Criminal Investigation Task Force Interview of Camp Delta Detainee re: Camp conditions and detainee activities

Memo summarizes the interview of a Camp Delta detainee. The interview was conducted by two Special Agents with the FBI and CID. The detainee discussed the reasons why he was recently placed in solitary confinement, he was confined because he would not allow the guards to search his Koran; he believed the searching of his Koran was disrespectful to his religion. Also, the detainee stated that he heard guards were hurting detainees, but he neither witnessed nor experienced the abuse. .

Monday, January 27, 2003
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Activity Contents
b (2)-5-10(23 -6 75 ID: Title: FM411111111.11.-//ofa.) Narrative: .4(a)
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FM40 111111111111111-
h(z) 3 UWC) .V7)iC)-S-
01/27/20 (11111111111111111111111111111111111•11111111111111111111111Lor 1111111•111111111111111101111111•11111111111111111114 Internment Serial
Number (I was interviewed at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The interview was conducted
by Federal Bureau of Investigations Special Agen and United States Army Criminal Investigation
Command Special Agen4.1.111/1111kAlso present during the i erview was one other U.S. Government official.
The interview was conducted in the English-language. After being advi d of the identity of the interviewing agents,

111111111/1111provided the following information ()) _

discussed the situatio hich resulted in his being placed in solitary confinement approximately three weeks
ago. It all began when refused to let the guards search his Koran. He then told the guards that they could not
enter his cell to conduct the search. The ERF team was then called in. This is standard procedure when it is necessary for
the guards to enter a ce11.61111111111110 advised that he went under his bed because he had heard stories of the guards
hurting other detainees when theyw\t7 spread out on their stomachill111111111116never witnessed this and was never
treated in thil manner by the guards. ,C7)(t)-S-


_advised that he would do anything for his religion. He has never thought of hurting any of the guards;however, he did not like to see any of his brothers mistreated and did not like when the guards disrespected his religion. egarded the searching of his Koran as disrespect; however, he understood that it is necessary because of safety conc . _121,MC)-5-i (7)(C)
111¦111111was then asked if he was of Moroccan descent.011111111111111kidvised that he had been close to the border but had never been to Morocco. He further commented that his accent is from Algiers and not Morocco. W)YC.)-S- b f-1)( —..5-
11111•1•110a!then advised that something needed to be done about the 's. Problems are not only being caused by thedetainees. The MP's often instigate many of the problems. stated that he should just be left in camp if the IvTP's could not be controlled. It is not in his nature to let things go. He has always felt this way and it would be hard for him to change. He has always believed God said that you must be just. said it is very hard for him to stand by and do nothing when the detainees are being mistreated by the guards. `-e.))tec.)-r-
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It was then =Rimed tom that he would only be hurting himself if he continued ca use p wwith the
guards.11111111111111111111111advised that he understood and would do his best to stay out of trouble. advised that he
was usually getting in trouble because of the Koran, so he decided to return it to the guards. He felt this would prevent any
future incidents.

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ammig advised that there are two different groups amp'g the detainees. One group consideis the searching of the Koran disrespectful and the other group does not. - stated that it is disrespectful for anyone to search the Koran; even when the guards request1111111111111ko personally flip through the pages for them.
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1111111•1111111111then asked what would happen to him upon his release back to animj, ers replied that they
were unsure because each country may be handling the detainees in a different manner. then advised of a
discussion he had with some of his brothers a couple of weeks ago. He felt that many of the rumors being spread
throughout the camp were false. Among those regarded being instructed not to talk to interrogators and not to discuss any
information which had been previously covered. The brothers were being told the interrogations would end sooner if they
did not talk. The US was only staffing by asking the same questions over and over.

114111111Plidid not believe this; however, sevincal of the younger inmates are very naive and continue to be followers instead of thinking for themselves. 1011111111Mstated that he would try to spread the word that it is better to talk to • . interrogators than to remain quiet. Their situation can only be resolved by honestly answering any question asked. He also felt that many of the detainees would begin to speak as soon as some are allowed to leave. In order to prevent future incidents and injuries within the camp, agreed to keep interviewers appraised of any needs for concern.
Involved Participants
6808 Detail?pS1D=101054RJ&pObjT... 9/28/2004

Role Name
Subject of Activity I

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