Army Detainee Operations Report: DOD Questionnaire of Chaplain/Captain re: Detainee Operations

An Army questionnaire, including thirty-seven questions given to a solider regarding soldier training, soldier morale and the treatment of detainees. The handwritten responses are mostly illegible or redacted.
The Chaplain/Captain reported hearing about a few incidents of abuse, the Chaplain wrote that he/she heard of a videotape depicting the sexual assault of an Abu Ghraib detainee, and hearing about the Military Police's use of excessive force at Camp Bucca.

Friday, March 19, 2004
Monday, September 19, 2005

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Chaplain INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 73.4-2 e14— "47' tit
Branch cw bDate: /9i"42,..4 Unit arill/roVic /3/)C* L.,cc
Duty Position (VMvoc.44/1.¦ How Long in JobbHow Long in Current MOS b/ /2" Interviewer How long have you b een in Country / 1,,.16ek--
Are Detainees allowed to practice their religion? Is there a chaplain
available to minister to the detainees? Is the chaplain a Retained Personnel, US
Forces chaplain, or a civilian? (1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 4.1) AR 190-8, paragraph 1-5, g (1) EPW,

and RP will enjoy latitude in the exercise of their religious practices, including attendance at service of their faith, on condition that they comply with the disciplinary routine prescribed by the military authorities. Adequate space will be provided where religious service may held. (2) Military chaplains who fall into the hands of the U.S. and who remain or are retained to assist EPW, and RP, will be allowed to minister to EPW, RP, of the same religion... AR 190-8, . paragraph 6-7d (1) CI will enjoy freedom of religion, including attendance at services of their respective faiths held within the interment camps. Wines used for religious purposes will be permitted. (2) CI who are clergy may minister freely to Cl who voluntarily request their ministration. Equitable allocation of Cl clergy will be effected among the various camps. (3) If there is a shortage of Cl clergy and the circumstances warrant, the camp commander will provide the Cl clergy with the necessary means of transport for visiting the CI in branch camps and hospitals. (5) Ordained clergy or theological student who are not Cl may be authorized to enter a camp and conduct religious services. Visits by such personnel will be in accordance with procedures prescribed by the theater commander. AR 190-8, paragraph 1-5g(2) Military • chaplains who fall into the hands of the U.S. and remain or are retained to assist EPW, and RP,
will be allowed to minister to EPW, RP, of the same religion. Chaplains will be allocated among
various camps and labor detachments containing. EPW, RP, belonging to the same forces,
speaking the same language, or practicing the same religion. They will enjoy the necessary
facilities, including the means of transport provided in the Geneva Convention, for visiting the
EWP, RP, outside their camp....
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2. What are your unit ministry team's responsibilities as part of the cadre for the detainees at this collection point / internment facility? (Looking for contraband the detainee might have hidden in their Koran?) (1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 4.1) FM 3-19.40,
Paragraph 2-36 Provides religious support for assigned soldiers and internees. Advise the commander on the impact of faiths and practices of indigenous religious groups in the AO and internees within the facility. Provides religious support to the command and the community, including confined and hospitalized personnel. Exercise supervision and control over internee
religious leaders wi the f5ility.
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member? (We do not want names). (1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 4.1) AR 190-8, paragraph 1-5 (1), (4), b, and c, (1) All persons captured, detained, interned, or otherwise held in U.S. Armed Fcirces custody during the course of the conflict will be given humanitarian care and treatment from the moment they fall into the hands of the U.S. forces until final release or repatriation. (4) The inhumane treatment of EPW, Cl, RP is prohibited and is not justified by the stress of combat or
with deep provocation. Inhumane treatment is a serious and punishable violation under international law and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). b. AI prisoners will receive humane treatment without regard to race, nationality, religion, political opinion, sex, or other criteria. The following acts are prohibited: murder, torture, corporal punishment, mutilation, the • taking of hostages, sensory deprivation; cbllective punishment, execution without trial by proper authority, and all cruel and degrading treatment. c. All persons will berespected as human , beings. They will be protected against all acts of violence to . include rape, forced prostitution, assault and theft, insults, public curiosity, bodily injury, and reprisals of any kind. They will not be subjected to medical or scientific experiments. This list is not exclusive. EPW/RP are to be protected from all threats or acts of violence.
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6. How many times have you heard about detainees being abused or mistreated? What did you hear? (1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 4.1) AR 190-8, 1-5 General protection policy, (1) b, and c, (1) All persons captured, detained, interned, or otherwise held in U.S. Armed Forces custody during the course of the conflict will be given humanitarian care and treatment
from the .moment they fall into the hands of the U.S. forces until final release or repatriation,- b. All prisoners will receive humane treatment without regard to race, nationality, religion, political opinion, sex, or other criteria. The following acts are prohibited: murder, torture, corporal punishment, mutilation, the taking of hostages, sensory deprivation, collective punishment, execution without trial by proper authority, and all cruel and degrading treatment. c. All persons will be respected as human beings. They will be protected against all acts of violence to include rape, forced prostitution, assault and theft, insults, public curiosity, bodily injury, and reprisals of any kind. They will not be subjected to medical or scientific experiments. This list is not exclusive. EPW/RP are to be protected from all threats or acts of violence.
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7. Have you made the Chain of Command aware of these allegations of abuse and have you seen the Chain of Command do anything about correcting detainee abuse? (1 .1, 1,.2, 2.1, 4.1) AR 190-8, paragraph 1-5 (4), The inhumane treatment of EPW, Cl, RPMs prohibited and is not justified by the stress of combat or with deep
provocation. Inhumane treatment is a serious and punishable violation under international law and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (1XMJ).


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11. Describe the unit command climate and Soldier morale. Has it changed or
(Identifies Soldier's perception of the
evolved since you have been in Theater?
chain of command and Soldier attitude. Does the Soldier feel supported? Do Soldiers feel the Command cares? Are they getting clear guidance?) 1 AR 600-20 • 13 May 2002 1-5. Command, b. Elements of command. c. The commander is responsible for establishing leadership climate of the unit and developing disciplined and cohesive units. This sets the parameters within which command will be exercised and, therefore, sets the tone for social and duty relationships within the command. (1) Commanders and other leaders committed to the professional Army ethic promote a positive environment. If leaders show loyalty to their soldiers, the Army, and the Nation, they earn the loyalty of their soldiers. If leaders consider their soldiers'
needs and care for their well-being, and if they demonstrate. genuine concern, these leaders a positive command climate. (2) Duty is obedient and disciplined performance. Soldiers with a sense of duty accomplish tasks given them, seize opportunities for self-improvement, and accept responsibility from their superiors. Soldiers, leader and led alike, work together to accomplish the
mission rather than feed their self-interest.. 2
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12. Are you aware of any incidences of detainee or other abuse in your unit? AR
190-8,1-5. General protection policy a. U.S. policy, relative to the treatment of EPW, Cl and RP
in the custody of the U.S. Armed Forces, is as follows: (1) All persons captured, detained,
interned, or otherwise held in U.S. Armed Forces custody during the course of conflict will be
given humanitarian care and treatment from the moment they fall into the hands of U.S. forces
until final. release or repatriation. (2) All persons taken into custody by U.S. forces will be
provided with the protections of the GPW until some other legal status is determined by
competent authority. (3) The punishment of EPW, CI and RP known to have, or suspected of
having, committed serious offenses will be administered IAW due process of law and under
legally constituted authority, per the GPW, GC, the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the
Manual for Courts Martial. (4) The inhumane treatment of EPW, CI, RP is prohibited and is not
justified by the stress of combat or with deep provocation. Inhumane treatment is a serious and

punishable violation under international law and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
All prisoners will receive humane treatment without regard to race, nationality, religion, political
opinion, sex, or other criteria. The following acts are prohibited: murder, torture, corporal
punishment, mutilation, the taking of hostages, sensory deprivation, collective punishments,
execution without trial by proper authority, and all cruel and degrading treatment. c. All persons
will be respected as human beings. They will be protected against all acts of violence to include
rape, forced prostitution, assault and theft, insults, public curiosity, bodily injury, and reprisals of
any kind. They will not be subjected to medical or scientific experiments. This list is not exclusive.
EPW/RP are to be protected from all threats or acts of violence. d. Photographing, filming, and
video taping of individual EPW, CI and RP for other than internal Internment Facility
administration or intelligence/counterintelligence purposes is strictly prohibited. No group, wide
area or aerial photographs of EPW, CI and RP or facilities will be taken unless approved by the
Senior Military Police officer in the Internment Facility commander's chain of command. e. A
neutral state or an international humanitarian organization, such as the ICRC, may be designated
by the U.S. Government as a Protecting Power (PP) to monitor whether protected persons are
receiving humane treatment as required by the Geneva Conventions. The text of the Geneva
Convention, its annexes, and any special agreements, will be posted in each camp in the

language of the EPW, CI and RP. V a


15. Was this incident reported to the chain of command? How, when & what was
(Identifies compliance, procedure, timeliness,
done? What would you have done? (1.2, 1.6) (AR 190-40,
Soldier perception of action taken and effect on unit morale.) Appendix B, Category 1 Reportable Serious Incidents, B-1. Actual or alleged incidents involving the following: b. War crimes, including mistreatment of enemy prisoners of war, violations Of the Geneva Conventions, and atrocities. B-2. Any other incident the commander determines to be of immediate concern to HQDA based on the nature, gravity, potential for adverse publicity, or potential consequences of the incident. AR 190-40, Appendix C Category 2, Reportable Serious
Incidents, C-1. Actual or alleged incidents involving the following: g. Incidents involving prisoners or detainees of Army confinement or correctional facilities to include escape from confinement or custody, disturbances which require the use of force, wounding or serious injury to a prisoner, and all prisoner deaths. C-2. Any other incident that the commander determines to be of concern to HQDA based on the nature, gravity, potential for adverse publicity, or potential consequences
a. Treatment. (1) No
of the incident. AR 190-8, 5-1. General protection policy—civilian internee, form of physical torture or moral coercion will be exercised against the Cl. This provision does not constitute a prohibition against the use of minimum force necessary to effect compliance with measures authorized or directed by these regulations. (2) In all circumstances, the CI will be treated with respect for their person, their honor, their family rights, their religious convictions and practices, and their manners and customs. At all times the CI will be humanely treated and protected against all acts of violence or threats and insults and public curiosity. In all official cases they will be entitled to a fair and regular trial as prescribed by this regulation. (3) The CI will be especially protected against all acts of violence, insults, public curiosity, bodily injury, reprisals of any kind, sexual attack such as rape, forced prostitution, or any form of indecent assault. (4) The CI will be treated with the same consideration and with-out adverse distinction based on race, religion, political opinion, sex, or age. AR 190-8, para 6-9, e. Any act or allegation of inhumane treatment or other violations of this regulation will be reported to HQDA (DAMO-ODL), WASH DC 20310-0400 as a Serious Incident Report. Reporting instructions in AR 190-40 will be used.)
16. How could the incident have been prevented? (Identifies root cause and perceived solution) (No applicable standard)
17. Describe any unit training or other programs that you are aware of that teach leaders and Soldiers how to recognize and resolve combat stress. FM 22-51, para
1.1-5. Prevention of Misconduct Stress Behaviors. The measures which-reduce battle fatigue and

