CID Report: 0050-03-CID349-59654

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<p>Two (2) soldiers from 1/9 Field Artillery entered two Iraqi civilian homes by force, stole two brief cases containing valuables and cash from one home, stole jewlery from the other home, pointed weapons at the families while searching the houses, and discharged a weapon two times in an attempt to scare the residents.&nbsp; Investigation was terminated after Judge Advocate's office determined that there was sufficient evidence to prosecute the perpetrators.&nbsp;</p>

Investigative File
Monday, June 9, 2003
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 30TH MILITARY POLICE DETACHMENT (DSE) (CID) (FWD) 3RD MILITARY POLICE GROUP, USACIDC FORT STEWART, GA 31314 CIRC-BAS (195) 09 Jun 03 MEMORANDUM FOR SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION - FINAL (C) - 0050-03- CID349-59654-5N2B2/5X1/5Y2B9/7C1B DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: 1. 13 MAY 03/2200 - 13 MAY 03/2300, ZONE 8, STREET #37, HOUSE #4, BLOCK 201; ALBAYGAIY, BAGHDAD, IRAQ DATE/TIME REPORTED: 14 MAY 2003, 1100 b-g--11 INVESTIGATED BY: SA ; SA SA SUBJECT: S PC; 1111111MPNIIIP 64- BATTER , 1/9 FIELD ARTILLERY (DEPLOYED), FORT STEWART, GA 31314; BURGLARY][ROBBERY][FAILURE TO OBEY A GENERAL ORDER][CONSPIRACY] ; BL 64-5 2. ; PFC; 7 5. M; , A BATTERY, 1/9 FIEL Y ED), FORT STEWART, A 31314; ' C' [BURGLARY][ROBBERY][FAILURE TO OBEY A GENERAL ORDER][CONSPIRACY] 1. • CIV; VICTIM: M; OTHER; [BURGLARY] [ROBB RY 4( 66-4 61 c-­ 2. ` ; R; IRY][ROBBERY] IIIP[BCW M; OTHE 3_ U.S. GOVERNMENT; [FAILURE TO OBEY A GENERAL ORDER] [CONSPIRACY] INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: "THIS IS AN OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM INVESTIGATION" Er 10 ilvri 'T A T i TQC /NM] V DOD-DOACI D000168 - 005003 CID34959653 This investigative action was initiated when this office was notified by the 3ID Provost Marshal of a robbery. and Officommitted the offenses of Conspiracy, Burglary, Robbery and Failure to Obey a General Order, when on 13 May 03, they abandoned their post, entered two local Iraqi civilian homes by force, stole two briefcases and jewelry and discharged a weapon two times in attempt to scare the civilians. Investigation revealed that . STATUTES: Article 81, UCMJ: Conspiracy Article 92, UCMJ: Failure to Obey a General Order Article 122, UCMJ: Robbery Article 129, UCMJ: Burglary EXHIBITS/SUBSTANTIATION: Attached: 1. Agent's Investigation Report (AIR) of SA 15 May 03, detailing the basis for investigation, support coordination, command coordination and victim interviews. 2. Iraqi language statement of mr.ftinimit 14 May 02, W.- detailing how two U.S. Soldiers robbed his residence. 0c-1644+ 3. English language translation of Mr. 4111111111.1 statement , Exhibit 2, translated by Mr • 67C - 3, 6 4. Iraqi language statement of mr.411111, 14 May 03, b7c.--1416(--Y . detailing how two U.S. Soldiers robbed his residence. 5. English language translation of mr.411111111, statement,T., ' I Exhibit 4, translated by Mr 0111111MIM.. 64..3 6. Waiver certificate and Sworn Statement of 6111111111 14 May 2“W-502, detailing how he and_ searched the residence of OMNI b7c-m 414 andel/III for illegal weapons. 6•&--9; 15...95- 7. Waiver Certificate and Sworn Statement ofellg, 14 May 03, (' 7c -51 -..5 detailing how he and— searched the residence of forb7c_tk4.e illegal weapons. 6.7C--`7( ¦ -f.‘ 8. Sworn Statement of CPT., 14 May 03, detailing his notification of the incident, searches for evidence, and interviews off/1M and41111, (3-7C -5; 66-5 cno nErirl A T TIC17 fMNIT V 0050-03-C1D349-59653 '44 9. Sworn Statement of CPT..." 15 May 03, detailing his -36' notification of the incident, victim interviews, and command briefings. 10. Commander's Incident Report, 14 May 03, detailing the investigative steps conducted by the unit. 11. Memorandum For Record, 14 May 03, detailing the items (..;g.' seized from and - by the unit. 12. Crime Scene AIR of SA 411111111 15 May 03, describing VC'/I -011111/111/1 residence. 67d -1464-i‘ -(1 1)(41 13. Crime Scene Sketch of Mr.(11/1111111, residence, 15 May 4 03, prepared by SA (111/1/. 67c-6 66, -I- 14. Crime Scene AIR of SA OMR 15 May 03, describing 0- / XC 41/WMANIresidence. 7 41.4C 15. Crime Scene Sketch of mr.41111.1 residence, 15 May 03, LLi '4‘ prepared by SA MONO. 06_66c., -( 16. AIR of sA400, 30 May 03, coordination with the Officeb 7-"' of the Staff Judge Advocate (OSJA), command coordination, and law enforcement record check. (65 - 17. Non-Waiver Certificate of ­ 16 May 03, wherein he 6-le-4" /-) requested an lawyer. 18. Non-Waiver Certificate of4011101, 16 May 03, wherein he v' requested a lawyer. s-6C- ( 19. Sworn Statement of mow 26 May 03, reporting two soldiers stole two briefcases from her family dwelling residence) at gunpoint. 20. Sworn Statement ofaIMION, 26 May 03, reporting that two67-1‘;64"4 soldiers stole two briefcases from his home at gunpoint. 21. Sworn Statement of4111111/1, 29 May 03, reporting that twor, '( soldiers stole jewelry from her home. -#44rf, 22. Sworn Statement offtwit 29 May 03, reporting that two P 4. soldiers stole jewelry from his home. 23. Contact Sheet containing ali photographs. 24. Compact disk, 030050.349, containing all photographic images (USACRC Only). 3 cno (1T7L'Irl hT T TCL'.v 0050-03-C1D349-59653 25. Evidence/Property Custody Document (ECD), Document Number 016-03. Not Attached: Returned to Mr 41111111 l'16-‘6 26. Box containing papers, currency and other various /;7 6-44/ articles glImmi, DN 016-03. The originals of Exhibits 1 through 9 and 12 thorugh 24, are forwarded with the USACRC copy of this report. The originals of Exhibits 10 and 11 are maintained in the files of A Battery, 1/9th Field Artillery (Deployed), Fort Stewart, GA 31314. The original of Exhibit 25 is maintained in the files of the evidence depository, 3rd Military Police Group's consolidated evidence room, Arifjan, Kuwait. STATUS: This is a Final (C) Report. This investigation was terminated IAW CIDR 195-1 paragraph 4-17a (4) in that the supported staff judge advocate is of the opinion that sufficient admissible evidence is available to prosecute the subjects for the offense(s), that additional investigation would produce only cumulative and unneeded evidence, and that the identification of additional subjects or offenses is unlikely. LEADS REMAINING: Canvass interviews of the neighborhood and additional attempts to locate the shell casings. Commander's Report of Disciplinary Action Taken (DA Form 4833) is required. Report Prepared By: Report Approved By: E7 / b4' .16... /v.). _ Special Agent, Speci 1 Agent in Charge DISTRIBUTION: 1 - DIR, USACRC (Originals) 1 - THRU: CDR, 1/9TH FA (FWD) TO: CDR, A BTRY, 1/9TM FA (FWD) 1 - PMO, 3rd ID (FWD) 1 - Pile 4 unD r\ MCI A T I ICC (1XTT F...7 NUMBER 0050-03-C1D349-59654 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 1 OF 4 PAGES Basis for Investigation: About 1100, 15 May 03, OPTIMUM, Battle Captain, 3rd Military Police Battalion (Deployed), Fort Stewart, GA, via VC" email, report two soldiers had robbed some Iraqi citizens in Baghdad, Iraq. The email reporting this incident originated from CPT Battle Captain, 2'd Brigade (Deployed), Fort Stewart, GA 31314. V76-4,544 About 1110, 15 May 03, SA OM briefed CW4 4111111111111t Operations Officer, 10th Military Police Battalion (Deployed), Fort Bragg, NC, on the information pertaining to this investigation. CW4 OWNinstructed this office to conduct the investigation. pe__1(6p-f 6 .7,4-1 About 1130, 15 May 03, SA SEM briefed CW3 , Special Agent in Charge, 30th Military Police Detachment (Deployed), Fort Stewart, GA on the status of this investigation. 127e/fr 6P--1 - About 1230, 15 May 03, SAIIMMIcoordinated with CPT 41.111111111111111.11P, Commander, 3 rd Military Police Company (Deployed), Fort Stewart, GA, who stated he would assist this investigation by providing one security team of Military Policemen. bg-4,44.-1 About 1300, 15 May 03, SA -coordinated with the 202' Military Intelligence Company, Fort Meade, MD, who stated they would assist this investigation by providing an interpreter; however the interpreter would not be ready for at least an hour. 6-76--1; V7d.-3/ 4(0-3 About 1430, 15 May 03, SAIMMENrcoordinated with Mr. ammini Interpreter, Department of Defense Contractor, 202 nd Military Intelligence Company, Fort Meade, MD, who stated he was assigned to assist with this investigation. - 576-1(O6-1 (2743, 5 About 1540, 15 May 03, SA 4111.I coordinated with CPT411111.1, who confirmed the grid coordinate (MB 412880) for the 1/9" Field Artillery Tactical Operations Center and notified them that this office was enrcute to their location. C. 676- 3' 64-3 About 1615, 15 May 03, salliggcoordiated with CPT Commander, A Btterv, 1/9'. ELeld Artillery (Deployed), For Stewart, CA, who stated SIAIIIIIMIN11.1111.1111...11111110, A n a 'F 1 . PED AGENT' S I4AXE SEQNEHCE NUMB:746., --:.P..3AN:17.. b 30 MF GET (CID)(DSE), 3'MP GRP SA (CID), Fort Stewart, GA 31314-4914 . SIGNATURE TE 2.71' 15 May C. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 FEB '7 SC: NUMBER 0050-03-C1D349-59654 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT CID Regulation 295-2 PAGE 2 OF 4 PAGES both of A Battery, 1/9. h Field Artillery (Deployed), Fort Stewart, GA 31314, had broken into the residence of two ZA-ct houses and robbed the occupants at gun point. OPT stated he "7 1, 4wanted to Courts Martial ...II and el/ for their crime. CPT.111111.11 674-Ve pro1ided a rights warning waiver and sworn statement which was obtained -5(tOmAMMOMMII and pertaining to this incident. OPTONNE1111 further6 7c-",41 provided a copy of his Commander's Incident Report (CIR) and a sworn statement detailing his investigative efforts. Further, CPTIMOMINOM4 provided statements, which were written by the victims (See attached Sworn 7-Statements and CIR for details). /276- About 1643, 15 May 03, SA coordinated with OPTOMINI, who provided sworn statement detailing his knowledge of the incident (See attached Sworn Statement for details). 676_,/1 6k1 6°- About 1700, 15 May 03, SA this office, seized the recovered stolen property from the hands of ,CPT (See attachedb7"-rr Evidence\Property Custody Document for details). vic-46(-14-c About 1710, 15 May 03, SA 411.11111 obtained an investigative worksheet /2,-- (personal data sheet), which detailed his biographical data, from 11111111111. At the conclusion, OM= requested an attorney.6 -S 1.) - AGENT'S COMMENT: ellmi was not advised of his riaiN at this time, due to the case agent only obtaining personal data information so 411111.11 could be fully identified. 67c-c6a--.5- 127e4( About 1716, 15 May 03, SA.obtained an investigative worksheet 4-4 (personal data sheet), which detailed his biographical data, from.. /716" AGENT'S COMMENT: 41111Lwas not advised of his right's at this time, due to the case agent only obtaining personal data information so.. could be 6 1--(40 fully identified. 46 4 V16-K 66 About 1735, 15 May 03, SAMMIE interviewed Mr. who stated he was robbed by two American soldiers wearing DeRert ramouflade Un -Vt iforms and a '' 3 Infantry r..-'ivisi on. catch. Mr. 4111110111. stated one of the soldiers was Y f' 7 i 1", EH, P.CiE:17 S .=•:,!E. 11.1.:12. EQuENCE NUNP,T, P. . 1,-64 I ,DPC1N: EAT I 3:: tle- i C 30' MP DET (CID) (DSE) , 3 1-8 MP GRP vo— SA (CID), Fort Stewart, GA 31314-4914 U E DATE E•HIE:T 13 May 03 CID FO FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 EER 77 •=L NUMBER 0050-03-C1D349-59654 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 3 OF 4 PAGES tall black male and the second soldier appeared to be of Asian descent. He stated the Asian soldier was the one who stole the items from the residence while the black soldier held the family at gunpoint. Mr. (7 -74 01111111111111 stated the two soldiers had visited his residence a few days prior to this incident. Mr.411111111111 stated that the soldiers were very cordialid.1444' on the first visit and he invited them into his house. He stated on the& night of the robbery, the soldiers arrived sometime after 2100. He stated the soldiers instructed him to place his family into one bedroom, while they searched the residence. He stated one of the soldiers attempted to place him in plastic handcuffs; however, he changed his mind. He stated . the soldiers went to the rear bedroom first, where they broke open the door to his wardrobe locker and stole a plastic bag containing various coins of unknown value. He stated the soldiers then traveled to the middle bedroom, where they stole one Samsonite brief case from beside the bed, which contained various personal letters, a camera, valued $50.00; and a micro cassette recorder, valued $50.00. He stated that while in the same bedroom, the soldiers then broke into another wardrobe locker, which contained a second Samsonite brief case. He stated this brief case contained more than 250,000 Dinars, valued $180.00, in U.S. currency; and $2,000.00, in U.S. currency. He stated the soldiers then departed the residence, while he followed informing the neighbors of the theft. AGENT'S COMMENT: This interview was conducted with the assistance of Mr. considering Mr.41111111, spoke little English. (..„7e_466o-Le" 67(-?, 64'-(X-04.4 Between 1810-1830, 15 May 03, SA MIN conducted a crime scene examination acid residence (See attached crime scene AIR for details) .f,74-4‘ 67e. About 1830, 15 May 03, SA interviewed Mr. House , who stated he was robbed by two American soldiers on 13 May 03. He stated one of the soldiers was a small Asian looking male and the second soldier was a tall black male. He stated that upon entering the residence they instructed him to place his family in one bedroom, while they searched the house for weapons. He stated he asked the soldiers why only two of them came to search his residence and the soldiers responded that if they were not alowed that: they would rerurri with 30 mcre soldiers. At this point, he stated he allowed them to se __ch t.h residence. He si-,=tej the rail c_ ack of Mr. . ., 4 PED AGENT'S NA21E ANG SEQUENCE NUNBEF _/ /0 Kl ‘ /7/1,- 30t2 MP DET (CID)(DSS), -3 r-MP CRP SA (CID), Fort Stewart, GA 31314-4914 DWIT EY.tiTRIT 15 May. i_. e' CID F M 94 OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I FEB /7 ROI NUMBER 0050-03-C1D349-59654 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT CIO Regulation 195-1 PAGE 4 OF 4 PAGES male was the one, who actually searched the residence, while the Asian male held everyone at gunpoint. He stated they opened numerous drawers, but he did not see them steal anything. He stated the soldiers then departed the residence, as he followed and heard his neighbor yelling the soldiers had just robbed their residence. He stated at that point he returned to the residence and discovered they were missing a diamond ring, valued $1,600.00, and a white gold necklace. He stated he did not know the value of the white gold necklace because it was a gift. Mr. 41111111 (77e stated that just before the soldiers arrived, the city had a power outage and his residence was in total darkness. Mr. 41111111 stated he had to 1,74 -446 provide the soldiers with a flashlight so they could conduct the search. He stated there was thousands of dollars of jewelry lying on the shelf with the diamond ring and necklace, but the soldier only stole the diamond ring and necklace. He stated that in his opinion the soldiers did not steal the additional jewelry because the room was too dark. Mr...0167C stated the soldier must have searched through the other jewelry until he discovered the ring and necklace. Mr.11111111. presented a burgundy inve466‘ color, leather case which contained the diaMond ring and necklace. AGENT'S COMMENT: The container which held the ring and necklace contained additional rings, watches and pendants. AGENT'S COMMENT: This interview was conducted with the assistance of Mr. 41111111111111 considering Mr. 41111111 spoke little English. 1.., 7C.. -"T`;6‘~f," 67‹-g, 66-_7 c----/ Between 1845-1905, 15 May 03, SAM= conducted a crime scene examination of Mr. SEM residence (See attached crime scene AIR for 67C-46 6‘-te" details).///LAST ENTRY///. TYPEL S ANO SEQUE6C MP DET (CID) (DSE) , 3“" MP GRP SA (CID), For: Stewart, GA 31314-4914 I S: TORE DATE Mav CTD M 94 FOP. OFFICTAL USE ONLY FEE 7 • ,. \ N-S. NN:fer¦/ \N,bv,.% fz,. la•­ \\L-42C/‘ \\r'" r-eN(t-e._..zwas\. cz' y.SNrNt . \c-`. (\" 0.en-c\ Nr.e_sk. c 1(\Th \C. .S=0\32161:4 \C) 4:1."`"-8 \%-`=• •\t\. ‘NP.--11 \C=.`('N'. C. 2 3 cz , ckc, ) (1) A/el.-A Y,4 9.-Q\k).1 Ne•ND.I\X `f-ei 6-Ag.6tr 3 cL) C_c:3 AA,, DOD-DOACID000176 cuvf \s,\ " oe -9/9 111111.1mmumilliP 3 C-000 Page(s) /02, -3$ • • Referred to: U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND 7115 SOUTH BOUNDARY BLVD ATTN: CCJ6-DM MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE FLORIDA 33621-5101 - MS. JACQUELINE SCOTT (813) 827-5341/2830 SWORN STATEMENT For use of this form, see AR Ifp-4S; the proponent agency is ODCSOPS LOCATION6/ DATE TIME NUMBER ,l'AC/1.,,/,6I. MAN/03 II. •%_.,:I- yr 4; 16 4/3 4 614I°.' E NAME SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER GRADE/STATUS 03/ XA ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS C- / /_:/, ac ) 3 5 a/n) 76 I. . WANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT UNDER OATH: A 4-.-176)-,,,y. ---,-I-c.f./ 1000 ,.-, 1 4 PIA y 0 .3 ...,--_7 50...., 1(6 1...- ) FL 2-3 ,-di v , cit.,: is ,-. 4-4-L-6 so. OA. c-,,, 4 ,,, lc_ O t t.-1 f-A's c 0-f„,..d. 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THE BOTTOM OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT AND BE INITIALED AS 'PAGE OF PAGES." WHEN ADDITIONAL PAGES ARE UTILIZED, THE BACK OF PAGE 1 WILL BE LINED OUT AND THE STATEMENT WILL BE CONCLUDED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF ANOTHER COPY OF THIS FORM. — DA FORM 2823, JUL 72 SUPERSEDED DA FORM 2823, 1 JAN 68, WHICH WILL BE USED. , 61:0 DOD-DOACID0001 79 cYzi..;(1S-1U3f1 STATEMENT (Continued) AFFIDAVIT i ..-, A C '`7.6 HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATE-MENT WHICH BEGINS 06GE 1 AND ENDS ON6. I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE BY ME. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. I HAVE INITIAED ALL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY WITHOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR REWARD, WITHOUT — 4/ Zt# THREAT OF PUNISHMENT, AND WITHOUT COERCION, UNLAWFUL INFLUENCE, 0 6 16­ gnature o son a g a e en WITNESSES: Subscribed and before me, a person authorized by Law to administer oaths, this ) 3" day of /11 ,9 I , -1-9-0 ,,--93 at //c) ii--,1 (3,v -roc, a Arm 040, 3--k ,4 q .p teri 949a6i-d p ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS6 na ure ype ame of rson mi ath ) A`t,e . 1 () 14-12 ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS fAUthority to dmmister Oaths) ; o •••••¦..•¦••••¦•¦•1 INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PAGE L OF6PAGES 'U.S. Government Printing Mal: 1443 - 342-027/130444 6411. itil I,' Cs% /- -1. • •' DOD-DOACID0001 80 Page(s) ,3g- A-76' • Referred to: U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND 7115 SOUTH BOUNDARY BLVD ATTN: CCJ6-DM MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE FLORIDA 33621-5101 - MS. JACQUELINE SCOTT (813) 827-5341/2830 ROI NUMBER 0050-03-C1D349-59654 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 1 OF 3 PAGES 44-16 1,7611v IMF CRIME SCENE EXAMINATION: Between 1810-1830, 15 May 03, SA this office, conducted a crime scene examination of Mr. 4, r esidence located at /.-.76./ CHARACTERISTICS OF SCENE: Upon arrival at the scene, MIIIIIIIPwas .2e determined to be a multiple family dwelling, which was surrounded by a cement wall approximately five feet tall. All of the resident's inside the wall possessed the same address. The wall was interrupted by a gate f metal type construction. The gate was approximately the same height as he cement wall and contained a locking mechanism, which was in the unlocked position. The entrance to the residence was located on the econd floor and the first floor was occupied by another family. Upon entering the residence, there was a kitchen with brown wood cabinets, which extended from wall to wall. There was an Entry/Exit way located in the north east side of the north wall, which led to a living room. Inside the living room there was a sofa located flush against the north wall and in the eastern most corner. There was an entertainment center located in the middle of the eastern wall. The entertainment center contained a television and a stereo. There was an Entry/Exit way located in the south eastern corner of the southern wall, which led to a bedroom. This was the bedroom in which the family members were held, while the soldiers robbed the residence. There was a stairwell located on the west wall, which led to the roof. There was an Entry/Exit way located in the western corner of the northern wall. The hallway led to two other bedrooms. The first bedroom Entry/Exit way was located about center of the east wall. The Entry/Exit way contained a door, which was constructed of wood and metal. The door was in the open and unlocked position at the time of the crime scene examination. The bedroom was about 12 foot in length by 12 foot in width by 10 foot in height. Inside the room, there was a bed located with ­ the headboard approximately center and flush against the north wall. There were two wall lockers located flush against the east wall. The first wall locker was located in the north eastern portion of the east wall. The second wall locker was located flush against the first wall and approximately center of the east wall. Both wall lockers were approximately seven foot tall by four feet in width and approximately two feet il-. depth. The wail lockers were constructed of wood type construction and contained metal locking mechanisms. The wall lockers were secured with two doors. Thec­ -fcorld wall locker was the location from (=' T:_;ENT'S ANC SEQUENCE NUME7c(1 ,1 17 0.-30'h MP DET (CID) (DSE` , 3 rd MP GRP SA (CID), Fort Stewart, GA 3 1 314-4914 sicNATup.E DATE EXHIBIT 15 May 03 D FflQ, OFFICIAL USE ONLY FEB 77 ROI NUMBER 0050-03-C1D349-59654 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT CID Regulation 155-i PAGE 2 OF 3 PAGES which one of the brief cases was stolen. The locking mechanism for the second wall locker was broken during the robbery. There were what appeared to be pry marks on the wood portion of the door. The wall locker was divided into four sections by wooden dividers. The briefcase was stolen from the bottom right shelf. The wall locker was secured by two doors; however, the doors were in the open position at the time of the examination. Further, at the northern end of the hallway, there was an Entry/Exit way for another bedroom. The bedroom was about 10 feet in length by 20 feet in width. The bedroom consisted of three beds, which were flush against the north wall and three wall lockers flush against the south wall. The first wall locker was located flush in the corner of the east and south wall. The second wall locker was located flush against the south wall and flush against the first wall locker. The third wall locker was located flush against the south wall and flush against the second wall locker. The coins were stolen from the third wall locker. All of the wall lockers were approximately seven foot tall by four feet in width and approximately two feet in depth. The wall lockers were constructed of wood type construction and contained metal locking mechanisms. The metal locking device was damaged as a result of forced entry. CONDITION OF SCENE: At the time of the crime scene examination, the residence was in a state of disarray. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS: During the crime scene examination, the outside temperature was approximately 98 degrees Fahrenheit and the inside temperature was about 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The sun was setting in the west, the sky was clear and the wind was blowing in a north western direction and carried a pungent odor. The odor was the result of the trash and animal feces lying in the neighborhood. FACTORS PERTINENT TO ENTRY/EXIT (E/E): Access to the scene could be gained by the main Entry/Exit way located at the southern portion of the residence. 676,416k7/ SCENE DOCUMENTATION: SAIMEMMiprepared a crime scene sketch and exposed photographs 'ui-il7ing a :‹odak Easy Share DX 4900 digital camera. crime --cehP sketch and photodraohic disk for details) , _,/ ORGANI1•TION 1V (71'' 30".. MP DET (CID)(DSE), 3rci AC,FNT'S ANC C'IJE',ICE WiMBER / 0 MP GRP (CID), Fort Stewart, GA 31314-4914 SAMMEMMOIMMMOMMIN SINATuRE DATE EXHIBIT 06--6 6 1=3 Hay 03 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ROI NUMBER 0050-03-C1D349-59654 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT CID Regulation 195-i PAGE 3 OF 3 PAGES COLLECTION OF CRIME SCENE EVIDENCE: No items were collected as evidence. SEARCH FOR LATENT IMPRESSIONS: A search for latent prints was not conducted due to the delay in the reporting of this crime and the scene had been contaminated by the residents and unit officials. SEARCH BEYOND THE SCENE: A search beyond the crime scene was conducted for the expended 5.56 mm shell casing; however, the search failed to produce anything of evidentiary value. NEGATIVE EVIDENCE: There were no signs of negative evidence. ///LAST ENTRY/// "?.ED ACENT'S NAME AND SEQTENCE 30'h MP DET (CID) (DSE) , 3'd MP GRP SA (CID), Fort Stewart, GA 31314-4914 31GNATURE DATE EXHIEET 15 May 03 CI I FORT` FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I FEB 77 CRIME SCENE SKETCH 0050-03-CID349- 5 3 - WALL LOCKER WALL LOCKER A. TABLE BED TABLE C. WALL LOCKER WALL LOCKER LEGEND A. Location of briefcase containing the monies B. Location of briefcase containing the camera and cassette recorder. C. Location from where the AK-47 was stolen. Not to scale TITLE BLOCK Case: 0050-03-C1D349-59654 Offense: Robbery Scene Portrayed: Bedroom Location: House 4, Block 201, Albaygaiy, Baghdad, Iraq Subject: flall111111M111 6 (--ete Victim: 111/1111111 674-te; Date/Time: 15 May 03 / 1900 Sketched by: SA Reviewed by: SA Lv ROI NUMBER 0050-03-C1D349-59654 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT CID Regulation 195-1 PAGE 1 OF 3 PAGES it / :ETRILZ CRIME SCENE EXAMINATION: Between 1845-1905, 15 May 03, SA 41111111 this office, conducted a crime scene examination of Mr.411111011,,„,„,e res idence located at all.11111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111.1111111111111111 12/` CHARACTERISTICS OF SCENE: Upon arrival at the scene, House #4 was determined to be a multiple family dwelling, which was surrounded by a cement wall approximately five feet tall. There-were about 12 residences inside the wall and all possessed separate entrances. All of the resident's inside the wall possessed the same address. The wall was interrupted by a gate of metal type construction. The gate was approximately the same height as the cement wall and contained a metal locking mechanism, which was in the unlocked position. The entrance to the residence was located on the first floor. Upon entering the residence, there was a kitchen with brown wood cabinets, which extended from wall to wall. There was an Entry/Exit way located in the south west side of the west wall, which led to a hallway. The hallway led to the west, with an Entry/Exit way in the north wall. The Entry/Exit way was about halt way down the hall and led to a den area. The hallway continued west and led to another Entry/Exit way in the north wall. This Entry/Exit way led to a bathroom. Continuing down the hallway there was a third Entry/Exit way in the north wall which led to a bedroom. Directly across from the third Entry/Exit way there was a stairwell which led to the second floor. At the top of the stairwell there was a bedroom. As you looked into the bedroom you were facing the eastern portion of the house. The bedroom Entry/Exit way could be secured by a door, which was constructed of wood and metal. The door was in the open and unlocked position at the time of the crime scene examination. The bedroom was approximately 40 feet in length by 20 feet in width and the ceiling was about 10 feet in height. There were three wall lockers flush against the ­ east wall. The wall lockers began in the north east corner of the room and covered the majority of the east wall. All of the wall lockers were approximately seven foot tail by four feet wide and approximately two feet in depth. The wall lockers were brown and beige in color with a smooth finish. The wall locker was sec',:red by two doors; however, the doors were in the open Position at the time of the examination. The wall lockers were constructed of wood type construction and contained metal locking mechanisms. The wall locker was dtvided into five sections by wooden div-iders. The di amond __no ann h1:e gold necklace was located in a X,GENT's •ANE At SEQUENCEOey I, '( b 30th MP DET (CID)(DSF), 3rd MP GRP SA (CID) , Fort Stewart, GA 31314-4914 SIGNATURE ENHIBIT 73 Nal, 6 -3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 FEE 77 ROI NUMBER 0050-03-C1D349-59654 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT err, Regula cion 195 PAGE 2 OF 3 PAGES burgundy in color leather case which contained additional rings, watches and pendants. The leather case was approximately four inches in length by four inches in width by two inches in depth. The case did not possess any locking mechanism and was in the open position at the time of the crime scene examination. CONDITION OF SCENE: At the time of the crime scene examination, the residence was in a state of disarray. -ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS: During the crime scene examination, the outside temperature was approximately 98 degrees Fahrenheit and the inside temperature was about 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The sun was setting in the west, the sky was clear and the wind was blowing in a north western direction and carried a pungent odor. The odor was the result of the trash and animal feces lying in the neighborhood. FACTORS PERTINENT TO ENTRY/EXIT (E/E): Access to the scene could be gained by the main Entry/Exit way located at the southern portion of the residence. SCENE DOCUMENTATION: SAINIMMIprepared a crime scene sketch and exposed digital photographs utilizing a Kodak Easy Share DX 4900 digital camera. (See attached crime scene sketch and photographic disk for details) COLLECTION OF CRIME SCENE EVIDENCE: No items were collected as evidence. SEARCH FOR LATENT IMPRESSIONS: A search for latent prints was not conducted due to the delay in the reporting of this crime and the scene had been contaminated by the residents and unit officials. SEARCH BEYOND THE SCENE: A search beyond the crime scene was conducted for the expended 5.56 mm shell casing; however, the search failed to produce anything of evidentiary value. NEGATIVE EVIDENCE: There was additional jewelry on the shelf at the time of the robbery and none of the other jewelry was stolen. The robbers had to search through the remaining jewelry before they could have located the Thamcnd rirlc and necklacz. The robbery was c=-Lsted during e city ide T l'PEL S NAN:: ANC SEQUENCE 1 (/ ORSAN 30:h MP DET (CTD)(DSE), 3'd MP GRP S 411111111=1.11111.11.11111 (CID) , Fort Stewart, GA 31314-4914 STGNATUPE DATE EYH:B1T 19,6,4 6“ 15 May 03 811.111.1111 CID FORM FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 FEE 7j PC_ NUMBER 0050-03-C1D349-59654 AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT CID Regulatior, 195-1 PAGE 3 OF 3 PAGES blackout and the occupants of the residence had to provide them with a flashlight. The occupants stated they felt the other jewelry was not touched because it was hidden in the darkness.///LAST ENTRY/// 71P ED ' S NANIE AND SEQUENCE NUMBER PGANI F.T. ONr 30'1' MP DET (CID)(DSE), 3 '-d MP GRP SA (CID), Fort Stewart, GA 31314-4914 SIGNATURE DATE E :Cr! IEIT 15 day 03 4111111P11111(1. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 676 ( 64 1 FEB 77 RO: NUMBER 0050-03-C1D349-59654 AGENT'S INVESTIGATIVE REPORT CID Regulation. 1 .5-1 PAGE 1 OF 2 PAGES V76-40 "Irt - About 1215, 16 May 03, SA , this office, advised FC , A Battery, 1/9th Field Artillery, Fort 57C-4 S tewart, GA 31314 (deployed), of his rights, which he invoked and requested a lawyer (See attached non-waiver certificate for details). 6164(64.ii7G-St About 1230, 16 May 03, SA advised SPC 4.1111111111.1111111111111111111.111111111=1111111. A Battery, 1/9th Field Artillery, Fort Stewart, GA 31314 (deployed), of his rights, which he invoked and requested a lawyer (See attached non-waiver certificate for details). /la About 0900, 25 May 03, SA. received a Defense Clearance Investigation Index name check of -.which did not disclose any derogatoryP and fillt information. ..14- b,/e... h76-61.1 —I About 1230, 26 May 03, SA.(DW of interviewed Mrs dimmamow Mr who rendered a sworn statement reporting two soldiers robbed them at gunpoint (See attached --(4 sworn statement for details). AGENT'S COMMENT: Mr 202'd Military Intelligence, Fort Meade, MD, acted as an interpreter during the interview, as Mrs 411MMOMP only spoke the Arabic language. I b‘.. -(1 About 1535, 26 May 03, SA qp ir, this office, interviewed,, MrIMMINIMO, who rendered a sworn statement reporting two soldiers robbed him at gunpoint (See attached sworn statement for details). 67(---64- AGENT'S COMMENT: Mr , 202 1 Military Intelligence, Fort Meade, MD, acted as an interpreter during the interview, as Mr 1111111. only spokeg the Arabic language. During the interview, Mr provided a bill of sale, which was not collected, as it was his only copy. The bill of sale detailed his recent sale of land for approximately 600,000.00 Iraqi Dinar. He reported he had taken a portion of the Dinar and transferred it into U.S. Currency. Photographs of the bill of sale were photographed (See at:ached photographic disk for details). T'1T ...,_n-t E ANT: SIC•:;ENCE NUVEFlie, op.c.J., =.71 Dr 35 MP Det (CID)(deployed), 3rd MP SA GRP (CID, Fort Stewart, GA 31314 DATE EXEIB:7 3 ) y 3 (.• CID FOR FOP OFTTCTAL USE ONLY FEB 7 7 - 4cr ROI NUMBER 0050-03-C1D349-59654 AGENT'S INVESTIGATIVE REPORT CID Regulation 19.5-2 PAGE 2 OF 2 PAGES 4i5 -I . 127 i About 1127, 29 May 03, SA 1.11.1111interviewed Mrs 4/ /1111, (DW of Mr ..,e_ 46C, who rendered a sworn &' -r statement reporting two soldiers stole jewelry from her home (See attached sworn statement for details) About 1140, 29 May 03, SAN.. interviewed Mr —, who rendered a sworn statement reporting two soldiers entered his home and stole jewelry (See attached sworn statement for details). (, 7C-ft 4*/b6-7e..---3/Z‘l About 0900, 30 May 03, bTrial SA coordinated with CPT Counsel, Office of the Staff Judge Advocate (OSJA), Fort Stewart, GA 31314 (deployed), who related he no longer required the evidence for prosecution and did not require any examinations of the evidence by the United States Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory. He released the evidence on the reverse side of Evidence/Property Custody Document (ECD), Document Number 016-03 (See attached ECD for details). (77C-‘,, 676-664 About 1400, 30 May 03, SAM" released the evidence to CPT antalt. 40MMOMINI Commander, A Battery, 1/9th FA, Fort Stewart, GA 31314 (deployed), to return to Mr./1MM on ECD, DN 016-03 (See attached ECD for details). 6 v 7e.--(-1 4 - AGENT'S COMMENT: CPTOIMMINW related he had not found nor did he know where the shell casings were located that were reportedly fired during the incident. 6C7.1 About 1420, 30 May 03, SAMMicoordinated with CPT ONMIIIMP, who related sufficient evidence to prosecute was available and no further investigative assistance was required by the CID. ///LAST ENTRY/// .:?ED :MO SE)UEN,..E NUM P12,...! -DrIth ,. MP Let (CID)(deoloyed), 3rd MP SA GRP (C1D), Fort Stewart, CA 3134 1 GNAT FATE EV,i I _T'r 30 May 03 CID FORM 94 FOP OFFICIAL USE ONLY FII2 ,:GHTS WARNING PROCEDUREIWAIVER CERTIFICL For use of this form. out AR 190 30. the proponent agency rs ODCSOPS DATA REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT AUTHORITY:6 Title 10. United States Code, Section 30121g1 PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which inlormation may be accurately identified. ROUTINE USES: Tow Social Security Number is used as an additionagalternate means of identification to facilitate tiling and retrieval. DISCLOSURE:6 Disclosure of your Social Security Number is voluntary. I6LOCATION A DATE6-1y,st_.-TIME6 i 46FILE NO .--) L'2., Crl k jt.616Ty a (6 I(0 PIKX/ e 3 i15—6'7""--6Mg3-(S3 -065i9 -59654 5. NAME (Last Pe ORGANI2ATION OR ADDRESS A 13-try, 1-9 FA -1— 6 6. SSN GRADEISIANIS E -_3 orf-cfecolpst G A 2 1 3/ 41 PART I -RIGHTS WAIVERMION-WAIVER CERTIFICATE Section A. Rights (74... ,4 b le--—AI f6 ,. Th1111!6tolwhose name appeals below told me that hailer's with Me United Slates Airny 6 crfrii, 0 a ( -I- .1 (..(3-1 /ler/ /Oil Di v15;01 and wanted6jop quesiket the lollowing offensels1 of which I am suspectedlaccusad.6ntler!6glkly tir , Cr: fi Sil, a_71 RICTIt4 /P 1:2 l'' I( e"fikti 4":" 0A6. (27c--`"-6 6 —-5— Bet6elute aske me an de if cleat to me that I nave The lollovong rights: any questions about the offensefa however. taiefo0.O.m! / 0 nos have to answer any question or say anything molting I say Or do can be used as evidence against me in a criminal trial Foe petsonne/ subject oche UC41.1 I have the right to talk privately to a lawyer before. during, and alter questioning and to trice a lawyer present with ine Outing questionmg. This lawyer can be a civilian lawyer I arrange for at no mense In the Government on a military lawyer detailed for me al no evpense to inn or both. • or (far civilians not subject to Me UM/Ihave 1e ttgrtitolaik-pitutaiely.tdalawyer before. during. and alter queshwnrlgJLj a to nekeAtawyer present with _ —6-,---6 me during Questioning I understand inaunistawyerrsrroe One ilia I arrange Inn ai my own eepense. or if FrinnOtatford a lawyer and wanarie.alawyeiilpiae-etopeym relliT mebefore questioning begins I I am now willing to discuss the ollensetsj under ,noesoganon. with or without a la•uyer present. I have a V6I6la stop answering questions at any time. on speak privately with a lawyer berme answering further6even if I sign the waiver below6 f (e''' / 19 6t,,7,1 56COMMENTS /Continue on reverse 3700 ' ? •-te, lc{ _.•6du. m t6• I — uirawak6... '66• Section B. Waiver I understand my rights as stated above I am now willing to chscuss the otlenseal under Incesttgalion and make a statement wifboul talkIng to a lawyer Susi and kvahout having a lawyer present with me. WITNESSES Ill available/ 3 SIGNATURE OF INTERVIEWEE NAME hype or Punt) — it b. ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS AND PHONE D r I Z a NAME /Type or Print/ 56TYPED NAME OF INVESTIGATOR6' 6 1 k -31.4 6'1 ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS AND PHONE G6ORGANIZATION OF ttIVFSTIGATOR .7' 7I-4-/1-(hl Oe t• (C (0) t..5 rc. ., ._.. Section C Non.waivei I do not want to gwe op my rt9h; 0 !want a lawyer / I do nor.viola 10 LE auesnanda or sae ant th.4. L. _ 11101110 C A TTA H IS MAWR ceerriiCATE 10 dINT SWORN ST A f E MEN; OA .rOW.11 ?An SuBSEWENf L 'r f !Huff° an Irif SUSPiCT/AC.1.11SiG 66 DA FORM 3181, NOV 89 EDITION DE NOV 84 IS OBSOLETE USLPA 101 • ou DOD-DOACI D0001 92 .3HTS WARNING PROCEDUREIWAIVER CERTIFICA . 6• For use of this luim, see AR 190 30. the proponent agency is 00CSOPS (a71C-1)'-'( \-?-—l-- 1 r\--147 -• c; C:{ (k_S li DATA REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT AUTHORITY: PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: ROUTINE USES: DISCLOSURE: Title 10. United States Code. Section 30121g1 To provide commanders and law enforcement ollicials with means by which information may be accwalely identified Tout Social Secutily Number is used as an additionallalternate means of identification to lacilitate tang and retrieval. Disclosure of your Social Security Number is voluntary. I LOCATION DATE 3 lailki E Eta NO —, ,/ i'.. 1‘1111 ) 0 ' r --clir,-R-5q,.;ii__ _2.-z2 .? --'''.. .. 5. NAME ILa if II ORGANIEJTION OR ADDRESS 64' /()1 PA G SSN GRA0EiSTATUS VITT c--,4 si„,.,-4 3 GA --',I31 5 (:.-I, . /74 R IIIIIIIIIIMIMIF PART I - RIGHTS WAIVERINON-WAIVER CERTIFICATE Section A. Rights / investigatorvestigatoi whose name appeals below told me that he/she is with the United States Army ( tom, •• , ,,,J,,,,,..1 ••-' ^... 4_,, , ¦1 and wanted to question me about the lollowing ollensels1 ol which I am _suspectec • I d. .. D r... ti. o _ . l'a C Before helshe asked me any questions about the (Monist, ho-eves. he/she made it cleat to ine ilia have the lollowing tights. ilIllb 6 x'/'—' 6 ‘—.5"sok not have to answer any question or say anything. ything I say of do can be used as evidence against me in a cinnuial nal "Mrpersonnel subject othe UCSIJ I have the right to talk privately to a lawyer before. doling. and alto questioning and to have a lawyer present with tie during questioning MS lawyer can be a civilian lawyer I au ange for at no espense to the Government or a militaty lawyet detailed lot ine as no erpense to me Of both or (For civilians not subject to the UCJII.0 I have the right to talk privately to a lawyer before. during. and alter queSItOning and in have a lawyer present with Ilse dunny questioning I undersand mat this lawyer can be one Mai I anange lot at iny own espense. or il I cannot emit a Iewyei and want one, a lawyer will be appointed for rue helm any questioning begins 4 III am now willing to discuss the of lensels1 under invesingation W1111 01 without a lawyer present. I have a tight to slop answering questions at any tune. ui 1111111speak privately with a lawyer before answering lurthet even if l sign the Veddidf below 5. COMMENTS (Continue on reverse side) Section B. Waiver I understand my ugh's as staled above I am now willing to Mews the of lensels1 under Investigation and make a statement without talking to a lame( lust and withoui having a lawyer present with me WITNESSES 111 avadaDlel 3 SIGNATURE OF INFERVIEWEE la NAME (Type or Puna - ORGANIZAIION OR ADORESS AND PHONE 4 SIGNATURE OF INVESTIGATOR — --- 2a NAME !Type or Priori 5 T NVESTI —7( ‘'..-{ ___ . ____ _ ____ — --1A ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS Ar/0 PHONE A ORGANIZATION OF INVESTIGATOR :-_ ,...,..j-. '-.)t-,_.,._--;", c. A. --.7; CS 1•.-j ; ) ,Li 1 Section C. Nan waiver I Jo nor want IG gray up Illy INI.I. pip want a lawyer 6 6 Ido „ml want in be VESOOfrod or ray a"Tlir""g • SIGNATURE OF INTERN W bl ,.., t..• AT TACH THIS WAIVER RTITICATE TO ANY SWORN S TA TM r1 ,ir.i ;ORM 2.Y.'22 suasEaliNiLY I xE [11EO BY I HE SUSPEC I/ACCUSED I -7- 6 OA FORM 3.881, NOV 89 EDT iON Of NOV 84 IS OBSOLETE riSaPt 2 Ji C c,. DOD-DOACID000193 SWORN STATEMENT For use of this form. see AR 19045; the proponent agency is 00CSOPS PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY, PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: ROUTINE USES: DISCLOSURE: Title 10 USC Section 301; Title 5 USC Section 2951; E.O. 9397 dated November 22, 1943 ISSN/. To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which information may be accurately identified. Your social security number is used as an additionaValternate means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. Disclosure of your social security number is voluntary. 1. LOCAT1011, i 2. DATE IYYYYMMODI 3. TIME 4. FILE NUMBER t• Lc:A fic efil clOd , 4 rath ?Jo 1%1()".. i LSO 'V),-6-03-(1N-3ft -s`. 5. LAST AME. FIRST NAME, MIDDVIE NAME 6. SSN 4 7. GRADEISTATUS (....tu A 6. . 1. , WANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT UNDER OATH: CA/1r' go-le- 67. C..0...,_ 0 . -kit V) -L i....11,0-4-44•10S14-Solateqt5 Si-ble--C-06-¦ I ‘. Q .' ,„i U a r r 1.\ ./ a V"-1-"t -2 e , tikc, C.) VUL CT,' 13 EXHIBIT ADDITIONAL PAGES MUST CONTAIN THE HEADING -STATEMENT OF \ • ec t) 11. INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT TAKEN AT DATED Lvok-.3 c, PAGE I 01 PAGES THE BOTTOM OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT. AND PAGE NUMBER MUST BE BE INOICATED3-, DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998 DA FORM 2823, JUL 72, IS OBSOLETE USA ,' A VI 00 t6 DOD-DOACID000194 a) -0-5- C. lb - to5i USE THIS PAGE IF NEEDED. IF THIS PAGE IS NOT NEEDED, PLEASE PROCEED TO FINAL PAGE OF THIS FORM. TAKEN AT 132\ fit/ 1-0.? DATED 02 AI)/ e7STATEMENT OF 9. STATEMENT (Continuedl (I , -kr a_ ($3,3\1 c .n; Vi CO LrTkci); ::_t . ,,,,y.'_ C kw, ak --4-t,._. --E-‘,. VNTh 6% , Sci.")...C2- U.....).. wc_, , Zr.., ip,„:---, oft,...1 c ,..,_,:cs 17,,,,":4- rvic,,,e, .. 'IL L.,,,,,(u-c, 4.) -L..-s.,,,.&5 Fr ,-1--erlaitti...;,-" •I o, ,,,, r . [ fgaej r'c...-0-.L...,,,_ ,„.,i,i- 41,(A.p..1k.)-e- 'IS binc-- 0,,,,-,L ID .-'6---c-t S i-‘3:-,,,, c--....:J tify,j,,,,.a) . WS° C. -NA_ rit.v¦4(3 t-sy.7.12. : e-, Sk-rAcEN i 'Le_ a¦SorrAy,,,, ckvID ¦ c.--41.,,tr VeloYlt.s.-lAJD.A i. .ri3 61, 4.‘a....a-C.. x, J. ck s,„,,,A7 ,,,, r,.„,„=" P.J".... CL. v. c( T-: krx_c). ue-) uwipor-ir,--1-Jock, -,-I-s i A. oc_60,1-A '100°2 . lic, Ni.449_,Ar... r eC.C-% - IA- LADC,c. 1A3C3144N C‘644110(it' M We r c,, icw_j_ g ,akt12frk L/OLA"^-° 6 rc_ L.t g/ loc2,:_i i-/161°1 s,.h,4,... ,..-_,/„„,•v., ,....,„„, ,.._,..4 A- 4 5-0 -'s L'..-)..r..) t...-)C-,Ck .7›-Vu:) ,--­ pits to(0.1 ii.D; klt-,esi)Ccv-Q.A. kg.J 01.SN'Ickft Qa.vrverc-- t .A. g . 4-cz....... j ckiso kJ 9.,C) ,.......p c,...... ,1-_. Rho t -L.,_ sod, ,-./-, 6,,, L., L:,:-...17, yli,j s,,,,,v0 c,.., 6,..4_4_ ,,,,,/ sAtt.... s ii.ide,,) 1,4 vvIpm L4 j ,...6. w r,,fp6 coc...,.. v,...... ,..._ 12,0,41-e,.. ,/so, 000 00 „....„,w 1,,,,,. . Ti,\ ,1-1- vyi,sv smucirs.•—c. r--.-- . Z.: . d tAI.e. 1- ,---1-3 's ,,,,..-4-1,, k-,,,, lA0,0 0,1,4, +m--t-r.T-1-c, i g-„t .4 ' VV\c‘.0.-I-c“---'Ac -- '' a . Were_ 4-kno ,-, solcte s S (15- rAJ WI-A-L-- 1 k x-,-, pow. LAik.2.4-... -1-4,-lu e d v¦.. r-=x r_x_-. lis_ I INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT 4/4 -4 S PAGE c._ OF PAGES -4) 1(-' 1 USAP A V I 00 PAGE 2, DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998 ----------1 rooO DOD-DOACID0001 95 t . Ili ODSP C-i1)3ri-5r1 USE THIS PAGE IF NEEDED. IF THIS PAGE IS NOT NUDED, PLEASE PROCEED TO FINAL PAGE OF THIS FORM. 1.71ePiA STATEMENT OF TAKEN AT i Clad/17-41 DATED c;06 /way ,d3 -74-1d2&-3 9. STATEMENT (Continued/ 19 — 44.1ti3 en..1-c-ria el Were. a3-1n.e.c) Ril-e.1"¦_ A • - 7-4.„J.3...-) ei• -4.c..1 Ziorxr-C (A v1-1( 10.0.-4-5e.. eitmcf 4-3 -4-G 1 - 1111 ,)k-sicc--.J R..c.. 4-1-e.,-- ss.S-livti Ckj A.,. Cr-ci-e r 44\ ti (...-1 -e-D -A-e-/- 1-.12.0 Corr,..,,) is,e4.4,-.4 -41-e in., _ 01%)Larco,,,,ci i-NEc) 4t) p 4.....0, VVIt KuL sls".-.1 44Ack.1-- • 44-cktri,---) kt—iii-. 0., -a,e0- cottpor\--, Cto,,k4 tAit,p7,- (A--/ 44, i:d,le,, L a,,,cc -4,-, , i P'., i cu-v-R—. -.r Lii Ct6 (-'12'1' 1-) SCA 1,6-ti -t-10 lA: (.,..) es-Tr), oci -v-Th VKSL.,..,..ct ,x,..cP tic, 6,-z-J 44\--k-- l' a,k,-,,,Qr po,,, be„cc,,,,_ .,_t_, i„,,,,.,„1 -14„._ rs, ,k- u.-n,s 1,-,Ast,,,,tillet -d......t_s i, Pe. ir. t e,,.,A.) . P,Is oi z 6‘-- V ` a-i L.. o-vv. y. 0-t- txcr,-,;,) cyc Av„,-, , 0, ,_ zs,,,1 ct-e-r-C :,-k_C..cku.G1-Q., -14V r e, 30Dctl pe-ople_ (../.--- Wert-l-Li-e/li rutfel.) &I-7)1,44,1-C1) 0-OS-P.- 41:106 S.)icili.A. Ckalitt_ci OLt r 6,„ Avytr...c.r.,-.. szlci(d_rs t.,...7,..,.... ir¦ -41.4_ Wov_k sold, € ,---i--b -\--e-i 1 y \,,,, -44,,,,"1- -tAr c., o., rne..r ic.o.n......4 ... T. Wadvd-4A•Not.n6-/ pcc..-t c t... ways -•, ..1 k_o---40 t-1. 1- ki'5 kkr--(100•-• cJ-lAO LA.Aw -N. 1-0-- e.1•Verec?/' 44-,_ katk,Se_. •‘ •r\ Vtji t,fr 0..„.3 -44.1..1 4,0,,,- L.4— we., C )i't. 00-^10,^,c....7%L.-1()41.."-Acc,/ • soup...v. 4-e ..Ae._ --\-1A.k. cziwt-r, , 5-t-LN-r-L-41) (30 l',111''') tu .S 6-kt NO cry--c....4- 40,,,„..J c i i-t1/4m1._ povski — . Ti...... Lia..cic sou ,. er. -14,e—, t— J vvy.....iP, 1-Lt.., 6,1 ...a ..s,s1.1 k1,--uxu, -4„_.t, mJ L.-1,, b ; on.,- c.L., (cL-_.,.--- L i-k3... 5 I l 1 c1 0,....S I czr. ¦ ( LIk_,,3 I,__ -ii,L. Ci,,,,„ stV,, ,,\. b J , ' 4 LC& 1.(__Csp6 ..--¦ , CL"-c•. '74(3-v-sk, drs--e_ 1) p5 0%' ,..._,-4. r-,Lo ) 441—k—, k 61),13... . l o()( f , d (tow kV', C.) a.; -0-v-, c-JWZA": LOAi Lk.;`Ck-A-vt L rf tbolcij I. 0-14\QS-C.,12) ICA"id -warms AJ,c)C-• P1 • ---rt„ 1A,)sx Soic-.1, 1 -eke, , cio,_1-s ,t, , ("-•'^ A ( -(N\ c) G . PALL uA tUtfM Z823, DEC 1998 V 00 coup DOD-DOACID0001 96 oa--0-0\-c t tvtits --5iO4 USE THIS PAGE IF NEEDED. IF THIS PAGE IS NOT NEEDED. PLEASE PROCEED TO FINAL PAGE OF THIS FORM. STATEMENT OF TAKEN AT gylitti, —Trat? DATED r2 /31a7 .0 3 9. STATEMENT leontinued (e—/y. c.& 9 4o. c' Ltrt_ ) fr444 Wc ws, Luz 61uc..- Juor Lk 1 T pri s TO a. ..10 k ca-LY-42-- -11:5 ck_c1c1 s Q. (cOwier)-1 0 „1,0( 7 t .c1,-1 • INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PAGE OF PAGES SIM .1111011111.73=01111•011110. USAPA V1.00 PAGE 2, DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998 DOD-DOACI D0001 97 oc).!-- -r-Y,---cu.) 519 -.5165'4. -7 C7 STATEMENT OF TAKEN AT CLACL qt DATED Mci,L, 02(203 7 9. STATEMENT !Continued) AFFIDAVIT , HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT WHICH BEGINS ON PAGE 1. AND ENOS 0 . I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE BY ME. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. I HAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY WITHOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR REWARD. WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT, AND WITHOUT COERCION, UNLAWFUL INFLUENCE. OR UNLAWFUL INDUCEMENT. 6 (Signature of Person Making Statement) Subscribed and sworn to before me, a person authorized by law to WITNESSES: administer oaths, this day of /rla/ , eectf;!.5 at clad 51? 2.4.1 pt.‘ _/( 64,-/ ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS -ignature of Person Admonstering4111 6 6LII¦111111/1111,171 TO"( ' (Wed Name of Person Administering Oath) .t7-k-MY Oe -r {-ort 57fet.,_)at--1, GAT 3/3/y ORGANIZATION OP ADDRESS le(Authority To Administer Oaths) L. t..• INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PAGE .5 OF PAGES USAPA VI 00 PAGE 3. DA FORM 2823, DFC 199E 1000 lq DOD-DOACID0001 98 di2co -03- cV3d/,- SWORN STATEMENT For use of this form, see AR 19045; the proponent agency is (113CSOPS PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY:.Title 10 USC Section 301; Title 5 USC Section 2951; E.O. 9397 dated November 22, 1943 ISSN]. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: .To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which information may be accurately identified. ROUTINE USES:.Your social security number is used as an additionallalternate means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. DISCLOSURE:.Disclosure of your social security number is voluntary. 1. LOCATION a 2. DATE WrrtyMODI 1 3. TIME 4. FILE NUMBER , 7 r)093/gc/d40 lc 3c A . F qes-0- 03- er9397 5. LAST AME.IRS.AME, MIDDLE NAME.' 6. SSN 7. GRADEISTATU , , 0 etvl / i0ii.) 8. ORGANIZAT N OR DRESS 9. , WANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT UNDER OATH: —e. 671' yoc,( hie .4 Q : Tll in? i_)A.4 1- it,,vis 44 /H. SoYierS . 54k . 10 EXHIBIT ADDITIONAL PAGES MUST CONTAIN THE HEADING "STATEMENT OF I 11 INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT .\ T,4KEN AT DATED PAGE 1 OF PAGES THE BOTTOM OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT, AND PAGE NUMBER MUST BE BE INDICATED. k' 6 DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998. DA FORM 2823. JUL 72. IS OBSOLETE USAPA 0.00 Fou.o DOD-DOACID0001 99 USE THIS PAGE IF NEEDED. IF THIS PAGE IS NOT NEEDED. PLEASE PROCEED TO FINAL PAGE OF THIS FORM. (-7-76-1(/6 STATEMENT OF TAKEN AT (-6C4,41(/) 6 4 giATE° elRx 03 1.27t ht -3 . 9. STATEMENT IContliwed) A : ( _ 17C45 440 - g9/ 5741/e 40,-- yr \ e_ j ,1-24 j D Af„k 50-Q,,,,c,_ -,rsteA,,R_ 5, Ne of q-1 b/..(-3e5 bzi.arld -li ,fily (,,,,4 hdOldi 40 Ole, IklY OPW1-6 .00' e4 4e hi ckle-iAr old& 611-RA ...1 1 paper trio, 4,..6) ,r S. A i le_y 0.10e#,--p•Q' s Z!O /k)_5' f/-/.5-q 5 ./ la -901 .'. °IP./ I. (-,D,,) 015' Jp An_d 0 0494.r. , 5-D rkic;(-a-4 1 PGLIcr . 51--d-a 1 II 7 „14, (3 5-())._, hey_ 0. fry ee-s54e rtco rd ei , 5I,e Li tit.; /44fiocizrotpeL 4 , IM-4,1-5 di/Z .) SIA, r 6 ri e-(ese Afv) Litik e ctcorddir I 19(' 4c-R., AI Ai' ei)457e-lk ik.W43( ef. i b(-V V (011 ( '61 5) W(t leJ Ci -'1,••• CA6C441 I )00 ,L °L) "-5 LjU A 1 ra .°L) 114 . "-, 41-1\ e--(C4-5g. c-J C-3 ti")\'1'\ Po ." ' 14 %.1\ p901‘1 0' tptj' ,((/ 6Aci 11 41w/ "nli 1)‘\J&l KrOJ (—Welt' a t 0 6,01\ . i 64 5 illai C-4r11-e--"s ) Afe.v, Pes tor:Q:7(z V 644115k-1W c:L, i fi?Ct7j:' 1 e.),,, cL , -4-- ,}04 os 3C-enri, i 4 a.66, Aad 016 11 1 W • 6 IC)( 1-9 164 ci4-dj X Azi 0 5 0 , 11-1 5 v 1 13 rfl ¦ f-e--AX Cq 0 ( 144.24 1). 0 CU.11,11.At6 ), 6)40 1410 k ,1 krjt-le-A$ iLL)--,r. Cr---/\:j-,i-,c-w¦ eeel fz-t-,,LJ ,g..4,. "A 5.10 .4 X. lj r 4 ,jfg tj e Ay (-,4_ (,..‘ efil 42, y AA , I, J ,.) i\.-) '--6,,,,,_ ‘„,a, (l--(./00-rie iwi f-iita , / 5-1Yr' 02 0 11 /(4_*Le-- a-51A)ed-4--r, 6-0, A w a\i'di ,,,5 u,P-oe ,y\ 1 t,A:c'ck pe___5 e-r• 11 lona e( k,(slw 5, )--( 41,01k vim`. ,,,,,(\.-d-k +VA -b--.1 e--3 II c-r\C LAS Aeu 2.- r 6.-e-r) -r zA . ..L.4 (orc_nj ne_1,,) 47-.5 -13 A. IA­ (,)0 (--K 00. ee_se_5 US . 5°11 o Je. : ijivArt Ai--LE hA(c--11(sc /1^ 4-1‘ ' 6\ 13- INI I !ALS LIF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PAGE c OF 1 7 PAGES USAPA V I.00 PAGE 2, DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998 - Lo DOD-DOACID000200 WO- 03- Ctml-cg,5-y USE THIS PAGE IF NEEDED. IF THIS PAGE IS NOT NEEDED, PLEASE PROCEED TO FINAL PAGE OF THIS FORM. STATEMENT OF TAKEN AT Fes 1. 7,40 011Ce orliprED ti‘,/ o 3 9. STATEMENT (Continued/ c,t-ctL7.) .. (00 ,.; , I LIirk - 4; a., -4. soklie( s -)6(-4--°( 5;g----4-i9 .1-(e -4("15 ne4 -6 #-‘4,/ ce....4 1-)4s5 (9riefac,ce_ •('(-6kt iV;-AA -6 if_k_ Wazte soidw, rd black' Snetal4m-4(t"t'ff4 6A0(4) 44. 1 ,iciW iotA i-&-i- - 4 44 Lg, jiiv/i/jori 5'fBefed br ; tf u-v2-1 Aig 1 fi /be -C1-5e- . out' C,,v4 f'2".''\ Lilifk-?-Se­ /h&c( S¦-4-(. 1k soclou .-'4,3t,-)e4 iNk_e__+' c-f-PAR f),5 (rodrvt -'-d A ck/ilesq 2,y/ 77\1 bia-C k-so/Gtty i-ic,s .ki, ik) "it& o(1,i beirod, 4 A,' 41\/ 41, 0 a ;/ ' (s)as .1(-,141! bri)Aik,4 h_i, 00, a,d k lo -.( -- L i• Lk-t“ V-4AI "'e4f4 ikV“D (4 41' /V" SeC-rc-k4 V - t A ccA-6ewY t-st We-S (my -i e4e.,4Q frt, -±,,„k .\Ay ,e., 1-1,,LA „ . _t i 4,0,4C, l'Y '244 °4kC" 14 *9 7?-1 1:i1()6" ‘cf --\ M h G61.`c-i (t-.. 4a' (\`-) AlLe /14Y cLJ /74 clyredA ,,\ 4-)( r)J(7' / -1 5 Gifdt ylaild dui, 4 01-l , (fAcj--SA Ae,d7j11 key A6reak (fiv_ 50-ite A .;y\,1 lit 0 -(- -(o ccj _f,,, 1 d 6.e -16 / bli\n,i . tivt. 50/6-‘14_/1 _5- , A fk, ,01.ctee Ws4 Sic--­ -f°0-4 (wino - j , eiec_rdf4.1 4\-, scA 0.-d (,): 14,41old (( 5'0)ct).75 do ,fe.$-F 0.1 11-L z t ( 0,-e/ 4kr ,-)L keSaok INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT 1 64 - `71 PAGE OF PAGES AIIIIL1,916-17 USACIA V1.00 PAGE 2, DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998 DOD-DOACID000201 C./T? NY- 55(a rf./ USE THIS PAGE IF NEEDED. IF THIS PAGE IS NOT NEEDED, PLEASE PROCEED TO FINAL PAGE OF THIS FORM. 0 our STATEMENT OF a DATED ;(0 67 TAKEN AT resiovpicp 67c-A 6‘. z 111111. 9. STATEMENT IContinuedl 4/10-cki(--t IC-4 Ale r6free drA kJ CA-4 Lik f YI-vc ) irro-6 e j o_(( 1(50 AOGJ bi/r/' 61, co-A yo(A 11/1-._ 6.04 arm ki es--Rfa-4{ y 71,. 41 4-a Ay e ,,e -/-z,),) j 11-'zA 14+ 0-^d 1014.-k ChN\ Gertp e5. 2.) ,rdit y,k6e,1 poe.444 ruv itout.s F A, _ ty\y - pei-5 Lk$4_ o'v/ (A) ) 7 1.t, D 10k- 61 0.ACe nu 4 Oko,s/it: ,Lo Y/1-4 kk --LAJO otAC,1I-) 04.ft 1,) t vAr c,14 ;1 0(reA i hour' f A-IL( i_ie Ai pick F i) )6,,,/ (Order S01611 -e.utry,orle A= -AA_ blaLk f4rne.1;cco. WL "9-101 LAA qi,i4,4 rc&tv e.,cap+ (YV GA0(1 „ (41-y c,11 (3-(6e_A'Lk r e \ t,,“ 6r it-eLV 0. -D, d (-11,ky %.0 okc,f cz— L-C(5 (CI k Sey- cos riAo.„1/4AC-/ 1 V( *- 6- (c 6-k I 1 C4 L14-1 riOci lMer l¦ • ( A; INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT USAPA VI 00 PAGE 2, DA FORM 2813, DEC 1998 DOD-DOACID000202 ooco- 0 3-C -3)31§- 5-7,6171 USE THIS PAGE IF NEEDED. IF THIS PAGE IS NOT NEEDED, PLEASE PROCEED TO FINAL. PAGE OF THIS FORM. STATEMENT OF TAKEN AT BATED o2( f 9. STATEMENT (Continued) 4 gekee (7 91-0 -30 `7/-1. &frt.y17'r.e Adb-Ye c(): 0-14r f, yocki rna.cluk_e 91-L 0«14 ,--i5, doe y ,t,PA " 411‘ 12 (-ro R6 / 9/(1 L4dP16t 1 4"- - L.)e. ,v61. yov\ 4t_a_yo -1-0A , r2 11-0- ‘° A \V ---Q-0(S -FAkex), Q • `111- --1-- A,\R ota.- 1:1541,-A ° Idlers Ca-evR-7 /-1 13 3o oico 3 ) 71 -i,,,j,y r0 u5' 62 uk 111.01k olLihe ( 104-J /6.`. e -Sakt scAd;,z c 5 vo\oeck 4 7 ( /05-( 1 ?kk%( Ld/z 9(-1 fis,o9tly (),U \ L2 Lft.s_ ad-ck y/u-y 0 *0et-ic 50/61i o,-5 ?-e c. ifu 1\0,4-Lfki-sogers /ook Ci,(11? r r- Oil() 61g- Lk A/kue: WLe r r'f 4)-Ps . 4 re u.;0,5 +2.30 mcvp_(.1\c,_,, S'o )dff' rs r 5c/01 k.r. % ^{ /00 K:eel 7f-A -r(- 0 r, 0i/\ (I t r 3 oiI4-5 7- INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PAGE PAGES -1-16 4.-4/ OF 37 PAGE 2, DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998 USAPE VI 00 • Fouo DOD-DOACID000203 CX.1u -0)--.1-1)71/ -7 i(o STATEMENT OF TAKEN AT .P.4114 DATED .926 ,03 9 STATEMENT (Centring SC (di r 5 . /41,1 (IC 4- /1 saber At( no Sole:kik/ 5 -34.161 cy_cepf--61 — , 0 114 96-/ Aad /e;1011 Qr / SC\otAihr • / ".5 ko-ue? hAlars5 did PtyN6.4-Kki 4-: C:-/elq et-et go,dr utg.1..)e.1),,,L_s 4,4 1 77,o. 47-44, COL.(1.1- 1/444y c-, 4i-e ) '5 awl ()1 Co)0 7 Q'. D /Xi+ +14 Jec-fdeN5 •i/ou, f -a/01Y (rioit/v-16) C,9-pwv1444 Gp,t. (FKE— I • +1ide-lc-ricolMP, 4: 710 71 uy fVuer 7 *Ns 1101,00C ­ („Jkirr, Aid\ you, ZW1171.eCk7C--) (CORe't AFFIDAVIT HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT WHIG INS ON PAGE 1, AND ENDS ON PAGE . I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE TEMENT IS TRUE. I HAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE CONTAINING THE STATEMENT AVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREEL OUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR REWARD, WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT, AND WITHOUT COERCION, UNLAWFUL INFLUEN UNLAWFUL INDUCEMENT. BY ME. THE 0atale of PelS017 Making Statement) Suhsc and sworn to before me, a person authorized by law to WITNESSES: mister oaths. this day of at ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS (Signature of P" dministering Oath,/ (Typed Name of Person Administering path) (Authority To Administer Oaths) ORGANIZATION OU.AUDRESS d 17 67( INITIA PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PAGE OF 7 PAGES MIMI IP . USI1P4 V 100 PAGE .3 DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998 FD DOD-DOACID000204 STATEMENT OF 06' TAKEN AT rec. f,40.u, "gig DATED 02 6 41 07 9. STATEMENT trod,' fe-9.-f? (,( ) 4 ike_ 6 e5,),, f1,s 4c 0 3, 1: had pi42,,, p,,-0/4L, 7 5000 4 , -7 itt/VZ¦esty c U. S, Dr doli&ri 11-c, re pi-o-P-414 Ntsrvzsii cwjQQ 0 j 000 , coo )CC. ±- I.1) (Ica_ 0-.A/100.4el+ 01A fic2,03°_,-) p 604-4115 /1^' 4X brileilc‹_5e, too-k) 4„ (-1110-5450344,-1-1 "(. ? 0: Do ,100, 1-16.ue GAy114,),,5? efte Vow A A174"21 er, -7 44,‘ Fi dg.4. . ,siky/AILT 4re --to e4cce07 -71\4 Med vrte4,‘Lif 4,1 er pi2A-y tv_e, . ///F/od 0 5;k-i-wr-evrf//1 10.16 /1 6V4 AFFIDAVIT HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT WHICH BEGINS ON PAGE 1, AND ENDS ON PAGE r7 FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE BY ME. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. I HAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY WITHOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR REWARD, WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT, AND WITHOUT COERCION, UNLAWFUL INFLUENCE, OR UNLAWFUL INDUCEMENT. ^^^ &24 6 g ement) Subscribed and sworn to before me, a person authorized by law to WITNESSES: administer oaths. this day of C2-02-3— at e of -5/3 R09. MI_ ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS . Sji141111.11, (Typed Name of Person minatenn CO) Sfite.4.v1, (7, 4 .313 ft/ ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS (AilthoMy To Administer Oaths) INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PAGE OF PAGES 7 7 USAPA V1.00 PAGE 3, DA FORM 2823, DEC IND DOD-DOACID000205 SWORN STATEMENT For use of this form. see AR 19045: the proponent agency is 00CSOPS PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY: ISSN/. Title 10 USC Section 301; Title 5 USC Section 2951: E.O. 9397 dated November 22, 1943 PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which information may be accurately identified. /L .-7C -. -I I ROUTINE USES: Your social security number is used as an additionallalternate means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. /7 . DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of your social security number is voluntary. 1. LOCATION i r 2. DATE IYYYYMMDDI I an 4. FILE NUMBER ea qii, d a 6 , i-roff .2003 O M -2-7 __..Y1,D-fs-ciatq-91 l't ST NA AME MIDDLE NAME ,, 6. SSN 7. GRADEISTATUS 616' 11, 642-te-F-C r v B R ADDRESS e-S-b7e-'-4ti ',. 1,7 6-4A 640 -1( I. , WANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT UNDER OATH: /3°' m C1601,i4 100 j fil ay _. Americo., To(CifetS C.cervi.e 7`0, pup--4c in-e e3 /I tO 5 e. 6i v,/, -.) r 5-10101 We-a/001S and StOIC PI JO( 0I . i asked 4-kek, 6,)4y 1+ was s:/1.4 S+ 4-4 e. o'l IWO, z7nd 4-4-ay sac/ f-4 ' . Ct V e 07o ©r s o(cfiev s o ve v , L.4 i--was 7, - e,--i-c. jusi-two, 7,Ly ask:,/ us -1-o Ce.k (Sen-i 3 0 6r{-Fe: kale cl i low 4.1.,..4,n1 i- c, sea r-c 4 0 c.4 r .r7{ CIA CI 4074 It) 6e arrexid. Ole it+ *4 .., ; IA a i., Ci +4 y agi(ce cl.1._Itali-i.,, e q/f s tayeei d.c., 04-e rconi -irjel-teb. 41 c c-4,1 w 42,1 /.14 y qs ,h4 cl. a 6,-I.,) 5 TA,Y ig.jaro -if, St a rt 4 itc,,„‹ :4-4 my C(accir44-et .A Gi s' ,.tj t.¢. c a ag'e Lt. e4et-a , 5,,eak ,,.y1; 54 . 4) ke, -fria..y ,..0 '^ , 19 5-f-cier5 ni, 5--€.-4, /-"L, 41-4 y ca Ile_e7 cioeuo h, rpi C -R7, c, +105-4 I i op4. i c,,, el s011'f e 7,---, c-„7__-c.., eyr,' ,...” 3—/,, , s 44,..., ,4-4 et "CV (2 S4 1,14-1,,. -' J , Y ,E dle-/;S 1--4 - e - z A 'I-Le cl r a. we r • TA€7' !' e +---e ,;c-ry4-1-,,,j ;A 5../c/ 4' -04-e_ cir•at---'r-Lei-qty 4 c, ..s cl 4 4 c4 /le -7`; a(/ --,,0 161 14, ±-c sci "1-4a 7' #1-e ID c4-4-, 4 5. A e-ok2-.1 clvtcl --0/0 / tee/ 'I -NA) c -(5 (On r)-4-C,i ii(ck t,i) a i q 1,z)i-ir 0/12/, Oct r (1 as 5 ,0 or' I - 5-, 7 ke Pc'''. (1 7‘1"4- 6 7c -4/ 6‘— 4e. ,kms i ,.., Cl_ 6/ CHACI fy Cr. 5 f,,,-e .e-f-ce (( ey.c. -i-7._ts-c i-e.,,,s-111,1 r aid it-414 -C (1 tA, r .-(ci hicIC f i-fe-0/5" Are-re-,tf "t 1kle -1-4-ex c---ve icok;.1 4, . to I,,, +-Ly p..,,,,--ail Ion e, 4 e y la 4.4.. -i-Lt._ Gal 0-r , i:€•+, -5-49 4 c /40 " 5 . rke 4 (-4, , , qsked Ge S If L-rt knet) 0-P ClAyOn-E. 44.6„. -k(st /1 -zezr 6 y. cd Lo m1 .144 Aac-e - S . 401e 1,1 L.-t. cypxt 5 0 r s./.0 (e..,1 y„, fet , et,,) t 5-0 1 cli (4,..e ell dri 4. h oow i b IA+ +Ley /-¦;/i 144 --( 7,,ci Ton-ti / -I .{....Q.y s,a v-c I, --I-1st r) .e (Ili 4 a i-.5 k. c 04 e 5 i a I A d /Lnp 11-1.-Ri 1 e-r-f , 7 67 e__--,/64— / ( o. s4 (7-7 .....- ti, 6 4- -r -, A • (_4 a ,,, }-1-e5 ,e --f-c&co S.riC () 1. 5 e u-e t-e ,1 •i-c) ye c; v. ,ke!,,,,, 4.,_„..,. G. 06./.,b 5 , , ,,,--i--,LI--,: y ii e , r c, Cie cr LI V ;:tib.. A ie.S i c4 6 L--,..; -or,. r ,.ior-.4 1, A .2 k .---,-tt. r- b(1-"r-r. c can e , p ¦ /Lc IALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT I 14 -2(. ....4.(.16‘.... ele.-[ PAGE 1 OF PAGES 10 EXHIBIT _ ADDITIONAL PAGES MUST CONTAIN THE HEADING "STATEMENT OF TAKEN AT DATED THE BOTTOM OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THE an-bitS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT. AND PAGE NUMBER MUST SE BE INDICATED. s r !:: 6 DA FORM 2323. JUL 72. IS OBSOLETE USAPA V1.00 DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998 ) V--(-)0(­ DOD-DOACID000206 Oc_a)-(13-CI0-S ci -59 USE THIS PAGE IF NEEDED. IF THIS PAGE IS N9T VDED. PLEASE PROCEED TO FINAL PAGE OF THIS FORM. lt-OC 11111111.11.11b2._ STATEMENT/ OFf TAKEN AT SY% (L / ra DATED • 0 3 6 16/46 . STATEMENT (Continued) czkil can yeci ciesce--4( w tai Nakty 6) DC) yo c-t /(140‘...) rL 1 c S Icl (ack like Z. Ak was 61.4 ,-1-cz i,Le t rtr._ c4-1v cite Was s-teriere a 0,-i (ooke-cl / 5-le/PO r,e-dize 1441 5 TtO ft -Crnril ye y CA A.0 r..ukaf Q, (,)k.„ 4, 10 1-‘41 L-40":1 a A 1 II4 I s s (7. r,,C e• 4.4 n, 4 4. sofd;crs .,fit' s-te r /„Li +-kr ,foc4 A)/ vo I Cie s-gnd AcP4 c-ec/ 44- D+ti (1, mc d t; 4-4,-e 101,1 .tie‘4.7aces actd oR / 5,0a q/( M;_rs;"1. 6ra cltf t re CC: 4d1 -PO r 5".e /1-ems cteqin,,i 54f( ( rcf -C1 'le( a‘iy 04' OAe -{es, Aac( som.z. se4 + 4." 7/ 0, iclAa+ vac 04" 4 . Di 4 rrl Doi r ¦ 7, 1,j 9G (cl r el /00 co w It G(ci ecktz C-e dr a olonctS 2. I/ 310 to 1, ?de( „ :g aoo 11)6 ti 44 T. lc( n. e c 5 ,1cl 6, It 1 5-0 . cL9 411 lei-Ler-42-5, 000, coo 1.)( r Gr 2,So o cti 5cf rt.,- ax ions a yo or )/ecr --10-1/ 4, A Ai° 62. Didl vot, itcr -7( I s tc yc n-ex F A c sze o r -Corn (y n eset-you v c 2, A No, ilever, a_ pc y,„ A a v o. i 4 i1 elS-e fo 4tc( I -1-6 4-11 5 s fefe 4-1? y /1 11111 -64- A - No /7/ EA/D O F TE/'i F/117 G( INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PAGE a OF 3 PAGES USAPA a 100 PAGE 2, DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998 1 /via y STATEMENT OF TAKEN AT DATED 9. STATEMENT (Continued/ 7 P AFFIDAVIT . HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT H BEGIN I. AND ENDS ON PAGE 3 I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE BY ME. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. I HAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY WITHOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR REWARD. WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT, AND WITHOUT COERCION, UNLAWFUL INFLUENCE, OR UNLAWFUL INDUCEMENT..4 (Signature of Person Making Statement! Subscribed and sworn to before me. a person authorized by law to WITNESSES: administer oaths, this day of P. a c• at /'agIi r(ad . ORGANIZATION GR ADDRESS ignature of Person Administering Oathl (Typed Name of Person Administering Oath) ocm-c ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS (Au y Administer Oaths! INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT USAPA VI 00 PAGE 3, DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998 J --L DOD-DOACID000208 SWORN STATEMENT For use of this farm. see AR 190-45: the proponent agency is ODCSOPS PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY: Title 10 USC Section 301: Title 5 USC Section 2951: E.O. 9397 dated November 22, 1943 USN/. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which information may be accurately identified. ROUTINE USES: Your social security number is used as an additionallaheinate means of identification to facilitate filing and retrieval. ‘rl ‘.. ye---t DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of your social security number is voluntary. 1. LOCATION 2. DATE—aMMMD01 3. TIME 4. FILE NUMBER b Sn 5 -Z. /PO F sk ti, ri ,- ,i-oi ft'." c--1 6.NFF:' 11111. 5. LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, MIDDLE NAME-) 1ADEISTATUS 0 (.2/[..--//: / Ifi.V * 8. ON OR ADORESS 9. __ a 4-1E7 /77 i I. , WANT TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT UNDER OATH: bic...i 4-1"-v— 1/10.w-L1.6..) ¦=1) -I-Lc, ,p_..... 4,..),:i SOO, ,e 1-; (AI t.„(:21,.... L.-...6...,_) , cNitivj .S-Vok 6 rt) ¦---, t. C.," r- • ko vrve- 01, uiln) (-0 /-(X(It.E R., 6 is 0,6kg--1 LA"6 LLit.-11AJJ A—r-DLL4z— -4K, L (-1JA.i....) ri„., '. CAVI' 0. )usi_cd„ (c- Occk .' ( 3 . A L/3 10. EXHIBIT 11. INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PAGE 1 OF PAGES ADDITIONAL PAGES MUST CONTAIN THE HEADING "STATEMENT OF TAKEN AT DATED THE BOTTOM OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST SEAR THE INITIALS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT, AND PAGE NUMBER MUST BE BE INDICATED. r . DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998 OA FORM 2823. JUL 72, IS OBSOLETE USAPA VI 00 1C,X1c) Ea DOD-DOACID000209 USE THIS PAGE IF NEEDED. IF THIS PAGE IS NOT NEEDED, PLEASE PROCEED TO FINAL PAGE OF THIS FORM. 9. STATEMENT (Continued) • --11,,:z.) L4 Fri.") 1716-Z(4 111.11 . O u CC -1,11 fciacL I 1PICLI-i'_ 1,1) --Ai Cox._ oticuvl,_ /0 I cv-3 ..takrj 1 102,41,2. 1,..cottU- a : .J. c.1%), d-r-, r A: -7C---/‘ fes! L/714/ 9 ze e4 4 -74,,, 4,,,t.. ,,,,,,.., 14....;`).6. it, / ( /-„-,.„ j (;•31,,4,-,,_ -,4;n-,..-,t ,. , ,, t., 1 ci cz.,„,.„ c.J: tz.4.1 .Q„, ,___1 .. ii....c di 0 ,c..,., c* i,..)2.6:1 . 7 _.,...,,,, ,. 10_,L. cx ¦ --,.., ri ../-, ' _-,.4 kG.l...4-1:eT, 1 • t r ,a, 173 .t-A,,....2-, i./(.., J,-/5, 0")._-) 00C., .1. -Lb 7.,..1 (sc". 4k, „ic P : S c....Jcn_ A c.. le,— tO, Ot..M C ) ,,-) LeFf4-41-`i,. .^,2"----1,1 --/-ka_ scdci c-.--cj !',.,,) e--- L'--"`--4 1% "e .--/jt 2, 5q-)=-. e.."..57 riolk"..— ( C';cX7 4 L/ Lra a rE) ., • L 4Zj'6 fC--) INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT 7 OF 3 PAGES ______111111115.7c g--41 I PAGE usAPA VI 00 PAGE 2, DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998 (Th DOD-DOACID00021 0 a 1244 Sc. t44 STATEMENT OF TAKEN AT ..J c.f DATED 2-111(1c0.1 0-7 9. STATEMENT (Continued! q 1--/ZI/V (,C CL 14 (i-c " k _k, L „,..) a a. A.04, jt pac,I Gy.-a-ffsn. . Pe "LC"' 4?"-- --itI. J r -A.‘ --- • Lt.l34-C ) CaPO43-L pg. s.j4 4_, awl r-1 , 1,1,3„,,j -iksw-t. s 6i J 4-41-AZTLk A 17 16--°-( Wit &C,R_E7 5) 2-7 ZdflAz9 4(6-3471 -14‘f (9 ,s--TIAN AT 8,1" Pte. 111111111.1pr, 267 Mr ,11:1-(,Yid.44 rArenria- AFF/ (77–t( , HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT WHICH BEGINS ON PAGE 1, AND ENDS ON PAGE -a I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE BY ME. THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. I HAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECTIONS AND HAVE INITIALED THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS STATEMENT FREELY WITHOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR REWARD, WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT, AND WITHOUT COERCION, UNLAWFUL INFLUENCE, OR UNLAWFUL INDUCEMENT. 67–fr 4-K (Signature of Person Making Statement) WITNESSES: bev__6( ( 4-4 Subscribed and sworn to before me, a person authorized by law to administer oaths, this V I day of 414-) at 1111111111111111111Vb2&2Lf‘-f ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS — (Signature of Person AdnilnistenOg Gehl rP ame of Person Administering Oath) 44-rit".. (.1c. ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS (Authority ro Admmister Oaths/ INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PAGE j OF ..3 PAGES 11111 6)6 of___"( USAPA v PAGE 3, DA FORM 2823. DEC 1998 t DOD-DOACID000211 Page(s) 7/-• • Referred to: U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND 7115 SOUTH BOUNDARY BLVD ATTN: CCJ6-DM MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE FLORIDA 33621-5101 - MS. JACQUELINE SCOTT (813) 827-5341/2830 XfPFPCID SEQUENCE NUMBER EVIDENCE/PROPERTY CUSTODY DOCUMENT 0050-03-CTD349 I I CAD REPORT:CID ROI MIMBER .0, tne Al 'Ns lortn see AR I9OAS and AR OBS; (ha Crcparcrf a;e.rzy fa US Aar, DYNAN Imre',UMW CcerThand 1 59654 30th MP Det (CID) (FWD) LOCATION Baghdad, Iraq RECEIVING ACTIVITY NAME. GRADE AND TITLE OF PERSON FRIBA WHOM RECEIVED. ADDRESS flPeAnie bp Cartel 7 CPT A Battery, I /9th Field Artillery (FWD) I j OWNER 1 GC,' Baghdad, Iraq ' ori+ta 1771— APO AE 09303 IX t lOCA770N FROM WHERE OBTAINED REASON OBTAINED TIMM:14TE OBTAINED Taken from the hands of the above listed person at the office of Evidence 1700/15 May 03 A Btry, 1/9th FA (FWD), Baghdad, Iraq DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES QUANTITY undude model sena! nianbe, conclaran and unusual AWE, or sera/ad ITEM NO Box containing 2 Samsonite briefcases, approximately 250,492 dinars, one Electronic Industries Co Instructional Manual, one picture on carbon paper, 3 airmail envelopes with handwritten letters, 3x5 journal, 5 wallet sized pictures, I 5x7 journal, I key, various business cards, various documents, various receipts, 1 passport unmarked, one drawing by pencil, one Certificate with Saddam Hussein's facial picture centered, one identification card, 1 Republic of Iraq Passport, various doctor's prescriptions, Miranda 28-52mm camera with carrying case, Microcassette Recorder Model No. RN-z36 with tape, and one round gold colored coin with red, black, and green coloring on one side. Placed in a box, box sealed and marked for ID with 1700, 15 May 03, fa. LAST ITEM I CHAIN OF CUSTODY PURPOSE OF CHANGEITEM DATE REIRAaz By RECEIVED BY OF CUSTODYNO. Evaluation as Evidence/Released to15 May 1 Ir„.•. TORE k ..,........„....,„ Evidence /Custodian 63 CPT SA 676.- 1,(--i 4 ('" . • -4j, „ __... I e_C".51P0 IAN A i FZCZ nilli _ . , SW .. • -7...--- I 0 6 .; t , Fri6-1 -i:--'-) .. • ria-a-- — ; ,111.• .. ! &,.. — • • e ---7, ' : _s14-c rciir 1— SIGNATURE.v URI 6 t5 7 v NAME. GRADE OR TITLE i NAME. GRADE OR WEE T SIGNATURE i SIGNATURE I __.) , - „Am,. GRADE OR TIT1E ; NAME. GRADE On TITLE 1 t.. ,• i L i - 7_ -V. . _ . rvl gst, 1- L5 DOD-DOACI D00021 3 ,L1.-s t; f xi., -1—i CHAIN OE CUSTODY IContawea, _ ITEM GATE RELEASED BY RECEIVED BY PURPOSE OF (JIANG( NO. OF CUSTODY SIGNATURE SIGNATURE NAME. GRADE OR TITLE NAME GRADE OR 7171E SIGNATURE SIGNATURE NAME. GRADE OR TITLE NAME GRADE OR ORE SIGNATURE SIGNATURE NAME. GRADE OR TME NAME, GRADE OR TITLE SIGNATURE SIGNATURE NAME GRADE OR TITLE NAME. GRADE OR TITLE SIGNATURE SIGNATURE NAME, GRADE OR TITLE NAME, GRADE OR TITLE SIGNATURE SIGNATURE NAME. GRADE OR TITLE NAME, GRADE OR TIRE SIGNATURE SIGNATURE NAME. GRADE OR TITLE NAME. GRADE OR TITLE SIGNATURE SIGNATURE NAME. GRADE OR TITLE NAME. GRADE OR TITLE FINAL DISPOSAL ACT/ON RELEASE TO OWNER OR OTHER INamettled, DESTROY OTHER apectIO a . ,,, i a , FINAL DISPOSAL AUTHORITY b 616 ITEMISI 1 ON THIS DOCUMENT. PERTAINING THE INVESTIGATION INVOLVING `j PC., PFC__ _ —e.! At_ LI,P4.5.2__ IISI TARP NO LONGER INamel I [Organization) 06'3 A67'3 REQUIRED AS EVIDENCE AND MAI, BE DISPOSED OF AS INDICATED ABOVE c .3 lets, must be NT N. btu expiate M separate,..ormsnorde,te 1 ' ble-' ,(b --i--- k i ,i, i cri ,4 ..._ —,----.r.1.2,.... _1; .„)....r•-j '- P 7 t'l v • fri z .(.. 11 4-71 o 3 11rPeelL1nmeo Name. Gr2de. ra e 1Stgn.lruT1 IDatcl 7e...L-1-Zt4 164 ''' fc IT. i EVIDENCE — _ 1-HE A RTICI f 'SI EIS TFP AT ITEM NUMBFRISI !WAS: /WERE. DESTROYED Sr THE EVIDENCECUS KOLA, rt, M v PIV.:SENCE CN TN( DATE 1NDICATED ABOVE 8_ -2 . z___ 1, voca/P.,nred Name. Ofpanadooni ISmnatutel of) DATE: 15 MAY 2003 FROM: SAC, 30th MILITARY POLICE DET (CID) (FWD) TO: DIRECTOR, USACRC, USACIDC, FORT BELVOIR, VA CDR USACIDC //CIOP-ZA// CDR, 10TH MP BN (CID) (ABN) (FWD) //OPS// CDR, 3D MP GROUP (CID)(REAR) //OPS// CDR, 3D MP GROUP (CID) (FWD) //OPS// PROVOST MARSHAL //PM// SUBJECT: CID REPORT - INITIAL/SSI - 0050-03-CID349-59654- 5N2B2/5X1/5Y2B9/7C1B DRAFTER: RELEASER: UNCLASSIFIED - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1. DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: 1. 13 MAY 2003/2200 - 13 MAY 2003/2300; ZONE 8, GRID COORDINATE MB 412880, HOUSE #4, BLOCK 201; ALBAYGAIY, BAGHDAD, IRAQ 664 2. DATE/TIME REPORTED: 14 MAY 2003, 1100 3. INVESTIGATED BY: SA 4. SUBJECT: 1. ; SPC; ; M; BLACK; A Billi1/9(9 D ILLS P, IRAQ ; TC; [ROBBERY] [BURGLARY] [FAILURE TO OBEY A GENERAL ORDER] [CONSPIRACY] 2. 11111111111111E1r PFC ; F-17-PACIFICTSEANDER; A BATTERY, 1 9 FIELD ARTILLERY, BIAP, IRAQ; TC; [ROBBERY] [BURGLARY] [FAILURE TO OBEY A GENERAL ORDER] [CONSPIRACY] 5. VICTIM: [ROBBERY B GLARY] 2 [ROBBERY] [BURGLARY] 3. U.S. GOVERNMENT; [FAILURE TO OBEY A GENERAL ORDER] [CONSPIRACY) 6. INVESTIGATION SUMMARY: THE INFORMATION IN THIS REPORT IS BASED UPON AN ALLEGATION OR PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION AND MAY CHANGE PRIOR TO THE COMPLETION OF THE INVESTIGATION. "THIS IS AN OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM INVESTIGATION" THIS OFFICE WAS NOTIFIED BY THE 3ID PROVOST MARSHAL OF A ROBBERY. ,..,//,444 0 MR4MMOMEMPREPORTED THAT TWO U.S. SOLDIERS GAINED ACCESS TO HIS HOUSE, CLAIMING THEY WERE SEARCHING FOR ILLEGAL WEAPONS. THE SOLDIERS THEN ROBBED HIM AND MRAMMW AT GUNPOINT. MR 67,,...-4/Wle PROVIDED A DESCRIPTION OF THE ROBBERS. ALSO THE 1/9TH FA WAS STAGED NEAR THE RESIDENCE. BASED ON THE INITIAL INFORMATION OBTAINED, A HEALTH AND WELFARE INSPECTION WAS CONDUCTED ON THE SOLDIERS OF A BATTERY, 1/9TH FA. BEFORE THE INSPECTION, ALL A BATTERY SOLDIERS WERE ADVISED OF THEIR, 5, 64-5 LEGAL RIGHTS. DURING A SEARCH OF THEIR AREAS, SPC 4111.1.111 --5 6G-C AND PECOMICONFESSED TO THE COMMAND THAT THEY HAD CONSPIRED viel TO ROB HOMES IN BAGHDAD, CHOOSING AT RANDOM MR 67e--4„64..-44 . RESIDENCE. BOTH ADMITTED THAT UNDER THE GUISE OF LOOKING FOR ILLEGAL WEAPONS, BOTH GAINED ACCESS TO THE HOME OF MR OMB AND ROBBED HIM. THEY FORCED MRIMOMMITO IDENTIFY f' 74-46-' 64-1 r. // OTHER NEIGHBORS WITH MONEY, AND PROCEEDED TO MR411111111,67_4 (pp-ce: HOME AND ROBBED HIM. SPC AND PFAIMMIWERE BROUGHT BY THEIR COMMAND TO THE 4-.77L-: 64--5 BY THE ROBBERY SCENES WHERE THEY WERE POSITIVELY IDENTIFIED RESIDENTS AS THE PERPETRATORS. MR. 01111, HAD STOLEN A GOLD MEDALLION, A WHITE GOLD NECKLACE /2744( 4-44' AND A DIAMOND RING, COLLECTIVELY VALUED AT OVER $1,600.00. MR. 400.01 HAD AN AK-47 RIFLE, TWO LEATHER BRIEFCASES, b7C-96(...,-4 250,000 DINARS (ABOUT $180.00), A MINIATURE TAPE RECORDER, AND $2,000.00 IN U.S. CURRENCY STOLEN; FOR A TOTAL LOSS OF $2,330.00. - -)7 ._ 5; 64,-5 RECOVERED DURING THE CASE FROM SPC AND PFC.. WERE if THE CASSETTE RECORDER, THE BRIEFCASES AND THE 250,000 DINAR. AND as CLAIMED THEY HID THE AK-47; HOWEVER, THE 17 74 -5(-64.--5:- WEAPON WAS NO LONGER THERE. MEW ANDalleDID NOT DISCLOSE f,7c_5-...c. THE LOCATION OF ANY OTHER PROPERTY, AND HAVE SINCE REQUESTED LEGAL COUNSEL. " REQUEST A USACRC NAME CHECK ON 41.111111, AND 411,. INVESTIGATION CONTINUES BY CID. 7. COMMANDERS ARE REMINDED OF THE PROVISIONS OF AR 600-8-2 PERTAINING TO SUSPENSION OF FAVORABLE PERSONNEL ACTIONS AND AR 380-67 FOR THE SUSPENSION OF SECURITY CLEARANCES OF PERSONS UNDER INVESTIGATION. 8. CID REPORTS ARE EXEMPT FROM AUTOMATIC TERMINATION OF PROTECTIVE MARKINGS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 3, AR 25-55. cJ
