CID Report (Death): 0014-03-CID919-63732

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<p>An investigation into the death of Basim Mohammed Hussein (ISN 11672), a detainee who died on July 12, 2003 at Camp Cropper, Baghdad, Iraq.&nbsp; The cause of death was determined to be from internal bleeding in the lungs due to cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis. The manner of death was determined to be natural.</p>

Investigative File
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Sunday, November 7, 2004

FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY UNITED STATES CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION COMMAND BALAD BRANCH OFFICE 307th MILITARY POLICE DET (CID) LSA ANACONDA, IZ APO AE 09391 CLOP-OP (195)) 21 July 04 MEMORANDUM FOR SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION - FINAL SUPPLEMENTAL­0014-03-C1D919-63732 - 5H9A DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: 1.12 JUL 2003/0445 HRS - 12 JUL 2003/0515 HRS; CAMP CROPPER, GRID COORDINATES 38MB 2737 8690, BAGHDAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (BIAP), IRAQI, APO AE 09335 DATE/TIME REPORTED: 06 SEP 2003/0900 INVESTIGATED BY: SA 74%-/, SUBJECT: 1. NONE; [NATURAL DEATH]. VICTIM: 1. HUSSAIN, MOHAMMED, BASIM; CIV; 01 JAN 77; M; DETAINEE NUMBER 11672; CAPTURE TAG NUMBER, 0365940 (NF1) [NATURAL DEATH] INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: This investigation was initiated upon notification by THE IOth MP BN (CID). Investigation established Mr. HUSSAIN died while in the custody of US Forces at Camp Cropper, Baghdad International Airport, Baghdad, Iraq. An autopsy revealed MR HUSSAIN's Cause of Death was internal bleeding in the lungs due to Cavitary Pulmonary Tuberculosis. The Manner of Death was deemed to be natural. Further investigation revealed capture documents pertaining to Mr. HUSSAIN were maintained at the Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF), Abu Ghraib, Iraq. Included in these records was the medical treatment record documenting the treatment Mr. HUSSAIN received immediately prior to his death. - STATUTES: NOT APPLICABLE ADDED ATTACHED: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 16. Agent's Investigation Report of SA .-i.14 Jun 04, detailing the attempt to locate records pertaining to Mr. HUSSAIN. 17. Detainee file pertaining to Mr. HUSSAIN. ADDED NOT ATTACHED: None The original of Exhibit 16 is forwarded with the USACRC copy of this report. The original of Exhibit 17 is maintained in the Magistrate Cell Administration, BCCF, Abu Ghraib, Iraq. STATUS: This is a Final Supplemental Report. Report Prepared and Approved By: /Y DISTRIBUTION: -DIR, USACRC (original), Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 1 - AFIP, ATTN: OAFME, ROCKVILLE, MD 1 - THRU: CDR, 22nd MP Bn (CID) (FWD) (electronic mail) THRU: CDR, 3rd MP Group (CID) (FWD) TO: CDR, USACIDC, (ATTN: CIOP-CO) 1 - File FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY UNITED STATES CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION COMMAND BALAD BRANCH OFFICE 307TH MILITARY POLICE DET (CID) LSA ANACONDA, IZ APO AE 09391 CIOP-OP (195) 13 NOV 03 MEMORANDUM FOR SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION - FINAL "C" - 0014-03- CID919-63732 - 5H9A DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: 1. 12 JUL 2003/0445 HRS - 12 JUL 2003/0515 HRS; CAMP CROPPER, GRID COORDINATES 38MB273778690, BAGHDAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (BIAP), IRAQI, APO AE 09335 DATE/TIME REPORTED: 06 SEP 2003/0900 INVESTIGATED BY: SA /' 12b SUBJECT: 1. NONE; [NATURAL DEATH]. VICTIM: 1. . BASIM MOHAMMED HUSSAIN; CIV; 01 JAN 77; M; DETAINEE NUMBER, 11672; CAPTURE TAG NUMBER, 0365940 (NFI)[NATURAL DEATH] INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: th This investigation was initiated upon notification by 10 MP BN (CID). Investigation established MR HUSSAIN died while in the custody of US Forces at Camp Cropper, Baghdad International Airport, Baghdad, Iraq. An autopsy revealed MR HUSSAIN's cause of Death was mass internal bleeding in the lungs due to Cavitary Pulmonary Tuberculosis. The Manner of death was deemed to be natural. STATUTES: NOT APPLICABLE EXHIBITS/SUBSTANTIATION: ATTACHED: 1. Agent's Investigative Report (AIR) of SA 76,b6•/ 14 JUL 03, detailing the initial notification and initial FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CIOP-OP SUBJ: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: 0014-03-CID919-6373215F198 information gathered about the victim, the death scene. And the initial interview of the medical personnel at the scene and the physician's assistant. 2.SwOrn statement of SGT C/A,.. 12 JUL 03, detailing his actions as the first medic on scene. 3.Sworn statement of SGT 2:.-66-4, 12 JUL 03, detailing his actions as the military policeman that noticed the inmate coughing up. blood and alerted for medical attention. 4.Sworn statement of (PA) CPT 196312 JUL 03, detailing his. actions as the first medical officer on scene. 5.Sworn statement of SSG -.Z4 12 JUL 03, detailing his actions as the military police supervisor alerted by SGT 16-6'6 te, to get medical attention. 6.Sworn statement of SPC 16.J0&-Zn , 12 JUL 03, detailing his actions as the military policeman that also alerted SSG le(2,64 7.Memo for Commander 800" MP, Death of a detainee in US custody. 8.Medication administration record. 9.Medical records of the detainee 11672 10.Four photographic images of the death scene. 11.Evidence form DA 4137, 12 JUL 03, 12.Preliminary autopsy report of Mr. HUSSAIN, 12 JUL 2003 by DR.(CAPT, USN) X/6145. . ME number not found, however the autopsy # is 071303. 13.Armed Forces Institute of Pathology evidence form AFIP 1323,12 JUL 03, liver, spleen, kidney and left lung. 14.Certificate of Death for Mr. HUSSAIN by DR.(LTC) 1461 12 JUL 03/1100 NOT ATTACHED: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY -2 -.. CIOP-OP SUBJ: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: 0014-03-CID9I9-63732/5H98 15.Compact disk consisting of photographic images of patient X-rays submitted as evidence, 12 JUL 03. The originals of exhibits 1 through 14 were forwarded with the USACRC copy of this report. The originals of exhibit 15 was submitted as evidence and retained in the evidence depository Camp Arif Jan, Kuwait. STATUS:•This is a final "C" report. This investigation is being terminated in accordance with CID regulation 195-1, paragraph 4-17 a (8)(a), wherein medical authorities determined the death resulted from natural causes and there was no evidence to contradict their finding. SUMMARY OF REMAINING LEADS: The autopsy report remains outstanding. Upon receipt of the autopsy report a supplemental report will be generated. Report SlIhmittpri pv-Report Approved hof " DISTRIBUTION: 1 - DIR, USACRC (original), Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 1 - AFIP, ATTN: OAFME, ROCKVILLE, MD 1 - THRU: CDR, 10th MP Bn (CID)(FWD) (electronic mail) THRU: CDR, 3rd MP Group (CID)(FWD) TO: CDR, USACIDC, (ATTN: CIOP-CO) 1.- THRU: CDR, 115th MP BN, BAGHDAD, IRAQ APO AE 09335 TO: CDR, 220th MP BDE, BAGHDAD, IRAQ APO AE 09335 1 - SJA, 220th MP BDE, ANACONDA, IRAQ APO AE 09335 1 - PMO, lst AR DIV, BAGHDAD, IRAQ APO AE 09335 1 - File FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY -3- AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT ROI NUMBER 0014-03-CID919-63732 CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 1 OF 2 PAGES DETAILS Around 1400, 12 JUL 03 SA Z: -/ibl:-/ gas advised by SA.le,Db-1 , 307th Military Police (MP) Detachment (DET) Criminal Investigations Command (CID), Baghdad International Airport (BIAP), APO AE 09335 that a civilian detainee at the 115 th MP BN had died in cistody. Around 1430 12 JUL 03, SA 7e•-/ 6 /b;901, 307th Military Police (MP) Detachment (DET) Criminal Investigations Command (CID), Baghdad International Airport (BIAP), APO AE 09335 and arrived at CAMP CROPPER, EPW Camp, Baghdad International Airport (BIAP), APO AE 09335. SA 74itvi rived at Camp Cropper and reported in the Headquarters of the 115 th MP BN and was directeAto,the S-1. The.S-1 office advised to talk with the 115 th MP `Battalion (BN), Physician's Assistant (PA) CPT.. -1/(, (NFI). SA -74M/ .alked with CPT. -2c,iht4: and advised he needed a statement. The detainee was identified as Basim Mohammed HUSSAIN, DOB 01 AN 77, Capture tag number 0365940, Detainee Number 11672. SA .ieparted the 115 th MP BN and picked up A 161 1)b —/ -. •07th MP DET CID, BIAP, APO AE 09335. SA EI-MW Ind SA 14!,96'/ rrived at the 54th uartermasters Company and observed the deceased detainee. SA .ated he did not observe any visible signs f injury and took photographs. Around 1700 SA 7C/R7-/ A -7C-1b.661bZ.--;07th Military Police (MP) Detachment (DET) Criminal Investigations Command (CID), Baghdad International Airport (BIAP), APO AE 09335, took sworn statements from the soldiers involved in the incident at the 115 th MP BN, Camp Cropper and obtained a CD-R of the detainees X-rays as evidence. LTC ' (CbVie =.3 'IFI) advised SA 'VA./ 'hat he did not have to advise CID of the death in custody of the detainee as per AR 190. SA Tibb -1 SA 741V -/ t and SA. -/eix j departed Camp Cropper with sworn statements and evidence. On 13 Jul 03 SA.l obi`0000, 307th Military Police (MP) Detachment (DET) Criminal Investigations Command (CID), Baghdad International Airport (BIAP), APO AE 09335, picked up information and death certificate requested from the 54 th --XibiR-/ attended a preliminary autopsy conducted by CAPT uartermaster Company. At 1355 SA ii,4,-13N, Regional Armed Forces Medical Examiner, Baghdad Detachment (NFI). Preliminary cause of death was massive hemoptysis due to cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis and the manner of death was natural. Evidence was taken the autopsy. UMMARY OF INCIDENT: ording to CPT..IC -,3.1*.fie '7).was sent to the 581 5t ASMC (NFI) on 11 JUL 03 because he had coughed od while in the LIMA compound. He returned with a note stating he had pulmonary TB and was started on • ications. On 12 JULD3 at 0448 HRS, SGT ! -"V —6v — tb—hb443rd MP CO, Camp Cropper, BIAP, Baghdad, Iraqi _. oticed Mr. HUSSIAN coughing blood and notified the medics.. - 0510 HRS, Medic; SGT 1e--3..66 .3b115th MP BN, Camp Cropper, BIAP, Baghdad, Iraqi arrived tthe scene and attempted to resuscitate the patient. and 0515 HRS, 115th MP BN PA, CPT -740,64.7irrived on the scene and his initial assessment revealed that MR. USSIAN had no pulse, spontaneous respiration, his pupils were fixed, large and dilated. CPT. 74`,616 -attempted to ORGANIZATION 10TH MILITARY POLICE BN (CID) (ABN) 307TH MP DET (CID) (FWD) hz- BIAP, APO AE 09335 I DATE EXHIBIT 14 JUL 03 CID ppiRM 94 FOR UI-FICIAL USE ONLY t/pEB 77 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT ROI NUMBER 0014-03-CID919-63732 CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 2 OF 2 PAGES DETAILS resuscitate and intubate. After several minutes he observed again Mr,HUSSIAN's pupils fixed and dilated, no pulse and no respirations. At 0524 HRS CPT. "7(41**17 :opped attempting resuscitation. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111MLAST ENTRY11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110011 .•.•)as., r,-,..rAirc •U IlADCD TYPE "RGANIZATION -OT" MILITARY POLICE BN (CID) (ABN) 307T" MP DET (CID) (FWD) SA dIAP, APO AE 09335 SIM DATE EXHIBIT 14)JUL 03 LAO 1-01-Mi J4( ruri OFFICIAL USE ONLY L' 1 FEB 77 6,3'734 30H-03-CI( SWORN STATEMENT For use of this form, see AR 190-45; the proponent agency is ODCSOPS PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY:.Title 10 USC Section 301; Title 5 USC Section 2951; E.O. 9397 dated November 22, 1943 (SSN). PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which information may be accurately ROUTINE USES:.Your social security number is used as an additional/alternate means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. DISCLOSURE: .Disclosure of your social security number is voluntary. 1. LOCATION. 2. DATE (YYYYMMDD) 3. TIME.4. FILE NUMBER e esig Cr tipe('be2,063 o7 12.-ofiC 5. LAST. 7. GRADE/STATUS * L. /36'3 . 5g 'I s B. OBGANILA I KM un HIJUIltb -1-11b/1) I._ bWANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT UNDER OATH: i-,Aick& the Pirsi maAIC-Oft +hebcceie 40 i-'y 4a flesa si 4 c& -fe,(+11c,.(pcL it Cent Eeiv-i-it (A, /a • A -1-cArov, 14 0 5 10 j PI joty zo 03 , 5 fc ie.,(eb11,4 -tviet_ lige -Niele — was Ur 1 l-05d)orlSiVe , In -IA e was 6 de f A prtee -1 A04 Atd • 5-iqi-1" ury c NA . as(woL__c wet d,'n b0 ui---fhe( ;r1 +he(e HA • 71 e v c)..i u (Ai' c• 1-he AS - 7-1-e.n± feetfAl /19 .3 LA n respons, V.8 46 jictvin)bA o et.A.ISC 0b7 D -fbI 6 I r 01 ,1bcv, rnAc h a /.‘6,(-vqr /IAA(A. 11:6(5, ci(t.,4J/1 Cb-(Oip t,t )1 pyi ,.r 0 1b A A5 k cind 6\ )/ayes PP aj. 6tfi c ticbie.(b6,1a 40c, pes Toren enc -1,1 on e.erbatbeyes tweb1 ­cv r way vLA re spoil s;vr.; 'to /13A ,(oren( cii .ce.6( h e Lds 6 ke(f c m. J (mai/A. 4ur elect( 51616 o, bc )deirce/( in v t., bwsGGb1-.eboift • rL 7e--J1bk3 510 Ebybri grcb.1 A C. . 10. EXHIBIT I 11. INrn aic (IF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PAGE 1 OF a--PAGES ble-% . ADDITIONAL PAGES MUST CONTAIN THE HEADING ''STATEN...... dTAKEN ATdDATED THE BOTTOM OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT, AND PAGE NUMBER MUST BE BE INDICATED. USAPA V1.00 DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998. DA FORM 2823, JUL 72, IS OBSOLETE FSR ooclAt_ tia o.14-y DOD-DOACID003601 c D9 - (f37:s: STATEMENT OF _. 1911 - TAKEN AT / 7 C DATED .2Ce_. 3 7 9. STATEMENT (Continued) k ±bi!)C fiti 9 .4, ^ 1 0 11. ail-CL S (AC "?y..11d0,AA ck.rf i•veL anbreelacLebItA, Co 016f) te 5S rIS 014 K'b(A.) )d 5 41 423)4. (A/0. 041d cleckrb?a -fiertf rr26u flxbf) iL. 085 31? ac fj +lircat. SSG .1"/1((' et: 55.6( 0idble, , J111,?7 17 onovyi esPhicLIL ticK± + 0 cf-- c. cel ea-+ k 0-fboct c r1 -1-)6 s-zy, fc. AFFIDAVIT .HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT WHICH BEGINS UN YAK, t 1, ANL! trvua UlY rmuc.. I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE BY ME. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. I HAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY WITHOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR REWARD, WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT, AND WITHOUT COERCION, UNLAWFUL INFLUENCE, OR UM AIME' el)•--- b4-3 ...yrtature of Person Making Statement) WITNESSES: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a person authorized by law to administer oaths, this / day of . SOC. 3 at TA(1%-i bcp -I 1e4h&—I ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS (Signature of Person Administering Oath) 76-H-A (ID 7C4 10,-1d0I , 1TRA (Typed Name of Person Administering lath) ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS (Authority To Administer Oaths) INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEME PAGE 2 OF.PAGES PAGE 3, DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998 USAPA V1.00 k Of(-1 kt¦ •S SO14) DOD-DOACID003602 cook.1'1)9 i -(07-7 3A ( •) SWORN STATEMENT For use of this form, see AR 190-45; the proponent agency is ODCSOPS PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY:)Title 10 USC Section 301; Title 5 USC Section 2951; E.O. 9397 dated November 22, 1943 (SSN). PRINCIPAL PURPOSE:)To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which information may be accurately ROUTINE USES:)Your social security number is used as an additional/alternate means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. DISCLOSURE:)Disclosure of your social security number is voluntary. 1. LOCATION 2. DATE (YYYYMMDD) 3. TIME 4. FILE NUMBER eArte.CrOPPar .20OSeY7 /2_ /PC2 7. GRADE/STATUS 7E/ -(1).igie-b.70,-Le i 0.10 0 r--- - 5- b. urtUArak I ION OR ADDRESS iff.A. /V "I /NC r" ybPoi,c.cbCo...e4h7 . 1C-leb- h1/41b WANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT UNDER OATH: 03.47-. on(k '"3",-1 Clill .1 rioiictbSnnt,lc.(40 / /7.z(ej ,1/4.(.e &art. 2.--ven7L over C1 -gfblookedb-kobSee(cet4 -ri c,1b(../eivib4.0 rily ' /1/COI6 SSG qe.1004 b.1.0 rnPivrinbkr,(c4-(At 5;74,4ion. 55G. IC40 4(40/c/ rA. -i.. ,,, 0^-1 54-Medical Acfp. rbFiti-wee, 1-( •.(44.e. irectt -1--c, 1-binb44bc4.,,,10. )e /e(was /1-0 mutt(4 ravq . r -14/)Pt k C/P /6)Ae)TOC_)ClAgifhAdf4'46,1-au// At /lid 6 •144101. "r4cy, iliorkwt 44(Ohd dvJy)i'ledkd44¦4 74b+keitbLs(I ,."1"„j-c(ex.,v4..S(PIoed.b. (re4(..nted -1.6 „at. er..,vp. -rk,,e,btilqe.bL.a., )-;blior fit o K. My ones 1:cbS54- /e" I;(ec,,,,ebwait-75 ID y. S.5r-f ()(i c,'" Ct( 'wait_ vas(1 nbri.e0/ 4- LA ,,,4-(wks(Afftivb . tit Wr IT.1°4 0 A(elovo(aNkf(a Cussed(446b5,1v4iian. 54,"Pb1-4, ).c, 96 1- ass aahcf. ,s& 1Cripo '77, 1 rc-4"ncei awl.64044 Ca* i'll11; IC) 55/-. 1Q-1)14i2 PrOSIONOI)CP2 .sictba,,r-rfreel le-119107b6554" T6begee 44/ C (fonfbC Pk ,Siun-ily cli-Ite e p,I.---ie.,19&,_,- S 6-41 1/19(40 a 5 ; 4-i(1(1"4`4.44 4-r&q-Prii". Willie(0; irp -(az/( SSG(T14'. SSG,(qe-riv/..., ctirinde 711 4'04.04 vh1-;11b0575-b(.../4,, 71, b,,b,bA'efb "4"h v.445(r rohocif p ;el. ///A/oftima,,-„.tpas 10. EXHIBIT 11. 1AKING STATEMENT leJ7641 e? .le/1 $1); tib P"uc i vi-.1.----.PAGES ADDITIONAL PAGES MUST CONTAIN THE HEADING STATEMENTbTAKEN ATbDATED THE BOTTOM OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT, AND PAGE NUMBER MUST BE BE INDICATED. ) ) DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998 DA FORM 2823, JUL 72, IS OBSOLETE USAPA V1.00 fog. ariCi (Aq •(314 001 4-03-cCociici.-0O373 /TOO STATEMENT OF b&-p TAKEN AT DATED z °° 3o /Q. 9. STATEMENT (Continued) AFFIDAVIT /C`& h104 b HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT ottsim UN PAGE 1, AND ENDS ON PAGE(. I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE BY ME. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. I HAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY WITHOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR REWARD, WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT, AND WITHOUT COERCION, UNLAWFUL INFL¦ ecnirc (IR 11N1 awF01. INDUCEMENT. /e-4v (01y/wawa v,d -.7.iment) Subscribed and sworn to before me, a person authorized by law to administer oaths, this day of n y , .20 s WITNESSFS- at_ hb / b6-/ ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS (Signature of Person Administering Oath) 36) 41'wuo 0E-r---(T r:) (c_SIt( be./ (Typed Name of Person Acimitobewow GICA4,7— A0-7— /3 (8)(4) ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS( (Authority To Administer Oaths) 7e INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PAGE rj OF(PAGES d USAPA V1.00 PAGE 3, DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998 r0k, Orric 1AL tifs CNH DOD-DOACID003604 3 "73 . ccal-1-0 -c0c1 1q-‘ ( SWORN STATEMENT Fur use of this form. see AR 190.45; the proponent agency is 013CSOPS PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY: Title 10 USC Section 301; Title 5 USC Section 2951; E.O. 9397 dated November 22, 1943 (SEMI. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: IP provide commanders and law enforcement of licials with moans by which inhumation may be accurately identified. ROUTINE USES: Your social security number is used as as additianallalternate means al identification to lacilitate filing and retrieval. DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of your social security number is voluntary. I. LOCATION 2. DATE rynymmam 3. TIME 4. FILE NUMBER C (1...4 V:eV r 2 ne.7 /../.0 C's 7. GRAOE1STATUS 7e b&) ZP-Ge, 66 —6 C P T 8. ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS 9. 7e -& eb- /ANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT UNDER OATH: +. o s Sb[..2c 4:fr //‘ 7.2-C „J--74b L.C._. , El c71-..."73/ /1,-". O.y kw_b,b 0:2b44- /2-0-0"-4. "• -- 11‘.-• 2bCb•b/72.4../ Ler n-Tr-/IA" Cf"7 E . ,(/ Sp)..n.f.272-1,1 .4'7 1,4 LI:( /7b ,b br Cd,(Ce.)-7/0 •(e,,.( j - b•LL-i-L., C -71-1+ 7( (.7 c-W-r.-2.7C-cA ng,r,-,-,g1 C. rio( 34-4-e-20 • cr(I) (-Lc 4.,(c /07 4_,bL'LZ• A-tk. Pcbop b ct-ve-ni2-4" b 1. b1‘3,.7b Otrifd.-1 b fur,,(11b e ( ets-a0..Z.e/ 074.t.r( /C)14".4-1.4 , -11--.44.-Y1. Lc.). CTr—ip..2.c 're 11)­ .2tt fbb-1- 1-c-/1.5 rviC-1 T (7 2-003 Cr-1-714-.4( /M.,/( N e Ae 10.:EXHIBIT. 1.1. MENT PAGE 1 OF(2 PAGES 7c-4. ,h6 , . ADDITIONAL PAGES MUST CONTAIN THE HEADING "STATEMENT OF _.27 TAKEN AT-bDATED THE SEITTOM Of EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THE INITIALS Of THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT, AND PAGE NUMBER MUST BE BE INDICATED. DA FORM 2821 DEC 1998 DA FORM 2823. JUL 72. IS OBSOLETE USAPA vi UU leak orrtc:mt_ (A SE etN.114 DOD-DOACID003605 q- 6313Q 00•4-bn STATEMENT OF TAKEN AT ado .DATED (/ 9 .7-4, o 3 5 STATEMENT irontumedl I-124,, 7bHr 1"2" 2-s7-7b le2 AFFIDAVIT I I.. , HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT WHICH BEGINS CM PAGE 1, AND ENDS ON PAGE .. I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE WY Mf. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. I HAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY WITHOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR REWARD. WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT, AND WITHOUT COERCION, UNLAWFUL INFLUENCE, OR UNLAWFUL INDUCEMENT. ligature of Person Making Statement; IWITNESSES-. Subscribed and swam to belwe me. a person authorized by law Cu administer oaths, this ._41_ day of.74.. Obi at I-, tii.1 A p b,14p, _ FRGADICZATION OR ADDRESS (Signature of Person Administering Oath! 3077-if iLrP /)ff(Gco) .r4b7& -;/ (Typed Name of Person Administering uatnt — ADDRESS (Authority To Administer Oaths, ?CR, INITt ...n4(f.n.suca mAKING STATEMENT PAGE.•")..OF.7 PAGES b USIIPA VI 110 .P.46E3. A410,8 412323. DEC 19911 5iC/4L-om(y­ rok c .k. DOD-DOACID003606 000/ -o3-c( )) 9/e) - 6,313")- ( SWORN STATEMENT For use of this form, see AR 190.45; the proponent agency is ODCSOPS PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY:.Title 10 USC Section 301; Title 5 USC Section 2951; E.O. 9397 dated November 22, 1943 (SSW PRINCIPAL PURPOSE:.To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which information may be accurately ROUTINE USES:.Your social security number is used as an additional/alternate means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. DISCLOSURE:.Disclosure of your social security number is voluntary. 1. LQCATION 2. DATE (YYYYMMDD) 3. TIME 4. FILE NUMBER to.014)b(!meoerb,b• 613o762 Rol 7. GRADE/STATUS le-k-heo—& 7e -6 hb ---6 B. ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS EF.. f3 riX fl. V et74-0C,A-4/ B . hb-.' 2(wa-5bifilpe-4,d-ec/ (7y '5-C-7-Z&b--b44..74 0 "Je)04 •tkeb2k774Zirlee'S LTRs C I../--,b. WANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT UNDER OATH: °L4q1"19 up 81,),/, ..x 6-) 9 AP" 40 )L4 /,,c. /ca/ ,t:/,.(/1/2e,c,(At,,,d 74, d J ie_, 1:6 6-716 9° 7e0-/4 a. el s-,4 --4„.../. „„,_ ) -3,b 9e /- D.C.°YJ. b- e.t:r b 0-4...---4"0/ - kieU .-t"'b Qi1/b(1j!..41.1bIt. V,E--teLb4,-,-, fb--Ong/.-el¦/efiraf-' v., e/( e? '-f(J. / -It'(-67,(6--il/Wil 4:745.?,(2.1z 'V, vie 4.. 1/b6 72 '.a 4(6 S .f(c4 (1C1 1:411-tebp. ,,b.b -- . ..-,,, e.,/.-c-c- e./( C` '71-(ikrr Oc-(41, /t/c-t.(t/ 1 / d" 7 Z-beezoi C5 '')-0-SPC ie. & , / f rive e/ -G-, i 1.4 V-4-b0 5-2-2.b%Si',"b./.• 'fi 'l 0 r tb61-e"Lele a, / r,ti,A /11,.Ari- ez.„,,,..., ofbL,,, 1 .4b Murb--,...4.„ ;b•..--brb- - a. --br )5 23b0 t,--rb.1.C!,'; :, ,Cli., a a, cbIC )11-1 - '3 " , pr.A.,-1-7- "('(-(4 !ri de ,sb//,„/ - 7 `,,, L .,.-A/0 /,...., a .et, .(Z('70 lei sec-76-b• Gbh ..--j- .../ ,-0 ye-a.b(op: -710b.4. - CA V t O.d--t rrim-b. L7 , ,rty-. t", v e 5 -4, (.., a 14V ,..,))--'-1--lie*)le 444 e" r -.' r el ) VAc-v141- ,-)A 0/ ..", SOC W & -,b- _al 0..9 e - -/ ezb.•-i a r -la / (A isi it...s.. -74.1bALke pc4.4,„ .bsi qb,,b k....' ie.b /&3 4j oo -7,b 0 A.." iy,bSiiii-2 r' 61 bic; cb-/ C-iv: A, p,b-10b.5:1•71b'lc, hi , - --s--t 4-4 d e.-71,-4 ev-(5,,,4(/4„,,(• 4/ , jp,c,:y l/d h'CA.p.0.5ba -f-0S 4 7 . CL-7/ os-Cib Meal i co, /b/.1,,, - r- - , . 0 As b/b0/Ateeel ,1-17e SI bt")eve(vote(47/.,,,,a,/ / 7/ 0 4›,('b4_,/ . Orr/ ikb•• • 44-?l* r 10. EXHIBIT 11. its le,.• ht,b1-MAKING STATEMENT PAGE 1 OF.'3".PAGES IP 1 ADDITIONAL PAGES MUST CONTAIN THE HEADING STATEMEAff TAKEN ATdDATED THE BOTTOM OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT, AND PAGE NUMBER MUST BE BE INDICATED. I )•••••. USAPA V1.00 DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998 DA FORM 2823, JUL 72, IS OBSOLETE rok orieic 1 /4.1-(e oNLy DOD-DOACID003607 0314-o 3 -Cr t) 4/1 Ci 7 CO3-13 lc, 00-40 1 76 .P STATEMENT OF _ TAKEN AT .• v v DATED I .7 ILt / 3 9. STATEMENT (Continued) ,o AFFIDAVIT° ( HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT WHICH BEGINS ON PAGE 1, AND ENDS A PAGE 9-. I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE BY ME. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. I HAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY WITHOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR REWARD, WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT, AND WITHOUT COERCION, UNLAWFUL INFLUEN (' ''" • (" i 6/ kb f / (Signature of Person Making Statement) 'WITNESSES: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a person authorized by law to administer oaths, this ()-day of 171 /47 ., `?‘ 1 19b4 at.LILtifi AP CM/ ,1 %.• ciPTAIP isnonvat." I orsv Lon AIJI.Mtbb (Signature or Person Administering Oathl golry JP ber(efo) 73,4%; /kV? (Typed Name of Person Administering Oath) 'ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS (Authority To Administer Oaths) INITIALS OF PERSON M,'(-"ENT ( itik& • PAGE 9 OF 2--PAGES PAGE 3, DA FORM 2823, ma: 1998 USAPA V1.00 • be Ogle( AL-U.C.e 0/A-4 1 1' DOD-DOACI D003608 ( ( Li --0 3 -C,1)9/ci - p•J SWORN STATEMENT For use of this form, see AR 190.45; the proponent agency is ODCSOPS PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY: Title 10 USC Section 301; Title 5 USC Section 2951; E.O. 9397 dated November 22, 1943 (SSNJ. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which information may be accurately ROUTINE USES: Your social security number is used as an additional/alternate means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of(our social securit(number is volunta(. 1. LOCA. •N 2. DATE (YYYYMMDDJ 3. TIM 4. FILE NUMBER iiii /_//// 4.411 / /i 05 5. LA! ( 6.( 7. GRADE/ TATUS -( .1-11/ 104 )C' b l /9b'& F 8. ORta/AnnziA&tram vn 1-vvvAct,) /II DL/ Ked")- . WANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT UNDER OATH: I,b"la•-(fibb -(0( - g( - 1r, 103 di X/0.ta0'90 / /,),&.,(//47Z 11,64,-I't' iiiti) a ilia, 4&iiii%) .4'be,e(gAir'p dAS.1 ril e,,_,2i-,r T. lei kb "6 '1% 1U/".ZW,O., 7c-1)7 bi.sgt://-1-1 .( .020.5-4. i(1,417 7/4 -f-Y ZiP ,ozzxti d.-d zzeziz- 1btigdico , 4'7 lch0b8i .1b , ix•J 7---bcr-.1 l'h ipezaesoito (61V 4//i‘et;t4 , b,,,,,zyi -4 #7j/;jt. -, /b"b, icibb -3b /dudb-/,b/ .0//yiz-d hi 6,4 ialta-ce .0 a .1dP, _ _, __,,,b /iaefi a ,fil &al %e of ,71fx 46?-6f w;/4/a-s•` ,,-z/e-/ A,.,..,, "bzazeff.(.1./aw..„1/ex-ee id • ,ea 09- spz vmal dado.d, ziezez}-a i6, ifr 2/ :: PON(-,b/(dd.e-(Lc_s0-, , IC, I ft --3 b ii , Ii$49b oleob ,Alizre _ itguit 2 /b¦' A /I)b-1/i/.,J 7/ ib)ifjeAM s-b .1x-r... „, 2" b , a i i iOa Aiiaraa/ ' , __, .. A , , 0/5 44 - "`"-: •7 ,./ /40 b4...,,f; 1 # i-e/a mo" 1,i di ej,i, -kr-'b''b i bii,,,,odd %. b i b :,./ /b-.dibiao b,b,,,,,b„,1 A .Job60,0 .&" ,if-e • fi D _. 06 ' 1C,41 * 19( OF 672i-1-111/(17 ./.b .(,(f.,6 16 0, 10. EXHIBIT 11. INITIALS OF PERSC 3 STATEMENT .r, 19b,) PAGE 1 OF(--.5(PAGES 0 ADDITIONAL PAGES MUST CONTAIN THE HEADING 'STATEMENT bTAKEIZI ATbDATED _ THE BOTTOM OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT, AND PAGE NUMBER MUST BE BE INDICATED. ( USAPA v1.00 2823, DEC 1998 DA FORM 2823, JUL 72, IS OBSOLETE 0j,q fOk. t,ffic 1/4i,( DOD-DOACID003609 021-1-83—ob4le1 USE THIS PAGE IF NEEDED. IF THIS PAGE IS NOT NEEDED, PLEASE PROCEED TO FINAL PAGE OF THIS FORM. STATEMENT OF)le /9 -TAKEN AT /e3D.5 DATED ,.(7 437/..- 9. STATEMENT (Continued) 70,646-4, INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT 1 Y& PAGE)OF)PAGES b USAPA V1.00 PAGE 2, DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998f OPPI C,iM LAS E 0.41 - 00N-03 STATEMENT OF ht; TAKEN AT 111,5" DATED .&2)(93,07/2 9. STATEMENT (Continued) bAFFIDAVIT , HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT WHICH BEGINS ON PAGE 1, AND EN I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE 76-4b'eb"&' DS OI PAGE .73 _. A r:E BY ME. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. I HAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECTIONS AND .. CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY WITHO THREAT OF PUNISHMENT, AND WITHOUT COERCION, UNLAWFUL INFLUENCE. OF.— goignarr or Perym Makin ateirent) WITNESSES: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a person authorized by law to administer oaths, ) *J­ /2-day of ic t--)/ at Z- be -I ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS (Signature of Person Administering Oath) 367 4-kvkit° OF-TC C -ro) M__b7e-1bh&--/ ,s/i/ve (Typed Name of Person Aarninisieui( ig,Otth) % abcAr-#1er-70% zo,)o .ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS (Authority, To Administer aths) b le' 1120 INITIALS -OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PAGE 0-OF si PAGES USAPA V1.00 PAGE OA FORM 2823, DEC 1998 cotecoiciAt (Act 6...y..k( I C. Page(s) • O Referred to: U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND 7115 SOUTH BOUNDARY BLVD ATTN: CCJ6-DM MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE FLORIDA 33621-5101 MS. JACQUELINE SCOTT (813) 827-5341/2830 Page(s) Referred to: U.S. ARMY MEDICAL COMMAND FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/ PRIVACY ACT OFFICE ATTENTION: MCFP 2050 WORTH ROAD, SUITE 13 FORT SAM HOUSTON, TEXAS 78234-6013 MR. JOHN PETERSON (210) 221-7826 PHOTOGRAPHIC PACKET 0101-03-CID919-63732 Number Description of Photograph 1. Photograph of scene. 2. Photograph of scene. 3. Photograph of scene. 4. Close-up photograph of coughed up blood at scene. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 6 DOD-DOACID00361 4 000-1 -0 :3•-Ci "i i`i - f:61R. Ot=c, ic/i.6(1._ t,' SE 6.1,11" 11).‘( -( cb 4-7641 (oz.Fo, LA s of 1-kf. 2L MPR/CID SEQUENCE NUMBER ENEDENCE/PIRO;1 ,i _,IRTY CUSTODY DOCUNEENT 0b-0 -Gr.° iq For use of this form see AR 190-45 and AR 195-5; the proponent agency is US Army CRD REPORT/CID ROI NUMBER Criminal Investigation Command ,(1,(-7.3 RECEIVING ACTIVITY LOCATION P i Er 13T/1P CL L dc-A NAME, GRADE AND TITLE OF PERSON FROM WHOM RECEIVED ADDRESS (Include Zip ode) 0 OWNER x//0- Egi OTHER LOCATION FROM WHERE OBTAINED „medic ( REASON OBTAINED TIME/DATE OBTAINED 1b rcec.Crds I I s-÷"rn P lit ) ELA -t_ LA C 74" /70! .&J0—(33 tYi 0 C. fao PP EV f3L.1-410, /3c,5 kdaci,TvIv ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES QUANTITYNO. (Include model, serial number, condition and unusual marks or scratches) CO , A , pc...c.,4 Ibis K -Rec-ort c,(01.e, ) '5; (ver ,- -, co lov-1 ille,rw&slores, I I( IIvv‘ c.,-, K is 6.5 1 : / inn 4 4-1 L, ,-, C,b -Q -7C6 1 e ( 80 arko it fiCoo-iekri 1(( 1(, , disc rec ov &AA() Lt.) -'hiO . e C .i." 4_ (i.ik; 4-c- Pa-per couer- ivtav- k,t,d, " I Co -7 ill 144c,- (1.-eb-41, a-6 0,, COL/eV-- 1k (-7 0 ((( d2 31.4._0 31,1 C._ 13 - 2 c c.),-, +c,-. ¦ .-. S )( ra.../ crr e_fcs-, ..-%-c T.- . ' ( I f ( (ft/ !II i 11 LA-57" X 7—"F t44 I/1 (I( 1 1 it / 1 11111/ • CHAIN OF CUSTODY ITEM NO. DATE RELEASED BY RECEIVED BY PURPOSE OF CHANGE OF CUSTODY SIGNATURE (.A7L,L.123 NAME, GRADE OR TITLE fr''714 /1//101 76-11.Ardit.44ti bo SIGNATURE /9-1114. 03 NAME, GRADE OR TITLE SIGNATURE SIGNATURE NAME, GRADE OR TITLE NAME. GRADE OR TITLE SIGNATURE SIGNATURE NAME, GRADE OR TITLE NAME, GRADE OR TITLE DA FORM 4137 Replaces DA FORM 4137, 1 Aug 74 and 1 Jul 76 DA FORM 4137-R Privacy Act Statement DOCUMENT // 26 Sep 75 Which are Obsolete. LOCATION NUMBER orriCIA- - t,t5 6ADT-1 e,4 Page(s) Referred to: U.S. ARMY MEDICAL COMMAND FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/ PRIVACY ACT OFFICE ATTENTION: MCFP 2050 WORTH ROAD, SUITE 13 FORT SAM HOUSTON, TEXAS 78234-6013 MR. JOHN PETERSON (210) 221-7826 DATE: 13 JUL 2003 FROM: SAC, 307th MILITARY POLICE DET (CID) TO: DIRECTOR, USACRC, USACIDC, FORT BELVOIR, VA HQS USACIDC //CIOP-ZA// CDR, 10TH MP BN (CID) (ABN) (FWD) //OPS// CDR,•3D MP GROUP (CID) //OPS// PROVOST MARSHAL //PM// • SUBJECT: CID REPORT - INITIAL/SSI - 0014-03-CID919-63732- 5H9A DRAFTER : bo,( RELEASER: UNCLASSIFIED - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1. DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: 1. 12 JUL 2003/0445 HRS - 12 JUL 2003/0515 HRS; CAMP CROPPER, GRID COORDINATES MB273778690, BIAP, IRAQI 2. DATE/TIME REPORTED: 12 JUL 2003, 1400 3. INVESTIGATED BY: SA 4. SUBJECT: 1. NONE; [NATURAL DEATH] 5. VICTIM: 1. BASIM, MOHAMMED HUSSAIN; CIV; 01 JAN 77; MALE; OTHER; DETAINEE NUMBER, 11672; CAPTURE TAG NUMBER 0365940; NFI; [NATURAL DEATH] 6. INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: THE INFORMATION IN THIS REPORT IS BASED UPON AN ALLEGATION OR PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION AND MAY CHANGE PRIOR TO THE COMPLETION OF THE INVESTIGATION. -S/1 THIS INVESTIGATION WAS INITIATED BASED ON NOTIFICATION FROM THE 10TH MILITARY POLICE BATTALION THAT A DETAINEE DIED IN US CUSTODY AT CAMP CROPPER, BIAP, BAGHDAD, IRAQI. PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION DISCLOSED A CIVILIAN DETAINEE DIED IN US CUSTODY AT CAMP CROPPER, BIAP, BAGHDAD, IRAQ. CPT 1C41.0'1o, PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT ASSIGNED TO THE 115TH MP BN, STATED A MR HUSSAIN APPEARED TO HAVE DIED OF A PULMONARY HEMORRHAGE DUE TO TUBERCULOSIS (TB). ON 13 JUL 03, DR (CPT) 1t-13 REGIONAL ARMED FORCES MEDICAL EXAMINER, CONDUCTED AN AUTOPSY. THERE WERE NO SIGNS OF TRAUMA OR FOUL PLAY. THE CAUSE WAS DEATH DETERMINED TO BE MASSIVE INTERNAL BLEEDING IN THE LUNGS, DUE TO CAVITARY PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS. THE MANNER OF DEATH WAS RULED NATURAL. INVESTIGATION CONTINUES BY THE 307TH MP DET (CID). 7. COMMANDERS ARE REMINDED OF THE• PROVISIONS OF AR 600-8-2 PERTAINING TO SUSPENSION OF FAVORABLE PERSONNEL ACTIONS AND AR 380-67 FOR THE SUSPENSION OF SECURITY CLEARANCES OF PERSONS UNDER INVESTIGATION. 8. CID REPORTS ARE EXEMPT FROM AUOTMATIC TERMINATION OF PROTECTIVE MARKING IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 3, AR 25-55. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 0 r CID FORM 66 1. DATE 2. TIME RECEIVED 7. CASE NUMBER L. 6 3 ZULU (9(.0 sy-03-CID 96-0.— 3. OFFENSE --Dem —7i4— 8. AC CTrVATCT SA.ic,-1 4. SUBJECT 9. TYPE OF ACTION 1. 5. VICTIM 10..REPORTS 1. 463 s q zit):„ /1/10 M +-An A4 e TYPE SUSPENSE C C3 6. CASE DESCRIPTION 2 Alerv,g... OTHER ACTION.12..CID FUNDS ACTION.MID J COMPL I DATE.I AMOUNT CRIMINAL INFO EVIDENCE CUST mmmmmm ¦•¦••¦•• ¦•• ...04 ••¦••¦ •••¦•••••...........•¦•¦¦ •••••¦¦¦•• ......alms ww•i• mmmmmmmm t ) Control Number 0014-03-C1D919 AGENT'S ACTIVITY StIMI.IARY (CII) RepIntion 195-1) SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITY TIME, DATE, AND AGENT 12 JUL 03 1400 -tb .12 JUL 03 1500 lea tb--/ 12 JUL 03 1600 1G1 4t-/ 12 JUL 03 1700 7(:-/ 13.JUL 03 0900 7C-/ ../241 13 JUL 03 1355 -7e/ la:/ r/gor-, Sit 7'' 1 AJoto 1 h6-V givooz, I t a, 1545.5) 101113174 J.11c-c 0)000 3 6b-/ b CID FORM 28 I OCT 110 Received RFA from CW4 lc--t2 3 'In briefed that a detainee had died in custody at the Baghdad International Airport (BIAP) Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW) detention facility. That I need to take sworn statements of involved personnel. Arrived at BIAP EPW facility and coordinated with the S-1 shop and meet with CPT. 7C/1 101)" i°115 1.11 MP BN, PA. SA .7e-ibi.: -/ind I observed the body of the deceased civilian detainee at the PAX terminal, 54 th Quartermaster Company. I requested all information on the detainee and a death certificate from SSG SA 7 -bei SA IC -. :d I arrive at the BIAP EPW facility and began interviews and sworn statements. (See AIR). 115 th MP BN Commanders LTC 76.dvised he did not have to report the death of civilian detainees referring to AR 190. This was discussed with SA 7' 66 -/ and the LTC 16 to -3He also advised us to report to him directly before going to members of the battalion. Picked up information requested from the 54 th Quartermaster Company. Attended a preliminary autopsy of the detainee. Conducted by I212-1.USN, MD at the 54th Quartermaster Company, BIAP. SA 1e-tbiy -.covered evidence at the autopsy. ,e(//Sdsae .4,04. 4.5 13,4/ of Mack coirec-ovv5 cz.s. ref Co,,,,, 1")(eACci FIALIAfCt.‘vd C el' ds bGw 5bi 7.z7 ek 7' -rar• "rea) kvietkxrl Final, only niinorchamiN. ins POtinq *OCH fte_ Las about uke-ve °Tina-is or Ex..,.. 8.00clre coY ..e.-c_4--e.AL.-e-tr.Arvve..A._ 7QC i"eA.)e4,-f-u, FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PAGE AGENT'S ACTIVITY SUMMARY Control Number 0014-03-CID919 (CID Regulation 195-I) TIME, DATE, AND AGENT SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITY 10CD. t000va3)tt-i Rwieoect again, ciniTtillinCI ids to be cfrinyct is -61(19_0(5-1-ro. 5e..e example cdn board CS At I WOV tYlcuk c.orre,c4r-cms a- s r-efuesieer Rap, Kim* *--1 hd PiVIeLlJect, .¦1-6AC-to -transmit *) Ein- /054 igAnivo3 84) -kaZa4.4.-ad eieL4-tle(b C( loo5,13csiov3 'ie/ - Ter gni nark-l-o. Iskic .ece a4-1-bp oF tka II originals Liou have I n Req) +6See, ic(6 ,(0)a thixre. L corre.bif. nrICULC Obrredions It can 00 40-1T-i" Bn. 1015, 73 Nov .13 C.onvcAlon6 rri6ctei-pnm-Ect out leoctiq Par VC -b lO1 6,11 pll 3o tvovv_3 I stilo4v-00,0 `7-/.94- / 0-c-- CID FORM 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE . NLY) PAGE I OCT 8l1
