CID Report: 0032-03-CID519-62148

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<p>Juvenile detainee in Camp Bucca, Iraq stated that a guard from the 320th Military Police (MP) Battalion had twisted his arm while removing a piece of fruit from his hand. (The guard had accused him of stealing the fruit.) The detainee's elbow was dislocated as a result. Investigation did not establish probable cause to believe that assault had been committed. The file indicates that as of approximately 5/3/2003 11 juveniles were detained in one compound at Camp Bucca.</p>

Investigative File
Friday, May 16, 2003
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY le MILITARY POLICE DETACHMENT (CID) (FWD) THIRD MILITARY POLICE GROUP (CID), USACIDC CAMP BUCCA, UM QASR APO, AE 09375 CIRF-DF 16 May 2003 MEMORANDUM FOR SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION - INITIAL/FINAL(C) 0032-03-CID519-62148-5C2B DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: 1. 01 May 2003/0700 — 03 May 2003/0900; Compound #4, Camp Bucca, Um Qasr, Iraq, APO, AE 09367 DATE/TIME REPORTED: 9 May 2003, 0900Z • 12- INVESTIGATED BY: S SUBJECT: I . NONE; (ASSAULT, UNFOUNDED]. iirmigrO VICTIM: 1. CIV; Internment Serial Number (ISN) 4x /441 SSAULT, UNFOUNDED]. INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: This is an "Operation Iraqi Freedom" investigation. The delay in dispatching this report was due to the lack of secure communications capabilities for CID at Camp Bucca, Urn Qasr, Iraq. This investigation was initiated when COL Staff Judge Advocate, Camp Bucca, Urn Oast.. Iraq, notified this office of an assault between a soldier and a Enemy Prisoner of War (EP W). 4 4. Investigation did not establish probable cause to believe SP 32e Military Police Battalion, Urn Qasr, Iraq, APO, AE 09367, assaulted Mastell ¦when SPC4141/ky twisted his right arm to remove some fruit Master had received from the Battalions 47C1/ Aid Station dislocating his elbow. Master 1 had a rior injury to his elbow which did notae- Af properly heal causing his elbow to easily dislocate. Master;attempted to treat himself bytkokfr tying his arm above his head while he slept the night, of the incident, which worsened his condition. STATUTES: ARTICLE 128, ASSAULT (UNFOUNDED) EXHIBITS/SUBSTANTIATION: IUY DOD-DOACI D001067 Attached: 1. Agent's lnvestigativ _k1C21/2L-f IR) of SA 10 0 cktailine the initis interview of Master subject interview of SP interview of SSG re-interview of Master IIIIMMINVOil i f 2. Waiver Certificate and Sworn Statement of SPCrn May 03, denying he assaulted Master 111111W1C-Vil, irg t.gpe--„,‘ 3. AIR of SAgyir 0 May 03, detailing subject interview of SGTiiii 74-v 4. ,Waiver Certificate and Sworn Statement of SGT •0 May 03, denying he assaulted or observed anyone assault Master glaillriC Not Attached: None. The originals of Exhibits 1 through 4 are forwarded to CRC with the final copy of this report. STATUS: This is an Initial/Final (C) Report. This investigation was terminated in accordance with CID Regulation 195-1, paragraph 4-17a(6), in that the Special Agent in Charge has determined the furtherance of the investigation would be of little or no value or leads remaining to be developed are not significant. LEADS REMAINING: Canvass interview of compound 4, interview of the medical personnel who treated Master Offniir and interview vehicle driver. 47C-`666-V REPORT PREPARED BY: REPORT APPROVED BY: Special Agen 2, MP Special Agent in-Charge DISTRIBUTION: 1 - (original) Director, U.S. Army Crime Records Center, ATTN: CICR-CR, 6010 6th St, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 1 - CDR, 10 th MP BN (CID) (FWD) (ATTN .. Operations Officer), APO, AE 09304, (Email only/Less Exhibits) 1 — CDR, 3 1° MP GRP, (FWD) (ATTN: Operations Officer), APO, AE 09366 OFFICIAL UrT DOD-DOACID001068 Clib4"3 1 — CDR, 800 th Military Police Brigade (COLUMN, Camp Bucca, APO AE 09367 (Email only/Less Exhibits) lac-.31 4-3 -800th Military Police Brigade (ATTN: MAJIIIIIMID), Camp Bucca, APO, AE 09375 (Email only/Less Exhibits) I — File SPP OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3 DOD-DOACID001069 ROI NUMBER AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT 0032-03-CID519-62148 CID Regulation 195-1 , PAGE 1 OF 3 PAGES DETAILS .3 HAS S F• ItNESTIGATION: About 0900Z, 9 May 03, this office was notified by COL41 Staff ud: d o ate, Camp Bucca, Um Qasr, Iraq, of an assault between a soldier and a EPW. Master 1111111111111•111111111. alleg- • • -, e, 1 May 03 to 3 May 03 an . American soldier named ' ' (NFI) accus -d A-_ ) stealing ' the medical center (NEI) after being released for vomiting. _ II -;4 abbed Master Lit arm and twisted it to take the fruit from his hand. Master V : leged the following day he awoke to find he had pain in his right arm and sought medical attention at the medical center (NFI) and was determined that his arm was broken. SAikaiii About 13202, 9 May 03, nterviewed Master who re t d b to week ago he awoke throwing up and was sent to the medical center for treatme elated he was given an apple and an orange from the hospital stgirlfilii;, aster explained he returned to the i ' 4; - compound and rican guard named ' guard was a white male, about 65" to 67" and weighed ab _ 7 11›, but could not describe the other guard which was present wh n h was twisted. Master tated his arm hurt, but he went about his business. s r %plained that he then went to sleep and awoke with a stiff arm the next day. Master stated there was a second rical guard (NFI) present at the time and that someone had tol hi " ' sorry" in English. Master erated he thought the incident was an accident. Master xplained there were three other yrian EPWs in the area, but did not know their names. an American t ok the fruit from him by twisting his right arm. The About 1410Z, 9 May 03, SA iiiiiiiiidvised SP j le Headquarters and Headquarters Company (HHC), 320th Military Police Battalion (MP BN), Camp Bueca, Urn Qasr, Iraq, APO, AE 09367, of his legal rights which he waived and rendered a sworn statement in which he denied striking or brutalizing an Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW). (See Rights Waiver Certificate and Sworn Statement for details.) Ab 1105Z, 10 May 03, d S interviewed SGT/INIMEIMMIX and SPC h of the 724th MP BN, C qa Um Qasr, Iraq, APO, AE 09367. SGT an• SPC elated th t trouble oke i h compound and frequently went to sick call. SPCl. -, __ eN isigi LiAi d SGT ." U.­ore his cast off on 10 May 03 and _t to sick call. SPC AND SGT Ili— a ecFrrtimmirl land ifjpsyAid then they would have to log such an hey adn't had to touch incident in the DA Form 1594. SPC ocivSGTIINIVIlated their current shift was from 0600 to 14 end II/ remember when Master went to ck c 1 but the reaso w aster wetto sick call was not documented. SPC and SG rWier related that it was not uncommon for the prisoners to mutilate themselves in order to go to the Battalion Aid Station (BAS). TYPED AGENTS NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER ORGANIZATION z,4.6 4A 44TH MP Det (CID), Camp Bucca, Urn Qasr, Iraq. SIG DATE EXHIBIT zz." /3 YlIWZ7" F011' orFICIAL USE ONLY 1 FEB 77 DOD-DOACI D001070 ROI NUMBER AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT 0032-03-C1D519-62148 CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 2 OF 3 PAGES DETAiLS Age ' n e . aVview of the DA Form 1594, Staff Duty Journal, search of the log for the initial day Master et with negative results. ./-7 animp; ./s2:11411 eSIC-/.., 44 agoingino About 1120Z, 10 May 03, SA .and terviewed SSG 724 th MP BN, Camp Bucca, Urn Qasr, Iraq, .109367, who stat ent to medics and returned with a cast on his arm. SSG ated Master eged an MP (NFI) at the BAS, Camp Bucca, APO, AF 09367, twisted and broke his arm. • -5/ ,Wi 6.4 About 1130Z, 10 May 03, SA -e-interview Mastering/litho related he had injured his ab t.. Eus four years ago. Master.xplained his arm had not healed properly. Mastera'744 Oar d that he hdo t Red Cross Worker (NFI) that he had dislocated his arm and not that he hadero en it. Master can Guard (NEI) ha onl i h twisted his right arm to .5 remove the fruit from Master om his hand. Masterr• xplained his arm hurt, but he was t experiencing any physical discomfort and his arm did not !splay any signs of injury. Master ated later that day he twisted his arm more and tied his arm to his bunk to attempt to remedy the discomfort that he was experiencing, but only made the pain he was experiencing worse. C./ V 7C 3_ About 1140Z, 10 May 03, SA nterviewed SSG HHC, 320th MP BN, Camp Bucca, Urn Qasr, AE 09367, who rel althe BAS, Non-Commissioned Officer­In-Charge (NCOIC). SSG expl ter fid been in the ifferent occasions for treatment SSG tled the right arm of ast as dislocated at the elbow. SSG lated there were x-rays t easter fight arm and there were no indications of broken • X-rays. SSG gated he heard oltnd guards (NFO had watched Master is cast and twist his own arm. SSG fined if there was a prior injury to Master bow, then it would be easy for Maste o dislocate his elbow. J1.1.3,2/14, J tz_ v AGENT'S NOTE: A check of the BAS log by SSG IIMMIP confi ster11111111111Wad been at the HAS: 7 May 03, 9 May 03, and 10 May 03 for his right arm. SSG elat been to the BAS_ on 9 and 10 May 03 for destroying i b ams and re-dislocating his arm. SS xplained each time the right elbow of Master Ns dislocated and had to be reset. . . About 0750Z, 13 May 03, SA oordinated with LTC aNisS eni or Staff Judge Advocate, 800th MP Brigade, Ira, APO, AE 09367, and briefe d m on the facts and circumstances o this investigation. LTC in SPC op ?there was insufficient evidence to believe omrnitted the offense of Assault. 67C 3 TYPED AGENT'S NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER ORGANIZATION 441"/ 1 111/1/1/112//11/1/P--1 SIGN A 44z*-) / J/71,5zc 2zt. 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 FEB 77 ..0 5 DO D-DOACID001071 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT I ROINUMBER 0032-03-M519-62148 CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 3 OF 3 PAGES DET AILS. •.. oordinated with 1LT 1111alliell.Company Commander, bout 1200Z, 13 May 03, S -4 4-3 HHC, 320th MP BN, Camp Bucca, Urn Qasr, Iraq, APO, AE 09367, and briefed him on the facts and circumstances of this investigation.///End of Statement/// ORGANIZATIONTYPED AGENTS NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER 44-1/ AA- 44TH MP Det (CID), Camp Bucca, Urn Qasr, Iraq. DATE EXHIBIT SIGNA A7e1,3,64-/ 13)44--41/ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FEB 77 DOD-DOAC1D001072 . _ ..._....... c PRINCIPAL PURPCISEr -I o provide i:ommariders and law enforce-Evil 7114Clals w:th mear: ty ',Aids Informal= may be a7....urasery idenr rtLoo._ 119 UTINE USES:; Your Social SeourLri Wolper is aced as an addilignealfernate means or igen ipipconon la ladil are swing artl remevnl DISCLOSURE: 0:sc;asure 41' your cocoa: E2C;:ci:, Number is srulanizr/ OC,32 '0'2-CJP5i - 'e.'CiE i .Loc.,i,„,,, IT G:. TE a 44 BOCC Ca_ ¦ ( 1. rfa. ..... . . a, .. npnC4i;'?.„T'C.: in..71..S it-3 ) IW 41 1 -3 2cD tv-PAP (3fj b7e. -Y, A 6-y- -- :R . 5 I CC, J1-1.p. t t-,C C. CL._FJ GRACE:;%;_ : E • q / iez-.1.A-Po, AE o'n't 7 PAR I r 3.16.1 -L.; SilIVC3i:,163,VAIVE3 jE3Tif,: ¦:A;-; 6, 7(-- , -11 Section A. 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This !aorfer Can On 7 . olian law tel 1 mr3 ,, 9e 101 at !,d a;pense 13-In? :3J onvtlent 0 , a nIllpiapir lawyer .7.ot3..C111:r Me 3t co itL11102 is 1- G,;) b4- 3, (Fat tywkars not rod/act to the Cnt,l1 I hale she right an talk prria;aly :a I ?ZwyEll:FIC,E_ dwll, and attar awntammo ad to pare a lawn!! p:esen; ralpri me dlArl ,9 gat'IM'Illl5-'UM:left- MI that 11, 1s lawyr: on cc/ en= tap 1 arrange jot at n'il Chn stz^SP ar 111 i WU:It 311i, r .= a lawVir and Nan! sine, it :matter i .l be alailowd NU ma hem any queshormg begins. .0 am now wPIling 10 cIPS-coSs the off enSels) under I nresogacon, with op without a Iawaer eresent. I have a noor To 1509 answering noes:pans UT ills 1 . rn. Cr speai enncalely imlh a lawyer befell! answering runfiel. even il i sign The 1,a¦ Yet below. ,. . 1,. -et ,- r-iacie___ L eci cte (.41 . (,' c • • f r. Section B. Waiver' mrasSES 171 availabiel 13 SIGNAT F INTER ,/ ' • •1.,•), r .-1 1,, Prol7' I . ._ z/ • • 1 i CRCO • Pc!. -srlinfil ACCPFS5 FAO:3 503E 7IGATINI eile-Yi‘ - ..-",. Pr tail 5 TYPO NAME OF INVESTIGA - 5 76-/ A 6-/ CAGAlaila 7iGil ai AONESS Miil 1,4G4E ?6 ORCANIZaTt01 OF INET71.-4APOP La-i tk,, Nip c&-r-cc:J:6 I LeLok75 FIL,,cco. ) 1 113(4 Qo_s-r,Traci t APT Pic 0437S d 7c-/1..40 Section C. Non•waiver _._. ,_ I wars a lawyer — I dr: :.C.,. Win! ID to csenun ,2J . ::;,. iny:r.L9 S,Ii%,%7JF.i--OF iNiERviEN.ES ----— I- ',." 1 `.:!H T ;-, •.: ':.:; ,:1% ,7.S , F:: ; 7 : 7-S' ,::nr: :" -S71 S7: 7,,‘,!Sn:7-..._-7..:.,-,7?:.r 2.;...7..; 71-r, '::,. -....'";..i E:'12:.!"=D T. I -0E '..',.;:,:C7L:MSEC OA FOFINI 3821, NOV 89 EDITION OF NOV 841S 09SCIETE C C, )0--k \sk -7 DOD-DOACID001073 :3327 ',wed Nuvembef iJT iUKi10; i ¦ Ve05L Scion 1.1.1 ¦.; 253 .;. rL3ES 'fl11.1 mearqwlflOI inlormation mn ie accurateii .dentdied. To pr ow&c ommanders and iaw nn:DtCPrVnl PRINVPAL PURPOSE. de and retries a;? "12ans 5LEA :Mutt! nd..irear tst:sed ns c ROUTINE USES: 7C..) 6 vcotcry. jr;e0sul8 .3i-your ;CC;d1.1e:01? lurribk! OISCLUSURE: 0 3 TIME 2 DATE rfrYYMMOV. 1. LaCAffeil 1,417 13 y 0 JAA0a5 1--itCL 0 05 Co ­ OE'S TMI.5. S. SEM -.7 LAST NAME. FIRST pA Nilta.t MOVE ofSGASUZATin ON Aantss PO 12 CO3(z_7 3.20 74147 a) Ca 04 TIHE ,L;a:1::; ¦ CE,1 j11111111111111111111110----40-4A4144.7,,,-. 4 ns-rd Ak•A5 C1: nal Iiiiiiq,d -z T .,z.„(cd 11,s-cys- t-Jill' L5 tzl0 (C P-a,.113 S ,-(_ (Q C k 1 1j .....Q) ,..4-. 'n, c_cl) fQ c,Q_Jte, e 4,-4131•2 ,,,-; ,11-.•-t , --c .­ 4 c°-'— e 4 4. 5. 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A-e.,- y 9 c70.-t-os A G-44-e.... a,pici reeet-s-MITI 4.5, 71-1,ev WIIOg re.icic-D-- ('' 41-LA C c r A 4.1.(A.E! CZ ho s sc..--r" Oeeirl'a_c_c.tisea (v./ --i-k,,, rt-i4j,,A,Ers or 1,4o11-in) "IL\.1A-% :1)17 _ , He,..y e...,,,,-,) lke el4 it cc (-).5at-te-­ 1 irb764,641 a. haoiliit,f strocl_r4'se24 67-1---s• 71W744,A4-4 A it Ili ticu.,":,e_. 6r-kirogAil,, e A-. Pr ov'e -r167‘..-3)4 0 . , E oery r ,,._ .„,,,,s 5(7rpoop ha 'e adowl ^4-5-• ‘eez-1 t -Y1. se JP- e)e(-...F. ,is-e i,okoi. t S6-; ' A Tc-i)b -3 ,„_.,... , A , x i-i o doe-v. k -s ,,,5,-1--ncuue, Ple r5 1 ir\ I'' i" (4300 IN, 3..10 1"-14.4t;› " kge. s 5 d tO ''' - 5 Liar t vi-v-ty loe t. d e_ e.bitt5rer: trvxiir-, 6-3 11.Cte- , (7 'f i\o-1.--f-c, 0 J.0d7Celtit_L44(6.twotcP - (Oka/ do 00 /10r-gi4o_hy &06t--k f/Are__ Q. A , 56-r 61c-5.64-3 ii„e_ jo ve_,I, 4, ce:9,4 3., c,v+. ieitp.iiiioidiet-,s at- _ pocfri , .3,01,,,,t) ,41,.....i. &. 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Seder­ it! ot -1--e) rA y t(-1,1 illikviec)e a -6).e.\--- Azon Sc. ho_pes a 401 L1,01' 10e, irra..clo_i L_, Li-11/.attio,r) i avuic,,vv, c.,.. 4 , 15 .4•48e_ 4.)4.e/-.Me ottk,ssokie f-,s Aare A4-zi;,,,A ,ukiil --f-t,, `(--) 6,,,,,',,,6, 0 .51-ic_kC IGri-Ae fewoc 1)74;,-, bill pre_ ale inecht 0_1 tA r s Aid s eek Oail5 eil-er-,..d 1',44-6 ti-Le fo7 b 00 (r ? /1' des. 4) 76 * b4.1' 4.4iIra e..-Sc--0 ike, risoKe c- cik+e re c.) isucfr.)-tke tuq 6cc.,11, 04 6 dIB i-L.e..50,3,_ esce.ets -/Pwwk. em-t--ilve_i`v, nakt,e ,\A‘-inte Co5e, No . Me imedc'c,44)1,1.0 6 iz Iv ihy Wo ute..)-aw. pri's °owl-T.)54 "Ae.rit)OA . ot,st-rt el ....' ` ip T ad. -b. co)e_cx.... TiAey Yik2-0..-i-iovve._ bvt,-) rkek,44e_ be re 42 kce, 4 Itey civec5 it-e, • 144., k tv_ oas P1), W.6 74121, 4 '-g t.)e_ (400 See-P1 r2. 6,, 0,1,) -IA E cavwpt ick.ielf, A . ke, ,d0,-s' 4hert. a c e a cion s ae ,f). be 5'c_) tile 4-0Cks tea_11)‘1, 3 -Cot-the ork-f-stlAt-ee_oa—roor at-J..1s -1-ie_ br-c,.LA" 41A-a- a--2 ¦ fri e-s a t)c) pLi'e fur-es 43 -C 0¦ rri Acy SpecuilI t6, 11-1,,,,, v_;:as , Tkc,,,,e_ see, iii'm ctrou,A 0-1-4 e r Mi p..e.fe irk 1 t-, .--- f aile:r 4.he --i)ct. 1 --fAere doriv,5 ovrsh,'"?' Ae!.5 iiee,1 efpoierec) i'-40--lit e io.) 6(16 k... ki QS beey or 0,6,.-1 sAi Ado yo,...) t-1,...7i-k 15744. 6 4 - {VTIAIS OF FEIN TEMEST -41 RIM. PAGES /:232 CeF k(-1 rk-L, \ G CAVA \ 05.:P3 7 , VI 9 DOD-DOACID001075 g sTATTMENT iConprve, )11,--c)Ai-5At io 1)0 D nap A 4" 6,-(14 ‘ eb 6.E_ I oo k 7 1.0 Ak re +-lin dli)14. " 44* a Apt KiAo L.L.) d IOW 74,7e.--s,46-3 de° Ca„ Liao ler 6e here. kieo,r5 on_ 11/4Jc y Moot 64 119 6 12' 1 , LOA+ t-e.,4nAckte , pretty rate, te,Ases, /49 _le fdrijiAsseS 1+1, 4.,Ac)IESr1SeS 711, pre sc Lierioevs o+' 6e orytowv-, PN¦ 5 -1.61044 -4( u)ke..1,A yao 4.0e)c-riel O-Se Sel -e`CWIZInS '‘ be-scrL'‘e ..como Pritorter-my I-in/ 1:76-1-1-Ae 4-, .1?-e.t&o.r5e -the uct_4-,01.1 cl or ,143 e'S(o)."7— k__s Cfitgy IV to ra-6 c`01-WeapCn-S or 'AA 64-fhevi lje ate 2,e a. re k L'rN `them. ctrl --‘./ fLetj fOreo--.. -free av,10,) ccttcx IC or 51-a_11 v11111t47 . 0 , 1,,It,c....teur-e e c.) -to ejoyetif s r medekes /1 Aryl-14\1:n t 0 AS i de te c; a Loecip 0 r%) etas f ur-s o r.ilci-Oe far 478-/ Are viol a it oc,4-, ec) ,onc) tent poles, clross,c1Yok.o/A 04d 0--AS 41,9 61--5 r, .112:2'E A)t , /AP cc) PV5/e ci vi c) CP 7% /141..s top, l.,:p0t-con.sWerS • -­ 47014..fg A' ‘.(&`)-. l99 C tt, -k-r) acoi 0 ' tick...) do bu --eel, tA60 i.......oe 6 ee.A.÷-e.a..4- A , ,kt,i lki-7L -t-746:y to © LA--Stogy-ev-too--,? = Dc., tooc1 (40,,,e avv-fi,,„\„ +o cLc.) I:, cc- 5-r/o-&-mc/u 1-1 C-N 7`c 't.-4/42--- A' deaf -1 74 -$c) 4 4-9g AFFID A VIT 06i-41 HA' E READ 1.41 HAVE HAD PE IC tT !.IE THIS 7RI;:.`/ERT WHICH S E 3 . Ht, 3f DI ML. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. I HA4E INITIALED AL L CORRECTIONS AND HAVE IAIITIALED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PACE CONTAININO THE STATEAUT. !HAVE MAGE THIS ', :rTATEMENT FREELY WITHOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OH BEwARD, WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT. AND WITHOUT COERCION. UNLAWFUL INFLUENCE. CR UNLAWFUL INDUCEMENT inY mvn tl wITNESSES Subscribed and sworn to Ilziax ME a person authorized by law IR adrrrhster oaths, this day of pi aski a1 CG_ C 'Trot GP7:,:\NT.IATION OR A CORE SS aritl i-/ trifled flame of Person Atiannrsterr'ng !lath) Ar-ticle or...6.4.r,v,Z.471:A DR ADDRE.7.0-(Ai/t.'7.7rfri in -1(!rmnsSf2, 030;.P INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT OF PATES 671 -1 L64 PAGE 3. DA FORM 1823, DEC 1898 CE..:1' AI OFF tCvl.r-- .Foc a 1 0 DOD-DOACID001076 ROI NUMBER AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT 0032-03-CID519-62148 CIL Reg:Ilation 295 -2 PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGE DETAILS hip:Lti,44 . *7 -3;3 About 0557, 10 May 03, SAIW, this office, interviewed SGT (MP I sT th Military Police (MP) Battalion, Camp Bucca, Iraq, APO AE 09375 (CBI), under rights Platoon, 320 advisal, which he waived and provided a sworn statement documenting he hadswledge or invo v erit4ip a verbal altercation which turned physical with Master 'Further, SGT (MP) stat?d he was in charge of Comp d #10, ,ff, until all the detainees were moved to omp Compound 46. In addition, SGT (MP) Vaied the detainees who were in his custody were all juveniles. (See Sworn Statement for details) /ffiLast Entry/a/ A 76-61, 6-6/, TYPED AGENT'S NAME AND SEQUENCE NUMBER ORGANIZATION 44th Military Police Detachment (CID) sA11111101111111P Camp Bucca, Iraq APO AE 09375 SIGNATU DATE.EXHIBIT 10 May 03 ‘-d/ C FORM 94 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I FEB /7 DO D-DOACID001077 .11J leVittnitmodu rowt,cuunaL,I•nt sa LAI iy For use of this farm. see AR 190 30: the woman] agency re a oc soPs DATA RECURRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT AUTHORITY: Title TO, United States Code. Section 30121g1 PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: Ta provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which information may be accurately identified. ROUTINE USES: Your Social Security Number is used as an additionatialternate means of identification to facilitate tiling and reinaval. DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of your Social Security Number is voluntary. 45 LOCATION 2 DATE FILE NO. 4/44 /UP olifr.r-1141V I' Succ4 1.14 47,411'M AG4i, ORGANIZATION SR AOORESS 7‘. yze 1-4P 6 1-1 I Jr . GRADE/STATUS , iota vet37,r esirt-A. PART I RIGHTS WAIVEFORION-WAIVER CERTIFICATE Section A. Rights L The juvestigatro whose name appears below told no than helshe is with the United States Army CR) 04t;iivrCJ T 1 adr, 0 4_/ COM 4.4 i4 Li I) 5 A-and wanted to Question me about the fegovving oNensels) of which am suspectedlaccvsed: s .6 pittaq Az_ cal; Before heists asked me any questions about the offense's). however. heiske made it clear to me that I have the following rrghts: 1. I do not have to answer any question or say anything. Anything I say or do can be used as evidence against me in a primula! mi. 3. frariadvsonneisudject Otho OM I have the right to fah priva/Oly to a lawyer before, during. and atm questioning and to have a lawyer present with me diming questioning. Th,s lawyer can he a [Aran lawyer I arrange the at na manse to the Government or a military lawyer detailed Tot me at no expense to ma. or both. • Or • For erdiaos nor subject to the LICMJI I have the right to talk privately to a lawyer before. during, and after questinning and to have a lawyer present with me during questioning. t understand that the lawyer can be one that I arrange for al my owl Wens!. Or H I cannot afford a lawyer and want one, a lawyer wit be appiinted for me before any questioning helms. III am now willing to discuss the off enselsi under investigation. with or without a lawyer present, I have a sight to stop answering questions at any tone. or speak privately with a lawyer before answering tether, even it I sign the worsen below. b7&11.44 5. COMMENTS 1Canunue an reverse ride) tycli 11,0,5 phi Au 1441,4,rW ima av6 VOL) eicti 11T5 PC. ia.) E PAST sir eictjes. Section B. Waiver I understand my rights as stated above em now wiling to Orgo55 the gflenselsr under investigation and make a statement without talking to a lawyer first and without having a Lawyer present with me. WITNESSES f1l avalableI SIGNAT F INTERVIEWEE 1a . NAME (Type or Amid ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS ANC PHONE A ' irjqi#11i114,11 7 .bic -,IdA4 4 2a. NAME (Type or Prinil TYPED NAME OF INVESTIGATOR 34 11111111111111111111 b ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS ANC PHONE ORGANIZATION OF INVESTIGATOR 441'M Celb) C iv 4P fictne k 0514'75 Section C. Nonrwaiver Ido not want to give up my rights E] I want a lawyer LJ I do net want to be questroned or say arrarhIng SIGNATURE OF INTERVIEWEE ATTACH THIS WAIVER CERTIFICATE TO ANY SWORN STATEMENT (DA FORAn 18231 SUBSEQUENTLY EXECUTES BY THE SUSPECT/ACCUSED OS OA FORM 3881, NOV 89 EDITION CF NOV 84 IS OBSOLETE 4 zit .11 1 r P‘t--. S DOD-DOACID001078 , . _.._..._. „...,-• -- AUTHORITY: Title 10 USC Section 291. Tata 5 LiSC act,on 2951: E.O. 9397 dated November 22. 1943 13,7Ni PAMICIPAL PURPOSE: To provide commanders and law enlorcement officials with means by which interrnetian may he accurately identified. Your social secunly numer :s used as viaudAionaUalternate means al APieitamn to facilitate filing and lutpeual. ROUTINE USES: DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of your security number is volunTarv. 7Z -,hz-3 £ 71124 41 I . LOCATION. i 2 ID 7 E IYMS'arifL7/ J. TIME inn E 4. Fitt NumaFit o7 4/x5 05- /0 0759 .141111r I 19/9":;"'" 941i/ AYber6liOreitif4/2.eLier4, /al 93 4441514r. S. LAST NAME. FIRST NAME, MIDDLE NAME 6. SON I 1. GRAOEST4ILIS -St -1 6-s--/Le-A 1. aFGANIzATIoN , P.2 1 PB .,¦ AIR „; i a" Oq ..... 1 know obsctu Te Cy Nano, clhouT A Tuv en 1 ce_ I ft) I'?/ Co ro Al obi to ho.was e sc ck red To. 'Med ici L It-S , P L' 8 as LY 5 IQ Le FRUIT riot Sic k cci L e_ id1/41 keie_. A Co n F Rol? TcCri a A) 7270ft Iota ce (.4.), j-i) The. 9 u4 Y-01 R es-L., LT-) no /Al /9 V c h e t) n iz 1y) an The.Tv ve_n 1 t.... . ALL are TA 4s i_oq5 / 0 Li. %o Me-8, CID A 0 e.,% .-r . 'The. JV Ven 1L_e,5 “iheke TRall5 Fe illi aveR To The 7 : 11 Tk' MP ANS"--- 614-3)ktr.5 1913P 0 o/)ok ghou-r. 7.-4. 1 , 3 i-c4 cyF Ploy ;003 . 4/4 6 "2.I.1--e."7-/ 7 9 y 4 e- ,' US' ShiFT q-r-103o fie) 0/1/ The Z.4257 cicii FA. -('-ryl p wa s 0 fel'? Girl The juvenize_c-- froze 1 o Me 3 esT of my know L ec/g e. A ci 0/ ok Corn pLcAl ned of a ,gRokeo ARM, ALL I 1 juVeiniLes PPPeoreci To be 1 fii 900c/ AeciC./17 0 egiiiffl/oPe of Gnd -7-The ilrc fileinc0 juve4niLe-,5 a Cg sr cV i / 1 ilif The hglv-1 , -"her-e we're M Com ptai 0-5 c7R 64 V/•..... I d i en/ oF AIL0 e 4114 ? aa il 4 F FIRS0 i TsIAKAND STATEMENT 10 EXHIBIT PAGE 1 OF PAGES 1— 471:/TION41 PAGES MUST NNW, ThrE H5ADING 'STA TE:li -,117-oc. . I.,:,i'EN 4' F.d.4 TE. :' W BOTTOM OF EACH AUDI TIORA1 PAGE MUST BEAR THE 4.9:11A25 OF TYE -P:RON WONG THE STATEMENT, AND PAGE NUMBER MUST BE BE INDICA TEJ DA FORM 2823. JUt 72, IS OBSOLETE 0517101.00 DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998 C^n mti, LFF L 1PC\_. UC'. crA71 13 DOD-DOACID001079 U.a.c 111, •' • la N1/1/ 3 sT.,:,TELIFIT P77 Cus rod y IA) rvoe Co pv‘pcuod a!.6 lc./ ) 64- / A.701,,S4-Y -EA-51s p$,R,109 ,01-7- Ftorr L.c.),45' '' :4) 9004 .7-71tie-4-4 Low" IA 4ou .6*i 73 1,..EA,­ /.07301---- A% T te a/a , ,i,tv me Ptocess oF gets-tn" OFF Sh,tcr '--wkeri-Spc.. _ .°6 100T-IFIed Me Titer (ID v-"S 1A/VeSTIO clr°n,, A r_Igg Q icen fiRri oF A jvventLe Thar irvvoLed sTeca-in, rr1/4) Jr FRorv) SickcarLL . a! Dib got-, Locerg -toe pg_ilcos sToenEit4:61,77 1,4 yes DICE 9 01, J'+'6' r.8 C-y al-t-erce.,4% op-% 1....)I.414 a6. ni n AA.4.-etifr j, per tfrtc-likS7 E-pt Wcr- d42,466 .41 e-e-fe5ordi bb 4-7 c.) beta k- ct_ vie-kin turovt NO it)+ 41t-Lip(' Ott ijOL.Ar 511 :41-7 IL; Live Ltkuee.. C-49 191-1Nte juard5 a: ye,5 Pis+ 2 e-2.4..eks 04.04e4ji? 1•444eit `. u.-) 140 6.."Vraii411. r)111:5141`..-;3f16.1 spm :144epc. a4i.e.44-f-k--Jiovt -1-i cky Lue-e& rettr 6k„"01111111, c T kx-3_,A4 -3 6x dGj hic•..4),44 -3 /i'e5 5s6 41 556 OIRSeit4 Spc wvka..4 is 4,c-,E4-km, cLb\ SPc 1u. in ti s 41,trcl-°cc Lor czwirok_m-lci? co imp 1C-0 iC OR To c_ find /-65 1300k t7 Ko 1‘ c cIS 9 kr. Book 7, mYseLP ok tu A4, evek e Ise is 1131,tf r e ciax5 bO01C-441w erg ig4ed To ANy PLace,.tAi.USoe-211 y Reqc 0 tkiPC/C/e12 C7 Q / /1) q 80 X b ont a c. 1 cn.Di cli) oc-t caoez_vi.4..,,..,+. . tvtU c1.2441 I A yos 0 d t d 7 SPC, rrloR4 I n 9 0F The ,t9,e) Sr PloTIP ied m e Tis AAP').nCioiciPT his trkien/49 tAicIS Th72-e eve 1)04ita :NimaLs fl PERSGN MAKING STATEMENT FIVE 2. 0...7 :=C;;;,1 2S23. ea" 19.911 Lr Ve). L\ DOD-DOACID001080 1- ;,.ED ,T;'4E ,IT OF 9 STATEMENT (Gervoledi. _ s t ,ted-eirituk4A ? 0. bo 1,4:we 0-,1 7s-AA4.3 a-cta YeSi 'No TvverNties Agri Vin's 13 toicer) To 001 k now an my /1.,c1 in Theiz 1A-1 0 5 f/evede Any conlphthr 0P. v )cucit_ S 9' n of /9 8R0 ken Agri CAI mX 51-1 . Fr, -nv-6 rv1ckhari,9 ',tag -rh e Figsj Time. Th ._S 5r, con incidehr WaS P/2-000" - kncifti n v• ()CT CO;#0 &o/ 119Rtal oiC • Any d 67-01 I fled ‘TVI./e) i Le 0 le„,+-07,1 c ev) ve .510 , W43 4 Pli-su lide$ASTandin, besr oP Th7 I Scud -ro The_ /snow/cc/6e %\ TkQkeCorn pia /veli. QP AnY oiltSuaL S ct AliZoken damn 11151 h • rr. -I-0 • -4-L Do. r57A7cA--7://1/ A' NO u ! -T PC-111-,14HYJE REAP OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT I. . I Euu.? UNDERSTANG THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE WHICH BEGINS ON PAGE 1. ANO ENDS ON PAGE STATEAupc cS TRUE. HAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECT!MS ANci HA IE INITIALED THE EIOTTOM 01 EACH PAGE CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. i HAVE M9OE THIS 3'; %Az_ .7.— -HTHcuT TI;`'_.17 7clisHMENT. AND MON. LINtAwFUL INFI.UENCE. OF UN .AwFrui INDUCEMENT 'ils / [1 0 n1 11.70-/3/ goo Ere o erson Adminiverrog DRGANiZATIoN OR A3E/RES'S i'Fioyd I ame ersoo ,mostering ACT-/36.2 0)(1) Mahoney To Athoopster eatt.s.1 ORGANIZATION OR ADORESS n PAGE 3. OA FQNM262.7, DEC 1933 1 V.) ‘T--¦ F on, D F F ‘C + DOD-DOAC1D001081 ; AGENT ACTIVITY SUMMARY CONTROL NUMBER ; (CID Regulation 145-1) OD;— 63- CA 0519- cer65 ce-t „ c o (,1/4-1061-0 cer., IAP GfLBU1 C.1249 J fere-1211.-V 4 11Pt !"11 CID FORM 28 PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED. 1 OCT 80 Page ; DOD-DOACID001082 F — AGENT ACTIVITY SUMI.IA.RY; CONTROL ..11MBERLutig-nl-rtns.t.9244c (CID Regulation 195-1) 1300Z, 9 Aug 03 (10 mins) 1320Z, 9 Aug 03 (20 mins) 13402, 9 May 03 (10 Mins) 1350Z, 9 May 03 (10 Mins) 1410Z, 9 May 03 (110 Mins) 1600Z, 9 May 03 (10 Mins) 0557Z, 10 May 03 (I 50mins) I 057Z, I 0May03 T.10/1.25 105Z, 10 May 03 T:20/1:60 130Z, 10 May 03 T:20/1:120 140Z, 10 May 03, 1:40 400Z, 11 May 03 1:5 17002, 11 May 03 1:40 0750Z , 3 rrio.erzqs) af5rz ( *3 CID FORM 28 1 OCT 80 00 zz-e3- c_it) s e9-4 2.;17 BASIS FOR INVESTIGATION: About 13102, 9 Aug 03, this office was notified by COL. of an assault between a soldier and a EPW. Master ; 7t. 1 Y alleged between I Ma 03 to 3 May 03 an American so dier‘7•4 named;(NF1) accused Master ;f stealing fruit from the medical center (NEI) aer being released for vomitin;hen grabbed Master;right arm • and twisted it to take the fruit from his hand. Master INIIIIIballeged the following day he awoke to find he had pain in his right arm and sought medical attention at the medical center (NF1) and was determined that his arm was broken. Coordinated with COLIIIIII.and interviewed MasterMillib.vho related that about a week a o he awoke throwing up and was sent to the medical center for treatment. Master related that he was given an apple and an orange from the hospital staff (NFl). Maste;elated that he returned to the compound and an American uard namedlin." took the fruit from him by twisting his right arm. Master elated that the guard was a white male, about 65" to 67" and weighed about 170 lbs, but could not describe the other guard that was present when his arm was twisted. Master 111111.11related that his arm hurt, but he went about his business. Master related that he then went to sleep and awoke with a stiff arm the next day. Master ;elated that there was a second uard present at the time and that someone had told him "I'm sorry" in En lish. Master related that he thought that the incident was an accident. Master related there were three other Syrian EPWs in the area, but did not know their names. Travelled to 320th MP BN, and coordinated with SP ; ;i4-S Coordinated with Ma11.1111.and determined Maste; as still being detained 16-4Y Advised SP;of his legal rights which he waived and provided a sworn statement k1(• 44-3 detailing how c handled the prisoners and had no knowledge of the incident under investigation.;.011;-3 Took SP o his company area and briefed commander on investigation. 1, .3 St dvised and interviewed SGT j1a 1. i6 4 44IV Coordinated with MAI or location of Mastemaimrid use on an Interpeter, 674•1.4i-1r.Auaal kbk./ Travelled to compound 4 and interviewed guards at camp ;l and e-interviewed Maste ; o A , SA interviewed SSG;AS NCOIC. 4&•/iii /44/ 3 Directed by AC to draft initial/final Drafted IFI in Microsoft Word c,„0,e; ra..-tEe5 I Lit - SA^ .1.• g O if Cir S TA-fe, titts040 fat tbSiffs-teSPX/52 /4 Ractottir, • kri 0€,A5.4 5' 4, -t-avLskt,p`--/Lfrecl ,s4c re 4-e) 4-rpic, we. top 53 rropse, ildne,12,110;ccwix,1' / fn t-5PC 6e a Co t5 cn Encore. re*Sill Ze,P4c-c-fee) d 11 i I :uts,t, .0901)2, iliszy 453-01C)atr)eP.fa date . f ,1:Le- ca_se FZGAri..a.e r is 0022 -03-C-COS/9 -6 ZriT sir .t4G ESV;0111, /rig-) cls rc.c7 PREVIOUS EDITIONS OF THIS FORM WILL BE USED UNTIL EXHAUSTED. Page DOD-DOACI D001083 INVESTTGATTVE WORKSHEET ESY THE INTYA.CY ACT Atitl4012.17Y. TVs 10. thttheel Seim. Cede. &akin 301141. RoUTLNE 113.1ra Taff u:4:41 maistry usher sod teller 31114r46644k r. wv 6.64 ... to biditoctrudi nn-run moo., rt. 169410495,mtaa c (acilzat. Arne .1146 444.6.44m1 DATA R2011.717E7 ?T7LPUi75'C6E' 7 NC:1""` .:r..."` 2:7.""..". Dude.... co low 'cad emery ,.¦ .b... 6 ingrd":"'"nbrgr alkiAl.r....4....4 Dmacarpa; . et.C 00:3E 7 :CTOr CCOF 3 &A Sawn!) 4 sal Numool 5 YL6/1"I 6 vtia 7 PCI uutiMa e ?...1 I0 CASE I 9 COWRY. i A4;/ 4 1 5 INDNIDUAL DATA 11 FIRST NAME 12 IACCIU KOJI 744,4i# , Gum hic-64-Za 4 X-Y,444 10 LAST Rua ..-----.....R •...-, :. _ 3, , If. wine 5..torrer st moms ST VS P3619054 e 010 4 • et 15 ...,.. i .... 61 NIC t1 KELM 24 reciart 125 no W... , 26 trt •• •• • ••;';..•••;. A FROL ROM);C UNFIT.. e il ZC r 71.2 /s3" rl gib. ,, 84t) , V$ a 13 r /14 2r uaS 72 vcAc n Parrot 34 orcram 35 5E007 3E Pro'Sr..4. 22.trLKS qcoro ,I RC/4 / 401.4, 73 2 /I/Oke 7 :7 •42.0,54•034.5.) 3a 4-104-roC:91414E 33 A1ltS•rer4.41,12f ...., MeiliG. m 20 704a OFCMII.Arefe 41 If corerpocck Cr:HatiCr f ' iza$L m? eut) ,) 49 14nJTMY SVC t3 SUBUNIT 44 FOIT/Cirt CST 12 1 . 56 C:l.t,NTRY 47 /39 CCOE/00 USIIZ 4 . 1,.PET-Astia II 'i , ; . ,....., 61L.) bi.-y 49 ary;AN- .44' y • rs le Nil2 i'lm 11111111111111. ILY;EMBER BATA;itz•gbi.-y_ .b/ iib4 • lib1:,....,.0. ix.,.... K_ 56 SX.1,501 t_AS¦ 3.1112". I SE marl PICT SI 3.)&11 'Kai mug .riA.64E ­ ,I r I 23 I LS. 13 F Ser SCe.t. SZCuRin autacil S. SOON [MX 1 CO YON uCtr. I as SP9f.S01 weir tailf_SS • - Y 2 2 -L SPCA Co-( ez Sian r e,.., Yoh c, r3 SCA ZP Ac ' I t 7 1 -. 0 FEN SI 65 CrFErtSE COX I to UFC f 54S CFRI4S2 CSCE . . fa tilt;r70 C•ttitSE ECU, 71 WC r.: OF FE. ;oxr 10 UPC ¦ I 5 1 I ADMINISTRATIVE DATA raffKire i i US PZiXre; I aka oir5vI no i u.^.p. 1 Z 5 Now or i sum /0/14Y05 1 19_,V4E 1 PLACE CIS irtTENIEW 1 Ilia WIEN TlilE treTERY rya Cf unrevrEve Futa24733rt 11-2320 VAX eitta itlft./4-Eva 040 MO v Y srao= vat (aSPICSITICH CORPORATION DATA 71 CarilltrCe02 retrotHe IS RD si.fropino ,;75 ccov 1.51.../10rt ko.a. 12 1. 2S 77 Mfar ACCFaS 75 CCAP CITY 39 CCM ST KS CCR4 CTY i 8 I Tar DP GIDE 1 7 IT 9:14M4.71. KILMER .._ 5 3 ; CID FORM 444 With CI, I AIX 11 +mu. 1Z Luir urem D.0,24raluj OU er DOD-DOACID001084 INVEST/GAME WOR/CSIEET . DATA MOUT= re THE Mr/ACT ACr ROC TNE USES* Your F:41/ ..„1 .ems easear...ea adurirmanal ... , Ilde ta, ClonedSaul C. &cum 3131.22l• At.THORITY. 63..2511...000 .3 I.o.veae Cling ¦noi rea4...4. 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