FBI Memo re: Interview of Detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay

FBI Interview of an Afghan detainee interviewed at Guantanamo Bay. He complained of being mistreated by U.S. forces while in detention in Bagram, Afghanistan and during his transit to Camp Delta. He pointed to marks on his wrists that he claimed were caused by the shackles. He Further alleges that the guards beat him. Additionally, he claimed that he was upset by having to wear a hood while in transit, and that guards did not respond to a pain in his ear. While in transit he informed the translator of his ills and was told that a doctor would see him later. The Detainee maintained that he was a simple farmer and not involved with the Taliban and that he was arrested because of a feud with neighbors.

Non-legal Memo
Saturday, July 19, 2003
Monday, January 1, 2007

bATET11 2 17.312 053 izEpz s [uNcLikssIFIEDItccE_Fir, FLASSIFLEDP3716.1.701111:111,PLB:hig RE grri-IERVISEc PEAq01T:11f41(c) . . FEDERAL BtiREAll OFThri7ESTIGATION
b2CLASSIFYjOl3:-If.1 -20311
Date of, transcription • 07/19/2003
1 1 CSN ;an Afghan.bale, was
b6 -1,3,4 interviewed,at Guantanamo : Cuba.

Bay.NaVal Statidn,,Guantanamo'ta­b7C -le 3, 4 Also resent­
during the 'interview was. I\TCTS.Spedial Agent

b7D -1
,, jail& contract-lingurs

b7F -1
-I who provided the Pashtu language translation. .provided the following information:-bl .
mistreated by US forces while'in
detention in Baaram and durincr-his transit to Camp-Delta- I

I-'complained of ­
b6 -4 ted td . marks on his wrists that hedlaimed'Wereicausedb the
b7C -4 . shackles. AdditionallVi claimed that he was upset by •havinti
b7D -1 to weak a hood. while:in triniit and• that guards did not respond to

b7F -1 - a pain in his ear. Puither:1----lalleged that.the ouards.beathim. While in transit T----linformed the translator of his ills and was .told that a doctor would see him later. •
•-- '

he is innocent Of. anToffenSe.•
came to his tK)use w i e:he was'having a meal with guests:. .US and
Afghan militarytarsonnel. entered'his•home and started-searching..
US-forces shoWedi. [a:pioture of his'brbther that-they had found

.1)6 -4 - in his holise and asked' Who:it. was• 1----1 admitted •that it was his • b7C -4 brother, and'further stated .that: tis brother was olitof town. .b7D -1 was told that weapons had been'found,in'his house, but
b7F -1
-A4Oordingsto- US.foroes..

'cmintered -that they were actually found At his hrOther's house:
'Was extremely upset that he was detained infront of the •



female members-family

of his family and stated. that he was innocent of-an
prime.-. . -..-. • •

-,-7-1 ipter illodified. his story regarding the weapons. and . .. adMitted that only ­
found at this -house: One .of .
these' weapons was a Kalashnikav ,and:the other was a British weapon
b6 -4 that. did not work.' During•this later recant ,r---istated that the
b7C - 4

.two. weapons were_used-for .bird hunting. I-

I furt er stated that_

b7D -1
any additional weapons = may be the property of hisbkother and that-
b7F -1­
if there were, any.weapons;.thay had been _acquired from a Mujahideen.
eighttoten•yearsago that was aoquaihted with his brother.
Another-was that the'weapoes may belong a

theory. suggested by­iviliage'leader and ' re-iterated that his .brotherWould'khow the provenance of the..weapons. .-7-7-77----------7:------:------------- :-.-' - . . .

Investigaticm.on • 7/19/03 Guantanamo . Bay, Cuba
265A-•-C99102 - Date dictated '7/ 19 / 03" b6 -1

by. I b7C -1 SX5FIET., _ '.

• 1

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions or the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to 'your agency;it and its contents -are not to be distributed outside your agency.' ---

b6 -4 b7C -4 b7D .

b7F -1
Continuation of M-302 of ,bn . 1/19/03 Page

•On multiple occasions, lasked-that his accuser

AcCording-to I an enem promulgated an unsubttantiatecLrutor that ad weapons. •
•preeented:to him: - -of -his family had­
b6 4, 5, b • .
b7c _4, 5, 6 However the basis for this allegation was an uinent that
brother -(plumetiol-had with (phOnetic)-,

b7o -1
b7F -1 MEM and-had a..long-standing isagreement over money.;
Further.-was in the Afghan Arm :and used his relationship
with US forces to :convince the US that had' Weapons -at-hid.:
house. 1­
insisted that he had-been wrongly accused and
implicated with the weapons_

.-, . .-

described an added' dimension to the conflict -between. his

b6 4 ,5
• brother an.wenemies:of.hisfamily." .
and' 'According to MIN a member
. b7C--45. .
of one'tribewas killed, 80 sOmeone•from'the 'offending tribe killed -
b717 -1
a member ofsr the.opposing:group.- This' occurred approicimately eight

b7F -1­
years ago and was a factor in the animosity held against'­
I's .-
family. 1 1--is the cause"

Istatedi."Thie:man't p

. On Multiple - asked •for proof,that he had .-

-committed.Some-of n-werea -fighter,,he'

a opined that if he ­1 would have -r­
d then hiMself. !insisted that
hewas a simple farmer and that it was only the fdlse -s


b6 -, 5, 6
Of that had' drawn the -attention of the-US onto'­
b7C -4, 5, 6 .
b7 . -1 suggested that his- brother would straighten out the situation,
• b7F -1 • but that-US .forces would:not let him communicate witli• his brother. : As 'an additiOnaI mark' of his' innocence, Ilopined that -.there-was .no]reasOn to arrest him and asked, Why me- and not my brothers?"'
- who were also present at the meal. I­
'explained that his-brother
had traveled to speak with a district official named
about a road that was to built near IIs 'family Compound, -
-to ccrrobdrate an t at this .was•why. his brother was unavailable
:his story.


111111 insisted that hd knew nothing of. the weapons- found.by US _forces . in. his familyls .tomPOUnd, Fu•ther011:10directed-US.forces . ' to interview thepeople of his village. . insisted that the

_b6 -4 __people _of the village would,suppoi-this:dtory.and,00rroborate that b7C -4 he knew notingof-EH& weapons -M75.-wa-s just-a -simp±e-f.armer-.7-1-11---- ------b7D -1- stated that only "commanders have weapons, l4­
tle people don't,"

- b7F -1 - and that he was a simple; unedUtated farmer- 1-'.claimed to be' unable to read or write.Pashtu. The only formal education he had was through religious-did adthit
ttaining-to knowing a. few-
' words.of'Darii but no Other. lanuages: : -

I I stated---that his family farmed a/plot-together and'greW



.FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)
b6 -4 b7C -4 b7D
b76-. -i•

2 65ATNN-C9S1 02


•Contintiakion of FD-3 .02 or .o.7719/03 ,page

- • vegetables, specifically onioneand.pomegranatea." 1 . 'stated that
b6 -4 his hands, were sMoothand. did not refledt.hard manual labor because.
b7D -1 the "dOctors gave him something to-soften'them."—fain hOw •

his hands:could heal from the .rigors of farm wOrk, ­

137F - 1
that,l'"Mrhands:jlist got' better" and . "If you cut me it will heal•in , - four months, '.­

Slamilyjiad maintained.thefarm'since . moving to.
. 1 II


.14llage'from Jalalabad_approximately four . years ago. Only brother' 'remained. iii-Jalalabad..1 Idescribed-that pomegranates were planted .in-the fall, but later changed this to
b6 -4, 6 • planting in•the spring and harvest in' the fall.' Ir[hyLaldea -1pc -4,6-of bow large this year's croP.of•pobegranates would be.
b7 F -1
,Claimed that his family harvested 50.man (phonetic) iof.•
b7 -1r
prOmegranates lfs family.also has.goats•and cows. ] Is.

-family-also grows .onions lii one section and grain in another _ seCtion of land. ' Theentire• family works the land and all.of'the faMily MemberS live within'a compound tOgether, but in -separate
.houses: The individual.families eat.py themselves,•but:ahare.:a
:guesthouse for guests, Further,'-.

[stated that two •of hie'a but that ••the others:are_close. brothers -do not get along, ­.-.



returned to the theme that certain elements in the.­
. .

village were'happy to'see him arrested by .US forces -and eaid; "My-
enemies are ve h: py I was captured-. They stab people in the .:-•

b6 -4,5
1,7c -4,5 back. " . Again, amended 'this statement later. by' saying that '.he
b7D -1 • didn't-persona 1y have enemies, but that his brother did-due to.the . .

. b7F -1 . altercationbetween his brother and I I—I explained • that • ' his brother had a fight approximately.te .days prior to his.capture•' by .1.1S forces and 'implied that this Was somehow "linked to th&bad : blood betweem;his hrdther Arid(­




Further, it was posSible that the weapons belonged to

-5 '

(admitted that. if t e.

.(p:honetio) a well-known commander..(­
tic 4-14 5
the compound had. been new, Ile would.be ilty, b7 F -1 However, the weapons really belonged to his•-brother:­
b7E1 -1rweapons found'in - ­
. Could
______not,haye_returnedthe weapons to anyone because•once ey• were.' -
given a weapcii, they were responsibrd—to7the comMandWZ--

—Who provided
it.-.-. •


. ..-

b6 -4 I 'denied being a 'memberlof the Taliban -or Al Oaeda.


Additionally, I had. heard of the HIG, but heard it for the first •

1)7C -4-­
'b7D -1­
time approximately four monthsago and did not knoW anything .about
b 7F-:the organization. gurtherd­
istated that the Taliban did not
bring peace. Only since the US•arriVal has Afghanistan been -


b6 -9 b7C -4 b7D -1 ' b7F -1
26 5A-7-M14-C99 1 0 2

, 7/19[03 ,Page -4
ContinOtion of Fp.3p2 of ISN I.

•reiterated that the 1:vaapon's had been provided eight -to­ten year ago. Further, , claimed that he told US forges where to find five boxes of ammunition. 0's family brOught the ' • ammunition from ..Talalahad when they moved to the farm four year
b6 -q
inisted that 'the ammunition was. not his,

h7C -4 ago., Once again,.­b7D -1 • but •belonged to his brother. I Istated.that there were no b7F -1 rocket-propelled grenades found on .the premiSes.. .Further, the . I
.recbillesS, rifle -found by• US• forces' did not work and was rusted. opined that it is probably ,ilocier• a hundred years old, " but
later-madi•fied• this by., saying that it Was "from .his !' grandfather ' s time .•" I, I maintained that he knew. nothing of 'any additional weaponS that may have been found on his compound: . . . .


