Army Pamphlet 600-8-101: Personnel General - Personnel Processing: In-, Out-, Soldier Readiness, Mobilization and Deployment Processing

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Pamphlet 600-8-101: Personnel General - Personnel Processing: In-, Out-, Soldier Readiness, Mobilization and Deployment Processing. Manual on mobilization and deployment processing of soldiers (to and from theater of operations, demobilization and redeployment).

Wednesday, May 28, 2003
Thursday, December 30, 2004

Department of the Army Pamphlet 600-8-101
Personnel Processing (In-, Out-, Soldier Readiness, Mobilization, and Deployment Processing)
Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 28 May 2003



DA PAM 600-8-101
Personnel Processing (In-, Out-, Soldier Readiness, Mobilization, and
Deployment Processing)

This new pamphlet describes the procedures for--

o In-processing soldiers into the gaining Army installation and reintegration
(the processing required when soldiers return from a deployment) (chap 2).

o Out-processing soldiers for departure from the losing Army installation and
for demobilization (chap 3).

o The Soldier Readiness Program and mobilization processing (chap 4).

o Processing soldiers for extended periods of temporary duty (90 or more days)

(chap 5), individual temporary changes of station (chap 6), and unit
deployments (chap 6).

o Processing soldiers for individual and unit redeployments either back to the

home station or to another contingency theater of operations/temporary change
of station (chap 7) .

Headquarters Department of the Army
Department of the Army Washington, DC Pamphlet 600-8-101
28 May 2003

Personnel Processing (In-, Out-, Soldier Readiness, Mobilization, and Deployment

By Order of the Secretary of the Amy:
General, United States Army
Chief of Staff
Administrative Assistant to the

Secretary of the Army
History. This publication is a new Department of the Army pamphlet.
Summary. This pamphlet provides the implementation procedures for performing
the in-, out-, soldier readiness, mobiliza­tion, and deployment processing functions prescribed by AR 600-8-101.
Applicability. This pamphlet applies to the Active Army, the Army National Guard of the United States, and the U.S. Army Reserve. This publication is appli­cable during mobilization.

Proponent and exception authority.
The proponent of this pamphlet is the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1. The Deputy Chief of Staff, G—1, has the authority to approve exceptions to this pamphlet that are consistent with controlling laws and regulations. The Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, may delegate this approval authority, in writing, to a division chief within the proponent agency in the grade of colonel or the civilian equivalent.
Suggested improvements. Users are invited to send comments and suggested
improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recom­mended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) to the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 (DAPE—MP), 300 Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-0300, or directly to the Commander, U.S. Total Army Per­sonnel Command, ATTN: TAPC—PDO—IP, 200 Stovall Street, Alexandria, VA 22332-0474.
Distribution. This publication is availa­ble in electronic media only and is in­tended for command levels A, B, C, D, and E for the Active Army, the Army National Guard of the United States, and the U.S. Army Reserve.

Contents (Listed by paragranh and page number)
Chapter 1 Introduction, page 1 Purpose • 1-1, page 1 References • 1-2, page 1 Explanation of abbreviations and terms • 1-3, page 1
Chapter 2 In-processing, page 1

Section 1 General, page 1 The in-processing program • 2-1, page 1 The in-processing record • 2-2, page 1
Section 11 Installation-/Community-Level In-Processing, page 1 Replacement activity • 2-3, page 1 Processing control station • 2-4, page 2 Personnel. information station (PINS) • 2-5, page 2
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003. iI

Personnel strength management station • 2-6, page 5 Personnel management station • 2-7, page 5 Medical facility • 2-8, page 5 TRICARE service center health benefits advisor or the medical element equivalent • 2-9, page 7 Dental facility • 2-10, page 7 Defense enrollment eligibility reporting system/realtime automated personnel identification system/identification cards and tags • 2-11, page 8 Security office • 2-12, page 8 Transportation office • 2-13, page 8 Central issue facility • 2-14, page 8 Education center • 2-15, page 9 Army community service center • 2-16, page 9 Provost marshal office • 2-17, page 9 Housing office • 2-18, page 9 Commercial activities • 2-19, page 9 Child and youth services/school liaison officer • 2-20, page 9 Chaplain • 2-21, page 9 Lodging office • 2-22, page 9 Army career and alumni program center • 2-23, page 9 Inspector general • 2-24, page 10 Military pay office • 2-25, page 10
Section III Battalion/Unit Level In-Processing, page 10 Battalion SI/unit commander in-processing procedures • 2-26, page 10 Battalion S2/3/unit commander in-processing procedures • 2-27, page 11 Battalion S4/unit commander in-processing procedures • 2-28, page 11
Chapter 3
Out-Processing, page 11
Section I General, page 11 The out-processing program • 3-1, page 11 DA Forms 137-1 (Unit Clearance Record) and 137-2 (Installation Clearance Record) • 3-2, page 12
Section II
Battalion-/Unit-Level Out-processing, page 12
Battalion SI/unit commander out-processing procedures • 3-3, page 12 Battalion S2/3/unit commander out-processing procedures • 3-4, page 13 Battalion S4/unit commander out-processing procedures • 3-5, page 14
Section III
Installation/Community Level Out-Processing, page 14
Processing control station • 3-6, page 14
Personnel information station (PINS) • 3-7, page 14
Personnel management station • 3-8, page 17
Medical facility • 3-9, page 17
TRICARE service center health benefits advisor or the medical element equivalent • 3-10, page 20
Dental facility • 3-11, page 20
DEERS/RAPIDS/ID cards and tags • 3-12, page 20
Security office • 3-13, page 20
Transportation office • 3-14, page 21
Central issue facility • 3-15, page 21
Education center • 3-16, page 21
iii DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
ACS center • 3-17, page 21 Provost marshal office • 3-18, page 21 Housing office • 3-19, page 21 Commercial activities station • 3-20, page 22 Child and youth services/school liaison officer • 3-21, page 22 Morale, welfare, and recreation fund manager • 3-22, page 22 Training aids center • 3-23, page 22 Post exchange • 3-24, page 22 Commissary • 3-25, page 22 Army emergency relief • 3-26, page 22 Lodging office • 3-27, page 22 ACAP center • 3-28, page 22 Reserve component career counselor • 3-29, page 22 Inspector General • 3-30, page 23 Military pay office • 3-31, page 23
Chapter 4
Soldier Readiness Program and Mobilization Processing, page 23
Section I General, page 23 The soldier readiness program • 4-1, page 23 DA Form 7425 (Readiness and Deployment Checklist) • 4-2, page 23
Section II Battalion/Unit Level SRP and Mobilization Processing, page 23 Battalion SI/unit commander SRP and mobilization processing procedures • 4-3, page 23 Battalion S2/3/unit commander SRP and mobilization processing procedures • 4-4, page 24 Battalion S4/unit commander SRP and mobilization processing procedures • 4-5, page 25
Section III
Installation-/Community-Level SRP and Mobilization Processing, page 25
Processing control station • 4-6, page 25
Personnel information station • 4-7, page 25
Personnel management station • 4-8, page 27
Medical facility • 4-9, page 27
Dental facility • 4-10, page 29
DEERS/RAPIDS/ID cards and tags station • 4-11, page 29
Security office • 4-12, page 29
Legal assistance office • 4-13, page 30
Transportation office • 4-14, page 30 Central issue facility (CIF) • 4-15, page 30
Education center • 4-16, page 30
ACS center • 4-17, page 30
Provost marshal office • 4-18, page 30
Housing office • 4-19, page 31
MWR fund manager • 4-20, page 31
Training aids center • 4-21, page 31
Chaplain • 4-22, page 31
ACAP center • 4-23, page 31
Inspector General • 4-24, page 31
Military pay • 4-25, page 31
Chapter 5 Extended Temporary Duty Processing, page 31
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
Section I General, page 31 The Extended TDY Processing Program • 5-1, page 31 DA Forms 137-1 and 137-2 • 5-2, page 31
Section II Battalion/Unit Level Extended TDY Processing, page 32 Battalion Sl/unit commander extended TDY processing procedures • 5-3, page 32 Battalion S2/3/unit commander extended TDY processing procedures • 5-4, page 32 Battalion S4/unit commander extended TDY processing procedures • 5-5, page 33
Section 111
Installation-/Community-Level Extended TDY Processing, page 33
Processing control station • 5-6, page 33
Personnel information station • 5-7, page 33
Personnel management station • 5-8, page 35
Medical facility • 5-9, page 35
Dental facility • 5-10, page 37
DEERS/RAPIDS/1D cards and tags • 5-11, page 37
Security office • 5-12, page 37
Transportation office • 5-13, page 37
Education center • 5-14, page 37
ACS center • 5-15, page 37
Housing office • 5-16, page 38
MWR fund manager • 5-17, page 38
ACAP center • 5-18, page 38
Inspector General • 5-19, page 38
Military pay office • 5-20, page 38
Chapter 6 Individual Temporary Change of Station (TCS) and Unit Deployment Processing, page 38
Section 1 General, page 38
The deployment processing program • 6-1, page 38
DA Form 7425 .• 6-2, page 38
Deploying unit readiness validation process (AR 220-1) • 6-3, page 38
Section II Battalion-/Unit-Level Deployment Processing, page 39 Battalion SI/unit commander deployment processing procedures • 6-4, page 39 Battalion S2/3/unit commander deployment processing procedures • 6-5, page 39 Battalion S4/unit commander deployment processing procedures • 6-6, page 40
Section III
Installation-/Community-Level Deployment Processing, page 40 Processing control station • 6-7, page 40
Personnel information station • 6-8, page 40
Personnel strength management station • 6-9, page 42
Personnel management station • 6-10, page 42
Medical facility • 6-11, page 43
Dental facility • 6-12, page 44
DEERS/RAPIDS/ID cards and tags • 6-13, page 45 Security office • 6-14, page 45
Legal assistance office • 6-15, page 45
Transportation office • 6-16, page 45
iv. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
Central issue facility • 6-17, page 46 Education center • 6-18, page 46 ACS center • 6-19, page 46 Provost marshal office • 6-20, page 46 Housing office • 6-21, page 46 MWR • 6-22, page 46 Training aids center • 6-23, page 46 Chaplain • 6-24, page 46 ACAP center • 6-25, page 46 Inspector General • 6-26, page 46 Military pay office • 6-27, page 47
Chapter 7 Redeployment Processing, page 47
Section I General, page 47 The redeployment processing program • 7-1, page 47 DA Forms 137-1, 137-2, and 7425 • 7-2, page 47
Section Il Battalion/Unit Level Redeployment Processing, page 47 Battalion SI/unit commander redeployment processing procedures • 7-3, page 47 Battalion S2/3/unit commander redeployment processing procedures • 7-4, page 48 Battalion S4/unit commander redeployment processing procedures • 7-5, page 49
Section III Installation-/Community-Level Redeployment Processing, page 49 Replacement activity • 7-6, page 49 Processing control station • 7-7, page 49 Personnel information station • 7-8, page 50 Personnel strength management station • 7-9, page 51 Personnel management station • 7-10, page 52 Medical facility • 7-11, page 52 Dental facility • 7-12, page 54 DEERS/RAPIDS/ID cards and tags • 7-13, page 54 Security office • 7-14, page 54 Legal assistance office • 7-15, page 55 Transportation office • 7-16, page 55 Central issue facility • 7-17, page 55 Education center • 7-18, page 55 ACS center • 7-19, page 55 Housing or lodging office • 7-20, page 55 MWR fund manager • 7-21, page 55 Post exchange • 7-22, page 55 Commissary • 7-23, page 55 Army emergency relief • 7-24, page 56 Chaplain • 7-25, page 56 ACAP center • 7-26, page 56 Inspector General • 7-27, page 56 Military pay office • 7-28, page 56
A. References, page 57
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
B. Personnel Processing/Eligibility Requirements, page 63
Table List
Table B–I: Battalion-/unit-level personnel processing, page 63 Table B-2: Installation-/community-level processing, page 65
Glossary Index
vi. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
Chapter 1
1-1. Purpose
This pamphlet describes the military personnel processing procedures for in-processing, the Soldier Readiness Program (SRP), mobilization, out-processing, extended temporary duty (TDY) (90 or more days), individual temporary changes of station (TCS), unit deployments, individual and unit redeployments either back to the home station or to another contingency theater of operations/TCS station, reintegration (the processing required upon return from a deployment), and demobilization. Although this pamphlet describes the various types of personnel processing, it is not designed to identify all the required work involved (for example, tasks, rules, and steps). Priority was given to those tasks that directly relate to a soldier's deployability status. Appendix B shows comprehensive matrices with the personnel processing/eligibility requirements for each type of personnel processing activity described in this publication.
1-2. References
Required and related publications and prescribed and referenced forms are listed in appendix A.
1-3. Explanation of abbreviations and terms
Abbreviations and special terms used in this regulation are explained in the glossary.
Chapter 2
Section I
2-1. The in-processing program
The functions of this program are to—
Welcome and process each soldier and any family members into the new duty station.

Welcome and process each soldier back into the home station upon return from a deployment, whether departed on individual TCS orders or as part of a unit deployment. In this publication, the term for this function is reintegration. At some installations, processing back into the home station has been called a "reverse SRP."

Ensure that each in-processing soldier meets the readiness and deployability criteria or that deficiencies are identified and reported to the gaining unit commander.

2-2. The in-processing record
DA Form 5123-1 (In-processing Personnel Record) guides a soldier through the in-processing program and provides a record of a soldier's readiness status.

Upon completion of in-processing into the assigned unit, the battalion S 1/unit commander will ensure that the completed DA Form 5123-1 is filed in the soldier's Personnel Readiness File, per Army Regulation (AR) 25-400-2 under file number 600-8-101e, In-processing outputs.

The soldier's Personnel Readiness file will form the core of the deployment packet when needed and will also be the repository of DA Form 7425 (Readiness and Deployment Checklist), which is completed during annual SRP checks and when deployment is imminent. Duplicate copies of other documents required for a deployment packet may also be

fi led_ here.
Section II Installation-/Community-Level In-Processing
2-3. Replacement activity
Replacement activity personnel—
.a. Ensure that arrival transactions in the Army field personnel information system are submitted for soldiers after they arrive at an installation/community, sign in, and terminate their military leave.
Service returning TCS soldiers and deployed unit members who return ahead of the unit per local policy.

Arrange for temporary billeting, food service, and other support processing for newly arrived soldiers.

Provide appropriate in-processing briefings and handouts to assist soldiers and their family members.

Take appropriate action to ensure that soldiers arrive at their gaining units as soon as possible, that soldiers are

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
promptly and properly processed, and that soldier readiness nondeployment conditions are either eliminated or identified.
2-4. Processing control station
Processing control station (PROC CS) personnel—
Coordinate/conduct the installation-/community-level in-processing briefing. To inform soldiers and their family members of available services, PROC CS personnel ensure that appropriate installation or community staff agencies participate in this briefing.

Serve as the focal point for installation/community level in-processing by—

Designating the stations through which stations soldiers must process. •

Coordinating with the other installation/community level in-processing stations.

Providing any required special guidance.

Work closely with the Replacement Activity to project and manage anticipated workloads.

Take appropriate action to ensure that soldiers are properly processed and that soldier readiness nondeployment conditions are either eliminated or identified.

Use DA Form 5123 (In- and Out-Processing Records Checklist) to determine which documents or records soldiers are required to have in their possession upon arrival and departure.

f Send a message requesting the losing commander to forward a soldier's records when a soldier reports without records (personnel, medical, dental, and so on), suspense the action for followup, and make proper distribution of the documents upon receipt.
g. Ensure that soldiers clear the Replacement Activity before reporting to their units.
2-5. Personnel information station (PINS)
a. The purposes of a personnel information station are to—
Check the personnel records of every soldier for accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents.

Initiate corrective actions if any errors are found.

Check for the presence of any conditions in this arena that would disqualify the soldier from assignment to the gaining installation (that is, stop the soldier from continuing to in-process), affect the soldier's duty assignment, or cause the soldier to be nondeployable.

PINS personnel may audit the following data items without the soldier's presence for discrepancies between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents:


Social security number (SSN).

Military personnel code (MPC).

Citizenship. If the audit reveals that the soldier is not a U.S. citizen, PINS personnel will—

Ask the soldier whether or not he/she is interested in applying for citizenship.

Provide all soldiers expressing interest a copy of The Soldier's Guide to Citizenship Application and advise them to coordinate their application process with the servicing personnel services battalion (PSB)/personnel service tenter (PSC)/military personnel division (MPD).

Remind noncitizen soldiers of the importance of keeping the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS) informed of every change of mailing address if they have an application for citizenship pending.

(5) Date of last PCS.
c. PINS personnel audit the following forms with each soldier to ensure accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents.
Enlisted Record Brief (ERB) for Active Army enlisted soldiers.

DA Form 4037 (Officer Record Brief) (ORB) for Active Army commissioned and warrant officers.

DA Form 2-1 (Personnel Qualification Record-Part II) for Active Army enlisted soldiers and all RC soldiers.

Officer Evaluation Report (0ER)/Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report (NCOER). PINS personnel check and verify the soldier's OER/NCOER and then submit the Evaluation Report transaction. If the soldier has no evaluation report for verification, PINS personnel will request the OER/NCOER from the losing command and place a copy of this action in the suspense file.

DD Form 93 (Record of Emergency Data).

DA Form 3355 (Promotion Point Worksheet).

VA Form SGLV 8285 (Request for Insurance (Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance)).

VA Form SGLV 8286 (Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Election and Certificate).

VA Form SGLV 8285A (Request for Family Coverage (SGLI)).

VA Form SGLV 8286A (Family Coverage Election and Certificate (SGLI)).

2. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
d. PINS personnel audit the following data items with the soldier to ensure accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel information system file and military personnel documents:

Date of rank.

Promotion status.

Military occupational specialty (MOS)/area of concentration (AOC).

Linguist qualifications.

Unit of assignment.

Basic active service date (BASD).

Pay entry basic date (PEBD).

Date initially entered military service (DIEMS).

Expiration of term of service (ETS)/expiration of service agreement (ESA).

Sufficient time to serve minimum required time of tour before ETS/ESA (not applicable to soldiers returning from a TCS or unit deployment).

Marital status.


Spouse's SSN (if spouse is military).

Spouse's MPC (if spouse is military).

Number of family members.

Command sponsored family members (OCONUS soldiers only).

Date family members arrived overseas (OCONUS soldiers only).

Military education.

Civilian education.

Physical category.

Religious preference.

Regimental affiliation and home base.

Current/last foreign service tour.

Date returned from overseas (DROS)/date eligible for return from overseas (DEROS).

CONUS preference.

OCONUS preference.

Nomination for appointment to U.S. Military Academy, U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Air Force Academy, or

U.S. Coast Guard Academy.
Application for Officer Candidate School (OCS) or Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS).

Selection for the Sergeants Major Academy. a senior service college, or a command staff college.

Approval to attend an Army service school or a senior academy prep school.

Approved bar to reenlistment.

One-time nonselection for promotion to captain or major.

A record of wrongful sale, possession, or use of habit forming narcotic drugs, controlled substances, or marijuana.

A military driver's license.

To prevent an unauthorized deployment, PINS personnel audit the following soldier readiness processing data items with the soldier to ensure accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents:

Fewer than 7 days to ETS/ESA. Soldiers within 7 days of ETS/ESA are not deployable unless Stop Loss is in effect.

(2) A physical profile category 3 or 4 without a record of retention by an MOS Medical Retention Board (MMRB) or a Physical Evaluation Board (PEB). A permanent physical profile 3 or 4 soldier is not deployable without a record of retention by an MMRB or a PEB unless the MMRB Convening Authority waives this requirement.
A profile for a permanent geographic or climatic duty limitation. Soldiers with this type of restriction are not eligible for deployment to the restricted geographical area unless there is an urgent military reason for such a move and the duties there can be limited to prevent undue health hazards.

A German alien. A German alien is not deployable to Germany.

A Turkish or dual U.S./Turkish national. A Turkish or dual U.S./Turkish national is deployable to Turkey unless the soldier requests release from the deployment; such a request will be approved.

A sole surviving son or daughter. A sole surviving son or daughter is not deployable to a designated hostile fire/ imminent danger area or an area where duties involve combat unless the soldier waives this restriction.

(7) A family member whose death, 100 percent mental or physical disability, or becoming Missing in Action (MIA)
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
or a Prisoner of War (PW) occurred while serving in an officially designated hostile fire/imminent danger area.
Soldiers meeting this documented condition are eligible for deployment to an. officially declared hostile fire/imminent danger area unless there is a written request for release from such a deployment.
A family member assigned to the same unit. A soldier who has a family member in the same unit and requests reassignment from that unit is not deployable unless the request is disapproved.

A former PW or hostage. A former PW or hostage will not be involuntarily deployed to the country in which or by which the soldier was held captive unless there is a signed waiver.

A former Peace Corps member. A former Peace Corps member may not be assigned to intelligence duties if deployed to any country where the soldier served as a Peace Corps member.

(11) Completion of initial entry training (IET), if enlisted; completion of the Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC) and MOS qualified, if a warrant officer; or completion of the officer basic course (OBC), if a commissioned officer.
Soldiers who have not met this requirement are not deployable until they have completed this training.
A mother of a newborn child. If this condition is found, verify and note this status appropriately. A soldier who is the mother of a newborn child is not deployable until 4 months after the child is born, unless the soldier waives this deferment.

A single parent or one member of a military couple adopting a child. A single parent or one member of a military couple adopting a child is not deployable for four months from the date the child is placed in the home as part of the adoption process unless the soldier waives this deferment.

(14) A conscientious objector.
Soldiers whose requests for conscientious objector status are pending are deployable unless excused by the General Court Martial Convening Authority and their requests have been forwarded to the Department of the Army Conscientious Objector Review Board.

Soldiers with approved noncombatant status as conscientious objectors per AR 600-43 are eligible for assign­ment only to areas where duties normally do not involve the handling of weapons.

A pending separation under AR 135-100: AR 135-175,-AR 135-78, AR 600-8-24, or AR 635-200. Soldiers pending separation under any of these regulations are not deployable unless the application is withdrawn by the separation authority. Excluded are soldiers being retired, discharged, or separated at normal ETS or ESA.

(16) A recent enough negative human immunodeficiency virus (HIT) test.
In-processing Active Army soldiers with negative HIV test results more than 2 years old must be retested.

In-processing RC soldiers with negative HIV test results more than 5 years old must be retested.

(c.) Soldiers whose HIV test results are positive are not deployable to OCONUS locations except Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico, unless the results of a retest are negative.
In-processing personnel must be sensitive to the privacy requirements of information on HIV positive soldiers.

Enlistment or reenlistment contract provisions that would be boken by the deployment. A check must be made to ensure that no provisions of any soldier's enlistment or reenlistment contract would be broken by a potential deployment. If such a provision is found, annotate this information on the DA Form 5123-1.

A recall to active duty from retirement. If this condition is found, annotate this information on DA Form 5123-1

(19) Thirty or more consecutive days of TCS, WY, or unit deployment time in support of an operations other than war (OOTW). If this condition is found, annotate this information on DA Form 5123-1.
f PINS personnel audit the following data items with the soldier for accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel information system file and personnel documents (including but not limited to the authenticated Service Member Deployment History Outprocessing Verification Sheet) if the soldier is returning from a TCS or unit deployment:
(1) Eleven cumulative months TDY/TCS during any 24-month period in an area where the "all others" tour length is designated as 12 to 18 months or in an isolated area where the tour length has not been established. If so, was—
Tour credit awarded?

The DROS adjusted?

(2) Eighteen cumulative months 7DY/TCS during any 24-month period in an area where the "all others" tour length is designated as 24 or more months. If so, was—
Tour credit awarded?

The DROS adjusted?

Service of 9 months in a continuous TCS/TDY status in areas where the "all others" tour length is 18 or fewer months or in isolated areas where the tour length has not been established. If so, was credit for a completed unaccompanied short tour awarded?

At least 45 consecutive days in TCS/TDY status overseas or an insufficient amount of time in PCS/TCS/TDY status to receive credit for a completed tour. If so, was the DROS adjusted?

At least 61 consecutive days TDY/TCS overseas.

4. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
(6) Thirty or more consecutive days of TCS, TDY, or unit deployment time in support of an OOTW mission.
2-6. Personnel strength management station
Personnel strength management station (PSMS) personnel review the ERBs or ORBs of all soldiers for assign­ment qualifications and considerations.

PSMS personnel check the following data items on all soldiers, as applicable, before determining duty assignments:

The Personnel Tempo (PERSTEMPO) count from the soldier's authenticated Service Member Deployment History Outprocessing Verification Sheet.

Any promotions missed while in transit (especially sergeant (SGT) and below).

Assignment eligibility and availability (AEA) code/termination.

Physical category.

In the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP).

Regimental affiliation.

Enlistment or reenlistment contract provisions.

Drawing special duty assignment pay (SDAP).

Enlistment bonus (EB) status.

Reenlistment bonus status.

After determining the duty assignments, PSMS personnel issue the assignment orders or amendments to current PCS orders and provide copies to the Replacement Activity and the PINS.

To prevent soldiers from being placed involuntarily on back-to-back short tour and hardship assignments, PSMS personnel assign the appropriate AEA code to soldiers arriving from a short tour or returning from an individual TCS or unit deployment.

2-7. Personnel management station
In-processing soldiers will turn in their personnel documents. Soldiers returning from a TCS or unit deployment will turn in their deployment packets. Eligible soldiers who have promotion packets will turn in those packets.

Personnel management station personnel—

Review the records of all soldiers below the rank of staff sergeant (SSG) to determine their eligibility for promotion, make promotion packets for those soldiers found eligible for promotion who do not have their packets, review/update the promotion packets of all eligible soldiers, and notify the gaining unit of any soldiers who need to complete the Primary Leadership Development Course if they have been promoted in conditional status.

Review the records of all soldiers to determine whether or not they are eligible for any boards. Soldiers found eligible for one or more boards will review their packets for currency and accuracy.

Query soldiers for the existence of family members with special medical or educational needs using DA Form 7415–R (Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Querying Sheet), refer them for screening for/enrollment in the EFMP, if appropriate, and provide the completed DA Forms 7415–R weekly to the installation EFMP manager:

Review each soldier's records to determine whether or not there is a record of conviction of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence. Conviction of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence does not include the imposition of nonjudicial punishment under Article 15, Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), a Summary Court Martial conviction, or deferred prosecution (or a similar alternative disposition) in a civilian court. Under the provisions of the Lautenberg Amendment, it is a felony for anyone with such a conviction to handle firearms or ammunition; therefore, soldiers with a qualifying conviction must not—

Be assigned to a duty position requiring the use or handling of weapons or ammunition.

Participate in training that involves the use or handling of weapons or ammunition.

Be deployed outside the 50 United States and Puerto Rico.

2-8. Medical facility
Medical facility personnel—
Check for and initiate corrective actions. to eliminate individual soldier readiness nondeployment conditions or report the situation to the gaining commander.

Using DD Form 2807-1 (Report of Medical History), conduct a health record review or interview for all soldiers and initiate/update DD Form 2766 (Adult Preventive and Chronic Care Flowsheet) and, if required, DD Form 2766C (Adult Preventive and Chronic Care Flowsheet-Continuation Sheet).

Review/update the Medical Protection System (MEDPROS) Individual Medical Readiness (IMR) Report.

Review/update as necessary DD Form 2795 (Pre-Deployment Health Assessment Questionnaire).

Fill out/review/update as necessary DD Form 2796 (Post-Deployment Health Assessment Questionnaire) for soldiers returning from a deployment.

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
f Schedule preassignment medical surveillance exams and health-risk appraisals for soldiers who will be exposed to health hazards in the work environment and provide notification to occupational medicine.
Provide a preventive medicine briefing and printed materials, as appropriate, on the medical threats in the local area to incoming soldiers. This briefing should cover local contagious disease and environmental threats and appropri­ate individual and unit level countermeasures. An orientation on the special immunizations (if any), the use of chemicals in disease prevention, potential weather/climatic hazards, dangers from wildlife (for example, poisonous snakes, insects, and plants), and any other appropriate information should also be scheduled.

Verify the initial medical and dental status of the soldier in the MEDPROS IMR. Update the fields in the MEDPROS IMR as required. Upon completion medical and dental in-processing, place a copy of the soldier's updated MEDPROS IMR Report in the DD Form 2766 folder.

Check the following items on all soldiers:

(1) HIV test.
The date of the HIV test results is noted.

The test dates are annotated in section 10h (Readiness) of DD Form 2766.

If a soldier's place of duty is in OCONUS or if the soldier's projected assignment is to the Special Operations Command (SOCOM) or a military sponsored educational program, the HIV test result must be negative and no older than 6 months.

For all other duty locations, the HIV test result must be no older than 2 years for Active Army soldiers and 5 years for RC soldiers.

Medical facility in-processing personnel must be sensitive to the privacy requirements of information on HIV positive soldiers by ensuring that the provisions of chapter 4, AR 600-110 are followed in the receipt and handling of the transferred medical records on HIV positive soldiers while ensuring that the gaining unit commander of each in­processing HIV positive soldier is notified of the soldier's status in accordance with the provisions of chapter 4, AR 600-110.

If a sample is drawn, a "D" for drawn and the date are recorded in the MEDPROS TR. This field will then automatically change to a "Y" with a new date when the sample is entered into the Army Medical Surveillance Activity database.

Evidence of psychiatric problems. All soldiers are screened for evidence of psychiatric problems. If any problems are found, make appropriate entries on the soldier's medical record and provide notification to security clearance station personnel and the gaining commander when appropriate.

Pregnancy status. The pregnancy status of female soldiers is verified, per the governing regulation, and the MEDPROS IMR is used to record the results of a pregnancy screen.

(4) Blood type.
The blood type on the soldier's ID card and tags and in the medical records should be compared for consistency.

Verify that the blood type is recorded in the MEDPROS IMR. If not recorded, do so.

If there is a discrepancy or a reason to doubt the correctness of the blood type, the soldier's blood type is noted and the card/tags/records/MEDPROS 1MR are corrected, as appropriate.

(5) Periodic examination.
The medical records are checked to determine if a soldier has a current periodic medical examination per chapter 8, AR 40-501.

If not, an examination is scheduled, as required.

(6) Evidence of drug/alcohol abuse.
If evidence of drug/alcohol abuse is noted, security clearance station personnel and the commander of all soldiers for whom such evidence is found are notified.

The information on page 1, section 5, of DD Form 2766, should be reviewed.

(7) Physical profile.
If the soldier has a temporary profile, it should be determined that the profile is in compliance with the time limitations (including extensions) of AR 40-501.

If a permanent Profile 3 or 4 exists, it should be verified that the soldier has been retained by an MMRB or a PEB.

If the permanent profile 3 or 4 soldier has not been retained by an MMRB or a PEB, an MMRB is scheduled.

If the soldier has been retained by an MMRB or a PEB, permanent profile information is annotated in section 10e of DD Form 2766.

If the soldier does not meet the medical retention standards of the MIARB, an MEB/PEB evaluation is scheduled. Permanent Profile 3 and 4 PCS soldiers are not deployable without a record of retention by an MMRB or a PEB.

"Yes" or "No" is recorded in the "Nondeployable Medical Profile" field of the MEDPROS 1MR.

(8) Immunizations.
6. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
The records in the MEDPROS IMR are checked and annotated to ensure that soldiers have current

If special immunizations are required for the local area, administer the requisite medications to the soldiers who
require but do not have those immunizations.

Update the MEDPROS IMR as required.

Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program (AVIP). The MEDPROS IMR should be checked to determine if a
soldier is or should be enrolled.

If the soldier is a program member, the next shot is scheduled.

If the soldier is required to be a program member but is not, the soldier is enrolled in AVIP and the first shot

The name, date of last shot, and the due date for the next shot of any identified in-processing AVIP member are
sent to the gaining commander.

The MEDPROS IMR is updated as required.

(10) Deoxyribo nucleic acid (DNA) collection records.
A DNA specimen is collected from any soldier who has not given one.

A "D" for drawn and the date are recorded in the MEDPROS IMR. This field will automatically change to a
"Y" with a new date when the sample is entered into the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology database.

(11) Permanent geographic or climatic duty limitation.
If a PCS soldier has a profile for a permanent geographic or climatic duty limitation that would preclude
assignment to the local area or impede the performance of some of the job requirements of the projected duty position
is determined.. -

The MEDPROS IMR field "Limited Duty Status (Y/N)" and the type, if applicable, are annotated.

(12) Medical warning tags.
Soldiers required to wear medical warning tags must have two tags; new tags are issued to those without the
requisite tags.

DA Label 162 (Emergency Medical Identification Symbol) is affixed to page 4 of DD Form 2766.

The MEDPROS IMR is updated as required.

(13) Eyeglasses.
Soldiers who require eyeglasses must have the required two pairs, one of which may be of civilian design, except for aviators, who are required to have metal-framed glasses and sunglasses.

Any complaints about eyesight or eyewear are resolved.

This information is recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

(14) Protective mask inserts.
Soldiers who require protective mask inserts must be checked to ensure that they have them.

Mask inserts are provided to those soldiers who do not have them.

This information is recorded in the MEDPROS LMR.

(15) Hearing aids.
Soldiers who require a hearing aid should be checked to ensure that they have one, plus extra batteries.

This information is recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

Allergies. Any known allergies are recorded in the MEDPROS liviR.

Soldiers who have worked around loud noises/radiation/certain heavy metals (applies only to soldiers returning from a TCS or unit deployment). Appropriate medical examinations should be scheduled for soldiers who worked around loud noises, radiation, and/or certain heavy metals during deployment, if those examinations were not done in the theater before redeployment.

(18) Assigned to quarters or a medical treatment facility (applies only to soldiers returning from a TCS or unit deployment). It should be determined if this condition exists for soldiers who are returning from a deployment.
2-9. TRICARE service center health benefits advisor or the medical element equivalent
TRICARE service center health benefits advisor or the medical element equivalent personnel—
Provide all in-processing soldiers with information and counseling on the TRICARE enrollment process, their family member health care options, and the procedures for obtaining health care.

Encourage married soldiers to invite their spouses to participate in these in-processing activities.

Provide applications for and counseling on the TRICARE dental program insurance benefits for the soldiers' family members.

2-10. Dental facility
Dental facility personnel—
a. Check the soldiers' dental records for completeness and accuracy and verify the presence of a current panograph.
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
b. Review/update the dental portion of the MEDPROS IMR.
The dental field for Active Army soldiers is automatically populated from the Corporate Dental Application and cannot be changed.

For Reserve Component (RC) soldiers, this field is not automatically populated and should be updated when the soldier processes.

Fill out/review/update as necessary the dental portion of DD Form 2795 for in-processing soldiers.

Fill out/review/update as necessary the dental potion of DD Form 2796 for soldiers who are returning from a deployment.

Screen soldiers for dental disease and determine their dental readiness classification. If a soldier is found to be in dental class 3 or 4, initiate corrective actions to eliminate individual soldier nondeployment conditions or report the situation to the soldier's commander.

2-11. Defense enrollment eligibility reporting system/realtime automated personnel identification system/identification cards and tags
Defense enrollment eligibility reporting system (DEERS)/realtime automated personnel identification system (RAPIDS)/identification cards (ID) and tags personnel—
Check all soldiers to ensure that they have a current ID card and two tags. Issue new ID cards/tags, if required.

For soldiers with family members, ensure that all eligible family members have or are issued an ID card and check the status -of their DEERS/RAPIDS family enrollment.

If the in-processing installation is located in CONUS and if the soldier knows the new residential address, input the soldier's new residential address into DEERS. Otherwise, input the soldier's gaining unit address. If the soldier is returning from a deployment, the soldier will review and update the address.

Ensure that a new DD Form 1934 (Geneva Convention Identity Card for Medical and Religious Personnel Who Serve in or Accompany the Armed Forces) is issued to chaplains and medical personnel who require but do not have one.

2-12. Security office
Security office personnel—
a. Check the status of the following data items and take corrective actions, as appropriate—
A Geneva Convention briefing (not applicable to soldiers returning from a TCS or unit deployment). A Geneva Convention briefing is provided to soldiers who do not have one listed in their personnel records.

Pending civil felony charges.

Pending military charges.

A previous conviction by a tribunal of the foreign country where the soldier has arrived (not applicable to soldiers returning from a TCS or unit deployment). A soldier with a previous conviction by a tribunal of the foreign country where he/she has arrived is not eligible for assignment to this country and must be promptly transferred out.

Ongoing investigation for subversion, disaffection, desertion, or criminal conduct by civil or military authorities.

Check the security clearance status to ensure that soldiers hold the clearances required for their newly assigned duty positions and initiate corrective actions as required.

Check soldiers with projected assignments to positions under the Personnel Reliability Program per AR 50-5 or AR 50-6 to ensure that they are qualified for those positions.

Provide incoming soldiers a briefing on local laws, customs, and courtesies, if needed.

Submit the transactions for field determined personnel security status to update the soldiers' information in the Army field personnel information system.

2-13. Transportation office
Transportation office personnel—
Assist soldiers, as required, when signing for personal property.

Process soldiers' requests for receipt of unaccompanied baggage, household goods, and privately owned vehicles (POVs).

Process soldiers' requests for storage of household goods.

Process soldiers' claims for damage.

Check to ensure that all soldiers have current and valid passports, if the projected duty position requires one. If any soldier does not have the required passport, assist with submitting the application and obtaining the document, per AR 55-46 and Department of Defense Directive (DODD) 1000.21–R.

2-14. Central issue facility
Central issue facility (CIF) personnel-
8. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
Issue field equipment/chemical defense equipment to incoming soldiers in accordance with CTA 50-900 and the unit standard operating procedure.

Process the turn-in of field equipment/chemical defense equipment issued specifically for the deployment by soldiers returning from a TCS or unit deployment and check the condition of the CIF items.

Review/update the soldiers' personal clothing records.

2-15. Education center
Education center personnel—
Counsel soldiers on local educational opportunities and education benefits.

Schedule soldiers for any required testing and post the results to record.

Prepare/update DA Form 669 (Army Continuing Education System (ACES) Record).

Identify and refer eligible soldiers for Basic Skills Education Program and General Educational Development/ High School Completion.

Schedule soldiers for Headstart classes, if applicable.

f Counsel soldiers on their educational/career goals. . g. Review/update each soldier's tuition assistance status.
2-16. Army community service center
Army community service (ACS) center personnel—
Provide assistance to soldiers with exceptional family members, if required.

Provide assistance to and make referrals for soldiers to alleviate financial and personal hardship conditions, as required.

Inform soldiers about Family Readiness Groups.

Provide the mandatory personal financial readiness training to all in-processing first term soldiers.

2-17. Provost marshal office
If there is a registration requirement for POVs or weapons, soldiers owning one or more of these items will register them with the provost marshal office.
2-18. Housing office
Housing office personnel—
Provide soldiers with on- and off-post housing information.

Assist soldiers, as required, in applying for Government housing.

2-19. Commercial activities
Commercial activities station personnel will assist soldiers in opening commercial accounts and requesting deposit waivers, as required.
2-20. Child and youth services/school liaison officer
Child and youth services personnel provide information on available child care options and school liaison services to soldiers with accompanying children/youth (from infant to age 18).

The school liaison officer provides information on local schools to soldiers with accompanying school age children and assistance, as required, in transferring children to the new schools.

2-21. Chaplain
Installation chaplains ensure that chaplain services are available for all soldiers returning from a TCS or unit deployment. These services include but are not limited to worship services, prayers, administration of sacraments, counseling (soldiers and/or family members, as needed), literature and religious articles, coordination with family readiness groups, pastoral care (for example, family separation and reunion issues), and religious support.
2-22. Lodging office
Lodging office personnel provide soldiers with information on available temporary, short-term housing.
2-23. Army career and alumni program center
This station applies only to soldiers who have transition dates that would entitle them to begin Army career and alumni program (ACAP) processing. Most of these soldiers are returning from a TCS or unit deployment.

ACAP center personnel—

Provide soldiers information on the various transition services available to separating and retiring soldiers.

Develop a suggested timetable for initiating services for each soldier.

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.

Provides notification to the Civilian Personnel Office of all military personnel who will supervise one or more civilian employees.

If the soldier is returning with the unit from a unit deployment and no decision was made on whether or not to recommend the soldier for an award before departing the theater, ensures that a decision is made upon return to the home station. If an award is recommended and approved, schedules and conducts an appropriate presentation ceremony as soon as possible.

Ensures that all in-processing soldiers who need to make or update a will, to designate a power of attorney, and/ or counseling on civil matters have an opportunity to consult the Legal Assistance Office.

Counsels soldiers arriving into an overseas unit on the requirement to provide support payments to family members remaining in CONUS, per AR 608-99.

Ensures that all in-processing medical practitioners are cleared by the nearest Quality Assurance/Credentials office.

Follows up on all soldier readiness requirement deficiencies during in-processing.

Conducts a final check to ensure that every soldier was in-processed properly and that all soldier readiness nondeployment conditions were corrected or that the gaining unit commander was notified of the situation.

2-27. Battalion S2/3/unit commander in-processing procedures
The battalion S2/3/unit commander—
Schedules a security briefing for all arriving soldiers who require one.

Makes sure arriving soldiers turn in their training records.

Obtains the authenticated PERSTEMPO Service Member. Deployment History Outprocessing Verification Sheet from each soldier's incoming documents and files it in the individual training file. If the verified and signed Verification Sheet is missing, the losing unit commander is contacted. The losing unit will immediately fax a copy to the gaining unit. Upon receipt, the document will be filed in the soldier's training folder.

Ensures all soldiers meet the security clearance requirements of their projected duty positions.

Ensures all soldiers receive an orientation on the missions of their assigned units, as appropriate.

f Schedules training and qualification for all soldiers who have not trained on and are not currently qualified on their individual weapons per the requirements of their projected duty positions.
Schedules the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) for all soldiers who have not completed the APFT within the last 12 months.

Schedules the local area Common Task Training and Testing (CTT) for all soldiers in the ranks of SFC and below who have not completed the locally required elements of the CTT.

2-28. Battalion S4/unit commander in-processing procedures
The battalion S4/unit commander—
Ensures that soldiers are assigned the supply items that normally are kept in the supply room and that they sign for their issued items.

Ensures that soldiers are assigned their individual weapons and issued their weapons cards.

Ensures soldiers are assigned their required equipment items from the nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) room.

Verifies that required protective mask inserts are in serviceable condition and properly installed into the assigned masks and that protective mask inserts are provided to soldiers who require but do not have inserts or whose inserts are in unsatisfactory condition.

Ensures that soldiers returning from a deployment turn in any supplies/equipment issued to them for the deployment and that the condition of the items returned is checked.

Chapter 3 Out-Processing
Section I General
3-1. The out-processing program
This program—
a. Properly processes a soldier and family members, including those absent or unavailable, from one duty station to
another or from active duty to a different status (for example, separated, discharged, released from active duty, retired, demobilized).
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
Ensures that soldiers who are out-processing for PCS moves meet the readiness and deployability criteria.

Identifies and collects payment for debts owed by soldiers who are out-processing for transition to a different status.

3-2. DA Forms 137-1 (Unit Clearance Record) and 137-2 (Installation Clearance Record)
These forms—
Guide soldiers through the out-processing program.

Provide the gaining commander the status of each soldier's deployment readiness upon departure from the losing unit.

Specify which activities and offices at the unit/battalion and installation/community levels each soldier must clear before departing the losing installation.

Section II Battalion-/Unit-Level Out-processing
3-3. Battalion S1/unit commander out-processing procedures
The battalion S 1/unit commander—
Ensures that departing soldiers attend an installation-/community-level out-processing briefing before being issued the DA Forms 137-1 and 137-2 and that they receive a briefing on unit-level clearance requirements.

Facilitates the setting of the departure date and the subsequent scheduling of out-processing activities by ensuring that departing soldiers submit their requests for leave on DA Form 31 (Request and Authority for Leave) and that commanders act promptly on those requests.

Ensures that a decision is made on whether or not the soldier is recommended for an award. If an award is recommended and approved, an appropriate presentation ceremony is scheduled before the soldier's departure, if feasible.

Determines if a soldier has any injuries that may result in a future claim against the Government, including possible referral into the Physical Disability Evaluation System. If any such injuries are found, a Line of Duty investigation using DA Form 2173 (Statement of Medical Examination and Duty Status) is initiated before the soldier departs the installation.

Ensures that Sections A (Personal Data) and B (Debt Verifications) of DA Form 137-1 are completed before soldiers report to the PROC CS for installation/community out-processing. Section A is self-explanatory. The items in Section B are—

Duty status. The soldier's duty status is checked during the 60 days immediately prior to the issuance of this form. If there are any absences (leaves, temporary duty, hospitalization, AWOL, confinement, and other lost time) from duty during this time, the types, start dates, and return dates in item 10 are recorded.

Adverse actions. If any adverse actions (that is, UCMJ, courts martial, administrative reductions, or administra­tive discharge) were taken against a soldier during the 60 days immediately prior to the issuance of this form, the types of actions, dates of source documents, punishments, effective dates, and completion dates are recorded in item 11.

Property accountability. If DD Form 362 (Statement of Charges/Cash Collection Voucher) or DA Form 4697 (Department of the Army Report of Survey) was used, the results are recorded in item 12.

Entitlements/special pays. Appropriate records are reviewed to determine and record which, if any, of the following special pays the soldier is entitled to:









Incentive pays.

Medical specialty pays.

Enlistment bonus.
(/) Reenlistment bonus.

Other special pays.
f Ensures that the evaluation report is completed, signed, and submitted before the soldier departs.

Determines if a soldier is flagged and ensures that the flag is properly processed.

Removes the names of all departing soldiers from all applicable duty rosters.

12. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
Ensures that all departing soldiers who receive their mail at the unit fill out and submit a DA Form 3955. All other departing soldiers are advised to fill out and submit a United States Postal Service change of address form.

Checks to make sure all soldiers who have meal cards return them before departing.

Verifies that each soldier has a DOD travel charge card.

For PCS soldiers who have a card, the name, gaining unit address, and account number are recorded for notification to the charge card contractor.

For transitioning soldiers who have a DOD travel charge card, the card is collected, the charge card contractor is notified, and the card is disposed of per the provisions of the contract.

Ensures that all enlisted personnel are provided an opportunity to see a career counselor.

If any departing soldier is found to be in a Professional Filler System (PROFIS) duty position, ensures the soldier
is removed from the position before departure.

Determines if each PCS soldier has completed a DA Form 5305–R (Family Care Plan), if required, and that the plan is current and approved.

Verifies compliance of PCS soldiers with the weight control program. Weigh-ins are part of this verification.

Ensures that all PCS soldiers who need to make or update a will, to designate a power of attorney, and/or counseling on civil matters have an opportunity to consult the Legal Assistance Office.

Counsels soldiers moving overseas on the requirement to provide support payments to family members remaining in CONUS, per AR 608-99.

Ensures that enlisted PCS soldiers have completed DA Form 4591–R, as outlined in Annex H, AR 601-280.

Ensures that all PCS medical practitioners are cleared by the nearest Quality Assurance/Credentials Office before departure.

Determines if each PCS or demobilizing RC soldier has a physical profile.

If a temporary profile is found on a PCS soldier, it should be determined that the profile is in compliance with the time limitations (including extensions) of AR 40-501. PCS soldiers with a temporary profile may depart if cleared to do so by the medical facility.

If a PCS soldier is found to have a permanent profile 3 or 4, he/she may not depart without a record of retention by an MMRB or a PEB.

If a temporary profile or a permanent profile 3 or 4 is found on a demobilizing RC soldier, the records are appropriately annotated. Any demobilizing RC soldier who does not meet medical retention standards for MEB/PEB is processed for an MEB/PEB, subject to his/her consent for retention on active duty.

Ensures all demobilizing Reserve Component soldiers are provided information on their reemployment rights under the Employer Support to the Guard and Reserve Program.

Ensures that all transitioning soldiers complete the required transition counseling per DD Form 2648 (Presepara­tion Counseling Checklist) and employment assistance before they depart the unit.

Presents the Army Lapel Button (ALB). to nonretiring transitioning soldiers who meet the requirements of AR 600-8-22 at an appropriate command (unit level or above) ceremony or formation.

Presents the Army Retired Lapel Button to retiring soldiers who meet the requirements of AR 600-8-22 at an appropriate command (unit level or above) ceremony or formation.

Before any soldier signs out and departs, conducts a final check to ensure that each soldier has out-processed properly.

Ensures that Army field personnel information system departure or separation transactions are submitted on all soldiers after they sign out and depart.

3-4. Battalion S2/3/unit commander out-processing procedures
The battalion S2/3/unit commander—
Ensures that a security briefing/debriefing is provided to all departing soldiers who require one before departure.

Ensures that soldiers are held accountable for lost or. damaged training room equipment, if any.

Ensures that the PERSTEMPO clerk or an official designated by the commander reviews with each departing soldier the Service. Member Deployment History Outprocessing Verification Sheet and compares it with all relevant documents from the soldier's individual training file, plus whatever additional documents he/she may furnish. After this reconciliation process is completed, the signed and dated copy of the updated Service Member Deployment History Otitprocessing Verification Sheet is provided to the soldier to hand carry to the next duty station and that a copy is placed in the individual's training file.

Ensures that departing soldiers pick up their training records.

Ensures that all PCS soldiers meet the security clearance requirements of their projected assignments.
f Ensures that all soldiers pending PCS outside the 50 United States and its territories and possessions attend

Antiterrorism Force Protection Level 1 Awareness Training, per Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) 2000.16 before departure and that a record of all individuals who receive this training is kept.
g. Ensures that all PCS soldiers meet the weapons qualification requirements before departure.
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
h. Ensures that all PCS soldiers have met the APFT requirement before' departure.
3-5. Battalion S4/unit commander out-processing procedures
The battalion S4/unit commander—
Ensures that soldiers are held accountable for lost or damaged equipment, if any, from the supply room, the arms room, the NBC room, and the motor pool.

Instructs soldiers to remove and keep their inserts as a personal issue item before turning in their protective masks to the NBC room.

Section III
Installation/Community Level Out-Processing
3-6. Processing control station
PROC CS personnel—
a. Serve as the focal point for installation/community level out-processing by—
Conducting out-processing briefings.

Designating the stations through which each soldier must process.

Coordinating with the other installation/community level out-processing stations.

Providing any required special guidance.

Circulate, either electronically or on paper, the central clearance roster to those agencies which do not require all soldiers to out-process in person. As a minimum, the roster will include every departing soldier's name, SSN, grade, current unit of assignment, and projected loss date. Each agency will then designate to the PROC CS, either electronically or on paper, which soldiers need to clear in person.

Use DA Form 5123 to account for all required documents/forms. This form will be included with other personnel records that accompany the soldier to the next duty station.

Inform the soldier and the unit commander of any alleged debts still owed after the soldier has visited the reporting central clearance participating agency and then clear the soldier for departure.

Inform the unit commander if a soldier is found to be ineligible for departure.
f Do not release a soldier until all nondeparture conditions are resolved.

Ensure the proper handling of the personnel records of departing soldiers who have been flagged. If a soldier is flagged per DA Form 268 (Report to Suspend Favorable Personnel Actions) and the flag is transferable, the military personnel record with the transfer documents (training, medical, dental, and education records) and the documentation to support the flag is mailed to the gaining commander. Ensure that proper disposition of the records per AR 600-8-104 is made.

Direct soldiers who have completed installation-/community-level out-processing back to their units for further processing.

Issue a new clearance record to soldiers who are still on orders to leave but did not depart within 30 days of installation level clearance.

File a copy of the soldiers' orders and DA Forms 137-1, 137-2, and 5123, per AR 25-400-2.

k Perform the appropriate checks to ensure that soldiers are properly processed and that soldier readiness non­deployment conditions are either eliminated or identified.
3-7. Personnel information station (PINS)
a. The purposes of this station are to—
Check the soldier's personnel records for accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel informa­tion system file and the personnel documents.

Initiate corrective actions if any errors are found.

Check for the presence of any conditions in this arena that would disallow the soldier's departure.

PINS personnel may audit the following data items without the soldier's presence for discrepancies between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents:




Citizenship. If the soldier is not a citizen and has an application for citizenship pending, PINS personnel will remind him/her of the importance of keeping BCIS informed of every change of mailing address.

DLPCS (PCS soldiers only).

PINS personnel will audit the following forms with the soldier to ensure accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents:

The ERB for Active Army enlisted soldiers.

14. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
The ORB for Active Army Commissioned and Warrant Officers.

DA Form 2-1 for Active Army enlisted soldiers and all RC soldiers.

DD Form 93.

DA Form 3355 (PCS soldiers only).

VA Form SGLV 8285.

VA Form SGLV 8286.

VA Form SGLV 8285A

VA Form SGLV 8286A.

PINS personnel will audit the following data items with the soldier for accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents:


Date of rank.

Promotion status (PCS soldiers only).


Linguist qualifications.

Unit of assignment.





Fewer than 7 days to ETS/ESA.

Marital status.

Spouse's name.

Spouse's SSN (if spouse is military).

Spouse's MPC (if spouse is military).

Number of family members.

Command sponsored family members (OCONUS soldiers only).

Date family members arrived overseas (OCONUS soldiers only).

Military education.

Civilian education.

Physical category (PCS and demobilizing RC soldiers only).

Regimental affiliation/homebase (PCS soldiers only).

Current/last foreign service tour.


CONUS preference (PCS soldiers only).

OCONUS preference (PCS soldiers only).

Whether or not the soldier has a military driver's license (PCS and demobilizing RC soldiers only).

To preclude the departure of any PCS soldier not qualified for movement, PINS personnel will audit the following soldier readiness processing data items with the soldier for accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents:

Sufficient time to serve the minimum required time of tour before ETS/ESA. A soldier without sufficient time may not depart without reenlisting or extending the current enlistment to meet this requirement.

(2) Completion of the required amount of time on station per table 3-1, AR 614-30. Unless this requirement islifted, a soldier not meeting this requirement may not depart.
A physical profile 3 or 4 without MMRB or PEB retention. A permanent physical profile 3 or 4 soldier may not depart for an overseas assignment without a record of retention by an MMRB or a PEB.

A German alien. A German alien is not eligible for assignment to Germany.

A Turkish or dual U.S./Turkish national. A Turkish or dual U.S./Turkish national on orders to Turkey is eligible unless the soldier requests deletion from the assignment. Such a request is normally approved.

Sole surviving son or daughter. A sole surviving son or daughter may not be assigned to a designated hostile fire/imminent danger area or an area where duties involve combat with the enemy, unless the soldier waives this assignment restriction.

(7) A family member whose death, 100 percent mental or physical disability, or becoming MIA or PW occurred
while serving in an officially designated hostile fire/imminent danger area. Soldiers meeting this documented condition are eligible for assignment to an officially declared hostile fire/imminent danger area unless there is a written request for deletion.
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
A former PW or hostage. A former PW or hostage is ineligible for assignment to the country where held captive unless the soldier waives this restriction.

A former Peace Corps member. A former Peace Corps member may not be assigned to intelligence duties in any country where the soldier has served as a Peace Corps member.

(10) A profile for a permanent geographic or climatic duty limitation. Soldiers with this type of restriction are not eligible for reassignment to the restricted areas.
Nomination for appointment to the USMA, USNA, UWA, or USCGA. Military academy nominees are not eligible for an overseas assignment unless the tour can be completed before the school entry date.

Application for OCS or WOCS before being alerted. A soldier who applied for OCS or WOCS before being alerted for an overseas assignment is ineligible for departure on an overseas PCS unless the soldier waives the commitment in writing.

Selection to attend the Sergeant Major (SGM) Academy, a senior service college, or a command staff college. SGM Academy, senior service college, and command staff college nominees are not eligible for an overseas assign­ment unless the tour can be completed before the school entry date.

Approval to attend an Army service school or a senior academy prep school before being alerted. A soldier who has been approved to attend an Army service school or a senior academy prep school is ineligible for an overseas assignment unless the soldier can complete the overseas tour prior to the course date or until the soldier either completes or is removed from the course.

(15) Completion of IET, if enlisted; completion of WOBC and MOS qualified, if a warrant officer; or completion of OBC, if a commissioned officer. Soldiers who have not met this requirement may not depart for an overseas assignment until they have completed the required training.
Mother of a newborn child. If so, verify and note this status appropriately. A soldier who is the mother of a newborn child will not depart on PCS orders until 4 months after the child is born, unless waived by the soldier. Process transitioning mothers of newborn children for separation from active duty per the governing regulation.

A single parent or a member of a military couple adopting a child. If a single parent or a member of a military couple adopting a child is denied concurrent travel or is selected for a dependent restricted tour, the soldier is ineligible for movement for four months from the date the child is placed in the home as part of the adoption process unless the soldier waives this deferment.

An approved bar to reenlistment. A soldier with an approved bar to reenlistment is ineligible for an overseas assignment unless the bar is lifted or the soldier is part of a unit move.

A one-time nonselect for promotion to captain or major. An officer not selected for promotion to captain or major is ineligible for an overseas assignment unless the officer is later placed on the selected list.

A pending or approved request for conscientious objector status. Soldiers who have a pending or approved request for noncombatant status as a conscientious objector per AR 600-43 are eligible for assignment only to areas where duties normally do not involve the handling of weapons.

A pending separation under AR 135-100, AR 135-175, AR 135-178, AR 600-8-24, or AR 635-200. Soldiers pending separation under any of these regulations are ir.eligible for a PCS move while their cases are pending.

(22) A recent enough negative HIV test result.
Soldiers on PCS orders to OCONUS (except Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico), SOCOM, or a military sponSored educational program must have a negative HIV test no older than 6 months before the date of departure from CONUS or their reporting date to the SOCOM unit or the educational institution.

All other out-processing soldiers must have a negative HIV test result in their medical records no older than 2 years for Active Army soldiers or 5 years for RC soldiers prior to departing the installation.

Out-processing personnel must be sensitive to the privacy requirements of information on HIV positive soldiers.

11 cumulative months TDY/TCS during a 24-month period or 9 continuous months TDY/TCS. Soldiers who have served 11 or more cumulative months TDY/TCS during a 24-month period or 9 continuous months TDY/TCS per table 3-3, AR 614-30 are ineligible for PCS to a dependent restricted area for 12 months after return to the home station and completion of the TDY/TCS, unless they submit a written request for reassignment overseas.

(24) Sixty-one consecutive days TDY/TCS overseas.
Soldiers who have served 61-139 consecutive days TDY/TCS overseas are ineligible for an overseas PCS for 4 months after return to the home station unless they volunteer in writing for overseas duty.

Soldiers who have served more than 139 consecutive days TDY/TCS overseas are ineligible for any overseas PCS for 6 months and for assignment to a dependent restricted area for 12 months after return to the home station, unless they volunteer in writing for an overseas assignment.

Stabilization for any reason. Soldiers who are stabilized for any reason may not depart on PCS until the stabilization expires or the stabilization is lifted per the governing regulations or policies of the type of stabilization in effect.

(26) A record of wrongful sale, possession, or use of habit-forming narcotic drugs, controlled substances, or
16. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
marijuana. If this condition exists, the soldier is not eligible for overseas movement unless punitive or rehabilitative action has been completed or a record shows that punitive or rehabilitative action was considered but not taken.
(27) Enlistment or reenlistment contract provisions forbidding departure. Check to ensure that no provisions of the soldier's enlistment or reenlistment contract (for example, movement before the station of choice stabilization expires) are broken by the PCS move. If any provision would be broken by compliance with the unamended assignment instructions and the soldier wants to go, the soldier may sign a waiver and then move.
f PINS personnel will review/correct/update, as applicable, the following soldier readiness data items on the records of demobilizing RC soldiers:
A physical profile 3 or 4 without MMRB/MEB/PEB clearance.

Restriction from service in certain areas, as shown in the soldier's records.

A German alien.

A Turkish or dual U.S./Turkish national.

A sole surviving son or daughter.

A family member whose death, 100 percent disability, or becoming an MIA or POW occurred while serving in a hostile fire/imminent danger zone.

A former PW or hostage.

A former Peace Corps member.

A completed IET, if enlisted; has completed WOBC and is MOS qualified, if a warrant officer; or has completed OBC, if a commissioned officer.

Official conscientious objector status.

A recent enough negative HIV test result.

A record of wrongful sale, possession, or use of habit-forming narcotic drugs, controlled substances, or marijuana.

A recall to active duty from retirement.

PINS personnel use DA Form 5123 to account for all required documents/forms.

After correcting the errors, if any, in the soldier's personnel documents and/or input to the Army field personnel information system, PINS personnel give the record to the soldier, unless the soldier is flagged (DA Form 268). If the soldier is flagged, PINS personnel will send the record to the PROC CS.

3-8. Personnel management station
PCS soldiers will pick up their personnel documents.

Personnel management station personnel—

Review the records of all PCS soldiers below the rank of SSG to determine their eligibility for promotion, make promotion packets for those soldiers found eligible for promotion who do not have packets, and review/update the promotion packets that will accompany the military personnel records of the eligible soldiers.

Review the records of all PCS soldiers to determine whether or not they are eligible for any boards. Soldiers found eligible for one or more boards will review their packets for currency and accuracy.

Query soldiers for the existence of family members with special medical or educational needs using DA Form 7415 and refer them for screening for/enrollment in the EFMP, if appropriate, and provide completed DA Forms 7415 to the installation EFMP manager weekly.

Verify that the gaining installations can accommodate the needs of EFMP members.

Review each soldier's records to determine whether or not there is a record of conviction of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence. Conviction of this crime does not include the imposition of nonjudicial punishment under Article 15, UCMJ, a Summary Court Martial conviction, or deferred prosecution (or a similar alternative disposition) in a civilian court. Under the provisions of the Lautenberg Amendment, it is a felony for anyone with such a conviction to handle firearms or ammunition; therefore, soldiers with a qualifying conviction must not—

Be assigned to a duty position requiring the use or handling of weapons or ammunition.

Participate in training that involves the use or handling of weapons or ammunition.

Be assigned outside the 50 United States and Puerto Rico.

3-9. Medical facility
Medical facility personnel—
Check for and initiate corrective action to eliminate individual soldier readiness nondeployment conditions or report the situation to the gaining commander.

Conduct a health record review for all soldiers using DD Form 2807-1 (Report of Medical History) or interview all soldiers and initiate/update DD Form 2766 and, if required, DD Form 2766C.

Review/update the MEDPROS IMR Report for all PCS soldiers.

Complete DD Form 2795 for all PCS soldiers.

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
e. Check the following items on all soldiers—
(1) HIV test.
The date of the HIV test results is noted.

The test dates are annotated in section 10h (Readiness) of DD Form 2766.

Soldiers whose test results will be too old at the projected time of departure are retested. Soldiers on PCS orders to OCONUS (except Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico), SOCOM, or a military sponsored educational program must have a negative HIV test no older than 6 months before the date of departure from CONUS or their reporting date to the SOCOM unit or the educational institution. Otherwise, the HIV test results in the soldiers' medical records must not be older than 2 years for Active Army soldiers or 5 years for RC soldiers.

The transfer of the relevant medical records on out-processing HIV positive soldiers to the gaining installation medical facility is accomplished in accordance with the provisions of chapter 4, AR 600-110. Medical facility out­processing personnel must be sensitive to the privacy requirements of information on HIV positive soldiers.

For drawn sample, a "D" for drawn and the date are recorded in the MEDPROS IMR . This field will automatically change to a "Y" with a new date when the sample is entered into the Army Medical Surveillance Activity database.

Evidence of psychiatric problems. All soldiers are screened for evidence of psychiatric problems, and, if found, appropriate entries are made in their medical records. For PCS soldiers, provide notification to security clearance station personnel and the commander when appropriate.

(3) Pregnancy status.
The pregnancy status of female soldiers is verified, per the governing regulation. Pregnant soldiers on PCS orders will move within the time frames specified by governing regulations and as their medical condition, as certified by the medical facility, permits.

Transitioning pregnant soldiers are processed for separation from active duty per the governing regulations.

The MEDPROS IMR is used to record the results of a pregnancy screen.

Assignment to quarters or a medical treatment facility. PCS soldiers who are assigned to quarters, on convales­cent leave, or patients in a military medical treatment facility or civilian hospital will not move until released by military medical authorities. Transitioning soldiers in one of these situations are processed for separation from active duty per the governing regulations.

(5) Periodic examination.
Medical records are reviewed to determine if soldiers have a current periodic medical examination per AR 40-501.

If not, examinations are scheduled as required.

Examinations for soldiers who have worked around loud noises/radiation/certain heavy metals. Appropriate medical examinations are scheduled and conducted for soldiers who have been assigned to units or duty positions requiring them to work around loud noises, radiation, and/or certain heavy metals before these soldiers depart on their PCS moves or transition.

(7) Protective mask inserts.
Soldiers who require protective mask inserts are reminded to remove and keep their inserts as personal issue items before turning in their masks.

The MEDPROS 1MR is updated as required.

Allergies. Any known allergies are recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.
f Check the following items on PCS and demobilizing RC soldiers:

(1) Evidence of drug/alcohol abuse.
If evidence of drug/alcohol abuse is noted, security clearance station personnel and the commander of all soldiers for whom such evidence is found are notified.

The information on page 1, section 5, of DD Form 2766, should be reviewed.

(2) Physical profile.
If the soldier has a temporary profile, it should be determined if the profile is in compliance with the time limitations (including extensions) of AR 40-501. PCS soldiers with a temporary profile may depart on a PCS move if cleared to do so by the Medical Facility.

If a permanent Profile 3 or 4 exists, it should be verified that the soldier has been retained by an MMRB or a PEB.

If the permanent profile 3 or 4 soldier has not been retained by an MMRB or a PEB, an MMRB is scheduled.

If the soldier has been retained by an MMRB or a PEB, permanent profile information is annotated in section 10e (Readiness) of DD Form 2766.

If the soldier does not meet the medical retention standards of the MMRB, an MEB/PEB evaluation is

scheduled. Permanent Profile 3 and 4 PCS soldiers may not depart without a record of retention by an MMRB or a PEB.
188 DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
()) The records of temporary profile and permanent Profile 3 and 4 demobilizing RC soldiers are annotated, as appropriate.
(g) Demobilizing RC soldiers who do not meet medical retention standards for an MEB/PEB are processed, subject
to their consent for retention on active duty. (It) A "Yes" or "No" is recorded in the "Nondeployable Medical Profile" field of the MEDPROS IMR.
(3) Immunizations.
Records and the MEDPROS IMR are check to ensure that soldiers have current immunizations. Soldiers will not depart without current immunizations.

Appropriate shots/oral medications are administered to soldiers on orders to areas requiring special immunizations.

The MEDPROS IMR is updated as required.

AVIP. The records and MEDPROS IMR are checked to determine if the soldier is or should be enrolled in AVIP.

If the soldier is a program member and is due to have a shot before departure, verify that the scheduled shot was administered.

If the soldier is required to be a program member but is not, the soldier is enrolled in AVIP and the first shot is scheduled.

The MEDPROS IMR is updated as required.

(5) DNA collection records.
A DNA specimen is collected from any soldier who has not previously given one. PCS soldiers are not eligible for movement until the missing DNA collection record is established. . —

A "D" for drawn and the date are recorded in the MEDPROS IMR. This field will automatically change to a "Y" with a new date when the sample is entered into the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology database.

(6) Blood type.
The blood type on the soldier's ID card and tags, in the medical records, and in the MEDPROS IMR are compared for consistency.

If there is a discrepancy or a reason to doubt the correctness of the blood type, the soldier's blood type is verified and the card/tags/records/MEDPROS IMR are corrected, as appropriate.

(7) Permanent geographic or climatic duty limitation.
It should be determined if a PCS soldier has a profile for a permanent geographic or climatic duty limitation that would preclude compliance with the movement orders.

It should be determined if this condition is present for demobilizing RC soldiers.

The MEDPROS IMR field "Limited Duty Status (Y/N)" and the type, if applicable, are annotated.

(8) Medical warning tags.
Soldiers required to wear medical warning tags must have two tags; new tags are issued to those who do not have the requisite tags.

DA Label 162 is affixed to page 4 of DD Form 2766.

The MEDPROS IMR is updated as required.

(9) Eyeglasses.
Soldiers who require eyeglasses should have the required two pairs, one of which may be of civilian design, except for aviators, who are required to have metal-framed glasses and sunglasses.

Any complaints about eyesight or eyewear must be resolved before out-processing.

This information is recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

(10) Hearing aids.
Soldiers who require a hearing aid must have one, plus extra batteries.

The MEDPROS IMR is updated as required.

Encourage PCS soldiers who are on long-term prescribed medications to have at least a 90 day supply of their personal prescription medications before departing. Update the MEDPROS IMR as required.

Ensure that all soldiers separating from the Active Army have had a medical interview conducted by a physician or a physician assistant to document any complaints or potential service related illness or injury and that DD Form 2697 (Report of Medical Assessment) has been completed.

Ensure that all soldiers who are retiring from the Active Army have had the required medical examination and that DD Form 2697 has been completed.

Complete DD Form 2796 on all demobilizing RC soldiers and forward the completed forms to the Army Medical Surveillance Activity.

Perform the required medical screening required for demobilizing RC soldiers and complete DD Form 2697.

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 20038
1. Close out and send the medical records of all transitioning soldiers to the Transition Center after medical facility out-processing is completed.
3-10. TRICARE service center health benefits advisor or the medical element equivalent
TRICARE service center health benefits advisor or the medical element equivalent personnel—
Provide all out-processing soldiers with information and counseling on the TRICARE enrollment process, their family member health care options, and the procedures for obtaining health care.

Encourage married soldiers to invite their spouses to participate in these out-processing activities.

Provide applications for and counseling on TRICARE Dental Program insurance benefits for the soldiers' family members.

3-11. Dental facility
Dental facility personnel—
Check the soldiers' dental records for completeness and accuracy and verify the presence of a current panograph.

Review/update the dental portion of the MEDPROS IMR.

The dental field for Active Army soldiers is automatically populated from the Corporate Dental Application and cannot be changed.

For RC soldiers, this field is not automatically populated and should be updated when the soldier processes.

Fill out/review/update as necessary the dental portion of the DD Form 2795 for PCS soldiers.

Fill out/review/update as necessary the dental portion of the DD Form 2796 for demobilizing RC soldiers.

Screen soldiers for dental disease and determine their dental readiness classification. If a soldier is found to be in dental class 3 or 4, initiate corrective actions to eliminate individual soldier nondeployment conditions or report the situation to the soldier's commander.

f Forward as necessary the dental records of PCS soldiers to the PROC CS. Close out the records of transitioning soldiers and give the records to these soldiers.
3-12. DEERS/RAPIDS/ID cards and tags
DEERS/RAPIDS/ID cards and tags personnel—
Ensure all soldiers have a current ID card and issue new ID cards, if required.

Ensure all soldiers departing on PCS and demobilizing RC soldiers have two ID tags and issue new tags, if required.

For soldiers with family members, check the ID card and DEERS/RAPIDS family enrollment status for all family members and issue new family member ID cards, if required.

Ensure a new DD Form 1934 is issued to PCS and demobilizing RC chaplains and medical personnel who require but do not have one.

3-13. Security office
Security office personnel—
a. Check the status of the following items and take corrective actions, as appropriate:
Geneva Convention briefing (PCS soldiers only). Provide a Geneva Convention briefing to soldiers who do not have one listed in their personnel records.

Pending civil felony charges (PCS soldiers only). Soldiers confronting pending civil felony charges are not eligible for PCS movement without clearance from the Special Court Martial Convening Authority with the advice of the Staff Judge Advocate.

Pending military charges.

Transitioning soldiers confronting pending military charges will not be allowed to depart until their cases are resolved.

Soldiers confronting pending military charges are not eligible for PCS movement without clearance from the Special Court Martial Convening Authority with the advice of the Staff Judge Advocate.

Previous conviction by a tribunal of the foreign country where the soldier is going (PCS soldiers only). Soldiers with a previous conviction by a foreign tribunal are not eligible for assignment to the country of conviction.

Ongoing investigation for subversion, disaffection, desertion, or criminal conduct by civil or military authorities.

Transitioning soldiers under investigation for subversion, disaffection, desertion, or criminal conduct by military authorities will not be allowed to depart until their cases are resolved.

PCS soldiers under any of these types of investigation by military or civil authorities are not eligible for reassignment unless the Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA), assignment authority approves an exception to policy.

Check the security clearance of PCS soldiers to ensure that they hold the clearances required for compliance with their assignment instructions and initiate corrective actions as required. •

20. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
Check PCS soldiers with orders to assignments under the Personnel Reliability Program per AR 50-5 and AR 50-6 to ensure that they are qualified for those positions.

Provide PCS soldiers a briefing on the local laws, customs, and courtesies of their assignment locations, if required.

Submit the transactions for field determined personnel security status to update the soldiers' Army field personnel information system files.

3-14. Transportation office
Transportation office personnel—
Brief soldiers on their transportation and movement entitlements. The briefing must include the cost of excess weight shipments and the individual soldier's liability for paying excess weight charges.

Brief soldiers applying for do-it-yourself moves on their responsibility to settle their final vouchers and the debt implications of unsettled vouchers.

Assist soldiers in the storage/shipment of their unaccompanied baggage, household goods, and POV.

Assist soldiers in making their personal transportation arrangements, if required.

Assist PCS soldiers/family members requiring passports/visas in submitting their applications for and obtaining these documents, per AR 55-46 and DODD 1000.21–R.

3-15. Central issue facility
CIF personnel—
Ensure that soldiers turn in the Government-owned field equipment/chemical defense equipment that was issued to them.

Review/update the soldiers' personal clothing records.

Ensure that soldiers are held accountable for lost/damaged government property and follow normal property accountability and debt/loss due process procedures.

3-16. Education center
Education center personnel—
Review, update, and give the soldiers their records (DA Form 669).

Provide veterans educational benefits information to separating/retiring soldiers.

Review/update each soldier's tuition assistance status.

Identify and process TA recoupment for incomplete courses, course failures, and separating commissioned officers who do not comply with the regulatory guidance for fulfilling the service commitment for using TA.

Ensure that soldiers have returned all borrowed reference materials and equipment to the Army Learning Center/ Multi-use Learning Facility.

f Ensure that soldiers who are enrolled in on-/off-duty courses have completed and submitted the paperwork necessary to withdraw from their courses.
3-17. ACS center
ACS center personnel—
Provide assistance to and make referrals for soldiers to alleviate financial and personal hardship conditions.

Provide PCS planning and preparation assistance to soldiers, especially those who are making their first PCS moves.

Provide the mandatory relocation financial planning classes and counseling to all soldiers in the ranks of Specialist and below who are out-processing for their initial PCS move.

Provide assistance to soldiers with exceptional family members, if required.

Assist soldiers in closing their accounts.
f Identify and process unpaid debts, if any.

3-18. Provost marshal office
Soldiers who have not registered POVs or weapons are not required to process through this station.

To have the registration(s) cancelled, provost marshal office personnel will ensure that soldiers clear the appropriate registration section(s) (that is, POV/weapons).

3-19. Housing office
Housing office personnel—
Assist soldiers, as required, to ensure correct housing clearance and the timely issuance of termination orders.

Ensure that soldiers are held accountable for lost/damaged Government property.

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003 .
3-20. Commercial activities station
Commercial activities station personnel—
Assist soldiers in closing their accounts and requesting/obtaining any deposit refunds that are due.

Identify and process unpaid debts, if any.

Notify commanders when soldiers do not properly clear their accounts.

3-21. Child and youth services/school liaison officer
Child and youth services personnel will provide information to PCS soldiers with accompanying children/youth (from infant to age 18) on the services available to facilitate the child care/school transition.

The school liaison officer will ensure that PCS soldiers with accompanying school-age children provide notifica­tion of the move to the losing schools.

The school liaison officer will provide assistance to PCS soldiers with accompanying school-age children in providing notification of the move to the losing schools.

3-22. Morale, welfare, and recreation fund manager
Examples of activities covered by this station include but are not limited to clubs, theme restaurants, golf, outdoor recreation, child development services, youth activities, and libraries.

The MWR fund manager—

Assists the soldiers who have accounts in closing their accounts.

Identifies and processes unpaid debts, if any.

Ensures that soldiers who have checked out books, equipment or uniforms turn in the item(s) before departure.

Ensures that soldiers are held accountable for lost or damaged books, equipment or uniforms, if any.

3-23. Training aids center
Training aids center personnel will ensure that soldiers are held accountable for lost or damaged equipment, if any.
3-24. Post exchange
Post exchange personnel—
Assist the soldiers who have accounts in clearing their accounts.

Identify and process unpaid debts, if any.

3-25. Commissary
Commissary personnel identify and process unpaid debts, if any.
3-26. Army emergency relief
Army emergency relief (AER) personnel will identify and process unpaid debts, if any.
3-27. Lodging office
This station. applies only to soldiers who were quartered in installation temporary housing or on the economy before departing the installation.

Lodging office personnel—

Assist soldiers, as required, to ensure correct lodging clearance.

Ensure that soldiers are held accountable for lost/damaged government property.

3-28. ACAP center
ACAP center personnel ensure that all transitioning soldiers complete DD Form 2648 and all required ACAP processing per DA Pamphlet (Pam) 635-4.
3-29. Reserve component career counselor
The RC career counselor—
Interviews all transitioning soldiers who are not retiring and reviews the supporting military documents to determine their eligibility for continued service in the RC (the U.S. Army Reserve or the Army National Guard of the United States) and whether or not they have a remaining military service obligation.

Briefs the soldiers who have a remaining military service obligation on this requirement.

Counsels eligible soldiers on the opportunities for and benefits of RC service. The counseling must include such programs as Individual Mobilization Augmentation, Individual Ready Reserve Activation Authority, the Army National Guard, Joint Reserve Units, and Troop Program Units.

Uses the appropriate Army information system to show eligible soldiers RC unit vacancies and to reserve a position for each soldier who chooses to affiliate with an RC unit.

22. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
e. Contracts and forwards the documentation of transfer or enlistment to the appropriate component after the RC reservation is made.
3-30. Inspector General
At the discretion of the commander, the Inspector General may establish a processing station to assist out-processing soldiers, as needed.
3-31. Military pay office
Military pay office personnel—
Determine and issue soldiers' travel pay entitlements.

Update and process soldiers' pay accounts (including SUREPAY enrollment, entitlements, special pays, Federal/ State tax withholding forms, allotments, last chargeable leaves, Thrift Savings Plan, and any unpaid debts).

Determine and issue the amount of net pay due for transitioning soldiers and close their pay accounts.

Chapter 4 Soldier Readiness Program and Mobilization Processing
Section I General
4-1. The soldier readiness program
The SRP—
Provides for the continual administrative readiness of Active Army soldiers and RC soldiers in units for deployment (Level 1 state of readiness).

Specifies the readiness requirements (Level 1 state of readiness) for all RC soldiers when called to active duty (for example, mobilization or under a temporary tour of active duty).

Properly processes and ensures the deployability of all soldiers departing the home station for transit to a deployment station (Level 2 state of readiness).

4-2. DA Form 7425 (Readiness and Deployment Checklist)
a. This form guides soldiers through—
An SRP check.

The additional requirements that must be met before departing the home station for transit to a deployment station.

Processing at the deployment station.

To facilitate mobilization processing, mobilizing RC units that have DA Form 7425 and its readiness data on their soldiers in electronic form must ensure the transfer of these data to the mobilization station.

Section II Battalion/Unit Level SRP and Mobilization Processing
4-3. Battalion S1/unit commander SRP and mobilization processing procedures
The battalion S 1/unit commander is responsible for the following SRP and mobilization processing requirements:
Briefing soldiers on battalion/unit level SRP and mobilization processing procedures.

Performing the following Level 1 SRP and mobilization processing tasks:

Determining if a soldier has any injuries that may result in a future claim against the Government, including possible referral into the Physical Disability Evaluation System. If any such injuries are found, ensure that a Line of Duty investigation (DA Form 2173) is initiated.

Reviewing a soldier's personnel records and duty position requirements to ensure that the soldier's special pay entitlements (BAS, BAH, COLA, OHA, FSA, IDP, HDPSDAP, incentive pays, medical specialty pays, enlistment

bonus, reenlistment bonus, and other special pays), if any, are recorded correctly.
Determining if a soldier is or should be flagged.

Determining if a soldier is required to have a DA Form 5305–R and, if so, if the family care plan is current and approved.

Determining if a soldier has a physical profile.

If the profile is temporary, the profile is checked for compliance with the time limitations (including extensions) of AR 40-501. Soldiers with a temporary profile will continue to comply with its provisions for the duration of the profile.

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
An MMRB is scheduled for soldiers found to have a permanent Category 3 or 4 Physical Profile without a
record of retention by an MMRB or a PEB. Permanent Profile 3 and 4 soldiers are nondeployable without clearance
from an MMRB or a PEB unless the MMRB Convening Authority waives this requirement.

Ensuring that enlisted soldiers have a completed Retention Data Worksheet (DA Form 4591) as outlined in
appendix H, AR 601-280.

The following Level 2 SRP and mobilization processing .tasks are performed before soldiers depart for the
deployment station:

Determining if a DD Form 362 or a DA Form 4697 is required on a soldier. If so, this item must be resolved
before the soldier departs. If the soldier has responsibilities in administering a Statement of Charges or a Report of
Survey, ensure that the case is resolved or that the responsibilities are transferred before the soldier departs. All
accountable property remaining at the home station for which the soldier is signed must be inventoried and responsibil­ity therefor transferred before the soldier departs.

Checking the expiration date of the profile of any soldier found to have a temporary physical profile. A soldier
with a temporary profile may depart to a deployment station after the temporary disqualification expires or if the
physician and the commander determine that the soldier is deployable.

Initiating evaluation reports on soldiers who are processing for a TCS move before they depart. To ensure that
the submission time requirements of AR 623-105 and AR 623-205 are met, the evaluation reports should be
completed, signed, and submitted before these soldiers depart, if possible.

Removing the names of all departing TCS soldiers from the applicable duty rosters.

Ensuring that all departing TCS soldiers who receive their mail at the unit fill out and submit a DA Form 3955
to ensure the forwarding of their mail while they are away. Ensure that the DA Form 3955 has the names of
individuals authorized to pick up the soldier's mail in his/her absence. Advise all other departing TCS soldiers to
decide whether or not they need to fill out and submit a temporary change of address form at the appropriate post

Counseling soldiers who are processing for departure to a deployment station on the requirement to provide support payments to family members remaining in CONUS, per AR 608-99.

Ensuring that all medical practitioners are cleared by the nearest Quality Assurance/Credentials office before departure to the deployment station.

A final review of the SRP check is made on every soldier to ensure that all soldier readiness nondeployment conditions were corrected or that the unit commander was notified.

The appropriate transactions to update the Army field personnel information system based on the SRP check

findings are submitted. f A completed DA Form 7425 is filed in the soldier's Personnel Readiness File.
4-4. Battalion S2/3/unit commander SRP and mobilization processing procedures
a. The battalion S2/3/unit commander is responsible for the following Level 1 SRP and mobilization processing tasks:
Ensuring that all soldiers still meet the security clearance requirements of their current duty positions.

Scheduling a security briefing for soldiers who require but have not had one.

Reviewing/updating each soldier's training records.

Ensuring that the PERSTEMPO clerk or an official designated by the commander reviews with each soldier the Service Member Deployment History Outprocessing Verification Sheet for accuracy and that any discrepancies found are reconciled. .

Scheduling training and qualification for all soldiers who are not currently qualified on their individual weapons per the requirements of their current duty positions.

Scheduling the local area CTT for all soldiers in the ranks of SFC and below who have not completed the locally required elements of the CTT.

b. The battalion S2/3/unit commander ensures that the following Level 2 SRP and mobilization processing tasks are performed.
Ensuring that all soldiers meet the security clearance requirements of their projected duty positions.

Reviewing a soldier's Service Member Deployment History Outprocessing Verification Sheet and to determine if the projected length of the deployment will cause a soldier to exceed a general officer management threshold. If such a threshold will be exceeded, ensure that this TCS is approved by the appropriate general officer before the soldier departs for the deployment station. A soldier is non-deployable without this approval.

Ensuring that all soldiers pending a TCS outside the 50 United States and its territories and possessions attend

Antiterrorism Force Protection Level 1 Training, per DODI 2000.16 and that a record is kept of all individuals who receive this training.
(4) Inventorying all accountable training room property remaining at the home station for which each TCS soldier is signed, if any, and transferring the responsibility for such property to an appropriate person before the soldier departs.
24. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
(5) Providing family members of soldiers departing for a deployment station an orientation briefing and printed materials on the mission, available family readiness groups, and family member benefits.
4-5. Battalion S4/unit commander SRP and mobilization processing procedures
The battalion S4/unit commander ensures that the following SRP and mobilization processing tasks are performed:
For Level 1 SRP and mobilization processing, checking the soldiers who require protective mask inserts to ensure that they have the required inserts and ensuring that protective mask inserts are made for those soldiers who do not have their inserts.

For Level 2 SRP and mobilization processing, inventorying all accountable supply room, arms room, NBC room, and motor pool property remaining at the home station for which each TCS soldier is signed, if any, and transferring the responsibility for such property to an appropriate person before the soldier departs for the deployment station.

Section III Installation-/Community-Level SRP and Mobilization Processing
4-6. Processing control station
PROC CS personnel—
a. Serve as the focal point for installation/community level SRP and mobilization processing by—
Coordinating/conducting the appropriate SRP/mobilization processing briefing.

Designating the stations through which each soldier must process.

Coordinating with the other installation/community level processing stations.

Providing any required special guidance.

Inform the unit commander when a soldier is found to be nondeployable.

Direct soldiers who have completed installation-/community-level SRP processing back to their units for further processing.

Perform the appropriate checks to ensure that soldiers are properly processed and that soldier readiness non­deployment conditions are either eliminated or identified.

Ensure that the following Level 2 processing tasks are performed for soldiers who are departing on a TCS:

Circulating, either electronically or on paper, a roster of soldiers processing for departure to a deployment station to those agencies which do not require all soldiers to clear in person. The minimum information provided on each soldier will include name, SSN, grade, current unit of assignment, and projected departure date. Each agency will then designate to the PROC CS, either electronically or on paper, which soldiers need to clear in person.

Providing the names, ranks, SSNs, and AOC/MOS or a copy of the deployment orders of all soldiers departing on TCS to the PSMS.

Filing a copy of the soldiers' deployment orders and DA Forms 7425 and 5123 per AR 25-400-2.

4-7. Personnel information station
a. The purposes of the personnel information station (PINS) are to—
Check the soldier's personnel records for accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel informa­tion system file and the personnel documents.

Initiate corrective actions if any errors are found.

Check for the presence of any conditions in this arena that would disqualify the soldier from deployment.

The items reviewed at this station are Level 1 processing requirements, except when specified otherwise in the explanation of the item.

PINS personnel may audit the following data items without the soldier's presence to check for discrepancies between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents:





If the audit reveals that the soldier is not a U.S. citizen and interest is expressed about applying for citizenship, a copy of The Soldier's Guide to Citizenship Application is provided and the soldier is advised to coordinate the application process with the servicing PSB/PSC/MPD.

If a noncitizen soldier has an application for citizenship pending, remind him/her of the importance of keeping BCIS informed of every change of mailing address, including deployment and return from deployment.

PINS personnel audit the following forms with each soldier for accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel 'information system file and personnel documents:

The ERB for Active Army enlisted soldiers.

The ORB for Active . Army Commissioned and Warrant Officers.

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
DA Form 2-1 for Active Army enlisted soldiers and all RC soldiers.

DD Form 93.

DA Form 3355.

VA Form SGLV 8285.

VA Form SGLV 8286.

VA Form SGLV 8285A.

VA Form SGLV 8286A.

PINS personnel audit the following data items with the soldier for accuracy and consistency between the Army
field personnel information system file and the personnel documents:


Date of rank.

Promotion status.


Linguist qualifications.

Unit of assignment.





Marital status.

Spouse's name.

Spouse's SSN (if spouse is military).

Spouse's MPC (if the spouse is military).

Number of family members.

Command sponsored family members (Active Army OCONUS soldiers only).

Military education.

Civilian education.

Physical category.

Religious preference.

Nomination for appointment to USMA, USNA, USAFA, or USCGA.

Application for OCS or the Warrant Officer Candidate Course (WOCS).

Selection for SGM Academy, a senior service college, or a command staff college.

Approval to attend an Army service school or a senior academy prep school.

A military driver's license.
f To preclude any unauthorized deployments, PINS personnel audit the following soldier readiness processing data

items with the soldier for accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents:
Fewer than 7 days to ETS/ESA.

A physical profile 3 or 4 without a record of retention by an MMRB or a PEB.

A profile for a permanent geographic or climatic duty limitation.

A German alien.

A Turkish or dual U.S./Turkish national.

A sole surviving son or daughter.

A family member whose death, 100 percent disability, or becoming MIA or POW occurred while serving in a hostile fire/imminent danger zone.

A family member assigned to the same unit.

A former PW or hostage.

A former Peace Corps member.

Completion of IET, if enlisted; completion of WOBC and MOS qualified, if a warrant officer; completion of OBC, if a commissioned officer.

A mother of a newborn child.

A single parent or one member of a military couple adopting a child.

A pending or approved request for conscientious objector status.

Pending separation under AR 135-100, AR 135-175, AR 135-178, AR 600-8-24, or AR 635-200.

A recent enough negative HIV test result.

Recall to •active duty from retirement.

Thirty or more consecutive days of TCS, TDY, or unit deployment time in support of an 001W mission.

26. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
Although reviewing/updating the information for this item is a Level 1 requirement, checking this item is especially critical when processing a soldier for departure to a deployment station (achieving a Level 2 state of readiness). If the soldier has served 30 or more consecutive days of TCS, TDY, or unit deployment time in support of an 00TW mission, he/she is not eligible for an involuntary TCS for the same number of months he/she served on the 00TW mission unless the first general officer in the soldier's chain of command terminates the stabilization because of immediate and critical operational needs.
Enlistment or reenlistment contract provisions that would be broken by the deployment (a Level 2 requirement). If any provision would be broken by compliance with the deployment orders and the soldier wants to go, the soldier may sign a waiver and then depart.

PINS personnel provide the names, ranks, SSNs, and AOC/MOS of all soldiers found to be permanently nondeployable during SRP processing to the PSMS.

PINS personnel use DA Form 5123 to account for all required documents/forms.

4-8. Personnel management station
All items at this station are Level 1 processing requirements. Personnel management station personnel—
a. Review the records of all soldiers below the rank of SSG to determine their eligibility for promotion.
Make promotion packets for those soldiers found eligible for promotion who do not have packets.

Review and update the promotion packets of all eligible soldiers.

Review the records of all soldiers to determine whether or not they are eligible for any boards. Soldiers found eligible for one or more boards will review their packets for currency and accuracy.

Review each soldier's records to determine whether or not there is a record of conviction of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence. Conviction of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence does not include the imposition of nonjudicial punishment under Article 15, UCMJ, a Summary Court Martial conviction, or deferred prosecution (or a similar alternative disposition) in a civilian court. Under the provisions of the Lautenberg Amendment, it is a felony for anyone with such a conviction to handle firearms or ammunition; therefore, soldiers with a qualifying conviction must not—

Be assigned to a duty position requiring the use or handling of weapons or ammunition.

Participate in training that involves the use or handling of weapons or ammunition.

Be deployed outside the 50 United States and Puerto Rico.

4-9. Medical facility
Medical facility personnel—
Check for and initiate corrective action to eliminate individual soldier readiness nondeployment conditions or report the situation to the commander.

Conduct a health record review ( DD Form 2807-1) for all soldiers or interview all soldiers and initiate/update DD Form 2766 and, if required, DD Form 2766C. Upon completion of medical processing, place a copy of the updated MEDPROS 1MR Report (including immunizations) in each soldier's DD Form 2766.

Review/update the MEDPROS IMR Report.

Review/update DD Form 2795.

This form is completed by the attending health care professional.

An "S" for submitted and the date are recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

One copy of this form is placed in the soldier's health record and one copy is forwarded to the U.S. Medical Surveillance Activity as soon as possible.

Review the following Level 1 processing requirement items on all soldiers:

(1) HIV test.
The date of the HIV test results is noted.

The test dates are annotated in section 10h of DD Form 2766. The most current HIV test date in the medical records and DD Form 2766 must be no older than 2 years for Active Army soldiers or 5 years for RC soldiers. Soldier readiness and mobilization processing personnel must be sensitive to the privacy requirements of information on HIV positive soldiers.

If a sample is drawn, a "D" for drawn is recorded and the date are recorded in the MEDPROS IMR. This field will automatically change to a "Y" with a new date when the sample is entered into the Army Medical Surveillance Activity database.

Evidence of psychiatric problems. All soldiers are screened for evidence of psychiatric problems. If found, make appropriate entries on their medical records and provide notification to security clearance station personnel and the commander when appropriate.

(3) Pregnancy status.
The pregnancy status of female soldiers is verified, per the governing regulation.

The MEDPROS IMR is used to record the results of a pregnancy screen.

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
(4) Blood type.
The blood type on the soldier's ID card and tags, in the medical records, and in the MEDPROS IMR should be compared for consistency.

If there is a discrepancy or a reason to doubt the correctness of the blood type, the soldier's blood type is noted and the card/tags/records/MEDPROS IMR are corrected, as appropriate.

(5) Evidence of drug/alcohol abuse.
Evidence of drug/alcohol abuse should be reported to security clearance station personnel and the commander of all soldiers for whom such evidence is found.

The information on page 1, section 5 of the DD Form 2766, should be reviewed.

(6) Physical profile.
If the soldier has a temporary profile, it should be determined that the profile is in compliance with the time limitations (including extensions) of AR 40-501.

If a permanent profile of 3 or 4 exists, it should be verified if the soldier has been retained by an MMRB or a PEB.

If the permanent Profile 3 or 4 soldier has not been retained by an MMRB or a PEB, an MMRB is scheduled.

If the soldier has been retained by an MMRB or a PEB, permanent profile information is verified to be recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

If the soldier does not meet the medical retention standards of the MMRB, an MEB/PEB evaluation is scheduled. Permanent Profile 3 and 4 soldiers are nondeployable without clearance from an MMRB or a PEB unless the MMRB Convening Authority waives this requirement.

A "Yes" or "No" is marked in the "Nondeployable Medical Profile" field of the MEDPROS

(7) Immunizations.
The MEDPROS IMR should be checked to ensure that soldiers have current immunizations.

If special immunizations are required for the local area, the requisite shots/oral medications are administered to the soldiers who require but do not have those immunizations.

The MEDPROS IMR is updated, as required.

AVIP. Enrollment in AVIP is verified using the MEDPROS IMR.

If the soldier is a program member, the next shot is scheduled.

If the soldier is required to be a program member but is not, the soldier is enrolled in AVIP and the first shot scheduled.

The name, date of last shot, and due date for the next shot of every AVIP member is provided to the commander.

The MEDPROS IMR is updated as required.

(9) DNA collection records.
A DNA specimen is collected from any soldier who has not previously given one.

Verify that this information is recorded in the MEDPROS

If a specimen is collected, a "D" for &awn and the date are recorded in the MEDPROS IMR. This field will automatically change to a "Y" with a new date when the sample is entered into the Armed Forces Instittite of Pathology database.

(10) Permanent geographic or climatic duty limitation.
It should be verified if the soldier has a profile for a permanent geographical or climatic duty limitation that would affect the soldier's deployability status.

The MEDPROS IMR field "Limited Duty Status (Y IN)" and the type, if applicable, are annotated.

(11) Medical warning tags.
Soldiers required to wear medical warning tags must have two tags; those without the requisite tags must be issued new ones.

DA Label 162 (Emergency Medical Identification Symbol) is affixed to page 4 of DD Form 2766.

The MEDPROS IMR is updated as required.

(12) Eyeglasses.
Soldiers who require eyeglasses must have the required two pairs, one of which may be of civilian design, except for aviators, who are required to have metal-framed glasses and sunglasses.

Any complaints about eyesight or eyewear must be resolved.

This information is recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

(13) Protective mask inserts.
Soldiers who require protective mask inserts must be checked to ensure that they have them.

Mask inserts are provided to those soldiers who do not have them.

This information is recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

(14) Hearing aids.
28. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
Soldiers who require a hearing aid should be checked to ensure that they have one, plus extra batteries.

This information is recorded in the MEDPROS 1MR.

Allergies. Any known allergies are recorded in the MEDPROS 1MR.

Assignment to quarters or a medical treatment facility. The status of soldiers believed to be assigned to quarters, on convalescent leave, or patients in a military medical treatment facility or civilian hospital must be verified.

Annual Medical Certificate. For all RC soldiers, the date of the last Annual Medical Certificate must be

recorded in the MEDPROS IMR. f Ensure that the following Level 2 requirements are met for soldiers departing on TCS:
HIV test. Retest the soldiers whose HIV test results are more than 6 months old. If a sample is drawn, a "D" for drawn and the date are recorded in the MEDPROS IMR. This field will automatically change to a "Y" with a new date when the sample is entered into the Army Medical Surveillance Activity database. Soldier readiness and mobilization processing personnel must be sensitive to the privacy requirements of information on HIV positive soldiers..•

Examinations for soldiers who have worked around loud noises/radiation/certain heavy metals. The appropriate medical examinations are conducted for soldiers who have been assigned to units or duty positions requiring them to work around loud noises, radiation, and/or certain heavy metals.

(3) Personal prescription medications.
Soldiers on long-term prescribed medications are required to have a 90-day supply of their personal prescription medications.

This information is recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

4-10. Dental facility
a. Dental facility personnel are responsible for the following Level 1 SRP and mobilization processing tasks:
Checking the soldiers' dental records for completeness and accuracy and verifying the presence of a current panograph.

Reviewing/updating the dental portion of DD Form 2795.

Reviewing/updating the dental portion of the MEDPROS IMR. The dental field for Active Army soldiers is automatically populated from the Corporate Dental Application and cannot be changed. For RC soldiers, this field is not automatically populated and should be updated when the soldier processes.

Screening soldiers for dental disease and determining their Dental Readiness Classification. If a soldier is found to be in dental class 3 or 4, initiate corrective actions to eliminate individual soldier nondeployment conditions or report the situation to the soldier's commander.

If the soldier is wearing one or more orthodontic appliances, ensuring that the appliance(s) is (are) evaluated and determining whether or not the device(s) can be inactivated through the use of passive holding arches, "vacation ties," or other means prior to deployment.

Dental facility personnel are responsible for the following Level 2 SRP and mobilization processing requirements:

,(1) If a soldier is wearing one or. more orthodontic appliances, ensure that the appliance(s) is (are) inactivated through the use of passive holding arches, "vacation ties," or other means before deployment.
(2) If these conditions cannot be met, the soldier is not deployable.
4-11. DEERS/RAPIDS/ID cards and tags station DEERS/RAPIDS/ID cards and tags station personnel are responsible for these Level I SRP and mobilization process­ing tasks:
Checking all soldiers to ensure that they have a current ID card and two tags. Issue new ID cards/tags, if required.

For soldiers with family members, ensuring that all family members have or are issued an ID card and checking the status of their DEERS/RAPIDS family enrollments.

If the home station is in COWS, ensuring that the soldier reviews/updates his/her residential address.

Ensuring that a new DD Form 1934 is issued to chaplains and medical personnel who require but do not have one.

4-12. Security office
a. Security office personnel are responsible for these Level I SRP and mobilization processing tasks:
Checking the status of the following data items and initiating corrective actions, as appropriate:

Geneva Convention briefing. A Geneva Convention briefing must be provided to soldiers who do not have one listed in their personnel records.

Pending civil felony charges.

Pending military charges.

Ongoing investigation for subversion, disaffection, desertion, or criminal conduct by civil or military authorities.

Checking the security clearance status to ensure that soldiers hold the clearances required for their current duty positions. Corrective actions should be initiated as required.

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 20038
Checking the soldiers who are assigned to positions under the Personnel Reliability Program, per AR 50-5 and
AR 50-6, to ensure that they are still qualified for those positions.

Security office personnel are responsible for these Level 2 SRP and mobilization processing tasks before soldiers
depart to the deployment station:

Checking the security clearance status to ensure that soldiers hold the clearances required for the duty positions
they are projected to hold during their deployment.

Determining if any soldier has a previous conviction by a tribunal of the country of projected deployment. If
such a conviction is found, the soldier is not deployable to that country.

Checking the soldiers who are projected to be assigned to positions under the Personnel Reliability Program, per
AR 50-5 and AR 50-6, during their deployment to ensure that they are still qualified for those positions.

Security office personnel submit the appropriate transactions to update the Army field personnel information
system records on soldiers whose personnel security status or duty position changed as a result of this check.

4-13. Legal assistance office
When applicable, legal assistance office personnel are responsible for these Level 1 tasks during SRP and mobilization

Providing assistance to soldiers who need to make or update a will, to designate a power of attorney, and/or
counseling on civil matters.

Providing information on reemployment rights under the Employer Support to the Guard and Reserve Program to
mobilized RC soldiers.

4-14. Transportation office
a. Transportation office personnel are responsible for the following Level 1 SRP and mobilization processing task:
If a soldier is required to have a passport, it should be verified that the passport is current and valid.

If not, the soldier should be assisted in submitting the application for and obtaining a passport, per AR 55-46 and DODD 1000.21-R.

Transportation office personnel are responsible for these Level 2 SRP and mobilization processing tasks before departure to the deployment station:

Briefing soldiers on their transportation and deployment entitlements.

Assisting soldiers, as required, in the storage/shipment of their unaccompanied baggage, household goods, and POV.

If required, assisting soldiers in making personal transportation arrangements.

Assisting soldiers who require passports/visas for deployment in submitting their applications for and obtaining these documents, under the expedited procedures of AR 55-46 and DODD 1000.21-R.

4-15. Central issue facility (CIF)
CIF personnel are responsible for these Level 2 SRP and mobilization processing tasks before soldiers depart:
Issuing soldiers the field equipment/chemical defense equipment as designated by the theater/TCS station commander.

Reviewing/updating the soldiers' personal clothing records.

4-16. Education center
Education center personnel are responsible for these Level 2 SRP processing tasks before soldiers depart:
Ensuring that deploying soldiers enrolled in on-/off-duty courses have completed or submitted the paperwork necessary to withdraw from their courses.

Ensuring that the deploying soldiers who have borrowed reference materials/equipment from the ALC/MLF return those items before departure.

Updating DA Form 669.

4-17. ACS center
ACS center personnel are responsible for these Level 2 SRP and mobilization processing tasks before soldiers depart:
Providing assistance to and making referrals for soldiers to alleviate financial and personal hardship conditions, as required.

Informing soldiers of what family readiness groups are available.

4-18. Provost marshal office
Provost marshal office personnel are responsible for these Level 2 SRI' processing tasks before soldiers depart:
a. Ensuring that soldiers who have POVs are provided a secure storage area for their vehicles, using DD Form 2506 (Vehicle Impoundment Report).
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b. Ensuring that soldiers who have privately owned weapons make proper disposition of their weapons before departure.
4-19. Housing office
Housing office personnel are responsible for these Level 2 SRP processing tasks before soldiers depart:
Recording the notification of absence provided by soldiers living on post.

Reminding the soldiers who live in rented housing off post to provide notification of absence to their landlords.

4-20. MWR fund manager
This station applies only for the Level 2 state of readiness. The MWR fund manager ensures that soldiers who have checked out equipment, books, or uniforms return the item(s) before departure.
4-21. Training aids center
This station applies only for the Level 2 state of readiness. Training aids center personnel ensure that soldiers are held accountable for lost or damaged equipment, if any.
4-22. Chaplain
Installation chaplains will ensure that chaplain services are available for all soldiers who are processing for departure to a deployment station (a Level 2 item). These services include but are not limited to worship services, prayers, administration of sacraments, counseling (soldiers and/or family members, as needed), literature and religious articles, coordination with family readiness groups, providing information on subjects related to pastoral care, and assurance of ongoing religious support.
4-23. ACAP center
This station applies only to soldiers who are processing for departure to a deployment station (a Level 2 item) and are either scheduled for transition during the deployment or have transition dates that would entitle theni to begin ACAP processing during the projected period of deployment.

ACAP center personnel:

Ensure that soldiers who are scheduled for transition during the deployment have initiated ACAP services.

Inform soldiers with transition dates entitling them to begin ACAP processing during the projected period of deployment that they may initiate ACAP services before and during the deployment.

Inform soldiers that their family members may initiate ACAP services during the deployment.

4-24. Inspector General
At the discretion of the commander, the Inspector General may establish a processing station to assist SRP and/or mobilization processing, as needed.
4-25. Military pay
Military pay office personnel are responsible for the Level 1 SRP and mobilization processing task of updating and processing the soldiers' pay accounts (including SUREPAY enrollment, entitlements, special pays, federal/state tax withholding forms, last chargeable leaves, Thrift Savings Plan, and allotments) and the Level 2 SRP and mobilization processing task of ensuring soldiers are enrolled in SUREPAY before departure to the deployment station.
Chapter 5 Extended Temporary Duty Processing
Section I General
5-1. The Extended TDY Processing Program
This program—
Properly processes soldiers for departure on an extended TDY tour of 90 or more days.

Is an abbreviated version of the Out-Processing Program designed to ensure that soldiers departing on a TDY trip projected to last 90 or more days are qualified for the duty, that their readiness is maintained, and that they receive the appropriate level of personnel service support.

5-2. DA Forms 137-1 and 137-2
With special annotations by the PROC CS, these forms—
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
Guide soldiers through extended TDY processing.

Specify which processing stations the soldiers must clear before departure.

Section II
Battalion/Unit Level Extended TDY Processing
5-3. Battalion Sl/unit commander extended TDY processing procedures
The battalion SI/unit commander is responsible for the following extended TDY processing tasks:
Informing soldiers of any extended TDY clearance requirements when they are given the processing forms.

Determining if a soldier has any injuries that may result in a future claim against the Government, including possible referral into the Physical Disability Evaluation System. If any such injuries are found, ensure that a line of duty investigation using DA Form 2173 is initiated before the soldier departs the installation.

Determining if DD Form 362 or DA Form 4697 is required for a soldier and, if so, ensuring that the matter is resolved before the soldier departs. If a soldier has responsibilities in administering a Statement of Charges/Report of Survey, the case must be resolved or the responsibilities must be transferred before the soldier departs.

Ensuring that soldiers who need to make or update a will, to designate a power of attorney, and/or counseling on civil matters have an opportunity to consult the Legal Assistance Office.

If a soldier plans to take any leave in conjunction with the TDY, the DA Form 31 must be submitted and processed in a timely manner, per AR 600-8-10.

f Reviewing a soldier's personnel records and duty position requirements to ensure that the soldier's entitlements/ special pays (BAS, BAH, COLA, OHA, FSA, IDP, HDB, SDAP, Incentive Pays, Medical Specialty Pays, Enlistment Bonus, Reenlistment Bonus, and/or other entitlements/special pays), if any, are recorded 'correctly.
Determining if a Change of Rater Officer Evaluation Report (OER) or Noncommissioned Officer Report (NCOER) is required before a soldier's departure.

Removing a soldier's name from the applicable duty rosters for the duration of the extended TDY.

Ensuring that a soldier fills out and submits DA Form 3955, if the soldier receives mail at the unit. Ensuring that DA Form 3955 has the names of individuals authorized to pick up the soldier's mail in his/her absence. If a soldier does not receive mail at the unit, advising him/her to decide if there is a need to fill out and submit a temporary change of address form at the appropriate post office.

Determining if a soldier is required to have a DA Form 5305—R and, if required, if the family care plan is current and approved.

Determining if a soldier has either a temporary or a permanent physical profile.

If a physical profile is found, the Medical Facility is consulted to determine if the profile will adversely affect duty performance during the TDY. A physical profile will not preclude departure unless the soldier is found to be physically unable to perform the duties of the TDY.

If the profile is temporary, the profile is verified regarding compliance with the time limitations (including extensions) of AR 40-501.

If the soldier is going TDY for training, verifying compliance with the weight control program. A weigh-in is part of this verification.

Determining if a soldier is flagged and, if so, ensuring that the flag is properly processed.

If a soldier is going on extended TDY to an overseas location, counseling him/her on the requirement to provide support payments to family members remaining in CONUS, per AR 608-99.

Before a soldier departs, conducting a final check to ensure that all necessary processing for the extended TDY was properly accomplished.

5-4. Battalion S2/3/unit commander extended TDY processing procedures
The battalion S2/3/unit commander is responsible for the following extended TDY processing tasks:
Reviewing a soldier's PERSTEMPO Service Member Deployment History Outprocessing Verification Sheet to determine if the projected length of the TDY will cause a soldier to exceed a general officer management threshold. If such a threshold will be exceeded, ensure that this TDY is approved by the appropriate general officer before the soldier departs; the soldier is ineligible for the TDY without this approval.

Determining if a soldier is due for either weapons qualification or CTT during the projected period of the TDY. If so, schedule the soldier for the due item(s) either before or after the TDY, per the governing policies and regulations, unless arrangements can be made for the administration of the item(s) at the TDY location.

Determining if a soldier is due to take the APFT during the projected period of the TDY. If so, schedule the soldier to take the APFT either before or after the TDY, per the governing regulation, unless arrangements can be made for the soldier to take the APFT at the TDY location.

Ensuring that all soldiers pending extended TDY outside the 50 United States and its territories and possessions

32. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
attend Antiterrorism Force Protection Level 1 Awareness Training, per DODI 2000.16 before departure and that a record is kept of all individuals who receive this training.
e. Inventorying all accountable training room property remaining at the home station for which each extended TDY soldier has signed, if any, and transferring the responsibility for such property to an appropriate person before the soldier departs.
5-5. Battalion S4/unit commander extended TDY processing procedures
The battalion S4/unit commander is responsible for the following extended TDY processing tasks:
Inventorying all accountable supply room, arms room, NBC room, and motor pool property remaining at the home station for which each extended TDY soldier is signed, if any, and transferring the responsibility for such property to an appropriate person before the soldier departs.

If soldiers will be carrying their protective masks with them on their extended My, checking the soldiers who require protective mask inserts to ensure they have them and that protective mask inserts are made for those soldiers who do not have them.

Section III Installation-/Community-Level Extended TDY Processing
5-6. Processing control station
PROC CS personnel—
a. Serve as the focal point for installation/community level extended TDY processing by—
Designating the stations through which each soldier must process.

Coordinating with the other installation/community level processing stations.

Providing any required special guidance.

Circulate, either electronically or on paper, the central clearance roster to those agencies which do not require all soldiers to process in person. As a minimum, the roster will include every extended TDY soldier's name, SSN, grade, current unit of assignment, and projected TDY departure date. Each agency will then designate to the PROC CS, either electronically or on paper, which soldiers need to clear in person.

Inform the unit commander if a soldier is found to be ineligible for departure.

Provide the names, ranks, SSNs, and AOC/MOS or a copy of the orders of all soldiers departing on an extended TDY to the PSMS.

Direct soldiers who have completed installation-/community-level processing back to their units for further processing.

f Perform the appropriate checks to ensure that soldiers are properly processed and that soldier readiness nondeploy­ment conditions are either eliminated or identified.
5-7. Personnel information station
a. The purposes of this station are to—
Check the soldier's personnel record.

Initiate corrective actions if any errors are found.

Check for the presence of any conditions in this arena that would disqualify the soldier from going on the extended TDY.

PINS personnel may audit the following data items without the soldier's presence to check for discrepancies between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents:

(1) Name.
(2) SSN.
(3) MPC.
Citizenship. If the soldier is not a citizen and has an application for citizenship pending, PINS personnel will remind him/her of the importance of keeping BCIS informed of every change of mailing address.

PINS personnel audit the following forms with the soldier to ensure accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents (not required if an SRP check has been done within the last 30 days):

The ERB for Active Army enlisted soldiers.

The ORB for Active Army commissioned and warrant officers.

DA Form 2-1 for Active Army enlisted soldiers and for all RC soldiers.

DD Form 93.

DA Form 3355.

VA Form SGLV 8285.

VA Form SGLV 8286.

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
VA Form SGLV 8285A.

VA Form SGLV 8286A.

PINS personnel audit the following data items with the soldier for accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents (not required if an SRP check has been done within the last 30 days):


Date of rank.

Promotion status.


Linguist qualifications.

Unit of assignment.





Marital status.

Spouse's name.

Spouse's SSN (if spouse is military).

Spouse's MPC (if spouse is military).

Number of family members.

Command sponsored family members (OCONUS soldiers only).

Military education.

Civilian education.

To preclude the departure of any soldier not qualified for the extended TDY, PINS personnel audit the following soldier readiness processing data items with the soldier for accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel document:

Sufficient time to perform the extended TDY before ETS/ESA.. A soldier without sufficient time cannot depart without reenlisting or extending the current enlistment to meet this requirement.

A temporary or permanent physical profile. A soldier who is not physically able to perform the duties of the TDY (determination is made by the commander/medical facility, per the governing regulations) may not depart.

A recent enough negative HIV test result.

Soldiers going on extended TDY to OCONUS (except Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico) or to a military sponsored educational program must have a negative HIV test no older than 6 months before the date of departure.

All other soldiers must have an HIV test result in their medical records no older than 2 years for Active Army soldiers or 5 years for RC soldiers before departure.

Processing personnel must be sensitive to the privacy requirements of information on HIV positive soldiers.

Enough time to complete the extended TDY before DEROS (OCONUS soldiers only). A soldier who does not have sufficient time to complete the extended TDY before DEROS cannot depart without extending the tour to meet this requirement.

A profile for a permanent geographic/climatic duty limitation. Soldiers with this type of restriction will not be sent TDY to the restricted areas.

Selected to attend the SGM Academy, a senior service college, or a command staff college. SGM Academy,

senior service college, and command staff college selectees may go on an extended TDY only if the TDY can be completed before the school entry date.
Approval to attend an Army service school or a senior academy prep school before being alerted. A soldier who has been approved to attend an Army service school or a senior academy prep school may go on an extended TDY only if the TDY can be completed prior to the course date.

A mother of a newborn child. If this condition is found, verify and note this status appropriately. A soldier who is the mother of a newborn child will not depart on extended TDY until four months after the child is born, unless waived by the soldier.

A single parent or one member of a military couple adopting a child. A single parent or one member of a military couple adopting a child will not be sent on an extended TDY for four months from the date the child is placed in the home as part of the adoption process unless the soldier waives this deferment.

(10) A pending or approved request for conscientious objector status. Soldiers who have a pending or approved
request for noncombatant status as a conscientious objector per AR 600-43 are eligible for TDY only to areas where duties normally do not involve the handling of weapons.
(11) A pending separation under AR 135-100, AR 135-175, AR 135-178, AR 600-8-24, or AR 635-200. Soldiers
34. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
pending separation under any of these regulations are ineligible for an extended TDY while their cases are still pending. Excluded are soldiers being retired, discharged, or separated at normal ETS or ESA. •
Enlistment or reenlistment contract provisions forbidding the extended WY. Check to ensure that no provisions of the soldier's enlistment or reenlistment contract are broken by the extended TDY. If any provision would be broken by the extended TDY and the soldier wants to go, the soldier may sign a waiver.

Thirty or more consecutive days of TCS, TDY, or unit deployment time in support of an 007W mission. A soldier who has served 30 or more consecutive days of TCS, TDY, or unit deployment time in support of an 00TW mission is not eligible for an involuntary extended TDY for the same number of months the soldier served on the 00TW mission unless the first general officer in the soldier's chain of command terminates the stabilization due to immediate and critical operational needs.

f PINS personnel check the following soldier readiness processing data items only if the extended TDY is to an overseas location:
A German alien. A German alien will not be sent TDY to Germany.

A Turkish or dual U.S./Turkish national. A Turkish or dual U.S./Turkish national will not be sent TDY to Turkey involuntarily.

A former PW or hostage. A former PW or hostage will not be sent TDY involuntarily to the country where held captive.

A former Peace Corps member. A former Peace Corps member may not be sent TDY to perform intelligence duties in any country where the soldier has served as a Peace Corps member.

A sole surviving son or daughter. A sole surviving son or daughter will not be sent TDY to a designated hostile fire/imminent danger area or an area where duties involve combat with the enemy unless the soldier waives this restriction.

A family member whose death, 100 percent mental or physical disability, or becoming MIA or PW occurred while serving in an officially designated hostile fire/imminent danger area. Soldiers meeting this documented condition will not be sent to an officially declared hostile fire/imminent danger area involuntarily.

Completion of LET, if enlisted; has completed WOBC and is MOS qualified, if a warrant officer; has completed OBC, if a commissioned officer. Soldiers not meeting this requirement may not be sent TDY to an overseas location.

5-8. Personnel management station
This station is not required if the soldier has had an SRP check within the last 30 days. Personnel management station personnel—
Review the records of all soldiers below the rank of SSG to determine their eligibility for promotion, make promotion packets for those soldiers found eligible for promotion who do not have packets, and review/update the promotion packets of all eligible soldiers.

Review the records of all soldiers to determine whether or not they are eligible for any boards. Soldiers found eligible for one or more boards will review their packets for currency and accuracy.

Review each soldier's records to determine whether or not there is a record of conviction of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence. Conviction of this crime does not include the imposition of nonjudicial punishment under Article 15, UCMJ, a Summary Court Martial conviction, or deferred prosecution (or a similar alternative disposition) in a civilian court. Under the provisions of the Lautenberg Amendment, it is a felony for anyone with such a conviction to handle firearms or ammunition; therefore, soldiers with a qualifying conviction must not—

Be assigned to a duty position requiring the use or handling of weapons or ammunition.

Participate in training that involves the use or handling of weapons or ammunition.

Go TDY outside the 50 United States and Puerto Rico.

5-9. Medical facility
Medical facility personnel—
Provide the soldiers a preventive medicine briefing and printed materials, as appropriate, on the medical threats in the area of the extended TDY. This briefing should cover contagious disease and environmental threats and appropriate individual and unit level countermeasures. Also included should be an orientation on the special immunizations required (if any), the use of chemicals in disease prevention, potential weather/climatic hazards, dangers from wildlife (e.g., poisonous snakes, insects, and plants), and any other appropriate information.

Check the records and verify in the MEDPROS IMR to determine whether or not the soldier is or should be enrolled in the Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program (AVIP).

If the soldier is required to be a program member but is not, the soldier is enrolled in AVIP and the first shot scheduled.

If the next inoculation is due before departure, the shot is scheduled.

If the next inoculation is due during the projected period of extended TDY, the soldier is given a copy of the

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.

immunization record and.instructed to obtain the next shot at a military medical facility at the temporary duty location.
The immunization record is then updated.

The MEDPROS IMR is updated as required.

Determine whether or not the status of any of the items below has changed since the last SRP check, if an SRP
check has been done on the soldier within the last 30 days and the soldier was found to be deployable. If the last SRP
check was not within the last 30 days, check the following items to ensure that the soldier is medically qualified for the
extended TDY:

(1) HIV test.
The most current HIV test date is checked on the medical record and in the MEDPROS IMR.

Soldiers whose test results will be too old at the projected time of departure are retested. Soldiers going on
extended TDY to OCONUS (except Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico) or to a military sponsored education program
must have a negative HIV test no older than 6 months before the date of departure. Otherwise, the HIV test results in
the medical records must be no older than 2 years for Active Army soldiers or 5 years for RC soldiers. Processing
personnel must be sensitive to the privacy requirements of information on HIV positive soldiers.

If a sample is drawn, a "D" for drawn and the date are recorded in the MEDPROS IMR. This field will
automatically change to a "Y" with a new date when the sample is entered into the Army Medical Surveillance
Activity database.

(2) Periodic examination.
Medical records are checked to determine if soldiers have a current periodic medical examination, per chapter 8,
AR 40-501.

If not, examinations are scheduled, as required. The examinations may be scheduled for a time either before or
after the extended TDY per the governing regulation.

Assignment to quarters or a medical treatment facility. Soldiers who are assigned to quarters, on convalescent leave, or patients in a military medical treatment facility or civilian hospital will not depart on an extended TDY until released by military medical authorities.

(4) Physical profile.
If a soldier has a temporary profile, it should be determined that the profile is in compliance with the time
limitations (including extensions) of AR 40-501.

If a soldier has a permanent profile 3 or 4, it should be verified if he /she has been retained by an MMRB or a PEB.

It should be verified that permanent profile information is annotated in section 10e of DD Form 2766. A soldier with either a temporary or a permanent physical profile may depart on an extended TDY if the soldier's commander and the medical facility agree that the soldier is physically capable of performing the duties of the TDY.

Record "Yes" or "No" in the "Nondeployable Medical Profile" field of the MEDPROS IMR.

(5) Immunizations.
Using the records and the MEDPROS IMR, it should be verified that soldiers have current immunizations. Soldiers must not depart without current immunizations.

Required shots/oral medications are administered to soldiers going on extended TDY to areas requiring special immunizations.

The MEDPROS IMR is updated as required.

(6) DNA collection records.
A DNA specimens is collected from any soldier who has not previously given one.

This information is recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

If a specimen is collected, a "D" for drawn and the date are recorded in the MEDPROS IMR. This field will automatically change to a "Y" with a new date when the sample is entered into the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology database.

(7) Permanent geographic or climatic duty limitation.
It is determined if the soldier has a profile for a permanent geographic or climatic duty limitation that would preclude the extended TDY.

The MEDPROS IMR field "Limited Duty Status (Y/N)" and the type, if applicable, are annotated.

(8) Medical warning tags.
Soldiers required to wear medical warning tags must have two tags; new tags must be issued to those who do not have them.

DA Label 162 is affixed to page 4 of the DD Form 2766.

The MEDROS IMR is updated as required.

(9) Eyeglasses.
(a) Soldiers who require eyeglasses must have the required two pairs, one of which may be of civilian design, except for aviators, who are required to have the metal-framed glasses and sunglasses.
36. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
Any complaints about eyesight or eyewear must be resolved.

This information is recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

(10) Protective mask inserts.
If a protective mask is required for the extended TDY and the soldier requires protective mask inserts, it is
essential to ensure that the soldier has them.

Mask inserts are provided to those soldiers who do not have them.

This information is recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

(11) Hearing aids.
Soldiers requiring a hearing aid must be checked to ensure that they have a hearing aid and extra batteries.

The MEDPROS IMR is updated as required.

(12) Personal prescription medications.
Soldiers on long-term prescribed medications are encouraged to have at least a 90-day supply of their pertonal prescription medications before departing.

In cases of extended TDY to locations where there are no U.S. military medical facilities or those facilities are limited, these soldiers are required to have a 90-day supply of their personal prescription medications.

Verify that this information is recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

5-10. Dental facility
Dental facility personnel will screen the soldier's dental records for dental diseases, check the dental classification, and initiate corrective action to eliminate any conditions found that would preclude the soldier from going on the extended TDY.
5-11. DEERS/RAPIDS/ID cards and tags
DEERS/RAPIDS/ID cards and tags personnel—
Check all soldiers to ensure that they have a current ID card and two tags. Issue new ID cards/tags, if required.

For soldiers with family members, ensure that all family members have or are issued an ID card and check the status of their DEERS/RAPIDS family enrollment.

If the installation is located in CONUS, ensure that the soldier reviews/updates his/her residential address.

Ensure that a new DD Form 1934 is issued to chaplains and medical personnel who require but do not have one.

5-12. Security office
Security office personnel check the following items and initiate corrective actions, as appropriate:
Pending civil felony or military charges. Soldiers pending civil felony or military charges may not depart on an extended TDY without clearance from the Special Court Martial Convening Authority with the advice of the Staff Judge Advocate.

A previous conviction by a tribunal of the foreign country of extended TDY. Soldiers with a previous conviction by a foreign tribunal will not go TDY to the country of conviction.

Ongoing investigation for subversion, disaffection, desertion, or criminal conduct by civil or military authorities. Soldiers under investigation for subversion, disaffection, desertion, or criminal conduct are not eligible for extended TDY unless HQDA approves an exception to policy.

A briefing on the local laws, customs, and courtesies of the extended TDY area, if needed.

5-13. Transportation office
Transportation office personnel—
Assist soldiers in making their personal transportation arrangements, if required.

Assist soldiers requiring passports/visas for their extended TDY in submitting their applications for and obtaining these documents per AR 55-46 and DODD 1000.21–R.

5-14. Education center
Education center personnel—
Ensure that soldiers who are enrolled in on-/off-duty courses have completed or submitted the paperwork necessary to withdraw from their courses.

Ensure that soldiers who have borrowed reference materials/equipment from the ALC/MLF return those items before departure.

Update DA Form 669.

5-15. ACS center
ACS center personnel—
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Provide assistance to and make referrals for soldiers to alleviate financial and personal hardship conditions, as required.

Inform soldiers of what family readiness groups are available.

5-16. Housing office
Housing office personnel—
Record the notification of absence provided by soldiers living on post.

Remind soldiers living in rented housing off post to provide notification of absence to their landlords.

5-17. MWR fund manager
The MWR fund manager ensures that soldiers who have checked out equipment, books, or uniforms return the item(s) before departure.
5-18. ACAP center
This station applies only to soldiers who have transition dates that would entitle them to begin ACAP processing during the period of extended TDY. ACAP center personnel inform soldiers of their opportunity to initiate ACAP services before and during the extended TDY and that their family members may initiate ACAP services during the extended TDY.
5-19. Inspector General
At the discretion of the commander, the Inspector General may establish a processing station to assist soldiers who are departing on extended TDY, as needed.
5-20. Military pay office
Military pay office personnel—
Update and process soldiers' pay accounts (including SUREPAY enrollment, entitlements, special pays, Federal/ State tax withholding forms, allotments, last chargeable leaves, Thrift Savings Plan, and any unpaid debts).

Ensure that all soldiers going on extended TDY meet the requirement to be enrolled in SUREPAY.

Ensure that nonenrolled soldiers are enrolled before departure.

Chapter 6 Individual Temporary Change of Station (TCS) and Unit Deployment Processing
Section I
6-1. The deployment processing program
This program—
Properly processes soldiers for departure from the deployment station to the contingency theater of operations/ TCS station.

Ensures that all soldiers who depart the deployment station for the contingency theater of operations/TCS station on an individual TCS move or a unit deployment are deployable.

6-2. DA Form 7425
Upon reporting to the deployment station, soldiers will present their deployment packets, to include DA Form 7425, which guides soldiers through deployment processing.

The deployment station then—

Validates the SRP processing done at the home station according to DA Form 7425.

Completes whatever readiness processing was not finished at the home station, if any.

Processes the soldiers for deployment.

6-3. Deploying unit readiness validation process (AR 220-1)
a. For deploying units, validation is the installation commander's determination of the unit's ability to accomplish the deployment mission. Individual soldier readiness for deployment is as important as training and equipment readiness. The validation process is usually conducted in three phases:
Phase I The unit commander's unit status report suffices as the initial assessment of the personnel community.

Phase II. Soldier readiness processing (chapter 4) accomplishes the "readiness improvement" portion of the validation process and ensures that all deploying soldiers meet the readiness requirements.

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Phase ILL The deployment processing activities described in this chapter will provide the information for the installation final validation assessment and deployment decision making process.

The Adjutant General (AG) is the military personnel community's representative on the installation validation board.

Section H
Battalion-/Unit-Level Deployment Processing
6-4. Battalion Sl/unit commander deployment processing procedures
The battalion S 1/unit commander is responsible for the following deployment processing tasks:
Briefing the soldiers on unit-level deployment processing requirements.

Reviewing the soldier's personnel records and duty position requirements to ensure that the soldier's entitlements/ special pays (BAS, BAH, COLA, OHA, FSA, IDP, HDP, SDAP, Incentive Pays, Medical Specialty Pays, Enlistment Bonus, Reenlistment Bonus, and/or other special pays), if any, are recorded correctly.

Determining if the soldier is flagged and, if so, ensuring that the flag is properly processed.

Determining if the soldier is required to have a DA Form 5305—R and, if required, if the plan is current and approved. A soldier required to have a Family Care Plan is not deployable unless or until a current and approved plan is on file.

Determining if the soldier has a physical profile.

If the profile is temporary, the profile is verified to be in compliance with the time limitations (including extensions) of AR 40-501. A soldier with a temporary profile may deploy after the temporary disqualification expires or if the physician and the commander determine that the soldier is deployable.

If the profile is a permanent physical profile 3 or 4, it is determined if there is a record of retention by an MMRB or a PEB. If there is no record of retention by an MMRB or a PEB, the soldier is not deployable unless the MMRB Convening Authority waives this requirement.

f For unit deployments only, ensuring that all deploying soldiers who receive their mail at the unit fill out and submit a DA Form 3955. DA Form 3955 must have the names of individuals authorized to pick up the soldier's mail in his/her absence. All other deploying unit members should be advised to decide whether or not they need to fill out and submit a temporary United States Postal Service change of address form.
For unit deployments only, adding the names of all soldiers newly assigned to the unit (either by cross leveling or by TCS) to the appropriate duty rosters.

Ensuring that enlisted soldiers have a completed DA Form 4591 as outlined in Annex H, AR 601-280.

Counseling soldiers deploying overseas on the requirement to provide financial support to family members remaining in CONUS, per AR 608-99.

Ensuring that all medical practitioners are cleared by the nearest Quality Assurance/Credentials office before deployment.

Before TCS soldiers sign out and depart or the deploying unit leaves, performing a final check to ensure that all deploying soldiers have out-processed properly.

1. Submitting the appropriate Army field personnel information system transactions on all soldiers who deploy.
6-5. Battalion S2/3/unit commander deployment processing procedures
The battalion S2/3/unit commander is responsible for the following deployment processing tasks:
Ensuring that a security briefing/debriefing is provided to all deploying soldiers who require one before departure.

Ensuring that all deploying soldiers meet the security clearance requirements of the deployment.

Reviewing the soldier's PERSTEMPO Service Member Deployment History Outprocessing Verification Sheet to determine if the projected length of the deployment will cause the soldier to exceed a general officer management threshold. If such a threshold will be exceeded, this deployment must be approved by the appropriate general officer before the soldier deploys. The soldier is nondeployable without this approval.

Ensuring that all soldiers receive an orientation on the missions of their deploying/deployed units.

Ensuring that all soldiers pending deployment outside the 50 United States and its territories and possessions attend Antiterrorism Force Protection Level 1 Awareness Training, per DODI 2000.16, before departure and that a record of all individuals who receive this training is kept.

f Ensuring that all soldiers are qualified on their individual weapons per the requirements of their current duty positions and that soldiers who are issued one or more weapons for the deployment receive familiarization training before departure.
Ensuring that all deploying soldiers in the ranks of SFC and below are trained and tested as necessary on the locally required elements of the CTT before movement.

Reviewing/updating the soldiers' training records.

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 20038
i. Providing family members of the deploying soldiers an opportunity to receive an orientation briefing/printed materials on the mission, available family readiness groups, and family member benefits.
6-6. Battalion S4/unit commander deployment processing procedures
The battalion S4/unit commander is responsible for the following deployment processing tasks:
Ensuring that the soldiers who require protective mask inserts have them.

Ensuring that protective mask inserts are made for those soldiers who do not have them.

Section III
Installation-/Community-Level Deployment Processing
6-7. Processing control station
PROC CS personnel—
a. Serve as the focal point for installation-/community-level deployment processing by:
Coordinating/conducting the appropriate deployment processing briefing.

Designating the stations through which each soldier must process.

Coordinating with the other installation-/community-level processing stations.

Providing any required special guidance.

Circulate, either electronically or on paper, the central clearance roster to those agencies that do not require all soldiers to process in person. The minimum information provided on each soldier will include name, SSN, grade, current unit of assignment, and projected departure date. Each agency will then designate to the PROC CS, either electronically or on paper, which soldiers need to clear in person.

Inform the unit commander when a soldier is found to be nondeployable.

Provide the names, ranks, SSNs, and AOC/MOS of all soldiers found to be nondeployable to the PSMS.

Ensure that no soldier is released until all nandeployment conditions are resolved.

f Direct soldiers who have completed installation-/community-level deployment processing back to their units for further processing.
File a copy of all orders and DA Forms 7425 and 5123, per AR 25-400-2.

Perform the appropriate checks to ensure that soldiers are properly processed and that soldier readiness non­deployment conditions are either eliminated or identified.

6-8. Personnel information station
a. The purposes of this station are to—
Check the soldier's personnel records for accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel informa­tion system file and the personnel documents.

Initiate corrective actions if any errors are found.

Check for the presence of any conditions in this arena that would disallow the soldier's deployment.

PINS personnel may audit the following data items without the soldier's presence to check for discrepancies between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents:

(1) Name.
(2) SSN.
(3) MPC.
Citizenship. If the soldier is not a citizen and has an application for citizenship pending, remind him/her of the importance of keeping BCIS informed of every change of mailing address, including deployment and return from deployment.

PINS personnel audit the following forms with the soldier for accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents:

The ERB for Active Army enlisted soldiers.

The ORB for Active Army commissioned and warrant officers.

DA Form 2-1 (Personnel Qualification Record) for Active Army enlisted soldiers and all RC soldiers.

DD Form 93.

DA Form 3355.

VA Form SGLV 8285.

VA Form SGLV 8286.

VA Form SGLV 8285A.

VA Form SGLV 8286A.

PINS personnel audit the following data items with the soldier for accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents:

40. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003

Date of rank.

Promotion status.


Linguist qualifications.

Unit of assignment.





Marital status.

Spouse's name.

Spouse's SSN (if spouse is military).

Spouse's MPC (if spouse is military).

Number of family members.

Command sponsored family members (OCONUS soldiers only).

Military education.

Civilian education.

Physical category.

Religious preference.

A military driver's license.

To preclude the departure of any soldier not qualified for deployment, PINS personnel will audit the following soldier readiness processing data items with the soldier for accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents:

Seven or fewer days to ETS/ESA. Soldiers within 7 days of ETS/ESA on the programmed movement date are nondeployable unless Stop Loss is in effect.

More than 7 but fewer than 61 days to ETS/ESA. Soldiers with more than 7 days but fewer than 61 days to ETS/ ESA are deployable but may be excused from deployment by the appropriate unit commander based on unit manning and mission requirements and a consideration of the cost effectiveness of a short term overseas movement. Command­ers who decide to deploy a soldier with fewer than 61 days to ETS/ESA must ensure that arrangements can be made to comply with the soldier's ETS/ESA.

A physical profile 3 or 4 without a record of retention by an MMRB or PEB. A permanent physical profile 3 or 4 soldier is not deployable without a record of retention by a MMRB or a PEB unless the MMRB Convening Authority waives this requirement.

A German alien. A German alien will not be deployed to Germany.

A Turkish or dual U.S./Turkish national. A Turkish or dual U.S./Turkish national is deployable to Turkey unless the soldier requests deletion; such a request will be approved.

A sole surviving son or daughter. A sole surviving son or daughter will not be deployed to a designated hostile fire/imminent danger area or an area where duties involve combat unless the soldier waives this restriction.

A family member whose death, 100 percent mental or physical disability, or becoming an MIA or PW occurred while serving in a hostile fire/imminent danger area. Soldiers meeting this documented condition are eligible for deployment to an officially declared hostile fire/imminent danger area unless there is a written request for release from such a deployment.

A former PW or hostage. A former PW or hostage will not be involuntarily deployed to the country in which or by which the soldier was held captive unless there is a signed waiver.

A former Peace Corps member. A former Peace Corps member who deploys to a country where the soldier has served as a Peace Corps member may not serve in any intelligence capacity in that country.

A profile for a permanent geographic/climatic duty limitation. Soldiers with this type of restriction are not eligible for deployment to the restricted geographical areas unless there is an urgent military reason for such a move and the duties there can be limited to prevent undue health hazards.

(11) A completed IET, if enlisted; a completed WOBC and MOS qualified, if a warrant officer; a completed OBC, if a commissioned officer. Soldiers who have not met this requirement are not deployable until they have completed this training.
(12) A mother of a newborn child. If this condition is found, verify and note this status appropriately. A soldier who is the mother of a newborn child is not deployable until 4 months after the child is born, unless the soldier waives this deferment.
(13) A single parent or one member of a military couple adopting a child. A single parent or one member of a
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
military couple adopting a child is not deployable for 4 months from the date the child is placed in the home as part of
the adoption process unless the soldier waives this deferment.

(14) A conscientious objector.
Soldiers whose requests for conscientious objector status are pending are deployable unless excused by the
General Court Martial Convening Authority and their requests have been forwarded to the Department of the Army
Conscientious Objector Review Board.

Soldiers with approved noncombatant status as conscientious objectors per AR 600-43 are eligible for assign­ment only to areas where duties normally do not involve the handling of weapons.

A pending separation under AR 135-100, AR 135-175, AR. 135-178, AR 600-8-24, or AR 635-200. Soldiers
pending separation under any of these regulations are not deployable unless the application is withdrawn by the
separation authority. Excluded are soldiers being retired, discharged, or separated at normal ETS or ESA.

(16) A recent enough negative HIV test result.
Soldiers whose HIV test results are positive are not deployable except to Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico unless
the results of a retest are negative. Deployment processing personnel must be sensitive to the privacy requirements of
information on HIV positive soldiers.

Soldiers with negative HIV test results more than 6 months old will be retested.

A family member assigned to the same deploying unit. A soldier who has a family member in the same
deploying unit and requests reassignment from that unit is not deployable unless the request is disapproved.

Enlistment or reenlistment contract provisions that would be broken by the deployment. Check to ensure that no provisions of any soldier's enlistment or reenlistment contract would be broken by the deployment. If any provision would be broken by compliance with the deployment orders and the soldier wants to go, the soldier may sign a waiver and then depart.

Thirty or more consecutive days of TCS, TDY, or unit deployment time in support of an OOTW mission. A soldier who has served 30 or more consecutive days of TCS, TDY, or unit deployment time in support of an OOTW mission is not eligible for involuntary deployment for the same number of days the soldier served on the OOTW mission, unless the first general officer in the soldier's chain of command terminates the stabilization because of immediate and critical operational needs.

f PINS personnel provide the names, ranks, SSNs, and AOC/MOS of all soldiers found to be permanently nondeployable during deployment processing to the PSMS.
g. PINS personnel use DA Form 5123 to account for all required documents/forms.
6-9. Personnel strength management station
PSMS personnel review the ERBs/ORBs of all last-minute replacements for nondeployable soldiers for assign­ment qualifications and considerations.

PSMS personnel check the following data items before confirming the duty assignments of last-minute replacements:

The PERSTEMPO count from the soldier's Service Member Deployment History Verification sheet.

Missed promotions while in transit (especially SSG and below).

Physical category.

Enlistment contract provisions.



Reenlistment bonus.

After confirming the duty assignments for the last minute replacement soldiers, PSMS personnel issue the assignment orders or amendments to the deployment orders and provide a copy to the PINS.

6-10. Personnel management station
Personnel management station personnel—
Review the records of all deploying soldiers below the rank of SSG to determine their eligibility for promotion, make promotion packets for those soldiers found eligible for promotion who do not have packets, and review/update the promotion packets of all eligible soldiers.

Review the records of all deploying soldiers to determine whether or not they are eligible for any boards. Soldiers found eligible for one or more boards will review their packets for currency and accuracy.

Review each soldier's records to determine if there is a record of conviction of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence. Conviction of this crime does not include the imposition of nonjudicial punishment under Article 15, UCMJ, a Summary Court Martial conviction, or deferred prosecution (or a similar alternative disposition) in a civilian court. Under the provisions of the Lautenberg Amendment, it is a felony for anyone with such a conviction to handle firearms or ammunition; therefore, soldiers with a qualifying conviction must not—

(1) Be assigned to a duty position requiring the use or handling of weapons or ammunition.
42. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
Participate in training that involves the use or handling of weapons or ammunition.

Be deployed outside the 50 United States and Puerto Rico.

6-11. Medical facility
Medical facility personnel—
Check for and initiate corrective action to eliminate individual soldier readiness nondeployment conditions or report the situation to the commander.

Conduct a health record review using DD Form 2807-1 or interview for all soldiers. Initiate/complete DD Form 2766 and, if required, DD Form 2766C.

Review/update the MEDPROS IMR Report.

Initiate/complete DD Form 2795. Ensure that this form is completed by the attending health care professional. Record an "S" for submitted and the date in the MEDPROS IMR. Place one copy of this form in the soldier's health record and forward one copy to the U.S. Medical Surveillance Activity as soon as possible.

Provide the soldiers a preventive medicine briefing and printed materials, as appropriate, on the medical threats in the theater or at the TCS station. This briefing must cover deployment area contagious disease and environmental threats and appropriate individual and unit level countermeasures. Also included should be an orientation on the special immunizations (if any), the use of chemicals in disease prevention, potential weather/climatic hazards, dangers from wildlife (for example, poisonous snakes, insects, and plants), and any other appropriate information about the theater/ TCS station.

f Check the following data items on all deploying soldiers:
(1) HIV test.
The test dates should be annotated in section 10h (Readiness) of DD Form 2766. Soldiers with a positive HIV test result are not deployable to OCONUS except to Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico unless the retest result is negative. Medical facility personnel must be sensitive to the privacy requirements of information on HIV positive soldiers.

Retest soldiers whose negative HIV test results are more than 6 months old. Soldiers are not deployable unless they have a negative HIV test result that is less than 6 months old.

If a sample is drawn, a "D" for drawn and the date are recorded in the MEDPROS IMR. This field will automatically change to a "Y" with a new date when the sample is entered into the Army Medical Surveillance Activity database.

Evidence of psychiatric problems. All soldiers should be screened for evidence of psychiatric problems and, if found, make appropriate entries in their medical records. Security clearance station personnel and the commander should be notified, when appropriate.

Pregnancy status. The pregnancy status of female soldiers must be verified per the governing regulation. Pregnant soldiers are not deployable throughout the pregnancy. Results of a pregnancy screen are recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

Evidence of drug/alcohol abuse. Evidence of drug/alcohol abuse should be noted and security clearance station personnel and the commander should be notified of all soldiers for whom such evidence is found. Review the information on page 1, section 5, of the DD Form 2766.

(5) Physical profile.
It should be determined if the soldier has a physical profile.

If the soldier has a temporary profile, it should be determined that the profile is in compliance with the time limitations (including extensions) of AR 40-501. A soldier with a temporary profile may deploy after the temporary disqualification expires or if the physician and the commander determine that the soldier is deployable.

If a permanent Profile 3 or 4 exists, it should be noted if the soldier has been retained by an MMRB or a PEB.

(d)-If the permanent Profile 3 or 4 soldier has not been retained by an MMRB or a PEB, an MMRB should be scheduled.
If the soldier has been retained by an MMRB or a PEB, permanent profile information is annotated in section 10e (Readiness) of DD Form 2766.

If the soldier does not meet the medical retention standards of the MMRB, an MEB or a PEB evaluation is scheduled. Permanent Profile 3 and 4 soldiers may not deploy without a record of retention by an MMRB or a PEB unless the MMRB Convening Authority waives this requirement.

A "Yes" or "No" is recorded in the "Nondeployable Medical Profile" field of the MEDPROS IMR.

(6) Immunizations.
Soldiers should have current immunizations and this information noted in the MEDPROS IMR. Soldiers will not deploy without current immunizations.

Theater/TCS station specific immunizations, if any, should be administered before deployment.

The 'MEDPROS IMR is updated as required.

(7) AVIP.
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
(a) It should be determined and then verified using the MEDPROS IMR if a soldier is or should be enrolled in

If the soldier is required to be a program member but is not, the soldier is enrolled in AVIP and the first shot

If the soldier is a program member and the next inoculation is due before deployment, the shot is scheduled.

A copy of the immunization record is included in the deployment packet.

The name, date of last shot, and due date for the next shot of every AVIP member is provided to the

The MEDPROS IMR is updated as required.

(8) DNA collection records.
A DNA specimen is collected from each soldier who has not previously given one prior to deployment. Soldiers
are not eligible for deployment until the missing DNA record is established.

This information is recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

If a specimen is collected, a "D" for drawn and the date are recorded in the MEDPROS IMR. This field will automatically change to a "Y" with a new date when the sample is entered into the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology database.

(9) Blood type.
The blood type on the soldier's ID card and tags, in the medical records, and in the MEDPROS IMR should be
compared for consistency.

If there is a discrepancy or a reason to doubt the correctness of the blood type, the soldier's blood type is noted
and the card/tags/records/MEDPROS IMR are corrected, as appropriate.

(10) Permanent geographic or climatic duty limitation.
It should be determined if a soldier has a profile for a permanent geographic or climatic duty limitation that would preclude the deployment.

The MEDPROS IMR field "Limited Duty Status (Y/N)" and the type, if applicable, are annotated.

(11) Medical warning tags.
Soldiers required to wear medical warning tags must have two tags; new tags are issued to those who do not have them.

DA Label 162 is affixed to page 4 of DD Form 2766.

The MEDPROS IMR is updated as required.

(12) Eyeglasses.
Soldiers who require eye glasses must have the required two pairs, one of which may be of civilian design, except for aviators, who are required to have metal-framed glasses and sunglasses.

Any complaints about eyesight or eyewear must be resolved.

This information is recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

(13) Protective mask inserts.
Soldiers who require protective mask inserts must be checked to ensure that they have them.

Mask inserts are provided to those soldiers who do not have them.

This information is recorded in the MEDPROS LMR.

(14) Hearing aids.
Soldiers requiring hearing aids should be checked to ensure that they have one, plus extra batteries.

This information is recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

(15) Personal prescription medications.
Soldiers who are on long-term prescribed medications are required to have a 90-day supply of personal prescription medications.

This information is recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

Allergies. Any known allergies are recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

(17) Assignment to quarters or a medical treatment facility. Soldiers who are assigned to quarters, on convalescent
leave, or are patients in a military medical treatment facility or civilian hospital are not deployable until released by military medical authorities.
Examinations for soldiers who have worked around loud noises/radiation/certain heavy metals. For unit deployments only, appropriate medical examinations should be conducted for soldiers who have been assigned to duty positions requiring them to work around loud noises, radiation, or certain heavy metals.

Annual Medical Certificate. For all RC soldiers, the date of the last Annual Medical Certificate should be recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

6-12. Dental facility
Dental facility personnel-
444 DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
Check the soldiers' dental records for completeness and accuracy, including verification of the presence of a current panograph. A soldier whose dental records do not have a panograph is not deployable until this deficiency is corrected.

Review/update the dental portion of the MEDPROS 'MR.

The dental field for Active Army soldiers is automatically populated from the Corporate Dental Application and cannot be changed.

For RC soldiers, this field is not automatically populated and should be updated when the soldier processes.

Review and update the dental portion of DD Form 2795.

Screen soldiers for dental disease and determine their Dental Readiness Classification. If a soldier is found to be in dental class 3 .or 4, corrective actions must be initiated to eliminate individual soldier nondeployment conditions or the situation reported to the soldier's commander.

Note if a soldier is wearing one or more orthodontic appliances, which must be inactivated through the use of passive holding arches, "vacation ties," or other means prior to deployment. If these conditions cannot be met, the soldier is not deployable.

6-13. DEERS/RAPIDS/ID cards and tags
DEERS/RAPIDS/ID cards and tags personnel—
Ensure that all soldiers have a current ID card and two tags. Issue new ID cards/tags, if required.

For soldiers with family members, ensure that all family members have or are issued an ID card and check the status of their DEERS/RAPIDS family enrollment.

Ensure that a new DD Form 1934 is issued to chaplains and medical personnel who require but do not have one.

6-14. Security office
Security office personnel—
a. Check the status of the following data items and initiate corrective actions, as appropriate:
Geneva Convention briefing. Provide a Geneva Convention briefing to soldiers who do not have one listed in their personnel records.

Pending civil felony or military charges. Soldiers pending civil felony or military charges are not eligible for deployment without clearance from the Special Court Martial Convening Authority with the advice of the Staff Judge Advocate.

A previous conviction by a tribunal of the foreign country of deployment. Soldiers with a previous conviction by a foreign tribunal are not deployable to the country of conviction.

Ongoing investigation for subversion, disaffection, desertion, or criminal conduct by civil or military authorities.

Soldiers under investigation for subversion, disaffection, desertion, or criminal conduct are not deployable unless HQDA approves an exception to policy.
Check the security clearance status to ensure that soldiers hold the clearances required for deployment and initiate corrective actions as required.

Check the soldiers assigned to positions under the Personnel Reliability Program per AR 50-5 or AR 50-6 to ensure that they are qualified for those positions.

Provide soldiers a briefing on the local laws, customs, and courtesies of the deployment area, if needed.

Submit the transactions for field determined personnel security status to update the soldiers' Army field personnel information system files.

6-15. Legal assistance office
When applicable, legal assistance office personnel—
Provide assistance to soldiers who need to make or update a will, to designate a power of attorney, and/or counseling on civil matters.

Provide information on reemployment rights under the Employer Support to the Guard and Reserve Program to mobilized RC soldiers.

6-16. Transportation office
Transportation office personnel—
Brief soldiers on their transportation and deployment entitlements.

Assist soldiers, as required, in the shipment/storage of their unaccompanied baggage, household goods and POVs.

Assist soldiers in making personal transportation arrangements, if required.

Assist soldiers who require passports/visas for deployment in submitting their applications and obtaining these documents under the expedited procedures of AR 55-46 and DODD 1000.21—R.

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 20034
6-17. Central issue facility
CIF personnel—
Issue soldiers field equipment/chemical defense equipment as designated by the theater/TCS station commander.

Review/update the personal clothing records.

6-18. Education center
This station applies only to unit deployments. Education center personnel—
Ensure that deploying soldiers enrolled in on-/off-duty courses have completed or submitted the paperwork necessary to withdraw from their courses.

Ensure that deploying soldiers return before departure any borrowed reference materials/equipment from the ALC/MLF.

Update DA Form 669.

6-19. ACS center
ACS center personnel—
Provide assistance to and make referrals for soldiers to alleviate financial and personal hardship conditions, as required.

Inform soldiers of what family readiness groups are available.

Prepare to conduct reunion training for family members using Operation Ready materials before the soldiers return from the deployment.

6-20. Provost marshal office
Provost marshal office personnel—
Ensure that soldiers who have POVs are provided a secure storage area for their vehicles, using DD Form 2506.

Ensure that soldiers who have privately owned weapons make proper disposition of their weapons before departure.

6-21. Housing office
This station applies only to unit deployments. Housing office personnel—
Record the notification of absence provided by soldiers living on post.

Remind soldiers who live in rented housing off post to provide notification of absence to their landlords.

6-22. MWR
This station applies only to unit deployments. The MWR fund manager ensures that soldiers return any checked out equipment, books, or uniforms before departure.
6-23. Training aids center
This station applies only to unit deployments. Training aids center personnel will ensure that soldiers are held accountable for .lost or damaged equipment, if any.
6-24. Chaplain
Installation chaplains will ensure that chaplain services are available for all deploying soldiers. These services include but are not limited to worship services, prayers, administration of sacraments, counseling (soldiers and/or family members, as needed), literature and religious articles, coordination with family readiness groups, providing information on subjects related to pastoral care, and assurance of ongoing religious support.
6-25. ACAP center
This station applies only to deploying soldiers who are either scheduled for transition during the deployment or have transition dates that would entitle them to begin ACAP processing during the projected period of deployment. ACAP center personnel—
Ensure that soldiers who are scheduled for transition during the deployment have initiated ACAP services.

Inform soldiers with transition dates entitling them to begin ACAP processing during the projected period of deployment that they may initiate ACAP services before and during the deployment.

Inform soldiers that their family members may initiate ACAP services during the deployment.

6-26. Inspector General
At the discretion of the commander, the Inspector General may establish a processing station to assist deploying soldiers, as needed.
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6-27. Military pay office
Military pay office personnel—
Provide partial settlement of soldiers' travel claims before deployment, if appropriate.

Update and process soldiers' pay accounts (including SUREPAY enrollment, entitlements, special pays, federal/ state tax withholding forms, allotments, Thrift Savings Plan, and any unpaid debts).

Enroll any nonenrolled soldiers in SUREPAY before departure.

Chapter 7 Redeployment Processing
Section I General
7-1. The redeployment processing program
This program—
Properly processes a soldier to depart the contingency theater of operations/TCS station to return to the home station or, in cases of extreme need, to redeploy to another theater/TCS station.

Ensures that each soldier processing for redeployment meets the readiness and redeployment criteria or that deficiencies are properly identified and reported.

Identifies and collects payment for debts owed by soldiers in the theater or at the TCS station before departure from the theater/TCS station.

7-2. DA Forms 137-1, 137-2, and 7425
If the redeployment is back to the home station, only DA Forms 137-1 and 137-2 will be used.

These two forms plus DA Form 7425 will be used if the redeployment is to another theater/TCS station.

These forms—

Guide soldiers through redeployment processing.

Specify which activities in the theater or at the TCS station the soldiers must clear before departure.

Provide their home stations or the next theater/TCS station the status of the soldiers' redeployment readiness.

Section II Battalion/Unit Level Redeployment Processing
7-3. Battalion S1/unit commander redeployment processing procedures
The battalion S1/unit commander is responsible for the following redeployment processing tasks:
Briefing soldiers on unit level redeployment processing requirements.

Ensuring that all records of actions taken (personnel, finance, medical, dental, and so on) on each soldier are collected and dispatched back to the soldier's home station before the soldier departs the theater/TCS station. The collected records must not travel on the same conveyance as the soldier.

If the redeployment is to another theater/TCS station, ensuring that a decision is made on whether or not to recommend every soldier for an award. If an award is recommended and approved, an appropriate presentation ceremony should be conducted before redeployment, if feasible.

Determining if a soldier has any injuries that may result in a future claim against the Government, including possible referral into the Physical Disability Evaluation System. If any such injuries are found, a line of duty investigation using DA Form 2173 is initiated before the soldier departs the theater/TCS station.

Completing Sections A (Personal Data) and B (Debt Verifications) of DA Form 137-1 before a soldier reports to the PROC CS for installation/community redeployment processing. Section A is self-explanatory. The items in Section B are-

. (1) Duty status. The soldier's duty status is checked during the 60 days immediately prior to the issuance of this form. If there are any absences (leaves, temporary duty, hospitalization, AWOL, confinement, and other lost time) from duty during this time, their types, start dates, and return dates are recorded in item 10.
(2) Adverse actions. If the soldier had any adverse actions (UCMJ, courts martial, administrative reductions, or administrative discharge) during the 60 days immediately prior to the issuance of this form, the types of actions, dates of source documents, punishments, effective dates, and completion dates are recorded in item 11.
(3) Property accountability (not applicable to unit redeployments). If a DD Form 362 or DA Form 4697 was required, the results are recorded in item 12.
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
Entitlements/special pays. The appropriate records are reviewed to ensure that the soldier's entitlements/special
pays, if any, are recorded correctly:





(/) IDP.



Incentive pays.

Medical specialty pays.

Enlistment bonus.

Reenlistment bonus.

Other entitlements/special pays.
f Reviewing each soldier's records to determine if an evaluation is required per AR 623-105/AR 623-205.

If redeployment is to another theater/TCS station and an evaluation report is required, the evaluation report must
be initiated prior to departure from the current theater/TCS station.

If redeployment is back to the home station and an evaluation is required, the evaluation report should be
completed, signed, and submitted on each TCS soldier (whether an Active Army or RC soldier ) before the soldier
departs the theater/TCS station.

It should be verified that the TCS rater has initiated the evaluation report on each rated soldier (whether an
Active Army or RC soldier, a TCS soldier, or member of a deployed unit) before departing the theater/TCS station.

To ensure that the submission time requirements of AR 623-105/AR 623-205 are met, all required evaluation reports for the theater/TCS station should be checked for completion, signature, and submission before soldiers depart, if possible.

Determining whether or not the soldier is flagged and, if so, ensuring that the flag is properly processed.

Removing the names of all TCS soldiers departing to their home stations or as individual replacements to another theater/TCS station from the appropriate duty rosters.

Ensuring that all redeploying soldiers fill out and submit DA Form 3955.

Determining if any changes in the soldier's physical profile occurred during the deployment and ensuring the verification and proper recording of those changes, if any.

If the redeployment is to the soldier's home station, a temporary or permanent physical profile will not precluderedeployment unless the profile disables the soldier from traveling.

If the redeployment is to another theater/TCS station, a soldier with a temporary profile may redeploy after the temporary disqualification expires or if the physician and the commander determine that the soldier is redeployable. If the profile is temporary, it should be determined that the profile is in compliance with the time limitations (including extensions) of AR 40-501.

Soldiers with a permanent category 3 or 4 physical profile are not redeployable to another theater/TCS station without a record of retention by an MMRB or a PEB, unless the MMRB Convening Authority waives this requirement.

k Ensuring that enlisted soldiers who are redeploying to another theater/TCS station have a completed DA Form 4591, as outlined in appendix H, AR 601-280.
I. Counseling soldiers who are redeploying to another theater/overseas TCS station on the requirement to continue to provide support payments to family members remaining in CONUS, per AR 608-99.
Before TCS soldiers sign out and depart or the redeploying unit leaves, performing a final check to ensure that all redeploying soldiers have out-processed properly.

Submitting the appropriate Army field personnel information system transactions on all redeploying soldiers.

7-4. Battalion S2/3/unit commander redeployment processing procedures
The battalion S2/3/unit commander is responsible for the following redeployment processing tasks:
Ensuring that a security briefing/debriefing is provided to all redeploying soldiers who require one before departure.

If the soldier's redeployment is to another theater/TCS station, reviewing his/her PERSTEMPO Service Member Deployment History Outprocessing Verification Sheet and determining whether or not the projected length of the next deployment will cause the soldier to exceed a general officer management threshold. If such a threshold will be exceeded, ensure that the redeployment is approved by the appropriate general officer before the soldier redeploys. The soldier is redeployable only back to the home station without this approval.

Reviewing/updating the training records of all redeploying soldiers.

48. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
Ensuring that the changes in the soldier's security clearance, if any, which occurred in the theater or at the TCS station are properly recorded. If the redeployment is to another theater/TCS station, it should be verified that all redeploying soldiers meet the security clearance requirements of the redeployment.

Inventorying all accountable training room property remaining in the theater or at the TCS station for which each TCS soldier is signed, if any, and transfer the responsibility for such property to an appropriate person before the soldier departs.

f Ensuring that all soldiers who are redeploying to another theater/TCS station located outside the 50 United States and its territories and possessions attend Antiterrorism Force Protection Level 1 Awareness Training, per DODI 2000.16, before departure and that a record of all individuals who receive this training is kept.
Providing an orientation on the mission in the next theater or at the next TCS station for all soldiers who are redeploying to another theater/TCS station.

For redeployments to another theater/TCS station, ensuring that all soldiers have trained and are currently qualified on their individual weapons per the requirements of their current duty positions before redeployment. Ensure that soldiers who are issued one or more weapons for the redeployment receive familiarization training before departure.

For redeployments to another theater/TCS station, ensuring that all redeploying soldiers in the ranks of SFC and below are trained and tested on CTT items a; necessary before movement.

7-5. Battalion S4/unit commander redeployment processing procedures
The battalion S4/unit commander is responsible for the following redeployment processing tasks:
Inventorying all accountable supply room, aims room, NBC room, and motor pool property remaining in the theater or at the TCS station for which each TCS soldier is signed, if any, and transferring the responsibility for such property to an appropriate person before the soldier departs.

If the redeployment is to another theater/TCS station, making sure the soldiers who require protective mask inserts have them and that protective mask inserts are made for those soldiers who do not have them..

Section III Installation-/Community-Level Redeployment Processing
7-6. Replacement activity
Upon arrival at the Replacement Activity, soldiers who took leave enroute from their deployment locations will sign in, and their military leave will be terminated, as appropriate.

Replacement activity personnel are responsible for the following redeployment processing tasks:

Arranging for temporary billeting, food service, and other support processing for redeploying soldiers.

Providing redeployment processing briefings and handouts to assist the soldiers.

Performing the appropriate checks to ensure that soldiers are promptly and properly processed and that soldier readiness nonredeployment conditions are either eliminated or identified.

Submitting the appropriate Army field personnel information system transactions on all redeploying soldiers.

7-7. Processing control station
PROC CS personnel—
a. Serve as the focal point for installation-/community-level redeployment processing by—

Coordinating/conducting the appropriate redeployment processing briefing.

Designating the stations through which each soldier must process.
(3)_Coordinating with the other installation/community level processing stations.

Providing any required special guidance.

Circulate, either electronically or on paper, the central clearance roster to those agencies which do not require all soldiers to out-process in person. The minimum information provided on each soldier will include name, SSN, grade, current unit of assignment, and projected departure date. Each agency will then designate to the PROC CS, either electronically or on paper, which soldiers need to clear in person.

Inform the unit commander if a soldier is not redeployable.

If the redeployment is to another theater/TCS station, provide the names, ranks, SSNs, and AOC/MOS of all soldiers found to be nonredeployable to the PSMS.

Direct soldiers who have completed installation-/community-level redeployment processing back to their units for further processing.

f File a copy of the soldiers' orders and DA Forms 137-1, 137-2, 7425 (if the redeployment is to another theater/ TCS station), and 5123, per AR 25-400-2.
g. Ensure that soldiers clear the Replacement Activity before departing the theater/TCS station.
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.

h. Perform the appropriate checks to ensure that soldiers are properly processed for redeployment.
7-8. Personnel information station
a. The purposes of this station are to—
Check the soldier's personnel records for accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel informa­tion system file and the personnel documents.

Initiate corrective actions if any errors are found.

Check for the presence of any conditions in this arena that would disallow the soldier's redeployment, if the redeployment is to another theater or TCS station.

PINS personnel may audit the following data items without the soldier's presence to check for discrepancies between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents:




Citizenship. If the soldier is not a citizen and has an application for citizenship pending, PINS personnel should remind him/her of the importance of keeping BCIS informed of every change of mailing address, including return from deployment and redeployment to another theater/TCS station.

PINS personnel audit the following forms with the soldier for accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents:

The ERB for Active Army enlisted soldiers.

The ORB for Active Army commissioned and warrant officers.

DA Form 2-1 for Active Army enlisted soldiers and all RC soldiers.

DD Form 93.

DA Form 3355.

VA Form SGLV 8285.

VA Form SGLV 8286.

VA Form SGLV 8285A.

VA Form SGLV 8286A.

PINS personnel audit the following data items with the soldier for accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents:


Date of rank.

Promotion status.


Linguist qualifications.

Unit of assignment.





Marital status.

Spouse's name.

Spouse's SSN (if spouse is military).

Spouse's MPC (if spouse is military).

Number of family members.

Military education.

Civilian education.

Physical category.

Current/last foreign service tour.


If the soldier's redeployment is back to the home station, there is no need to check these items before the soldier departs the theater/TCS station. PINS personnel audit the followjng soldier readiness processing data items with the soldier for accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents only if the redeployment is to another theater/TCS station:

Seven or fewer days to ETS/ESA. Soldiers within 7 days of ETS/ESA on the programmed movement date are redeployable only back to the home station unless Stop Loss is in effect.

More than 7 days but fewer than 61 days to ETS/ESA. Soldiers with more than 7 days but fewer than 61 days to

50. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
ETS/ESA are redeployable to another theater/TCS station but may be excused from the redeployment by the appropri­ate unit commander based on unit manning and mission requirements and a consideration of the cost effectiveness of a short term inter-theater transfer. Commanders who decide to redeploy a soldier to another theater/TCS station with fewer than 61 days to ETS/ESA must ensure that arrangements can be made to comply with the soldier's ETS/ESA.
A physical profile 3 or 4. A permanent physical profile 3 or 4 soldier is not redeployable to another theater/TCS station without a record of retention by an MMRB or a PEB unless the MMRB Convening Authority waives this requirement.

A German alien. A German alien will not be redeployed to Germany.

A Turkish or dual U.S./Turkish national. A Turkish or dual U.S./Turkish national is redeployable to Turkey unless the soldier requests deletion; such a request will be approved.

A sole surviving son or daughter. A sole surviving son or daughter will not be redeployed to a designated hostile fire/imminent danger area or an area where duties involve combat unless the soldier waives this restriction.

A family member whose death, 100 percent mental or physical disability, or becoming MIA or PW occurred while serving in an officially designated hostile fire/imminent danger area. Soldiers meeting this documented condition are eligible for redeployment to an officially declared hostile fire/imminent danger area unless there is a written request for release from such a deployment.

A former PW or hostage. A former PW or hostage will not be involuntarily redeployed to the country in which or by which the soldier was held captive unless there is a signed waiver.

A former Peace Corps member. A former Peace Corps member who redeploys to a country where the soldier has served as a Peace Corps member may not serve in any intelligence capacity in that country.

A profile for a permanent geographic or climatic duty limitation. Soldiers with this type of restriction are not eligible for redeployment to the restricted geographical areas unless there is an urgent military reason for such a move and the duties there can be limited to prevent undue health hazards.

(11) A conscientious objector.
Soldiers whose requests for conscientious objector status are pending are redeployable to another 'theater/ICS station unless excused by the General Court Martial Convening Authority and their requests have been forwarded to the Department of the Army Conscientious Objector Review Board.

Soldiers with approved noncombatant status as conscientious objectors per AR 600-43 are eligible for redeploy­ment only to areas where duties normally do not involve the handling of weapons.

A pending separation under AR 135-100, AR 135-175, AR 135-178, AR 600-8-24, or AR 635-200. Soldiers pending separation under any of these regulations are redeployable only back to the home station unless the application is withdrawn by the separation authority. Excluded are soldiers being retired, discharged, or separated at normal ETS or ESA.

(13) A recent enough negative HIV test result.
Soldiers whose HIV test results are positive are redeployable only to CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico unless the results of a retest are negative. Redeployment processing personnel must be sensitive to the privacy requirements of information on HIV positive soldiers.

If the redeployment is to another theater/TCS station, soldiers with negative HIV test results more than 'six months old will be retested.

Enlistment or reenlistment contract provisions that would be broken by the redeployment. Check to ensure that no provisions of the soldier's enlistment or reenlistment contract are broken by redeployment to another theater/TCS station. If any provision would be broken by compliance with the redeployment orders and the soldier wants to go, the soldier may sign a waiver and go.

(15) A family member assigned to the same redeploying unit. A soldier who has a family member in the same unit
that is redeploying to another theater/TCS station and requests reassignment from that unit is not redeployable unless the request is disapproved.
A recall to active duty from retirement. Classes I and II retirees recalled to active duty are redeployable toanother theater/TCS station.

A military driver's license. Although this data item does not affect the soldier's redeployability to another theater/TCS station, the answer to this question could affect the soldier's utilization at the next deployment location.

Indication of religious preference. Although this item does not affect redeployability, it is important that the

data here be correct for redeployment to another theater/TCS station. f PINS personnel use DA Form 5123 to account for all required documents/forms.
7-9. Personnel strength management station
This station is used only if the redeployment is to another theater/TCS station.
a. PSMS personnel will review the ERBs/ORBs of all last-minute replacements for nonredeployable soldiers for assignment qualifications and considerations.
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003 .
b. PSMS personnel will check the following data items before confirming the duty assignments of the last-minute replacements:
The PERSTEMPO count from the soldier's Service Member Deployment History Outprocessing Verification Sheet.

Missed promotions while in transit (especially SGT and below).

Physical category.

Enlistment or reenlistment contract provisions.



Reenlistment Bonus.

After the duty assignments for the last minute replacement soldiers are confirmed, PSMS personnel will issue the assignment orders or amendments to the deployment orders and provide copies to PINS.

7-10. Personnel management station
This station is used only if the redeployment is to another theater/TCS station. Personnel management station personnel—
Review the records of redeploying soldiers below the rank of SSG to determine their eligibility for promotion and review/update the promotion packets for those found eligible.

Review the records of all redeploying soldiers to determine whether or not they are eligible for any boards. Soldiers found eligible for one or more boards will review their packets for currency and accuracy.

Review each soldier's records to determine whether or not there is a record of conviction of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence. Conviction of this crime does not include the imposition of nonjudicial punishment under Article 15, UCMJ, a Summary Court Martial conviction, or deferred prosecution (or a similar alternative disposition) in a civilian court. Under the provisions of the Lautenberg Amendment, it is a felony for anyone with such a conviction to handle firearms or ammunition; therefore, soldiers with a qualifying conviction must not:

Be assigned to a duty position requiring the use or handling of weapons or ammunition.

Participate in training that involves the use or handling of weapons or ammunition.

Be deployed to a theater/TCS station located outside the 50 United States and Puerto Rico.

7-11. Medical facility
Medical facility personnel—
Conduct a health record review using DD Form 2807-1 or interview for all soldiers.

Update DD Form 2766 and, if required, DD Form 2766C.

Review/update the MEDPROS MIR Report.

Check for and initiate corrective actions to eliminate individual soldier readiness nondeployment conditions on all soldiers redeploying to another theater/TCS station or report the situation to the commander.

Review/update DD Form 2795 for all soldiers who are redeploying to another theater/TCS station. Update the

MEDPROS IMR as required and make appropriate disposition of the form. f Complete DD Form 2796 for all redeploying soldiers.
Provide the soldiers redeploying to another theater/TCS station a preventive medicine briefing and printed materials, as appropriate, on the medical threats in the next theater or at the next TCS station. This briefing should cover redeployment area contagious disease and environmental threats and appropriate individual and unit level countermeasures. Also included should be an orientation on the special immunizations (if any), the use of chemicals in disease prevention, potential weather/climatic hazards, dangers from wildlife (for example, poisonous snakes, insects, and plants), and any other appropriate information about the next theater/TCS station.

Check the following items on all redeploying soldiers:

Evidence of psychiatric problems. All soldiers should be screened for evidence of psychiatric problems, and, if found, appropriate entries are made in the medical records. Security clearance station personnel and the commander are notified, when appropriate.

Pregnancy status. The pregnancy status of female soldiers should be verified, per the governing regulation and the results of a pregnancy screen recorded in the MEDPROS IMR. Pregnant soldiers are redeployable only back to the home station throughout the pregnancy.

Examinations for soldiers who have worked around loud noises/radiation/certain heavy metals. Appropriate medical examinations are conducted for soldiers who have been assigned to units or duty positions requiring them to work around loud noises, radiation, and/or certain heavy metals before redeployment.

(4) Evidence of drug/alcohol abuse.
Any evidence of drug/alcohol abuse should be noted and reported to security clearance station personnel and the commander of all soldiers for whom such evidence is found.

The information on page 1, section 5 of DD Form 2766, should be reviewed.

524 DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
(5) DNA collection records.
A DNA specimen must be collected from any soldier who has not given one.

This information is recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

If a specimen is collected, a "D" for drawn and the date are recorded in the MEDPROS IMR. This field will automatically change to a "Y" with a new date when the sample is entered into the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology database.

(6) Blood type.
The blood type on the soldier's ID card and tags, in the medical records, and in the MEDPROS IMR should be compared for consistency.

If there is a discrepancy or a reason to doubt the correctness of the blood type, the soldier's blood type is noted and the card/tags/records/MEDPROS IMR are corrected, as appropriate.

(7) Medical warning tags.
Soldiers required to wear medical warning tags should be checked to ensure that they have two tags; new tags are issued to those who do not have the requisite tags.

DA Label 162 is affixed to page 4 of DD Form 2766.

The MEDPFOS IMR is updated as required.

(8) Eyeglasses.
Soldiers who require eye glasses should have the required two pairs, one of which may be of civilian design, except for aviators, who are required to have metal-framed glasses and sunglasses.

Any complaints about eyesight and/or eyewear must be resolved.

Record this information in the MEDPROS !MR.

(9) Hearing aids.
Check soldiers who require hearing aids to ensure that they have a hearing aid, plus extra batteries.

Record this information in the MEDPROS IMR.

(10) Personal prescription medications.
Soldiers on long-term prescribed medications are required to have a 90-day supply of personal prescription medications.

This information is recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

Assignment to quarters or a medical treatment facility. Soldiers who are assigned to quarters, on convalescent leave, or are patients in a military medical treatment facility or civilian hospital will not be redeployed to another theater/TCS station until released by military medical authorities. The redeployment of such soldiers back to the home station will be accomplished per the governing regulations.

Check the following items only on soldiers who are redeploying to another theater/TCS station:

(1) HIV test.
The HIV test results should be checked.

The most current HIV test date is annotated in section 10 (Readiness) of DD Form 2766. Soldiers with a positive HIV test result are redeployable only to CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico unless the retest result is negative.

The relevant medical records on redeploying HIV positive soldiers is transferred to the gaining CONUS installation medical facility, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 4, AR 600-110. Redeployment processing personnel must be sensitive to the privacy requirements of information on HIV positive soldiers.

Soldiers whose negative HIV test results are more than 6 months old are retested. Soldiers are not redeployable to another theater/overseas TCS station unless they have a negative HIV test result that is less than six months old.

If a sample is drawn, a "D" for drawn and the date are recorded in the MEDPROS IMR. This field will

automatically change to a "Y" with a new date when the sample is entered into the Army Medical Surveillance Activity database.
(2) Physical profile.
If the soldier has a temporary profile, it should be determined that the profile is in compliance with the time limitations (including extensions) of AR 40-501. A soldier with a temporary profile may redeploy to another theater/ TCS station after the temporary disqualification expires or if the physician and the commander determine that the soldier is redeployable.

Permanent profile information is recorded in the MEDPROS IMR. Permanent Profile 3 and 4 soldiers will be redeployed only to the home station unless they have been retained by an MMRB or a PEB except when the MMRB Convening Authority waives this requirement.

(3) Immunizations.
(a) Each soldier's immunizations record should be checked to verify that these immunizations are current; this
information is then noted in the MEDPROS IMR. Soldiers will not redeploy to another theater/TCS station without current immunizations.
(b) Any immunizations specific to the next theater/TCS station must be administered before redeployment.
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
(c) The MEDPROS IMR is updated as required.
(4) A VIP.
It should be verified in the records and in the MEDPROS IMR if a soldier is or should be enrolled in AVIP.

If the soldier is a program member and the next inoculation is due before departure, the soldier receives that shot as scheduled.

If the soldier is required to be a program member but is not, the soldier is enrolled in AVIP and the first shot is scheduled.

A copy of the immunization record is included in the deployment packet.

Name, date of last shot, and due date for the next shot of every AVIP member are provided to the commander.

The MEDPROS IMR is updated as required.

(5) Permanent geographic or climatic duty limitation.
It must verified if a soldier has a profile for a permanent geographic or climatic duty limitation that would preclude redeployment to the next theater/TCS station.

The MEDPROS IMR field "Limited Duty Status (YIN)" and the type, if applicable, are annotated.

(6) Protective mask inserts.
Soldiers who require protective mask inserts must have the necessary inserts.

Protective mask inserts are made for those soldiers who do not have them before departure to the next theater/ TCS station.

This information is recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

Allergies. Any known allergies are recorded in the MEDPROS IMR.

7-12. Dental facility
Dental facility personnel—
Soldiers' dental records are checked for completeness and accuracy, including verification of the presence of a panograph. Soldiers whose dental records do not have a panograph are redeployable only back to the home station until this deficiency is corrected.

The dental portion of DD Form 2796 should be filled out, reviewed, and updated, as necessary, for all soldiers who are redeploying back to the home station.

The dental portion of the MEDPROS IMR Report should be reviewed and updated for all soldiers who are redeploying to another theater/TCS station. The dental field for Active Army soldiers is automatically populated from the Corporate Dental Application and cannot be changed. For RC soldiers, this field is not automatically populated and should be updated when the soldier processes.

The dental portion of DD Form 2795 should be reviewed and updated for all soldiers who are redeploying to another theater/TCS station.

If the redeployment is to another theater/TCS station, each soldier's dental records should be screened and the dental classification checked. For any soldier found to be in dental class 3 or 4, corrective actions must be initiated to eliminate individual soldier nondeployment conditions or the situation reported to the soldier's commander.

7-13. DEERS/RAPIDS/ID cards and tags
DEERS/RAPIDS/ID cards and tags personnel—
Check all soldiers to ensure that they have a current ID card and two tags and issue new ID cards/tags, if required.

Ensure that a new DD Form 1934 is issued to chaplains and medical personnel who require but do not have one.

7-14. Security office
Security office personnel—
Determine whether or not any changes in each soldier's security clearance status occurred during this deployment. If any changes are found, submit the appropriate transactions to update the soldier's Army field personnel information system files (if not current).

Check the status of the following data items and initiate corrective actions, as appropriate:

Geneva Convention briefing. Provide a Geneva Convention briefing to soldiers redeploying to another theater/ TCS station who do not have one listed in their personnel records.

Pending civil felony or military charges. Soldiers with pending civil felony or military charges are not eligible for redeployment without clearance from the Special Court Martial Convening Authority with the advice of the Staff Judge Advocate.

A previous conviction by a tribunal of the foreign country of redeployment. Soldiers with a previous conviction by a foreign tribunal are not redeployable to the country of conviction.

Ongoing investigation for subversion, disaffection, desertion, or criminal conduct by civil or military authorities.

54. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
DODDOA-00971 6
Soldiers under investigation for subversion, disaffection, desertion, or criminal conduct are not redeployable unless HQDA approves an exception to policy.
Check the security clearances of soldiers who are redeploying to another theater/TCS station to ensure that they hold the clearances required for the redeployment and initiate corrective actions as required.

Check soldiers who are assigned to positions under the Personnel Reliability Program per AR 50-5 or AR 50-6 to determine whether or not they are still qualified for those positions.

Provide a briefing on the local laws, customs, and courtesies of the next theater/TCS station to the soldiers who
are redeploying to another theater/TCS station.

7-15. Legal assistance office
When applicable, legal assistance office personnel are responsible for providing assistance to soldiers who need to make or update a will, to designate a power of attorney, and/or counseling on civil matters.
7-16. Transportation office
Transportation office personnel—
If required, assist soldiers in making their personal transportation arrangements.

Assist soldiers who require passports/visas for redeployment to another theater/TCS station in submitting their applications and obtaining these documents under the expedited procedures of AR 55-46 and DODD 1000.21–R.

7-17. Central issue facility
CIF personnel—
Ensure that soldiers turn in the field equipment/chemical defense equipment items that were issued in the theater or at the TCS station.

Check the status of the field equipment/chemical defense equipment that was issued by the home/deployment station.

Review/update the soldiers' personal clothing records.

7-18. Education center
Education center personnel—
Ensure that soldiers enrolled in on-/off-duty courses have completed or submitted the paperwork necessary to withdraw from their courses.

Ensure that soldiers who have borrowed reference materials/equipment from the ALC/MLF return them before departure.

Update DA Form 669.

7-19. ACS center
ACS center personnel will provide assistance to and make referrals for soldiers to alleviate financial and personal hardship conditions, as required.
7-20. Housing or lodging office
This station applies only to soldiers who were quartered in installation permanent or temporary housing or on the economy during the deployment (for example, soldiers deployed to backfill an installation in support of a contingency). Housing or lodging office personnel—
Assist soldiers, as required, to ensure correct housing or lodging clearance and the timely issuance of termination orders.

Ensure that soldiers are held accountable for lost/damaged Government property.

7-21. MWR fund manager
The MWR fund manager—
Identifies and, processes unpaid debts, if any.

Ensures that soldiers who have checked out equipment, books, or uniforms return the item(s) before redeployment.

Ensures that soldiers are held accountable for lost or damaged equipment or uniforms, if any.

7-22. Post exchange
Post exchange personnel identify and process unpaid debts, if any.
7-23. Commissary
Commissary personnel identify and process unpaid debts, if any.
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
7-24. Army emergency relief
AER personnel identify and process unpaid debts, if any.
7-25. Chaplain
Theater/TCS station chaplains ensure that chaplain services are available for all redeploying soldiers. These services include but are not limited to worship services, prayers, administration of sacraments, counseling, literature and religious articles, coordination with family readiness groups, providing information on subjects related to pastoral care (for example, family separation and reunion issues, if the redeployment is back to the home station), and assurance of ongoing religious support.
7-26. ACAP center
ACAP center personnel will ensure that ACAP services are available for soldiers redeploying to another theater/TCS station who are scheduled to transition within 90 days.
7-27. Inspector General
At the discretion of the commander, the Inspector General may establish 'a processing station to assist redeploying soldiers, as needed.
7-28. Military pay office
Military pay office personnel—
Provide partial settlement of the soldiers' travel claims before redeployment to another theater/TCS station, if appropriate.

Update and process the soldiers' pay accounts (including SUREPAY enrollment, entitlements, special pays, federal/state tax withholding forms, allotments, last chargeable leaves, Thrift Savings Plan, and any unpaid debts).

56. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
Appendix A References
Section I Required Publications
This section contains no entries.
Section II Related Publications
A related publication is a source of additional information. The user does not have to read it to understand this

AR 11-2
Management Control

AR 25-55
The Department of the Army Freedom of Information Act Program

AR 25-400-2
The Army Records Information Management System (ARIMS)

AR 37-104-4
Military Pay and Allowances Policy and Procedures—Active Component

AR 40-3
Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Care

AR 40-5
Preventive Medicine

AR 40-63
Ophthalmic Services

AR 40-66
Medical Record Administration and Health Care Documentation

AR 40-501
Standards of Medical Fitness

AR 40-562
Immunizations and Chemoprophylaxis

AR 50-5
Nuclear Surety

AR 50-6
Chemical Surety

AR 55-46
Travel Overseas

AR 55-71
Transportation of Personal Property and Related Services

AR 135-100
Appointment of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Army

AR 135-175
Separation of Officers

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
AR 135-178
Enlisted Administrative Separations
AR 190-5
Motor Vehicle Traffic Supervision
AR 210-50
Housing Management
AR 215-1
Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Activities and Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities
AR 220-1
Unit Status Reporting
AR 340-21
The Army Privacy Program
AR 380-5
Department of the Army Information Security Program
AR 380-67
The Department of the Army Personnel Security Program
AR 600-8
Military Personnel Management
AR 600-8-1
Army Casualty Operations/Assistance/Insurance
AR 600-8-2
Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (Flags)
AR 600-8-7 Retirement Services Program
AR 600-8-8 The Total Army Sponsorship Program
AR 600-8-11 Reassignment
AR 600-8-14 Identification Cards for Members of the Uniformed Services, Their Family Members, and Other Eligible Personnel
AR 600-8-19 Enlisted Promotions and Reductions
AR 600-8-22 Military Awards
AR 600-8-24 Officer Transfers and Discharges
AR 600-8-29 Officer Promotions
AR 600-8-104 Military Personnel Information Management/Records
58. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
AR 600-8-105
Military Orders
AR 600-9
The Army Weight Control Program
AR 600-8-10
Leaves and Passes
AR 600-15
Indebtedness of Military Personnel
AR 600-20
Army Command Policy
AR 600-43
Conscientious Objection
AR 600-60
Physical Performance Evaluation System
AR 600-63
Army Health Promotion
AR 600-110
Identification, Surveillance, and Administration of Personnel Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

AR 601-210
Regular Army and Army Reserve Enlistment Program

AR 601-280

Total Army Retention Program

AR 604-10
Military Personnel Security Program

AR 608-1
Army Community Service Program •

AR 608-10
Child Development Services

AR 608-75
Exceptional Family Member Program

AR 608-99
Family Support, Child Custody, and Paternity

AR 614-6
Permanent Change of Station Policy

AR 614-11
Temporary Duty (TDY)

AR 614-30
Overseas Service

AR 614-100
Officers Assignment Policies, Details, and Transfers

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 20034
AR 614-200
Enlisted Assignments and Utilization Management
AR 621-5
Army Continuing Education System (ACES)
AR 623-105
Officer Evaluation Reporting System
AR 623-205
Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Reporting System
AR 630-10
Absence Without Leave, Desertion, and Administration of Personnel Involved in Civilian Court Processings
AR 635-5
Separations Document
AR 635-10
Processing Personnel for Separation
AR 635-200
Enlisted Personnel
DA Pam 40-506
The Army Vision Conservation and Readiness Program
DA Pam 600-8
Management and Administrative Procedures
DA Pam 600-8-11
Military Personnel Office Separation Processing Procedures
DA Pam 611-21
Military Occupational Classification and Structure
DA Pam 635-4
Preseparation Guide.
CTA 50-900
Common Table of Allowances. (Available from .)
DODD 1000.21
DOD Passport and Passport Agent Services Regulation. (Available at
DODD 1332.35
Transition Assistance for Military Personnel. (Available at
DODI 1332.36
Preseparation Counseling for Military Personnel. (Available at
DODI 2000.16
DOD Antiterrorism Standards. (Available at
JFTR—Vol. 1
Military Members. (Available at
JFTR—Vol. 2
DOD Civilians. (Available at
604 DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
The Soldier's Guide to Citizenship Application. (Available at
Section III
Prescribed Forms
This section contains no entries.
Section IV
Referenced Forms
DA Forms are available on the Army Electronic Library (AEL) CD—ROM EM 0001 and the USAPA Web site (; DD Forms are available from the OSD Web site ( ).
DA Form 2-1—Part H
Personnel Qualification Record
DA Form 31
Request and Authority for Leave
DA Form 137-1
Unit Clearance Record
DA Form 137-2
Installation Clearance Record
DA Form 268
Report To Suspend Favorable Personnel Actions
DA Form 669
Army Continuing Education System (ACES) Record. (Available through normal supply channels.)
DA Form 2173
Statement of Medical Examination and Duty Status
DA Form 3355 Promotion Point Worksheet
DA Form 3955
Change of Address and Directory Card. (Available through normal supply channels.)
DA Form 4037
Officer Record Brief. (Available at .)
DA Form 4591—R
Retention Data Worksheet
DA Form 4697
Department of the Army Report of Survey
DA Form 5123
In- and Out-Processing Records Checklist
DA Form 5123-1
In-Processing Personnel Record
DA Form 5305—R
Family Care Plan
DA Form 7415
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Querying Sheet
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
DA Form 7425
Readiness and Deployment Checklist
DA Label 162
Emergency Medical Identification Symbol. (Available through normal supply channels.)
DD Form 93
Record of Emergency Data
DD Form 362
Statement of Charges/Cash Collection Voucher
DD Form 1934
Geneva Conventions Identity Card for Medical and Religious Personnel Who Serve in or Accompany the Armed Forces. (Available through normal supply channels.)
DD Form 2506
Vehicle Impoundment Report
DD Form 2648
Preseparation Counseling Checklist
DD Form 2697
Report of Medical Assessment
DD Form 2766
Adult Preventive and Chronic Care Flowsheet. (Available through normal forms supply channels.)
DD Form 2766C
Adult Preventive and Chronic Care Flowsheet (Continuation Sheet). (Available through normal supply channels.)
DD Form 2795
Pre-Deployment Health Assessment Questionnaire
DD Form 2796
Post-Deployment Health Assessment Questionnaire
DD Form 2807-1
Report of Medical History
VA Form SGLV 8285
Request for Insurance (Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance). (Available at .)
VA Form SGLV 8285A
Request for Family Coverage (SGLI). (Available at .)
VA Form SGLV 8286
Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Election and Certificate. (Available at .)
VA Form SGLV 8286A
Family Coverage Election and Certificate (SGLI)
62. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
Appendix B Personnel Processing/Eligibility Requirements
B-1. Overview of tables B-1 and B-2
Tables B-1 and B-2 show what personnel processing/eligibility requirement items (the first column) are involved in each of nine personnel processing events (the other nine columns).

The personnel processing/eligibility requirement items are divided into two levels of processing: the battalion/unit level (table B-1) and the installation/community level (table B-2). An "X" in an event column means that, as a minimum, a check must be made to determine whether or not the item is applicable to each soldier. If an event column is blank for an item, the item is not applicable for that event.

B-2. Event column definitions
INPROC. This column shows the in-processing activities described in Chapter 2 of this pamphlet.

SRP/MOB. This column shows the Soldier Readiness Processing and Mobilization requirements of Chapter 4 of this pamphlet. "Ll" in this column means that the item is a Level 1 readiness requirement that must be maintained at all times and checked during routine Soldier Readiness Processing. "L2" means that the item is a Level 2 requirement and applies only to soldiers who have been alerted for an individual TCS move and unit deployments when the home station is not the deployment station in support of a contingency operation; in other words, this is a deployment requirement that must be done at the home station before departure to the deployment station.

TDY 90+ DAYS. This column shows the processing requirements before departure for a period of temporary duty away from the home station for 90 or more days (see chapter 5). "TNG" in this column means that the item is required only if the temporary duty is for training.

TCS/UNIT DEPL. This column shows the processing requirements that are accomplished/validated at the deploy­ment station (see chapter 6). Most of these deployment requirements apply to both individual Temporary Change of Station (TCS) moves and unit deployments. "UNT" in this column means that the item applies only to unit deployments.

REDEPL. This column shows the redeployment processing requirements that must be accomplished before soldiers depart the contingency theater of operations/TCS station (see chapter 7). "ITT" (inter-theater transfer) means that the item applies only if the redeployment is to another theater/TCS station. "TCS" means that the item applies only to soldiers who deployed as individuals in a TCS status; i.e., the item does not apply unit redeployments.

f REINTEGRATION. This column shows the requirements for processing soldiers back into their home stations upon return from a deployment (see chapter 2).
DEMOB. This column shows the processing requirements for demobilizing Reserve Component soldiers (seechapter 3).

PCS. This column shows the processing requirements for soldiers who are departing an installation on a permanent change of station (see chapter 3).

SEP. This column shows the processing requirements for soldiers who are separating from active duty (see chapter 3) for any reason (for example, ETS/ESA, retirement, administrative discharge, and so on).

Table 8--1 Battalion /unit-level personnel processing
Personnel processing/eligibility SRP/ TDY TCS/UNIT REIN-requirements IN-PROC MOB 90+ DAYS DEPL RE-DEPL TEGRATION 0E-MOS PCS SEP
Battalion S1/unit commander
Review of duty status and recording of all absences within 60 days prior to is­suing clearance forms, if any X X X X
Review of records for and recording of adverse actions within 60 days prior to issuing clearance forms, if any X X X X
Statement of Charges/Cash Collection Voucher (DD For 362) L2 X TCS X X X
Report of survey L2 X TCS X X X
Review of entitlements/special pays X L1 X X X X X X X
DA Form 2173 (Line of Duty Investiga-tion) L1 X X X X X

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
Table B-1 Battalion-funk-level personnel processing—Continued

Personnel processing/eligibility SRP/ TDY TCS/UNIT REIN-
Army field personnel information sys- X L1 X X X X X X
tern transaction
Sponsorship appointment X
DA Form 31 (Request and Authority for X X X X X
Award recommendation/ consideration/ ITT/TCS X X X X
Career counselor X X X
Evaluation reports X L2 X ITT/TCS X X X X
Notification to Civilian Personnel Office X X
if soldier will supervise one or more ci­
vilian employees
Flag check/processing X Li X X X X X X X
Duty roster X L2 X UNT TCS X X X X
DA Form 3955 (Mail room) X L2 X UNT X X X X X
Meal card X X X X X
DA Form 5305-R (Family Care Plan) X L1 X X X X
Weight Control Program X . TNG X X
Temporary profile X L2 X X X X X X
Physical profile category 3 or 4 without X L1 X X X X X X
MOS Medical Retention Board clear­
Personnel Readiness File X
DA Form 4591-R (Retention Data X L1 X ITT X
DOD travel charge card X X X X X
Counseling on requirement for over- X L2 X X ITT
seas soldiers to provide financial sup­
port payments to family members in
Medical practitioner cleared by Quality X Li X X
Assurance/Credentials office
Professional Filler System (PROFIS) X X X
duty position
Army Lapel Button X
Army Retired Lapel Button X
Final check to ensure soldier has proc- X L1 X X X X X X X
essed correctly
Battalion 82/3/unit commander
Security clearance check X L1 X X X X
Security briefing/debriefing X L1 X X X X X X
Personnel Tempo (PERSTEMPO) X L1 X X ITT X X X X
Antiterrorism briefing L2 X X ITT X
Training room U X TCS X X X
Training records X L1 X X X X X X
Mission-oriented briefing X X ITT X
Weapons qualification X L1 X X ITT X X

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003

Table B-1
Battalion4unft-level personnel processing—Continued
Personnel processinWeligibIlity SRP/ TDY TCS/UNIT REIN-
Army Physical Fitness Test within the X X X X
last 12 months
Local Area Common Task Training and X L1 X X ITT X
Family member briefing L2 X
Battalion S4/unit commander
Supply room X L2 X TCS X X X X.
Arms room X 12 X TCS X X X X
NBC room X L2 X • TCS X X X X
Protective mask inserts X L1 X X ITT X X X X
Motor pool L2 X TCS X X X
Table B-2
Installation4community-level processing
Personnel processing/eIigibility SRP/ TDY TCS/UNIT REIN-
Replacement activity
Soldier sign in and leave termination X X X
Army field personnel information sys- X X X
tern transactions
Temporary billeting, food service, and X X X
other support processing
Processing briefings X X X
Check to ensure soldier's readiness to X X X
move to assigned unit
Processing control station
Installation/community level briefing . X L1 X X X X X X
Designate which stations each soldier X L1 X X X X X X X
must process through
Final processing check/clearance X L1 X X X X X X X
Personnel information station
Enlisted Record Brief X L1 X X X X X X X
DA Form 4037 (Officer Record Brief X L1 X X X X X X X
(ORB) for Active Army Commissioned
and Warrant Officers)
DA Form 2-1 (Personnel Qualification X Li X X X X X X X
Record-Part II) for Active Army enlisted
soldiers and all RC soldiers
Officer Evaluation Report/Noncommis- X
sioned Officer Evaluation Report verifi­
cation and transaction
DD Form 93 (Record of Emergency X L1 X X X X X
DA Form 3355 (Promotion Point X L1 X X X X X X
VA Form SGLV 8285 (Request for In- X L1 X X X X X X X
surance (Servicemembers' Group Life

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003

Table B-2 Instellation4community-level processing—Continued

Personnel processing/eligibility SRP/ TDY TCS/UNIT REIN-
VA Form SGLV 8286 (Servicemem- X Li X X X X X X X
bers' Group Life Insurance Election
and Certificate)
VA Form SGLV 8285A (Request for X Li X X X X X X X
Family Coverage (SGLI)
VA Form SGLV 8286A (Family Cover- X Li X X X X X X X
age Election and Certificate (SGLI)
Name X Ll X X X X X X X
Military personnel code X Li X X X X X X X
Citizenship X Li X X X X X X X
Rank X Li X X X X X X X
Date of Rank X Li X X X X X X X
Promotion status X Li X X X X X
Linguist qualifications X Li X X X X X X X
Unit of assignment X Li X X X X X X X
Basic active service date X Li X X X X X X X
Pay entry basic date X Li X X X X X X X
Date Initially Entered Military Service X Li X X X X X X X
Fewer than 7 days to ETS X Li X ITT X X X X
Sufficient time to serve minimum re- X X X
quired time of tour before ETS/ESA
Marital status X Li X X X X X X X
Spouse's name X Li X X X X X X X
Spouse's SSN X Li X X X X X X X
Spouse's military personnel code X Li X X X X X X X
Number of family members X Li X X X X X X X
Command sponsored family members X Li X X X X X
Date family members arrived overseas X X X X
Military education.• X Li X X X X X X X
Civilian education X Li X X X X X X X
Physical category X Li X X X X X X
Physical profile category 3 or 4 without X Li X ITT X X X
a record of retention by MMRB/PEB
Religious preference X Li X ITT X
Regimental affiliation/home base X X X X X X
Current/last foreign service tour X X X X X X
Last permanent change of station X X
Completed required amount of time on
Date retumed from overseas/ date of X X X X X X X
estimated return from overseas
CONUS preference X X
66 . DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003


Table B-2 Installation4communfty-level processing—Continued

Personnel processing/eligiblItty requirements IN-PROC SRP/ MOB TDY 90+ DAYS TCS UNIT DEPL RE-DEPL REIN-TEGRATION DE-MOS PCS SEP
OCONUS preference X X X
Profile for a permanent geographic or climatic duty limitation X Li X X ITT X X X
German alien X L1 X X ITT X X X
Turkish or dual U.S./Turkish national X Li X X ITT X X X
Sole surviving son or daughter X L1 X X ITT X X X
A family member whose death, 100 percent mental or physical disability, or becoming MIA or PW occurred while serving in an officially designated hos­tile firefimminent danger area X L1 X X ITT X X X
A family member assigned to the same unit X Li X ITT X
Former PW or hostage status X Li X X ITT X X X
Former Peace Corps member X Li X X ITT X X X
Stabilized - X
Nomination for appointment to USMA, USNA, USAFA, or USCGA X Li X X
Application for Officer Candidate School or Warrant Officer Candidate School before being alerted X Li X X
Selection for SGM Academy, a senior service college, or a command staff college X L1 X X X
Approval to attend an Army service school or a senior academy prep school before being alerted X Li X X X
For enlisted soldiers, completion of IET; for warrant officers, completion of the Warrant Officer Basic Course and MOS qualified; for officers, completion of an officer basic course X Li X X X X X'
Mother of a newbom child X L1 X X X X
Single parenVmember of a military couple adopting a child X LI X X X X
Approved bar to reenlistment X X X
One time nonselect to CPT or MAJ X X X
Conscientious objector status X Li X X ITT X X X
Pending separation under AR 135-100, AR 135-175, AR 135-178, AR 600-8-24, or AR 635-200 X LI X X ITT X X
HIV test date/status X L1 X X ITT X X X
11 cumulative months TDY/TCS during any 24 month period in area where 'all others" tour length is 12-18 months or in an isolated area where tour length has not been established. If so, were tour credit awarded and DROS ad­justed? X X X

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003

Table B-2 Installation-lcommunity-level processing—Continued

Personnel processing/eligibility SRP/ TDY TCS/UMT REIN-
18 cumulative months TDY/TCS in X X
areas where 'all others' tour is 18 or
fewer months or in isolated areas
where tour length has not been estab­
lished. If so, was credit for a completed
unaccompanied short tour awarded?
At least 45 consecutive days in TCS/ X X X
TDY status overseas or an insufficient
amount of time in PCS/TCS/TDY sta­
tus to receive credit for a completed
tour. It so, was DROS adjusted?
At least 61 consecutive days TDY/TCS X X X
30 or more consecutive days of TDY, X L1 X X
TCS, or unit deployment time in sup­
port of an 00TW mission
A record of wrongful sale, possession, X X X X
or use of habit forming narcotic drugs,
controlled substances, or marijuana
Enlistment or reenlistment contract pro- X L2 X X ITT X X
Recall to active duty from retirement X L1 ITT X X
Military driver's license X L1 X ITT X X X
Personnel strength management review items
Enlisted Record Brief or Officer Record X X ITT X
Missed promotion while in transit (es- X X ITT X
pecially SGT and below)
Assignment Eligibility and Availability X X
Physical category X X ITT X
Exceptional Family Member Program X X
Regimental affiliation X X
Enlistment or reenlistment contract pro- X X ITT X
Special duty assignment pay X X ITT X
Enlistment bonus X X ITT X
Reenlistment bonus X X ITT X
Assignment qualifications and consid- X X ITT X
Determine duty assignment X X ITT X
Assignment orders X L2 1 X ITT X X X X
Personnel management station
Turn in/pick up personnel documents X X
Promotion packet for soldiers below X L1 X X ITT X X
the rank of SSG
Eligibility for any boards X L1 X X ITT X X
Soldier review of packets for any X L1 X X ITT X X
boards for which eligible

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003

Table B-2 Installation4community-level processing—Continued

Personnel processing/eligibIlity SRP/ TDY TCS/UNIT REIN-
Exceptional Family Member Program X X X
(EFMP) Querying Sheet (DA Form
Record of a conviction of a misde- X L1 X X X X X X
meanor crime of domestic violence
Medical facility
Health record review (use DD Form X L1 X X X X X X
DD Form 2766 (Adult Preventive and X L1 X X X X X X
Chronic Care Flowsheet)
Medical Protection System X L1 X ITT X X X
,(MEDPROS) Individual Medical Readi­
ness (IMR) Report
DD Form 2795 (Pre-Deployment X L1 X ITT X X
Health Assessment Questionnaire)
DID Form 2796 (Post-Deployment X X X
Health Assessment Questionnaire)
Preassignment medical surveillance X X
Potential exposure to health hazards in X X
work environment
Notification to occupational medicine X X
Health risk appraisal X X
Preventive medicine briefing X X X ITT X
HIV test X L1 X X ITT X X X X
Blood type X L1 X X X X X
Evidence of drug/alcohol abuse X L1 X X X X X
Evidence of psychiatric problems X L1 X X X X X X
Pregnancy status X L1 X X X X X
Periodic medical examination X L1 X X ITT X X X X
Examinations for soldiers who have L2 UNT X X X X X
worked around loud noises, radiation,
and certain heavy metals
Assigned to quarters or a medical L1 X X X X X X X
treatment facility
Temporary profile X L1 X X ITT X X X
Physical profile category 3 or 4 without X L1 X X ITT X X X
a record of retention by MMRB/MEB/
Immunizations X L1 X X ITT X X X
Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Pro- X L1 X X ITT X X X
DNA collection record X L1 X X X X X X
Profile for a permanent geographic or X L1 X X ITT X X X
climatic duty limitation
Medical warning tags X L1 X X X X X X
Eye glasses and lens X L1 X X X X X X
Protective mask inserts X L1 X X ITT X X X X
Hearing aid and extra batteries X L1 X X X X X X
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003 . 69


Table B-2 Installation-/community-level processing--Continued
Personnel processing/eligibIllty requirements IN-PROC SAP/ MOB TDY 90+ DAYS TCS/UNIT DEPL RE-DEPL REIN-TEGRATION DE-MOB PCS SEP
90 day supply of personal prescription medications L2 X X X X
Allergies X L1 X X ITT X X X X
Annual Medical Certificate (RC soldiers only) L1
DO Form 2697 (Report of Medical As-sessment) X X
TRICARE Service Center Health Benefits advisor or medical element equivalent
Provide information and counseling on TRICARE enrollment process, family member health care options, and how to obtain health care X X X
Provide applications for and counseling on TRICARE dental insurance X X X
Dental facility
Dental record completeness/ accuracy check X L1 X X X X X X
Panograph X LI X X X X X
DD Form 2795 (Pre-Deployment Health Assessment Questionnaire) X L1 X ITT X X
DD Form 2796 (Post-Deployment Health Assessment Questionnaire) X X X
Dental Class 3 or 4 X L1 X X ITT X X X X
Orthodontic appliance(s) LI X
DEERS/RAPIDS ID cards/tags
ID cards X LI X X X X X X X
ID tags X Ll X X X X X X
DEERS/RAPIDS enrollment X L1 X X X X X X
DEERS/RAPIDS data entry and date for residential address X Li X X
DD Form 1934 (Geneva Convention Identity Card for Medical and Religious Personnel Who Serve in or Accom­pany the Armed Forces X L1 X X X X X X
Security office
Security clearance/access eligibility X LI X ITT X
Security clearance determination X L1 X X X X
Personnel Reliability Program X L1 X X X X
Geneva Convention briefing X LI X X ITT X
Pending civil felony charges X 1.1 X X X X X
Pending military charges X L1 X X X X X X X
Previous conviction by tribunal of coun-try where soldier is going/has arrived X L2 X X ITT X X
Ongoing investigation for subversion, disaffection, or criminal conduct by civil or military authorities X LI X X X X X X X
Briefing on local laws, customs, and courtesies X X X ITT X

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003

Table B-2 Installation-/community-level processing—Continued
Personnel processing/eligibility SRP/ TOY TCS/UNIT REIN-requirements IN-PROC MOB 90+ DAYS DEPL RE-DEPL TEGRATION DEMOB PCS SEP
Army field personnel information sys-X Li X X X X tem transaction
Legal assistance office
Will X Li X X X X X
Power of Attorney X LI X X X X X
Counseling on civil matters X L'I X X X X X
Information on reemployment rights L'I X X under the Employer Support to the Guard and Reserve program to mobi­lized RC soldiers
Transportation office
Request for unaccompanied baggage X L2 X X X X X
Request for shipment/storage/ receipt X L2 X X X X X
of household goods
Request for POV shipment/ storage/re- X L2 X X X X X
Briefing on transportation and move- L2 X X X X
ment entitlements
Soldier transportation arrangements L2 X X X X X X
Claims for damage X X
Passport/Visa X Ll X X ITT X X
Central issue facility
Field equipment X U X X X X X X
Chemical defense equipment X L2 X X X X X X
Personal clothing record X U X X X X X X
Education center
Counseling on local educational oppor- X X
Counseling on educational/career X X
Benefits information X X X X X
Testing X X
Update the DA Form 669 (Army Con- X U X UNT X X X X X
tinuing Education System (ACES) Re­
Referral to educational/training X X
courses, as applicable
Review/update tuition assistance sta- X X X X X
Process tuition assistance recoupment X X X
Return of borrowed reference L2 X UNT X X X X
materials/equipment to Army Learning
Center/Multi-use Learning Facility
Withdrawal from on-/off duty courses U X UNT X X X X
Army Community Service Center
Exceptional Family Member Program . X . X

. ........
Assistance X L2 X X X X X X X
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003

Table B-2 Installation-/community-level processing—Continued
Personnel processing/eligibillty SAP/ TDY TCS/UNIT REIN-

Referrals X L2 X X X X X X X Family readiness groups X L2 X X X X Mandatory personal financial readiness X X
training for first term soldiers Preparation for conducting reunion for family members •
Provost marshal
.. ....
Vehicle registration/storage X X X X X X
... . ...

Weapon registration/disposition X L2 X X X X X
Housing office
On-and off-post housing information X X Request for Government housing X X Request for Government housing X X X
clearance LosVdamaged Government property X X X Termination orders X X X Notification of absence to Housing Of-L2 X LINT
fice or landlord
Commercial activities
Open accounts X X Deposits/deposit waivers X X Close accounts X X Deposit refunds X X
Child and youth services/school liaison officer
Ix' I.
I.I.I 1 x.
Morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR) fund manager
Training aids center
I.L2.I.I.UNT I X I.x Post exchange
I.x l I x.I x I
I.I.I IX I x.I X I.X
Army Emergency Relief
I.x I I X.I x I
I.12.I.I.X I.X I X
Lodging office
x I.1 I.x X I
ACAP center
X.I.L2.I.x.IX I.
ITT I x I x I.x
Reserve Component Career Counselor
I I.
Inspector General X Ll X X X X X
x.I x
Military pay SUREPAY enrollment X X X X X X Update pay account X X
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003

Table B-2
Installation4communIty-level processing—Continued
Personnel processing/eligibility SAP/ TDY TCSIUNIT REIN-
Entitlements/Special Pays X LI X X X X X X X
Federal/state tax withholding forms X Ll X X X X X X X
Travel voucher submission/pay proces- X X ITT X X X X
Allotments X Ll X X X X X
Last chargeable leave X Ll X X X X X X
Thrift Savings Plan X Ll X X X X X X • X
Debt processing X X X X X X X
Separation pay processing X X

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
Section I
Army Community Service
AEA assignment eligibility and availability
army emergency relief
Adjutant General
Army regulation
basic allowance for subsistence
basic active service date
central issue facility
cost of living allowance
continental United States
DA Department of the Army
date eligible for return from overseas
Department of Defense
Department of Defense instruction
date returned from overseas
enlistment bonus
ESA expiration of service agreement
expiration term of service
FSA family separation allowance
74. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
HQDA Headquarters, Department of the Army
initial entry training
missing in action
military occupational specialty
MWR morale, welfare, and recreation
•nuclear, biological, chemical
OCONUS outside Continental United States
Officer Candidate School
OER officer evaluation report
ORB officer record brief
Pam pamphlet
PCS permanent change of station
PEB Physical Evaluation Boari
PEBD pay entry basic date
POV privately owned vehicle
PW prisoner of war
RC Reserve Components
SGM sergeant major
SGT sergeant
SOCOM Special Operations Command
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
SSG staff sergeant
SSN social security number
TCS temporary change of station
TDY temporary duty
UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice
Coast Guard Academy USMA

Military Academy USNA

Naval Academy

Section II Terms
base operations
Specific installation wide services (for example, personnel processing, retirement services, retention, and casualty area command services).
combat service support
The process used to provide certain types of administrative, logistics, and morale support to Army units in the execution of their missions.
command and staff
A staff section headed by the command's senior military personnel manager (for example, installation AG, division Gl/ AG or corps AG).
commercial activities
Representatives from non-Army activities, residing on or off post, which provide soldier and family support services. Representatives from these activities, upon installation/community commander approval, may conduct their enrollment, payment, and disenrollment business in the personnel center in exchange for being included in the central clearance system.
CONUS Replacement Center An organization designated to process soldiers who are deploying as individuals from the Continental United States to an overseas location in support of a contingency operation.
date initially entered military service
The earliest date of enlistment, induction, or appointment in a regular or reserve component of any U.S. uniformed service as an enlisted member, Senior Reserve Officer Training Corps program member, ROTC scholarship program member, uniformed service academy cadet, warrant officer, or commissioned officer. Breaks in service do not change this date. The sole use of this date is to determine the retirement pay plan for which a soldier is eligible.
direct support
The support provided by Personnel Service Centers.
extended TDY
Temporary duty at another station for more than 90 days.
76. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
A military personnel activity that is the basis for a single source regulation. Functions subdivide military personnel
operation in the field into manageable segments.
home station
The permanent duty station of Active Army soldiers and the permanent location of Active Army, Army National Guard, and U.S. Army Reserve units (installation, armory, center, or location). For mobilized RC soldiers called to active duty as individuals (for example, Individual Ready Reserve soldiers), the mobilization station is the home station.
An activity that welcomes and integrates individual soldiers into their new duty stations. This process ensures that all incoming soldiers meet the readiness criteria for deployment or that deficiencies are identified and reported to the gaining unit commanders. In-processing stations are staffed by a host of installation level agencies and the replacement activity, usually under the staff supervision of the Division Gl/adjutant general or installation adjutant general, and are usually, but not always, located in one building or general area. In-processing begins when a soldier reports to a new installation or a new command on the same post and ends when a soldier physically arrives (and signs in) at the gaining unit or battalion.
installation support modules
The official Army system that provides automation support for selected installation management functions. The in­processing (INPROC) module facilitates the in-processing of soldiers into an Army installation, and the out-processing (OUTPROC) module supports the out-processing of soldiers who are departing an installation.
mobilization station
The designated military installation (active, semiactive, or state owned/controlled) to which a mobilized RC unit is moved for further processing, organizing, equipping, training, and/or employment and from which the unit may move to an aerial or sea port of embarkation. It is also a military installation to which mobilized Individual Ready Reserve soldiers are ordered to report for processing, equipping, training, and deployment or employment.
An activity that administratively prepares individual soldiers for movement to another duty station, for transfer to another command at the same location, or for departing the installation for transition from active duty to a different status (for example, separation, discharge, release from active duty, retiring, or demobilizing). Out-processing ensures that only qualified soldiers depart on a permanent change of station and that their readiness status is reported to the losing and gaining commanders. Out-processing also provides the Army a final opportunity to identify and collect payment for debts owed by soldiers who are leaving active duty before they depart.
personnel processing program
The personnel processing program consists of the following administrative requirements for active duty soldiers to ensure their readiness for deployment:

Soldier Readiness Program processing.

Mobilization processing.

Deployment processing.

Redeployment processing.
f Extended temporary duty processing.


personnel tempo
The term used to describe the amount of time a soldier spends on deployment. For PERSTEMPO purposes, deploy­ment time is time the soldier spends performing official duties at a location or under circumstances where it is impossible or impractical for the soldier to spend off duty time in the quarters where he/she resides when performing garrison duties at the home station. For example, a soldier will be credited with a deployment (PERSTEMPO) day if the day away begins on one calendar day and ends on the next calendar day.
A general statement that governs the objectives of a functional area within the purview of the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, the policy proponent.
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
port of embarkation .
An air or sea terminal at which troops, units, military sponsored personnel, unit equipment, and materiel board and/or
are loaded.
Presidential Reserve call-up authority
The provision of a public law that authorizes the President to activate no more than 200,000 members of the reserve (the total from all services) for a maximum of 270 days without declaring a national emergency.
processing center
The name for a building or area where soldiers are in- and out-processed, usually under the staff supervision of the division G 1/adjutant general or the installation adjutant general. It becomes a work unit of the mobilization and deployment center during mobilization.
processing control station
The work station at installation in-/out-processing centers that is responsible for directing, coordinating, and performing the quality control checks for installation/community level personnel processing activities. If personnel processing is performed at a locatioa that does not have an in-/out-processing center (e.g., a contingency theater of operations), the PROC CS is the duty section designated by the local commander to perform this task.
An Army organization or staff that has been assigned the primary responsibility for material or subject matter in its area of interest.
The processing of soldiers who have returned from a deployment (either an individual TCS or a unit deployment) back into the home station. Reintegration is a modified version of in-processing. At some installations, reintegration is called a "reverse SRP."
Reserve Component(s)
The Army has two Reserve Components: the U.S. Army Reserve and the Army National Guard.
U.S. Army commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted personnel.
Soldier Readiness Program processing requirements
A set of administrative processing requirements that must be met before soldiers can deploy, either as individuals or as participants in a unit movement. They are HQDA policy and directive in nature; were agreed upon by the Army's leadership; and apply to both the Active Army and the Reserve Components.
Soldier Readiness Program Level 1 State of Readiness
The administrative readiness requirements for deployment that should be met and maintained at all times.
Soldier Readiness Program Level 2 State of Readiness
Applies only to soldiers who have been alerted for movement as individuals to a deployment station or a TCS station and to unit deployments when the home station is not the deployment station in support of a contingency (for example, a TCS move). Level 2 requirements include all of those in Level 1 plus some items that cannot be met until after the soldier has been alerted for a specific deployment and must be accomplished before departure from the home station (that is, these items cannot be done at a deployment or TCS station).
The division of work within a function. For example, the function of personnel processing subdivides into in-, out-, Soldier Readiness Program, mobilization, deployment, redeployment, reintegration, and demobilization processing.
The major subdivision of a function or subfunction. It is the lowest level of work that has meaning to the doer, has a definite beginning and ending, and can be measured.
temporary change of station
The temporary reassignment of individual soldiers in support of a named contingency. TCS soldiers may be reassigned as augmentees or temporary fillers to deployed or deploying units or as fillers to non-deploying units. TCS soldiers remain members of their home station units and will return to their permanent home stations upon redeployment unless
78. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
otherwise directed by HQDA. Command and control and personnel service support are the responsibilities of the gaining unit commanders and supporting personnel services battalions of TCS soldiers; therefore, TCS soldiers have the same responsibilities and privileges as permanently assigned unit members for the duration of their temporary assignments.
A team, platoon, company, detachment, task force, etc., of soldiers that has an official name (e.g., 1st Platoon, Company A, 5th Battalion) or a unique unit identification code (UIC).
work center
A clearly defined organizational element recognized by MS3 as the basis for manpower requirements.
Section III Special Abbreviations and Terms
This publication uses the following abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms not contained in AR 310-50.
Army Career and Alumni Program
ACES Army Continuing Education System
area of concentration
Army Physical Fitness Test
Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program
basic allowance for housing
Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
common task training
Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System
date initially entered military service
date of last PCS
deoxyribo nucleic acid
Exceptional Family Member Program
enlisted record brief
hardship duty pay
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
human immunodeficiency virus
imminent danger pay
individual deployment site
individual medical readiness
Medical Protection System
MOS Medical Retention Board
military personnel code
military personnel division
noncommissioned officer report
Officer Basic Course
overseas housing allowance
operations other than war
personnel tempo
personnel information station
Presidential Reserve call-up
processing control station
personnel services battalion
personnel service center
personnel strength management station
80. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
RAPIDS Realtime Automated Personnel Identification System
SDAP special duty assignment pay
Soldier Readiness Program
TA tuition assistance
U.S. Air Force Academy
Warrant Officer Basic Course
WOOS Warramt Officer Candidate School
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003.
This index is organized alphabetically by topic and by suptopic within a topic. Topics and subtopics are identified by paragraph number.
Antiterrorism Force Protection Awareness Training
Deployment processing, 6-5
Extended temporary duty processing, 5-4
Mobilization processing, 4-4
Out-processing, 3-4
Redeployment processing, 7-4
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-4

Army Career and Alumni Program center
Deployment processing, 6-25
Extended Temporary Duty processing, 5-18
In-processing, 2-23
Out-processing, 3-28
Redeployment processing, 7-26
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-23

Army Community Services center
Deployment processing, 6-19
Extended Temporary Duty processing, 5-15
In-processing, 2-16
Mobilization processing, 4-17
Out-processing, 3-17
Redeployment processing, 7-19
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-17

Army Emergency Relief
Out-processing, 3-26
Redeployment processing, 7-24

Army Lapel Button, 3-3 Army Retired Lapel Button, 3-3
Battalion Si
Deployment processing requirements, 6-4
Extended Temporary Duty processing requirements, 5-3
In-processing requirements, 2-26
Mobilization processing requirements, 4-3
Out-processing requirements, 3-3
Redeployment processing requirements, 7-3
Soldier Readiness Program processing requirements, 4-3

Battalion S2/3
Deployment processing requirements, 6-5
Extended Temporary Duty processing requirements, 5-4
In-processing requirements, 2-27
Mobilization processing requirements, 4-4
Out-processing requirements, 3-4
Redeployment processing requirements, 7-4
Soldier Readiness Program processing requirements, 4-4

Battalion S4
Deployment processing requirements, 6-6
Extended Temporary Duty processing requirements, 5-5
In-processing requirements, 2-28
Mobilization processing requirements, 4-5
Out-processing requirements, 3-5
Redeployment processing requirements, 7-5
Soldier Readiness Program processing requirements, 4-5

Central issue facility
82. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
Deployment processing, 6-17
In-processing, 2-14
Mobilization processing, 4-15
Out-processing, 3-15
Redeployment processing, 7-17
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-15

Deployment processing, 6-24
In-processing, 2-21
Mobilization processing, 4-22
Redeployment processing, 7-25
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-22

Child and Youth Services
in-processing, 2-20
Out-processing, 3-21

Commercial activities
in-processing, 2-19
Out-processing, 3-20

out-processing, 3-25
Redeployment processing, 7-23

Deployment processing, 6-13
Extended Temporary Duty processing, 5-11
In-processing, 2-11
Mobilization processing, 4-11
Out-processing, 3-12
Redeployment processing, 7-13
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-1 1

Dental facility
Deployment processing, 6-12
Extended Temporary Duty processing, 5-10
In-processing, 2-10
Mobilization processing, 4-10
Out-processing, 3-11
Redeployment processing, 7-12
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-10

Education center
Deployment processing, 6-18
Extended Temporary Duty processing, 5-14
In-processing, 2-15
Out-processing, 3-16
Redeployment processing, 7-18
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-16

Housing office
Deployment processing, 6-21
Extended Temporary Duty processing, 5-16
In-processing, 2-18
Out-processing, 3-19
Redeployment processing, 7-20
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-19

ID Cards and Tags
Deployment processing, 6-13
Extended Temporary Duty processing, 5-11
In-processing, 2-11

DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003 .
Mobilization processing, 4-11
Out-processing, 3-12
Redeployment processing, 7-13
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-11

Inspector General
Deployment processing, 6-26
Extended Temporary Duty processing, 5-19
In-processing, 2-24
Mobilization processing, 4-24
Out-processing, 3-30
Redeployment processing, 7-27
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-24

Legal assistance office
Deployment processing, 6-15
Extended Temporary Duty processing, 5-13
In-processing, 2-26
Mobilization processing, 4-13
Out-processing, 3-3
Redeployment processing, 7-15
Soldier Readiness processing, 4-13

Lodging office
in-processing, 2-22
out-processing, 3-27
Redeployment processing, 7-20

Medical facility
Deployment processing, 6-11
Extended temporary duty processing, 5-9
In-processing, 2-8
Mobilization processing, 4-9
Out-processing, 3-9
Redeployment processing, 7-11
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-9

Military pay office
Deployment processing, 6-27
Extended Temporary Duty processing, 5-20
In-processing, 2-25
Mobilization processing, 4-25
Out-processing, 3-31
Redeployment processing, 7-28
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-25

Morale, Welfare, and Recreation fund manager
Deployment processing, 6-22
Extended temporary duty processing, 5-17
Out-processing, 3-22
Redeployment processing, 7-21
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-20

Personnel information station
Deployment processing, 6-8
Extended temporary duty processing, 5-7
In-processing, 2-5
Mobilization processing, 4-7
Out-processing, 3-7
Redeployment processing, 7-8
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-7

Personnel management station
84. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003

Deployment processing, 6-10
Extended temporary duty processing, 5-8
In-processing, 2-7
Mobilization processing, 4-8
Out-processing, 3-8
Redeployment processing, 7-10
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-8

Personnel processing/eligibility requirements, 1-4 Personnel strength management station
Deployment processing, 6-9
In-processing, 2-6
Mobilization processing, 4-7
Redeployment processing, 7-9
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-7

Personnel tempo
Deployment processing, 6-5
Extended temporary duty processing, 5-4
In-processing, 2-27
Out-processing, 3-4
Redeployment processing, 7-4
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-4

Post exchange
out-processing, 3-24
Redeployment processing, 7-22

Processing control station
Deployment processing, 6-7
Extended temporary duty processing, 5-6
In-processing, 2-4
Mobilization processing, 4-6
Out-processing, 3-6
Redeployment processing, 7-7
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-6

Provost marshal office
Deployment processing, 6-20
In-processing, 2-17
Out-processing, 3-18
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-18

Purpose, 1-1
References, 1-2 Replacement activity
in-processing, 2-3
Redeployment processing, 7-6

School liaison officer
in-processing, 2-20
Out-processing, 3-21

Security office
Deployment processing, 6-14
Extended temporary duty processing, 5-12
In-processing, 2-12
Mobilization processing, 4-12
Out-processing, 3-13
Redeployment processing, 7-14
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-12

Training aids center
Deployment processing, 623
DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003 .
Out-processing, 3-23
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-21

Transportation office
Deployment processing, 6-16
Extended temporary duty processing, 5-13
In-processing, 2-13
Out-processing, 3-14
Redeployment processing, 7-16
Soldier Readiness Program processing, 4-14

TRICARE Service center health benefits advisor or the medical element equivalent
in-processing, 2-9
Out-processing, 3-10

86. DA PAM 600-8-101 • 28 May 2003
— PIN:.080620-000 DATE:.05-23-03 TIME:.10:26:40 PAGES SET: 90
DATA FILE:.C:\wincomp\p600-8-101.fil DOCUMENT: DA PAM 600-8-101
