FBI Memo re: Interview of Detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay

Interview of a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee stated he was not mistreated and did not witness mistreatment. However, stated that, on occasion, he was pushed to the ground while hands were handcuffed behind his back and treated 'roughly.'

Non-legal Memo
Tuesday, August 27, 2002
Tuesday, May 17, 2005

\\Citffs\cA §EDATA\Investigations\Operations Cell\GTMO Electronic files'

[Watermark A: FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) - 1 -FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcription Investigation onat File #Date dictated by This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the
FBI and is loaned to your agency;
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.]
[Footer A: /26/2002GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA

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[Header A: 265A-MM-C99102
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8/27/2002 1 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1
08/27/2002 bl AEL.imokmATiam_coNTAmmi b6 -1,2,3,4
b7C -1,2,3,4


b7D -1 On August 26, 2002, b7F -1 was interviewe a at 111:17MIMIGIMMIMINEMITIMIIIII - dera ureau o Investigation gent inguistl
United States Air Force, serve as interpreter. ter being advised as to the en
ies of the interviewing agents and the nature of the interview, voluntarily provided the following information:
DATE , 01,-19 200s5 CLASSIFIEE,EY.61579DME/SCE7i3404=4
REASON: 1.4 , (0)' DECLASSIEY'ON:, 01-19-203E
b6 -3,4

was fully cooperative during this interview and stated that it was his goal to cooperate and
b7C -3,4

be truthful so he would be able to return home to his family.
b7D -1

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was now prepared to fight "as every good Muslim should."
b7D -1
b7F -1
b6 -3,4
b7C -3,4 and that he could provide aid to the TalibanI b7D -1 inarticipate in the fighting against those who committed unjust acts against Muslims
b7F -1
he was extremely proud to be a b6 -3,4 member of the Taliban. I (was impressed with the Tal ibanand felt that the Taliban were the
b7C -3,4
protectors of the Muslim people and that it was the Taliban who made Afghanistan a safer place for
b7D -1
Muslims to reside.] idvised, however, that his opinion of the Taliban has since changed.. now believes that the Taliban ranks are now composed of "bad Muslims" who are giving all b7F -1

Muslims a poor image. I Ino longer supports the views of the Taliban and believes that it is
because of the Taliban, Al-Qa'eda, and Usama Bin Laden (UBL) that! Iis currently detained at
Camp Delta. I 'reiterated that if he is released, he would not rejoin the Taliban forces or
support the distorted views put forth by Al-Qa'eda and UBL.
hoined with the Taliban forces aeainst the Northern Alliance. I
however does admit that Taliban on a daily basis'
b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1
the Taliban on behalf of his Muslim brothers.

b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1
he did render support to the b7F -1 •
to go to Afghanistan and fight with
b6 -3,4,5
b7C -3,4,5
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b7F -1

- SECR tT \

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ce to return to his home in I
were released he woulcUL
b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1
!stated that if he did return to
b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4
It is because of I Jstrong ties to the Jcommunity that M11-7717.
b7D -1
spend the remainder of his life in that community.
advised that if he were released from Camp Delta, he would not return to Afghanistan;

b6 -3,4
r any other country for the ose of taking up arms against the United States (US) or any of the United States' current allies. believes that the current situation between the US, it's b7C -3,4 allies, and the Taliban and/or Al-Qa'eda is no longed Is concern.1 'simply wants to b7D -1 return) land see his family. b7F -1
states that he would never be involved with an organization, militia, or otherwise, whose b6 -3,4 purpose was to commit terrorist acts. further advised that he would not involve himself with b7C -3,4 a group which would act as the aggre tary b7D -1 b7F -1
[Watermark B: FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)
Continuation of FD-302 of, On, Page
campaign.' (did a a true injustice occurred against his homeland) )or against
b6 -3,4
the Muslim communit the would most likely consider it his duty as a "good Muslim" to
b7C -3,

become involved. sae• a the invasion of Afghanistan by the former Soviet Union or the invasion of Kuwait by e aqi Army would be examples of unjust attacks on the Muslim population. b7D -1 b7F -1
fin order to fight with the Taliban.

b6 -3,4,5 b7C -3,4,5 b7D -1 b7F -1


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