FBI Memo re: Interview of Detainee at Guantanamo Bay

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Detainee interviewed at Guantanamo, Bay. Detainee stated that he was willing to be interviewed. He was asked about a specific person also housed at the camp, but stated he had limited knowledge of this person and others knew the person better than he did. He was asked about his capture and reminded about specific statments he made while in Afghanistan, to which he said that any information or accusatory remarks he provided about the past was to get himself out of trouble at the Bagram Air Base. He said he agreed to what the authorities accused him of out of fear that he would be tortured if he did not agree to the accusations. However, he did state that he has never been tortured since being taken into custody in Pakistan. He does feel he will be tortured if returned to his home country.

Non-legal Memo
Thursday, December 12, 2002
Tuesday, May 17, 2005

FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

Investigation on at
File # Date di
This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to

your agency;
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.


b6 -1,2,3,4
b7C -1,2,3,4
was interviewed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba by Det.


FBI Task Force Officer. Also present during the interview was 6A b7D -1 I Air Force Office of Special Investi ations and b7F -1 'language translator. waw

informed of the nature of the interview and•the identity o
interviewing agents. The results of the interview are as follows:

b6 -3,4
said he would be willing to talk to the


b7C -3,4
interviewers and answer questions. The reason he refused to speak
b7D -1 during his last interview was because he was in a "mood". He would
b7F -1 not be more specific regarding this mood.

b6 -3,4 was told that he would be asked questions
regarding is pas ssociation with another person in the camp. He

b7C -3,4
said that he was responsible for himself and not for others. Others

b7D -1
know more about their story than he does.

b7F -1
was shown a photograph of

- I

and was asked if he recognized the b6 -3,4

person in the photo.' said the person in the photo was

b7C -3,4

When asked to provide further details about!

b7D -1
replied that he had forgotten everything and did

not remember He suggested that the b7F -1 interviewers bring
into t e room and ask him these

was reminded that he had given specific
information in He replied th

st about
information or accusatory remarks e provided abouts din the

b6 -3,4
past was to get himself out of trouble at the Bagram Air Base. He b7C -3,4 was being accused by the authorities b7D -1 and he be uld be tortured if he did not agree to
the accusations. has never been tortured since being

b7F -1
taken into custo y in a is an. He denied knowing how to or ever
trying to) I

1 1 was asked to provide a historical reference of

b6 -3,4
Ito the time of his

b7C -3,4
capture He provided the following information:

b7D -1
b7F -1

12/11/2002 Guantanamo Bay, Cuba


b6 -1
Det. HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE"_12-10-2004 HY 61579D/WECEZ4jg:04-CV74151;
DOJFBI 003304

FDI302a25IVAM-1 I expressed fear of being severely tortured if

0A does11014aHave that 3 b6 -3,4On any other detainees have been let go. He classified this story as
,Pago b7C -3,4
"just another American movie"•1 1 said he was willing to

b7D -1

cooperate during future interviews and would speak to one
interviewer about Islam. The interview was subsequently terminated. b7F -1

DOJ FBI 003306
