FBI Memo re: Interview of Detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay

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This is a heavily redacted summary notes from an interviewed a detainee conducted at Camp Delta, Guantanamo. The detainee is not named, but he asks when will he will be released, he also stated that he was not abused or tortured, but expressed fear that he might be subject to torture and humiliation because he heard other detainees were abused. The agent notes that the detainee was asked about his activities and people he knew in Afghanistan and was shown several photos of people he failed to identify.

Non-legal Memo
Monday, April 28, 2003
Tuesday, May 17, 2005

I2MS Object Details Page 1 of 2
Activity Contents
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ID: 00965032171103

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302 20030428

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ab7C -3,4= Title: 302 200304281a1ah70 -11 118
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'was interviewed at Camp Delta, United 6 -1,3,4

States Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba by Special Agent) aFederal Bureau of Investigation and a representative of a forei aovernment. The interview was conducted in the English language. After being advised of the 7C purpose of the interview ahereafter provided the following information: 7D -1
i. 7F -1

'began the interview in uiring as to when he would be released and was told that investigators continued to
b6 -3,4 work on closing his filelhen asked about torture saying thataees have claimed that they were
b7C -3,4 tortured in Bag . 11 • 1 • • . a g that he heard one or two have been killed.aas never tortured nor has he seen

anyone tortures MO= a 'd say that two detainees have recently comp acne of eing sexually assaulted in the
b7D -1
interview rooms.adid not say who the detainees were but did say that they were embarrassed because an b7F -1 interrogator had pulled their trousers down during the interview and sexually assaulted that individual" aFelt that such practices "might create a new terrorist."
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Ialwas shown various pictures and asked about a variety of names during the interview could not identify any of the pictures with certainty. The following names were presented tc lab7C 3,4
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could not say for certam that he knew any ot these individuals, but did say that he knew
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b7F -1 'spoke of two men he knew from Afghanistan, b6 -3,4 was described a very re 'gloms an met.
b7C -3,4

did not et alon•anawas •escn•e as 'emg ou•an• not very well liked also very religious. 7D -1
7F -1

!was asked about and answered questions regarding the family o
b6 -3,4
b7C -3,4
indicated that the family was religious but he did not think they hac extremist views. He felt that they believed in jihad for b7D -1 the right cause, but he did know of any of them going to fight it.)
b7F -1
Involved Participants
Role Name
Subject Discussed
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Subject Discussed

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HEREIDVIS:UNCLASSIFIED DATE 12709-2004, BY:61579DMH/BCE/e04-CV74151 DETAINEES-4017 prod/i2ms.obj doc web.Doc_Detail?pS1D=10107AEB&pObj... 10/1/2004
DOJFBI 003371

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Subject Discussed
Subject of Activity

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DETAINEES-4018 prod/i2ms. obi do c web.Doc Detail?pSID=10107AEB&pObj... 10/1/2004 DOJFBI 003372
