DOD Memo: NJP Data for Detainee-Related Offenses

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Memo relating six records of detainee-related offenses between October 2001 and July 2004 at Guantanamo Bay. Some facts and all names are redacted. Accusations in the records are of assault, battery, verbal harassment, dereliction of improper supervision, and photographing detainees and detention facilities. All but one accused soldier received only non-judicial punishments (NJP). One soldier refused NJP and was court-martialed, but was acquitted.

Non-legal Memo
Monday, July 26, 2004
Tuesday, November 29, 2005


ITF CITMO-SJA 26 July 2004
MEMORANDUM FOR Office of the Judge Advocate Osnisral, U.S. Army
SUBJECT: NIP Data for Deteinse-Related Ofbases
I. In !minim to year regoset for infonusticm, we seadad our NJP :secede for the period oftime fran•1 October 2001 through 9 July 2004. Om sea* loomed a total of 6 aids meads. They are es follow.
a. gpli26Jima 04.
ofinoidenta 4 Jemmy 2004; Mammy 2004 2) Loatlian.of ineldente: ChNIMINNO0 3) Location code: Otnotenamo Bay, 4) During or sea* of interrogstion: N 5) Nam of detainessisrillMilim. 6) Detainas as Mc7) Autopsy disc N/A
Nana &soldier puelebsch
9) Unit of soldier: 661 a MP Co., JDOO, .TTF-OTMO
10) Canpooent: NO
11) Offs= types: 4 Jemmy 2004— assault consummated by temaygpiashlog a
denims in the bee with pees oil; 16
12)Name °toffs:sr imposing
13)Pt:sides &officer bnposing Operations
Group, 711413TMO
14) Punishment Imposed: Na guilty co verbal hassement Woos& OuRty on assault
circa's. Reduction to &I, hefbiome of 5150.00 Jay per month for two months.
15)CID cos insmbar: WA
16) Status of imastiptian dosed
14 .
b. 29 April 03
I) Date of adam 10 April 2003
2) Logsdon of Incident
3) London code: OunaLso

mil =11111111
4) Drub, or mutt ofintwoptiort N
3) Nom of databass: N Mumble in use Bad docamard
6) Deena tag ID:
3 c).
7) Auippry dor. NA
B) Nape of seidior prasbed:

9) Unit of 'dam 132's bQ CSEIIIIIIII10) Component: NO11) Wpm type: amok amaransial by baiseraruck a 'beaded detainee with bis
12) Name of°Scar imposing
13)- Peados of°Ma imposiesi=anc

P.e41111.111Caennmadse JointFilnt lEgion
Opole= Clamp, maim
14) Ftmithmant imposed: Redaction io E-3, 45 days actra duty
15) CID ems number WA

16) Bras efinvestiptkc domed
17) Commenteitemara:

Date -10 AO 2003
2) Landes of What
3) Leaden cede Gemalso

4) During er mph of inierregadcan N
5) Name of dasinseii:Vilared ransom
6) Dadra tag !CM
7) Arapay data N/A
8) Name of soldier seamed:
9) Unit &Nadi= Be MP Co.,RF

1111,WAIIII 10) Caeopement NO 11) Mose typa dasiletio4 by impeoper supervision mitapara. 1.b.,
above). 12) Name of officer atoglliMOranden Operations Crap,
13) Padden eloakerina
14) Penisbammt imposed: woe —case dianimed
15) CID =se number: WA
16) Stags of invastipdow eked
17) Commanefilemmdka
18) cram

41111 t Julie 2003
et 'NUM 26 Mara 2003
2) Legation at incident
3) Location cods: Ousni2:=111.11111
4) Dining err pen* of inientamka:
5) Naas etdadnes: =known

6) Duda@ 1D tar wham — raddaS of cd1111.1126 March 2003
7) Autopsy date: WA
Num of moldier muss&
9) Unit of Welkin 91146 MP Co.. JDOO, JT1471140
10) Comment AD
11) Mos type: amok — spA spray) oa detainee.
12) Nam olotliod (OM* Mbar
13r Position ear:ow nth* Commander. Group,

14) Punishment imposed: — solar refund NJP, did by SPCM, acquitted
15) CID con amber: WA
16) Stems al invistig' ado= *sod
18) Poid of cadut
I Octobst 2002
of inoilsat 17 Scroctabar 2002
Locdiao orimideac 3) Load= coda: Ouslamo Hq 4) Darius or malt of is ndosadow 5) Nana ceastibm admown 6)Madan ID tar unknown — doodad of 17 Septemba 2002 7) Autopsy data: WA 8) Noon of Wad paairbabLIMII. 9) Usk of add= 23 MP 10) Cowper= NO 11) Offend typo smash — attnaptiatto Mahan wW hose 12) Nuns of Mbar Imposing puoidoosat: 13) Position of officer imps* poolabanac Coomeador. MIP Ca 14) Pualibmsat hams& radcodoa to B-3; 7 days sutricsioo. sinpeaded 15) CID cam amber: N/A 16) Statue of hwastigdicic closed 17) IS) Nat of
8 Jose 2002 • Dar of ioddeata: batmen 29 April 2002 and I Jana 2002 2) London of thiman
3) Location coda: CsanammosaylinIM 4) Dothis or took Oboonoptioto 5) Name ofdodo= whams 6) Datum ID tarc %doom 7) Adam dolt WA
NOV0017 C



$) Name of War punisbedp11111111
9) Unit °holder: 40114P 10) Component AD 11) Minn type: violation of J112-01M0 001 -pbotopapling detainees and deundon haw 12) Nome &akar Imposing phm. unisent & ng stlainnentillar01 lCo.
13) Position officer Imposi po .lie
14) Posdalanant Impose* 14 days meniedon, 14 daps antra duty
IS) CID awe Ember: WA
16) Bons ofinnstption: closed
18) oils aeon=
NM" Stalthalia Advocate

