Emails between Army Officers re: Mandatory Training for Soldiers on Detainee Operations

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This document is a series of emails between Army Officers concerning manditory training for Detainee Operations with attachments (not included) and includes the latest guidance from in theater to include the MG Miller.

Thursday, September 30, 2004
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Pc rec(dc-Wo
From: _ CPT, DCS, G-3]
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 1.45 Pli."-
To: 'F -maill. .. tE-mail);k _____11E-mail); 'E-mail), . (E-mail); . MAJ, HQ 78th Div (TS, (E-mail)1111.1.(E-mail);, E-mail); TSB Bragg, S-3 4th Bde, 78th Div;+ LTC, DCS-G3; 385MAT; 385 EOC, 85TSD-3B; P., COL, DCS, G-3
Cc: _ EOC, Fort Campbell; MOB, Fort Eustis; MOB, Fort Drum; EOC. Aberdeen; I@STEWART.ARMY.MIL ';, ','; MOB, Fort Rucker; MOB, Fort Jackson. j MOB, Fort Benning;k 11. MAJ 87 TSD• I MAJ 85TSF MAJ, G3, HHC 78thDiv (TS)
Subject: FW: Detainee OPs TSP
Detainee Ops TSP Detainee Ops TSP MNFI Detainee
Table of Cont... Recommended T... Ops.pdf (203 KB),..


All units performing Detainee Operations must be trained and validated IAW this guidance!

Attached to this e-mail is the AKO link to the USAMPS Detainee Operations TSP. This TSP
has been updated to include the latest guidance from in theater to include the MG Miller,
MNIF Memorandum, Non-31E MP/ILO Predeployment Training requirements for the Iraqi Theater
of Operations, DTG 12 AUG 04. The TSP will not be posted to the AKO site until tomorrow,
1 OCT 04.

Again this TSP incorperates all the manditory Training requirements for units performing
Detainee Operations. Please read this entire email to gain an appreciation for the
evolution of the TSP, what tasks have been added, etc. The 2 word documents attached
outline the POI and recommended training schedule, and the MNIF Memo.

If you have trouble viewing the TSP on-line call the TSP POC, MSG_

U.S. Army Military Police School, Senior Detainee Operations Advisor, Fort Leonard wood,
MO 65473, FAX: He may have to authorize your
AKO account to view the documents.


lst Army, G3 Training


Original Message­

Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 1:01 PM



Sunject: RE: Detainee OPs TSP

Sir, we are in the process of updating the Detainee Ops AKO web site and will have the


information you need NLT COB tomorrow 1 Oct 04. See the following link:
Detainee Operations TSP Link as of 23 Sep 04

I have attached the updated Table of Contents and recommended training schedule for your
review. If you have any further questions please let us know.


U.S. Army Military Police School
Senior Detainee Operations Advisor
Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473


Original Message-

Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 7:39 AM
To: A
Subject: RE: Detainee OPs TSP

I'm with Fifth Army training and thanks for the below info (via FORSCOM). For planning
purposes what do you estimate the training days (or hours) are required to complete the
revised detainee ops module? This will assist in planning overall training days required
for mobilizing units. Thanks,

Fifth Army Ops Center Training Desk

Original Message

Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:01 AM
Subject: FW: Detainee OPs TSP

AFOP-TRO Staff Action Officer


Original Message­From-[mailto:
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 4:41
To:-1r Jr, CPT, DCS, G-3'
Cc:1-- G3, - LTC G3, 1. CPT DCS, G3
Subject: RE: Detainee OPs TSP

Sir, I have reviewed the attached document and identified which tasks are included within
the Detainee Ops TSP in addition to the originally identified ones on this document.

Most of the tasks identified in the attached guidance from MG Miller are covered within
the Detainee Ops TSP we developed however, I have identified below those that are not. We
are in the process of adding those tasks not covered in the original Detainee Ops TSP to
the AKO KCC web site in a separate folder identified as "Detainee Ops Other Tasks" NLT
Friday 1 Oct



See the following link:
Detainee Operations TSP Link as of 23 Sep 04

The following tasks are covered within the Detainee Ops TSP.

Non 31E MP/ILO
Task #
Identified within USAMPS

Detainee Ops TSP Task #

Use of Force within Detainee Operations
CD 252
4 Conduct Contraband Control Procedures within Detainee Operations
CD 240
5 Special Housing Unit (SHU)/Procedures within Detainee Operations
CD 410
6 Special Housing Unit (SHU)/Procedures within Detainee Operations
CD 410

Perform Security and Control Activities within Detainee
CD 226
Communicate with Detainees (Muslim Cultural Awareness)
Main Gate/Sally Port Procedures within Detainee Operations
CD 404
Main Gate/Sally Port Procedures within Detainee Operations
CD 404
Escort Procedures within Detainee Operations
CD 246
Conduct Contraband Control Procedures within Detainee Operations
CD 240
Forced Cell Move Procedures within Detainee Operations
CD 424
Accountability Procedures within Detainee Operations
CD 222
Prepare Observation and Disciplinary Reports
CD 242 NEW
Meal Procedures within Detainee Operations
CD 412
Introduction to Detainee Operations
CD 202
Introduction to Detainee Operations
CD 202
Conduct Contraband Control Procedures within Detainee Operations
CD 240
Collect Evidence within Detainee Operations
CD 664 NEW
32-Respond to a Bomb Threat and/or a Bomb within Detainee
CD 256
33-Supervise & Control Processes in Order to Ensure Compliance
of the GC­
CD 103 NEW
Tower Guard Duties within Detainee Operations
CD 418 NEW
Non-Lethal Weapons Capabilities During Disorders/Disturbances
CD 500
Emergency Actions for Fire, Escapes and Disorders
CD 254

The following tasks are not identified in Detainee Ops TSP however, they are within the
STP 19-95C1-SM dated: 30 Sep 2003 and should be made available on the AKO KCC web site


Non 31E MP/ILO-STP 19-95C1-SM
Item #-Task #

Prepare Observation and Disciplinary Reports
191-381-1339 &

The following tasks are covered within the Detainee Ops TSP: Additional Recommended Tasks:

A. Cultural Awareness (Islam) - see CD 206 B. Interpersonal Communications (IPC) Skills ­see CD 206 D. Behavioral Health Sciences (BHS) Training - see CD 206 E. Civil
Disturbance (CD) Training - see CD 500

The following tasks are not covered in our Detainee Ops TSP and we have not developed
these tasks however, they may be supported within the local MNC-I "16th MP BDE" Detainee
Ops SOP.

Additional Recommended Tasks:

C. Maintain Operations Security (OPSEC) See GTMO Camp Delta SOP F. Segregation Measures G.
Storage of Evidence H. Identification of Suspicious Activity

If we can be of further assistance please let us know.



U.S. Army Military Police School
Senior Detainee Operations Advisor
Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473


-Original Message
From: CPT, DCS, G-3 fmailt 4111.111411111110,
Sent: Frfday, September 2 , 2004 9:47 AM
Cc: - LTC G3;­
111111111iL CPT DCS, G3
Subject: Detainee OPs TSP

WNW We recently received guidance from MNC-I in theater reference manditory training for Detainee Operations. I think the tasks listed in this guidance (attached) are covered in your TSP. Some of the tasks are titled differently or may be covered under the collective classes in the TSP. Could you take a look at this document from MNC-I and confirm weather or not you TSP covers these tasks. We need to know soon because we have to update our guidance to the units preping for deployment, some of which are training as we speak.

1st Army, G3 Training


4101 e-119 6
?.) '
Detainee Operations Table of Contents
POI Times Length of
CD 202 Introduction to Detainee Operations. 3.5 hrs 1hr
CD 206 Communicate with Detainees (Muslim Cultural Awareness). 12 hrs. 8hr
CD 113 Geneva Convention (Humane Treatment of Detainees). 1.0 hr. 1hr
CD 208 Stress Management within Detainee Operations. 1.0 hr 1 hr
CD 216 HIV and Universal Precautions within Detainee Operations. 1.0 hr 1hr
CD 252 Use of Force within Detainee Operations. 1.0 hr. ihr

CD 240 Conduct Contraband Control Procedures within Detainee Operations.7.3 hrs. 4hr
CD 250 Restraint Procedures within Detainee Operations . 4.4 hrs. 3hr
CD 228 Personal Safety Awareness within Detainee Operations. 1.0 hr. 1hr
CD 260 React using Unarmed Self-Defense Techniques . 11.6hrs. 8hr
CD 424 Forced Cell Move Procedures within Detainee Operations . 8.0 hrs. 4hr
CD 256 Respond to a Bomb Threat and/or a Bomb within Detainee Operations .1.5 hrs. 1hr
CD 254 Emergency Actions for Fire, Escapes and Disorders . 2.7 hrs. 1hr
CD 500 Non-Lethal Weapons Capabilities during Disorders/Disturbances . 8.7 hrs. 3hr
CD 408 Cell Block Operations within Detainee Operations . 2.0 hrs. ihr
CD 222 Accountability Procedures within Detainee Operations . 1.4 hrs. 1hr
CD 226 Perform Security and Control Activities within Detainee Operations .2.0 hrs. 2hr
CD 410 Special Housing Unit (SHU)/Procedures within Detainee Operations .2.9 hrs. 1hr
CD 404 Main Gate/Sally Port Procedures within Detainee Operations . 2.5 hrs. 2hr
CD 414 Visitation Procedures within Detainee Operations . 2.0 hrs. 1 hr
CD 246 Escort Procedures within Detainee Operations . 2.0 hrs. lhr
CD 412 Meal Procedures within Detainee Operations . 3.6 hrs. 1hr
CD 418 Tower Guard Duties within Detainee Operations . 2.0 hrs. 1hr
CD 664 Collect Evidence within Detainee Operations . 3.0 hrs. 2hr
CD 103 Supervise the Processes to Ensure Compliance with the Geneva Convention .2.0 hrs. 2hr
CD 242 Prepare Observation and Disciplinary Reports within Detainee Operations .2.0 hrs. 2hr

TOTAL: 92.1 hrs.TOTAL: 55 hrs Times are flexible and will adjust based on the instructor's knowledge of the subject.


Detainee Operations Recommended Training Schedule
.Day 1.
CD 202 Introduction to Detainee Operations .
CD 206 Communicate with Detainees (Muslim Cultural Awareness) .
CD 113 Geneva Convention (Humane Treatment of Detainees)
Day 2
CD 208 Stress Management within Detainee Operations CD 216 HIV and Universal Precautions within Detainee Operations CD 252 Use of Force within Detainee Operations CD 240 Conduct Contraband Control Procedures within Detainee Operations CD 250 Restraint Procedures within Detainee Operations
Day 3
CD 228 Personal Safety Awareness within Detainee Operations .
CD 260 React using Unarmed Self-Defense Techniques
Day 4
CD 424 Forced Cell Move Procedures within Detainee Operations CD 256 Respond to a Bomb Threat and/or a Bomb within Detainee Operations CD 254 Emergency Actions for Fire, Escapes and Disorders CD 500 Non-Lethal Weapons Capabilities during Disorders/Disturbances CD 408 Cell Block Operations within Detainee Operations
Day 5
CD 222 Accountability Procedures within Detainee Operations CD 226 Perform Security and Control Activities within Detainee Operations CD 410 Special Housing Unit (SHU)/Procedures within Detainee Operations CD 404 Main Gate/Sally Port Procedures within Detainee Operations CD 414 Visitation Procedures within Detainee Operations CD 246 Escort Procedures within Detainee Operations
Day 6
CD 412 Meal Procedures within Detainee Operations .
CD 418 Tower Guard Duties within Detainee Operations .
CD 664 Collect Evidence within Detainee Operations CD 103 Supervise the Processes to Ensure Compliance with the Geneva Convention CD 242 Prepare Observation and Disciplinary Reports within Detainee Operations
POI Times.Average Length
of Training

3.5 hrs 1 hr
10 hrs
12 hrs 8hr

1.0 hr 1hr
1.0 hr 1hr
1.0 hr 1hr
10 hrs
1.0 hr 1hr
7.3 hrs 4hr
4.4 hrs 3hr
1.0 hr 1hr
9 hrs
11.6hrs 8hr
8.0 hrs 4hr
1.5 hrs 1 hr
10 hrs
2.7 hrs 1 hr
8.7 hrs 3hr
2.0 hrs 1hr
hrs 1hr

hrs 2hr

8 hrs
2.9 hrs 1hr
2.5 hrs 2hr
2.0 hrs 1hr
hrs 1hr


hrs 1hr .

hrs 1 hr

hrs 2hr

8 hrs
2.0 hrs 2hr ..
2.0 hrs 2hr
TOTAL: 92.1 hrs.TOTAL: 55 hrs
Times are flexible and will adjust based on the instructor's knowledge of the subject.
0 01 796

