Formica Report Annex 50: Statement by Command Sergeant Major re: Detainee Interrogations

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Sworn statement by a Command Sergeant Major. States that detainees have "generally been blindfolded, hooded, or both." States that sometimes detainees were not immediately given blankets or mats, but "the longest I've seen someone without a blanket or mat was probably 24 hours." Mentions the use of stress positions, "a standing position normally, having to do maybe with the wall." Discusses an allegation of a detainee being kicked; the detainee was found not to be abused. States, "I've heard allegations (of abuse) at Adamiya Palace." Mentions a detainee who was turned over to Coalition Forces "who died later...and was found with a sock in his mouth. There's one who died up in the 103 area under the Task Unit...that was the one in Mosul." Refers to another allegation of abuse that "had to do with kicking."

Saturday, June 26, 2004
Thursday, June 29, 2006


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06 My awe it CSM 01111111111111111t Basically,
was maid Idea that gemmed the belay at RFC, tueo my sadmineding. k do mewl.
verses on how we did We had guys who west to Abo Cihrad to talk to the 14.P .s. You hal to Iled out Wags him "tees
prow parent cub? Are there Memo ratios bx goading guys who ware pm actio the meth moos guys In redo? Howthe Law of Land %Nue plus into all that doff? You maw that. not rosy die meoludes of it, but the WorroPdoe Pitt m
well. We're Imam as we're 'ohm. thadeally you meld detain up to thus deys sad we food mu that MthCcethiloo Forms knew that U.S foams was theathing SottIess of the intermla doe. So we got panolasioa
only tip ao three days. ad that sedumd effecvatso hold tee op m14 dialselassed ow momTheft the purpose, thous ore dm deb, sad we oentim_mberst itto proom MINK In mac ate "I
we're getting dimly belied indormatice. and godththdggsIIIIIIIIIIII Thies bow we nig tt, and we n7 m be
tad remoosible with how we do h. l'm mot at the holding thdlity m tes, but rot them odic I'm very
eirsLIVIITre del& I'm sot bothered at an with the is at doles . To b! guile
y, asd ryactoildemimud wi whet weth d
holm, I don't Ili* that we have a problem down hers. I think we're I
• Wm i=
m off-set the type A's. We'We'd got a. I call it a DIP. but les mt. It ' s a emporaty SF=ornA. Wa'w pt
Mend= Calk pads and one THP NCO as My, Doe of three NCOs who works bun shifts and we earisaiag alms deb
kilt,but thdr_yrunery thectioa Is at provide a soh enviromneet foe the (Wiens. Maybe become they'rc Type Qs. therm
for Omer* I think we're on track.
Demitteek is dm the diem been kme. WNW have berm btholfolded. or hooded. or both. idtellyIbof was Mode&

lays would get peivileges, het pastapylve, they emits heeded the ashy time they_were bate. Cod rawardy. hoodol masa tosae best way, k was loss bungles to Lair faces. Thu we outlawed basks. We stated to souls and bliadlidda5N wive they wow gleed Odessa. bathos remember we're may try* at keep them three I law there Wet a prohibition ea blindfolds. Do I think it s mei sod =mai paabhmenD No. it doesn't bother me.
t I have as obligadoe io keep them wenn. fed. warmed. Mind. meditated, and that therm salt said mum. After that chore's a!Oct =get whets were tesPoolible at gat information. bity yogait, if the floor uspenOnt wan 53 lames If it wastm a
in the North Matic.
antic. I'd hats real bamboo with be Ties different; MN Soon ate Uke degree& room
tommerature. We've bad a tiaUthise dm didn't have a mat. So beim bad the Sow. When I see Mt I do nethies. rya heat noemblem with that. I see nut the geys with the Witham and muff move ammii, awns gays have biotic/as. wow Bur
woo't. Thaes a trot ausement. Ile loosest I've men memos !widow a blab* or mat wits 24 bows. I'm not mollyemoting, because that's oma stieldas arch my mind. Hooenly gala if they have noildog. at thee peild I'm not diodes abet:. IhiresY Put of it is, that I've been nerd like that In my Army Wain& rye ceperleneed that. so elm I look st that I don't flag it abnormal teed I'm a edam Ode United Suets. If t heed ohm ice weer subeeemiee dads, that avoid have mile soy
anentina. Pb sea you what I am pais unotiou to, went right doom Set cell line and Elba sold Ma have PMwonted, fed. washed. looking at all of those Wags. I win tel you, that it wouldn't emprise ghat drleioaa ormolus pea in
a bade. become if a gars get en eergiat totde and he dome'svelem ask lot earking. he roe? deride k's at much warble, andhell pas In the bode. lye sever aces-lug, but it wouldn't surprise me, stem you've ant ed. Ivo ewer Mat or Move of a
detainee that was ever doled bed or water. 1 don't know oboes them meals a dm. but I do check in there for thediap. Thom,logs are Meting at cane mead Mint three weeks. les a lianas proms on that, and baldly the 12 =nod off coral*
major muscle movements. A visitor came in, a visitor mine out. II a say went in for an intersogad we
on. gay didet log bow
bag le was in the Insemegatioa. so be it what were trying to do now. I caw be and said when a 5117 sem-be at ineareptienles le; when he swot la, when be went Ont, end every time we had comet with a goy. we should be that.. Ms
of Ids at to have a Watseka& taxmen of this gay. how be's handled. Other dogs bar we're gates o implement hem mephotographs of, been sad after, Wet and been tithe joy in or a Iola do& to OM I tt ream I PAU 1 re.. MRS
maim -itral
agiorrawssfasmaiffiViAuMNIATIllla 'worried., ni reiwt wags
rif parelitat me pa nameseer If enilecule
NOM MS. NC Shia SARNI an Aft II MOM *Mona
• .

Fran** Report -Ann= GO
