Letter from Thomas J. Harrington re: Suspected Mistreatment of Detainees at Guantanamo Bay

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FBI Letter from T. J. Harrington to the Dept. of Defense concerning suspected mistreatment of detainees. The letter notifies DOD of three separate incidents of "highly aggressive interrogation techniques being used against detainees in Guantanamo." The email states "FBI SA entered the observation room (at Guantanamo) and complained that curtain movement at the observation [the] window was distracting the detainee, although no movement of the curtain had occurred. She directed a marine to duct tape a curtain over the two-way mirror between the interrogation room and the observation room. SA characterized this action as an attempt to prohibit those in the observation room from witness in her interaction with the detainee." and "The FBI SA observed [a female military person] apparently whispering in the detainee's ear, and caressing and applying lotion to his arms (this was during Ramadan when physical contact with a woman would have been particularly offensive to a Moslem male). On more than one occasion the detainee appeared to be grimacing in pain, and [the female military person’s] hands appeared to be making some contact with the detainee. Although SA could not see her hands at all times, he saw them moving towards the detainee's lap.”

Thursday, November 4, 2004
Tuesday, December 14, 2004

1I dod.001.wpd Page 1
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zxlit2.1",z/zAclq-cv-4151[title] RWQM.4.=' ,ACY:

Department of Defense
Re: Suspected Mistreatment of Detainees
Dear [ ]:
This letter is to notify the Department of Defense (DoD) of three situations observed by agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of highly aggressive interrogation techniques being used against detainees in Guantanamo (GTMO). We refer them to you for appropriate action.
During late 2002, FBI Special Agent Iwas present in an
1. observation room at GTMO and observed I Virg name unknown), conducting an interrogation of an unknown.detainee. (SAS )was resent
ei to observe the interrogation occurring in a different interrogation room.)
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I---ntered the observation room and complained that curtain movement at the
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observation [the] window was distracting the detainee, although no movement of the curtain had occurred. She directed a marine to duct tape a curtain over the two-way mirror between the interrogation room and the observation room. SA
!characterized this action as an attempt to prohibit those in the observation room from witnessinher interaction with the detainee. Through the surveillance camera monitor, S hen observed) !position herself between the detainee and the surveillance camera. The detainee was
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shackled and his hands were cuffed to his waist. SAI 'observed
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lapparently whispering in the detainee's ear, and caressing and applying
lotion to his arms (this was during Ramadan when physical contact with a woman would have been particularly offensive to a Moslem male). On more than one occasion the detainee appeared to be grimacing in pain, and In-1s hands a ar
d e. ed to be making some contact with the detainee. [, a] Although SA could not see her hands at all times, he saw them moving towards the etainee's lap. He also observed the detainee pulling away and against the
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restraints. Subsequently, the marine who had reviously taped the curtain and had
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been in the interrogation room wit uring the interrogation re-entered the observation room. S asked what had ha pened to cause the detainee to grimace in pain. The marine said) had grabbed the detainee's thumbs and bent them backwards and indicated that she also grabbed his genitals. The marine also implied that her treatment of that detainee was less harsh than her treatment of others by indicating that he had seen her treatment of other detainees result in detainees curling into a fetal position on the floor and crying in pain.
b6 -1,2,522. Also in October 2002, FBI Special Agentl Iwas observing the
b7C -1,2,5 interrogation of a detainee when) I a civilian contractor, came into the

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observation room and asked sAr---ito come see something SA ......IIthen saw an unknown bearded, lona-haired detainee in another
interrnastinn rnn
b6 -1,2,5 ase r hether the detainee had spit at
b7C -1,2,5 the interrogators Mr laughed and stated that the detainee had been
chantin the Oran and wonlri not stnn Mn nnt nnewpr whfr, SA

3 In September or October of 2002 FBI agen erved that a canine was used in an aggressive manner to intimidate detaine nd, in November 2002, FBI
agents observed Detaineepafter he had b ubjected to intense isolation for
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over three months During that time period,Llwas totally isolated (with the exception of occasional interrogations) in a cell that was always flooded with light By late November, the detainee was evidencing behavior consistent with extreme psychological trauma (talking to non-existent people, reporting hearing voices, crouching in a corner of the cell covered with a sheet for hours on end) It is unknown to the FBI whether such extended isolation was approved by appropriate DoD authorities
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These situations were referenced in a May 30, 2003 electronic communication (EC) from the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the Federal Bureau df Investigation (FBI) to FBI Headquarters That EC attached, amon other documents a draft Memorandum for the Record dated 15
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January 2003 from Capt SAFR), that refers to the first two events among
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others in a time line of events re ated to discussions concerning the use of aggressive interrogation techniques While Marion Bowman of the FBI's Office of General Counsel discussed the contents of those communications with Mr Haynes, General Counsel of DoD, around the time
the EC was received and the debate between the FBI' and DoD regarding the treatment of b7C -4.Detainee.was known to officials in the Pentagon , we have no record that our specific concerns regarding these three situations were communicated to DoD for appropriate action
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If we can provide any further information to you, please do not hesitate to call
Very truly yours,
T J Hamngton Deputy Assistant Director

