(2)
i2J (b)(3)
D (b) (4)
i2J (b)(5)
i2J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D G)(I)
D U) (2)
D (k)(I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is an 18-page document, with attachments, responding to the Inspector General's
documentrequest. It contains information relating to a classified intelligence program, includingsources and
methods. It also includes pre-decisional deliberative information exchanged between CIA officers and information
thatcould identify personnel engaged in counter terrorism operations. This document is withheldin its entiretyon
the basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(I), b(3), b(5), and b(6).
Exemption b( I) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemptionb(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources andintelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnames of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(5). This document
contains information relating to intra-agency predecisionaldeliberations, includingpreliminary evaluations,
opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individualwhose
privacy would be violated, and tbus tbe information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-35
Date of Document: 2/12/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: II
FOIA Exemptions:
t>'J (b) (l)
D (b) (2)
t>'J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
t>'J (b) (5)
t>'J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
C (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(l)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is an l l-page document detailing the pre-decisional discussions that occured between
CIA attorneys and representative of other U.S. Government agencies regarding the legality and approval of the CIA's
use of enhanced interrogation techniques. It contains classified information relating to classified intelligence
operations, sources, and methods, as well as pre-decisional communications between U.S. government officials. The
document is withheld in its entirety under exemptiou b(5), and in part under exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document coutains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-l(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations ofCIA employees, and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-37
Date of Document: 2/11/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 17
FOIA Exemptions:
[5<J (b) (1)
D (b) (2)
[5<J (b)(3)
D (b) (4)
[5<J (b) (5)
[5<J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b)(7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(t)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D GJ (1)
D GJ (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 17-page document, with altaclunents, requesting approval from the DCI for a
classified intelligence operation. The document contains confidential pre-decisional conununications between a CIA
officers, as well as classified information relating to intelligence operations, sources and methods. The document
also contains information that could identify personnel engaged in counter-terrorism activities and is therefore
withheld in its entirety under exemption b(5), and in part under exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
inclnding confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) afthe National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA employees, and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-39
Date of Document: 1/31/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 6
FOIA Exemptions:
L><J (b) (1)
D (b) (2)
L><J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b)(5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j) (1)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
Disposition: o Denied in Full
• Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a six page document dated January 31, 2003. It is the psycholoigical assessment of
a high valued detainee, including background information. It contains information relating to classified intelligence
operations, sources and methods. The document is withheld in part on the bases ofFOIA Exemptions b(l) and b(3).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligencemethods, andforeign relations or foreign activitiesof the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employedby the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Document Number: Other-41
Date of Document: 1/28/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 9
FOIA Exemptions:
k8:I (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
k8:I (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
[><J (b) (5)
[><J (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions: o (d) (5)
o (j)(I)
o (j) (2)
o (k) (I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 2-page document, with a 7-page attachment, from an OGC attorney, informing the
Office of General Counsel of an OlG review of Agency practices and an OlG request for documents. Tbe document
contains pre-decisional information relating to proposed intelligence activities. In addition, the document contains
information relating to classified intelligence sources and methods and the identities of personnel engaged in
counter-terrorism activities. The document is withheld in full under FOiA Exemption b(5) and in part under FOiA
Exemptions b(I), b(3), and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - Tbis document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. *403-1(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. *403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.CA § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations ofCIA employees and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemptionb(6) - This document containsinformation relating to the identitiesof personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosureof the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-43
Date of Document: 112712003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
121 (b) (I)
D (b)(2)
121 (b)(3)
D (b) (4)
121 (b)(5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D G)(I)
D G) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
a Partial Release
a Released in Full
a Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 3-page document dated January 27,2003. It contains information relating to
pre-decisional discussions among CIA officers regarding a specific CIA operation, as well as information relating to
classified intelligence operations, sources and methods. The document is withheld in its entirety on the bases of
FOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3) and b(5).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by sectiou 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-45
Date of Document: 1/24/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 12
FOIA Exemptions:
lSI (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
lSI (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
lSI (b)(5)
lSI (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 12-page draft document that proposes various intelligence methods. The
document contains pre-decisional information as well as information relating to classified intelligence operations,
sources, methods, and the identities of personnel engaged in counter-terrorism operations. The document is withheld
in its entirety on the basis ofFOlA Exemption b(5) and in part on the bases ofb(l), b(3) and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains iuformatiou relating to intelligeuce activities (iucluding special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including coufideutial sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) aud IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as ameuded, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 ofthe Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA employees, and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Nnmber: Olber-47
Date of Document: 1/14/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
18I (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
o (b) (4)
18I (b) (5)
18I (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7) (f)
Privacy Act Exemptious:
o (d)(5)
o (j)(1)
o (j) (2)
o (k) (I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This documentis a 3-pagememo from a CIA officer the specific requirements of personell
who could participate in a specific intelligence operation. The document containspre-decisional information and
deliberationsof CIA officers, as well as information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and
melbods. The document is witbbeld in its entirety under FOiA Exemptions b(I), b(3), and b(5).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 oflbe Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.c.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, andreconunendations ofCIA personnel, as well as attorney-client
communications andattorney work-product done in anticipation of litigation, and thus is protectedfrom disclosure
by Exemption b(5).
Exemptionb(6) - This document contains information relating to the identitiesof personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations,the disclosure of which would constitutea clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the hann to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-49
Date of Document: 1/13/2003
Document Type: Memo
ClassIfication: Top Secret
Document Pages: 8
FOIA Exemptions:
~ (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
~ (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
~ (b) (5)
~ (b)(6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D (j) (1)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 2-page memo with 5 pages of photos and a I-page routing sheet attached. The
memo was written by a CIA officer for a CIA attorney and discuss the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah. The document
contains information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, andmethods,as well as information
thatcould identify personnel engaged in counter-terrorism activities. In addition, the documentwas prepared at the
request of a CIA attorney to help the CIA attorney provide legal counsel to a client. The document is withheld in its
entirety on the bases ofFOIA Exemptions b(1), b(3), b(5) and b(6).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnames of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). mended, 50
V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains confidential communications between a CIA attorney and CIA
officers relating to a matter for which the officers sought legal advice. It was prepared by the CIA officer with the
joint expectation of the attorney andofficer that it would be held in confidence, and it has been held in confidence.
These privileged attorney-client communications are thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-51
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 16
FOIA Exemptions:
lSI (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
lSI (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
lSI (b) (5)
lSI (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b)(7)(d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
:0 (d)(5)
o Ul(I)
o Ul(2)
o (k) (1)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 16-page document discussing a proposal for a specific counterterrorism operation.
This documentcontains the pre-decisional impressions of a CIA officer andis protectedfrom disclosureby
Exemption b(5). The documentalso containsinformation relating to classified intelligence operations, sources,
methods, and the identitiesof personnel engaged in counter-terrorism activities. The documentis withheld in its
entirety under exemption b(5), and in part under exemptions b(I), b(3), and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section l.4(c) and lA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thns is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnames of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisiona1 deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations ofCIA personnelandis protectedfrom disclosure
by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-53
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 27
FOIA Exemptions:
t2J (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
t2J (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
o (b) (5)
t2J (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions: o (d)(5)
o UJ (I)
o UJ (2)
o (k) (I)
o (k) (2)
[J (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 16-page document, with handwritten notes, discussing a counterterrorism
operation. This documentcontains the pre-decisionalimpressions of a CIA officer andis protectedfrom disclosure
by Exemption b(5). The document also contains information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources,
and methods. The document is withheld in its entirety under exemption b(5), and in part under exemptions b(l),
b(3), and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,and foreignrelations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisionaldeliberations,
includingpreliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations of CIA personnelandis protectedfromdisclosure
by Exemption b(5).
Exemptionb(6) - This document contains information relating to the identitiesofpersonnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations,the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-55
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Photos
Classiflcation: Secret
Document Pages: 27
FOIA Exemptions:
tzI (b) (1)
D (b) (2)
tzI (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
tzI (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(t)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j)(1)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document contains 26 pages of photos and a handwritten coversheet detailing a
classified intelligence method. The document is withheld in its entirety on the bases ofFOIA Exemptions b( 1), b(3),
and b(6).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section lA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(6) - This document contains information relating to the identitiesof personnelengaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosureof which would constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-57
Date of Document: 12/30/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 2
FOIA Exemptions:
C2J (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
I'2J (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
C2J (b) (5)
C"1 (b) (6)
LJ (b) (7) (c)
LJ (b)(7)(d)
D (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions: o (d) (5)
o (j)(I)
o (j) (2)
o (k)(l)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 2-page memo dated December 30, 2002 between goverrnnent officials relating to
the details of a specific classified intelligence operation, as well as classified intelligence sources, and methods. The
document also contains predecisional information and information that could identify personnel engaed in
counter-terrorism operations The document is withheld in its entirety on the bases ofFOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3)
and b(5) and in part on the basis ofb(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(l). This document
contains information relatingto intelligence activities (includingspecial activities), intelligence methods, and foreign
relations or foreign activities of the United States 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order 12958, as amended, and is
thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(3). This document
contains information relating to intelligence methods that is specifically exemptedfromdisclosure by section
102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and
section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is
protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This document also contains information relating to the organization,
functions, and names of persons employed by the CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of
the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisionaldeliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations of CIA personnelandthus is protectedfrom
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-59
Date of Document: 12/30/2002
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 8
FOIA Exemptions:
[><J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
[><J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
[><J (b) (5)
[><J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptious:
D (d) (5)
D G) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Deuied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is an 8-page report dated December 30,2002 suggesting improvements that
could be made to a CIA operation. The document contains pre-decisional information prepared by CIA officers, as
well as infonntaion relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, methods and the identies of personnel
engaged in counter-terrorism operations. The document is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA Exemptions
b(I), b(3) and b(5) and in part on the basis ofb(6).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the infonnation is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-61
Date of Document: 12/26/2002
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Confidential
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
[><J (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
[><J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
[>'J (b) (5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D Ul (I)
D (j) (2)
C (k)(l)
D (k) (2)
[J (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 3-page memo dated December 26, 2002 from the General Counsel to
the DCI providing advice on a classified counter-terrorism matter. The document contains information relating to
classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods, as well as pre-decisional information created by a CIA
attorney in the course of providing legal counsel to a CIA officer at the officer's request and in anticipation of
litigation. The attorney-client information was created with a mutual expectation by both the attorney and the client
that it would bekept in confidence and it has been kept in confidence. The document is withheld in its entirety on the
bases ofFOlA Exemptions b(I), b(3) and b(5).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and reconunendations ofCIA personnel, as well as attorney-client
communications and attorney work-product done in anticipation of litigation, and thus is protected from disclosure
by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-63
Date of Document: 11/20/2002
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 2
FOIA Exemptions:
lSI (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
lSI (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
o (b) (5)
lSI (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D U) (I)
D (j) (2)
o (k) (1)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
o Denied in Full
• Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 2-page document discussing counterterrorism techniques and operations. It also
includes a psychological assessmentof a detainee. The document contains information that relates to classified
intelligence operations, sources, methods, and the identities of personnel engaged in counter-terrorism operations,
which is withheld under ForA Exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligencemethods, andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1A(c) and 1A(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(l) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central1ntelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central1ntelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosureof which would constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasionof personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the hann to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-65
Date of Document: 11/2/2002
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 38
FOIA Exemptions:
~ (b) (1)
D (b) (2)
I8J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
~ (b) (5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b)(7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(t)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D GJ (1)
D GJ (2)
D (k)(l)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Ageucy
Document Description: This is a 38-page document, outlining the need for and proposing a more intense
counterterrorism program, for detained unlawful combatants. It discusses certain proposed interrogation techniques,
medical information, and operational intelligence. This document contains the pre-decisional impressions ofa CIA
officer and is protected from disclosure by FOIA Exemptiou b(5). The document also coutains iuformation relating
to classified intelligence operations. The document is withheld iu its entirety uuderFOIA Exemption b(5), and iu
part uuder FOIA Exemptions b(l) and b(3).
Exemption b( I) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employedby the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
includingpreliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations ofCIApersonnel andis protected fromdisclosure
by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-67
Date of Documeut: 10/1512002
Documeut Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Documeut Pages: 5
FOIA Exemptious:
181 (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
181 (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
181 (b) (5)
181 (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (1)
Privacy Act Exemptious:
D (d) (5)
D (j)(I)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 5-page document, requesting authorization for training, regarding counterterrorism
methods and techniques, for CIA officers. The document contains pre-decisional information relating to proposed
intelligence activities. In addition, the document contains information relating to classified intelligence sources,
methods, and the identities of personnel engaged in counter-terrorism operations. The document is withheld in its
entirety under rorx Exemptions b(I), b(3), and b(5).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA employees and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-69
Date of Document: 9/10/2002
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
[)<J (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
[)<J (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
[)<J (b) (5)
o (b) (6)
[J (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b)(7)(t)
Privacy Act Exemptions: o (d) (5)
o U) (I)
o (j) (2)
o (k)(I)
o (k) (2)
n (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Docnment Description: This document is a 3-page memo dated September 10, 2002 from a CIA officer to other
CIA officers discussing a counter-terrorism operation and proposing improvements to that operation. The document
contains pre-decisional information as well as information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources and
methods. The document is withheld in its entirety on the bases ofFOIA Exemptions b(I), b(3) and b(5).
Exemption bel) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I 02A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Snpp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-71
Date of Document: 7/24/2002
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 7
FOIA Exemptions:
~ (b) (1)
o (b) (2)
~ (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
~ (b) (5)
~ (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7) (f)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
n (d) (5)
[J Q) (I)
o Q) (2)
o (k)(l)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
o Denied in Full
• Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 7-page psychological assessment of a high-value detainee. The
document contains classified information relating to intelligence sources and methods, as well as predecisional
information and information that could identify personnel engaged on counter-terrorism activities. This document is
withheld in part on the bases ofFOIA Exemptions b(I), b(3), b(5), and b(6).
Exemption b( 1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.c.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel, and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-73
Date of Document: 712412002
Document Type: Handwritten
Classification: Secret
Document Pages:
FOIA Exemptions:
C><J (b) (l)
o (b) (2)
C><J (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
C><J (b) (5)
C><J (b) (6)
'0 (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions: o (d) (5)
o 0)(1)
o G) (2)
o (k)(l)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This I-page of handwritten notes dated July 24,2002 from a CIA officer describing
proposed interrogation techniques that could be considered for use on detainees. The document contains
pre-decisional information as well as information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods.
The document is withheld in its entirety on the bases ofFOIA Exemptions b(5) and b(6) and in part on the bases of
FOIA Exemptions b(l) and b(3).
Exemption bel) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(l) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(l) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of this information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-75
Date of Docnment: 05/15/2002
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 2
FOIA Exemptions:
CXJ (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
[2J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
[2J (b)(5)
[2J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(t)
Privacy Act Exemptions: o (d) (5)
D UJ (1)
D UJ (2)
D (k)(1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a two page memo from one CIA officer to another CIA officer discussing
information, providedby Abu Zubaydah, relating to a classified counter-terrorism operation. The document
contains predecisional information and information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, methods,
and the identities of personnel engaged in counter-terrorism operations andis therefore withheldin its entiretyon the
bases ofFOIA Exemptions b(I), b(3), and b(5) and in part on the basis ofb(6).
Exemptionb(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemptionb(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. *403-I(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. *403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnames of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisionaldeliberations, including
preliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations ofCIA personnel, and thus is protectedfrom disclosure by
Exemption b(5).
Exemptionb(6) - This documentcontains information relating to the identitiesof personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-77
Date of Document: 04116/2002
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 4
FOIA Exemptions:
[5<J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
[5<J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
[5<J (b) (5)
[5<J (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
D (b)(7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b)(7)(t)
Privacy Act Exemptions: o (d) (5)
o G) (1)
o G)(2)
o (k) (I)
o (k) (2)
[J (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 4-page Memorandum for the Record by two CIA officers dated April
16,2002 that outlines pre-decisional discussions among CIA attorneys and officers, as well as attorneys from other
governmentagencies that occured in anticipation ofa counter-terrorism operation. The document contains legal
analysis by the attorneys provided to their clients in confidence and produced in anticipation of litigation. The
documentalso contains classified information relating to intelligence operations, sources, methods, andthe identities
of personnel engaged in counter-terrorism activities. The document is withheld in its entirety on the bases ofFOIA
Exemptions b(1), b(3) and b(5) and in pall on the basis ofb(6).
Exemptionbel) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,and foreignrelations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section JA( c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemptionb(3) - This document containsinformation relating to intelligence sourcesand intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(l) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. *403-1(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. *403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 V.S.C.A. *403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(5). This document
contains information relatingto intra-agency predecisional deliberations, includingpreliminary evaluations,
opinions, and recommendations ofCIA employees. the document also containsattomy-clientprivileged information
and attorney work-product, and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of whichwouldconstitute a clearlyunwarranted invasionof personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-79
Date of Document: 4/3/2002
Document Type: Handwritten
Classificatiou: Secret
Document Pages: 44
FOlA Exemptions:
[)(J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
ISJ (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
[)(J (b) (5)
[)(J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7)(d)
D (b)(7)(e)
D (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j)(I)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is 4-pages of handwritten notes, dated April 3, 2002, by a CIA officer regarding the
interrogation of Abu Zubaydah. The document contains pre-decisional information as well as information relating to
classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. The document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of
FOIA Exemptions b(I), b(3), b(5), and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section I A(c) and I A(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(5). This document
contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations, including preliminary evaluations,
opinions, and recommendations of CIA employees, and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5)
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of this information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Olber-81
Date of Document: 03116/2002
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 4
FOIA Exemptions:
[2J (b) (1)
o (b) (2)
[2J (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
[2J (b) (5)
[2J (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
o (d) (5)
o (j)(I)
o (j) (2)
o (k)(1)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 4-page draft plan dated March 16,2002 from two CIA officers detailing
proposed enhancedinterrogation techniques. The document also contains information relating to classified
intelligence operations, sources, methods,andthe identitiesofpersonnelengaged in counter-terrorism activities.
The document is withheld in its entirety under exemption b(5), and in part under exemptions b(I), b(3), and b(6).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, lbat is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is lbus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemptionb(3) - This document containsinformation relating to intelligence sourcesand intelligence
melbods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) oflbe National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and lbus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and lbus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(3). This document
contains information relatingto intra-agency predecisionaldeliberations, includingprelintinary evaluations,
opinions, and recommendations ofCIA officers, and lbus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemptionb(6) - This documentcontains information relating to the identitiesof personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh theharm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, aud thus the iuforruation is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-83
Date of Document: 10/25/200I
Document Type: Memo
Classilication: Top Secret
Document Pages:
FOIA Exemptions:
I'XJ (b) (I)
o (b)(2)
I'XJ (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
I'XJ (b) (5)
o (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
U (b) (7) (d)
U (b) (7) (e)
U (b) (7) (t)
Privacy Act Exemptions: o (d) (5)
o U) (I)
o (j) (2)
o (k)(l)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a l-page draft document discussing legal requirements for a
counter-terrorism operation. The document contains pre-decisional information as well as information created by a
CIA attorney in anticipation of litigation and provided to a CIA officer in confidence. The docmnent also includes
classified information relating to intelligence operations, sources, and methods. The document is withheld in its
entirety under ForA Exemptions b(l), b(3) and b(5).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to sectiou IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemptiou b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(l) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and sectiou 6 of the Central Iutelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.c.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), aud thus is protected from disclosure by Exemptiou b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligeuce Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), aud thus is protected from disclosure by Exemptiou b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This docmneut is withheld iu its eutirety ou the basis of Exemption b(5). This docmnent
contains information relating to inter-agency predecisional deliberations, including preliminary evaluations,
opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel. It also contains attorney-client communications and attorney
work-product done in auticipation of litigation, and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemptiou b(5).
Document Number: Other-85
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 8
FOIA Exemptions:
C8J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
C8J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
C8J (b) (5)
C8J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D (j) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is an 8-page draft outlining proposed guidelines on interrogation standards,
which govern the conduct of detainee interrogartions conducted by the CIA. The document also contains
information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, methods, and the identities of personnel engaged in
counter-terrorism activities. The document is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA Exemption b(5) and in
part on the bases ofFOIA Exemption b(3) and b(5).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(5). This document
contains information relating to inter-agency predecisional deliberations, including preliminary evaluations,
opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the infonnation does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-87
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 22
FOIA Exemptions:
[>9 (b) (1)
C (b) (2)
[>9 (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
[>9 (b) (5)
[>9 (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j)(1)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 22-page docwnent outlining the concepts of counterterrorism operations and the
use of of counterterrorism enhanced measures. The document contains pre-decisional information relating to
proposed intelligence activities. In addition, the document contains information relating to classified intelligence
sources, methods and the identities of personnel engaged in counter-terrorism activities. The document is withheld
in its entirety under FOiA Exemptions b(1), b(3), and b(5) and in part under FOiA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and lA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. ~ 403-1(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. ~ 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. ~ 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA employees and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-89
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages:
FOIA Exemptions:
[5<J (b) (I)
D (b)(2)
[5<J (b)(3)
D (b) (4)
[5<J (b)(5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D Gl (I)
D Gl (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a I-page undated memo proposing a counter-terrorism operation. The
documentcontainspre-decisional information as well as information that relates to classified intelligence operations,
sources, and methods. The document is withheld in its entirety on the bases ofFOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3), and
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligencemethods,and foreign relations or foreign activitiesof the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employedby the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
includingpreliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations of CIApersonnel and thusis protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-91
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
GJ (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
GJ (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
o (b) (5)
GJ (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions: o (d) (5)
o (j)(I)
o (j) (2)
o (k) (I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 3-page tableproviding biographical and operational information on a
group of detainees. The document contains information that relates to classified operations, sources, methods and
the identitiesof personel engaged in counter-terrorism activities. Therefore, the document is withheldin its entirety
on the bases ofFOIA Exemptions b(l) and b(3) and in part under Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligencemethods, and foreign relations or foreignactivities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employedby the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of whichwould constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasionof personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-93
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages:
FOIA Exemptions:
~ (b) (1)
D (b) (2)
~ (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b)(5)
[5<J (b)(6)
D (b)(7) (c)
D (b)(7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D GJ (1)
[J GJ (2)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
o Denied in Full
• Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a one page document discussingan enhanced counterterrorism technique. Portions
of this document are withheld based on FOIA Exemptions b(I), b(3) and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activitiesof the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-95
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Handwritten
Classification: Secret
Document Pages:
FOIA Exemptions:
[;<J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
[;<J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
[;<J (b) (5)
[;<J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(f)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D U) (I)
D U) (2)
D (k)(l)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a one page handwritten document that is undated relating to operational details of a
counter-terrorism operation. The document contains the pre-decisional information prepared by a CIA officer, as
well as information relating to classified intelligence operation, sources, andmethods. The document is withheld in
its entirety on the basis ofFOlA Exemptions b(l), b(3), b(5), and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(l) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(5). This document
contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations, including preliminary evaluations,
opinions, and recommendations of CIA officers, and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of this information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-97
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Handwritten
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 2
FOIA Exemptions:
[>:J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
[><J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
[><J (b) (5)
[><J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(t)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D UJ (I)
D UJ (2)
D (k)(l)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 2-page document of handwritten notes that are undated relating to plans for
detaining terrorists. The document contains pre-decisional information, as well as information relating to classified
intelligence operations, sources, and methods. The document is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA
Exemptions b(I), b(3), b(5) and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(5). This document
contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations, including preliminary evaluations,
opinions, and recommendations ofCIA officers, and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5)
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of this information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-99
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 8
FOIA Exemptions:
C8J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
C8J (b)(3)
D (b) (4)
C8J (b) (5)
C8J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
C (b) (7) (d)
C (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (f)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D Gl (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This docwnent is a proposal for a CIA counter-terrorism operation. The document contains
pre-decisional information relating to possible expansion of a CIA capability, as well as information that relates to
classified intelligence operations, sources, methods, and the identities of personnel engaged in counter-terrorism
operations. The document is withheld in its entirety on the bases ofFOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(5) and in
part on the basis ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(l) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.c.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the inforrnation does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the infonnation is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-lOl
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
c><J (b) (1)
':J (b) (2)
CXJ (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
C3J (b) (5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D U)(I)
D UJ (2)
D (k)(l)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a three page document explainingthe concept of enhanced counterterrorism
teclmiques for high valued detainees. The document contains pre-decisional information relating to proposed
intelligence activities. In addition, the document contains information relating to classified intelligence sources and
methods. The document is withheld in its entirety under ForA Exemptions b(I), b(3), and b(5).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemptionb(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources andintelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(5) - This documentcontains information relating to intra-agency predecisionaldeliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations of CIA employees and thus is protectedfrom
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-I03
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type:
Classification: Secret
Document Pages:
FOIA Exemptions:
D (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
D (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7)(d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j) (1)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
o Denied in Full
o Partial Release
• Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document was released in full.
Document Number: Other-I 05
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 7
FOIA Exemptious:
[gJ (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
[gJ (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
[gJ (b) (5)
[gJ (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
[J (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D U) (I)
D U) (2)
D (k)(l)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a four page memo and a two page memo that is undated and a one page
email dated February 7, 2002. The email is informing a CIA officer that the writer of the email has been tasked by
OGC to review memos. The emailer also mentions they need to follow up in the issue of whether paws could be
tried in the U.S. criminal court. The document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of FOIA Exemptions b(I), b(3)
and b(5) and in part under b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section lA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thns is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This docrunent is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(5). This docrunent
contains information, legal analysis, and opinion prepared by a CIA attorney in anticipation of criminal, civil, and
administrative proceedings. It was prepared by the CIA attorney with the expectation of the attorney that it would be
held in confidence, and it has been held in confidence. This attorney work product is thus protected from disclosure
by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individualwhose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-I 07
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 7
FOIA Exemptions:
181 (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
IZ (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
181 (b) (5)
t2J (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
o (d) (5)
o (j)(I)
D (j) (2)
o (k) (1)
o (k} (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 7-page undated memo from a CIA officer to another CIA officer
relating to a request for approval for a proposed counter-terrorism operation. The document contains pre-decisional
information as well as information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, methods and the identities
of personnel engaged in counter-terrorism activities. The document is withheld in its entirety on the bases ofFOIA
Exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(5) and in part on the basis of Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(l). This document
contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special activities), intelligence methods, and foreign
relations or foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources that is properly classified pursuant
to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order 12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by
Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(3). This document
contains information relating to intelligence methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section
102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and
section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended, 50 U.S.c.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is
protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This document also contains information relating to the organization,
names and official titles of persons employed by the CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6
of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected
from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(5). This document
contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations, including preliminary evaluations,
opinions, and recommendations ofCfA officers, and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-l 09
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 5
FOIA Exemptions:
ISJ (b) (I)
[J (b) (2)
ISJ (b) (3)
[J (b) (4)
ISJ (b) (5)
[J (b) (6)
C (b) (7) (c)
C (b) (7) (d)
C (b) (7) (e)
C (b)(7)(t)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j)(I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(l)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 5-page undated draft of a document for approval of the DCI relating to
the confinement and treatment of detainees. The document contains pre-decisional information, as well as
information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. The document is withheld in its
entirety on the basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3) and b(5).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(5). This document
contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations, including preliminary evaluations,
opinions, and recommendations of CIA officers, and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-Ill
Date of Document: UNDATED
Documeut Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
[2J (b) (1)
D (b) (2)
[2J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
[2J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D Ul (I)
D Ul (2)
D (k) (1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 3-page undated document relating a training program undertaken in support of a
counter-terrorism operation. The documentcontains information that relatesto classified intelligence operations,
sources, and methods. The document is withheld in its entirety on the bases ofF01A Exemptions b(1), b(3) and
Exemption b( I) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemptionb(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources andintelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(l) of the National Security Act of1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thusis protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relatingto the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosureof which would constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of this infonnationdoes not outweigh the harm to the individualwhose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-I 13
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 5
FOIA Exemptions:
[><J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
[><J (b) (3)
C (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
[><J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D UJ (I)
D UJ (2)
D (k)(l)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 5-page undated document concerning a summary of different detention facilities.
The document contains information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, methods and the identities
of personnel engaged in counter-terrorism operations, and is therefore withheld in its entirety on the bases ofFOIA
Exemptions b(l) and b(3) and in part under Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and lA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities ofpersonnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-1I5
Date of Documeut: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 2
FOIA Exemptious:
L'J (b) (I)
o (b)(2)
i2J (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
i2J (b)(5)
o (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b)(7)(d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptious: o (d)(5)
o (j)(I)
o (j) (2)
o (k) (I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied iu Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 9 page undated draft training memo relating to the CIA's interrogation
program. The document contains pre-decisional information, as well as information relating to classified intelligence
operations, sources, and methods. Therefore, the document is withheld in its entirety on the bases ofFOIA
Exemptions b(l), b(3) and b(5).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4( c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-10)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(5). This document
contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations, including preliminary evaluations,
opinions, and recommendations of CIA officers, and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-ll7
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 23
FOIA Exemptions:
I8J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
I8J (b)(3)
D (b) (4)
I8J (b) (5)
I8J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D U)(I)
D UJ (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 23-page undated draft document withhandwritten marginalia, that outlines various
proposals for the CIA's interrogation program. In contains pre-decisional information, as well as information
relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. The document is withheld in its entirety on the
basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(5) and in part on the basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(I), b(3) and b(6).
Exemptionbel) - This document containsinformation relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligencemethods, and foreign relations or foreignactivities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemptionb(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso containsinformation relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employedby the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(5). This document
contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations, including preliminary evaluations,
opinions, andreconunendations of CIA officers, andthusis protected fromdisclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemptionb(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosureof which wouldconstitute a clearlyunwarranted invasionof personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosureof this information does not outweigh theharm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-I 19
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 42
FOIA Exemptions:
c;:;J (b) (1)
o (b) (2)
c;:;J (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
c;:;J (b) (5)
c;:;J (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
o (d) (5)
o U) (I)
o (j) (2)
o (k) (1)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 42-page counterterrorism operational manual. This document contains
information relating to the internal rules andpractices of the CIA, including administrative and organizational
information, and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). The document contains pre-decisional
information relating to proposed intelligence activities. In addition, thedocument contains information relatingto
classified intelligence operations, sources, methods,andthe identitiesof personnel engaged in counter-terrorism
activities. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA Exemptions b(1), b(3), and b(5) and in part on the
basis ofb(6).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,and foreignrelations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisionaldeliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations of CIA employees and thus is protectedfrom
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of whichwouldconstitute a clearlyunwarranted invasionof personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-I 2 I
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 7
FOIA Exemptions:
c;g (b) (1)
D (b) (2)
[Xl (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
[Xl (b) (5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j)(I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(l)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a seven page Powerpoint presentation discussing the need for a more proactive role
against counterterrorsim threats. The document contains pre-decisional information and deliberations of CIA
officers, as well as information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. The document is
withheld in its entirety under FOlA Exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(5).
Exemption b(l) -' This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and reconunendations ofCIA employees and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-123
Date of Documeut: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 5
FOIA Exemptions:
C'§ (b) (1)
D (b) (2)
C'§ (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
C'§ (b) (5)
C'§ (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(f)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j) (1)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(l)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 5-page undated document proposing variouspossible elements of the CIA's
interrogation and detentionprogram. The document containspre-decisional information as well as information
relatingto classified intelligence operations, sources,methods,andthe identitiesof personnelengaged in
counter-terrorism activities. The document is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(5) and in
part ofFOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(6).
Exemptionbel) - This documentcontainsinformation relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section lA(c) and lA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(l) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(l) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(5) - This docwnent contains information relating to intra-agency predecisionaldeliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations of CIA officers, andthus is protectedfrom
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemptionb(6) - This docwnent contains information relating to the identitiesof personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosureof which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-I 25
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 6
FOIA Exemptions:
C2J (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
L>.;] (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
I2C (b) (5)
I2C (b) (6)
L (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
C (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions: o (d) (5)
o Ul(I)
o (j) (2)
o (k)(I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 6-page undated draft lesson plan with handwritten marginalia relating to
interrogator training. The document contains pre-decisional information as well as infrornation relating to classified
intelligence operations, sources, and methods. The document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of FOrA
Exemptions b(5), and in part on the basis ofb(I), b(3) and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(J).
Exemption b(3) - This docmnent contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. *403-J(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA officers, and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of this information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Nnmber: Other-l27
Date of Docnment: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
;;;J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
;;;J (b)(3)
D (b) (4)
;;;J (b)(5)
;;;J (b)(6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D UJ (1)
D UJ (2)
D (k) (1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 3-page memo, undated, from a CIA officer to CIA headquarters relating
to the capture andrendition ofa terrorist suspect. It outlines specific policies and instructions for the operation. The
document containspredecisional information, as well as information relating to classified intelligence operations,
sources, methods, andthe identitiesof personnel engaged in counter-terrorism activities andis withheld in its entirety
on the bases ofFOIA Exemptions b(1), b(3), and b(5) and in part on the basis ofb(6).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligencemethods, andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to theorganization, functions, andnamesofpersons employedby the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), aud thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document containsinformation relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
includingpreliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations of CIApersonnel, andthus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemptionb(6) - This document contains information relating to the identitiesof personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosureof which wouldconstitute a clearlyunwarranted invasionof personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the hann to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-I 29
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
CIassiftcation: Top Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
I3J (b)(l)
D (b)(2)
I3J (b)(3)
D (b) (4)
I3J (b)(5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D U) (i)
D U) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 3-page document discussing the legal implications of using the enhanced
counterterrorism operationsagainstal-Qa'ida. This document contains attorney-client communications. These
privileged attorney-client communications are thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5). The document also
contains information that relates to classified intelligence operations, sources, andmethods. The documentis
withheld in its entirety under exemption b(5), and in part under exemptions b(I), and b(3).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and lA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.CA. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnames of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5)- This document contains information, legal analysis, and opinion prepared by a CIA
attorney in contemplation of criminal, civil, andadministrative proceedings. It was prepared by the CIA attorney
with the expectation ofthe attorney that it would be held in confidence, andit has been held in confidence. This
attorney work product is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-I 3I
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Other
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 10
FOIA Exemptions:
[5<J (b) (l)
D (b) (2)
[5<J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(l)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 10-page undated document providing an chronology of events relating to the
interrogation of Abu Zubaydah. The document contains information that relates to classified intelligence operations,
sources, and methods and is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(l) and b(3).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(l) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Centra11ntelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Document Number: Other-l 33
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Notes
Classificatiou: Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
i2I (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
i2I (b) (3)
[J (b) (4)
[J (b) (5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
C (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D (j)(I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(l)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is three pages of undated notes prepared by a CIA officer relating to the
interrogation of Abu Zubaydah. The documentcontains information relating to classified intelligence operations,
sources, and methods and is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOlA Exemptions b(l) and b(3).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,and foreignrelations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(l) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Document Number: Other-l35
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 9
FOIA Exemptious:
C2I (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
CXJ (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
C2I (b) (5)
o (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b)(7)(f)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D U) (I)
D U) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 9-page undated PowerPoint presentation relating to options for incarcerating a
detainee. The document contains pre-decisional information and deliberations of CIA officers, as well as
information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. The document is withheld in its
entirety under FOIA Exemptious b(l), b(3), and b(5).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(l) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 V.S.CA § 403-I(i)(l) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 V.S.c.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This docwnent contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel, and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-l 37
Date of Docnment: UNDATED
Document Type: Handwritten
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 66
FOIA Exemptions:
I2J (b) (1)
D (b) (2)
I2J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
I2J (b) (5)
I2J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b)(7) (e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j)(1)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(l)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is 66-pages of undated handwritten notes, written by a CIA attorney,
regarding an investigation relating to a counterterrorism operation. The document contain information that was
prepared by the attorney in anticipation of litigation and that relates to classified intelligence operations, sources, and
methods. The document is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(1), b(3), b(5), and b(6).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(l) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-10)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.c.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(5). This document
contains information, legal analysis, and opinion prepared by a CIA attorney in contemplation of criminal, civil, and
administrative proceedings. It was prepared by the CIA attorney with the expectation of the attorney that it would be
held in confidence, and it has been held in confidence. This attorney work product is thus protected from disclosure
by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the hann to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, aud thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-l 39
Date of Document: UNDATED
Docnment Type: Handwritten
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: IS
FOIA ExemptIons:
~ (b) (I)
D (b)(2)
~ (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
!2J (b)(5)
!2J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
=:J (b)(7)(t)
PrIvacy Act Exemptions: o (d) (5)
o U) (I)
o (j) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is IS-pages of undated handwritten notes, written by a CIA attorney, regarding an
investigationrelating to a counterterrorism operation. The document containinformation that was prepared by the
attorney in anticipation of litigationand that relates to classified intelligenceoperations, sources, andmethods. The
document is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(I), b(3), b(5), and b(6).
Exemptionb(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligenceactivities (includingspecial
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, andforeign relations or foreign activitiesof the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof personsemployedby the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. ~ 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information, legal analysis, and opinion prepared by a CIA
attorney in contemplation of criminal, civil, andadministrative proceedings. It was prepared by theCIA attorney
with the expectation of the attorney that it would be held in confidence, and it has been held in confidence. This
attorney work product is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasionof personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-141
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Handwritten
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 14
FOIA Exemptions:
C2J (b) (I)
D (b)(2)
C2J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b)(5)
C2J (b)(6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b)(7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(t)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
DO) (I)
D 0)(2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is 14-pages of undated handwritten notes, written by a CIA officer,
regarding an investigation relating to a counterterrorism operation. The docwnent contain information that relates to
classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. The document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of
FOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and lArd) of Executive Order
12958, as ameuded, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and sectiou 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-143
Date of Document: 4/13/2004
Document Type: Memo
Classiflcationt Secret
Document Pages:
FOIA Exemptions: o (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
I2J (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
n (b) (5)
o (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b)(7)(f)
Privacy Act Exemptions: o (d) (5)
o (j)(I)
o (j) (2)
o (k)(I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a I-page handwritten routing sheet. This documentis withheldin its entiretybased
on Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(3)-This document contains information relating to the internal rules and practices of the CIA,
including administrative, organizational, androuting information such as the names, addresses, andtelephone
numbers of CIA components, the disclosure of which is not subjectto genuine andsignificantpublic interest, and
thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(2).
Document Number: Other-145
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Handwritten
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 9
FOIA Exemptions:
~ (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
~ (b)(3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
~ (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D (j) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(i)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is 9-pages of undated handwritten notes of a CIA OIG officer regarding an
interviewof another CIA officer relatingto a counterterrorism operation. This document contains information that
relates to classified intelligence operations, sources, andmethods. The document is withheldin its entiretyon the
basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(i), b(3) and b(6).
Exemption b(i) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, andforeignrelations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosureof which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-I 47
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Notes
Classification: Secret
Document Pages:
FOIA Exemptions:
ISJ (b) (1)
D (b) (2)
18: (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b)(5)
[>;J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7)(d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D UJ (1)
D UJ (2)
D (k)(1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is I-page of notes with handwritten marginalia of a CIA OIG officer
regarding getting in touch with two CIA officers relating to a counterterrorism investigation. The documentn
contain information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. The document is withheld in
its entirety on the basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(1), b(3), and b(6).
Exemption b( 1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the hann to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-149
Date of Document: 1130/2003
Document Type: Handwritten
Classification: Secret
Document Pages:
FOIA Exemptions:
D (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
l2J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
D (b)(6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D U) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a one page handwrittenrouting sheet. This document is withheld in its entirety on
the basis of Exemption b(3). '
This document contains information relating to the internal rules and practices of the CIA, including
administrative, organizational, and routing infonnationsuch as thenames, addresses, andtelephone numbers of CIA
components, the disclosure of which is not subject to genuine andsignificant public interest, andthus is protected
from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Document Number: Other-lSI
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 8
FOIA Exemptions:
~ (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
~ (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
~ (b)(5)
~ (b)(6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is an 8-page undated draft manual prepared by the CIA relating questioning
for an interrogation, includingan outline of the goal of interrogations, tips, thingsto avoid, the types ofquestions to
ask, and other considerations. The documentalso contains information that identifies personnelengaged in
counter-terrorism activities and is therefore withheld in its entirety on the bases ofFOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3), and
b(5) and in part on the basis of Exemption b(6).
Exemptionb(l) - This documentcontains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1 (i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act ofl949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(5) - This documentcontains information relating to intra-agency predecisionaldeliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations of CIA officers, andthus is protectedfrom
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-I 53
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 4
FOIA Exemptions:
12I (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
12I (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
12I (b) (5)
c><; (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (t)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D (j)(I)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a four page docmnent, with a handwritten note, analyzing the legal and policy
implication of the CIA interrogation program. The document contains pre-decisional information and information
relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods, and is therefore, withheld in its entierety under
Exemptions b(I), b(3), and b(5) and in part on the basis of Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA employees and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b( 6).
Document Number: Other-I 55
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 9
FOIA Exemptions:
L8J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
L8J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 9-page training manual prepared by the CIA relating to non-coercive
interrogation methods. The document contains information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and
methods and therefore is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(l) and b(3).
This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special activities),
intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States, including
confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1A(d) of Executive Order 12958, as
amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b( 1).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemptiou b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by sectiou 6 of the Ceutral Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), aud thus is protected from disclosure by Exemptiou b(3).
Document Number: Other-I 57
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
[g] (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
[g] (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
o (b)(5)
o (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptious: o (d) (5)
o (j)(I)
o (j) (2)
o (k)(I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document DescrIption: This document is a tbree page checklist prepared by the CIA relating to interrogations. The
interrogation checklist is a guide consisting of various steps the interrogator should go through prior to conducting an
interview. The document contains information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods,
and therefore is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(l) and b(3).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Document Number: Other-l 59
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Handwritten
Classilication: Secret
Document Pages: 13
FOIA Exemptions:
~ (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
~ (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b)(5)
~ (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(t)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D G) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is 12-pages of undated handwritten notes (with page 11 missing) prepared
by a CIA officer relating to methods of interrogations. The notes go through various methods of interrogation and
include information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. The document is withheld in
its entirety on the basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3) and be?).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.CA § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.CA § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.CA § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-I 61
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Handwritten
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 2
FOIA Exemptions:
c><J (b) (1)
[J (b) (2)
c><J (b) (3)
[J (b) (4)
c><J (b) (5)
c><J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
C (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D U)(I)
D U) (2)
D (k)(1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is two pages of undated handwritten notes prepared by the CIA relating to
the torture statute. The notes outline key points, laws/acts, and some key court cases. The document contains
predecisional information that was prepared by an attorney in anticipation of litigation as well as information that
relates to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. Therefore, the document is withheld in its entirety
on the bases ofFOIA Exemptions b(1), b(3), b(5), and b(6).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains inforruation relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains inforruation relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(1) of the National Security Act ofl947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains the predecisional notes and impressions of an CIA attorney, as
well as information, legal analysis, and opinion prepared by a CIA attorney in contemplation of criminal, civil, and
administrative proceedings. It was prepared by the CIA attorney with the expectation of the attorney that it would be
held in confidence, and it has been held in confidence. This attorney work product is thus protected from disclosure
by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-I 63
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classiflcatien: Secret
Document Pages: 2
FOIA Exemptions:
L2l (b) (1)
o (b)(2)
L2l (b)(3)
o (b) (4)
o (b) (5)
o (b)(6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7)(d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7)(f)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
o (d) (5)
o U) (1)
o U) (2)
o (k) (I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 2-page undated outline prepared by the CIA relating to interrogation
techniques. The document contains a general description a certain non-enhanced interrogation technique. The
document contains information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources and methods and is therefore
withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(l) and b(3).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I 02A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Document Number: Other-I 65
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Handwritten
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
I8J (b) (I)
D (b)(2)
I8J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b)(5)
I8J (b)(6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b)(7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (t)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D U) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is three pages of handwritten notes prepared by the CIA relating to
interrogations. The document containsinformation relating to classified intelligenceoperations, sources, and
methods. The document is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligencemethods, and foreign relations or foreign activitiesof the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemptionb(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employedby the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which wouldconstitute a clearlyunwarranted invasionof personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosureof the information does not outweigh theharm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-I 67
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 4
FOIA Exemptious:
lSI (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
lSI (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b)(7)(e)
D (b) (7) (f)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D UJ (I)
D UJ (2)
D (k)(1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Ageucy
Document Description: This is a 4-page undated outliue prepared by the CIA relatiug to conducting an
interrogation. The document contains a general description of non-coercive techniques as well as other information
relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. The document is withheld in its entirety on the
bases ofFOIA Exemptions b(l) and b(3).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.c.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Document Number: Other-I 69
Date of Documeut: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 28
FOIA Exemptions:
L2J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
L2J (b)(3)
D (b) (4)
L2J (b) (5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
[] (b) (7)(d)
o (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D U) (1)
[J (j) (2)
D (k)(I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 28-page document, discussingrequirements for CIA interrogation operation. This
documentcontainspredecisionalinformation relating to proposed intelligenceactivities, as well as information
relatingto classified intelligence operations, sources, andmethods. The document is withheldin its entirety on the
bases ofFOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(5).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligencemethods,andforeign relations or foreign activitiesof the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employedby the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
includingpreliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations of CIAemployees andthus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-171
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Handwritten
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
[>'J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
[>'J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
[>'J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D U) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is three pages of handwritten notes outlining the operational
counterterrorism techniques used against high value detainees. This document contains information relating to
classified intelligence activities, sources, and methods, and is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA
Exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6)- This document contains information relating to [describe nature of information] derived
from the [personnel, medical, or similar] files ofa CIA employee the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly
unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. The public interest in disclosure of this information does not outweigh the
harm to the individual whose privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by
Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Olber-173
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
121 (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
121 (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
o (b)(5)
121 (b)(6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions: o (d) (5)
o (j)(I)
o (j) (2)
o (k) (I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 3-page memo, wilb handwritten marginalia, prepared by the CIA
relating to lbe techniques employed as part of lbe CIA's rendition, detention, and interrogation program. The
documentcontains information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, andmethodsand is withheld in
its entirety on the bases ofFOIA Exemptions b(l) and b(3), and b(6).
Exemptionb(l) - This documentcontains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 V.S.c.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and lbus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnames of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of lbe Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to lbe identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh thehann to the individualwhose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Otber-175
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
[21 (b) (1)
o (b) (2)
C8l (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
f2I (b) (5)
[21 (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b)(7)(t)
Privacy Act Exemptions: o (d) (5)
o G) (1)
o (j) (2)
o (k)(1)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Fnll
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 3-page outline, witb handwritten marginalia, prepared by the CIA
relating to the design of a facility. The document contains a details that should be considered when planning tbe
construction of a new facility. The document contains pre-decisional information and deliberations of CIA officers,
as well as information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. This document contains
information relating to identities of personnel engaged in counterterrorsim activities. The document is withheld in its
entirety under FOIA Exemptions b(1), b(3), and b(5) and in part on the basis ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (inclnding special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, tbat is properly classified pursuant to section 1A(c) and lA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is tbus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods tbat is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) oftbe National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and tbus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel, and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-l77
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Handwritten
Classification: Secret
Document Pages:
FOIA Exemptions:
[5<J (b) (1)
D (b)(2)
[5<J (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
[5<J (b) (5)
[5<J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
C U) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(l)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is one page of handwritten notes prepared by the CIA relating to the CIA's
RDI program. The notes contain information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods.
The document is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(I), b(3), b(5), and b(6).
Exemption b(1) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(I). This document
is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(1). This document contains information relating to
intelligence activities (including special activities), intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of
the United States, including confidential sources that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of
Executive Order 12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(3). This document
is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(3). This document contains information relating to
intelligence methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act
of 1947, as amended, 50 U.S.CA § 403-1(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of
1949, as amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
This document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by
the CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.c.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b( 6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-I 79
Date of Documeut: UNDATED
Documeut Type: Handwritten
Classification: Secret
Document Pages:
FOIA Exemptions:
D (b) (2)
~ (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
~ (b) (5)
~ (b)(6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Docnment Description: This document is I-page of handwritten notes undated prepared by the CIA relating to the
CIA's RDI program. The notes contain information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and
methods. The document is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(1), b(3), b(5), and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(I). This document
is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(I). This document contains information relating to
intelligence activities (including special activities), intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of
the United States, including confidential sources that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of
Executive Order 12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemption b(3) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(3). This document
is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(3). This document contains information relating to
intelligence methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act
of 1947, as amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of
1949, as amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
This document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by
the CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
includingpreliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations of CIApersonnel, andthus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
includingpreliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations of CIApersonnel, and thusis protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Documeut Number: Other-181
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Handwritten
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
[><J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
[><J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
I2J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b)(7)(e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D U) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is 3 pages of handwritten notes undated prepared by the CIA relating to the
CIA's RDI program. The document contains information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and
methods, as well as the functions, names, and official titles of CIA officers. The notes contain information relating to
classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. The docwnent is withheld in its entirety on the basis of
FOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(l). This document
is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(l). This document contains information relating to
intelligence activities (including special activities), intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of
the United States, including confidential sources that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of
Executive Order 12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(3). This document
is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(3). This document contains information relating to
intelligence methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(I) of the National Security Act
of 1947, as amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of
1949, as amended, 50 U.S.c.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
This document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by
the CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-I 83
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Handwritten
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 16
FOIA Exemptions:
c>'J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
C2I (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
C2I (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(t)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D UJ (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This 16-pages of undated handwritten notes prepared by the CIA relating to the CIA's RDI
program. The notes contain information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, andmethods. The
document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of FOIA Exemptions b(I), b(3), and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(l). This document
is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(I). This document contains information relating to
intelligence activities (including special activities), intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of
the United States, including confidential sources that is properly classified pursuant to section IA( c) and IA(d) of
Executive Order 12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(3). This document
is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(3). This document contains information relating to
intelligence methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( I) of the National Security Act
of 1947, as amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of
1949, as amended, 50 U.S.c.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
This documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnames of persons employed by
the CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(6) - This document contains information relating to the identitiesof personnelengaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosureof which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Other-I 85
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 6
FOIA Exemptions:
L>'J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
L>'J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(f)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
[J (d) (5)
[J UJ(l)
[J UJ (2)
[J (k)(l)
[J (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 6-page undated memo (including one blank page) prepared by the CIA relating to
a particular facility. The document contains information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and
methods and is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(l) and b(3).
Exemption b(l) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(l). This document
contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special activities), intelligence methods, and foreign
relations or foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources that is properly classified pursuant
to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order 12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by
Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(3). This document
is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(3). This document contains information relating to
intelligence methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(l) of the National Security Act
of 1947, as amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of
1949, as amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
This document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by
the CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Document Number: Olber-187
Date of Document: UNDATED
Docnment Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
[2J (b) (I)
D (b)(2)
[2J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
[2J (b)(5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b)(7)(d)
D (b)(7) (e)
D (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D U) (I)
D U) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 3-page outline ( including one blank page) undated providing details
about an instaliation used as part of the CIA's RDI program. The document discusses the instalation's strengths,
weaknesses, and suggestions for improvements that could be made. The document contains predecisional
information and deliberations of CIA officers, as well as information relating to classified intelligence operations,
sources, and melbods. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(5).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, lbat is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
melbods lbat is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA lbat is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of lbe Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel, and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Document Number: Other-I 89
Date of Document: UNDATED
Document Type: Photographs
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 17
FOIA Exemptions:
c>'J (b) (I)
C (b) (2)
~ (b) (3)
C (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(t)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D (j)(I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released io Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is seventeen pages of undated photos of a particular detainee and a covert
field' station. This documentcontains information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and
methods.The document is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(l) and b(3).
Exemption b(l) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(l). This document
contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special activities), intelligence methods, and foreign
relations or foreign activities of the United States, includingconfidential sources that is properly classified pursuant
to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order 12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by
Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(3). This document
is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(3). This document contains information relating to
intelligence methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(I) of the National Security Act
of 1947, as amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of
1949, as amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
This document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employedby
the CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Document Number: Interview Report-3
Date of Document: 12/6/2002
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
[>(I (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
[>(I (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
[J (b) (5)
[>(I (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
o (d) (5)
o U) (I)
o U) (2)
o (k) (1)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 3-page memorandum for the record dated December 6, 2002 from a
CIA officer relatingto an investigationpertaining to a prisoner. The document contains information relatingto
classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods, as well as the functions, names, and official titles of CIA
officers. This documentcontains information relating to identitiesof personnelengaged in counterterrorsim
activities. The document is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA Exemptions b(l) and b(3), and in part on
the basis ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,and foreignrelations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemptionb(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). Tliis
documentalso contains information relatingto the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitutea clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Interview Report-I 3
Date of Document: 2/10/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 5
FOIA Exemptions:
I8J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
I8J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
I8J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(f)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D 0) (I)
D Q) (2)
D (k)(I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 5-page report dated February 10, 2003 from a CIA OIG officer relating
to the interview of a CIA officer regarding the interrogation of individuals for counterterrorism purposes. The
document contains information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods, as well as the
functions, names, and official titles ofCIA officers This document contains information relating to identities of
personnel engaged in counterterrorsim activities. This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA
Exemptions b(l) and b(3), and in part on the basis ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6)
Document Number: Iuterview Report-23
Date of Document: 3/3/2003
Document Type: Memo
ClassificatIon: Top Secret
Document Pages: 6
FOIA Exemptions:
[2J (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
[2J (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
o (b) (5)
[2J (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c) tro» (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions: o (d) (5)
o U) (I)
o (j) (2)
o (k)(I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
a Partial Release
a Released in Full
a Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 6-page report dated March 3, 2003 from a CIA OIG officer relating to
the interview of a CIA officer regarding the interrogation of individuals for counterterrorism purposes. The
document contains information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods, as well as the
functions, names, and official titles of CIA officers. It also contains information relating to identities of personnel
engaged in counterterrorsim activities. The document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of FOrA Exemptions
b(l) andb(3), and in part on the basis ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b( 1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-l(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6)
Document Number: Iuterview Report-33
Date of Document: 3117/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 4
FOIA Exemptions:
I';<J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
I';<J (b)(3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
[Xl (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
C (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D Gl (1)
D Gl (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Deuied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This documeut is a 4-page report dated March 17, 2003 from a CIA OIG officer relating to
the interview of a CIA officer regarding the interrogation of individuals for counterterrorism purposes. The
documentcontains information relatingto classified intelligence operations, sources, andmethods, as well as the
functions, names, andofficial titles of CIA officers. I This document also contains information relating to identities
of personnel engaged in counterterrorsim activities.The document is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA
Exemptions b(l) and b(3), and in part ou the basis ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,and foreignrelations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemptionb(3) - This documentcontainsinformation relating to intelligence sourcesand intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweighthe harm to the individualwhose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Interview Report-43
Date of Document: 4/5/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 5
FOIA Exemptions:
[5'J (b) (I)
D (b)(2)
[5'J (b)(3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
[5'J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D U)(I)
D UJ (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a 5-page report dated April 5, 2003 from a CIA OIG officer relating to the interview
of a CIA officer regarding the interrogation of individualsfor counterterrorism purposes. The documentcontains
information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, andmethods, as well as the functions, names, and
official titles of CIA officers. This documentalso contains information relatingto identities ofpersonnel engaged in
counterterrorsim activities. The document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of FOIA Exemptions b(l) and b(3),
and in part on the basis of FOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b( I) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(l) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relatingto the organization, functions, andnames of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations,the disclosure of which would constitutea clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Interview Report-53
Date of Document: 5/8/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: IS
FOIA Exemptions:
~ (b) (1)
o (b) (2)
~ (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
o (b) (5)
~ (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b)(7)(t)
Privacy Act Exemptions: o (d)(5)
o (j) (I)
o (j) (2)
o (k) (1)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a l l-page interview report dated May 8, 2003, a 2 page report dated
January 14, 2004, and a 2-page handwritten report dated January 14, 2004 from a CIA OIO officer relating to the
interview ofa CIA officer regarding the interrogation of individuals for counterterrorism purposes. The document
contains information that relates to classified intelligence operations, sources and methods, as well as identifying the
names, functions, and official titles ofCIA officers. This document contains information relating to identities of
personnel engaged in counterterrorsim activities. The document is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOlA
Exemptions b(1) and b(3), and in part on the basis ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(i).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Interview Report-63
Date of Document: 5/27/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 4
FOIA Exemptions:
[>;J (b) (1)
[>;J (b)(3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
[>;J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 4-page interview report dated May 27, 2003 from a CIA OIG officer
relating to the interview of a CIA officer regarding the interrogation of individuals for counterterrorism purposes.
The document contains information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods, as well as the
functions, names, and official titles ofCIA officers. This document contains information relating to identities of
personnel engaged in counterterrorsim activities. The document is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA
Exemptions bel) and b(3), and in part on the basis ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(I) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, tbat is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Nnmber: Interview Report-73
Date of Docnment: 6/5/2003
Document Type: Memo
CIassiftcation: Top Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
[;'J (b) (1)
[;'J (b)(3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
[;'J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (f)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D 0)(1)
D Gl (2)
D (k)(1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 3-page interview report dated June 5, 2003 from a CIA OIG officer's
interviewofanotherCIA officer regarding the situation surrounding the treatment of a detaineeduringa custodial
interview. This document contains information relating to identities of personnel engagedin counterterrorsim
activities. The documentcontains information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, andmethods, as
well as the names and official titles ofCIA officers. The document is withheld in its entirety on the basis ofFOIA
Exemptions b(l) and b(3), and in part on the basis ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.c.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesofpersons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosureof the information does not outweigh theharm to the individualwhose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Interview Report-83
Date of Document: 7/17/2003
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 5
FOIA Exemptions:
C2J (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
C2J (b)(3)
o (b) (4)
o (b)(5)
C2J (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7) (1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
o (d) (5)
o (j)(I)
o (j) (2)
o (k)(l)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
o Denied in Full
• Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 5-page interview report dated June 17, 2003 from a CIA OIG officer's
interviewof another CIA officer regarding the custodyand interrogation of individuals for counterterrorism
purposes. This documentcontains information relating to identities of personnel engaged in counterterrorsim
activities. The document is withheld in part on the bases ofFOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof personsemployed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosureof which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasionof personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Interview Report-I 03
Date of Document: 9/5/03
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret, SCI
Document Pages: 25
FOIA Exemptions:
l8J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
i:'<J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
l8J (b) (5)
[><J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j)(I)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is an interviewreport ofa senior CIA attorney by the Office of the Inspector
General, with the Attorney's comments on the report attached. The document contains information relating to
classified intelligence operations, sources, andmethods. This document also contains information relatingto
identities of personnel engaged in connterterrorsim activities. The report also includes information prepared by the
attorney in anticipation oflitigation. This document is witheld in full under FOIA Exemptions b(I), b(3), b(5), and in
part under Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(I) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemptionb(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 V.S.c.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(5) - This documentcontainsattorney-client communications andattorney work-product done
in anticipation of litigation, and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Interview Report- 113
Date of Document: 10121103
Document Type: Memo
Classification: Top Secret, SCI
Document Pages: 2
FOIA Exemptions:
D (b) (2)
~ (b)(3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
~ (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(f)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j)(I)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in FuIl
o Partial Release
o Released in FuIl
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a record of an interview of a CIA Officer by the Office of the Inspector
General regarding the CIA RDI program. The document iucludes information relating to classified intelligence
operations, sources, andmethods. This document contains information relating to identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorsim activities. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA exemptions b(l) and b(3), and in
part on the basis ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b( I) - This document coutains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,and foreignrelations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and inteIligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(l) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specificaIly exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemptiou b(3).
Exemptiou b(6) - This documeut contains iuformation relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Cable-S
Date of Document: 7/3112003
Document Type: Cable
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemp ions:
ISJ (b) (1)
D (b) (2)
ISJ (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
ISJ (b) (5)
(8J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(f)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D U) (1)
D U) (2)
D (k) (1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
a Partial Release
a Released in Full
a Referred to Third Agency
Document Desc iption: This document is a two page cable from CIA Headquarters to the field. In contains
information relat ng to the CIA's terrorist detentionandinterrogation program. It contains information that pertains
to classified intel igence operations, sources, andmethods. The cable also includesCIA organizational information,
CIA filing info ation, and the locations ofCIA facilities. This document contains the pre-decisional impressions of
a CIA officer an information on the identitiesof personnelengaged in counter-terrorism operations. The document
is withheld in its ntirety under FOIA Exemptions b(I), b(3), and b(5), and in part on the basis ofFOIA Exemption
Exempt on b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelli ence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confid ntial sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amend d, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exempt" n b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is s ecifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S c.A. § 403-1(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S c.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also co tains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is speci cally exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 40 g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exempti n b(5)- This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including prelimi ary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations ofCfA employees, and thus is protected from
disclosure by Ex plion b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Cable-33
Date of Document: 3/20/2003
Document Type: Cable
Classification: Secret
Document Pages:
FOIA Exemptious:
:;;<J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
[g) (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b)(5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7)(c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(t)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D U) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a one page cable from the field to CIA Headquarters. The cable contaius
information relating to the CIA's terrorist detentionandinterrogation program. In contains information that pertains
to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. The cable also includes CIA organizational information,
CIA filing information, and the locations of CIA facilities. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA
Exemptions b(l) and b(3).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( 1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.c.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnames of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Document Number: Cable-63
Date of Document: 3/512003
Document Type: Cable
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
[ZI (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
[ZI (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
o (b) (5)
o (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
o (d) (5)
o G)(I)
D UJ (2)
o (k)(I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a three page cable with handwritten marginalia from the field to CIA
Headquarters. The cable contains information relating to a detainee. It contains information thatpertains to
classified intelligence operations, sources, andmethods. The cable also includesCIA organizational information,
CIA filing information, and the locations ofCIA facilities. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA
Exemptions b(l) and b(3).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1 (i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnames of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Document Number: Cable-93
Date of Document: 2/2/2003
Document Type: Cable
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 2
FOIA Exemptions:
C><J (b) (I)
D (b)(2)
C><J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
121 (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(t)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j)(I)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 2-page cable from the field to CIA Headquarters. The cable contains
information relating to the CIA's terrorist detention and interrogation program. In contains information that pertains
to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. The cable also includes CIA organizational information,
CIA filing information, and the locations of CIA facilities. This document contains information relating to identities
of personnel engaged in counterterrorsim activities. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA Exemptions
b(l) and b(3), and in part on the basis ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Cable-l 23
Date of Document: 1116/2003
Document Type: Cable
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 2
FOIA Exemptions:
CXJ (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
CXJ (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
o (b) (5)
o (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
n (b) (7) (f)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
o (d)(5)
o U) (I)
o (j) (2)
o (k)(I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 2-page cable with handwritten marginalia from the field to CIA
Headquarters. The cable contains information concerningtwo detainees. In contains information that pertains to
classified intelligence operations, sources, andmethods. The cable also includesCIA organizational information,
CIA filing information, and the locations of CIA facilities. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOiA
Exemptions b(l) and b(3).
Exemption b( I) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and lA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(l) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 V.S.CA § 403-I(i)(l) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relatingto the organization, functions, andnames of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Document Number: Cable-I 53
Date of Document: 1/1512003
Document Type: Cable
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 4
FOIA Exemptions:
C><J (b) (I)
D (b)(2)
C><J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
C><J (b) (5)
C><J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(t)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j)(I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 4-page cable, with handwritten marginalia, from the field to CIA
Headquarters. The cable contains information relating to the CIA's terrorist detention and interrogation program,
including suggestions for improvements to the program. The cable contains pre-decisional information, as well as
information that pertains to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. The cable also includes CIA
organizational information, CIA filing information, and the locations of CIA facilities, and it contains information
relating to identities of personnel engaged in counterterrorsim activities. The document is withheld in its entirety
under FOIA Exemptions b(I), b(3), b(5), and is withheld in part on the basis ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document is withheld in its entirety on the basis of Exemption b(5). This document
contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations, including preliminary evaluations,
opinions, and recommendations of CIA employees, and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of whichwould constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosureof the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Cable-183
Date of Document: 11/21/2002
Document Type: Cable
Classilication: Secret
Document Pages: 5
FOIA Exemptions:
l2l (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
l2l (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(t)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D U)(I)
D UJ (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a five page cable from the field to CIA Headquarters. The cable contains
information relating to the interrogation of al-Nashiri. The cable contains information that pertains to classified
intelligence operations, sources, and methods. The cable also includes CIA organizational information, CIA filing
information, and the locations of CIA facilities. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA Exemptions
b(l) and b(3).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contaius information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( 1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Document Number: Cable-213
Date of Document: 11/9/2002
Document Type: Cable
Classification: Secret
Document Pages:
FOIA Exemptions:
181 (b) (I)
C (b) (2)
181 (b) (3)
C (b) (4)
C (b) (5)
181 (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
C (b) (7) (e)
C (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
o (d) (5)
C Ul (I)
C Ul (2)
C (k) (I)
C (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a one page cable from CIA Headquarters to the field. The cable contains
information relatingto the detentionof al-Nashiri. In contains information that pertains to classified intelligence
operations, sources, and methods. The cable also includes CIA organizational information, CIA filing information,
and the locations of CIA facilities. This cable contains information relating to identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorsim activities. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA Exemptions b(I), b(3), and in part
on the basis ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and 1A(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnames of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Cable-243
Date of Document: 11/1/2002
Document Type:
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 4
FOIA Exemptions:
[21 (b) (I)
::::J (b) (2)
[21 (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b)(7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (f)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D U) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a four page cable from the field to CIA Headquarters. The cable contains
information relating to the interrogation of a detainee. In contains information that pertains to classified intelligence
operations, sources, and methods. The cable also includes CIA organizational information, CIA filing information,
and the locations of CIA facilities. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA Exemptions b(l) and b(3).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section lA(c) and lA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1 (i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Document Number: Cable-273
Date of Document: 10/15/2002
Document Type: Cable
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
121 (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
121 (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b)(5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D Ul (I)
D Ul (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a three page cable from the field to CIA Headquarters. The cable
contains information relating to the interrogation of a detainee. In contains information thatpertains to classified
intelligence operations, sources, and methods. The cable also includes CIA organizational information, CIA filing
information, and the locations of CIA facilities. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA Exemptions
b(l) and b(3).
Exemption b( I) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1 (i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof personsemployedby the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Document Number: Cable-303
Date of Document: 8/24/2002
Document Type: Cable
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 6
FOIA Exemptions:
[2J (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
[2J (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
o (b) (5)
[2J (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b)(7) (1)
Privacy Act Exemptions: o (d) (5)
o Ul(I)
o (j) (2)
o (k)(I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 6-page cable from the field to CIA Headquarters. The cable contains
information relating to the interrogation ofAbu Zubaydah. In contains information that pertains to classified
intelligence operations, sources, and methods. The cable also includes CIA organizational information, CIA filing
information, and the locations of CIA facilities. This document contains information relating to identities of
personnel engaged in counterterrorsim activities. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA Exemptions
b(l), b(3), and in part on the basis ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption bel) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Cable-333
Date of Document: 8/1212002
Document Type: Cable
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 2
FOIA Exemptions:
[gJ (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
[gJ (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
D (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D OJ (I)
D OJ (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released iu Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This documeut is a two page cable from the field to CIA Headquarters. The cable coutaius
information relating to the status ofAbu Zubaydah. In contains information that pertains to classified intelligence
operations, sources, and methods. The cable also includes CIA organizational information, CIA filing information,
and the locations ofCIA facilities. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA Exemptions b(l) and b(3).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.c.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Document Number: Cable-363
Date of Document: 712612006
Document Type: Cable
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 2
FOIA Exemptions:
[l;J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
[l;J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
[l;J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b)(7)(d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7)(f)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D UJ (1)
D UJ (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a two page cable from the field to CIA Headquarters. The cable contains
information relating to the status ofAbu Zubaydah. In contains information that pertains to classified intelligence
operations, sources, and methods. The cable also includes CIA organizational information, CIA filing information,
and the locations of CIA facilities, as well as information that could identify personnel engaging in counter-terrorism
activities. The document is withheld in its entirety under ForA Exemptions b( I), b(3), and b(6).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and lA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Cable-393
Date of Docnment: 4/11/2002
Document Type: Cable
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 4
FOIA Exemptions:
[29 (b) (1)
o (b) (2)
[29 (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
o (b) (5)
C"J (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
o (d)(5)
o U) (I)
o U) (2)
o (k)(I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a four page cable from the field to CIA Headquarters. The cable contains
information relatingto the CIA'sterrorist detention andinterrogation program. In contains information that pertains
to classified intelligence operations, sources, andmethods. The cable also includesCIA organizational information,
CIA filing information, and the locations ofCIA facilities. The docnment is withheld in its entirety onder ForA
Exemptions b(1), b(3), and b(6).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemptionb(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosureof this information does not outweigh the harm to the individualwhose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Email-7
Date of Documeut: 7/25/2003
Documeut Type: Email
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 4
FOIA Exemptions:
[8J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
[8J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
[8J (b) (5)
[8J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b)(7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (1)
Privacy Act Exemptious:
D (d) (5)
[J m(l)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a two page email chain between CIA officers and a CIA attorney with a
two page atlachement. The document discusses draft talking points on the CIA's interrogation program. The
document contains pre-decisional information and deliberations ofCIA officers, as well as information relating to
classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. This document contains infonnation relating to identities of
personnel engaged in counterterrorsim activities. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA Exemptions
b(l), b(3), and b(5), and in part on the basis FOiA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document coutains iuformation relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations ofCIA personnel, and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of whichwould constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasionof personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Email-55
Date of Document: 3/20/2003
Document Type: Email
Classification: Secret
Document Pages:
FOIA Exemptions:
121 (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
121 (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
121 (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b)(7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(f)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D (j) (I)
D (j) (2)
n (k)(I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a one page email writtenby a CIA officer. The document discusses a
proposed operation within the CIA'sinterrogation program. The document containspre-decisional information and
deliberations of CIAofficers, as well as information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and
methods. This documentalso contains information relating to identitiesofpersonnel engaged in counterterrorsim
activities. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3), b(5), and in part on the basis
ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,and foreignrelations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemptionb(3) - This documentcontains information relating to intelligence sourcesand intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.c.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnames of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(5) - This documentcontainsinformation relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations ofCIA personnel,andthus is protectedfrom
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemptionb(6) - This documentcontainsinformation relating to the identities ofpersormel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of whichwouldconstitute a clearlyunwarranted invasionof personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Email-l02
Date of Document: 2/24/2003
Document Type: Email
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 9
FOIA Exemptions:
C:'J (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
I:8J (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
I:8J (b)(5)
~ (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions: o (d) (5)
o (j)(I)
o (j) (2)
o (k) (I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a two page email with an attached 7 page cable. The document discusses a specific
operationwithin the CIA'sinterrogation program as well as suggestions for improvements to future operations. The
document contains pre-decisional information and deliberations of CIA officers, as well as information relating to
classified intelligence operations, sources, andmethods. This document also contains information relating to
identities of personnel engaged in counterterrorsim activities. The document is withheldin its entiretyunder ForA
Exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(5), and in part on the bais ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemptionbel) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,and foreignrelations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and 1A( d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemptionb(3) - This documentcontains infonnation relating to intelligence sources andintelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnames of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations of CIA personnel, and thus is protectedfrom
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the hann to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6)
Document Number: Email-149
Date of Document: 01130103
Document Type: Email
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 16
FOIA Exemptions: o (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
o (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
o (b) (5)
o (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j)(1)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a three page email chain between CIA officers and attorneys with four
cables, totaling thirteen pages, attached. The document relatesto a specific operation within the CIA's
counter-terrorism program. The document contains pre-decisional information anddeliberations of ClA officers, as
well as information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, andmethods.This documentalso contains
information relatingto identitiesof personnelengaged in counterterrorsim activities. The documentis withheld in its
entirety under FOiA Exemptions b(1), b(3), and (5), and in part on the bais ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b( I) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,andforeign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(5) - This documentcontains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations of CIA personnel,andthus is protectedfrom
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of whichwould constitute a clearly unwarranted invasionof personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh theharm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6)
Document Number: Email-I 96
Date of Document: 1/22/2002
Document Type: Email
Classification: Top Secret
Documeut Pages: 4
FOIA Exemptions:
C2J (b) (1)
D (b)(2)
C2J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
C2J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(f)
Privacy Act Exemptious:
D (d)(5)
D (j)(1)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
o Denied in Full
• Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a two page email with a two page attached report relating to the
interrogation of al-Nashiri. The document contains information relating to classified intelligence operations,
sources, and methods. This document also contains information relating to identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorsim activities. The document is withheld in part under FOIA Exemptions b(1), b(3) and b(6).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section lA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Email-246
Date of Documeut: 1/13/2003
Document Type: Email
Classificatiou: Top Secret
Documeut Pages: 2
FOIA Exemptions:
[5<J (b) (l)
D (b)(2)
[5<J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
[5<J (b) (5)
[5<J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D U)(I)
D U)(2)
D (k)(l)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a two page email written by a CIA officer. The document relates to a
specific facility used in the CIA'scounter-terrorism program, with an assesmentof the strengths and weaknesses of
the facility and suggestions for improvement. The document contains pre-decisional information and deliberations
of a CIA officer, as well as information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. This
documentalso contains information relating to identitiesof personnelengaged in counterterrorsim activities. The
document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(5), and in part on the basis ofFOlA
Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,and foreignrelations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemptionb(3) - This documentcontains information relating to intelligence sourcesand intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(l) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(l) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisionaldeliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel, and thus is protected from
disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of whichwouldconstitute a clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Email-296
Date of Document: 1/2/2003
Document Type: Email
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 4
FOIA Exemptions:
129 (b) (1)
D (b)(2)
129 (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
c>'J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D U) (1)
D U) (2)
D (k)(1)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a four page email chain between CIA officers discussing a specific
operationwithin the CIA'scounter-terrorism program. The document contains information relatingto classified
intelligence operations, sources, and methods. Thisdocument also contains information relating to identities of
personnel engaged in counterterrorsim activities. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA Exemptions
b(l) and b(3), and in part on the basis ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,and foreignrelations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I 02A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 19·47, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
documentalso contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnames of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(6) - This documentcontains information relating to the identitiesof personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Email-345
Date of Document: 12/1012002
Document Type: Email
Classification: Secret
Document Pages:
FOIA Exemptions:
C'9 (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
C'9 (b)(3)
o (b) (4)
C'9 (b)(5)
C'9 (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions: o (d)(5)
o G)(I)
o OJ (2)
o (k) (I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a one page email between CIA attorneys with two cables, totaling five
pages, attached. The document relates to a specific operation within the CIA's counter-terrorism program. The
document contains pre-decisional information and deliberations of CIA officers, attorney client communication
information and information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. This document also
contains information relating to identities of personnel engaged in counterterrorsim activities. The document is
withheld in its entirety under FOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(5), and in part on the basis ofFOIA Exemtpion
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section 1.4(c) and 1.4(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel. This document also includes
information provided to a CIA attorney by a CIA officer in confidence in order for the CIA officer to receive legal
advice. Therefore, the document is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the infonnation is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Email-394
Date of Document: 11/12/2002
Document Type: Email
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 2
FOIA Exemptions:
cgJ (b) (1)
D (b) (2)
I:XJ (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
I:XJ (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7)(t)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D U)(I)
D Ul (2)
D (k)(l)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a one page email chain between CIA officers with a one page cable
attached. The document relates to the interrogation of a terrorist suspect conducted within the CIA's
counter-terrorism program. The document contains information relating to classified intelligence operations,
sources, and methods. This document also contains information relating to identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorsim activities. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA Exemptions b(1) and b(3), and
inpart on the basis ofFOlA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and 1A(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b( 6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Email-444
Date of Document: 10/1012002
Document Type: Email
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 3
FOIA Exemptions:
18I (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
18I (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
18I (b) (5)
18I (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b)(7)(d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D U) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(I)
o (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a three page email chain between CIA officers and attorneys. The
documentrelates to a specific operation within the CIA's counter-terrorism program. The documentcontains
pre-decisional information and deliberations of CIA officers, attorney client communication information and
information relatingto classified intelligence operations, sources, andmethods. This documentcontains information
relatingto identities of personnel engaged in counterterrorsim activities. The document is withheld in its entirety
under FOIA Exemptions b(I), b(3), and b(5), and in part on the basis ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods,and foreignrelations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section lA(c) and lA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemptionb(3) - This documentcontains information relating to intelligence sources andintelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-1(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
docwnent also contains information relating to the organization, functions, andnamesof persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemptionb(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, andrecommendations of CIApersonnel. This documentalso includes
information provided to a CIA attorney by a CIA officer in confidence in order for the CIA officer to receive legal
advice. Therefore, the document is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, thedisclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Case Number: 04-cv-4l51 (SDNY)
Document Number: Email-492
Date of Document: 08112/2002
Document Type: Email
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 5
FOIA Exemptions:
C2SI (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
C2SI (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
:>"I (b) (5)
f2I (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j) (I)
D (j) (2)
D (k)(I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a two page email between CIA attorneys with one cable, totaling three
pages, attached. The document relates to a specific operation within the CIA's counter-terrorism program. The
document contains pre-decisional information and deliberations of CIA officers, attorney client communication
information and information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. This document also
contains information relating to identities of personnel engaged in counterterrorsim activities. The document is
withheld in its entirety under FOIA Exemptions b(l), b(3), and b(5), and in part on the basis ofFOIA Exemption
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and JA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section J02A(i)( I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(l) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel. This document also includes
information provided to a CIA attorney by a CIA officer in confidence in order for the CIA officer to receive legal
advice. Therefore, the document is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Email-54l
Date of Document: 7/29/2002
Document Type: Email
Classificatiou: Secret
Document Pages: 12
FOIA Exemptions:
[><J (b) (i)
o (b) (2)
[><J (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
o (b) (5)
121 (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
o (b) (7)(1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
o (d)(5)
o (j)(i)
o (j) (2)
o (k)(i)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Deuied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a two page email chain between CIA officers with a ten page cable
attached. The document contains information relating to a specific operation within the CIA's counter-terrorism
program andcontains information relating to classified intelligence operations, sources, andmethods. This
document also contains information relating to identities of personnel engaged in counterterrorsim activities. The
document is withheld in its entirety under FOlA Exemptions b(l) and b(3), and in part on the basis ofFOlA
Exemption b(6).
Exemption b( 1) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section lA(c) and lA(d) of Executive Order
i2958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(1).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 102A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. *403-1(i)(1) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.c.A. *403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. *403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Email-59 I
Date of Document: 7/1012002
Document Type: Email
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages: 2
FOIA Exemptions:
121 (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
121 (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
D (b) (5)
121 (b) (6)
[] (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j) (I)
D OJ (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a 2-page email chain between CIA attorneys. The document contains the
attorneys' legal analysis as it relates to a specific issue that arose in the context of the CIA's counter-terrorism
program, which was created in anticipation of litigation. The document also contains information relating to
classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. This document contains information relating to identities of
persormel engaged in counterterrorsim activities. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOrA Exemptions
b(l), b(3) and b(5), aud in part on the basis ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemptiou b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to the legal workproduct of CIA attorneys,
done in anticipation oflitigation. Therefore, the document is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Email-640
Date of Document: 4/1/2002
Document Type: Email
Classification: Top Secret
Document Pages:
FOIA Exemptions:
[2J (b) (I)
D (b) (2)
[2J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
[2J (b) (5)
[2J (b)(6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b)(7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b)(7) (1)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d)(5)
D (j)(1)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This document is a one page email between CIA officers and attorneys. The document
relates to a specific operation within the CIA's counter-terrorism program. The document contains pre-decisional
information and deliberations of CIA officers, attorney client communication information and information relating to
classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. This document also contains information relating to
identities of personnel engaged in counterterrorsim activities. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA
Exemptions b(1), b(3), and b(5) and in part on the basis ofFOlA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section lA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(I).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( 1) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5) - This document contains information relating to intra-agency predecisional deliberations,
including preliminary evaluations, opinions, and recommendations of CIA personnel. This document also includes
information provided to a CIA attorney by a CIA officer in confidence in order for the CIA officer to receive legal
advice. Therefore, the document is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, thedisclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, aud thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Email-690
Date of Document: 4/512002
Document Type: Email
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 2
FOIA Exemptions:
C2J (b) (I)
o (b) (2)
C2J (b) (3)
o (b) (4)
C2J (b) (5)
C2J (b) (6)
o (b) (7) (c)
o (b) (7) (d)
o (b) (7) (e)
o (b)(7) (I)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
o (d) (5)
o (j)(I)
o (j) (2)
o (k) (I)
o (k) (2)
o (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Document Description: This is a l-page email with an attached two page cable from a CIA attorney to a CIA
officer regarding the interrogation ofAbu Zubaydah. The document contains information relating to classified
intelligence operations, sources, and methods. This document also contains information relating to identities of
personnel engaged in counterterrorsim activities. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA Exemptions
b(l) and b(3), and in part on the basis ofFOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This document contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(l) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 U.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 U.S.CA. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b( 6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
Document Number: Email-738
Date of Document: 10/1512001
Document Type: Email
Classification: Secret
Document Pages: 2
FOIA Exemptions:
[8J (b) (I)
D (b)(2)
[8J (b) (3)
D (b) (4)
[8J (b)(5)
[8J (b) (6)
D (b) (7) (c)
D (b) (7) (d)
D (b) (7) (e)
D (b) (7) (t)
Privacy Act Exemptions:
D (d) (5)
D (j)(I)
D (j) (2)
D (k) (I)
D (k) (2)
D (k) (5)
• Denied in Full
o Partial Release
o Released in Full
o Referred to Third Agency
Docnment Description: This is a 2-page email, from a CIA attorney to herself, explaining the rules in which CIA
officers may participate in the interviewing or debriefing of detainees. The document contains pre-decisional
information and deliberations of a CIAattomey, attorney work-product information and information relating to
classified intelligence operations, sources, and methods. This document also contains information relating to
identities of personnel engaged in counterterrorsim activities. The document is withheld in its entirety under FOIA
Exemptions b( I), b(3) and b(5), and in part on the basis FOIA Exemption b(6).
Exemption b(l) - This docnment contains information relating to intelligence activities (including special
activities), intelligence sources, intelligence methods, and foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States,
including confidential sources, that is properly classified pursuant to section IA(c) and IA(d) of Executive Order
12958, as amended, and is thus protected from disclosure by Exemption b(l).
Exemption b(3) - This document contains information relating to intelligence sources and intelligence
methods that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section I02A(i)( I) of the National Security Act of 1947, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403-I(i)(I) (West Supp. 2008) and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as
amended, 50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Snpp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3). This
document also contains information relating to the organization, functions, and names of persons employed by the
CIA that is specifically exempted from disclosure by section 6 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended,
50 V.S.C.A. § 403g (West Supp. 2008), and thus is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(3).
Exemption b(5)-This document contains pre-decisional information and impressions ofa CIA attorney, as
well as the legal analysis, and opinion prepared by a CIA attorney to provide legal guidance to her client in
anticipation oflitigation. It was prepared by the CIA attorney with the expectation of the attorney that it would be
held in confidence, and it has been held in confidence. This information is thns protected from disclosure by
Exemption b(5).
Exemption b(6) - This document contains information relating to the identities of personnel engaged in
counterterrorism operations, the disclosureof which would constitute a clearlyunwarranted invasionof personal
privacy. The public interest in disclosure of the information does not outweigh the harm to the individual whose
privacy would be violated, and thus the information is protected from disclosure by Exemption b(6).
