CID Report: 0149-04-CID259-80212

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Detainee alleged that he was arrested by U.S. forces and placed in a hole in the ground with other detainees at an unknown location in Samara, Iraq for about three days, then threatened with death and taken to a room where he was placed on a box with wires attached to it. He felt heat come from the box and was in pain. He was later taken to a place that U.S. soldiers referred to as &quot;the septic tank,&quot; and then to the Samara police station, where a U.S. soldier punched him and kicked him in the groin with enough force to cause him to urinate on himself. U.S. forces then transferred him to Abu Ghraib. At Abu Ghraib, he initially stayed in a tent at the Ganci Holding Area, where he was not abused. He was subsequently taken to the &quot;hard site&quot; at Abu Ghraib, where he was stripped of his clothing and sprayed with cold water; his head was pulled back while he was seated in a chair, causing him to lose consciousness; all of his hair, including eyebrows and moustache, were shaved off by a U.S. soldier; he was forced to wear white women's underwear with red roses on them; he was left for several days with no clothes (a jumpsuit was eventually provided); was deprived of blankets or a mattress for a longer period; and was terrorized by a large dog while tied to his cell door. 5th Special Forces Group was targeted in inquiry regarding Samara allegations but stated that there was no hole in the ground at their facility in Samara and that they had no records relating to the detainee. Medical records of detainee indicated several reports of generalized aches and pains, sometimes listed as due to past strokes. A doctor who had treated the detainee said that he was suffering from spinal stenosis, which was not caused by trauma, and said that the detainee had not mentioned being abused by U.S. forces. The investigation was closed because it &quot;did not develop sufficient evidence to prove or disprove the allegations ....&quot;</p>

Investigative File
Tuesday, August 3, 2004
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY UNITED STATES ARMY CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION COMMAND 3"I MILITARY POLICE GROUP (CID) 78th MILITARY POLICE DETACHMENT (CID) (FWD) BAGHDAD, 12 APO AE 09342 CIMPR-FR 3 Aug 04 MEMORANDUM FOR SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION — FINAL (C)/SSI — 0149-04-CID259-80212— /5C1R2/5Y2E/5X1 DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: 1. 15 DEC 2003/0001 HRS — 18 DEC 2003/2359 HRS; UNKNOWN DETENTION FACILITY, SAMARA, IZ 2. 20 DEC 03/0001 HRS — 21 DEC 03/2359 HRS; IRAQI POLICE STATION, SAMARA, IZ 3. 24 DEC 03/0001 HRS — 29 DEC 03/2359 HRS; BAGHDAD CENTRAL CONFINEMENT FACILITY (BCCF), ABU GHRAIB, IZ DATE/TIME REPORTED: 3 Jun 2004, 0900 HRS 1d/ eto / b 2--INVESTIGATED Y: SA A SA ;SA 7e tc.2-- SUBJECT: 1. (UNKNOWN); (NFI); [AGGRAVATED ASSAULT (INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE)] [CRUELTY AND MALTREATMENT (INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE)] [CONSPIRACY (INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE)] 2. (UNKNOWN); (NFI); [AGGRAVATED ASSAULT (INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE)] [CRUELTY AND MALTREATMENT (INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE)] [CONSPIRACY (INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE)] 764 bierscf VICTIM: 1. CIV; NDRS# ism.DATE OF CAPTURE: 15 DEC 03; IZ (NFI); [AGGRAVATED ASSAULT (INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE)] [CRUELTY AND MALTREATMENT (INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE)] [CONSPIRACY (INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE)] INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: ab&I On 3 Jun 04 this office received a returned Memorandum of Transmittal T) from SA ikrit, IZ, regarding allegations Mr. as abused and mistreated while in t e custody of U.S. Forces. This investigation was returned due to the establishment of the Detainee Abuse Task Force. Investi ation did not develop sufficient evidence to prove or disprove the allegations made by Mr.. Due to the delay in the reporting of this incident, no physical evidence was / FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 1147-04-C1D259-80210 discovered to support or refute Mr. allegations. Medical examinations of Mr. id not disclose any injury or artifacts of injuries consistent with Mr. allegations. Interviews of personnel involved in the interrogations of Mr. and the associ Interrogation Reports, revealed no disclosure of the allegations by Mr. this investigation. Investigation did not further diminish the integrity of Mr. allegations. 7c' UN/ STATUTES: Article 128, UCMJ: Aggravated Assault (Insufficient) Article 93, UCMJ: Cruelty and Maltreatment (Insufficient) Article 81, UCMJ: Conspiracy (Insufficient) EXHIBITS/SUBSTANTIATION: Attached: 1. Agent's Investigation Report (AIR) of 23 Jul 04, detailing the basis for investigation, receipt and review of Mr. detainee files, and coordination with CP -7d6-1,1c71 6/ /0, / 2. AIR of SA Prisoner Interview/Interrogation Team (PIT), BCCF, 18 Jul 04, detailing: the receipt of Request for Assistance (RFA) from this office; review of Mr. medical records . coordination with CW , and interviews of MAJ r. ftpd SP -­,6& 3 3. Medical Records of nnr.oMIIIIIIIIIPB 6 1-1117(1 4. WaiVer Certificate and Sworn Statement of SPC 18 Jul 04, wherein he stated Mr. complained of leg pain resultant from arthritis and denied any knowled of the abuse alleged by Mr.1111111111111111.11111 -7r- ?1' 4e hyo if /6 i47674" h6.1c 5. AIR of SA 111111111.1111111111111111.11111111111r Military Police Detachment (CID), Forward Operating Base Danger, APO AE 09392, 3 Jul 04, detailing the receipt of RFA from this office; '32.7coordination with CW31.1.11111111FFC JL and Military Intelligence personnel, Forward Operating Base Brassfield-Mora, IZ; and the interview of Mr. `7C' 3.3 Not Attached: Retained in the files of this office: 6. Detainee File, Summary Interrogation Reports, and Interrogator Notes, which pertain to Mr. 411111111111111p Brie-ob ,/ The originals of Exhibits 1, 2, 4, and 5 are forwarded with USACRC copy of this report. The original of Exhibit 3 is maintained in the files of the 391 st Military Police Battalion Aid Station, BCCF. The original of Exhibit 6 are retained in the files of the Detainee Operations Cell, Multinational Force — Iraq, Camp Victory, IZ. STATUS: This is a Final (C) Report. This investigation is terminated in accordance with CIDR 195-1, Chapter 4-17 (a)(6), the Special Agent in Charge determined further of the investigation 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE ,147-04-C1D259-80210 would be of little or no value. Remaining Leads: Locate, fully identify, and interview remaining linguists and interrogators. Report Prepared By: • Report Approved By: Special Agen pecial A• ent in C arg Distribution: 1-DIR, USACRC, 6010, 6th Street, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5506 (original) 1-Thru: CDR, 22" MP BN (CID), APO AE 09342 Thru: CDR, 3 rd MP Group (CID) To: CDR, USACIDC, ATTN: CIOP-ZA, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060,_ m --hb3* 1-USACIDC, ATTN: Ms. mail only) 7e 1-PMO, MNF-1 (e-mail only 1-CID LNO, MNF-1, APO AE 09335 (e-mail only) 1-Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, Ill Corps, ATTN: CPI 111p (email only) 1-File FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE . AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT 0149-04-C1D259-80212 . CID Regulation 195-1 Page 1 of 1 M' / BASIS FOR INVESTIGATION: About 0900 3 Ju ice received a returned Memorandum of Transmittal from SA , Tikrit, IZ, regarding allegations Mr , National Detainee Reporting System Number was abused and mistreated in Samara, IZ, and in BCCF. This investigation was returned due to establishment of Detainee Abuse Task Force. 7/b0/7 1 by 3 About 1400, 28 Jun 04, SA IIIIMoordinated with MAJ Detainee Operations, Multinational Force — Iraq, who provided copies of the detainee records of Mr maimir xce 7ef4W '76,71 Aod/ About 0900, 29 Jun 04, SAMIlleviewed the detainee file of , which disclosed no information regarding his allegations of abuse. Mr. underwent a medical screening on 22 Feb 04 which noted no abnormalities. Z•bi9 2e4be/ About 1300, 23 Jul 04, SAIIIIMoriefed CPA.... Chief of Criminal Law, Office of the Staff Jud dvocate, III Corps, Camp Victory, IZ, on all aspects of this investigation. CP opined insufficient evidence was present to prove or disprove Mr. alleg tions.///LAST ENTRY/// ho SA X/ 78 th MP Detachment (Forward) (CID) 1111111111111111,. Special Agent,:.4*/ Baghdad, Iraq APO AE 09342 S.Date:.Exhibit: 1"---23 JUL 04 CID Form 9= FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. tj . 4 DOD-DOACID001461 .c t- ROI NUMBER "vary I INVESTIGATION REPORT 0081-04-CID789 CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 1 OF 2 PAGES DETAILS BASIS FOR INVESTIGATION: On 23 Jun 04 this office received a Request For Assistance (RFA) from 78th Military Police (MP) Detachment (CID), Baghdad International Airport (BIAP), Iraq requesting a search of the records maintained by BCCF and provide detainee rec rds interrogation reports, medical records, and transfer paperwork for Detainee Witii27r National Detainee Reporting System (NDRS) #pertaining to his allegation of detainee abuse while here at AGI. AV 7-7p le, Hoz1 About 0900, 28 Jun 04, SA viewed edical records and determined he had several reports of "generalized" aches an pains sometimes listed as due to past strokes. There was no mention of abuse by Coalition Forces. (See Medical Records 3 About 1600, 5 Jul 04, SA coordinated with CW4 , Senior Interrogator, Joint Interrogation Debriefing Center JIDC , BCCF, AGI, who identified additional interrogators and linguists assigned to Detainee , between 30 Dec 04 and 4 Mar 04. He verified the location of the following if known: if 'WV 502'd Milita Intelli ence BN, BCCF A Co 202nd MI BN, BCCF Linguist itan Corp., JIDC, BCCF, AGI Linguist Titan Corp., JIDC, BCCF , CACI, current location is unknown .66 3 00th MI BN, redeployed to Japan , United Kingdom (UK), redeployed , 03 MI BN, Camp Victory, Iraq an unknown , UK, redeployed , Titan, unknown ', Titan, unknown , Titan, unknown 7 --k&-3c 7e.3-fre CW4 stated tw as assigned to CW21111111111t BCCF. He also stated that although illitvas ed in the Biometrics Automated Toolset as being assigned, she was not assigned to this detainee; her name being assigned was a clerical error, which occurred when the report was typed. (See Interrogation Records) fae About 0900, 6 Jul 04, SA terviewed MAJ (DR) , 391 st MP BN , Detainee Aid Station (DAS), BCCF, AGIer iaiiiiionwiial,Ostory of arialffir Dr. tated that he was familiar with due fb his extensive medical problems. Dr. tatediMallrinitially reported that he had a stroke about one month prior to his arrest and he was currently suffering Spinal Stenosis, which is not cause by trauma or sleeping on a bunk without a mattress. Dr. IIIIIIttated that lialliMwas offered surgery to repair va4,6377F idttoS4 TYPE AGENTS NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER ORGANIZATION PRISONER INTERROGATION TEAM (PIT)(CID) SA FINNIMMIMINE Baghdad Central Confinement Facility, Abu Ghraib 09342 76; 2- SIGNATUR DATE EXHIBIT ye../ 2— CY CIO FORM 94 FOR OPFJcT USE ONLY-LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE ROI NUMBER tAucN I 'S INVESTIGATION REPORT 0081-04-CID789 CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 2 OF 2 PAGES DETAILS 3' i* die 5/:(0,3 r x his spin, but refused. 11111.1tated that has never mentioned being abused during any of his medical treatment. AGENT'S COMMENT: Detainee File is located at CJTF-7. bez.3 About 1000, 12 Jul 04, SA terviewed Linguist. He stated that he remembered the detainee, but could not recall who the interrogator was. He stated that ever me tioned being abused in any way, but did often complain of body aches an illnesses. stated he believed was a person who always complained of sickness an• injury. 1ciab3cke,01 About 1300 18 Jul 04, SA iterviewed Linguist...Who stated he did recall Detainee but did recall conducting interrogations with British interrogators. He stated that unng no time when assigned with British interrogators did any detainee complain of past or present abuse. lcla:;.3c -7 F 76107 (4 AGENT'S COMMENT: Linguist as assigned to Detainee on 4 Mar 04 with Interrogator 11.11.United Kingdom. let kie 4. -c -26,,a //0-3 About 1455, 18 Jul 04, SA dvised SPC f his legal ri hts, which he 7F waived, and rovided a sworn statement detailing his nowledge o Detainee SPC -1:.: . tated he never witnessed or was aware of any abuse of Detainee 6 nor did Detainee make any complaints to him. (See Waiver Certificate an worn Statement) 3-hb 3 AGENTS COMMENT: SPC was advised of his legal rights sole) due the fact that he was an assigned interrogator durin the alle ed incident time frame. SPC statement revealed that Detainee was apparently suffering from leg and bo y pain prior to being housed in the hardsite. F AGENT'S COMMENT: No other linguist and interrogators are currently assigned to BCCF. AGENT'S COMMENT: Canvass interviews of MP Guards were not conducted due to the fact that the 320th MP Battalion, Cumberland, Maryland, currently redeployed, were responsible for BCCF during the incident timeframe. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////i/LAST 161 644 107- TYPE AGENT'S NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER ORGANIZATION PRISONER INTERROGATION TEAM (PIT)(CID) SA Baghdad Central Confinement Facility, Abu Ghraib 09342 SIGNATURE DATE EXHIBIT / 311611 CID FORM 94 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY-LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE Page(s) 7- Lc Referred to: U.S. ARMY MEDICAL COMMAND FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/ PRIVACY ACT OFFICE ATTENTION: MCFP 2050 WORTH ROAD, SUITE 13 FORT SAM HOUSTON, TEXAS 78234-6013 MR. JOHN PETERSON John.Petersonl@c en. amedd. (210) 221-7826 •-,6 ¦211cvtrAPIIV114(.; PROCEDURE/WAIVER CERTIFICATE For use of this form, see AR 190.30: the proponent agency is OOCSOPS my I-- C ID-71C1 DATA REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT AUTHORITY:. Title 10, United States Code, Section 3012(g) PRINCIPAL PURPOSE.To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which information may be accurately identified. ROUTINE USES:.Your Social Security Number is used as an additionaaltemate means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. DISCLOSURE:.Disclosure of your Social Security Number is voluntary. 111111 4. 1. LOCATION 2. DATE 0 3. TIME FILE NO. "&z...0 AG 7 (-IP cAr'c e) 1 -3,.. k 04 / 9¦53-- i -•1,../.. 5. NAME (Last, First, MIc --r A 8.cORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS bl, T A C.15 ) o2a) ,d 411, 6/k? 6. VI. , GRADE/ST(7U% Port-I-60eta.,,, ) 6. If PART I - RIGHTS LIVER/NON-WAIVER CERTIFICATE Section A..Rights The investigator whose name aRears below told me that he/she is with the United States Army (1774An r'in.c.. Ici,.n. to e31 (.-5 C. 1,,,,, ee 4'. An A".8.( e-10 ). and wanted to question me about the following offe,nse(s) of which I am suspectedleeeese& RS i 1., A..14 , 64,,,s,if, IP-iYI A-/1-4e4 4— e,—,1 Before he/she asked me any questions about the ottensels • however. he/she made it cleat to me that I have the following rights: I. I do not have to answer any questions or say anything. 2. Anything I say or do can be used as evidence against me in a criminal trial. 3. (For personnel subject to the UCMJ) I have the right to talk privately to a lawyer before, during. and alter questioning and to have a lawyer present with me during questioning. This lawyer can be a civilian lawyer I arrange for at no expense to the Government or a military lawyer detailed for me at no expense to me. or both. - or -(For civilians not Subject to the UCMJ) I have the right to talk privately to a lawyer before, during, and alter questioning and to have a lawyer present with me during questioning. I understand that this lawyer can be one that I arrange for at my own expense, or it I cannot afford a lawyer and want one, a lawyer will be appointed for me before any questioning begins. 4. It I am now willing to discuss the ottense(s) under investigation, with or without a lawyer present, I have a right to stop answering questions at any time. or speak privately with a lawyer before answering further, even if I sign the waiver below. 5. COMMENTS (Continue on reverse side) Section B..Waiver i understand my rights as stated above. I am now willing to discuss the otfense(s) under investigation end make a statement without talking to a lawyer first and without having a lawyer present with me. WITNESSES (If available) 3. SIGNATURE OF INTERVIEWEE 10-Ai 10(0 (1 a NAME (Type or Print) t b. ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS AND PHONE 4. SIG lee be7/ 2a. NAME (Type or Print) 5. F INVESTIGATOR elcGo S1 b. ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS AND PHONE 6. n ORGANiZAT1ON OF INVESTIGATOR 1-140"so toe itc"1-.—i-e:-Ln4-,‘ onclec. 0-,c(c /0) 8C,C,F AC -1 Section C..Non-waiver t. I do not want to give up my rights: ..I want a lawyer. . I do not want to be questioned orc, • A L. 2. SIGNATURE OF INTERVIEWEE 'ft ATTACH THtS WAIVER CERTIFICATE TO ANY SWORN STATEMENT (DA FORM 2823) SUBSEQUENTLY EXECUTED BY THE SUSPECT/ACCUSED. DA FORM 3881, NOV 89 EDITION OF NOV 84 IS OBSOLETE For Official Use Only / Law Enforcement Sensitive 16 r,ot L! DOD-DOACID001465 81 01 C1D7 SVVOKN b I A 1 til/ItNT For use of this form, see AR 190-45; the proponent agency is Office of The Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel. LOCATION DATE TIME UMBER ,f30004":/ ge/‘ arIA ,.cno 0/4? 0 /k ,..71) L 0 V / Z. OMI-OLi -C.10 -in LAST NAME. FIRST NAME, MIDDLE NAME SOCIAL SECU 10.4"GRADE/STATUS RGANIZATION OR ADDRESS 11 /5 0 "2-1.-4 / f-CAIc/5/3c44/c14 D 1_ 461„.c41,4 4.. xc,..__7, i ,4e, V.ii- if*cWANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING S • T oc. ND R OATH: .3mr. r• /A-i /.-,4,2en7,7(4-it-.4 g-ZooV ./. A c c wom PA 4,1 CC).- " C A '.1 °.TN r.r/MAJ Liivevisrc TocCe A A1.J.76' Ple..1c-(./ to r 1cp/e15,9A./riacfc e AcY PWA P c.-5 f 5 6 Fclet/ Tc/..2-0 6A 7 -/0 Ai . 7C A fit Te.77IL OW7& Ivryc49 Fc774 €cc,-110c.s (J.° /0 ,eni:)c6 tic7-14, oc_1)..7:411,,i t is MAIOct4j,4 Z - •.t4 bcV i_e...c.SLak.n.c.cMircC 414 Ifi ...c:.c7/{AT F • /107S it / 12i7 l of-/il • trisc'Ur/ 6ccot/L-0,yrc,c4 4,11..(lifil-S C., Piaa -724 IWIL4 77 • TO 1., o ,7 71-1,417`7/1£7‘4,/ As 7Z (-1 ht/-67A N 67TN4 r fij /.c7i,,) o t .) 1-071-1 fi u I.777714 I A l...-..7re777-1 I7I{ 11/1 nt 7A z_Olv f 7.7721 £ 17 4,,c 7c, 0 k.-7-,4 . Ai i Le7iiirvi, 07VIIIII 7A/eitISc4 Ai n , 1.. g. IIcr4w yr r-s. rgarncThi.c(4 2-5-.41111).1; GL.7#2 6AVOW) A ALO.Z 4 ,1 .) . C 0 Ut..0Al :,-/ vatc;c7otto, i 4cA A/ (-)cmo4AILII 4. cc ,A ,A1Au i-cA.,61.7--cuP _1c7-6 L v 7/4 i 71/07t, 6r4:-/si sczicii,/cx-cof. . i " IIIIIP /OA) 40 .8 eb." A ./11,* ..ISAC,cmi -roc7),, I.,,i c.4 frit".c/cSiQi)cPoca Ng a riii.fe.c771 AlAicrg5-..pi.7-,91." C-9 7f 0 e.- ki III. fiftt.)1kcGce-Zig' FTcAST --- , ke ht,90 114 0 I C i7737SG,464`X /7Mary i!7_bu ?iv7/L 7 7-14Ixo 7 7Mc met°, c s p,2 NOT.7/7/k/ t - v 7Ae 7, 5 ALI; 1 1 7Ao -A. ,.7AA/4 00'1-' -7,,,,i 6, 4,,i7(4, /-/ AircHA PPinJ i4 719 if/ •'.1 • / 114 43cnit vEte _.0 , 11111111111.,r() g,.77y /S //t/C ,.o i.k_17c:;7,, i,e . -1e,tiblIck / /I e I/ Eg' 14 i-AieocWNW .5,07_ /47.A.(ASCD.4 li 45 li tA V.C.ANI 00 IS.ORcMIs ne ,,,,-r TA •r) /9(u '0ccifA b . / kive ki FAO,/ iiiiiiese.,,c77eg T Pv7--50 "-'1CL 77)11 j 4_e_Ar) 6 AT° K.S. Ui E-0cAlcL A 7 ; tq, /A/ 6 `Z A./ r 1 LI 4.76 C bl A ri d.J ez_ 5 7a, , T,4coN co.,- ife.A re ' u to o '1. t, 12 ISO ,,, x _sc.n/crkc/ i peccSi -r---cA r 7-,11, ATc7/,i ic Z /ci.. Ay-/AJ c,c6 t. A N r-ir s ,c BUD'Sc, c (-6 ri). ,i, S7Q IVU7,1-4,47-yeils“ . EXHIBIT INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PArIF 1 OF -3 PAC;FS IIIII ---/&"49v ADDITIONAL PAGES MUST CONTAIN THE HEADING "STATEMENT OF cTAKEN ATcDATEDcCONTINUED." THE BOTTOM OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT AND BE INITIALED AS "PAGEcOFcPAGES." WHEN ADDITIONAL PAGES ARE UTILIZED, THE BACK OF PAGE 1 WILL BE LINED OUT, AND THE STATEMENT WILL BE CONCLUDED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF ANOTHER COPY OF THIS FORM., c1 P7 SUPERSEDES DA FORM 2823, 1 JAN 68, WHICH WILL BE USE DA FORM 2823 # 1 JUL 72 For Official Use Only / Law Enforcement Sensitive 0081-04-00789 ALE NUMBER: WS AlI'd c STATEMENT OF S PC..11111 TAKEN AT BccF DATED .3.--1VA CONTINUED ittc SS EDcAn/oc6,0A.,7/'C itrB "1 77tfSciPSG irfc. hviroveis Wke, A-Ait,',. .4 (A-CIL A‘. 7“--",sk L—JA1 v,Feckc`ec dot, 3 tr1/4.) 11 : \ v‘scr`cCM lle dc5e—t-itt set ".cA 5 AnDI I e 7d Ai-771)A,JJkv 6 MC AlcVA/ r r o /43' j- L ewd. 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I-0 14!c•c0"..t 0, ececSrcL?cs G it vv...5 --tv\_c. e vsJAS D^cL I (4)7L. 5 (.4 ‘ec X- I (UFA ecdetAreNr.z5 v„).(0-1.; E'cly=k-;.A-st.c4- I, .r•-• 7") n d-L-e 1.-¦ ef'd,e-4-4-o 4-1,..e R INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT: PAGE f) OF 3 pAGs18 For Official Use Only / Law Enforcement Sensitive EXHIBIT 04 0081-04-CID789 Le h‘q FILE NUMBER: 0071 -Ck-c i .7 S' STATEMENT OF 5 P KEN AT {2,c.c DATED 0-10 CONTINUED: STATEMENT (Continued) 11 -^ C• 4 4-5 0 0 / ,/-1 ec,41.,.v c ,. (4,a.,,.,c? 4 ! .41,74 ,, , e , .., , ,cAie, 4., ,,v e rt yc//eAe ,c...1,4 A .400 e'r; se 1c/4-I 14ec5,-.1-ie acd c. c'I ie.., a-.ccf r ,, /le ria--'I le-t ' dic evrAcc /4.....,c/c)cp s,cA J AI Ie , . 4-,5 5#4. €71. , :•-) -4- i 1 kJ i ( f 4/ Ze•CF c.,, ioAt'e.-c,4, A , 's7Art,/ ;,,,. / ? /4 :c/110c1 7.-c"Ye' ," e'•-t nt e L //.c/---n 91- A t ' eic.4 A .:, . 4 -.c(), -0/ci.) 0 i-1tc'14' V ei( GI dA AZ e .-I r' r_ e ce.t. e... aito..-1 47 elpe,et e eo? 6 ec4 44A ¦47 ° 1/44 OW 4 04 ,-`' 44,5 :J ' 5',4ae 4.16.1,0-.;,,,' A Atir clo 5. e, le 1,;,-,i p/f9.ce 1,0,9,17.e . 0,-,c,5 ie4 i ; 4,t tA) 5/e.//) Inf., x r A ..;$-¦ i:-0 44,r/4-37 A : 44c ...•¦•IA 4'. i)' yi,,i ,e/v0,0 ell' 4,-,i)e,oecA-de 44,, /J eft;z r i e ei. on eie A e .1 ii e 4* 41 p ev 1, i tcLie ...-, 1 5c4 744 /1 f /9 44 a , ''t S /- 111111111111 Irpbbst. m eri 1," 4.cac JO:c111.1, 6?... Do tor, t.,',"/ id et al ri 4A¦ ci a.'.••¦ \ ivc/J. ":3 3-/A /?,,, (on / ? 4 : fri)e, / .c/// E--"cri 4,.f 5.141;i1,. - e ,,X /// reAl; iehir V AFFIDAVIT I, , HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT WHICH BEGINS NDS ON C. I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE BY ME. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. I HAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY WITHOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR REWARD, WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT, AND WITHOUT COERCION, UNLAWFUL INFLUENCE, OR UNLAWFUL INDUC C. lob WITNESSES: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a person orized by law to administer oaths, this riday of 1.- 1. , 20 04 at ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS / 6 ia2-- (Signature of Person Admini.FteringOafh) le. . I °ea i b-7— (Typed Name of Person Admin stering Oath) ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS Att r 3 (.. a)(o 14c py, 7. (Authority To Administer Oaths) . . INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PAGE 3 OF 3 PAGES• , WI ' For Official Use Only / Law Enforcement Sensitive EXHIBIT # FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 0149-04-C1D259-80212 0116-04-CID469 AGENTS INVESTIGATION REPORT CID REGULATION 195-1 BASIS FOR INVRESTIGATION: On 7 Jun 04, this office received a Request for Assistance (RFA) from the 78th Military Police (MP) Detachment (DET) CID, Baghdad, IZ, requesting this office to determine what detention facilities operate near Samarra, IZ; coord4Ma ysgtVhose facilities to obtain all documentation pertaining to Mr. ationaT Detainee Reporting System Number Lo include e ainee records, interrogation reports medical screenings, and transfer records. Additionally, is requested to conduct canvass interviews of personnel working in the , detention facilities near Samarra, IZ to determine if they have any knowledge regarding any abuse or lr• mistreatment to Mr.111111111111111/Further, is requested this office to coordinate with the Iraqi 1-'4, . kik National Police (INP) in Samarra, IZ; determine if Mr. as ever in their custody or transported to their station by U.S. Forces; and locate fully identify, and interview the interpreter who was utilized during the interviews of Mr. 7f-7aterozp alby ,.-About 1330, 14 Jun 04, SA coordinated with CW 11111111111P, Operation Officer, , A Co, 3rd Battalion (BN), 5th Special Forces Gr u (SFG), FOB Danger, IZ. He related he could not -find any records pertaining to Mr. . Further, he related all records to include interrogation records, transfer records, and medical screening records are forwarded with the detainee. Also, CW31111111111rdentified the personnel from Special Forces working in this area to include as personnel from the 1 5t BN, 5th SFG, stationed at Fort Campbell, KY. vci 1,•f3 iiiiiins -1 About, 1430, 14 Jun 04, SA interviewed Mr Interpreter, A Co, 3`d BN, 5th SFG, FOB Danger, IZ, who did not recognized Mr. name. He further related he did not work with Special Forces in the Samarra area. if 7ckbel- 61 bec ictw, -3 About 1745, 18 Jun 04, SA coordinated with CW3 iiirawho related the ODA team in Samarra does not have an interpreter of Kurdish decent. elc d be3 About 1315, 21 Jun 04, SA11.1111111 coordinated with PFC 1 st MP Co, 2nd BDE ;.- Detention Facility, FOB Brassfield-Mora, IZ, who related that there are no recor s pertaining to Mr. n the files of the detention facility. Further, PFC11111.related there is only one o., interpreter assigned to the detention facility that had been working there for about a year and he is of Egyptian decent. About 1145, 1 Jul 04, SA coordinated with CW31111111, who related their detention facility is a room inside the ODA house and that there is no hole in the.ground on their detention TYPED AGENT'S NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER ORGANIZATION: iej 1)0c286 th MP DET (CID), FOB Danger, APO AE 09392 10 -7- DATE 3 Jul 04 EXHIBIT ( 1 of 2 ) '21D FORM 94 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Protective Marking is Excluded from Automatic Termination (Para 13, AR 34-16) EXHIBIl :11 5 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE z0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 0149-04-C1D259-80212 AGENTS INVESTIGATION REPORT 0116-04-CID469 CID REGULATION 195-1 facility in Samarra, IZ. Also, he related there is no longer a Special Forces Team assigned to the ODA house in Samarra, IZ. frig eil About 2030, 3 Jul 04, SA nd this office coordinated with personnel of the Military In elligence (MI), FOB Brassfield-Mora, IZ. I personnel could not get in contact with their source from the INP, Samarra, IZ, and his/her whereabouts were unknown. Further, the former ODA house located in Samarra, IZ, was destroyed by Iraqi resistance after the Special Forces Team departed the area.///LAST ENTRY/// TYPED AGENT'S NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER ORGANIZATION: 286`h MP DET (CID), FOB Danger, APO AE 09392 DATE 3 Jul 04 EXHIBIT ( 2 of 2 ) :ID FORM 94 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Protective Marking is Excluded from Automatic Termination (Para 13, AR 34-16) EXHIBIT #215 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE - UNCLASSIFIED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DATE: 4 JUNE 2004 FROM: SAC, 78TH MILITARY POLICE DET (CID) (FWD) TO: DIRECTOR, USACRC, USACIDC, FORT BELVOIR, VA CDR, HQUSACIDC ATTN: CIOP-ZA, FORT BELVOIR, VA CDR, 22ND MILITARY POLICE BATTALION (CID) (FWD) CDR, 3D MILITARY POLICE GROUP (CID) CDR, 78TH MILITARY POLICE DET (CID) (FWD) MNC-1, CHIEF OF STAFF, DETAINEE OPS PROVOST MARSHAL, MNC-1 LNO CID, NNC-1 (FOR FURTHER DISTRIBUTION) SUBJECT: CID REPORT -INITIAL/SSI - 0149-04-C1D259-80212- /5C1R2/5Y2E/6X1 DRAFTER : SA RELEASER: SA 11111111111111161' 1. DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: 1. 15 DECEMBER 2003/0001 - 18 DECEMBER 2003/2359 HRS; UNKNOWN DETENTION FACILITY, SAMARA, IZ 2. 20 DECEMBER 2003/0001 - 21 DECEMBER 2003/2359 HRS; IRAQI POLICE STATION, SAMARA, IZ 3. 24 DECEMBER 2003/0001 - 29 DECEMBER 2003/ 2359 HRS; BAGHDAD CENTRAL CONFINEMENT FACILITY (BCCF), ABU GHRAIB, IZ 2. DATE/TIME REPORTED: 3 JUN 2004, 0900 HRS 19(0, . INVEST GATED BY: SA.;.SA --7C/ iv2_ SA Lyof 4. SUBJECT: 1. (UNKNOWN); (NFI); [AGGRAVATED ASSAULT] [CRUELTY AND MALTREATMENT] [CONSPIRACY] -2. (UNKNOWN); (NFI); [AGGRAVATED ASSAULT] [CRUELTY AND MALTREATMENT) [CONSPIRACY) 5. VICTIM:. ; CIV; NDRS 1.. NUMBER 4.1111111C DATE OF CAPTURE: 15 DEC 03; M; IZ (NFI); [AGGRAVATED ASSAULT] [CRUELTY AND MALTREATMENT] [CONSPIRACY] UNCLASSIFIED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - 22 DOD-DOACI D001471 - UNCLASSIFIED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 6. INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: THE INFORMATION IN THIS REPORT IS BASED UPON AN ALLEGATION OR PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION AND MAY CHANGE PRIOR TO THE COMPLETION OF THE INVESTIGATION. THIS IS AN "OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM" INVESTIGATION.. le/ 100 ON 3 JUN 04, THIS OFFICE RECEIVED A RETU D MEMORANDUM OF TRANSMITTAL FROM SA.TIKRIT, IZ, REGARDING ALLEGATIONS MR.AS ABUSED AND MISTREATED WHILE IN THE CUSTODY OF L.S. FORCES. THIS INVESTIGATION WAS RETURNED DUE TO TH ESTABLISHMENT OF DETAINEE ABUSE TASK FORCE. 1 F 7C-I-do* erw-hre PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION REVEALED MR.'LLEGED HE WAS TAKEN TO AN UNKNOWN DETENTION FACILITY IN SAMARA, IZ, WHERE HE WAS PLACED INTO A "HOLE IN THE GROUND" FOR ABOUT THREE DAYS. MR AS THEN TAKEN TO A ROOM WHERE HE WAS PLACED ON A BOX, WHICH HAD WIRES ATTACHED TO IT. MR TATED HE FELT HEAT COME FROM THE BOX AND HE WAS IN PAIN. MR. 1111111111WAS THEN TAKEN TO A PLACE THE U.S. SOLDIERS REFERRED TO AS "THE SEPTIC 74N4L4 WHERE HE STAYED FOR SEVERAL DAYS. MR..TREg TAKEN TO THE TO THE IRAQI POLICE STATION IN SAMARA, IZ, WHERE A U.S. SOLDIER PUNCHED HIM AND KICKED HIM IN THE GROIN WITH ENOUGH FORCE TO CAUSE HIM TO URINATE ON HIMSELF. MR. WAS THEN TRANSPORTED TO THE BCCF, WHERE MR..WA STRIPPED OF HIS CLOTHING AND wwwp WITH COLD WATER 0 TWO OCCASSIONS. MR. 111/1111.2TA-TEb ALL OF HIS HAIR, TO INCLUDE EYEBROWS AND MOUSTACHE, WERE SHAVED BY A WHITE MALE IN U.S. MILITARY UNIFORM. MR..FURTHER ALLEGED THAT ON THE FOURTH NIGHT OF HIS CONFINEMENT AT BCCF, HE WAS TIED TO THE DOOR OF HIS CELL WHILE A LARGE DOG WAS ALLOWED TO BITE HIM. EFFORTS ARE ON GOING TO LOCATE, FULLY IDENTIFY, AND INTERVIEW THE UNKNOWN SUBJECTS. INVESTIGATION CONTINUES BY USACIDC. 7. COMMANDERS ARE REMINDED OF THE PROVISIONS OF AR 600-8-2 PERTAINING TO SUSPENSION OF FAVORABLE PERSONNEL ACTIONS AND AR 380 357 FOR THE SUSPENSION OF SECURITY CLEARANCES OF PERSONS UNDER INVESTIGATION. 8.CID REPORTS ARE EXEMPT FROM AUTOMATIC TERMINATION OF PROTECTIVE MARKING IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 3, AR 25-55. UNCLASSIFIED - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 23,.11s1 -Ti.• , . '6','4, ...-41 "'"v,.. ',i`N) SEQUD NUMBER ,-,.. ..,t,.. , ,. gr, . ....,. - ,i.- . 1. . .. ..I • '. ." 014904-ulu295-80212 , ::;•..,, ''',.......Z.t.::%:L2.:,:,V;,...4%e•-'14-L : .4:j ..... . 1 ..nm,.; .%- DATE 1ENSE VICTIM/ ASSIGNED TO: 3 Jun 04 Aggravated Assault Mr 7e-e Ltri / ,,, er. MPLETED•. - i-t,N.1.. ,` . ''...'= TED:"' p-1, :Fir ::. 4.ii: , ,'.'ii:,t,:=1.,:::. -:.p. . . —.....:: - . ;. 3 Jun 04 3 Jun 04 Determine what detention facilities operated near Samar Coordinate with INP, Samara, IZ, to determine if Mr IZ thereere If 7'e , a 3 Jun 04 Determine when Mr111111111111Pnived at BCCP 3 Jun 04 Obtain Detainee Records and Interrogation Reports of Mr 2...71 „hi cit 3 Jun 04 Determine if any dog handler allowed his dog to bite Mr while he was tied to his cell door ?, .-'' , ACTION COMPLETED ACTION COMPLETED INITIAL CIC REVIEW FINAL EVIDENCE REVIEW INITIAL SRO REVIEW FINAL CIC REVIEW - FINAL SRO REVIEW CONTACTS/P17101\1E:NDMBERS•p',:;':::`.:::.:$::''-i INVESTIGATIVE STANDARDS ACTIVITY/PERSON PHONE NUMBER VICTIMS INTERVIEWED " -,,':-LL 24 hours '"_'-EYE WITNESSES -:: .1:: : '. 4 hour INTERVIEWED,._ .... _ '' ''' I' ' : • ' -:-. ' EVIDENCE: DEPOSITED : : 1 duty day LAB REQUESTS 5 duty days RFA'S SENT OUT 5 duty days _ - -.MV+NINqFUL INV ACTIVITY 1.1,0 duty Clays .. FtFA,,:FOLLOW UP ,:::,' :' :::--A . :, . ' :',15::ClUti days. kN6/¦1N:SUBJT FINALS .:-' 1571C16t b . ..., -Y alt. UNFOU. : :. : 1b dutyclaYs NDED FINALS, - UNKNOWN SUB.) FINALS 30 c-al days ACTION TAKEN ,:.: - ' :,. : : 31DiCarclPyS - DOD-DOACID001473 AGENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY CONTROL NUMBER (CID Regulation 195-1) vq.61- naf- 670,25/ - 4021Z TIME, DATE, AND AGENT SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACITIVITY failciA4 O smote(7;v riAisem WIPP fibro! ,./Lcii,opimmeamr iet 60 4, . 27 x133 3. 7/2, 11•11111.11P aC_51/4= c-2 C)\(-J, icibby pskk Uc-L\k/a-á AC) ac)a. u'. `2 :ID FORM 28 PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED 1 Oct 80 • AGENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY CONTROL NUMBER (CID Regulation 195-1) 0(4,1-04)- (.1.02-c4;-*2.12- TIME, DATE, AND AGENT SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACITIVITY Z0 J U(-Oq 1111111/7(3407 da-oc, VIP Vhk/ )PrUG Oy 11111 xi/4/ov CID FORM 28 fetc:1202e 66jcp,,,ear c galfleclo-r.7inourew ofof illptiltAi4s ad ,we 0._4w Ise etch7Mw -141,141A , t2#W 1,,1( e;/416/6f,, /0, pos-tcezet4-.74'k D,3a45ed 0. CA .fiv -lec 3 .cbn.61 614.64,,d ciit14c1.),wsseal rJ 934-. PFA Ott NAa Saiti .660.0 bi;tostscazi ifrfera,41on who o.e. not kb In4- Pleckw- )ocated tu.sckuvi -46 tis/to/2-as Hotaiec \r,AkSiviAfir01 01 (26.1._. Nu biy 49100-fixe . bcctk 6Vr. AkteN94-edc -76id, 3 %(,1,04 ag11111, (-Cnot. Lu', G,ps 4417.6e) 0'4 •'PS cbspa40 kir tAsaCbek1 Weloix9ws afliesot--40 7r7e/gz, AtitclioN. 12Ligj IraicA apt IAA Pepod.vinvri ec4- Qteui had elvn4 gyve,lwAl7;1 644-. ke relief. , .707 Pc14i0A) 4r 0 remotW, 14; GRAVTAR /J. AL. 5-,Aultpfkz- (eziciouAviivl u4r61,11 FAAL 0,,410;pts (4hy cAs -ure acz 76, .46/ Ta7 aspoit 40 ,Siy,etwiew= I - tp:t1 0 2. LW' / FOR OFFICIAL IMP NW V ' F !AFORCEMENT SENSITIVE - 3 PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED AGENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY CONTROL NUMBER (CID Regulation 195-1) 61 1-714j -Ch.7 01 c- SZ( Z TIME, DATE, AND AGENT uL.._ wins bt/ CID FORM 28 SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACITIVITY yet*, 6A-c-.Pte 5,04cSatirati) : ItS 2831-1A16L'i 0 aSS AA5 QA4Tr A 9 I 2S 4-- criev‘as4 , 1-47 5-ict,t) 0A-lap cyt RPA;-- bC20A .0/Qiel 041/1 lelteal -tb_5A WIN ieiza 6Ae._ luof'd Z. 0-44 01,40.( -to -tto/ •k dock-Sitlz6 iedefie- PatedeArreoz,/, eik/iap( cef of X14 Afirk/ hoA7c Vi‘07 Nevel mculc51,4 NNW gcz-, tplAz 6444ed ke kid cli 014/ i,((tyviem) DI-0_ l4u8,s-t (0;4 , ulz 564-ad krt.c v‘ok NAY-t_ 7ilAotAtw 0-6110,2 \„A.a 1 -12 . 7e/hb/ 44 SA Willif 40 (Ito* Stks Seh4 4' _zeiz9±7 &Ivo! drat klvo IMF tJA4 (14 ehRivilatz ditt/f. tti Ad *ze. at atait 4 NIA-nefof 404 10 6/4-C. far Vie. 5A,c_ grait.04.) cpide (o1-1-k_ RFA (,064 -15 eTitrorris cty91 114-70e-R 2 -cvP— cat4012 r-4 cois4 3714,edam' 3 Onts-46 cicopk or, 40)0 SA 1.15/ OR OFFICIAL — L P OUSEDIT1014SAWTENRyirEMIMMT DOD-DOACID001476 AGENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY CONTROL NUMBER (CID Regulation 195-1) 0/4ff.-9— Pcwa_(2:D25 TIME, DATE, AND AGENT Zd Jul-) c, (4 Ur le/ =-- SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACITIVITY r RN QJ^ c,4 Gctf- c„, 5­ 7cui efoi,oc G-CizrA , .offs 6)51. ). "To 5A MN le/ bed spolLse, 1v SAC„,: Ltueik I.c 7cwoo/ 2. Notedc7eibirc .11111, 1JIA, tix7.14 51cAid -01 Da Goodivitthi tzi Mir 9 koXvaice w 1 514. ,wiez L, ‘62Apkvivlar 4Aftiz (1(41 WI-4-10c no a6u10,1;1- &fet..Fus efla. &IAA ej,„„,:i db 6A111114.7cM k 5-kdos alai( iv 5A111111M" J414*- 0/607 siq impuko oaka 110 law go ?FOY-Vali"-, /49-3 etnel Cogladdwi SA110111111111111W4thw C.S11/00A4 /A, eAvrt hac lete, T---kb OM, ok,b4.6; 11lefefiwcA24, SciVezake thkalin,a4-cfe no-erz.) due( /wake 40.1.c Acte'd -?'(ioct-rci c42a,;kux&dr;c -6/ Chia^ abw 'Mks. (fie Sp(-0A4124 -14' pi, V& al-if 3 A;,,), 1.3(e ". colatri1 147 7C/hir/ vvt'c/V71rf 0/ , 6 -P•ct. It cfi‘t /1,04 ' sip 1,-.11 12k\iti emt`j v¦icerviQvs Iv\41.7..... nchie/ i-oviA i Y- 1•1=7.=/1-..t114 bee - 4,V4y,ws I vArram. r-0140!\ / s mrNnewrr000.,. d s I t per U le,t1.1 U LAW ENFORCEMENDLiig,k-'-r PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM.' E- 4IL EXHAUSTED CID FORM 28 1 Oct 80 AGENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY CONTROL NUMBER (CID Regulation 195-1) Sj2-1 2- TIME, DATE, AND AGENT SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATIVE ACITIVITY 640c, 33.33,1 34 1111111.11 Vieef 13,7,6:6 (-ur7-0,i5(19 ca/e4 7 ANA-ocnv, 3Jui,304, 14:61vd cv ULtuium Of lyztvlsc01.07) fivin SA 111.111111, \a'wfA21A ( tivIO , Kv-) , aP,I.e5 416',5 aA04.37 „,„, =if 04,-6,10:1-ed760,04 (vet )cac•cktArr wc: 3 i.etotiol (AV +o No(-)1, -.4(07tig,rc-14k, IDeiJel-e€ 4tucer 17( e. sPr,2Fuldc- v /1-,(Liftif fr Jdc )4, /e,fx. • 7-0 S'AC he 7 ('44-' 5)(C A cotiv'Nf 4 4v/4404044. c5" „IS Us) ,5CLM1/14//a.1 1c. kir aJfii-ek tjtito 6,-J; it old cv, Qi,, 2„,r7 9a0A3 0(4 gismirt, ( U'J 0'4 be,/ ft cok,eiti?ki 7 ciAlo 7c/ 'ft) 3A- $c_cF 71kzir SO MOW "\s3 64v-ied vJa ) FOR OFFiria.J LAW ENFORCEMENT SENK„fr CID FORM 28 PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM WILL BE USED 1 Oct 80 DOD-DOACID001478 CID FORM 66 1. DATE 2. TIME RECEIVED 7. CASE NUMBER 0900 3 Jun 04 0149-04-C11)259-80212 3. OFFENSE 8.ASSIGNED TO Aggravated Assault /Cruelty and Maltreatment/Conspiracy ___111111111111117ei hti 4. SUBJECT 9.TYPE OF ACTIO GC Unknown 5. VICTIM 7F. ......A 10. -7e,m, V-REPORTS TYPE SUSPENSE COMP 6. CASE DESCRIPTION rN1701-,-----------CIODA) 0 4 Mr alleged he was abused by U.S. Forces in Samara, and B CF. 5AC- 12 c)") °`t i M44 SAC .:71-i) t_ .27-0z.- 11. OTHER ACTION ACTION RQRD 12. COMPL CID FUNDS DATE AMOUNT 5-Ac_ SAC_ 5-A c /6.7134-30 01) L1 IA 06 /6 jbe.. 3COOL 7­F...1 A c._ — 5 A-uejol P7/1/0.- 7 --- S f4lqr.p 1-\ _ R.A106CCP 70-VA) 0 14 2 7 11L04 MA 4o tkirt 7),Joti 7511v1-04 FOR ONLY LAW ENFORCEMENT SEISITHE . 7 DOD-DOACID001479 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY US Army Criminal Investigation Command 78th Military Police Detachment (CID) (FWD) 3"1 Military Police Group Baghdad, Iraq APO AE 09342 CIMPR-FR 5 Jun 04 MEMORANDUM FOR Special Agent in Charge, 286 th Military Police Detachment (CID), FOB DANGER, Tikrit, Iraq APO AE 09392 SUBJECT: Request for Assistance (RFA) 0149-04-CID295-80212--A ?Fiat(' fL 1. On 3 Jun 04, this office received a re tied Memorandum of Transmittal from your office, regarding allegations Mr National Detainee Reporting SystemNumber was abuse and mistreated while in the custody of U.S. forces. This investigation was returned due to the establishment of Detainee Abuse Task Force. 7& Mil /22-- 2. Preliminary investigation revealed on 19 May 04, SA Prisoner Interview and Interrogation Team (PIT), Ba dad Central Confinement Facility; Abu Ghriab, Iraq (BCCF), interviewed Mr who alleged he was taken to an unknown detention facility in Samara, IZ, w ere he was placed into a "hole in the ground" for about three days. Mr was then taken to a room where he was placed on a box which had wires attached to it. Mr tated he felt heat come from the box and he was in pain. Mr as then taken to a lace the U.S. soldiers referred to as "the septic tank," where e s aye or several days. Mr as then taken to the to the Iraqi police station in Samara, 12, where a U.S. soldier punched him and kicked him in the groin with enough force to cause him to urinate on himself. Mr 111111111Was then transported to the Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF), where Mr as stripped of his clothing and sprayed with cold water on two occasions. Mr stated all of his hair, to include e ebrows and moustache, were shaved by a white male in U.S. military uniform. Mr her alleged that on the fourth night of his confinement at BCCF, he was tied to the door of his cell while a large dog was allowed to bite him. 3. Request your office determine what detention facilities operate near Samara, IZ, and coordinate with those facilities to obtain all documentation which pertains to Mr to include detainee records, interrogation reports, medical screenings, and transfer records. 4. Request your office conduct canvass interviews of the personnel working in the detention facilities near Samara, IZ, to determine if they have any knowledge regarding the allegations made by Mr 5. Request your office coordinate with the Iraqi National Police (INP), located in Samara, IZ, and determine if Mr as ever in their custody or transported to their police FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 7 7 1.714 8 CIMPR-FR SUBJECT: Request For Assistance 0147-04-CID259-80210 station by U.S. forces. Request canvass interviews be conducted of the INP to determine if they z possess any information regarding the allegations made by7C, 7f,i42V-- 6. Request your office locate fully identify, and interview the interpreter who was utilized during the interviews of Mr regarding any knowledge of allegations. fri 7f--e 7. Request your office conduct any additional investigative activity identified within your office's AOR during the conduct of this RFA. • 10.-00 8. This is a Category I Investigation. Results will be provided to this office within 24 hours of receipt. Reasons for non-compliance with the 24-hour response time limit will be expeditiously provided to this office. bi2/7 leitte/ 9. Point of Contact for this request is SA at DNVT: 550 or email at . Request email confirmation of receipt of this RFA. (2) Encls 1. Initial Report 2. AIR of SA MOM ko/ CW2, MP . Special Agent-in-Charge FOR OFF/CIAL LSE ONLY t, 9 LAW ENFORCEMENT SFNSIT. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY US Army Criminal Investigation Command 78th Military Police Detachment (CID) (FWD) -rd 3 Military Police Group Baghdad, Iraq APO AE 09342 CIMPR-FR 5 Jun 04 MEMORANDUM FOR Special Agent in Charge, Baghdad Central Confinement Facility, Abu Ghriab, Baghdad, Iraq APO AE 09335 SUBJECT: Request for Assistance (RFA) 0149-04-CID295-80212 On 3 Jun 04, this office received a returned Memorandum of Transmittal from SA f7e 1,651 Tikrit, IZ, regarding allegations Mr National Detainee eporting System Number abused and mistreated while in the custody of U.S. forces. This investigation was returned due to the establishment of Detainee Abuse Task Force. -761 -1;4,7bz- 2. Preliminary investigation revealed on 19 May 04, SA Prisoner Interview and Interrogation Team (PIT), Baghdad Central Confinement Facility, Abu Ghriab, Iraq (BCCF), interviewed Mr who alleged he was taken to an unknown detention facility in Samara, IZ, ere he was placed into a "hole in the ground" for about three days. Mr as then taken to a room where he was placed on a box which had wires attached to it. Mr tated he felt heat come from the box and he was in pain. Mr was then taken to a lace the U.S. soldiers referred to as "the septic tank," where he stayed for several days. Mr as then taken to the to the Iraqi police station in Samara, IZ, where a U.S. soldier punched him and kicked him in the groin with enough force to cause him to urinate on himself. Mr as then transported to the Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF), where Mr as stripped of his clothing and sprayed with cold water on two occasions. Mr stated all of his hair, to include eyebrows and moustache, were shaved by a white male in U.S. military uniform. Mr 1111111111111urther alleged that on the fourth night of his confinement at BCCF, he was tied to the door of his cell while a large dog was allowed to bite him. 3. Request your office conduct a search of the records maintained at BCCF and provide detainee records, interrogation reports, medical records, and transfer paperwork, which pertain to. Mr 1F 76,k2eaz 4. Request your office conduct canvass interviews to determine if anyone has any information regarding the allegations made by Mr Ir I keo 5. Finally, request your office conduct any additional investigative activity within your office's AOR, which is identified during the conduct of this RFA. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 10 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE CIMPR-FR SUBJECT: Request For Assistance 0149-04-CID259-80212 6 This is a Category I Investigation. Results will be provided to this office within 24 hours of receipt. Reasons for non-compliance with the 24-hour response time limit will be expeditiously provided to this office. 70,1/ / 7. Point of Contact for this request is SA 11111111111111111, DNVT: 5501111or email at . Request email confirmation of receipt of this RFA. (2) Ends 1. Initial Report CW2, MP 2. AIR of SA111.11. / Special Agent-in-Marge FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE DOD-DOACID001483 Page 1 of 2 bt From11.11.111.11 . Sent Wednesday, July 14, 2004 12:59 pm To kel Cc Bcc Subject Re: Fwd: RFA 0149-04-CID259-80212 (Your # 0081-04-CID789) Attachments 0081-04.AIR.doc 34K wow ler Ata I also queried the BATS system, which is what I have to do to fiv4ut what each code stands for. I identified all the interrogators plus linguist. Some of the linguist you provided were not listed in the bats system, but i still added them to our list. I refered to the JIDC operations as to the location of them all. there were only two linguist and one interrogator left here. I attached my running AIR and medical file to you on 6 Jul. This AIR should tell you the location if known of the extra interrogators and linguist. Some of them were from the UK. If the location is unknown, then no one here knows. You can try to get CACI and TITAN and try to get a POC stateside for these guys, but Good Luck...we have been trying for a few months now. This should answer your question. I apologize for sending your info to Willpretch. I'm just so used to all of his RFA's. The bottm line of this case is he is lying and is a hypercondriact (SP?). According to QAIS, he never mentioned abuse to them and plus his medical records show he has an existing medical problem which causes his back pain, not the alleged abuse which he told me. I'm still trying to coordinate with MOE, but everytime I go there it his day off or he is in the booth. Thye are civilians and I can't make them come to my office on my time. As far as the soldier, he is on the road. Believe me when I say this, I want to get this done asap too. Because I know there are more on the way. Attached is my running AIR again. SA 7ei • 75t e Prisoner Interrogation Team Abu Ghraib, Iraq APO AE 09342 530-din b(0/ e From: • Date: e•nesday, July 14, 2004 0:02 am Subject: Fwd: RFA 0149-04-CID259-80212 (Your # 0081-04-CID789) SA le-I &W ho/ On 10 Jul 04, you sent an email to SAIIIIIIMINWhich stated the following: "0149-04-CID259-80212: There a KM GwersyMemsvEtim 12 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 7/15/2004 DOD-DOACI D001484 Page 2 of 2 interrogated him or been present. Two linguist have been located and pending interview. The one interrogator, who was present during the incident time frame, is on a traveling MI traveling team. he is only one place for about 2-3 days, therefore, I am waiting on his return." 0:•.! Six interpreters and six interrogators were identified on Mr ip-411111111111.1111 interrogation reports/interrogator notes. Were you abld to determine where the -other nine people are currently or who they are? I attached the spreadsheet again, just in case it did not successfully go through the first time. If it did not, I apologize and here it is. If you have any questions regarding the RFA, please contact me. SA11111 it, hig From le_./ blot Sent Wednesday, June 30, 2004 4:08 pm To Cc Bcc Subject RFA 0149-04-CID259-80212 (Your # 0081-04-CID789) Attachments Interrogation List.xls 15K aim er, A.769/ Reference your case number 0081-04-CID789, I need to add to this RFA. On 29 Jun 04, I reviewed the interrogation reports of Mr 11111/1111.11MR The review disclosed the interrogators and t' interpreters which were present during each of his interrgations. I put the information into the attached spreadsheet. I need you to locate, fully identify, and interview these interrogators and interpreters regarding Mr 4111111111111111.1110 allegations. The only 1 ?Vile, additional information I have regarding the interrogators is that • A0724 may be named Thanks. 70,-.3 job 3 OMB 7et kb./ FOR OFF CLa BE ONLY u 13 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITre https://webmail. us. anny. mil/frame.html?rtfPossible=true&lang ---en • 7/15/2004 rage ot From 1.111111111111111 1 . Sent Wednesday, June 30, 2004 4:08 pm To us.arm .mil --rd Cc Bcc Subject RFA 0149-04-CID259-80212 (Your # 0081-04-CID789) Attachments Interrogation List.xls 15K U 7CI 1w/ 178,40)/L Reference your case number 0081-04-CID789 to add to this RFA. On 29 Jun 04, I reviewed the interrogation reports of Mr The review disclosed the interrogators and interpreters which were present during eac of his interrgaaN. I put the information into i the attached spreadsheet. I need ou o locate, fully identify, and interview these interrogators and interpreters regarding Mr allegations. T onl additional information I have regarding the interrogators is t at s 24 may be named Thanks. 76 11111111Tfuel ie-w?' • FOR L •••• 6/30/2004 DOD-DOACID001486 Page(s) Referred to: U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND 7115 SOUTH BOUNDARY BLVD ATTN: CCJ6-DM MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE FLORIDA 33621-5101 MS. JACQUELINE SCOTT scotti (813) 827-5341/2830 Page(s) /7 Referred to: U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND 7115 SOUTH BOUNDARY BLVD ATTN: CCJ6-DM MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE FLORIDA 33621-5101 MS. JACQUELINE SCOTT scotti@centcom.smiLmil (813) 827-5341/2830 Page(s) Referred to: U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND 7115 SOUTH BOUNDARY BLVD ATTN: CCJ6-DM MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE FLORIDA 33621-5101 MS. JACQUELINE SCOTT scotti@centcom, (813) 827-5341/2830 Page(s) Referred to: U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND 7115 SOUTH BOUNDARY BLVD ATTN: CCJ6-DM MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE FLORIDA 33621-5101 -.. MS. JACQUELINE SCOTT scotti (keritcom. smil. mil (813) 8275341/2830 Page(s) Referred to: U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND 7115 SOUTH BOUNDARY BLVD ATTN: CCJ6-DM MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE FLORIDA 33621-5101 MS. JACQUELINE SCOTT (813) 827-5341/2830 Page(s) Referred to: U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND 7115 SOUTH BOUNDARY BLVD ATTN: CCJ6-DM MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE FLORIDA 33621-5101 MS. JACQUELINE SCOTT scotti Ca)centcom, smil, mi L (813) 827-5341/2830 Page(s) /3D Referred to: U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND 7115 SOUTH BOUNDARY BLVD ATTN: CCJ6-DM MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE FLORIDA 33621-5101 MS. JACQUELINE SCOTT scottigicentcom.smi,,mii (813) 827-5341/2830 Page(s) Referred to: U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND 7115 SOUTH BOUNDARY BLVD ATTN: CCJ6-DM MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE FLORIDA 33621-5101 MS. JACQUELINE SCOTT scotti (&,centcorn,smiLmil (813) 827-5341/2830 , cmorcement Ser 0149-04-CID259-80212 rine+ 4 AA JAIRTAA INVESTIGATIVE WORKSHEETCOVI- Ot wj-r-vi-C•16iin"7i DATA REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT AUTHORITY: Title 10. United States Code, Section 3012(g) ROUTINE USES: Your social security number and other personal information are used as an additional/alternative means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE' To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of your social security number is voluntary means by which information may be accurately identified. REC CODE ACTION CODE DATE SUBMITTED SEQ NUMBER YEAR UNIT ROI NUMBER . REL TO CASE CONTROL 8 389 INDIVIDUAL DATA LAST NAME FIRST NAME ivb 44 MIDDLE NAME GRADE 1111.11110. 764 OP V WI/c.‘ E-4 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER -OTHER ID NUMBER DOB ielo.ritcPOB-CITY POB•ST POB C Ty -4 W I-OEM7 INIMOPIN -70 SEX RACE ETHNIC HEIGHT WEIGHT HAIR COLOR EYE COLOR CITIZEN EDUC Y PRIOR RECORD MARITAL Male Cuacasion 511 185 BRN BRN US YO NCI Single MOS MCAC POSITION INDUSTRY SECURITY PHYSICAL MARKS 97E ALIAS-NICKNAMES) 38 ALIAS-NICKNAME(S) 39 ALIAS-NICKNAME(S) IF CONTRACTOR / CONTRACTOR NUMBER A CO, 20240 MI BN (ABU GHRUYEB, IRAQ) —MILITARY SERVICE SUBUNIT FORT/CITY STATE COUNTRY ZIP CODE/APO ORGANIZATION FORT GORDON GA 30905AD CITY STATE COUNTRY ZIP CODEIAPOADDRESS FAMILY MEMBER DATA FAMILY REL SPONSOR LAST NAME SPONSOR FIRST NAME SPONSOR MIDDLE NAME JUV SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SPON GRADE SPUN MCAC SPONSOR UNIT ADDRESS SPONSOR CITY SPON ST SPON CTY SPON ZIP CODE/APO SPON PHONE NUMBER OFFENSE UFC OFFENSE CODE UFC OFFENSE CODEOFFENSE CODE UFC OFFENSE CODE ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT TELEPHONE 8 ETS PCSIDEROS DATE INTERVIEW (START) TIME INTERVIEW (START) TIME INTERVIEW (END) PLACE OF INTERVIEW (END) FINGER PRINT PHOTO Ell II PLACE OF INTERVIEW (START) DATE INTERVIEW (END) LICENSE 8 / DECAL It DISPOSITIONVEHICLE DATA CORPORATION DATA FED SERV/PROD 8 CORPORATION NAMECONTRACTOR NUMBER CORP CITY CORP ST CORP CTY CORP ZIP CODE/APOCORP ADDRESS CONTRACT NUMBER NOTES HOME PHONE NUMBER: NONEHOME OF RECORD: GENEVA, IL CID FORM 44-R EDITI -- ..--- --.. ---- 1 DEC 87 14 For Official Use Only / Law Enforcement Sensitive ro imolai use unly / Law Enforcement Ser 0149-04-CID259-80212 IJUG I V'l 1-11JI0V INVESTIGATIVE WORKSHEET 700? I - Oti - C i 0-reSc l DATA REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT AUTHORITY Title 10. United States Code, Section 3012(g). ROUTINE USES: Your social security number and other personal information are used as an additional/alternative means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE. To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of your social security number is voluntary. means by which information may be accurately identified. REC CODE ACTION CODE DATE SUBMITTED SEQ NUMBER YEAR UNIT ROI NUMBER REL TO CASE CONTROL # 389 INDIVIDUAL DATA LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME GRADE 16 3-bi, 763 b&-76cbe -9 CIV SOCIAL SECURITYNUMBER OTHER ID NUMBER DOB POB-CITY POB-ST POB C TY Il 11111111111111 r_."', MO 1e 30.3 SEX RACE ETHNIC HEIGHT WEIGHT HAIR COLOR EYE COLOR CITIZEN EDUC PRIOR RECORD MARITAL Male 510 140 BRN BRN US YE N v. Single MOS MCAC POSITION INDUSTRY SECURITY PHYSICAL MARKS LINGUIST ALIAS-NICKNAME(S) _ 38 ALIAS-NICKNAME(S) 39 ALIAS-NICKNAME(S) -i--A /4,chit0. ORGANIZATION 11111 IF CONTRACTOR I CONTRACTOR NUMBER TITAN INC. (ADC), ABU GHRAIB, IRAQ MILITARY SERVICE SUBUNIT FORTICITY STATE COUNTRY ZIP CODE/APO ADDRESS CITY STATE COUNTRY ZIP CODE/APO FAMILY MEMBER DATA JUV FAMILY REL SPONSOR LAST NAME SPONSOR FIRST NAME SPONSOR MIDDLE NAME SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SPON GRADE SPON MCAC SPONSOR UNIT ADDRESS SPONSOR CITY SPON ST SPON CTY SPON ZIP CODE/APO SPON PHONE NUMBER OFFENSE OFFENSE CODE UFC OFFENSE CODE UFC OFFENSE CODE UFC OFFENSE CODE ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT TELEPHONE # EIS PCS/DEROS DATE INTERVIEW (START) TIME INTERVIEW (START) PLACE OF INTERVIEW (START) DATE INTERVIEW (END) TIME INTERVIEW (END) PLACE OF INTERVIEW (END) FINGER PRINT PHOTO ¦ . VEHICLE DATA LICENSE #IDECAL # DISPOSITION CORPORATION DATA CONTRACTOR NUMBER FED SERV/PROD # CORPORATION NAME CORP ADDRESS CORP CITY CORP ST CORP CTY CORP ZIP CODE/APO CONTRACT NUMBER NOTES ...mmo.....__HOME PHONE NUMBS HOME OF RECORD: 41111.11111.1111111111 bl,1111/11-3 3 "-3 CID FORM 44-R DEC 87 EDITION OF 1 AUG 87 WILL BE USED UNITL EXHAUSTED 14L For Official Use Only / Law Enforcement Sensitive • ube only i Law Enforcement Ser 'five 0149-04-C1D259-80212 ...,,,,,,,, uo INVESTIGATIVE WORKSHEET 7 DATA REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT AUTHORI .U. Title I U United States Code, Section 3012(g). ROUTINE USES. Your social security number and other personal information are used as an additional/alternative means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE . To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of your social security number is voluntary means by which information may be accurately identified. REC CODE ACTION CODE DATE SUBMITTED SEQ NUMBER YEAR UNIT ROI NUMBER REL TO CASE CONTROL # 389 INDIVIDUAL DATA LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME 7e4 kt.„ 4 GRADE b4adc-7e.1 k&L/c CIV MOM 64 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OTHER ID NUMBS DOB . POB-CITY Xii kJ, POB-ST POB CrYziiheill 'Mumc70-4 bott SEX RACE ETHNIC HEIGHT WEIGHT HAIR COLOR EYE COLOR CITIZEN EDUC PRIOR RECORD MARITAL Male 605 255 BRN BRN US Y. N . MOS MCAC POSITION INDUSTRY SECURITY PHYSICAL MARKS LINGUIST ALIAS-NICKNAME(S) 38 ALIAS-NICKNAME(S) 39 ALIAS-NICKNAME(S) ...7—A ORGANIZATION IF CONTRACTOR / CONTRACTOR NUMBER TITAN CORP., JIDC, BCCF, AGI -MILITARY SERVICE SUBUNIT FORT/CITY STATE COUNTRY ZIP CODEJAPO CITY STATE COUNTRY ZIP CODEJAPOADDRESS FAMILY MEMBER DATA JUV 'FAMILY REL SPONSOR LAST NAME SPONSOR FIRST NAME (SPONSOR MIDDLE NAME . ) SPON GRADE SPON MCAC SPONSOR UNIT ADDRESSSOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SPON ST SPON Cr( SPON ZIP CODE/APO 1SPON PHONE NUMBER SPONSOR CITY OFFENSE (UFCiE OFF NSE CODE (UFC (OFFENSE CODE IUFC OFFENSE CODEOFFENSE CODE ADMINISTRATIVE FETS PCS/DEROS DATE INTERVIEW (START) TIME INTERVIEW (START) UNIT TELEPHONE # PLACE OF INTERVIEW (START) DATE INTERVIEW (END) TIME INTERVIEW (END) PLACE OF INTERVIEW (END) FIN GER PRINT 1 PHOTO 'LICENSE # / DECAL # DISPOSITIONVEHICLE DATA CORPORATION DATA FED SERV/PROD # CORPORATION NAMECONTRACTOR NUMBER CORP CITY CORP ST CORP CTY CORP ZIP CODE/APO CORP ADDRESS CONTRACT NUMBER NOTES HOME PHONE NUMBER: HOME OF RECORDS . DID NOT WIS}1 TO GIVE ..._ __...... _ .. _ ..... . .. CID FORM 44-R 1 DEC 87 1 4. 9— For Official Use Only / Law Enforcement Sensitive 1 '‘ DOD-DOACI D001497 Page(s) /.c.,5' • • Referred to: U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND 7115 SOUTH BOUNDARY BLVD ATTN: CCJ6-DM MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE FLORIDA 33621-5101 MS. JACQUELINE SCOTT scott,@, i centcom.smi t.mi I (813) 827-5341/2830 ft ! mt- faJC viva T -WAVY tNI-UtiUtMENT SE"` :TIVE 0149-04-C1D295-80212 ROI NUMBER AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT 0081-04-CID789 CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES DETAILS BASIS FOR INVESTIGATION: On 23 Jun 04 this office received a Request For Assistance (RFA) from 781h Military Police (MP) Detachment (CID), Baghdad International Airport (BIAP), Iraq requesting a search of the records maintained by BCCF and provide detainee records, interrogation reports, medical records, and transfer paperwork for Detainee National Detainee Reporting System (NDRS)111111111111.'Pertaining to his allegation of detainee abuse while here at AGI. 7e-kb if About 0900, 28 Jun 04,SA reviewed111/1111111111rnedical records and determined he had several reports of "generalized" aches and pains sometimes listed as due to past strokes. There was no mention of abuse by Coalition Forces. (See Medical Records) c3 e4 ha/ About 1600, 5 Jul 04, SA coordinated with CW4 Senior ==-Interrogator, Joint Interrogation Debriefing Center JIDC CCF, AGI, who verified the following interrogators and linguist were assigned to etween 30 Dec 04 and 4 Mar 04. -v7 16 7C..3616 3 502nd Military Intelligence BN, BCCF A Co, 202nd MI BN, BCCF Linguist , Titan Corp., JIDC, BCCF, AGI, Linguist, BCC , CACI, current location is unknown 00th MI BN, redeployed to Japanr/.3 , United Kingdom (UK), redeployed 303' MI BN, Camp Victory, Iraq bbc Titan, unknown UK, redeployed an, un nown , Titan, unknown , Titan, unknown, le, it 620 (4-70bil*.2 CW4 Iso stated that as assigned to CW2 umat BCCF. He also stated that as not assigned to this detainee; her name being assigned was a clerical error, which occurred when the report was typed, (See Interrogation Records) AGENT'S COMMENT: Canvass interviews of MP Guards were not Conducted due to the fact that the 320th MP Battalion, Cumberland, Maryland, currently redeployed, were responsible for BCCF during the incident timeframe. 76/6/9/c 7e .A(v_3 About 0900, 6 Jul 04, SAIIIIIIMInterviewed MAJ 391 st MP BN ,7/=7c 'X 4 Detainee Aid Station (DAS), BCCF, AGI, ertainin he medical history of111111111111. Dr. tated that he was familiar with , due to his extensive medical problems. Dr. tated 111.111.11111Nitially report that he had a stroke about one month prior to his ir-71*t./- 767_i-ed TYP ' SEQUENCE NUMBER ORGANIZATION SA IN b 2-- PRISONER INTERROGATION TEAM (PIT)(CID) Baghdad Central Confinement Facility, Abu Ghraib 09342 SIGNATURE DATE EXHIBIT CID FORM 4 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY-LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 15 G DOD-DOACID001499 us3c uPIL -LAW ENFORCEMENT SE"r :VE 0149-04-C10295-80212 ROI NUMBER AGENTS INVESTIGATION REPORT 0081-04-CID789 CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 2 OF 2 PAGES DETAILS /041/) 713, yC ?ebb (‘ arrest and he was currently sufferiniWpinal Stenosis, which is cause by trauma or sleeping on a bunk without a mattres Dr. tated that was offered surgery to repair his spin, but refused. Dr. tated tha as never mentioned being abused during any of his medical treatment. ?Pt& 7e, AGENT'S COMMENT: etainee File is located at CJTF-7. About 1000, 12 Jul 04, SA interviewed Linguist . He stated that he remembered the detainee, but could not recall who the interrogator was. He stated that nesses. ever mentioned being abused in an wa but did often complain of body aches 7c-, an 1 ated he believed vola person who always complained of sickness an injury. -V 7C It. ,1111111111111100110810111110.fiPc11PI1O1//MOLAST ENTRY111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111101111111 TYPE AGENT'S MEA CE NU ORGANIZATION -76/72-PRISONER INTERROGATION TEAM (PIT)(CID) SA Baghdad Central Confinement Facility, Abu Ghraib 09342 SIGNATURE DATE EXHIBIT CIU FORM 91 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY-LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE -1 5'1 . AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT 0149-04-C1D259 80212 - CID Regulation 195-1.Page 1 of 1 BASIS FOR INVESTIGATION: About 0900 04 this office received a returned Memorandum of Transmittal from SA , Tikrit, IZ, regarding allegations Mr National Detainee Reporting System Number was rn e to sed and mistreated in Samara, 1Z, and in BCCF. This investigation was retue establishment of Detainee Abuse Task Force. 76,3 i;f0 3 About 1400, 28 Jun 04, SA 111111coordinated with MAJ1 Detainee Operations, Multinational Force — Iraq, who provided copies of the detainee records of Mr (See records for details)///LAST ENTRY/// -r7d,044 bli( SA 78 th MP Detachment (Forward) (CID) Special AgentAIIII, 272/. Baghdad, Iraq APO.AE 09342 Signature:.Date:.Exhibit: 28 JUN 04 CID Form 94.FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. 12 DOD-DOACID001501 0106-04-C I D259 ROI NUMBER AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT 0033-04-CID789 CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES DETAILS BASIS FOR INVESTIGATION: On 11 May 04, this office received a Request For Assistance (RFA)(0106-04-CID259) from the 78 th Military Police (MP) Detachment (CID), Baghdad International Airport (BIAP), Baghdad, Iraq, to interview Interpreters and bout their knowledge of any detainee abuse involving and the shaving of detainee beards and women's panties. • 3 let bortc fie-loto 3 About 1340, 17 May 04, SA ,nterviewed Interpreter Titan INC, Abu Ghruyeb, Iraq (AGI), who provide a sworn statement relating no ieilli(See Sworn Statement) rcilldge of detainee abuse. C About 0940, 18 May 04, SA terviewed Interpreter lliTitan INC, Abu Ghruyeb, Iraq (Al), G who provided a sworn statement relating limited know edge of detainee abuse. (See Sworn Statement) irl ft 7cl i l About 1330, 19 May 04, SA with the as stance of Interpreter this office, interviewed Detainee ational Detainee Reporting System (NDRS) # ho detailed severe ins ances o a ege•abuse which occurred to him prior to and after his arrival at Baghdad Correctional Confinement Facility (BCCF). He stated he was captured about 15 Dec 03 in the area of Ishaki, Baled, Iraq, by US forces. He remembers the names of anand 'N. He was transported to Samara. He said from the time of his capture until he arrived at Samara, he was not abused. He said when he arrived at the place in Samara; he was put in a room with "stinky stuff" and called a "bad man" by the US Forces, He stayed in this room for 2-3 days and then they put him in a hole in the ground with other detainees for a couple of days. After this, he said several uniformed US soldiers pulled him from the hole and threatened to shoot him. They then took him to a room and'sat him on box with wires attached. He felt heat coming from the box and his body was hurting. He remembers an interpreter with a Kurdish slang. They then put bag on his head and dragged him to a vehicle. They took him to a place they referred to as a "septic tank" and left him for a couple of days. Then he was taken to the Police station in Samara. He said he knows this because the interpreter told him. He said at no time did any Iraqi Police abuse him. He said while he was at the police station he was kicked and punched by one US soldier specifically. He does not remember anything about him. He said he was kicked so hard in the groin, he urinated on himself. He was then taken to BCCF and was placed in tent six of the Ganci Holding Area. While in Ganci, he said he was not abused or tortured. After a few days he was transferred to the "hard site". He was hooded and verbally humiliated. He said one person said, "Don't tell me about torture, you haven't seen torture yet." They then stripped him naked and sprayed him with cold water. They then left him and ordered him to wash his clothes. He was taken to his cell still naked. The next day he was hooded and taken to another part of the building. His hood was removed. He said a tall, thin, white male in uniform, with no facial hair and longer blond hair began to interrogate him. He said the interpreter was an average size Iraqi man. He said two more soldiers held him in the chair and pulled his head back. He said he became unconscious. He said he was returned to his cell. The next day he was taken to the bathroom and TYPE AGENT' E UENCE NUMBER ORGANIZATION PRISONER INTERROGATION TEAM (M)(CH)) SA Tel ha Baghdad Correctional Confinement Facility, Abu Ghruyeb 09342 SIGNATURE lei DATE EXHIBIT S 9 Mav 04 F'3S1-1 ;4 FOR OFFICIAL SE ONLY Nc / 1 5 0106-04-CID259 ROI NUMBER AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT - 0033 04-CID789 CtO Regulation 195-1 PAGE 2 OF 2 PAGES DETAILS a white man in uniform shaved all his hair to include his eyebrows and mustache. He was stripped naked and sprayed with cold water. He said the same tall blond hair man forced him to put on a pair of white women's panties with a red rose. He was then taken to his cell and left for four days without any clothes or blankets. He said he had to sleep on the floor or the iron bars of the bunk. After four days he received an orange jumpsuit. That same night he was tied to his door and a large dog was biting at him and tore his sleeve off his jumpsuit. He said the handler of the dog was a white male in uniform. He said he was given a new jumpsuit and left in his cell for about 20 days without blankets or a mattress. He has lost most feeling in his right side because of sleeping on the iron bars of the bunk. He requested blankets, but the soldier in charge, a black male, refused. A doctor saw him after the 20 days. They then gave him blankets.4,hen a black man, named told him he was going to the tents. He was transferred to the tents. While at the tents, the same blond man came to see him and threatened him concerning the length of confinement. When asked if he had been abused since he was transferred to the tents, he said "no". 7G/1, 54 AGENT'S COMMENT: Detainee s unable to walk, due to partial paralysis on the right side of his body. He was interviewe w i e ying on a stretcher, Status: Your RFA has been completed in the attached enclosures. No further investigative activity is anticipated by this office. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ILAST ENTRY8/111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 TYPE AG ORGANIZATION PRISONER INTERROGATION TEAM (PIT)(C10) SA Baghdad Correctional Confinement Facility. Abu Ghruyeb 09342 SIGNATURE DATE EXHIBIT 19 Mav 04 ICRY. 9.. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 16i DOD-DOACID001503 Page(s) Referred to: U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND 7115 SOUTH BOUNDARY BLVD ATTN: CCJ6-DM MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE FLORIDA 33621-5101 MS. JACQUELINE SCOTT scotti@centcorn.smil.rnil (813) 827-5341/2830 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 014904C1D25980212 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 0116-04-CID469 AGENTS INVESTIGATION REPORT CID REGULATION 195-1 BASIS FOR INVRESTIGATION: On 7 Jun 04, this office received a Request for Assistance (RFA) from the 78th Military Police (MP) Detachment (DET) CID, Baghdad, IZ, requesting this office to f determine what detention facilities operate near Samarra, IZ; coordinate with those facilities to obtain all documentation pertaining to Mr. National Detainee Reporting System Numberillillio include detainee records, interroga ion reports, medical screenings, and lab 3 transfer records. Additionally, is requested to conduct canvass interviews of personnel working in the detention facilities near Samarra, IZ, to determine if they have any knowledge regarding any abuse or mistreatment to Mr. urther, is requested this office to coordinate with the Iraqi National Police (INP) in Samarra, ; determine if Mr. as ever in their custody or transported to their station by U.S. Forces; and locate, fully identify, and interview the interpreter who was utilized during the interviews qf Mr. 111111111111111, alab 3 -7.-7-About 1330, 14 Jun 04, SA ordinated with CW3 11.11111111.11, Operation Officer, A Co, 3KI Battalion (BN), 5 th pecial Forces Group (SFG), FOB Danger, IZ. He related he could not find any records pertaining to Mr.MII IIIIIIIIIPFurther, he related all records to include interrogation records, transfer records, and medical screening records are forwarded with the detainee. Also, CW3 dentified the personnel from Special Forces working in this area to include Samarra as personne from the 1 st BN, 5th SFG, stationed at Fort Campbell, KY. DMI, About, 1430, 14 Jun 04, SA terviewed Mr. Interpreter, A Co, 3rd BN, 5th SFG, FOB Danger, IZ, who did not recognize name. He further related he did not work with pecial Forces in the Samarra area. 7e 3 -7e,i 17c8c 163 ao 3 About 1745, 18 Jun 04, SA oordinated with CW3111111111 who related the ODA team in Samarra does not have an interpreter of Kurdish decent. J VII7 -2cra-3 About 1315, 21 Jun 04, SA coordinated with PFC 1st MP Co, 2hd BDE p Detention Facilit , FOB Brassfield-Mora„ who related that therel l eMls pertaining to Mr.i the files of the detention facility. Further, PFC related there is only one 4.1.' nterpreter assigned to the detention facility that had been working there for about a year and he is of Egyptian decent. lei bee/c7e,3,-0. About 1145, 1 Jul 04, SA coordinated with cwilmirwho related their detention facility is a room inside the DA'and that there is no hole inn on their detention VIN!" the-ground TYPED AGENT'S NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER ORGANIZATION: 286th MP DET (CID), FOB Danger, SA APO AE 09392 VI hidc DATE 3 Jul 04 EXHIBIT ( 1 of 2 ) CID FORM 94 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Wive Marking is Excluded from uratic Termination (Para 13, AR 34-16) LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE E 11 C IcI 162 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 0149-04-C1D259-80212 0116-04-CID469 AGENTS INVESTIGATION REPORT CID REGULATION 195-1 facility in Samarra, IZ. Also, he related there is no longer a Special Forces Team assigned to the ODA house in Samarra, IZ. )0112/ 761 About 2030, 3 Jul 04, SAIIIIIIIIMPand SA his office coordinated with personnel of the Military Intelligence (MI), FOB Brassfield-Mora, IZ. MI personnel could not get in contact with their source from the INP, Samarra, IZ, and his/her whereabouts were unknown. Further, the former ODA house located in Samarra, IZ, was destroyed by Iraqi resistance after the Special Forces Team departed the area.///LAST ENTRY/// TYPED AGENT'S NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER ORGANIZATION: 286th MP DET (CD), FOB Danger, la/ APO AE 09392 DATE 3 Jul 04 EXHIBIT ( 2 of 2 ) CID FORM 94 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Protective Marking is Excluded from Automatic Termination (Para 13, AR 34-16) LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 1r3 Page 1 of 2 From 11111111111111ks,P Sent Wednesday, July 14, 2004 12:59 pm To duo& / , Bcc Subject Re: Fwd: RFA 0149-04-CID259-80212 (Your # 0081-04-CID789) Attachments 0081-04.AIR.doc 34K Mr. Rill / bio/ I also queried the BATS system, which is what I have to do to flOkut what each code stands for. I identified all the interrogators plus linguist. Some of the linguist you provided were not listed in the bats system, but i still added them to our list. I refered to the MDC operations as to the location of them all, there were only two linguist and one interrogator left here. I attached my running AIR and medical file to you on 6 Jul. This AIR should tell you the location if known of the extra interrogators and linguist. Some of them were from the UK. If the location is unknown, then no one here knows. You can try to get CACI and TITAN and try to get a POC stateside for these guys, but Good Luck...we have been trying for a few months now. This should answer your question. I apologize for sending your info tolgi.M. I'm just so used to all of his RFA's. The bottm line of this case is he is lying and is a hypercondriact (SP?). According toms he never mentioned abuse to them and plus his medical records show he has an existing medical problem which causes his back pain, not the alleged abuse which he told me. I'm still trying to coordinate with NM but everytime I go there it his day off or he is in the booth. Thye are civilians and I can't make them come to my office on my time. As far as the soldier, he is on the road. Believe me when I say this, I want to get this done asap too. Because I know there are more on the way. Attached is my running AIR again. SA 1 Oti 75th MP Det (CID)(-) Prisoner Interrogation Team Abu Ghraib, Iraq APO AE 09342 530 -am Or' •'i Mess From: Date: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 0:02 am Subject: Fwd: RFA 0149-04-CID259-80212 (Your # 0081-04-CID789) SAINIM 1,76,c 76/ / On 10 Jul 04, you sent an email to which stated the following: "0149-04-CID259-80212: There are only 3 people here who have 7" ,f7;t4F. OT71,72 https://webmailm rm 8ssfble=true8elangen 7/14/2004 ^Jn DOD-DOACID001507 V Page 2 of 2 interrogated him or been present. Two linguist have been located and pending interview. The one interrogator, who was present during the incident time frame, is on a traveling MI traveling team. he is only one place for about 2-3 days, therefore, I am waiting on his return." Six interpreters and six interrogators were identified on Mr ummumpnterrogation reports/interrogator notes. Were you "1 able to determinewhere the other nine people are currently or who they are? I attached the spreadsheet again, just in case it did not successfully go through the first time. If it did not, I apologize and here it is. If you have any questions regarding the RFA, please contact me. • 5.1111111 16i 04, / Lw ) 1044/41„ From Sent We nes ay, une 30, 2004 4:08 pm To. Cc .764 Bcc Subject RFA 0149-04-CID259-80212 (Your # 0081-04-CID789) Attachments Interrogation List.xls 15K . .1.! I .1111111111 bv Reference your case number 0p81-04-CID789, I need to add to this RFA. On 29 Jun 04, I reviewed the interrogation reports of Mr The review disclosed the interrogators and r.interpre ers which were present during each of his interrgations. I put the information into the attached spreadsheet. I need you to locate, fully identify, and interview these interrogators and interpreters regarding Mr .(legations. The only additional information I have re ar ing t e interrogators is that alliamay be named.Thanks. '&P 3 1111111. FOR OFFOAL USE CYXL§ 1 (•' SENSITIVE 7/14/2004
