FBI Memo: Repatriation Issues

<p>An FBI memo to the Department of Defense noting the results of FBI name checks on detainees who will appear before the Transfer Review Board.</p>

Non-legal Memo
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Memorandum To Department of Defense Date 0 9 / 1 7 / 2 0 0 3 Crlmlnal Invest. Task FOlce Ft. Belvolr, Vlrglnla From FBI Counterterrorlsm D1V1Sl0n b6 -1 M1 11tary L1a 1 son & Deta1TleE? Un1 tI JActlng Un .. t Chief b7C -1 Sub]eC"t REPATRIATION ISSUES In response to the De!=art mEmt of Defense, Crim1nal Invest1gatlon Task Force, records check request of the followlng detalnees to appear before the 'Irarsfer ReVlew Board, t:he FBI, M1lltary Llalson & Deta1nee Un1t: (l"ILI,DU), has conducted a search of FBI databases wlth negat1ve rest,lts. In an effort to aSS1st 1n your assessment of these detalneef., the ML&DU 15 provld1ng the followlng summaries for your reVlev. b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1 b6 -1 l-c::J 1 ­ 1 -~ N-HQ-C1406946-M b7C -1 RAG:rag A'Li.:tNl'ORl'l'.rci'iQlol' ci:.m'J:A!U!O REP.inN :u 1JlolC'"uAt'SIPIIW EY.CEPT ~HXR~ ~H~N OTgep.~IS~ eMSSl:FTeo BY 05179t!t!11PL£:;..TAI": 'RE}\S1~! 1~'4 .,-:;~' ,~'} m;;C:::.A!!SIE'Y 011: :.:1.0:!I/2029 DETAINEES-143 DOJFBI-000160
