NCIS Report (Death): 07Jul03-MWPE-0149-7XMA

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<p>NCIS Report of investigation commenced on June 13, 2003 after officer at Camp Pendleton contacted an NCIS Special Agent to make a statement regarding alleged war crimes committed by a marine, who &ldquo;was overheard bragging about stabbing dead and wounded Iraqi soldiers&rdquo; while at the Naval Medical Center in San Diego. Doctors at Mental Health Services at the Naval Medical Center reported that the marine had made several statements to them, including that &ldquo;he had been meritoriously promoted to SGT and received a Purple Heart award,&rdquo; that he &ldquo;had a ceremony and parade in his honor at his home town of [redacted] where a Congressman took him out to dinner,&rdquo; that he had had dinner with Donald Rumsfeld, and that &ldquo;he had been assaulted in downtown San Diego the night before [early June 2003] and had spent the night at the police station assisting the San Diego Police Department.&rdquo; One retired soldier expressed concern that the marine was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). One of the investigating officers was contacted by a private investigator on June 27. The investigator indicated that the marine may have self-inflicted a wound, had never been promoted or received a Purple Heart, and never had the opportunity to return home and attend a ceremony and parade in his honor. &ldquo;Based on the information above [the marine&rsquo;s] claim of having stabbed Iraqi prisoners of war is considered part of his fictional story. No investigative action is planned by NCIS at this time.&rdquo;</p>

Investigative File
Wednesday, July 9, 2003
Monday, November 22, 2004

173253 18:10 20u30721 IN:SDPE 112549 OUT:23EXLIFE a49209 U.S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE OPERATIONS REPORT (ONLY) 09JUL03 SPECIAL INQUIRY (II) CONTROL: 09JUL03-24WPE-0149-7XMA I/SECOND BN 5TH MAR REG 1ST MAR DIV/ALLEGED EXECUTION OF IRAQI PRISON ERS OF WAR MADE AT/MWPE/CAMP PENDLETON, CA / SPECIAL AGENT CASE SUMMARY 1. On 13JUNO3, Special Agent (SA) was contacted by 2nd BN 5th MARREGT lst MARDIV, USMC, Camp Pendleton (CPC), to make a statement regardin alle ed war crimes committed by one of 41111.11.1arines, 411111111111111was concerned because -was overheard bragging about stabbing dead and wounded Iraqi solders by retired while at the Naval Medical Center in San Diego. 2. On 18JUNO3, SA and Reporting Agent (RA) interviewed and alfallinMEM of Mental Health Services at the Naval Medical Center in San Diego. Both....aad 411111111had contact with when was at the hospital on the 3rd and 4th of JUN 03. Doctors and elated several incidents that _had told them. stated he had been meritoriously promoted to SGT and received a Purple Heart award from the Commandant of the Marine Corps. allOrelated he had a ceremony and parade in his honor at his home town of where a Congressman took him out to dinner. 11111.1.reported late to the hospital one morning and stated that he had been assaulted in downtown San Diego the night before and had spent the night at the police station assisting the San Diego Police Department (SDPD). 3. On 19JUNO3, RA contacted retired . alms stated that he was concerned that was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. 4. The San Diego County Automated Regional Justice Information System (ARJIS) was queried and no record of ....being assaulted or assisting SDPD was located. 5. On 27JUNO3, RA was contacted by 411111111111) _stated that command had conducted a preliminary investigation regarding theillillilliwound. The PI revealed that it was possible that the wound was self-inflictedalliwas certain that was not promoted and he did not receive a Purple Heart. said that to his knowledge4111111knever had the opportunity to return home and attend a ceremony and parade in his honor. ellibtated that he had the round that was used by.1111111.11said thatalliEllpominand had a HUMVEE door that was apparently modified in order to aid in self inflicting a wound. 411111was referred to Marine CID to investigate the self inflicted wound. Based on the information above -claim of having stabbed Iraqi prisoners of war is considered WARNING FOR OFFICI.E ONLY THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE Page 1 CONTENTS MAY OE OrscLOSED ONLY TO SERSoNS wHOSE OFFICIAL OUTNS REQUIRE ACCESS HERETO CONTENTS MAY NOT RE IHSCLOSED TO THE pARTIILLI cONCERNE0 WITHOUT 9PECINC AUTHORIZATION FROM THE NAVAL cRiNINAL NVESIICIATWE SERVICE DODDON 000119 '09JUL03-MWPE-01 •7XMA I/SECOND BN 5TH MAR REG 1ST MAR DIV/ALLEGED EXECUTION OF IRAQI PRISON U.S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE part of his fictional story. No investigative action is planned by NCIS at this time. PARTICIPANTS Special Agent, NCISFO Camp Pendleton, CA Special Agent, NCISFO Camp Pendleton, CA EXHIBITS (1) Statement of 1111111111111111111113JUNO3...(Copy all) (2) IA: Interview of 8JUNO3...(Copy all) (3) IA: Interview of 19JUNO3...(Copy all) (4) IA: Interview of 27JUNO3...(Copy all) DISTRIBUTION NCISHQ: 23B(M) INFO: MWPE WARNING FOR CliallUSE ONLY THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SEM/ICI Page 2.LAST Oft CONTENTS MAY DISCLOSED ONLY 10 PERSONS WHOSE OFFICIAL DUTIES MEOVINI Kan HERETO CONTENTS MAY NOT SE DISCLOSED FO THE ma rfal CONCERNED WITHOUT MGM MITHORIZA HON FROM THE NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATE SERVICE DODDON 000120 STATEMENT Place : NCISRA Camp Pendleton. California Date : June 13. 2003 USMC make the following free and voluntary statement horn I know to be a Representative of the United States Naval Criminal Investigative Service. I make this statement of my own free will and without any threats made to me or promises extended. I fully understand that this statement is given concerning my knowledge of information relative to possible Iraqi war crimes committed by a Marine assigned to his unit. lift r purposes of identification, I am allanale, born on, at _ I am witlapeyes, about_tall and weigh_ounds. I currently reside a 1 possess a secret security clearanc currently theil....f Headquarters and Service Company at 2" d Battalion 5 th Manne Regiment, l st Marine Division. Approximately one week ago, I received information from a courtesy call from a lstSgt assigned duties at MCRD San Diego, CA. I cannot recall his last name at the moment, but he is a Hispanic Marine. This lstSgt told me that he had inadvertently received info through his command that a Retired Admiral had talked with the CG at MCRD San Die o and related information regarding one of Marines by the name of......._was apparently receiving pool therapy at the Balboa Naval Medical Center, San Diego, for a shoulder mjury that he sustained while participating in the Iraqi war. This 1 stSgt related that _had apparently talked about stabbing dead Iraqi soldiers and killing wounded Iraqi solders_as well. The -lstSgt related also mentioned that he had been meritoriously promoted by the Commandant of the Marine Corps from the rank of Lance Corporal to Sergeant. The 1stSgt added that the retired Admiral who overheard emsbragging m the pool area, then took him to see one of the officials at Balboa Naval Medical Center to report his actions. The lstSgt could not recall who the retired Admiral took 41/0to see at that time. I believeg.R.11. the Marine Li son at Balboa Naval Medical Center, has a lot of infonnation regarding the situation witl _I also believe_civilian physical therapist may have information relative to the information related b3411.11. as well. I do not know the name of_civilian physical therapist. I believe the majority of the people knowledgeable of.1.11.action will be the occupational/physical therapist at the Balboa Naval Medical Center. I personally do not believe the story ....related to the -individuals at Balboa Naval Medical Center. I know thata.l.bvhile in Iraq, was assigned to the Chaplain's vehicle, which consisted of hun,..Dthe Chaplain _he driver and.. gimahe Religious Program Specialist or Chaplain Assistant. _ctually works for III..... the Communications Officer for 2/5. I am not sure why ....111111 assigned the Chaplain's vehicle as a communicator. I am not sure when .1111.was injured in Iraq, but I know there are issues with the circumstances surrounding his injury which was a gunshot wound to his shoulder. I believe the story related by _concerning the shooting was that while everyone in his vehicle was asleep, a lone Iraqi soldier approached the vehicle and shot him as he returned fire and shot the Iraqi soldier. I believe_contends everyone in the vehicle was asleep at the time of the shooting incident; however, I believe the others related they only heard one gunshot. I am not sure if the incident is being investigated, but I do know that _as not received a purple heart, which leads me to believe there may be some issues with the shooting incide MI6 NCIS 5580/26 0/200 (Formerly NCISFORNI 016/04-81) EXHIBIT ('). DODDON 000121 Continuation of volunt sworn statement of USMC, on June 13, 2003 self. I believe_arrived in Iraq sometime between late Feb03 and early Mar03. I was not there when the incident happened, because I myself was injured and had returned to Camp Pendlefon to recover. I can say that —as related a number of stories to different folks over the past few months. I recall an incident where we had to send a duty driver to pick upalliiiiin Phoeniz, AZ, because he had been kicked off the plane for com laints he had made regarding a potential head injury. The unit Commanding Officer was apprised of actions and requested further investigation to determine the status of the infoation related bAlli.11111111 do not have any additional information to add at this tim s statement, consisting of this page and 1 other page(s) was typed for me by 11101111111111111 111111111111111111s we discussed its contents. I have read and understand the above statement. I have been given the opportunity to make any changes or corrections 1 desire to make and have placed my initials over the changes or corrections. This statement is the truth to the best of my knowledge and belt Signature: IIIIIIPIIIIIIIIIII1_ Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1341 day of --I OPE: in the year 21333 at viAC-P"› CotsA.1--IvAl 1---rEtto-, c .— ___ -- Witnessed: Representative, Naval Cnmmal Investigate rn AUTH DERIVED FROM ARTICLE 136, UCMJ (I0 U S C 936) AND 5 U S C 303 Page 2 of 2 NCIS 5580/26 (1/2001) (Formerly NCISFORM 016/04-81) DODDON 000122 U.S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERE TITLE: I/ 2N° BN e MAR REGT 1 sT MAR DIV ALLEGED EXECUTION OF IRAQI PRISONERS OF WAR CCN: 09JUL03-MWPE-0149-7XMA INVESTIGATIVE ACTION: RESULTS OF INTERVIEWS OF.11111111111111111ANDOIMID On 18JUNO3 at 1330.11111111111111111111111. USN,0111111MndallIMMIMINIM Mental Health Services, Naval San Diego were interviewed by Special Agents ndallIMIDaboard the Naval Medical Center, San Diego Doctors an were advised that they were being interviewed concern! their interaction with SMC Pnor to an uestions, SAS nd identified themselves as NCIS Special Agents to nd th verbally and by displaying their credentials laili rstated that on the 03 JUN 03, ad brou•ht o the command suite where she h er initial contact w was told bAlliallithat in a combat situation they would take a knife and stab wounded and dead Iraqi soldiers because they felt the Iraqis posed a threat 61111111111111111.andalliMhen descnbed several other incidents that ad related to them alliniallegedly stated that he had been hand picked to be the chaplain'szdnver in Iraq because he was the best shot _allegedly descnbed an incident where he was shooting Iraqi soldiers off a conveyor belt in a cement factory Allegedly after being shot by a lone Iraqi firid all hie ammo then threw his knives at his assailant !stated that he had beenpromoted to Sergeant and had received his Purple Hart from the Commandant of the Marine Corps related that a arade and a ceremony had been effected in his honor at his hometown of Iso related how he had been assaulted in downtown San Diego and how he had assisted a patrolman• in apprehending his assailant . . •„. .. On 04JUN 03.1111111111111.spent the day withill11111116nd administered a 344 question psycho test NUM was not able to finish the teat because he was fatigued stated tha may be-embellishing-his time in Iraq and the time -since he has returned - -- — — -- .*--– --- On 05JUN0 was transferred back to his command l' - •_•_I ._. • Reported By: • Office: MWPE • • • WARNING PAGE 1 OF 1 THIS DOCUMFNT IS THF PROPFRTY OF THF NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE , CONTENTS MAY BE DISCLOSED ONLY TO PERSONS WHOSE OFFICIAL DUTIES REQUIRE ACCESS HERETO CONTENTS MAY NOT BE DISCLOSED TO THE PARTY(S) CONCERNED WITHOUT SPECIFIC AUTHORIZATION FROM THE NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE EXHIBIT ( ) DODDON 000123 U.S. NAVAL CRI AL INVESTIGATIVE SERA TITLE: I! 2ND BN 5Th MAR REGT 1 ST MAR DIV ALLEGED EXECUTION OF IRAQI PRISONERS OF WAR CCN: 09JUL03-MWPE-0149-7XMA INVESTIGATIVE ACTION: RESULTS OF TELEPHONIC INTERVIEW OF 03 at 10 40 am, Reporting Agent (RA)411111111111111111111.callea.M.......111 USN, at his home RA identified himself verbally as an NCIS S eci I t RA explained he was calling to gather information one/In interaction w , USMC aboard the Naval Medical Center, San Diego remembered his interaction withallMind stated that he was concerned that--vas suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Clescnbed how had related how he had walked through Iraqi villages and stabbed Iraqis found many ofallinstones hard to believe and gave an example ofillinirto of having dinner with U S Secretary of Defense Donald RUMSFELD 11111111.also 'stated that account of how he was wounded did not seem credible as concerned that ould talk to the media allinslid not wan to cause any embarrassment to the military was also concerned about health and well-being Reported By: Office: MWPE • .'• .1, • 1 .P!'• 1 I • F. •_' • WARNING PAGE 1 OF 1 THIS DOCUMENT IS THF PROPERTY OF THE NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SFRWE CONTENTS MAY BE DISCLOSED ONLY TO PERSONS WHOSE OFFICIAL DUTIES REWIRE ACCESS HERETO CONTENTS MAY NOT BE DISCLOSED TO THE PARTY(S) CONCERNED WITHOUT SPECIFIC AUTHORIZATION FROM THE NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE I EXHIBIT ( 3 ) DODDON 000124 -U U.S. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERA TITLE: I/ 2ND BN 51/4 MAR REGT 1 ST MAR DIV ALLEGED EXECUTION OF IRAQI PRISONERS OF WAR CCN: 09JUL03-MWPE-0149-7XMA INVESTIGATIVE ACTION: RESULTS OF TELEPHONIC INTERVIEW OF On 27 JUN 8 30 am, Reporting Agent (RA) as called b BN 51h MARREGT, 1 st MARDIV, USMC Camp Pendleton CAupdated RA on situation stated thatalliMommand had conducted 'a preliminary investigation (PI) regarding the woundelMecerved in combat The PI revealed that the wound might have been self-inflicted maid that he had the round that was used Additionally, a HUMVEE door that was modified to assist in the self-inflicting of a wound was being shipped back froen Asamawa RA uesbonedalIlSaboutIIIIIMBalleged Promotion and Purple Hart award411.1111tated that never received a promotion to Sergeant and chit no-t receive a Purple Hart award —also stated that it was unlikely tha had received a parade and ceremony in his honor at his hometown inallftecause id not have the opportunity to go home after he was wounded RA referred Investgathiginof the Criminal investigation Division (CID), USMC aboard Camp Pendleton, CA Reported By: 111.1111.111111106 Office: MWPE ,C ,..ff I • trr Irt •; f.• :t • -1•') •• ' - )'.' : • PAGE 1 OF 1 WARNING THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY Of THE NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVFJER)0CE CONTENTS MAY BE DISCLOSED ONLY TO PERSONS WHOSE OFFICIAL DUTIES REQUIRE ACCESS HERETO CONTENTS MAY NOT BE DISCLOSED TO THE PARTY(S) CONCERNED WITHOUT SPECIFIC AUTHORIZATION FROM THE NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE I. , _ EXHIBIT( ) DODDON 000125 I/SECOND BN, 517 MARINES 09JUL03-MMIE-0149-7XMA DODDON 000126 INTERVIEW LOG ( Data Sheet) i DATE: '03 ( 3 3 NAME (Last, First, Middle) DUSTA/Date Reported 144 5-CO Rate Branch of Service Sex / Race -ll U S4-)11,0_ M- IZA__,C Citizenship Clearan SSN U' S­ l-CC-(2-1cr . Piece Height Weight air Eyes Complexion Build Rotation Date/EAOS mow 1-LT: OLf Scars, Marks, and Tatoos Current Address Phone g:_....) ,,r'its'---c_.-- — 0 VV: 7315 e 7`7'H Personal Vehicle Data Home Address of Record Civilian Occupation (prior to military service and currently) m_oc5'-‘cr.ct7 Education Spouse Address Next of Kin (relationship, name, address, and phone) Date of Current Enlistment r Date First Employed, Enlisted, or Commissioned Remark '----C"..r" ,-1-1"ri(W " ,r-r) e-1A-tark0' ‘--xrez-i rvr C.-C._, 4i7/2-e-n_e-y-ez t.../ (4--litAT-'14-)'A-A-450er '42,-,1--- 74-to-A-py_ DODDON 000127 il....Q.-c,_. . , ,-.z.e.'-'-'714-eDi—'ds,,,'.'c 0)-z../ 6 .---(pc),'P'(fK=-,') (2-1,-612:-'c-td-(.5'-yr-o F-7----.c .nom'?/, ' C.-(f_./f/"____.'frl,z,0 Le,-'."3/'C't.i'1....443_..1 _.I c-c-A--to 15r 3.7-ri-t_ b4-c-`74--r-.0 t Yrce, l-r1--cleo._ Special Agent NC/SRA /- ) OA INTERVIEW LOG (TimeII Name of Interviewee Interview Conducted _ 1 C i f ri 0 Arrival at Interview Site matte Ps-44-e_E :17 -L-06 53.3 Unescort ./ Under uar _ Time: Entered Interview Room 50-0 Time: Questions Prior to Warning (if any specify) C3 gp f I 1 Time Warning Begun Waives /Rights Time Exercises Rights Method: Lawyer 0\1 / I IC I A, k I - I\\ f\C if Silence • Suspect Executes Written Waiver Time: / t_ Guilt or Participation Verbally Admitted Time: INt I A- Written Statement Commenced Time: (9 93 0 Written Statement Signed Time: Disposition of Suspect Time: eo r2. Interview Breaks (include stop/start times and rewarning, if necessary) Food • V9 Rest Consultation Other • Remark t9;12-1-Yr---(nr, -r----'e//c --CC4-=‘-K--..f3 0--rt-- —'1-4-c, v-'P'/1.__'c-stn--'( ,J''VI:nig:4. . — ,.,'c----1,---'SGS----t--sl—'--=,*'C-4,..., —pAA.., -'"'-r-t--)ei ea_--c-..r¦..e' - ,r .0 22,,„,„,_ t.--1--,..,.5F ( Fze-,\ N -7--(49'\ Pietif-'D 'S. c-trC_AZ.-f ,-f'*304 ('--'1'IG-t 0-11-1-Pe7.r-- -'c2",--,%-v1--.','C ,5-x-LCI)'ri N"--CLu---,---1--#4- . DODDON 000128 Si NClS y‘ 7--) 'C.) INTERVIEW LOG (PERSONAL DATA SHEET) _DATE:_0 Z,.7/ e5} NAME (Last, First. Middle) DUSTA/Date Repo ed #_Ce. -7 f--e__ ,-12 -(. 0 ./14Y I, /le d /(--- Rate/Rank /,/,Sex Branch Race ,fr-Fe (. IAA; t o Citizenship Clearance S N IA' - S. Reiff Wei POB m Cali al Rotation Date/EAOS Date of Current Enlistment E Scars, Marks or Tattoos Current Address d_:0? Vehicle Data Home Address of Record Education Address Next of Kin (Relationship, Name. Address, and Telephone) Civilian Occupation Date First Employed, Enlisted or Commissioned Remarks : -14 -' ct c' aIIIINIIII.‘c''c ';'r_/9.---' d ie-f°, I,7 /_7 II!) -Z2 ,)---- / 3 e,-;—& NCIS Representative: NCIS Office: DODDON 01 0129 I ' %Arno cL 01111 A fl Int-1n (Formerly NCISFORM 0041(1 /95'0 INTERVIEW LOG (Timeline) Name of Interviewee: Place: Date: Interview Conducted By: Unescorted: Under Guard: Arrival at Interview Site: Time: Entered Interview Room: Time: Questions Prior to Warning (if any, specify): Time Warninff Begun:e.'. Suspect Executes Written Waiver: Time Waives Rights: Time Exercises Rights Method : Lawyer Silence Time: Guilt or Participation Verbally Admitted: Time: Written Statement Commenced: Time: Written Statement Signed: Time: Disposition of Su spect: Time: Interview Breaks (include stop/start times and rewarding, if necessary) Food Rest Consultation_: Other REMARKS: DODDON 0 00130 Signatu_ NCIS OFFICE I / 1 INTERVIEW LOG (PERSONAL DATA SHEET) f DATE: O // NAME (Last, First.'tit — - ------- - - -'- DUSTA/Date epomed g / /10 . 5cc_ '0 Rate/Rank Bra nch Sex Race (1:1-7 /1/4 i Citizenship Clearance N DOB Hein µ'c H POB Ey Complexion Scars, Marks or Tattoos Bui'• Rotation Date/EAOS Date of Current Enlistment Ocl Current Address Phon Ve ice 1 ata Rome Address of Record Education Address Next of Kin (Relationship. Name, Address, and Telephone) Civilian Occupation Date First Employed, Enlisted or Commissioned Remarks : N CIS Representative: DODDON 000131 NCIS Office: hirrerrVID A s /In., it, /f)C)1 INTERVIEW LOG (Timeline) Name of interviewee: interview Conducted By: Unescorted: Place: Date: Arrival at Interview Site: Entered Interview Room: Questions Prior to Warning (if any, specify): Time Warning Begun: Time Waives Rights: Time Exercises Rights Suspect Executes Written Waiver: Guilt or Participation Verbally Admitted: Written Statement Commenced: Written Statement Signed: Disposition of Suspect: Interview Breaks (include stop/start times and rewarding, if necessary) Food Rest Consultation : Other REMARKS: _ Under Guard: Time: Time: Method : Lawyer Silence Time: Time: Time: Time: Time: DODDON 000132 1 . r NAVAL CRiMN.AL NVESTGATiVE SEP,V10E Invastioative N oies TiTI E: 1-17-'47 727 1 11/h/437 10­.--:6 Ltb - A C C N: /.-c/ 6 id T-4, /-c- ' ri '1-7 - 74-- Ce ( i6 cs 4.7 (e c ,_ke c/7 1.zie -/j 4 „ 77" 0 A.,7_1-0 eLy IN& Walt her'cA / r C -ks C9_rc-f _ DODDON 000133 NIC!SF 321;0 4 -BI_ S Government'Dui:3e 2330-52G-73E-S5C7S NAVAL CRIf,i!NALI4VESTIGATIVE SEPI VICE investigative Notes_ Trr MAD E B Y : MADE AT: CCN _ DATE: TIME: 'Get -7 be . C'4G _) s tt-, 8.4 4 lz -t G 4 /' 1-c:724-te sr G0 , fo 10. e,- . tHe_ el tf 11 4 v'7' 4 c e la('5 C 162 C'j_ r / 3? — 7 /0 —'"eo-y e).7,z-L-ccr- g e-- beet'„ DODDON 000134 ,....Q "U S Go.,,,,Innen; .-r ¦ r.n,':: c, ,_E 2000 — 5.23-73E.-'S 5029 NCI F 0 2 1 10'1 ( `t( zfil NIA,VAt CRIMINAL INVT"STICATR“: c:Eti'VfrE (31 TITL E : _2-') 7-Vrif /2r Investigative Notes 4-6 L.I..;16 5-r-;sal 6 .t."; CCN 657 it1L.O 3 -Pi' 1i(1 -44-) A M—DE AT: DATE: TIME: seS. Cre) / 0 kt / A I'.7014 0 -) L C.-(') .1-, We_ ocr'ita9er a 4 e of. • A- m (0 c T44f--411011111111,11111111M re 7/ r--ess Ar s ' C:-16-1 p be 044- rc fie'Li' 5 (-/-', -fie. t 5'roe plc( (E. • A-61J sot Ice --s-o c._S 74-0,'teaci? -ice ,tea e ‘,4 ;is_ d • _ Ll .1'41ty_!iv wL ce 11_ fe ry 4 5 c Pf 65- e S' 17.'hye.;.-te 1,4c, Aced: -to ;' ritcl‘ t r-e_ • Z'r-•t . DODDON 000135 fr,T. C f(' . -(4-k-4-5) 0;'-)4 NQ ( e 02,,, 04.8! "U S Go•ernf,en! :,;rnots :ace 23.30 — S2C-73515C?? 6.0.) r p ( h A- t CC, 4.y 5t-of-v. t4.4\/,"_.L CRIMINAL iNVEST1GATIVE SERVICE Investigative Notes TITLE CCN _ _ MADE AT:_ MADE BY: DATE: DODDON 000136 NC! SF C21104 , 8 S Gn.ernmen: .,;nbnz 2,:iise 2000 — Sn-73E:c:5079 \c6 NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SER VICE investigative Notes . TITLE: ze c c N () 7 :Tti z-0 3 -174 MADE AT: MADE BY: DATE TIME: O 7u .4/ c3 c3 30 -41111111111111111' kiL41111111111116 5 /-/ 0 r' 41. s 0O0-.5 t-o.E.47./24 o.FL.L-D t'evt'/2 t-t'dkGO P.: 41/111111V1 , A- C C--.ce r cr.:7 rr fi o 0 i./f, htezi 4.- A .(n77 ,C)/7 0 -' I F 6,6.dill..11111 A- s fiow/o (aih ur r )7 bad, + u t,/ - 4111/1/11111. ttio if a, 'A Par, (e. L 1464,t- o,a47d ,,„4?-y ro e airc r /1/0,4-Lt 0 A:7p Z c DODDON 000137 ;_5 r cic, ro'/v-rt --:-,/zRo (7/1/ -A7_ l7 LJ NC.„! C,"2 1./Ca -8 "Li 5 00,..,,,men¦ ;,,,;,-.1,n; 06ze 2000 —2;;-73:::95C,:9 (A, N.AVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SRPNICE investig2live Notes' TITLE: MADE BY: MADE AT: CCN: DATE: TIME: DODDON 000138 )P SF G21/0 4 -81 "1: S Gcv' Office . e, nmen: *--,: 2:00 — 52;;.73C:c.r5C?9 NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE Investigative Notes TITLE: CCN: ' MADE BY: MADE AT: DATE: TIME: (0 Ob I ,3)Li u1405 ,p rki -j 6 toy c_ - 'MR c', cr'C---fL-7 p,)-, 7-CA6 N.,C41-C-6. 141;rit'W-7'1Hr °A- to . ' C. rct-u ,r‘..•-\_4"-, ,^r1S)^i' (t/Lxt— 371 AJ - (RP ma,4_,.., r n2, „t-,_(t.,. —4., .,,. c-= Cb—OF- tev16,./ ,.- DODDON 000139 NCISF 021/04-81 9-`
