FBI Memo: Military Liasion & Detainee Unit Name Check Request

<p>Memorandum requesting Savannah ITC of the FBI to check for the real names and aliases of a list of Guantanamo detainees who are in consideration for repatriation. The Department of Defense originally requested the name check from the FBI.</p>

Non-legal Memo
Friday, August 15, 2003
Tuesday, December 14, 2004

tr}{A,)-to . , (Rev 01-31-2003) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: IMMEDIATE Date: 08/15/2003 To: Savannah ITC Attn: b6 -1 b7C -1 From: Counterterror~sm CT ORS/ ML&DU ( Contact: ros I Room ~382 Approved BY:~I________________~ b6 -1 Drafted By: ~1______________~lrag b7C -1 Case ID #: 199N-HQ-C1406946 SUE M Title: MILITARY LAISION & DETAINEE: UNIT NAME CHECK REQUEST Synopsis: To request the Savannah I~"C conduct an FBI records check of enclosed names Enclosure (s): Department of Defem~e. Cr~m~nal InvestIgatIon Task Force, memorandum (0344-03-CID099) dctted July 26, 2003, requestIng FBI name checks Details: The Department of DefensE' :000), CrImInal Invest~gatlon Task Force, has requested the FEI conduct an assessment of deta~nees named In the enclosed memorandum (0344-03-CID099) to determ~ne whether these deta~nees ::~hould be held for contInued detentIon or repatrIated. TheSE detdInees are currently housed at the U S Naval Base, Guantanamo BdY, Cuba They wIll be evaluated by a Transfer ReVIew Soald. consIstIng of representatlves from DOD, Department of Justlce, Department of State and other Federal agencIes tet determIne theIr status for repatrIatIon. The enclosed memorandum contains the true names and alIases of varIOUS detaInees To conduct a thorough assessment, the M~ll.tary Llalson and Detalnee Un-,-t (ML&DU) requests the Savannah ITC check the names ln thE' enclosed DOD memorandum agaInst FBI databases to determIne whether any crlmlnal or terrorIst related InformatIon eXIsts AddItIonally, tak~ng Intel cons~deratlon the extens~ve list and complex~ty of the names tel be searched, the ML&DU w~ll not~fy the Savannah ITC when names are submltted to the TRB for ImmedIate reVIew so that those rame'S can be made prIorlty LEAD (s) : DETAINEES-48 "LL I"I1C·KH....::IC1\ CON;;';INE:, H£P.E!~ rz UNCLASSIFISD DArE (19-10-20'14 BY .::",b615 7 9!bc",!tl. 04-C\'-·H.Sl DOJFBI-000065 To: Savannah ITC From CountE'rt(r~or~sm Re: 199N-HQ-C1406946 SUB M, OE./l~,/.2003 Set Lead 1: (Action) SAVANNAH ITC AT SAVANNAH I GA (U) Conduct FBI record checks on enclosed names In response, please reference CITF memorandum (0344-03-CID099) . 2 DETAINEES-49 DOJFBI-000066
