DOJ-OIG Questionnaire of FBI Personnel re: Detainee Treatment

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A DOJ-OIG questionnaire for FBI personnel who were involved in detainee interview or interrogations at assigned locations in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; Iraq; Afghanistan; or in other areas controlled by the U.S. Military. Questionnaire primarily focused on personnel training regarding detainee treatment standards and reporting of inappropriate treatment, and on knowledge of certain interview or interrogation techniques. Example techniques of the latter include: "depriving a detainee of sleep," "beating a detainee," "using shackles or other restraints in a prolonged manner." Document paid specific attention to the difference between training, reporting and activities done by FBI and non-FBI personnel. Document name: DOJOIG000106.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A. Personal Information
Department-of Justice Inspector General Questionnaire Regarding beta inees
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-00001,664
As of the last time this questionnaire was saved, some required fields have not been completed.
PleaSe reView your responses.
Please provide' the fOilewing: information:
1. First name 6 & 7C PER AGREEMENT
2. Middle Initial: 6 & 7C PER AGREEMENT
3. Last name: 6 & 70 PER AGREEMENT
4. Entered on Duty Date OD): 6 4 7C
'5:- Current Division/Field office: 6 7C
6, Current job title; - Special Agent
.7. Direct'dial effiCe,telephone number; 6 & 70 PER AGREEMENT
8. FBI tell phonetivrriber: 68, 7C PERAGREEMENT
9. FBI pager purriber:, 6 4 TO PER AGREEMENT
10. ,Best contact number for 6 & 7C PER AGREEMENT IB. Background of Specific Deployments or AssignMents
11. At any time after Septerriber 11, 2001, did you serve aS a Mernber of the U.S. Military, or aS an
employee-or contractor of the FBIorany other government agency, at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; Iraq;
Afghanistan, or in areas controlled by the U.S. Military or a 0,S. intelligence service in connection with the
.global Aaron terror?
0 Yes 0 No
12. Enter the number Of titnes,you, woedepJOyed orassig ned tO each of thefoilowing lotatiOns.
;(Gtia ntanatno Bay, Cuba;, Iraq; Afghanistan; or in any areas controlled by the U.S -, 'Military or a U.S.
intelligence seniice :1-
For each deployment or assignment complete 'the fol lowing section.
Deployment Or assignment began Deployment ornssidnrhentended on LpCatior) (sel Ot one), about or about
pCiantanartro Bay, . .01/21/2002 02/28/2002
i2a. What was the:general nature and plurptise of your assig nrnerit and aCtiVities?
Debrief detainees regarding caunterterroriSni issues
l'2b. Please provide,thenames of the. specific:cam ps, bases, or facilities where you worked.
Camp ?(-Rap,h tuarrtanarrio (say', Cuba
12c. NOW,: If informatiOn about a specific tamp, base, or facility is ClaS0ed abOVe SECRET,
please eneCk. here 0, include in your answer that you' have -"additio,nal inforrhation classified above
'SECRET" and, if you know, identifY theelassification level, ticket, :CoMpartMent, prod rani, brother
designation that applies to the information. Do not include the additional Classified information In your
DOJOIG 000106
A, Trairthig Pribr to'Overgeas Deijloynient or ASsighinent
questionnaire responses. bIO. personnel with the necessary Clearance will Contact you to receive i.
Name Position
kSuperylSory Special Agent
:42e: Did you jointly inWr iritITO06te any detainee ljerSonnel?
Yes 0 Nip
With what kinds Of non-FBI personnel did you work.jointly?'
El Other U.S- Military
El u."$_ I Itien &ipy
0. Foreign military or intelligence agency
= 0 Other
d2f., Did you jointly plan any. detainee interview or Interrogation strategy, objectives, or tactics with non-
FBI personnel?
Cc Yes (";)‘ No
With what kiridscif non-FBI personnel did you slitibrkjoititly? R •
El Other U.S. Military'
.: Er US, intelligence agency
0 Foreign military or intelligence agency,
0 'Other
-12g. Were you 'ever Otherwise involved In :detainee I nte rviewS or Interrogations with non-FBI personnel?
® Yes 0 No
Please describe:Standard interviewing proteciUreS incorporated .intetrOgators. from NCIS,. CID and OSI in
:add itiOn to Task Force trierriberS from :the FBI'S JTTF,
i3 Did you receive any training, instruction, 'or ,guidante ,specifically in preparation, for any of your
oyerseaSdeplbyrnents Or asignineritS? -
Oye.s 0 Nb ODO Not Retail
14,1n. preparation for any of your overseas deployments .or assignments, did you receive - any training,.
instruction,^orguidanCe concerning the -standard's of conduct applicable to ,thetreatment,
interview, or interrogation of dotalnees by FBI personnel?
DOJOIG 000107
Oyes .01\to ODo Not -Recall
15. In preparation for any of your overseas deployiterits or assignitents r idid.y,Ou receive any training,'
instruCtion, or guidance concerning theitandardsofconductapplicable to The treatment„
interview, or interrogation, of detainees by non- FBI personnel?
!(,)Yes C.No Do Not Recall
16. In prepaiatiOn for any cifyour overseas dePloyments_or aSsign'rnents„, d id you reCeiveany training,
instructionor :gtilda,nce concerning what you weresupposed to d9 if you observed orbeard About
the treatment, interview„ or interrogation Of detainees by FB] rers9nnOl i;whidr, you believed, to ,
be inappropriate, unprofessional', coercive, abusive, or unlawful?
Oyes ONO 'ODo NOL,Recall
17, In preparation for any , of your overseas deployments or assignments, did, you: receive apy training,
instructiOiv or ,guidance concerning what you „were -supposed V do, if you obserVed or heard about .
the treatment, intervieW,, or interrogationof detainees by non-FBI persOnfiel,, which yOU believed
lobe inappropriate, UnprOfeSSional; toditiVe l abusive, or unlaW.
Oyes :ON° :OD° Not Recall
B. Training During Overseas Deployments or Assignments
,18'. During any Of ycitiroVerseas:deplbyrnents' or aSsightnents, did you receive nyt ta Ming, instrUctiOn,
or guidanceconcerning the,standards of,conduct applicable to the.treatment, ihterview f or
interrogation of detainees by FBI
0Ye.s No '0Do Not Recap
I. During any ofy6YroVerseas-depleyrnents or assigrirrierits, did you receive anyAraining, InstrUction,„
orguidanceicopcerning the of'conduct applicable to the treatment, interView, or
interrogation of, dptainees by non-For personnel?
0Yes No - Obo, Not Recall
20. During any of your overseas-deployments or assignments, did you receive any training y, instruction,
or guidance concerning what you were supposed to golf you observed or heard about the
treatment, interview, or interrogation 'of detainees by FBI personnel, which you believed to be
Ina pprOpriate,unprOfesSional, cbercive„ abusive, Or unlawful?
Oyes No- ODO NotRetal I
21. Duringany, of' yoUr '0,/erseasdep1oyrpents, or assignments, did yo,kureceive any - training', instruction,
or guidance .concerning • what you were supposed to do if you observed or heard about the
treatment, intetViek or interrogation of detainees by non-FBI personnel, Which you believed to
DOJOIG 000108
Ie Inappropriate, unprofessional, coercive,..abusive, or unlawful?
0Yes . 0 No ODo Not Recall,
C. Adequacy of Training
22.1n yOuropinion, -did ydn receive adeqUate training, ihstruction, or guidance relating" tb -standardS
Of CoriduCt by:FBI,and non-FBI'Perkinnel relating to treatment, ihterview,ôr interrbgatiorof
detainees, prior to your deployment 'or assignment?
0-Yes .0 No
— « s , , „ • .« , , „ „ „ . , _
22a. Please deSt ribe the Ways in WhiCh; you believe the training, instrtictiorlorguidariCe was
There was no training. I was informed of the assignment two days before I reported and was the only
Agent withOunterterrorism experience in GTO upon arrival,
23. In your'opinion, did you receive adequate training, instruction, or guidance relating to standards
'of conduct by FBI pad non-FIN personnel relating_ to treatment, interview, or interrogation:of
detainees during your deployrnent or assIg nment?
0'e4 ,No
na. Please describethe ways'in which you believe the training, instructionor guidance was
I was unaware of what agencies were participating in the debriefings and what the FBTs specific
_ resPOnsibilitiewere du ring_the: Military Operation;
24. In youropiniOn, ,d id you receive acleALIAtO, training, instruction, or ,guidance 'concerning What you .
Were Supposed titi"cid if you observed or heard about the treatment, interview, or interrogation of
detainees, by -FDI or non-...FBI ,perSon 'that you lielieVed was IriaPProPtiatei,bnPrdfessibrial,,
:coercive, abusIVe, or unlawful?'
0 Yes 0 NO
24a. Please describe the Way$:- in Which you believe the training,„ instruction Or guidance waS
-it-was' non-existent
..... •n•n• J„ ---------- ---- ---- - —
25. (Optional) In *hat wayS can the FBI iinpro'Ve training on this stibject for futdre ciePlOyMents or
Discuss the specific responsibilities with the Agents/Tr members prior to 'departure along with
descriptions and responsibilities of other agencies that are deployed.
D. COrnments
26, PleaSe provide any additional inforinatidn.cOncerning training for,oVerSeas'deployit ents6r.
assignments Of I personnel you ,pepeye is 'relevant..
No.-additional information.
DOJOIG 000109
— _ ------
Xrittc,iduAllOn't0 PartiI fri ihis section, wear e :seeking inforrnation regarding awId, range Of
Interview o1 intentigation techniques -id other types of dt:bitioe:ttt'atmehtlib‘ged to have occurred
ThU ShciUld notassurne, lir St becauseweareasking about a pa rialer techniqUecir praCtide, that We-haVe.
concluded that it in fact occurred. We recognize that some of these:techniques or practices may at times
ijeneCeSpery for ssafety arid security - in a detention.'getfing. In additiOn, we recognize that some Of these
tteecnhnisiq&ue spractice-0 may have :be'en authorized fOruse, by military -Or other gOvernMent per$Prinej.
With respect to each identified technique, practice,or type of-conduct described below4 we-are seeking
information About its occurrence during or in connection: with the interview - or interrogation of:a
:detaineetOr diAring.the ,detentionof a detainee belkOrid What is.siWecl for safety and security
'In that coritekt,,We will ask you to :CO us One :or more of thefoliciwing „Staternentt erg true::
1. I personally observed this conduct,
I observed detainee(s) in a condition that led meta believe that this conduct,- had occurred :
Detaineks) told me thathis„cond pot had otoureci.
4, Others, who observed this conduct described It to Me.
5, I have releVant information classified above, "SECRETv.
r never ;observed this conduct nor heard about it from someonewho did.
Depriving adetainee of food or water
I, PI. personally observed this conduct.
• 1 observed detainee(S). in a .coriditiOn that led Me to belleVe thatthiS conduct had Occurred.
c. • ICs'etairree(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d • • ibthers' who Observed this conductdescribed it to me.
-.‘ • iI, have relevant information classified above "SECRET".
2, I nevero,b,served, this, conduct nor-heard about it front someone who dig.
28. Depriving a:de:Whet, of tiQtlitn
a. • I persohallyobserved thisCbriduCt. am ObserVeddetainee(sY in a'..corid ition that led me to believe that this thnthiet had occurred
. • Detai nee(s)' thld me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • ,Others who observed this conduct described It to me.
• I- have relevant information classified above "SECRET'.
RI I, never observed VS conduct nor heard about:it from someone:who did.
DOJOIG 000110
191,21.2110 d,etalnee ofSleep, or interrupting ,sleep by frequent cell relocations:orother methods
a. • I. beitbhally ,ObserVed thiS COridUct.
b. • I ObserVed ,detainee(s). In 'acond Mc:in that led me to, believe that this conduct had occurred.
C. II Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others who Observed this conduct described it to me.
e. • I have relevant information classified above "SE'CRET”.
' . Et I never observed this .concluct,nor heard 'about it from-someone:who did.
30. Beating a detainee
xi -17.3.
• „p„,,y,o,s,rve, this,,pnc,....t.
• tobSerVeddetairfee(s). in &condition that led me, to believe that this conduct had occurred.
i: .Detainee(s) told MO that this COnduct had .q.c.c(lrVecl ,
Mothers whp Observed thiS cOridgct.tleScrib,ed it to me.
• jr. have relevant inforrriatiOn OlasSifie,d a boVe. 'SECRET'.
f. l I neVerdb$erved this'COridCt nor' heard "about it frorn sciniednefWho did. .
b . • I obSerVed detainee(s) ifi:acandition that led Me to believe that this Conduct, had occurred.-
c.. • Detainee(s) told Me that this cOnd Ltd had ,otaireed. .
, • .6thers who Observed this conduct described it to. me.-
e, • II:have relevant information' classified above ECREIT.
neverobserveci this: conduct nor heard 'about it from,sorneone who did.-
Using handst rope, or anything else to choke or strangle a detainee
a. 0 II personally observed this 'conduct.
Li; 1:1 Itoberved detainee(s) in, a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
DOJOIG 000111

Using pater to prevent, breathin9 by a detainee : or to create the sensation of birownThg
• h'personally-Observed this Conduct.
c • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d . • Others who observed 'this cond uct described it to me:
'e. • t have relevant information classified above- "SFMT 9'.
f: Er I neverobserved this-'cor1du4 nor heard 'about it from- spnieon Who- Old,
Threatening other action tcecause ph sical 'am, Injury:disfigurement, or death
a, • r personally observed this 'conduct,-
b. 0 I observed detaineekS). in 'agonditiOn'that led me to believe that:this cOrid yet had 'Occurred.
• Detainee(S) told, M..„e a. t ..e lk. Cbrithitt had oecnrred.
d. al • Other§ who observed this CdndUCt described it to me.
• I have rele,Vaht information classified ahoVe "SECRET'.
f. 11:11, rieVerobSerVed this conduct nor abbLit it frOmsdrneorieW110, did.
34. 0/her treatment or action causing significant physical pain Or injury, Pr causing disfiqurerherit or
a. • 'I, persd hal iy observed: this condil et.
b. • I,obterVeci'detoinee(s) in 8 'condition that led me, to believe thaX this, conduct had OccUrred.
u. --a'
II betainee(s) told me that-this conduct had occurred. _ . 0 :Others who observed this, conduct described it to' me
e. 0 II have relevant information' classified aboVe"-SECRET"'.
f. El 'j' never observed this conduct nOrheard about it from sorritoneitihO did.
"S. 'Placing a detainee:0R a hof surface or burning a detainee:
• I personally Observed thrs,conduCt. • r obserVed.detainte(S) in a Cdhdition'that led me to believe that this conduct had ,OCCUVred. • DetairiWs) told The that thiStand,Utt had occurred.
d. • Others; who observed this conduct described it to ma,
e. • I have relevant information classified 'aboVe "SECRET".
f. Ef I. never observed' this conduct nor 'heard a bout it 'from someone who. did.
DOJOIG 000112
'Using shackles -or other restraints in a' prolonged manner
a. El L personally ObSerVed this Conduct.
b:. • 11 observed detainee(sy in -a cond ition that led me to, believe that:this condUct had occurred.
c. III Detairiee(s) told Me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others who Observed this conduct'described it to me -.
le • I. have relevant Information classified above t'5'EtRET.
f. • I neverobseryed this'conduct ,norheard 'about it from someone who did.
1,1 lease provide the approximate timeframe d ring , Which th IS cand,uCtoCciarred.
From- '62/b1/2 602 to-02/28/2'002 .173D0 Nit ll
h. The detainee(s) treated in this way were located at the time
1 Er GUantarierilo
2 0 Iraq
3‘ D Afghanistan
4 0 -Other Location
5 D Do Not Retail
I. Pleasetclentlfjrthe -detainWs) by nameand Murpr;
All inmates interviewed ,durinq the captioned time frame Were Irarisferred. troth .holding ''ell" to
tempdrary,thelters Utilized fOr interviews white shackled, Additionally, Atiring the interviewS,, the
detainees. remained shackled' throug hout the Inter-vie* process.
Please identify the person(s) --who treated' the detainee(s) in this manner, including their
riarne(0 and government agettY(ie*
The guardS,at tamp X-Ray Were reportedly directed to rrialntain the detainees In shaCkles,while
outside-of the holding, cals. This practice.was standard during the construction of-the permanent ,
k. Please identify- anrother FBI personnel or non-FBI personnel who.observed detainees ) treated
in this manner; including their name(s) and agency(les):
All personnel Whien conducted interviews with Me.
I. This conduct beturred in connection ith
I 0 'One detainee
SeVetal detainees (2-4)
5 0 Many, detainees (more than 4)
40 Do Not Recall
m, Optional) Please describe:the relevant circumstances in more d etail: ,
DOJOIG 000113
37. Requiring 'a:detainee -AO maintain-, Or restraininga tletairiee'in, a stressful or 011itul pOSitkin
a*. • I personally observed thiS conduct.
b. • Lobserved detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
. II Detainee(s) told me that this conduct- had occurred.
. • Others who observed this conductclescrihed it-to me. ,
-, • I have relevant information classified above ''SET'.
f. RI trip/el-observed this ,conduct nor heard about- it from:someone:who did.
38. Forcing a detaihee to perform demanding phySical exercise
a. • I personally observed this conduct.
• I 1 (31A0010, 01014e45). irla condition that led Me to bel leVe that this conduct had ocCuriel.
• Detainee (S) told 'Me that thiS conduct had dccgrretil
• • iOther S WhO Observed this conduct described it to °me.
e. • I have releVant infcirrnation classified above "SECRET'.
t f. 1 'en V erobServed this..cohcluct nor heard 'about it from someone who did.
gb. Using .electrical shock on - a tlotainee
• t personally ObServed this condtiet.
b. • II:observed detainee(s) in a,cond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. • Petainee(sj told me that this conduct had occurred.
• Others who observed this conduct described le to. me.,
e. • I havereleyarit information classified a Ova ":$ECR'Er''.-
f. [?f I never this conduct nor heard a bout it from someone:who did,
40, Threatening to nseelectrical shock on a detainee
DOJOIG 000114
b, • Iobserved detainee(s) in acondition that led me to believe that this, conduct had occurred.
, c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others who ,obseryied this conductdescrihed it to ine:
:0, • I have relevant information ciasSified ,above "SECRET"..
RI I neverobs,erved this-conduct nor heard -about it from someone** did.
4i Intentionally delaying or-denying detainee medical care
a. J r persOrially,obserVed this conduct. .
,•....1IkI_ .o bSerVed ‘detain,ee(sy in accondition that led me to believe that thiS Conduct had ocOurred. • Vetainee(s) told me that this conduCt had occurred.
.d. • • Othert, who ;observed this Conduct ,deScribed It to. me.
e, • I have felevant information classified a bbve "SECRET".
f. Ei L never observed thisconduct not heard a bdut it frOm ,sdrneone who, did.
42. Hooding or blindfoldiriga detairieeother than 001119 tran s
• I. personallyobserved thisconduct
b . • I observed detainee(s) in a cond itiorr that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
• ,Detainee(s) told -rne that this conduct had -occurred.
• Others who observed this conduCt described it to me..
• I have relevant information classified above "SECRET".
Ell never 1a,12Perved this 91-!dixt nor heard .about it from sorileprrq-:who did.
43. Subjecting .detaineeta extremely cold or hot room temperatures for extended .periods
. • I, personally observed thisConduct.
b . • I. ohServed detainees) in a tonditiOn that led me to believe thatthis dindott h'ad occurred.
, c. • Detaihee(s) told me that this, cdricliact had dtcurred.
4. •
Other§ Whd :obSerVed thiS conduct desttibed it to Me.
e. • h6'ierelevant infarrnatiOn Classified above' "SECRET'.
f. Ef I never observed this conduCt nor heard "about it from someone who did,
DOJOIG 000115
Sulijecting a detainee:to loud music
I personally-Observed this conduct.
b. , n I observed detainee(s) - in acondition that led me to belleVe that this conduct had ,occurred.
c. n Detainee(s) told Me that this conduct had -occurred,
d. n Others who observed this conduct described it to- me.
e. n Ti have relevant Information classified above ' ,S'ECRET%
T, Et 1 neverobserved this 'conduct nor heard about it from, someone whp did,
-45. Subjecting a detainee to bright flashing lights or darkness
a . n I personally observed this-conduct,
n I'-observed dethiliee(S) - in :a condition that led me ;CO believe that this conduct had oceurted.
n Detainee(g) told me that this conduct tag occulted.
n ,Others- who observed thiSconduct. described It to me.
413 j
I haVe televaht inforthatiOn' clasSified 'a hOve, ":SECRET"', ,
I neVet Observed this ;conduct nor Flea 61",:a nbut it Ithln someone-who did.
46-..Isolating a detainee Thr an extended 'period
a. n 11 personally observed this coriduCt. , - ,
n robsented detainae(s) In a „mind Mon that led me to believe that this Conduct had ,occUlted.
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
n Others who Observed this conduct described it to- me.
n f have relevant information classified above "SECRET"'.
10 I neverobserved this conduct nor heard about it from someone:who did.
:47. .Using duct tape to restrain, gag, or punish - a detainee
DOJOIG 000116
• il personalty observed thisconduct. , ' —
b. 0 Iobserved detainee(s) in a -condition that led me to believe that-this conduct had occurred.
• 1Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred.
d, 0 !Others-who observed this conduct:d'escribed it to me.
. • 4 have relevant information classified above "SECRET".
f. Et 4 never observed, this conduct nor heard 'about it from ,sOmeonevvho did.
48. Using rapid response teams and/or forced cell extractionsr
• 4 personally observed this conduct.
• 1 obserVed.detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had ,occurred.
• aetainee(s) told me that this conduct had odcurred.
• -, • !Others- who observed this conduct described it to Me.
• .4. have :relevant information dassified above' "SECRET".
f. Et it: never Observed this:cc:inc:id nor'heard about it -from , someone who did.
49. USinga niilitãry working dog: on Or bear a detainee.otner that during deainez.tranSliorthtion
Ia • II personally observed this,,conduct.
'12 0 I observed detainee(s) in a -condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
i a • :Oetainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred.
• Others who observed this canduct-d,eporibed it to rne.
, 111 I.T have relevant information' ciassitied phoye "SECR.ET"*.
f. l I, never observed this conduct not heard 'about it from,someone -who did.
:SO. threatening to use military' working dogson, or near a detainee
a. • 14 personally observed this toridutt.
, • I ObserVed.detairiee(S) in ,a-ooridititip that led me to belie,ve that. this conduct had occurred.
a II Detainee(S)- told me that this 'cOridtict had octu tried .
d. • Others Whb obsei'Ved this cOndutt deseribed it to Me.
e. 0 4 haVe releVarit informatiOn classified above "SECRET".
DOJOIG 000117
never observed this conduct nor heard about' it from someone who did.
51. Using spiderS scorpions;. snakes, or ,other animals On .or near a:detainee
a. n fr, personally' observed this conduct.
ti. n I observed detainee(s) in a cpodition that led me to' believe thatthis conduct had occurred.
, n bataineaW. told me that this conduct had ,acctirred:
d, n Others, who observed this cpnduCttlesCribed it to mg,
e. n I haVe relevant Information classified above, "MRET''.
f. El I never Observed' this conduct nbr heard about it from someone Who did.
51 -Threatening to use spiders., ,'scorpions, snakes, or other animals on -a detainee
a.. n L personally observed this thridutt
b. : Ill I. ObServeddetairiee(S)' in a ConditiOn'that led me to belieVe t hat, this conduct had ,lb&utred„
c. i n Detainee(s)told rfie that this Conduct had .occurred.
OtherS WhO obSerVed this conduct described it to Me. ........._...._____
LLa1 , 1
L have relevant classified above "SECRET'''.
. 121 I never observed thistondud nor heard about it from someone-who did.
Disresyectful "statertients, hatidling r- oraCtioris. involving; the Koran
n .personaily-ohserVed this conduct.
n I observed detainee(s) In a condition that led me to believe th?Pthis conduit- had 'occurred..
c n Oetainea(s) told me that this CondUct had occurred:
d. n Others' Who observed this tond,idt.dacribed it to me.,
n I haVe relevant information' classified above. ''f.,CFET'"'.
El I. nev,er obServed. this cs5nti u 'et nor heard ,about it frofn sortie-one-1AP did.
54; :Shaving a dtta ►ii‘tet facial or other 'hair to ernbarrasS or humiliate a detainee ;
DOJOIG 000118
n I personally observed this conduct.
n robserved detainee(s) in a; condition that led :me to believe that• this conduct had -occurred,
n Detainee(gliold me that this conduct had 'occurred,
n Others WhO observed. ;this c:ondiit described it to me,
n f have relevant ihfOrinaticih'clagsified above "SECRET".
f. El I,never observed this conduct nor fipard about it from :sonleOrle who did.
55. Placing a woman's clothing on a:detainee
• personally Observed this Conduct.
b.. n iI Observed detainee(s) in: ,Cond Mon, that led me to believe that, this conduct had •occurred.
. n iDetainee(s) tOld Me that this conduct had oCcurred.
d , n 'Others who observed this conduct-described it to me.
e:; • I have relevant information classified above 'SECRET'.
f. g II,never observed thi5 conduct nor heard a bout- it from someone -who did.
Touching a -detainee Or acting toWard a detaineelfi a sexual 'Manner
n II. personally - observed this conduct: ...._____. „....„..,______
q 1 observed detainee(s): in a --.cond Hon that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred: -
c. n :Detainee(s) told me that this, conduct had occurred.
' ' n iOthers. Who observed„thiS conduct described it to rne.
e n It have releVant infOritatioticlaSsified above "SECRET".
f Ei II never Observed, this:COMO-a not hea'rd about it from sOrnebneWhO did.
Ing detainee(g) who were not officially ecknowledged or registered as such by-the :agency
detaining the person.
. n I, personaliyobserved this:conduct.
. n Iobserved detainee(s) in acond idol) that led me to believe that-this conduct had occurred.
DOJOIG 000119
d. • Others who observed this conduct described it to me
e.. • I have relevant infOrmation classified above "SECRET!".
. 0 I: never observ,ed thiS tonduct nor heard about it from someone-who did,.
58.- Sending a detainee to another country for more.a,gg ressive interrogation .
el • I persoriallyokserv,ed this conduct.
, ',. • LOOS,Orveddetainee(s) in a condition that led mei to believe that this conduct had occurred,:
C. • Detainee(iy Mid me that this corkiutt had 'can rred,
d ), II Other-SW[0 Observed thiSCoriduct described it to me.
e. • T have relevant information tiasified above "SECRET".
f. Er I' never-Observ'ed thit.cOndutt norneard about it from sornecineWhd did.
5.9. threatening W -send a detainee o another country for detention‘ or more egg ressive interrogation
a. • I pertOnally Observed this Conduct.
b'. • Lobserved detainee(s) in a:condition that led inetObelieVethatthiS a:induct had occurred.
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. al • Others: who observed this conduct described it to me. mU
have relevant information_ classified a bove:"SECRET"' -.
L ppyei,oseTvqcy .1-4 conduct nor heard about it from someone wlio did.
60. Threatening to take action against a detainee's:family
I I p,ersonallyobserved this condutt.
, • ir ohserveddetainee(s) in a condition that led me „to believe that this conduct, had occurred.
0 Detainee(i) told me, that this, conduct had occurred. ,
• Others who observed this conduct described it M. me.
e. • I have relevant information Classified above "SECRET".
f. l I. rieVerobserved this-cOnduCt nor heard about it froin:sOmeorie -Who did.
DOJOIG 000120
. 01, Other,treatMent or actiOri causing severe pi -notional:or psychologiCal trauma to 8 detainee;
. • ii.pei-sonallSi obserVed this thfiduet.
b. • 1 Obsarved detainee(s) ln'a-coriditiOn that led me to believe that This tOnduct had occurred,
___HtL -0.
III petainee(s) told me that this conduct had .octurred. .,
• ,athers. who observed this conduct described it to me. .
• ii have relevant Information classified above "SECRET%
lEt f never observed thisconcluct ;nor - heard about it from someone whp did.
62. Other'religious orsexua I harassi -nent or hurtiiliation of a detainee
Fa. • F. personally observed this conduct,
b. 0 l' observed detain:e0(s) lil A COndition that led me, to believe that this. conduct had occurred.,
—11- ,
c. • :1-)taine,e(s) told rne that 'this conduct had occOrrept,
d, 0 tOthers who 'observed this cOn;c14.ct, described it to me.
, II II haVerelevant inforthatiOn` tlasSified abVe 11 ECRU". .
1. RI never CiiiServed. thiscOrittuct nor" heard 'about it frOni:ScifnetineMhO did.
Other of a detainee that :in your opinion was unprofessional, Unduly harsh onag9ressiv,e,
'djercive, abuSbie, or uhWwful
a. 0 iI personallyobserved thisconduot,
b: if itobseryed detainee(s) in a 'condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred..
c. • IDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred.
, • ;1Others who observed thfs-conduct ,described it to ma.
e. • t have relevant infOrmation classified above "SECRET". .
never observed this conduct nor heard 'a bp.Vt: it from .sorneone.who,did.
DIV Ili. "seaUJI OD,WLE RE (:)1 OiritiEE taniERtS
M., Did you ,observe any impersonation of FBI personnel by anyoneduring anfriterview or ":interrogation of
‘'eP` E No
• OIGO-000121
DOJOIG 000121
-65. Did arty detainee brother 'peltori teU yoLl that he or she had Witnessed the itdperSonatiOn Of FBI
personnel in. connection with a detainee interview or interrogation?
0 Yes 0 NO
Are you aware ofany ham" or n6taged" .detainee interviews'. or interrogations conducted for Members
of the U.S. COngress ot their staff?
yes Ne,
67, To your knowledger did any military pr intelligende persOrinel ever deny or delay FBI AccesS tO.a
detaineelhe FBI wanted to question becausetliedetaineetiad al -Stained InjUrieS After he was Calitured?
CiYes 0 No
68. Did-you ever end your participation in ,or observation ofA :detainee interview or interrogation
becalse of the interview Or interrogatiOn methcidseing.tited?,
0 Yes .0 NO
'O. Were You ever tbld theta notherf BIerfiployee erid'ed his Or her Participation 'iii -oe observationof,.
detainee interview"or interrogation because of the: interview or interrogatiOn methods being used?
OYes 0 No:
70. During ,any Of your Werseas .deplciymehtS Or aSsig riments- did you report any concerns 'regard ing
anY detainee interview or interrogation pratticeS„ or Other types 'cif detainee- treatment,- to an FBI.
0 Yes 0 No
71.. During any ofyour overseas deployment's or asSignmentS
did you report any concerns regarding
any ,d etainee interview or interrogation practices Or other tycieS Ofdetaineetreatment you
-Observed or heard about, to:a non:-F13/ Superviso' or other non-FBI PerSonnel7
0 Yes ø" Nc
72. Have you 'ever been ordered or directed not to report, or discouraged In anyway from reporting,
observations or allegatiOnS related to detainee treatment or interview pr interrogation actions Or
Yes '0 NO
73. Have you experienced a,ny actual or threatened retaliation: for reporting observations rallegations
of detainee tteatrnent or interview or interrogation actions or practices?
Q.' YeS, (;)' 140"
74, POW@ Please provide any; additional comments regarding the reporting .c>f concerns related to
interview or interrogationtecnniques, detention practices, or,o,ther detainee treatment.
DOJOIG 000122
75, Were you, debriefed, other than the ,standard debrief in FD-772, concerning, your overseas
assignment(s) or deplOyMerit(S) after you compieted the deployment1.9 or aSsignment(S)?
Yes C}
76. Additional Comments:and Recommendatro.ns:
Thank you for yout. :cooperation in completing thiquetionnalre
DOJOIG 000123
Department of Justice Inspector General Questionnaire Regarding Detainees'
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-000,017E16
As of the last time this questionnaire was saved, some required fields have , not been completed.
PleaSe,reView your responses.
A.e:'; ,G,11®44.1\11)
A. Personal Information
Please provide thefollOwing information:
1. First name
2. Middle initial:
Si Last name
4., Entered. on Duty Date (EDD):
turrent,DtvisiOniField Office:
:6; Current job title:
7. Direddial officetelephone number:
8. FBI cell phone hurniiet:
9. F131 peger -number:
10. Best contact number for you
B. Background of Specific Deployments or Assignments
11. At any time after'Septerriber 14'2001,, did you Serveas-a member of the U.S. Military, or as ft
,:employee or contractor of the FBLor any other government agency,.. at Guantanamo Bay„ Ciaba; Iraq;
Afghanistan; or in areas controlled by the 04. Military or a U.S. intelligence service in connection with the
global war on terror:1
S Yes 0 NO
12., Enter the number of times you, were„deptoyed or 'awg ned to each of thefollowing lOcations.
,(Guantanaino Bay, ,CUba;, Iracp, Afghanistan? or in any areas cOntrolled by the LLS. 'Military or a U.S.
intelligence serVice);
For each deployment eassignment .complete the following section.
Location (select one) Deployment Or -usOiOnnient•begOo about
fAfganisian 01./2002 01/200.2
12a. What Was the general natti re and purpose Of your :assig nrrient a'nd .aCtiVitieS?
To interview a detainee
1-2b. Please providethenames Of thespecific camps, bases,- or facilities where you worked.
129. NOte. -If information abonta specific camp, base ; or facility is cIassified_ibove:.umi,
please check here 0, include in your answer that you have "additional information classified above
SECRET,' and, if yOti' know, Identify the classification level, ticket, compartment, program, or other
designation that applies to the information not include the additional classified information in your
DOJOIG 000124
A& 76
#'4, 7C
Intelligence Analyst
DeplokrnentlarTOstiOriment ended on
or obout
questionnaire re:sponses, *DO personnel with the- necessary clearance will contact you to receive it.
Nam? Position
42e. Lid you jointi\i interYievt or interrogate any detainee With non-FBI lje:rSOnnel?
0 Yes 0 Ng
With what lOhd s of non-FBI personnel did you work jointly?'
CI :errF
0 Other- UA Military
:,. RI li:$. intelligence agency
0 'F,Oreig'n Military a intellIqence,agency
:0 Other
..1,2f, Did you jointly plan :any. detainee interview or Interrogation strategy, objectives, or tactics ,with- non- <:
:Fin personnel? -
' cY Yes 0 No ,
With -what kinds of nOn-FBr Personnel did 'you workjointly?
{1 'cITF"
':0 Other U.S. Military
au-.,s, intelligence agency
0 Foreign military or intelligence agency
0 other
Wer you ever otherwise involved In ,detainee interyiews-or interrogations with nOn-FBI per Sonnel?.
0 Yes 0 NO
A. Training Prior to Overseas Deployment or Assignment
13. Did you receive ansi training, instritction, orgiiidariee ,speCifitally ir(preparatiOn fOr any-of your
(Wei-seas deployments ot assignrrientS7
DYes ONo 'Olio Not Recall
14. In preparation for any &your Overseas deplOymentsor asSignmerts,,did you receive any training,
iristruCtion, or:gUidance _Concerning the Ste ridardS aconduct apliáblè to the treatrrient,
interview,, or interrogation'of'detainees by FBI personnel?
0Yes ONo 00o Not,,Recall
DOJOIG 000125
15-.1n preparation for any'of your overseas deployments -or assignments, did you receive any training ;
instruction, or guidance 'concerning the„standards- of conduct aplicable tothetreatrnent,
interview, or 1titerroOatiOrr of detainees by non- FBI personnel?'
:()Yes ONO Clitkci Not Recall
16. tn, preparation for any-of your overseas deployments or assignments, did you, receive any training,
instruction, or guidance 'concerning what you were supposed to do if you Observed or beard "a bout'
the treatment, interview, Or interrogation of detaineeS by FBI personnel, which yOu believed to
be inapPrOPriater UnprofesSibtral,- dciertive,:abUSIVO, 'Or Li niafu I?
0Y:es OW) 17. InIIroparatioft for any'of out overseas tiepIoymWt8 Or assignments, did you receive any training,
instruction,. 01- guidance concerning What you Were supposed to c10 if you obserVed or heard' abOut
thetreattnent, interview,,ot interrogation of detainee by non- FBI 'personnel„Mhich. you -believed
to be inappropriate,- unprofessional', coercive, abusive, or unlawful?'
.0Yes, Oro Opp Not Recall
B. Training During 'Overseas Deployments or Assignments
18. During any of your overseas deployments or assignments ; did you receive any -training ; instruction,
or guidance concerning the standards of ,conduct applicable tattle treatment ; interview,„ or
• interrogation of detainees by FBI personnel?
Oyes ONO. *OD° Not .Recal[
19. During any oryour overseas deployments or assignments did you receive any training„ instruction,'
Orguidance'Cpncerning the standards of conduct iapplicable to the treatment s interview, Or
interrogation detainees by non-FBI personnel?
°Yes 'ON° 0Q0 Not,Recell
20. During any of your overseasOeployments or assignments; did 'you 'receive any training, instruction,
or What you were supposed to do if you observed or heard about the,
treatment, interview, or interrogation Ofdetainees by FBI personnel, which you believed to be
inapbrOpriate, uriProfesSiona I, CoeitiVe 'abusive, of unlaWful?'
0.Yes ON° -013o Not Recall
21. During any ,of-yOuf Oversees-dePlOYrneritS Or aSSigrirnelft did you receive any:training, histtLictibri,
or guidanteconcerning WhatyOU were .SLI ppOSed to do if you .ollserved Or heard about .the
treatment, interview„ or interrogation of detainees by non-FBI personnel., which you believed to
be inappropriate, unprofessignal, :c0erciveeabLisive,,orunlawfkil?
DOJOIG 000126
OYes No 13-Do Not, kecall
IC, Adequacy of Training
yOur Opihibrl, dild YOU reteiVeadechiate traini„inatruatiOri, Or guidance relatIng, to standards
of conduct by FBIand 'non-FBI'personnel relating to treatme,nt i intervieW„ or interrOgatiOnof
detainees priorto your deployrnent -or assignment?
ONes QNo
:28.:In your opinion) did, you receive adequate training ), i nstructioni or-9 uid,ance relating ;'"0 standards
Of conduct hy FBI arid n0140 personnel relating to treatment, interview, or interrogation Of
detainees du ring your deployment Or assig nment?
0 Yes No
24.Iri your opinion) did yai receive adequate training, instructiOn,,Orguidance concerning what yOU
iereSuppOsed to do if you observed Or heard abOut the treatment, inter -View, or interrogation of
detainees,. by FBI or non-FBI ,personnel, that you :believed was inappropriato, unprofessional,
'coercive, abusive, or Unlawful?
Yes !\19
.5‘.:(QiitiOrial) In What wayS Cal) the FBI improve training on this subjegt for future deplOyrneritS-or
D, Comments
2'6, Please provldeany additionalinformation c„o ncerning training for overseas deployments, or
assignments of IBI persOrinel you believe is relevant,
Introduction to Part II/: tn this sectioni we are 'seeking information regarding a wide range of
interview or interrogation techniques ,arid other types of detainee treatment alleged to h4v0 occurred
You should not assume, Just, hecause We are asking about a particular technique or praCtiCe, that we have
-conclUded that it, in fact otcurred. We recognize that some of these techniques Or PreCtideS'May: at times
be necessary for safety and security in a detention setting. In addition ) we recognize that some of these
techniques or practices r-riy, have been authorized for use- by military or other government personnel.
With reSPect td each identified technielo, Oradlc:e, ortyøe Of condtia'cleScribed4tIOY, ,GW.e:are s'eeking
information about itS.etaurrence during br in connection with the intervieinier interrogation of a
detainee, or during the detention of a detainee beyond what is needed for safety and security:
In that contextl 'We Will ask you to tell us whether one Or more of the following statements are true!,
1, I, perSOriallY'ObServed this conduct.
DOJOIG 000127
2. kObselyed detainee(s) in ‘ a condition that led me= to believe that this conduct had occurred.
.3,, Detainee(s) told me that this, conduct had, .0 ccorrgcj.
4. OtherS WhO ObSetVed this ccindua described it to me.
5, I haVe releVartt infOrrnation classified above-SECRET
G. I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
27. Depriving a detainee of food or water
• i tr personally observed this conduCt. , .
b. • t:aisennedAefainee(0 In a cord Non that. led me to believe that this conduct had occurred
c • 1I Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had .occurred.
d. • ;Others, who observed this cond uct described it to me.
• It, have relevant, information classified above "S'ECRET%
never observed this conduct nor heard :about it from someone who did.
28. Depriving a detainee of clothing
El Ii personally observed this conduct.
10 Iobserved detainee(S) in a :cOnd itibrithat led Me to belleVe that thiS conduct had OCturred.t,
Ic 0 liDetainee(s) told trie that thiS conduct had occurred.
Id. El iOthers who observed this conduct described it to me.
e, 0 IL have relevant information' classified above "SECRET''',.
2' ;I never observed this ,conduct norhea rd about It from sorneone'who did.
;29. Depriving a detainee olsieep, or interrupting sleep bY frequent cell relocationsor other methods
D !I personally observed this,conduct.
b. 0 observed detainee(s) in a .cond ition that led me to believe that:this' -conduct, had :occurred.'
[Detainegs) told The that this Conduct had 'occurred'. lc. 0
30. Eleating a detainee
DOJOIG 000128
o IDther,S•WhO 'observed tilicbriduct described it to
O haVe relevant Information classified above "S,ECRET''.
It never cibserv'ed thiS -coridutt rior heard abbUt it from tortieOne,WhO did. '
a. n I personally - observed thisconduct.
b., n I observed detainee(s) in a conditiorr that led me to believe that[this conduct had occurred..
n Detainee"() ' told me that this conduct had occurred;
n Others wh6 obseryed this conduct deSCribed it me;
e. n I have relevant itifOrinaticintlaSSified above "SECRET".
f tai i I never observed this „conduct nor heard, about: it from someone who . did.
'31. Using waterto prevent. breathing by a detainee or to create the SensaltiOn, of drowning
a, n --F
II personally "observed thfsCofiduct.
n lobServed'detainee(s) in a cord itian that led ;me to. belleVe that this conduct had OcCurred.
c. II 1Detainee(S) told rhe that this conduct had ,occurred.
. n Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
, e. n II have relevant information classified above "SECRET'''.
. Er k. never-observed this conduct or heard about it 'from:someone-who did.
Using hands, 'rope, -or anything elSe-to--thoke or strangle a:detainee
n . : ..4t.... ..p. er, sonallyobserved this conduct.
0 II observeddetainee(s) in aoondition, that led me to believe that this conduct had Occurred ;
c,, q !Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. n `others whei Observed, this conduct described it to me.
n iii have relevant irifOrMatiorr ClasSified abOye,":SECRET".
Zit never ObserVed thisiebtidOct nor heatd a bait it from someone; Who did.
V,. Threatening 'other action to cause, physical pain, Injury, .d istigurerrient, or death
n 1 perscitialy Otte-Ned this ;conduct,
b. Bn r detainee() In acccitid Non that led me to, belleVe that this conduCt had occurred.
. II :',Detainee(s) told Me that this Coridutt had occurred,
d . n iOthers who observed this conduct - described it tome:
DOJOIG 000129
El I have relevant Information classified above ' ,SECRET".
f. 12I I never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from someone who-did.
.34. Otherlreathient or action-CatiSing significant Physical in or inItiry,. or c acuthssiningg dtsfigUrththit.of
,. III, ' : p:ersOrially Observed this Onduct. ,
• l'Observed detainee(S) Iria'COnd:itiori that led rrie to beileyethat this Conduct, had ocCtirred.
c. • I oain,),told me that this conduct 1.0d 'oadratl.
d. I Others who Observed this conduct described it to Me.,
e. • I haVe relevant information classified above ''SECRET".
f. ES I never Observed this conduct nor heard a bout it froth ,sorneOne who, did.
'35. Olacihg a detainee on a fibt surface or burning a clethinee
a. • I, personally observed this conduct.
b. 0 I. observed detainee(s) in a conditiorr that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred,.
. II ;Others who Observed this 'conduct described It to me,
°^^ "': !
• 'I have,releyarit information classified above "SECRET".
Er 1 neVer observed this conduct'ror heard a boUt it from someone who did.
3q, Using shackles or other -restraints in ay rolOnged -manlier
a. • I' personally observed this,ondua.
ts, • I observed cletainee(S) . in a -condition that led me to believe that this conduct had otcUrred.
Detainee(S) tOid she that this Cdriduct had ,otCdrred.
• Other S whO ;Observed this condUct deScribed it to Me.
„ • II have feleVarit InfOrrnatib,n classified above 'SECRET".
f. El I never obSerVed this ,conduct nCit beard a bolit, it 'fromsOmeone-who did.
DOJOIG 000130
37. j.equIrin9 ,a':dOtine to maIntaln'i or reitraining a detainee In, a stressful or painful position
• /I pers@nally'obseeVed this CoriduCt.
• ',observed, detairlee(S), In a , ConditiOn that led me tb, belleVe that this Conduct had Occrlrred.
, C)
NI ,Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had Occurred,
• Others who Observed this conduct described it to me.
• I have relevant information classified above 'SECRET.
2 I neverobserved this conduct nor heard -about it from -someone, who did.
38, Rifting a detainee to perform demanding physical exercise
. • I, personally observed this/conduct: • 'Observed detainee(S) in &condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred., • Detainee(s) - tOld Me that this conduct ha 'Occurred. ,
. • Others: who observed:this conduct,1 it to me.
, • r have relevant infOrrhatiOn ClasWied abbve. u,S,ECRETn.
f. Er I. rieVer , ObServed this 'COriduCt tiOrTheard about it from „SoMeorreWhb did.
Za. Using electrical shock on a detainee
: • I, perSonally: obserVed this conduct.
'. • 1
t observed detainee() in -a cond bon that led me 10 believe that this conduct had ccurre d,
c. • Detainee(s)' told me that this condUct had &con:ed. • (liners who Observed this conduct described it to. me.
, . • it have relevant information- classified above TS,ECRET%
f. 1E1 I never observed' this conduct nor heard 'about it from someone who d id.
Threatening to use electrical shocicon - a detainee
• I personally Observed thisConduct, .
El • t observed rittainte(S) in ,a condition that led me to believe that'this conduct had occurred.
DOJOIG 000131
c n Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred.
d. EI Others who observed this conduct described it to me:
e.. n V have relevant information classified above "SECRET'-'*,
. RI" IL never observed this.,coriduat ;nor' heard -about it from' someone who- did.
IntentionallydelayIng or denying 'detainee medical care
n h personally observed this 'conduct.
b. n I observed detainee(s) Ina conditiori -that led me tO believe that this conduct had occurred.
n mDetainee(S) told me that this conduct had occurred.
n OtberS who obsenied this cOnd Litt deseribed it to me.
e. n I have relevant information tlasSified above "SECRET".
B I never observed this conduct nor heard abbut it fratn Sotheane'who. did.
42:. HOoding blindfolding a:detainee:Other Ihant,dwirig transportation
F ^
n I personally -observed thiS ccindda. __ .........
II observed detainee(s) in a-condition that led me to' believe that this conduct. had ,occurred.
. n petainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
n ',Others who observed this conductdescribe,d it to me.
n t have relevant information classified above 'rSf'dRET'-'.
Q. I never observed thistondutt poi' hearciaboat it from sOrneoneWhO did.
43. Subjecting a detainee to e>Aremely cold or hot room temperatures far extended periods
n I personallyobserved this conduct.
n •obServed detainee(s) In :a cOnchtiorrthat led me to believe thatthiS con:duct had occurred.
• .Detainee(s) told hie that this Conduct had .occurred.
d . III OtherS Who ObServed this,banduat described it to Me. EMI haVe relevant ink:inflation 'classified aboVe "SECRET'.
EMI never obSerVed this.tbricluCt nor,heard about it frornscirrietine:uvlia did.
DOJOIG 000132
Subjecting a detainee to loud music
p lir I personally observed this .conduct. . •
N. I: observed detainee(s) in a condition that JO me 0 bell0Ve th4thiS conduct had occurred„„
c: MI IDetainee(S)"told me that this, conduct had :occurred.
d. • Others' who observed this conduct described it tO me.
. II
II I have relevant information Classified above "SECRET".
• I never btiterved, this:Conduct -nOrheard .abotit it frorri.SoMeorfeWho did.
g. Please provide the approximate time frame during Which this conduct occurred.
FrOm 01/2002 to 01/2002 DDo Not Recall
h. The detainee(S) treated in this way were located at the time in:
1 0 Guentanam0.
z1:3 Iraq
3 RI AfghaniStan
40 Other Location
5D Do Mot Wall
i` °PleAce. identify the etainee(s) by name and riiireiber
j. Please identify the 00501'0) who treated the detainee(s) in thiS rtialfrie,„in.cluding their
riairie(S) and Ooverrimentegericy(ieS):
unknown CIA
k. Please identify any .other FBI personnel or non-FBI personnel who: observed detainee(s).treated
in this- manner including their name(s) and agencyfies):
AI landCIA.employeeItanngt
I. is -con dot occurred in COnnectiOn with:
0 One detainee
2 0 Several detainees
5 0 Many detainee (More than 4I
4 (7 Do Not Recall
m. (Optional) Please describe the relevant circurtistances-ih riloredetaik
Loud muSic-was. playing in the detention facility__ Cannot remember ifthertfuSit waS` played
Continually orWaStirned on and off.
45. ecting a detainee to bright flashing lights Or darkness
DOJOIG 000133
a. I personailrobs,erved thi.s:coriduct. • I observed ,detainee(s) in a conOion'tnet led me to believe that:this coridutt had Occurred..
: • Oetainee(S) told rne that this conduct had occurred'. d. •
: El
othOrs' whd obaerVOd ',this co nd,i4 desc:rIbOd it, to 113i have relevant itifOrtriatioti dat -sified ab,ov.e. "SECRET'''.
I. nwer Observed this. cdhciligt npr taard ab-94.X It from sOrneorre who did.
46. Isblati pg a detainee for an exe.fidod, 'period
a. 11. 1,1 personally.obServ.ed this conduct.

b. • II Oh:Served Aetainee(S) ilia Cord NCO that led rne to belleVe that:this cariduCt had occulted.
c. I Detainee(S) , tad the that this Conthiet had oCcutted.
ci'. • Others who observed this conduct described it to me. ,
e. li II have relevant information classified above "SECRET'''.
f. Ef I neverobserved this -conduct nor' heard about it from someonewho did.
47. „USing dud tape to rastrain g gad, or punish 'detalrfee.
rti 1,.:6
q 1:3
I personally-observed this conduct.
Iobserve,d detainee(s): In-P,Ohdition that, led me to belieVethat'this conduct had Occhrrecl;
C. • Oetainee(s) told rne that this conduct had ,occurred. -,
d . • Others: whd Observed ,this conduct described it td Me. ,
, • I have yOevafit inf011In:‘etiohClaSSified above "SECRET'.
I f. Et T never ObserVed: this conduct 'n'Of- heard about it frOrti,sdrneOneWhO d,id ,
48. Using rapid response ,teams and/Or forced extractiOnsa.
• II persOnally Observed this condat.
b , • IbbserVed,detaineekt) Iriaxonditidn that led me to believe that , thiS cOndudt had ,oceu r'red.
c. • Detainee(s) told the that this' cond uct ha'd ,oetintect.
d. • Others who observed this conduCt described it to me.
DOJOIG 000134
have relevant Information classified above ' ,SECRET".
f, RI I never observed this:conduct nor "heard about it fromsomeone who did.
working dog on or near a ,detaineebther than .dueirio :detaineatraiisporfatron
a. • I personally-Observed this--conduct.
b. • Lobserved'cletaineets) in -acoridition that led rne to- believe that this conduct had ,occurre„d.
c. •' Detain() told rrie that this cond-uOt hasl,occurred.
4, • Others who 'observed this cOndUct described itIO Me. ,
e. III II he relevant irifirtnationClaSsified above "SECRET".
Et I neVer observed, this conduct nor heard about it from SomeOne Who did,
SO, Threatening to use military worldng dogs on or near a :detainee
a. • 1I, personally, obseNed this ,cOndLitt -
b, El II .obsei*ed,detaiiieetS): in a condition that led rne to- belieVe that this' cOndUtt had Oecurred.
U -6
• Detainee(s) tad me that this conduct had ,oecb tied.
• Others who observed this conduct described it to, me.
e. 0 I have relevant information classified above "SECRET".
f. 0 jI (level-observed this conduct nor heard about it from ,someone who did. ,
51-Using sPidersi ScorpiOns, snakevor other animals on ornear detainee,
a, • I personalirabserved this conduct
b, • 1 observed det8in'ele(s) in a .condition that led Me to bellevethat this Cortluct had occUrred:
El Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred,:
• , !Others who observed this coridtict-destritied It to me.
• I have relevant inforniation classified aboVe "SECRET".
f. _ I I never Observed this conduct nor heard about it fromsOrriebrieWhO did,
DOJOIG 000135
,152.121-eateningtoaSem:spiderS, scorpidns, :snakes, or Other ànimal5 oh -a detainee
Fa. 0 personally observed this„conduct,
li, II II.observecidetainee(s) in a-condition - that led me to believe that-this conduct had occurred,
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
,- • 'Others who observed this conduct described it to me,-
. • I, have relevant information classified above "SECRET
never observed this 'conduct nor - heard ,about. it from someone who dict.
'5-3. Disrespectful statements, handling, oractions involving the- Koran
r . ,
• iI personally:observed, this conduct ,
Th. CI I.observed detainee(s) in .a fOndition that led rn,e td. believe that this conduct. had Occurred.
. ..
• petainte(s),told the that this conduct had occurred.
• !Others whb observed thiS conduct described it to. Me.
•e.. II 1 haVe relevant information classified aboVe. "SECRET".
If. El It never observed this'thnduct nor- heard -a bout it :fibril scirneone, who did.
54. Shaving detainee' facial or 'other hair td embarrass or huMillate # detainee
la. i 14 personally observedthiSconduct. .
. . ., ..
lb, U .1 1.bbseryed detainee(s) in :condition that led me to' believe that-this conduct had occurred,
• jDetainee(s) told me that this conduct, had occurred.:
• !others: who observed this conduct described it to Me,
. • t have relevant information classified a hove "SECRET'
. EL it never observed this conduct nor heard ,a bout it from egmeone,who did. ' '
-55. Placing a woman's clothing on a detainee
a. • . .
I personally observed this conduct. -
. • I observed ,detainee(S). in ;a COnd won that led ma-to believe thatthis,ccioduCt had octurred.
,, • Detainee(s) told rte that this cdriduct had &furred. -
DOJOIG 000136
. • Others who observed this conduct described It to me. e.• t have relevant information classified above "SECRET"..
f. Ef t never observed this'conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
56. Touching a detainee or actihg toward a detainee in„ai sexual manner
.4, • k persorpliToryed this conduct.
0:, 9 It observeddetainee(s) Ina condition that led me' to believe that this conduct :had occurred.
c. II Detainee(S) told me that this conduct had occurred.
II ,Others:WhO :observed this conduct described it to me.
, • ,I' have relevant information Classified Above "SECRET".
f. tit if ntver absented thlt.cOnduct nor heard about it frOrn sorheoneWho. did.
.57. HOlding; detainee(S) who were ria officially-acknowledged pr rogistrati a5- such by the agency
detaining the,Sori.
a. • I. personally observed this conduct.
P. • observed detainee(P), in a COnd Pon that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred,
c. • Oetainee(s) told me that this Conduct had occurred. ,
.O..t.h..e..r.s. .w_.h..o.. _o bserved. thi.s.. condu..c..t. .d...e..s..c.,r_i_b_e d it. .t.o.. .m_.e . ,
I have relevant information classified above "S:ECIkET",.
f. IY1 I never observed this conduct nor jheard about It frornaOmeorrewho 40.
56-8ending a detainee to another country, for more interrogation
a. • I personally observed this toridtiet.
", • Lobserveridetainee(s) in a condition that led ,me, to. believe that this conduct had occurred.
. • Detainee(s),tbld ifie that this conduct had OcCOrred. d.• °theft whb obserVed this conduct deSeribed it to Me. e.• I have relevant IhfortriatIOn classified abOve ''SECRET"
f. l I. never c. ybkilied this conduct nor heard "abblit. it from Sorfiebne ,Who did,
DOJOIG 000137
,51. Threatening to send a detainee to anothercou ntry for detention -43r more aggressive interrogation
• I PPrACirlailY Pbserv4, this c9lIcitict-
, • I; oh-served_ deteineeW in a COnd ition -that„ led me ;W belleVe that:Ogg co riduCt. had ,occurred„ ;
• Detainee(S) told hie that tbit:ObriduCt had OCCUrred.
U. • others who observed 'this tbnd utt destribed it to Me..
e. El r have relevant inforrhation tlasSified above ":SECRET".
f. - Ii I neVer ObterVed, this:CO:rid uct TiOrheard '-abbtit it from ,Sorheorfe ,Who did.
61. 'Threatening to take action, against a detalhee'S: family
a. • I, personally observed this cdridtict,
b, • Lobserved delainee(s), In axondition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred,.
, • Others' who observed this conduct described it to me,
e. III I- have relevant information classified Owe "SECRET'',.
neyerobsented this conduct 'nor heard :about . it ,frbnrr someone who did.
61. Other treatment or adioncausing severe emotional or ps chologicl trauma to a detainee
[6,1 .6! t3
• 1 ,
.f.I personally observed this ,obncli.i(t.
U II- obServed detainee,(s) in a cbtid,itibri that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. i • r
, [)etai nee(s) told Me that thiS;coriduct had &Cured& „......„j
d. • 'Others who observed this cOnduct desOribed It tO me.
e. • II haVetelevant information classified a boVe "SECRET".
RI ;I neVerbberveilthis,:ebilatiet 1'16i -beard a bbut it fibril sOrileolie:wlio did.
,52. Other religibUSOt ,seuallia'retpetit or hurhiliatibri 5f detainee, "
a. • I personally observed this conduct.
. • I observed detainee(s) in a cond ition . that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
DOJOIG 000138
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
• Others- who observed this conductdescribed it to me.
, • t have relevant information classified above 'Isfc.ggr.
I4 I 'never observed this °conduct nor heard :abokit it freill,sPrneOne:' ho did,
61 Othertreatment ofa detainee that in your opinion was unprofessional f unduly, harsh - or aggressive,
coercive, aliusive, or unlawful
• I personally observed this conduct.
b. • tObserved-detainee(S) in aCoridtion that led me to betieVe that thiS Conduct had &Curie I,
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :oCcurred.
• Others' who Ob Served this conduct. d escri bed it to, Me, • f . I have relevant, infOrmation classified above "SECRET".
RI I, never observed this'concluct norheard about it from someone who did.
64-Did ,yoti obserVeariy iMperSoriatiOn -Of FBI pefsOrinel by anVorie during an iriterVieWOr interrogation of
a 'detainee?
'Cj Yes AD No
65. Did any detainee or other person tell 'you that he or she had WithesSed the iMperSenatiOn of FBI
- personnel in connection with 'a' detainee interview or interrogation?
,O. ;Yes C.) No,
,Ar you aware ofany "Oarn' . or""staged " detainee interylawS,9r interrogations conducted for Members-
:Of thellS,. OongreSs or their staff?
()Yes C): No,
'67. To your knOwledge,,aid ariy' military Or intelligente personnel eVer deny or delay FBI access to a
detairiee.the FBIVIarited to question because the:detainee lied Stisthinedinjueie, after he wá Captured?
0Y:et, ()NO
6. picUyoci 'ever end, your participa*h in or observation 'of -a:detainee interview or interrogation
DOJOIG 000139
because of the interview or interrogation methods being, used?'
: Yes'
69 Were you ever told that anotherFBI employee ended hjs,orfier participation in or observation of, 'a
detain06 interVieW or interrogation betau -Se Of the iiitriW os iriterrOgation rtiethOdS being used?
O:Yes 0 No:
7. During any of your twerseas depipyrnents or asSignrnents,, 'did 'you report any concerns, regarding
any detainee inter/few or interrogation gt. 'clice%- or Qther types of detainee trotrner)t, to an FB
Yes "0 ko.
71, During -any of youToverseas -deployments or assig nrnents did you report anyconcerns regarding
any detained interview or interrogation practices or other,type&of detainee treatment you
observed or heard about, to a non-FBI supervisor Or other non-FBI personnel?_
7g. Have you ever been ordered or directed not to report, or discouraged in any way from reporting,
observations or allegations related ta detainee treatrrrent or interview - pr interrogation -actions or
73.1-1aVeyou experiented zany actual or threatened retaliation for reporting observations ôallegation s
of detainee treatment or interview or illterrogatiorr ,actions or practices?'
0, 'Yes. 0' Na
74. (ptiOna I) PleaSe provide any additional Cotrimerits regarding the reporting ,of concerns related :le,
interview or interrogation techniques;, detention practices, orother detainee treatment.,
RE€0 T. 1\15
75-, Were you, debriefed other than the standard debrief in ED,772: concerning your overseas
ASsignment(s) ordep1oyMerit(s) after you conlp)efel' the 1.epioyrneritts) or assignment:OP
Q: 'Yes 0,
76. Additidnal CortirrientsAhd WOnthendalibii&!‘
Thank you for your cooperation in:comptaing oue,stionn,a ire
DOJOIG 000140
A. Personal Information
Department of 3us,tice Inspector General -questionnaire Regarding Detainees
As of the last time this questionnaire, was saved, some required fields - have not heen'completeci.
PleaseireVimni -yOUr reSpionSes.,
Please provide irifOrtnation:
1, First flame 6 &, 70 PER AGREEMENT
2. Middle initial: 6 &IC PER AGREEMENT
'1 Last name: 6 & 7C PER AGREEMENT
4. Entered On Duty Date (E.01)): 6 4-, 7C
,Office: 6. 7C
6, Current fob EAEi
7: Directidial office telephone hunter: 6 & 7C, PER AGREEMENT
FBI tell phone nurribar: 0 4- Tt,PER AGREEMENT
9. FBI pager dumber:: & 7qpgRA4REENIgivr"
W. est contact nurnberforyou4 6 a,. TC PERAGREEMENT
B. Background of Specific DeployMents or Assignments
11.. At any, time afterSePterrihe'r 11, 20,01, did ytin servease Mernber of the U.S Military, or 66 an
employee or contractor of the FBI orany other government agency r at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Traci;
AfghantstaTorin areas controlled by-thel).8. Military or a U S intelligence service in -:connection:with the ,
global war on lerrof/
® Yes 0 No
12, Enter the number bf tirneSy00. Wer.edeployed orassighed te each of thefollowing locations
'(Gtrantanarno Bay, Cuba!,,lead::„Afghanistan; or in any areas controlled bytheAla, Military or a U.S.
intl'gnce senirc6) 3
FOreath deliloyMent or a:§'siRnment complete the following section.
Dop,loymont or assignment began on or peplOirrilOnt or a ssignment !Tier( on
about or about
03/30/2004 04/01/2004
12a. What was the:general nature and purpose. of your assig On-lent- and activities?
Meet with FBI perSOridel'aSSiOned there; liaison Visit
n. Please provide:thenames Of thespedifictamps, bases,- or facilities where you 'worked.
Aboutaorie hour visit to site where.$addam ,Hussein was held toobserye an interview via CCTV
I2C, i'!1();te: If infermatich about, tpecific:carnp, bAse,,orfacilityi classified :abaft SECRET,
please check here D,IncIude in yoUr 'answer that yOuhave -"additional information classified .above
1,SECRET,, !!. and, if you know, IderitifYtheciassification level, ticket, :doinpartitent, program / orother
designation that-applies to the information. Do not include the add itional classified information in your
DOJOIG 000141
Location (sect one)
questionnaire responses, bid personnel with the necessary clearance will contact you to receive it.
NA —
112e., Did you jointIV‘interVieW or intetrOgate any detainee with lion-FBI PetsOnnel?
Q \t`O.s ®N . 1,
12f. Did Yort,jointly. plan any detainee interview br interrogation :strategy,: ObjectiVeS, or tactics With nori- I .
1FBI personnel'? I
' 0 YeS 0 No 1
12g:, Were you ever otherwise involved in detainee ipterviews or interrogations, with non-FBI personnel?
c). No
10epioymenter assignment began on,or ciefiloytnenierassignMent'endea on
about or:about'
04/01/2604- 04/02/20'04- '
12a. What was the 'general nature and purpose of yoteasSignitent and ectiVities7;
Visitwith FBI personnel assigned:, there; liaison visits
121)-. :Pleaseprovidethe„names of the .bases, or facilities Where you worked.
brief tour of Baghram detention facility
12d; NOte: If ififOrthatibn abOUt eSpedifiocariml, baser Or faCility iS,ciaSSified above SECRET,
-pieaSecheck here El, include in your ans,wer that you haye"additional iriforMation-cleSSified -abbVe
'SECRET,'" and, if you know, identify theciessitication level, ticket, compartment, program, or other
designation that applies ' to the information. ,Db nit indiutle the additional classified information in your
questionnaire responses OIG personnel with the necessary clearance Will contact you to receive it
,:12,d, Please identi,by: riarn:e„, end ,Pagitiott 'ot the' tittle', the FBI personnel to whOrh you directly reported:
.:d u ring yOur deployment or assignment.:
Name. Position
11.2e. Did you jointly interview or interrogate.3py detainee with non-FBI personnel? t
, 0 Ye's Q Np ' t
i . .
1.12f. Did you jointly plan any detainee interview or interrogation strategy, objectives, or tactics with nonfFE3I
0 1".s 0 NO :
42g:: Were WV:ever otherwise 1M/dived in d'etPineelinterviews'or interrogations with -non-FBI personnel?
O Yes 0 No: . ".
Location (seiect.ope) about
Deploymentor assignment began on:or Deployment or assignment enifed'en
'orabout -
Traci 12/07/20:04, 12/07/2004
12:a, What WaS the general natUre and ptirtiose of your assignment and activitieS?'
Visit ,with FBI ernployes stationed there; c,Ogite*Y -Yisit
.12b. 'Pleaseproyidethe‘narriet of fht.;.speeifit:cerops, bases, or facilities where you worked
liOnei'resentlhere rot OnlYe, few' hours that nightdid net visit anytetentiOn 'fealty
12c. Note: If ihforination abotit a specific camp, base,: or facility is:classified above 'SECRET
lase check here 0, inelbde in your 'answer that you have 'Iadditional information:classified aboVe
iqErp-r.o.f. and, ff you kn9).% identify th PIWifiC:ation: level, tiplcOti .compartment, prograrni Or:other
DOJOIG 000142
LbdatiOn (select one)
A. Training Prior to Overseas Deployment or Assignment
dig nation that applies' to, the Information, Do not include the additional Classified information - in your
questionnaire responses ; personnel With the necessary Clearance will contact you to receive it
Altl. 'Pleaseidentuly, e an position at the, inte, the FBI perofl n Ito whom you directly reported-
-during your deploymentor asSignment. ,
Name Position
%1 12e.. Did you jointly intervieW or interrogateany detainee with non:FB,I personnel?
"0 No,
Of Did you jointly plan any detainee Interview or interrogation strategy, objectives, or tactics With non- 1
42.g. Were you ever Otherwise involved in ' detaineeiriterviewsbrinterrOgattonS with non-FBI personnel? -,
0' Yes e No
11 Did you receive any: training, instruCtion, _guidance specifically inprepa ration for enyof your
overseas 'deployments, or assignments?
()Yes ONO 'ODo ,Not:Recal I
14, In preparation for any of your overseas deployments or assignments, did you receive any training,
instructicin, or guidance concerning the standards of conduct applicable to the treatment,
Interview, Or Interrogation of detainees by FBI Personnel?'
.0Yes ON0 000 Not Recall
14a, Whb provided this training, instrriction, orguidance r.and Where did -yoU receive it?
Vat Capron!
1,41). Briefly ,describe the su bstance, orthe training, instruction, or guidance provided to you
received email(s) on policy from GCtaprofil„ conternPoraneoUS.With their creatibM not
associated vyith my travel to Iraq or Afghanistan
14c. WaSany Of the training, inStrUCtiOk or guidatiCe provided inwriting7
ONo"0 Do Not Recall
ON.o ODo Not Recall
15a. Who provided this training ,. instruction, orgUidarice, and where ditlYou receiVe it?
Of;-,,ftriofly'deseribe the Substance :of the training, instruction, or guidance provided to you
Received an email cm policy from Ge C,aproni, contemporaneous- with its preparation,
but not in anticipation fOr my traVel
DOJOIG 000143
Wasany of the training, insituCtiOn, or guidance provided in .writing?
0.Yes •;0-No 0 Do Not Recall
1. In: rireparatibir fOr any of yOur DVe.rseaS deployments or assigrirtionts, did yOu. reteiVeljnY 11:41 hing,
ihStrtietiOn, DrAuldatice concerning what you were sippbSed to do if yOu :obserVed‘Or heard abOut
the-treatment, interview, oi- interrogation of detainees by FBI 'personnel, which- you .belleVe,d to
be inappropriate, unprofessional,- coercive, .abusive, ,or uplavfia0
(nes 0 No COD° .Not,Reepll
Who provided this training. instruction, or guidance, and where did you receive it?
16b, BrieflY.describethe substahcof the tairiJng, instrUctiorl, Or guidance' provided to Ku,
See above answer
16c. Was any ofthe training, "instru ction, or guidance provided in writing?
a Yes ONo 0 Do Not Recall
17. rn preparation for any of your overseas deploymenbsor assignments, did you receive any training/
inStrgctin.,n,"-Pr.Vida:ni:d concerning What you were supposed to do flxi.ObserVed or heard -*but,
the treatment, 'interviek or interrogation of detainees by non-FBI Pertohnel rlfilltli you believed
to he ina'opropriate.i. unprofesSional, :coercive, abusive, or unlaWftilr
• :0Yes. ONo' Oljo hot Recall
Vito provided this training, instnictlook, org,uidancei and whore did you receive it
Val- CaProni
17b, briefly describesubstance the Ira in ing bintyuchoti or guidance- gtovided to you
see above, answer
Pcy Wa-9ny of the training, Instruction, or guidance provided in writing?
1,-)ye QN'o Q Do Not Recall
B. Training During Ciyerseas Deployments or Assignments'
18.During any Dryijue tiVerseas deployment's, of asSighttiontS, did ydu receive instruction,
cit.gUidaricetoncerning thestandatd.S tifOhdüct applicable to thetreatrnen4 intèrieW, o1
interrogation of detainees by FBI personnel?
,Yes Nip *Do Not Recall'
19.Dining any afydur OVerSeasCle0lOYmontS orassJgrinjept, did ybu reCeive aiiy training, instruction,
criAuidahcexoncernirig•thastandatds oftondiict applicable to: thetteatment, ititervieitt, ar
interrogation 'of detainees by non-FBI personnel? Cf.No Qbo Npt Rec.011
20. Darn-0 any orydtit-oVeiteasdeplOYinetitS or assignments, did you receive any training, inStruCtiOn k:
or guidance:concerning what you were. --supposed to do if you observed or heard aboutthe
DOJOIG 000144
treatment, interview.; o interrog ation of detainees by FBI personnel, which you, believed to be
inappropriate,'unprofessional, coercive,, abusive, or unlawful?
()Yes ONO "ODO NOt Retell
21. During any of your overseasdeployments or assignments, did you receive any training instruction,
orguidance.coneeming what you were supposed to do if you Observed or beard s,abOut the
'treatment, interview, or interrogation of detainees by non-FBI personnel,. Which you believed to
be inapproPriate,, unpnifessiOnal, cciertive, .abusivebr unlawful?
°Yes No, °DO NdtReCall
Adetinacy of Training
22.1n your opinion, did, you receive .adequate training, instructionior guidance relating to standards
of conduct by 'FBI and non-F5 q perSonnel relating to treatment, interview, or interrogation`of
,detainees prior to your deployment or assignment?'
YO.s Q Nd
23.1n your you tetelVe,adegtiate training, ifiStruttion, or.gtliclarice'relatirig to standards,
of condud by FBI and nOn-FBI pet -Sonnet relating to, treatment, inteNieW, or interrogatiOn of
detainees 'during your deploymentOrassig nment?
0 Yes 0 No
yo.ur PpiniOn, you reoeive.adeguate training ; instruction, or guidance concerning what you
Were supposed to do if you observed Or heard: about the treatment, interview, or interrOgation of
'detainees, by FBI perSorinel, that you believed was inappropriate, DriprofesSiOnal,
:coercive, abusive, or unlawful?'
0 Yes NO
'25,:(Optional),In what ways can the F$I improve - training onthiS subject for future depioy,rnentsor,
ID. -Conlmerito
26, PleaSe prOvide any add Mb nal information oricerni rig training far OVerseaS deplciYrnents oi
assignments Of FBI personnel you believe is relevant.
Introduction to PbstIII: In, thissettion, we are,seeking, information regarding a Wide range of
Interview:or interrogation' techniques and other types of detainee. treatment alleged to have occurred.
You should riot assume; just because we, a reasking, about a pa rtitu lar tech nig ue,Or practice, that, we have,
DOJOIG 000145
topciuded that it In fact occurred. We recognize thatsome ofthesetechniques or 'practices, may at times
be necessary for ;safety ,and security in a detention - setting: In addition, we recognize that some of these
tethniqUes or practices May -have been authorizedfOr- .Use by militaryl Or Other Overrirnent persOnna
With respect to each identified technique, practiceeor of conduct described below, we are seeking
information .about its occurrence during or in ,connection with the interview or interrogation of
detainee, or during the detention of a detainee beyond what Is needed for safety and security
In that cOntt;We will ask you to tell ,Us Or More of the. folloWing ,Stateitienf§are 1rue:
1. I personally observed 'this conduct.
2 tol)4PfYPO :cWpine(s). in a 'condition that led, meto believe that this conduct ilad,pccurreA,.:
a 1.$etairite(S) told me that this conduct had OCctirred.
4, Others who bserv'ed this conduct deSOrioed it to tilp.
5. I have relevant inforrefatiorrclasSified a boVe'SECRE7.
6. r'never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone. who:Aid.
27. Depriving -a detiiiee; of :or water
a. • r perSOnaliy .Observed this,conduct.
b. • lobserved detainee(s) in a condition-that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.,
c, • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e., • I have relevant Informatioil classified above ",SECIZET".
t Et, I rteVerOt'srve0 thi.P :c9riduCt.nor Ilea.rd 'about it from::Prrleo:fle who did. ,
28. Deprivi,n,-9,a detainee, of Clothing
• r pdtsohaity ObserVed thiScondUct. .
I3, • IsabserVecVdetaineets) in 'acoridititin that led me to believe that this cendUtt had OCCil rted .
c. III Detainee(s),told me that this conduct had occurred.
A, • Others who observed this conduct described It to me.
e • I have relevant: information classified above "`S Cfg-1",
f., El T. never observed this 'conduct nor heard .about it from someOneWhP 4id .
25. De riving a detainee of Sleep, or interrupting slee b fr - • uent,cell reiocations,orother methods
0 1r, personally ,Observed this 'conduct.
DOJOIG 000146
b. I I observed detainee(s) In a:condition that ted me to believe that this conduct had occurred
c. I Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had ;occurred.
• • Others' who observed this conductdescribed it to me
• r have relevant Information classified above - ":gECRE:T",
f. Ei I heverob,servecl this:conduct nor heard about it from someone. who did.
0. Beatini a detainee
a. • I personally, observed this conduct.
b. II Li-Ai:Served 'detainee(s) Ilia condition that led me. to believe thatthiS CondUct had occurred:
• Detailiee(s) told m0 that this Conduct had ;octurred.
. . 1 Others who observed this' titintluCt deSCribed it tO Med.
El -, have releVant infOrmatioti claSSified a bdVe"SECREr". .
1Z1 IL neVer abseiled this:cOnd uct r nor .heard 'a boa it fforti ,scirriebneiwhil did.
"3.1. Using vvetertb prevent breathingfly -a' detainee-or tO, Create the sensation of drowning
a, •
. .............
L personally, observed this:conduct.
b. • tobserved detainee(s) Ina cond itiorrthat led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
• Others who observed this conduct described it to rne.
• I have reivant information classified above ''SCR.Ei''',
f. lEi r never observed this conduct nor heard .a bout it from somePrikwno 110.
'Using hands, ro oranything, else to ,choke or strangle a detainee
a . • I personally observed this 'candutt.
. I cbseilettdetainee(S) in a"cond itiOn that led me to bplieVe that.this -0:ha utt had occurred.
• Detainee(s) told me that this Conduct had OcCurred.
• • °theft" Who bbterVed thiS conduct described it to me.
I haVefeleVant iriformatibb classified above "SECRET".
lif I neVer- observed thi§,Oofiduct r.ior"heard 'a boa, it from Soffieone'WhCy did.
DOJOIG 000147
33. Threatening other action, to cause, physical palm Injury, d isfigurement, or:death
• 4, personally ObServed this Conduct.
n I observed detainee(s) In a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred:
. n b. etainee(s) told me that this. conduct had occurred.
• Others who observed this conduct described it to. me.
. U L have relevant Information classified above ""SECRET"",
f. F iI never observed this conduct nor heard about it frarn.someone-who did.
34. Other treatment or aCtiancausing significant physical pain or injury, or causing disfigurement or
:a. n it personally observed tkis•coriciuct.
b. n t observed detairiee(S) Ina condition that led rrie,to believe that thiS conduct had oOcuited. i
. n Detainee(s) told me that this Conduct haci occurred.
LI IGthers,Whbbbserved this conduct described it tc;', hie.
t . n Ir have releVarit information classified abbve "'SECRET".
f. ffi ,rneVer observed this:conduct ribr heard 'about it frorn.sortiebnewho did.
35. Placing a detaineeori a hot surface or burning =a detairiee
• II personally observed this.conduct.
fl, t observed in aCondition that led me to believe that, this conduct had 'occurred.,
. n petaine told me that this conduct, had occurred.
d. 0 ipthers who observed this conduct described MO me:
e. 0 :i have relevant information classified above„'$KRET".
1 A p I never observed thistoncluct nor heard 'about it from..someorie who did.
36. Using shackles or other restraints in a prolonged 'manner
DOJOIG 000148
.. • I personally observed this:conduct. .,
b., • 'observed detainee(s) in aoondition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others who observed this condUctdescribed it to me:
e. • have relevant Information classified above."EtIkET",
f. RI r never observed. this,condl-Ict nor heard.a bout it from :someone who did.
37„,Sequiring , a :detainee to maintain, or restraining adetaineeip, a stressful or painful positiOn
; III 1 p'ersbnatly ObServed this conduct,
b. • 1 observed detainee(s) in ,a condition that led me tO believe that this conduct had occurred.
c, • DetaineeM told me that thiS conduct hard Odcurreci.
11, • Others who observed this cOndlict, described it to Me.
e. • I, haVe relevant information classified above 7S,ECRET".
f, I I never ObSerVed thisoonduct tier:heard about it from someone-Who did.
38. Forting a detainee to perform .dernanding physical eXercise
a El 1 personally observed thisconduct,
b. • I,ohseryed, detaineecs) in a tonditionthat led me to bplievethatthis conduct had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s) told rhe that this conduct had occurred'.
d. • Others who Observed this conduct-destribed it to rne.
• t Iwo relevant information classified a bovel:3•ECRET" .. .
RI I never observed this conduct nor heard about it -from sorrier:Tie WhO did,
39. Using electrical shock on-a detainee
• I personally Observed this tondrict.
b' . • I' ObserVed-tietainek(S). in aconditiOn that led rne to believ.e stha this conduct had -ocdu.rred.
c. • Detainee(s) told Ind that this 'conduct had ,octurred. .
• • Others whb obserVed this ConduCt desCribed it to me.
• I have relevant information classified aboVe.'!-SECRET".
OIGQ-000 149
DOJOIG 000149
f. l never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
40. Threatening to Use electrical stiock.on a detainee.
a. • I personally observed this conduct.
b., • I ‘(*erye4 -detainee(s), in a condition that led me to' believe that-this conduct had occurred.
c. II Det4inee(s).tOld me that this' conduct bad ,OccUrred. •' Others who observed 'this conduct described it to rnej • I have relevant. tnfOrrriation' classified abdVe "SE CRET".
f. Pi I never Observed' thiScOnduCt nor flea' .rd abbfrt it frOrri'SQrreOne,WhO did.
41. Intentionally 'delaying ordenying cttpine'..mgcllitol care,
. 0 I. jlersorially'observed this .cOrid het.
b. In , I, bbserveddetairiee(S) in a, cOrid itiOn that led me to belieVe that this conddtt had ,OCCUrred,
aD_et. ainee(s) told ;me that this conduct had OCcUrred. • L........._
• Others who observed this conduct deSCribed it to Me.
e. • I. have relevant information classified above "-5ECRET"'.
f. I I never observed this:conduct nor heard about it -from someone -who did.
42. 'Hoed trig or blindfolding a:detainee other than during transportation
!' . NI I PPrPonallyobservea this conduct: .
. • t observed=detainee(s) In exondition tha led me to believe that;this conduct had occurred.:
II Detainee(s) told nie that this coodUct had occurred.
d. • Others who observed this conduct described it to me
e. • I' have relevant inforrnation classified above "SECRET.
f; El I never Observed thiS:donduct nor heard abOut it froth sOrneorie whO did.
43: Subjecting a detainee, to ,04.reMelY cold or hot room temperatures for extended periods
DOJOIG 000150
n I personallrobserVed. thiCOnduct.
b, I observed detainee(s), in aconditiorr that ted me to believe that this coriduCt had occurred.
n DetalneeN'told me that this conduct had :occulTetf-
• Others who pbserVe'd this cOridliCt described it 'to me,
n I have teleVant information tlaSsified 'abOVe "SECRET".
I never observed this conduct nor heard about it 'from 'Someone, who . did.
44. ,Subjectin a detainee to loud music
a, n I personally observed this conduct.
b. n LobserVed dethinee(s), in a COM ition that led me, to believe that this conduct had :ciccurmd.
c, n Detainee(S)lcild rue that this Conthict had occurred.
d n Others who observed this conduct described It to me.
e. n I, have relevant informatiOn classified above. "S.ECRET'.
f. El I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from:someone-Who did.
45..gilbjeCtied a .detaineetci bright flashing IldhIS darknesS
n IL „p e.r.s,o. n..a.l.l.y_ o..b.s..e_rv e d. this conduct.
n robserved detainee(s) in 0:Cond'ition that led me to believe„that this conduct had occurred:
c., n iDetainksj told me that this conduCt had occurred.
„- n Others, whO ObServed„this conduct described it to Me.
e, n I haVe relevant infortnatiotrtiaSSified, above, ";SECRET".
. 0, I neVerObserved, this:OritiRt'ilOr hwd,bbut: it torn stimeoneWhO did.
Isolating aletaineg for an extended period
I personally ObserVed this; briduCt.
n IbbserVed detainee(;;) In e4cOnd ition that led me to belieVe that thiS cdridUct had occurred..
n Detairiee(s) told Me that this cOnduct had :occurred.
n Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
DOJOIG 000151
e. I have relevant information - classified above "SECRET".
f. RI I never observed this conduct nor heard -about it from someone who did.
ISsind dud tape to restrain, • at, or PithiSh a detainee
0 I personally-observed this:conduct.
.. 0 I:observed detainee(s) in sacond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had ,occurred.
c.; • Detalnee(0 told me that this conduct' had ,occo rred,
' '• • Others whO Observed this, 'conduct described it to hie.
tI.. he - releVarit infOrinatiorr claSSifiecl above "SECRET'.
I never obserVedthis,cOndutt nor heard about it from,Somebrie Who did.
Using rapid response teams and/or fOred cell extractions
a. • I personalbt-abserved this ,CoridUCt.
• I ObserVed_detained(S..). in a.. cond Mon that led the to believe that this' conduct' had Ocatirted.
Detainee(S) told Me that this conduct had oCcurreci.
Others who observed this:conduct described it to me.
e. • ii have relevant information' classified above, "SECRET'''.
f. 121 I never observed, this conduct nor 1-1p.., rd about It from someone who did.
49. Uin attilithry working dog' oh .6r near a :detainee .other than dbring detainee transportation
, • I persanally-observed this ,:conduct.
r,observed detainetts) in a, condition that led 'me, to believethat this conduct had occurred.
• p‘qtaine'q(s) told me that this eland pct. had occUtred.-
,. • Others who observed this, conduct described it to me.
• I, have relevant information clasSified abOVe "SECRET'
f. El i never obServed this conduct horhOard ;about- it frorn,someorieWho did.
DOJOIG 000152
, 50. threatening to .USetiniiitaty working doffs, on or near a detaineea.
n !I personally observed thisconduct.
b. n Lobserved detainee(s) in acondition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
e, q betainee(s),told 'me that this conduct, had occurred.
d. n Others who observed this conduct described it to ill
n I, have .relevarit information clasSified above 7SEOZET";
f: El I never observed thisconduct norheard abeut it from someone who did.
Si. ,Ustng spiders, scorpions; snakes; or other animals on or near a detainee
• n 'I PersPhall)', observed this COndUct,
. n .I..01/Served detairiee,N in .aconditipnthat led me to believe that this conduct had Occurred..
. n ,,Detainee(s)„tOld rne titt this: Conduct had Octurred„
, n :Others who obserVed this condadt destribed It to, i -ne.
. n 1. haVe releVarit inforniation Classified atioVe "SECRET".
f. Et -II never observed this conduct nor heard .abotit it :r om ..sdrrieoneWhO did.
.52. ThreaterfingloLuAukers tscLorpidn.S, Snakes; or Other a riinialSon -z'a detainee
a... n I personalty observed this conduct.
b. n observed detainees) in econdition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred.
. n betainee(s) told me that this conduct, had 'occurred.
„ q lOtherS: who observed this conduct described it to:me.
e. n I, have relevant information classified 09Ye, "SECRET"".
f, Er I neyer , observed this conduct.nor heard about it from sorneOneyhp did.
53. Oisrespectful statements; handling, 'or actipn& involving the i a. n I Personally 01)SerVed thiS conduct.
. n I otisei-Az0 detairiee(S). in ;a COndition, that led ine to believe that This ConduCt had occurred.
, n 1DetainegS) told nie that this eginclutt had OCturred.
DOJOIG 000153
d.• Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e.• I have relevant information classified above "SECRET".
giar nqverobsrved this conduct nor heard about it from someone-who did.
Shaving a detainee's facial or other hairto ernbarrassorhUmiliate a detainee ,
• g personallyAbserved this conduct,
10.- lor [rObServed-clelainee(4 Ina :condition that led rne to believe that :thisconduct had occurred,
c. • II;yetalnee(S)'tOld me. that this coridutt had .accurred.
I. i, 10therS WhO Observed this COridUct destribed it to me.
-1 • g have relevant information :classified above "SECRET".
. Elii never Observed this,COnddCt ridrheard about it tem SoMeeneWhO did.
55. PlaCing a woman's clothing on a detainee,
a. • if perSonally observed thisConduct,
• g ObserVed cletainee(S) in a condition that led ine f6belitire that t_h,...i s conduct had boCurred.
• Detainee(s)told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. IM 1; 0thers who observed this conduCt described it to me.
e. • g have relevant information classified above "SECRET'.
f. fZf I' never observed; thiS ,conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
,56. Touching a detainee or,acting toward a detainee in a sexual manner
: • I personally observed thisconduCt.
1Y. 0 I obserVed-deteirtee(s) Ina cOnditiOn that led me to believe that this condoCt had occurred.
t. • Detainee0 told me that this tondiitt had occurred.
d. • ;! Others Who observed this, Conduct desCribed it tb me.
e. • ti haVe relevant information classified aboVe "SECRET.
T 4 neVer,Obserged thitOridact 116r:heard about it frorri gOrii.,o'ne'who did.
DOJOIG 000154
'57, Holding Oetain'040 WhP were not officially acknowledged or registered as such by the agenCy
detaining the.
a. n II personally observed this conduct.
b, n I observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
. n d etainee(s) told me that this conduct had "C!Ctl rred,
n others who observed this conduct described It to ma
„ • • 1 i(
Er I never obserVed this conduct nor heard a bout it from,:sorrloo who did.
58. Sending a detainee to another countr for morea , u gressive interrogation'
a. n Ilersonallyobserved this=conduct.
,,, n rob"soved detainee.(4 in, ,cOnditiorMat led me to believe that this conduct had 'occurred,
. n Detainee(s) told rrie that thiS Conduct had .occurred.
. n Others who 'oh.Served this conduct described it to me.
e. ••I. haVe teleVant infOrmation Classified above: "SECRET'.
f. 1E1 II never obseNed this conduct nor heard a boa it from someone who did.
.59..f hreatning to -sonde. detainee to. another-country for detertiOn or more aggreSSiVe interiOgatiOn
. n I personally observed this,;conduct:
b. Iohseryed detainee(s) in a,tondition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.,
c. n Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred.
d. n Others whp Obseryed this conduct-described it to me.-
e. n I have relevant information classified Aove "SECRET".
f. 1Z r never-observed this _conduct nor 'heard about it from isorrieoneVho, do.
611 Threatening to take action against a detainee's family
persona4 observed this conduct.
q I obseTVecl detainee(S) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
DOJOIG 000155
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
. • Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
r have relevant information classified above "SECRET%
I neverobserveKI ttlisicond vet nor heard 7d laglitt• it from' someone Who did.
61. Other treatment or action causing severe emotional or psychological trauma to a detainee
La, • I personally observed: this coriduct.
'.. • .r observed ,detainee(s) In a conditiOrittiat led me to believe that this conduct had ,ocCtfrred._
• 'Oetainee(s) told me that thiS conduct bad :00.1J-red.
II Otners Who Observed this conduct deSeribed it to me.
'.. • I have relevant InfOrMationtlastified aboVe"SECREr.
L RI t tidier obSerVed thiS -Conduct nor tieard.about it fromscirneOrie who did.
OZ. 0,th:er religionsorsexual' harassment or hurilitiat ion'Of a detainee
ro-"To -T
I personally observed this condUct. .. . _
I observed detainee(s) in acond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred .
, c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred.
d. NI jOthers who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. • IT have relevant information classified above "-SECRET",
L 2 1 never obs,erved this conduct nor heard about it from SOmeOne whp did,
6:1:0ther treatment of a detainee that in' your opinion was unprofessibnal unduly harsh or aggressive,
coercive, .0141sive, Or unlawful,
a. • I personally Observed this conduct.
b. • I observed. detainee(S) in atdriditron that led me to- belleVe that this conduct had ocCurred,
c. II Mai nee(S) told the that thik COndilet had Octu fried .
. . • Others: who observed thiS conduct deScribed it to Me.
e. • II haVe relevant inforMation-classified abOVe "SECRET".
f. 8: II. never.observed this 'conduct nor 'heard 'about it 'from someone who did.
DOJOIG 000156
'.64. Did you obserVe:an? irlyer$OnOtiOri of FBI ptrsounol bYphYOrle,:tiu ring. t1 interview Or interrogOtiOn of
Ye' 0 No
65. Did awdetaineeorother person: tell you thatlie pr she had yvitnessed the impersonation of FBI
personnel in connection With a' d.etaineeinterYiew or interrogation?
Yes0 No
66. Are you aware of any "sham"; or '!staged" iletainee interviews. or interrogations conducted'for Members
v. ;$. :Ong ressor their staff?
® No
67; To your knowledge, did any military or intelligence personnel eyer deny or:delay Ft3I , cess to,a
detainee the FBI wanted to question ,Oecaussithe.detaineeAad sustained injuries after he was captured?
OirP., ON°
6:8, Didyou ever end your participation. in Or observatibri of a detainee interview Or interrogation
because of the Interview op interrogation methods p'elpg used?
0; No
69 Were you ever told that another FBI Vripioyee-epded hs or her participation in or observation ofue
detainee interview or interrogation bcas of the interview or interrogation methods f being used?"
0 Yes 0 Injo‘
70. During any Oryour 99, r'eas , tioploymenis 9r a'ssignments,, did you report any ,coheerns regard ihg
any 4etaineeinteryieW or Interrogation practices or Other types of cretAi4e treatment, roan FBI
71.. During anyof youroverseas,depioyments or assignments„. did you report any,concerns regarding
any detainee interview Or interrOgatiop,p,rdcfiges or other types' of detainee treatment you
observed or heard about, tO a non-FBI supervisor or Other non-FBI personnel?
0, y00,
72'. HHaavvee you .ever been ordered 'ordirected not,to report, ord iscou rag ed In anyway from reporting,
observations or allegations related, to detainee treatment or interview or interrogation actions or
'tes, "0'10
71 Have you e*perietieed 'anYactual_or threatened retaliaticiri fOr rePOrting, ObserVationSd allegaticiris
ofdetainee treatment or interview or interrogation:actions or practices?'
DOJOIG 000157
CA Yes (5' No
74. Optibnal) Ma-se* provide :any additional tOrnniefitS reg'arding the re'pOrting of ccincerriSi related tO
iiitervieW or interrogation techniques ,; detention practiOes; :orother ,detained treatment.i wand
tAmakea, matter of record that lam, aware of allegations of abuse.from accounts of others,
includ ing the med ia and FBI reports,, h"pw:Or, these were by and large, brought to my attention: by
persons who Old riot Observe them, but heard' about them from Gther%. -Although It Is rOSSIble
received anemail, froth 'a 4u bord inate -i/yhO, fo'rwafd ed an account frtinrissorneone whb actually
observed improper actions; I do not recall having received anrsuch' email.
75. Were you 'debriefed, other than thestandard debrief:in FD,--772 -; concerning your overseas
a.P.Pignment(s) or deployment(s) after you completecl the ,deployment(s) or assignment(s)?
Dyes' O' NG
76 , Additional cbrilitents;arid ReOrnmendatiOris!
Thank you for yourcoo peratir1in. completing this questionnaire
DOJOIG 000158
PART f3Aa'
A. Personal Information
Department of 3,ustice Inspector General Questionnaire RP9arding deta inees
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-00001519
As of the last time this , questionnaire, was saved, some required fields' have not been completed.
PleaSe reView your responses.
Please-proVidethe f011OWiny infortnation;
1. First name. 6 & 7d PEA A GREEN/Stiff'
.2, Middle Initial: 6 & IC PER AGREEMENT
a Last name: 6 & 7:C PER AGREENIEN'T
4, Entered on Duty Date (EDD); 6 &
Current'Division/Field Office: 4, 7C
6, Current job title: A5AC.
7.. Direct, dial officetelep hone firnber: 6 & 7CPER AGREEMENT
8,, FBI t'ell phone nurnher: 6 &IC PORAOAEEMENt
9. FBI 'pager number: 6&ICi2014
10. :Best contact number for you 68.. 76 PER AGREEMENT
B. Background of Specific Deployments or Assignments
.11. Aterny tirrie afterSePterriber 11,„ 2001,. did 'ydu séreas.a member ofthe U.S.. Military, or aS
employee or contractor of the FBI.orany other' government agency,. at Guantanamo Bay, 'Cuba; Iraq;
Afghanistan', or in areas controlled by the U S Military or a IJ,$. intelligence service in connection With the
glohal war on terror?
® Yes 0 Na
:12. Enter .the number:Of timegyou, Were ,deployed Or:assigned to.each ofthe,foliOWing 'citations.
,(Guantanaino Bay, Cuba Iraq ;:.Afghanistan; or in any areas controlled bythe U.S. Military or a US.
For each deployment oraSSigriment complete thethllowingSection..
Location Deployment or assignment began bh;Or Deployment or assignment ended on (select one), or about
AfganiStati: 07/09/20,04 GB/23/2004
12a. What was the 'general riatU re and pUtrOse Of yourassig Went. and actiyities? .
FBI On'SCene Ootrimarider
12b. Please ,providethenames of the .spedificfcam Ps, bases,- or facilities where you 'worked.
Bagmm AFB.-
12c. Note : information about a specific carnii, base,„ pr :above SECRET,
Please„thetichere1=1,include in your answer that you have "additional information classified above
'SECRET79- and,. if you knoW,Id,etitifythe,clessificatiori,leVel, titket,cornpartMent, program, or other
designation that applies to the 'information, Do not include the-additionat.elassified information in your
DOJOIG 000159
A. Training Prior to Direrseas Deployment or Assignrnent
questionnaireresponses, OE3 personnel withthe necessary ctearance will contact you to receive it.
MN r 'cl.irprningS
OperatioriS,SectiOn TOS) I
4,12e. Did, you jointly interview or InterrOgateany detainee with non-FBI personnel?
. . ,
f 0 `,Is ,C) No 1
12f. Did you jointly plan any detainee interview or interrogation' strategy, objectives, or tactics with non- k
:FBI personnel? '-
0 Yes <..), No.
14, Were yOu ever otherwise inVOIVed in d etaineeinterVieWS or InterrO,gations, with :,(1 15*F51, Personnel? =
0 Yes :0 No
13, ,Did,yOU receive,any training, instruction, or g,uidence ;specifically in preparation' for anrOf your
OVerteascreployrrients orassighrrient§-?,
OYeS ,ONo , 0 DoNot. Recal I
13a, Who. provided this training, InStrtictiori, org,uidarite, and Where did you receive it?
Military LUFOn Detainee Unit VA LD.L!) and ITQS tat CTR, FBIHQ
13b Describe the subject on,which you received this training, instruction or guidance:
'Overview -of FBI operations- and policies 'within Afghanistan
OYes ONO Pp() Not
leia, Who provided this training, instruction, or guidance, and where did . you receive iV
1.4b. Briefly'describe the substance orthe training, Instruction, or ddicltice provided to you.
FBI pa licY related to IriterVieWSOf "d,etairiteS,
Was:erlY,Pf -the training, „inStniCtiQh, r guidance provided ihvvriti n,g?
0Yes ONO ® Do, Not,
°Yes C?Nto 9Do Not 'Recall
16. In preparation for any of your overseas deployments or assignments, did you receive, any training,
instruction; 'or guidance con cerning what you were supposed to do If you observ:ed 'or heard 'about
thetrotment, ilitomew, or interrogation of detainees by FBI personnel, which you ,believed to
be inapprOpriate, unprofeSSional, taercive-,,abusive, or unlawful?
'0 No ODo Not Recall
16a. WhO Provided this, training„ iristarction,..orgiiidance, and .where did you receive it?.
16b, briefly'describe the substance of the training, instruction, or guidance provided to- you.
DOJOIG 000160
Section ghidt, InternationalTerrOrisrn
I was to adhere. to PBI policy related to the interview of detainees 'andinterviews Were
not to include 'anyVidence or threat of ViolenCe. If I observed any such actions
concluded by another FBLernployee; I was 'to take a pproOriate action as On Scene
Commander.. If 1;,observed such actions by individuals from a.notherorganation,I was
to' leave the interview and report the incident to FE2n1Hq,
16c. Was:any of the: training, 'instruction, :or gnidance provided In writing
0Ys ONo -0, Do Not Recall
V: In preparation for any-of your overseas deploymentsor assignments, you receive any training, ,
instruction, or concerning What you were supp9sed to do if you observed Or heard ;about
the treatment, Interview :, or interrogatiOn,fof detainees by noti-F81 personnel, which you believed;
tci,be inaphrWiate, UoprofeSSicinal; cx'èrcive, abuSive, or 'unlawful?
.®Yes Do Not Recall
17a, Who provided this training; instruction s or-guidance( and where did you receive it?
17b Briefly4escrWq the substance of,t4p training, instruction, oru1ctance provided to you
Please see . 16b..
17c. Wasany of the training, 'instruction, or guidance provided in writing?
0Yes: •Ql‘lo '® DO Not Recall
1 1
IB, Training During Overseas. Deployments or Assignments
18. During, any Of your Overseas deployments Or asSig moots:, 'did yoU,receive any training; instruction,
or guidande concerning the ,Standards of Conduct applicable tb the treatrnent, interView,„ or
interrogation of detainees by FBI" Personnel?
CYes ONo Ono Not Recall
18a. Who provided this training ; instruction, or guidance?
. tab, Briefly describe the substanceofthe training,. instructions or guidance proilded to you.,
Please see 16b,
18t. Wasany Of the training, instrudfon, oebuidanCe "prOVided in Wilting?:
c)*. 'ONo p Dc Not Recall
•19. During any olyouroverseas deployments or assignments, did you receive any 'training 1 instruction,
or guidance concerning the standards of conduct applicable to the treatment, interview,. or
interrogation of detainees by non-Fr personnel?
Oifes. ONo "Opo NotReCall"
19a, Who provided this training,. igstrtictiOn,, Or guidance?
ivii-PO/TrO5 I
1,b. Briefly describe the substance of the training ; instruction; or guidance provided ta-you.
Please.See 16b. .
19t. Was,anY of the training, instruction, or guidance provided in wring?
DOJOIG 000161
OYes :0No C) Do Not Recall
20. During any ofydur overseas deployMents Or assignments, did you receive anytralriing, instruttion,:
orquidance:concerning what you were to do if you -observed or heard about the
treatment, interview, or interrogationordetainees by FBI personnel, which you believed to be
inappropriate; unprofessional, coercive, abusive, or unlawful? -
®Yes ONo °pd. Not Recall
20a, Who provided this training, instructitin,, ,or guidance?
iviLDU/ItOB- I
Brieflydescribe the substanceorthe training, instruction, or guidance proVided to- yOu.
PleaSesee 1.6b,
!20c;, WA.priy of the training, instruction, or guidance provided in writing?
QYes ONo 0 Do Not Recall
21. During any of your overseas deplOyments or a$signments' .„ did you receive, any training, instruction,
or guidance concerning What you were supposed to do, if you observed or heard about the
treatment,- interview, or interr ogation of detainees by non-FBI perSOrinel,, which you believed to
be inappropriate, unprofessional, ,coercive, abusive, orunlawful?
'CDY:ps. 'QNO . Opp Not Recall
Who provided this training e ihstruction,-.-or guidance?
.21b. Briefly describe the Su bStariceof the train ing t instruction, or guidance provided to you
Please see 16b.
.:2-ii.c.,Wasany of the training, instruction, or guidance provided in writing?
0.Yes 'ONO, 0 Do not Recall, •
C. Adequacy of Training
22. In your opinionr .did you receiveVeguate training, instrucVop, or guidance relating to standards
of conduct by FBI ,aricl persOnnel, relating to treatment, interview,, or interrogation of
detainee's poor tbyburdeploymerit asSigriment?
0 Yes 0 No
23. In youropiniori, did you receiveadekuate. training*, instruction, De- guidance relating `tcy standards
f conduct by FBI and non-FBI personnel relating to treatment, lriterview,, or interrogation of
detainees during, your deployment oassig nmerit?
'® Yes ONo
24.,tri Our opihipn, ,d id you receive -adequate training,. inStructiori, orguidance concerning what You
were Supposed to AO if you observed or heard abOut the treatMent, intervieweor interrogatidr) of
detainees, by. FBI or non-FBI personnel,, that you believed was inappropriate, unprofessional;
DOJOIG 000162
OOOrtiVe,,abuSiVe, (Sr brilaWful?
c).Yes Q No
25. ,(Optidnal),In what ways; can the 'FBI iinproVe -training, an.thiSsUbject for future deploymeritsbr
ID. toinnientS-
25. Please prOvidgOily'AdctitiOnal infOrtriatiPri,dOriterning training tOt oVerS0'6100.14YrneritS
assignments of FBI personnel you believe is relevant.
intioductiOn to 'Paft III: In' t hi S eCtio r4 ;We are Seeki rig- information feOrding a 'Wide- range of
Interview or Interrogation techniques ancrother type.§,!Pf-detainee -treat:1171Pritalieged to have occurred.
You should nqt assume, 'just because weareaSking about a particular technique or practice, that we hog
concluded that it in tct occur,rd We r00,gniza.MasOrrie of these techniques or practices may at -times
be-, neteSSary, for safety arid , security in 'a :deteritibn 'Setting". triadditiOni we recOgriiie that,Sorrie of these
techniques or practices' may have been authorized for use by military' or other government personnel.
With respect tach identified 'technique, pradtide,, tyl?`P'of,conductidesdri.bed belovx.f, Weare 'seeking'
information about, its occurrence durin§Wrin.cOnnedtiOn with the intai -view or inteitogation of a
detainee, oi-; dining, the detention licar:detarriee beyond what is needed foi , safety and sedulity'.
Th that 'context, we wiit ask you ,to tell us whether 'one'.or more ofthe following statements are true:
1, I personally observed this cond uct
2. IObserVed .d etaierie (S), in a ,Condition that led nie -to beiieve that this conduct. had .cittutted.
3 Detaineets) told 'me that this,CondUdthati occared.
'4. Otherslivho observed this ,conductdescri bed it to me.
5, I have relevant information classified above "=5ECqr,
6: I never obserieci this conduct nor heard about it, from someone w did
:27; De tiVin a detainee bflood or Water
b. IN
• I personallyobserved thiscoriduct. •
• 11. ObServed-detaineg(0 in a condition that led me to belleVe that this cOnduCt had occurred.' • 11 Oto n e.S ) told me that this Cond ,uctl -,iad occurred.
d. II .0thers WhO Observed thi's- Mticindt4eSoritied it to me
e; • if have relevant information Clatsified aboVe ".S.tC0 -". .
f. J I never observed thisOriduct nor heard .about it from someone who did.
DOJOIG 000163
'28. D.efiriVing edeta inee Of clat hind
a. - lipersonally observed this -conduct.
b. q LobserVed detainee(s) in ,eConditiohlhat led Me to, believe that: his Condud hadoCCUrred.
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this coridudt had occurred.
d, n .Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. n I have relevant information classified above •SECIIET'". ,
f. lE1 .:r- r!‘er-olo,served,this ,apciuct .nor heard .a bout it from someone who did.
Depriving -a detainee of sleep; or interrupting sleep by frequent cell relocations orcither methods
a. 1 personalfrobserved this ,conduct.
b. n I:observed detainee(s)" in -a _cond Mori that led me to believe that this conduct had ,occurred.
. n i .
iDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had:occurred.
d , n /Others who observed this conduct described it to me...
e. n k: have relevant information clasSified above"$ECkET".
I' .' El I. never observedi thi'cgricluct nor heard about it from,' sgt1:10-$1, wt10 did.
:30. Beating a detainee
:a: - il, personally observed thisconduct.
b. n r observed ,detainee(s), In a condltion"that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred,
c. Petal nee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
0. n Others who pl?sery,ed this condutt described it to me.
IEI I have relevant Information classified above - "SECRET".
f. { 131 it never observed this -conduct nor heard ,a bout it from sOrneOne'who did.'
:31. gsing waterto 'prevent breathing by a detainee or-to create the sensation of-drowning
;T-7A-- I personallrobserved this condUCt.
DOJOIG 000164
• I, observed detainee(s) in a'cond Mom that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
• Others who ohserved this conductdescrib,ed it to me.
0 I have reieva,nt information classified aboVe".5ERE'r.
f. IFI t neverobserved thistonduct nor heard about it 'fromsorrieone who did.
31. 'Using' hands rope, or anythin 'else to choke or strangle a detainee
a. '''' I personal observed this-conduct.
b: • I observed detainee(s) in a -condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.,
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
__ ^ .._
^o 'ai
• Others who observed this conduct cLescribeq it to me.
• tt have relevant information classified Oove,"$gt-W,r,-, .
t 2 V neverobsoNed thiSconduct nor hoard ,about it from someone kiv,h9, did.
Threatening other action' toeause physical pain,: injury, diSfigurement, or 'd eath:
riiergin8lly obserVed this ctOridutt, — • L observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had ip,ccorred.
• ;Detaihee(S) told :me that thiooridlict had 'occurred. .
• Others who, observed this conduct destribed it to me. • r have relevant information -classified ahoVe ,. EtgEr'.
f. I I never Observed thiscOndiXt Pb..1" heard about it from sorrreorewho did.
;d11, Other treatment or action :causing, significant pnysital.pain or injury,- or causing disfigurement or
a. " I personally obserVed this conduct.
b, • t observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had OcOurred.
C. • DetaineeM -told nie Via this Writ:hitt had 'otairred.
id. • Others Who Observed this toridUct described It to Me.
'.0. • Il have relevant inforinatiOn claSsified aboVe "SECRET".
DOJOIG 000165
never observed this.conduct nor heard about it from 'someone who did.
'55. Placing a detainee-.ori a hot SurfaCe dr biirriing a - detainee
a: " ',personally observed thisconduct.
b, n 'Observeddetainee(s) ina:condition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred.
: n Detainee(s) told rile that this CoridUct had ottintrad.
d. n Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. n I have relevant InformatiOn classified above "SECRET".
f. 0 I, never observed this 'conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
:36, Using 'shackles °Cotner - restraints in a 'prolo-nged -manner
. I personally observed this. conduct.
n I:observed detainee(s) In a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had :occurred'.
c. n Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had -occurred.
n Others who observed this conduct described it to me,
e. I have relevant information classified above "SECREr" -.
f. Ef,I,neverobserved this tonduct nor beard :about, it from ;someone who did.
37. Requiring,a detainee-to maintain, or restraining a detainee in, a stressful or painful position
' I( personally 'observed thls:conduct.
: n I:observed detainee(s), in a:condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. n Detainee(s) -told 'me that this conduct had occurred.
n Others Who observed this conduct described it to Me'
e, n :I haverefevarit information classified above 'SECRET".
f, RI fr never observed, this conduct nor heard about it from someonewho did.
381. fercing a detainee to ,performdemanding hysital exercise
DOJOIG 000166
d. 0 Others Who observed this ConduCtri.escribed it to: rne.
" 1
Ei I neverobserved this .coridUct nOr heard ,ahout. it 'frOin someone Who did.
. q Detainees)-told me that this conduct had occurred.
q [ I Obs,erYeddetainee(S) in -a condition that ied me to believe that this 0:induct had occurred.
observed this cotklutt.
elettrictal shOck, :on a detainee
a'. — I persbnally Observed this condUct.
b, q I observeddetainee(s) in-acond Mon that led me to belleVe that this conduct had occUrred.
c, n Detainee(s)'tOld me that this conduct had .oCctirred.
n Others. Who observed this mind Uct ,described It to Me.
n I have relevant information classified above "SECRET".
f. I I never observed thisconduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
40. Threatening to useeledtrical 'shock On a detainee
. --ti. personalty observed this co ndu ct
b; n I Observed detainee(S) in a-cOndition that led me to believe tharthis conduct had occurred.
. n Detainee(s) Uri me that this conduct had occurred.
d n Others who observed this conduct described it to. me:
e. • I have relevant information classified above "SitRET"'.
. Er I neverobserved.thiS conduct nor liea rd -about it fromisomeone-who did.
41. Intentionally delaying 'of-denying detainee medical care
I personally observed thisconduct.
b n Lobserved detaihee(s) in acondition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. n Detainee(s)-told me that this conduct had 'occurred.
, n Others who observed This conduct described it to me..
n I have Tete:Opt information classified above 1$:ECRET"-‘,
DOJOIG 000167
I never observed this conduct nor heard about - It from someone who did.
42. Hooding or blindOlding a tdetairieeother -than during transportation
I. personally observed this conduct.
•• I Observed detainee(s) in ,a ,co rid itionthat led me tO, belieVe thatthis conduct- had ocou'rred: Detaihee(S);told hhe that this coriditt had 'pectirred.
d. • Others. who observed this conduct -described it to me.
e. • I have relevant information classified above "SECkET".
'f. RI I, never observed this conduct nor-heard about it from someone-who, did.
43. Subletting a detainee to extremely cold cal ht room temberatu reS. for extended periods
I' persohallvobserved this conduct.
b. IN I observed detainee(s) In atondition that led me to- believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. II Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
ti. • Others- who observed this conduct described it to me.
I I have relevant Information - classified above 1-!SECR:Er.
Et T.neyerobserved this conduct- nor heard a bout)i from someone, who did.
44. 'Subjecting a detainee to loud music
a. ' it personally' observed this$conduct.
• II -observed detainee(s)ln a ,cond 'bon' that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
• ti D, etaipee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
. • -others who 'ob-served this conduct dewribed k to trie.,
e. • I have relevant information classified above "SECRET'-.
f. , vi ir never observed this 'conduct nor heard about It from someone who did.
45. Subjecting a -detainee to bright flashing lights or -darkness
DOJOIG 000168
Others who observed this conduct described it to me:.
I have 'relevant Information classified above .%ECREr',
d 0
a. " I perSohallyobserved this conduct.
. n I observed detainee(s). in a 4onditiOn that ied me., to believe that this COncltitt had .occurred,
n Detainte(S1 told .The that this conduct had occurred.
d. n Others vithOobServed this conciutt described it to Me.
n I' haVe relevant inforthation ClaSSified a boVe '.'SECRET 9 .
f. l I never obserVed. this -,conduct riOr 'heard abaft it froth .scittleone"Who did.
ISoiating a detainee for att exterided period
itv sa
- I personally observed this .conduct.
n I observed detainee(s). in a oorid ition that led me to believe that this conduct had -occurred.
c. n Detainee(s)'thld the that this' conduct had OcCUrred.
n OtherS Who Observed this cdridlia deScribed It to tne.-
• I. have relevant information classified above ISECRET''.
IZI I neverobserved thisconduct norheard about it from 'someone who did.
47:U:slit -duct tape to restrain, Oaij -,:;ot'Pubieh a detainee
a. '" li‘ personally- observed' thisconduct.
b. n I observed detainee(s) 'In a oond MOO that led me to belleVe that'thls conduct had Occurred.
. n /Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d„ III Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
. n I have relevant information classified above '!:tRET'''.
f. 0 t neverobserved.tbi,Stordoctnorthearcl about it frorosorneon,e ,who- did.
48. Usin raid res onse teams and/or forced cell extractions
" I personally observed this conduct.
b. n tobserved detaihee(s) in acond Mon' that led me to believe that this conduct had `occurred.
c. q Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred:
DOJOIG 000169
I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
49. Sing atnil tan/ Warking .dog on of near a detaineeother than during "detainee transportation
I personally observed this conduct.
b , n I Observed•detainee(s) - ina:condition that led me to belieVe that this conduct had occurred.
• Datainee(s):tbld me that this conduct had occurred.
d. n Others who observed this conduct described It to me.
e. q r have relevant information classified above "SECRET".
f. Q r never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
.50, Threatening to tiseMilitary WOrking dogsOn or near a detainee
a;.' I personally observed this Conduct.
n I -observed detainee(s) In a:condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. n Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had -occurred.
n Others who observed this conduct described it to me: ,
. n I have relevant information classified above. "SECRET'.
I. never observed his °conduct nor heard aboUt it from someone. Who did.
:51-U-sing spiders, scorpions, snakes, orother animals:on or near a detainee.
a. I. personally observed' this ,conduct. ,
n Lobserved detainee(s) in a:condition - that led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred.
n Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred.
n ()tilers who observed This conduct described it to rft:
e. n I.haverelevarit information classified above "SECRET"-.
. Et I' never observed this 'conduct nor heard -about it from, someone did.
52. Threatening to use spiders, scorpions, snakes, or other aniMais on adetainee
DOJOIG 000170
a. I personally observed this conduct. ,
b, • I obsered,detainee(sY in ,0:01-id itionthat led me to beileVe tha.t. thiS COM uCt had occurred.
• Detainee(s) , bild Me that this conduct had Oeciltred.
li 0,thei-S who observed .thiS conduct described it to Me.
• I haVe relevant inforrnation ClaSeified abOye '-'5ECRET 9 ‘.
I never Observed this.condutt nor heard "abotit it froni someone Who did.
$3. DiSreSpectful statement. _handling, r oractiOns involving the KOrati
a. — t' perSonally'ObserVed this.condUCt. . .
b. • I. observed detainee(s) in a Cord itiOn that led me to. believe that this conduct had OcCUrred.
c. • Detainee(s) tOld Me that this conduct had oCCUrred.
• Others Who ObserVed this conduct dekribed it to 'tile,
• I have relevant information classified above 'SECRET'.
Et' I never observed this.conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
:SC Shaving a detainee's facial or other "hairte erribarraSsor „humiliate; a 'detainee,
'a. I. personally observed this conduct
b. • I Observed detainee(s) In a:condition that led me' to believe that, this cOnd.utt had OccUrreci;
. • Detainee(S) told me that this conduct' had :occurred.
d, • Others who observed this conduct described it to me:
e'. • I have relevant information classified above DS CRET".
'f. RI t neverobserved. this 'conduct nor about it from ; someonewho did.
55. Placihg a woman's clothing on a detainee
. I persopallyobserved this conduct.
tobserved detainee(s) in a cond Mort that led me to believe 'that this conduct had :occurred:
• Detainee(s),tOld me that this conduct had occurred,.
I Others who observed, this conduct described t to me..
, IN I. have Teleyarit information classified above "SECRET"
DOJOIG 000171
Ef zI never- observed thls.conduct nor heard about it from 'someone who did.
56. Touching a de.taihee drattihg lOward a d'etaine'e in ,a Se)tualTnannet- .
a. I personally Observed thisconduct.
• IObserved detainee(s). in a:condition that led me to belleVelhat this condutt had occurred.
n Detainee(s)told rhe that thiS toridutt had odciirred.
n Others, who observed this conduct described It to me.
e. n I have relevant information classified ab,ov,e 'SECRET"-,
f. I It never observed this conduct nor heard ,a bout it from someone-who did.
Fielding detaineeW who Were not officiallyackheWiedged or registered aS Such by the agenty
detaining - the: person:
a. - I personally observed this.coriduct:
b. n a observed. detainee( in a ;cond Mop that- led me, to believe that: this conduct- had .occurred,
c. n ;Oetairtee(s) told The that this conduct had Occurred.
d. n Others who observed this condgCt describe,d it to me.
e:, n II have relevant Intormotiollaiffed .above "SECRET"-,
f. 2 ;1‘ never ObServed -thisco rid uet nor heard about it" r om sOrnebne, who, cl Ed .
58. Sending:a detainee to another , country for more :agg ressive iriterrogation
- trpersonailyobserved thisCondu,Ct ,
b. n I observed rietainee(s), in a .conditipri. that led me to believe that, this conduct had .occurred.
III petainee(s) - told The that thi, cond Vet had occurred.
d. n Others who Observed this co,ndOct-deScribed it to me.
e. n I have relevant informations ci4sifieci a bove, "ScRET"I
f. Ef cI:rieverobterVed thiscenduet nor heard about. it frOmeOrneene who did.
=59. Threatening to send a detainee to another country for detention: or more ag a ressive interrogation
DOJOIG 000172
a: ' I personally observed this,conduct.
, n I observed detainee(s) in a.cdriditionthat led the to, belleVe thatthis Conduct had beeUrred.
C. n Detainee(s)-told me that this conduct had occurred.
d,' q Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. n I have relevant Information: classified above= ' -`8EtRET''.
. RI I neverobseryed this conduct nor heard about it from 'someone who did. .
Threatening to take action againsta detainee's family,
a. " k personally observed this conduct.
n I observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred.
n Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. n I have relevant information classified above "SECIIEr.
f. El iI never observed thistondutt nor heard about it from someone:Who did,
:4.'00er:treatment or action causing severe emotional or psychological trauma to a:detainee
^, .s.
%personally observed this conduct.
n 4 ,9bserved cletainee(s)" in 4'conclition that led Me to believe thetthis cond,uct had occurred.
c. n petainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
. • Others who observed this conduct described It to me..
-1--- .
q il haverelevant information classified, above "SECRET":
(f. - 121: il never observed this conduct nor heard-about it from scimeorre:Who did,
, :Other religiousorsexual'harassment or humiliation of a detainee
- 4; p,ersonally, observed this conduct:
n 4:observed cletaineeCs) In " a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. n 'Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
n t Others, who observed this Conduct described it to Me
DOJOIG 000173
e. 0 II have relevant information' classified above "SECRET".
f. 2 never observed this conduct nor'heard about it from someone who did.
63. Othertreatnient of a detainee that in yoUr Opinion was uriprbfessional, uriddly-harSh -De agg,reSSive,
coercive, abusive, or unlawful
ii personally observed this conduct.
iI,observed .detainee(s) in acond Month* led me to' believe that this cpnduct had occurred.
- El, DeOirtee(s) told me that this conduct had OCCO rred.
•o', ai
• ;Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
• !I have relevant information classifiedabove "SE CRET".
f. Ef II nev,er observed this conduct nor heard about it frornsOrneOne who; did.
air . • 4".4.
64. Did you:observe any Impersonation of FBI personnel by anyon-eduring, an, interview or 'interrogation of
a detainee?-
.0 lies 0 No
65. Did any- detaineeorOther person tell you that he or she had witnessed the impersonation of, FBI
personnel in connection with 'a detainee interview or interrogation'?
(.1 (
'66. Are 'you. aWareof -any " sharn" or "Staged" .detairite interviews, &Interrogations Conducted for Members
.of 'Qom ressor their staff?'
0 Yes No:
:67.. To' your knowledge
, did any military or intelligence personnel ever:deny or delay FBI access to a
:detainee the FBI wanted to question because'the'detainee had sustained injuries alter he was captured?
0Yes Q No'
681 Did you ever end your participation inì Of cibSeNatibri of a detainee interview Or interrogation
because of the. interview Or interrogation methods being used?
.0 Yes ' Nb
DOJOIG 000174
6Were you ever told thatanother FBI employee ended his or her participation )n or observation. of x,a
detainee interview or interrogation because of Interview ofinterrogation methods being used?
70. During any ofyour overseas:deployments or assignments did you report 'any -concerns. regarding
any detainee interview or'Interrogatiari praCticesi o r, other types of detainee treatment? to an FBI
Q Yes QNo
'70a. When and to whom did you mice his report?
On or aboUt 0.8/01-1512:004 to MUM, (pleaSe see question 34)
701), Did the repOrt relate tOtariduct by FBI or .nOn-FBI Persontiel?-
I IRIFBIPersonn,e1
2 Callon-FBI Personnel
7OC, Was this report in Writing?
1 DYes
70d, V.Vasany actiontaken in response to your report?
1 DYes
2 Ei No
3 ElDo Not Know
71 Ppring:any,of your oyqrseas deployments :or assignments, : di&you report-any eoneerAs ,reggdigg any.
.detaineointerviewor intenogation pradtiees or lather:types Of detainee treatmenty.onolaserved:orbeard.
&out, to a riciii-FBItupetVistir or other flonFBI geetorindl?
yes: 0 No
72, Have you ever been ordered or not to report, ‘Oo r discouraged in a ny,vvy from reporting t
observations Or allegation& related 'to detainee,treatmerit Or interview or interrogation actions or
74. (OptiOna I). Plea provide any, additional ObiTirrientS- regarding The reporting :or cOnCerris related to
interview : or kiterroOatiOhteohhiqueS, detention otactieS, or :Other, detainee treatment Additional
Inforrhationfor Question #70 -.SAI I an Agent ,asSig ned toAfghanistan, was
requested by the military unit to which: he was attached, to provide,a written response ,to, questions
generated by a rpihtary in- uiry-iritO the Mistreatment of a person captured during :p,senSitiye site
exffoitation. S' riSwered the i-dtiLe..S.tpcl questions and subrrptted hisresponse to his
assigned rnilitai-jr unit. This was not a significantitkie for Myself or 5 . berfauSe he
advised heves not present for nor madeaware,orthe circumstances surrounding any
mistreatment I notified MLDU of this _issue Telephonically. I may have also provided
hOtikation through :the Athondaily report but Lam not
DOJOIG 000175
6:Yes, 6 No
HaVeyou experienced any Actual Or threatened retaliation for repOrting, olaSeryatiOnS cir-allegatiOns
of detaineeltreatmerit & interView. Or interrOgation, actions or OraeticeS?
0, Yes 0 NO
75.- Were you debriefed, other than the,standard debrief in. FQ--772', concerning your overseas
assignment(s) prdeplOymerif(s) after you compieted the depibyment(s) or assignment(sp:
O'Yes 0 No
' 75b. When aria w ere:, i t e e ne tng occur?
FBIHQ on or aboUt 09/02-0312004
75c. Were you asked abdut detainee de'tention Or interview or interrogation
5d1 What other subjects were covered during yoprdeb:riefing (S)?
FBI operations/Futu reoperations and assignments,
75e. Was.anY docurerent Prepared to r.nertiotiazeth6.debriefine
0 Yes 0 No ODo Not Know
76. Additional Cornmentsand ilecommendations:
Tflp.1.c,you rgrypsurs,cp,Dpgr,ation in completing
Oratticesdurinq the
DOJOIG 000176
Department of iustice Inspector General Questionnaire Regarding Detainees
As of the last time this questionnaire was saved, some required 'fields have not been completed.
Please,jreVieW your responses.
BAe -G-RouNo
A. Personal Information
PleaSelProVidethefolloWin4 iriforMatiori:
1, First hame
2, Middle Initial:
a. Last name:: .
4,, Entered On Duty Date (DOD):
"OirrentblyisioniPield Office:
Current job title:. ,
7: Direct:dial Office:telephone ridniber:
8. FBI tell icitiOne.hurriber:
9. FBI. pager number:
10., 'Best contact number for you.:
B. Background of Specific Deployments ot Assignments
11. At any time after SePternber 1L 2001„ did ydu Ser'Veas a rnerhber of the U.S. Military, be aS
employee or contractor of the Fl3r or any other government agency, at Guantanamo Bay-iaba; Iraq;
Afghanistan; or in areas ',controlled by the U4. Military or a U.,$. intelligence service in connection with the
global waron terror?
0 Yes 0 Na
12. Enter the number of times you weresieployed orasSig nett tb each cif thefoilOwing 10 -cations,
,(GUantariarno Bay, Cuba, Itaq;:Afghanistan;,or in any are Controlled bytha US. Military or a US.
intelligence serVice):-2-
FOreach deployment orasighthent complete the following Secticin.
LocationCicalOct one) Deployment oriiis:Oinnrnerit'kenno On Of Deployment or assignment ended on
about Or about
949.110.tiqt19 Bay 03/12/2002 04/10/2002
12a, What was the:general natu re and liprp`Os. Qt yoarassigrirrietit,and aCtiVitieS?
TO interview
12b. Please provide the names of thespecific,camps basest or facilities where you worked.
Camp-Ray, uantanarno gay t Cuba
12c. Note: If information about a specifit carrip:, Ei,aset, ta(ijity, laSstied latiaVe SECRET,
please check here D, include in your answer that you have nadditionol information classified above
'SEcRET,",' and, if you krioW;identify theClaSsification level, tieket,:cormiartrilent, program, or other
designation thatapp Iles to the:information, Dpi; not include:theladditionaf.cssified information !n - your
DOJOIG 000177
6. 4 TC
Spedial Agent
8 4,76 1:)/R AOREEMENT
questionnaire resPonseS btO personnel with the necessary Clearance' will, contact you to receive it.
Name 115ogiti„o.n.
SuperviSory'SpeCial Agent
12e. DV you jointly intervieW r interrogate any detainee with tion-FBI ijerSOrmel?
lies Q
With whatkinds of non-FBI personnel did you work jointly? ,
.1 RI cr,rF
a()ther-IJA Military
intelligence agency
'FOreign 'military or intelligenCeagencY
0 Other
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ------ - - ^ ------ - - -0 -• -----
.,12f. Did you jointly plan any, detainee interview orinterrogationstrategy,„ objectives,, or tactics with non-
FBI personnel?
With what kinds of nori-FBI. personnel did YOU ,Workjoiritly?
': 0 OtherU.S. Military
intelligence agency
El 'Foreign military or intelligence agency
0 Other -
12g. Were you 'ever Otherwise involved In detainee InterviewS-Or interrtigatIons.With perSonnei?'
0' YeS 0 NO
Location oetect eirie) D'eiiPPV4Weitt orVnigiinlnt bdiMn On or Deplovtiient or assionment ended on about oabout
11.Pq 10/16/20.04 01/0_02605,
12a : What was the general nature and purpose OfyouresSignment and aCtivities?
ItiveStigative Agent, OperationS:Netit for the Baghdad Operations tenter, Liaison to the CIA
12h. Please provide the names if the specific camps, bases, or facilities where you WOrked.
Worked at the Baghdad sOperations , Center located within the Green Zone of Bag hdad,Trag but I also
cond ucted interviews at Camp Cropper located in the area Of the Baghdad International Airport
r2c. Note: If information abput a -Specific camp( base, or faPiliWIS,Plassified 'above SECRET,
please check. here 0, inCludein your answer that y`ou'heye"additionalinfortation classified above
'SECRET," and, if you know, identify theCiaSsification level, tiCket r .cOmPartnient, prodram„ orether
designation that applies to the information 'tick not include theadditlohal classified information in your
questionnaire responses. OIG personnel with the necessary clearance will contact you to receive it
Please identify, by name and position at the time,: the FBI personnel to whom you directly reported.
dUririg YoUr te0oxment or ssignrnent
OIG Q-000178
DOJOIG 000178
.DefitV Dri-scene-Cornmander
"--1e. Did youltointly.InterVieW or InterrOgateany detainee With nOn-FBI personnel?
0 Yes 0 No
*••- With what kinds of 60-Fig personnel did you work jointly?
- 0 crrE
o Other U.S. Military
intellige.nce agency
El 'Foreigri:Military or intelligence agency
:izf. Did you jointly plan, any ,detainee interview orinterrogatlort strategy; objectives, or tactics With non7
'FBI personnel?
Q YeP 0 No
..... •••• •••• n•• *.^ ••••
With what kinds of non-FBI personnel did you work jointly?
0 tITF
:El. Other U.S.. MiIilary.
U.S. Intelligent agency
El Foreign military' or intelligence agency
0 'Other
,12g. WereyOu )far OthefWide involited in detained - inteNiewsbilriterrogations With.:non-FBI persbrindl?
.0 Yes a No:
A. Training Prior to Overseas. Deployment or Assignment
15: Did you receive any training, inStruction,:or guidance.specifically ih -prepa ration for anrof your
overseas deployments•OrassigninentS?
Oyes • PNo ODo Not Recall
13a, Who provided this training, instruction, or guidance, and where did you receive it?
The training was provided by the Iraqi/Syrian & Lita Untfrom FBI HQ, Firearms
Training Unit, FBI HpStageRescue Team at Quaptico,. Rapid Deployment Logistics Unit,
EAP and the Medidal -C011ege.Of Georgia. at QUantica, VA.
Describe the subject on which you received ',this. training, instruction orgutderm
Cultural Awareness?, Intelligence information on :Abu Musab.prgewi and l qaeda,.
Medical training,, Equipment preparation, Ambush tactics, Firearms, Liftaver
Erriergency FirstAid
DOJOIG 000179
OYes ONo Ono Not aecall
15., In preparation for any of your overseas d,epidyitteri;ts or :as'ig h irierit i xl id you reteive any training;
instruction, or:gindance Concerning, ,theStaridards of ,Conditct a OP licable to the,treatment,
interview, or interrogation of:detainees by non-FBI personnel?
OYes eio ODo Not Rem))
16. In preperatiOn for any of your oVerseat dePloyinentS or OsSignmerits, td id yoti feCeive,any training,
instructiOn,- orgilidanCe concerning ,What you weresnp pbsed to do if yail 'ob's&vdd ,Ori heard 'a bont
the treatment,:interview, or interrogation of .detainees by FBI personnel, which you ,belleved to
be inappropriate, unprOfeSsiOnal, COerCive; :abusive, or unlawftil?
OYes ONO 'ODo Notketeil
17.. In preparation for any of your overseas deployments or assignments,. did you receive any training,.
instruction, or guidance concerning what you,were ,supposed 1646 If you observed or heard ;about
the tmatment, interview, or ititerrogationof !deteinees by non-FBI perstonnel,-Which^Ibu believed
to be inappropriate, iinprofetsionel, ctiertiVe, buSive, nnlawfUl?
Des -ONO 0 D6 ,NOt ;Recall
)6. Training, During Overseas Deplgymants or Assignments
10, Wring any or your overdeoloymehts or 1g tirPents, did you reteiVe any training, instruttion s,
Ijidancetoncerning thetandard Oftondud eliCabletafhe treatthent,
interrogation of detainees by FBI personnel?
19. DO ring any Of yOurocterdedgrdeOloythehtd assig fir:6611S, ,did Yon receive Orly training, iriStriittien,:
erg nidanceconcerning the:standards of.coridlidaOpliCable tO,theAreatrnent, intervievir, or
interrogation of detainees by non,FBI personnel?
:O?es ODo Not Recall,
'20. During any of your overseas Of asSig ntrientS, did you receive OriOraining, instrUctiOn,
org uidance concerning what:you weresu p posed to:do:if you observed or heard about -the.
treatments interview, or interrogation of 0,or.qinpe.5. by Fla pArsonn,O,': which you believed 'to be
iiieppropripte,, unprofe.ssional, tbercive, abusive, pr unlawful?'
QYes 006 190i11.etaii
21. During any of your overseas-deployments or assignments, did you receive any - training, Insfructioni
176,:npliPtd, tO'ac? if you observed or heard-49ot the or guidance concerning What Yog,16/6
tfeettnent, iritetvieim g er interrogation,ofdeteineet by riOli -FBI personnel, Whichyou believed to
DOJOIG 000180
be inappropriate, unprofessional,, coercive, abusive, or unlawful?
:OVes 0 DO ,Not- Recall
C. Adequacy of Training
22.1n your opinion, did you receive adequate training, inttrUctiOn, or guidanCe relating lb Standards
COnduCt by FBI ,and non-FBI personnel relating to treatrnent, iriterView,Or interrogatiOnOf
'detainees prior to your deployment or assignment?
'Yes QNd
23.1n your opinion, did: you receive adequate training, instruction,,orguidance relating tccstanclarcis
of Conduct by and non-FBI personnel relating to treatment, interview, or interrogation of
detainees during yOur deplOyrrient or assig nment?
Ys O .No
24.dti ,your apinioh, did.yOti reCeiVeadeqiiate training, inStruCtion,,:orguiderice 'concerning 'What You
were supposed to do If you observed or heard about the treatment, interview, 'or , interrogatbn of
detainees, by 'fig or port:Fat personnel / that you believed was inappropriate, unprofessional,
coercive, ,abuSiVe, or unlawful'?
Q Q.t No
-.221a. Please describethewaysln which you believe the training, instruction or guidance was
I don't believe a ny -ispecitic:traihihg, was necessary .- Common sense and my training as a new agent at
the.FBIAtatiertiy Would dictate to me that ifj viewed something that was inapprOpriatel would have
consulted With 440 On-Scene-Commander for the appropriate direction to take. nnn •n, n.n 7. n.• N. 7.. n R
(OptiOrtal) In What ay ca the FBI 'it-non:We: ning iin thiS subject 'fOr future depidyrhents- or
Please -provide-any add: Mona) information concerning training for oversea, d ep loyrnentspr
assioments df q4 personnel you believe is relevant.
It Would be helpful for indiVidualS,WhO d.o; riottkirrnally work in a ClasSified EnVirOhnnent"t0 be:bliefed on
the laWS, Ades and Oblides Of working with classified material and in adlaSsified eoVirohment.
refresher tothoseindivlduals wha -do work in a Classified EnVironment would also not be helpful
especially since‘we,are'wof,king with so many different agencies within the Intelligence Community. ,
Introduction to Part Irn Ir ail's:seal:0n, we-are seeldrig _information regarding a wide:range:of
interview br interroatidn tethnique and other types;ofsitoino'o treatment pliggecl to haw. ocoqrred-
DOJOIG 000181
You should :not:assume, just because weare 'asking about a particular technique or practice, thatwe shave
concluded that it in fact occurred. we recognizethat ,somepf these techniques or practices may at times
be necessary for safety and security in a id,etentiOn setting'. InadditiOrip we recognize that some of these
technigLies or practices May have been authorized for Use by •militaryor other goVernenent personnel.
AA/P1 xespect to -each identified technique1 practice,:cyrtype -of •Conciliet escribe,d ,below ; we:are seeking
infOrtriatipri 'a bout it ptairrente :during or in connection with the interview or interrogation of a
detainee,,A:ir during the deteritiooof a detainee heyand what is:heeded for safety and security.
In that ,coritkt,,, we will ask you to tell us -whether one or more ofthe following statements are true:
1,, I personally cobsalved thicoridUct
2 I observed detainee(s) in o Condition that led Met? believe that this grid vci had occurred
3. Detainee(s) told Me that this conduct'had oCcurred.
-4., Others who observed this conduct/described it tome.
5; I have relevant information classified above ,"SECRET,
6. I never observed this cond.Uct nor heard about It frpm Someone who did-.
'27. Depriving a detainee affo6d or water
,I • II personalty observed this conduct:
,, I Iobserved detainee(s) in a:conditiop that led me to bel ieve.that,this conduct had occu,rred,
, • betaineem told me that this conduct had occurred.
• Dthers who 'obseryed this conduct described it to rne. -
• I have relevant information cla$sified 'p&p* '',SFtREr'::
f. fill . never observed thisconduCt nor'heard about it from sornepnevs'ing did.
Depriving a detainee, *acid hing
iam 0 II personally observed' this conduct.
b., _• robserved detainee(s) in a:cord itiori that led me to believe, that this conduct-had occurred.
to: diDetainee(s)/told me that thiS: GS;r1c!ticP had '0-cc,Orr1.
• I0therS who observed This conduct described it to roe.
.I..N...1 i t have relevant infOrma tiOnats,.l.S,. ...,i. fied above "$,EC, kET'''. M T never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. .
, Depriving :a detainee of sleep,. or interrupting sleep by frequent el relocations or other methods
rthrially,obsrv„e d. . this _06 hdikt.
DOJOIG 000182
b. • I-observed detalnee(s). In a -condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c: El Detainee(s)-tOld me that this conduct had occurred.
Others who observed this conduct-described it to me
I, I have relevant information classified, above "SECRET'.
• I neverobseryed this .conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
:-g. Please provide the approximate time frameAuring, which this-conduct occu rred.
From. "1.1/004 LIDO Not Fte0all.
h, The detainee(t) treated in this way were located at the time 'in:
3 0 Afghanistan
4 0 ,o,ther Ldcation b6
5 0 Do Not Ret3II :b7C
1. Please - identifv thedetainee -name and nuMber:
kk..I I Detainee Numb,erl 120010
;j. please identify the.person(s)who treated the. detainee(s).in this manner, including their
nerne(S) and, government agenpy(tes):
w,as, neverprOvided With this infOrmatibn,
please identify any;cither FBI personnel or non-FBI personnel WhO observed detainee(S) treated
in this` manner, Including their narne(s), and egency(les):
•I do not recall Who„ ,other than the.aforementioned :detainee., told me of this :treatment but itwas
a well know:fact that sleep- dapriyatIOn was- used.
I. This conduct occurred in connection with
1 'One detainee
2 •CI 'Sev.eral dela ineeS, (2-41
3 0 Many detainees (more than zi),
,4 DO Wit Recall
iti.(OptiOrialj *Please.destribethe relevant CirturnstanceS. in mcire..ddtail:
Theway. I understand the situation Is that,slgep deprivation Was used an interrogation
. technique by the .U. Military. I 15 hb! know of One detainee who this Was uSed-anainSt a d as I
recall it wasonly during . a short periOd.Of time. When 1 perSOnally interMeWedl
he stated that he was being, well treated by the military at the time of the interviews b6
30.. Beating a detainee
101 0 II-personallY;observed:thls conduct.
DOJOIG 000183
, • [observed detainee(s) In acond Non that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. • Detainee,( )tOld me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others' whootiserved this conduct it to M.P',
e, • [have relevant information classified gov47..E.CRE71%-.
f. l I neverobserved thistoncluct nor heard :about it from someone - who did,
.51. Using water to prevent breathing by a detainee or to create the sensation of drowning
a. • I perscirially observed this -conduct.
• pbliSerVed ,cletaintets) in a dinditiOntha Jed me to believe that'thiS Conduct had 'oCCurrect.
c. ip /petainee(S) told m'e that this conduct had,octorreitl.
d. • OtherS whO observed this cOnduct:desOribed ft to:rne.
''. • I have relevant inforMatibri classified aboVen,SECRET".
El LrieVerobterved thistOildlidt nbt,Illeard .abont it frorri-stinleonie ,WhO did.
-.32. Using' hands, rope, Or anyniagelse to.ChOkeOt Strangle -a .detainge
. • !I. personally observed this to ndu ct,
b-. • II observed -detainee(s), in a condition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred:
;c. , • !petainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d, • 'Others who observed this conduct described it to. Me.,
e. • it have relevant information classified above "SECRET'''.
f. Er ‘I never observed thiS conduct nor heard ,a boot it fr,orn someone:Who did.
15, Threatening other actiorrto -cause‘ physical pain, injury, :disfigurement, QrTjeatty,
. . • IT personally obs,erved this 'conclita,
,. • q ohseived.deffiiriee(s) in a condition that led, me to. believe that:this Conduct had occurred.
• Detainee(s) told me that this condtict had OcCorred.
0 Other§ Whb observed this Conduct described it to the.
• CI haVefelevarit Informatibri ClaSsified above "SECRET". '
f: El II never observed this conduct nor heard about it frornsorbeorie'Vvh6 did.
DOJOIG 000184
gthertreatment or action -causiog significant, physical pin, or injury, or causing disfigurement or
.. • I personallyobserved this conduct.
', • lobserved detainee(s) in acondition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
• betainee(s),told me that this cord uct had occurred,
• Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
• I have relevant informatio.n classified. .a b.o .v e ":S„. ECREr',
I never Os:ONO this.Oncluct nor h' rd O‘ou.t it frOrn SOrrieOne:WhO aid,
35. piecing a detainee on a hot surface or burning a , detainee,
la.. 0 r personallyObServed this!conduct.
ii. • IOliserVed detainee(s): Ina condition that 'led MO, to believe that this ccinduct had occurrod.
. • Cietainee(s), tOld rne that thiS Ccinclutt had OCcurriaci.
, • Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
• IL haVereleVarit information classified a boVe 'SECRET".
f. 0 I' never observed. this ;conduct ,nOr heard about it frorn,someoneWho did.
35, wit* 'shackle Or Other restraints in,a, itilonged Manner'
• I personallyobserved this.conduct.
b. III I ohserved, ,detainee(s) in a .conditionthat led: me to- believe that:this' conduct had occurred,
• Detainee(s), tOld me that this, conduct had 'occurred.
. • ethers who observed this conduct,describeci it to me.
e., • ' have relevant information classified above: "SECRET%
:neVer observed this Conduct nor heard 'about it from. ,sameonewho did.
37.,Requiring-a :detainee to maintain, or restraining a ;detainee In, a stressful or painful position
DOJOIG 000185
n ------ n -• ------- •- n,_
a. III I personally observed thiS„conduct.
b.. • Lobserved detainee(s) in a cond itionthat led me to believe that this conduct had :occurred.
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred.
• Others' who 'observed 'fl-its conclu,cud'escribed It to me.
I have relevan. t infor, mat„i on„ c lassifieda. bove ''',EtttErIl.
I, nemerobserved. this COnduct nor heard ebput it from:someone' who did.
3. Forcing a detainee to perform demand IN physical exercise
la. • I persbnatiy 6bS'erved thfscblidtict.
b. • I observed detainee(S). ina:ondition that led Me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c, • Detainee(S)told niOtilOt this conduct had cCcurred,.
. • Others who observed this conduct described it to Me.
• I; haVe releVatit information Classified a lieVe 7SECRET" .
l I never observed this mnd uct ,norheard a boUt: it from, sorriebne Who did.
:39. OSin'y eleCtritg ShotiCan a detainee
' • I personally observed this,conduct.
h. I:observed deteinee(sy in a tanditionthat led me to believe that this conduct had -occurred. I
c. I Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had pccigred.
d, • ?Therp. whp Chserved thia conduCt.dribed it to mer. ,
e; 111 have relevant Information classified above "SECRET".
never observed thc9nduct rfor.heard :a hoot- it from:someOrie-who did,
40. Threatening to 'useelectrica I shoticon a detainee
a. • 1 Oersonallyobterved: this &Mutt.
b, • F obsevth:dotole*) it a canditiOn that led ma, tci believe that conduct had ,occurred.
C. • Detairidets) told 'hie that this Ccindua had ;Octurred.
d . Others Whit) obserired thiS Candi:1dt dekribed it to me. .
11 1 have relevant information classified above "SECRET".
DOJOIG 000186
I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone. who did.
IntenticiriallttietsyttArj.der_iyinO .detaineeniedical t are,
. U. 1:personallrobserved this conduct.
b. • I observed ,detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe thatthis conduct hPc1 -9ccurred...
c. 0 Oetalnee(q)-tOld methat this:cm:014a had ,occurred,
Mr Others who observed ttli5, mnductdescribed it to me
e. II I have relevant information Classified aboye." , ECRET'".
f. 1?1 t never ObserVarthis ,coriduct nor heard about it from'someoneWhd did.
42: ,I=looding, or blindt0 Id ing a detainee, other than during .transportat ion
a. El I, bersbnallyobserVed this conduct.
b. • ItbserVed,detainee(s) in 'acOndition that, led me to belieVe that this Conduct had edeurred.
c.. • Detainee(s)1Old me that thiS condutt had Odctirred.
----- Ei I
LOthert who obSeiVeci this canduadeStribed if to rne
I. have relevant Information classified above "SECREr.
f. El if never observed thisconduct norheard about it from -someone who' did.
43. 'subjecting a ,detaineeto eXtremely cold hot room terh seratures for extended periods
a. • t p,ersorially‘o,b,served this conduct.
0 , • 'observed ,detainee(S). In a:cond ition that led me to believe thabthls co rt,d,uct nacroccurred.,
c. • Deitnee(s) told me that :t:hi5 sand had occurred.
ci,. • bthers who Observedthiscondtict,deScribed it to tne,
e., • I have relevant Informationclassified above S. E R. ET".
f. El I fi v et' oborved thit :05nduct nor heard a bOut it frorn ScirnedneWhO did.
4:4 ttjc'ti'ri atietinee to laud music
DOJOIG 000187
a. n I personally observed this conduct.
b. n lI observed detainee(s) - in a cond,itionthat led me to believe that this conduct had occurred,.
c, n Detainee(s) told ,me that this conduct had •occurred.
d. n othrg` 100 OberVed this 'MOO Lia described it to me,
e. n ,I• haver eleVant it-ikon-nation classified abOye "SECRET. .
Ei 1, never observed this conduct nor heard about It from:sorneorre who did.
SubjeCting a detainee to bright flashing lights or darkness
n 4 personally observed this conduct.
n I ObserVed detainee(S) in .a torid ititin. that led me to believe that this conduct had ,accuited.
. n :Detalbee(S)-tOld me that this conduct had occurred.
d. n ;Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
n il have relevant information classified above. "SECRET".
f. L k, never observed this conduct nor heard about it from; sorneonewho did.
, 46. Isolating a detainee for an extended peliod
lb; la.0
'I. per.sonally - erved this conduct. ,,
II observed detainee(s) in a condition, that led,me to believethatthis conduct had occurred,
c, n iDetainee(s) told ;me that this, conduct had 'occurred.
d. n OtherS who ObServed thiS Conduct-described it to Me.
e. n g have relevant infOrrhatiOn claSSified above "SECRET".
1. n II never. observed. this conduct nor heard about it frorn stimebneWhO, did.
g. Please provide the approximate time frame .during which this.conduct occurred.
From 1122004 to 01/2005 0Do Not Recall
h. The detainees) treated in this way were located at the time In:
1 q Guantanamo
3 0 Afghanistan
4 q Other LoCation
5 q Do Not Recall
DOJOIG 000188
i. Please identify täinee(si by name and nt.iinber:
Detainee Wirnberl 11.6016I I
j. identify' the p - h(s) who trted the detaineetS) in this Maribor, intiudino their
rialtie(s),erici goverriment 'age hcAte,*
I do not recall specific names but it was the US. Military who maintainedr—k isolation in
"coordination with the FBI HQ and the Department of Justice This was done because' lwasbelieved
to be p \tery eloseassociate Of Abu Musa b; 20 tcfaWl, there was an ongoing FBI
inifeStidatitin into! I as*a US citizen and if placed in general papulation thefearwaSthat he
k. PleaSe. Identify anther 951 personnel br nOn-FBI personnel who' obterved detainee(S) treated
in this manner, inciiiding their narrie(s) and ageno(ies):
SA] 'Ng
I; This;CondoCt 'occurreci,jn borinectiOn with:
10 One, detainee
2 0 Several detainee, (2-4)
'3 0 Many .7cletairCeS (Mote than 4):
4 D,o, Not Recall
rn.?Optibtial) Pleate:deSdribethe relevant CimurnStaries: in 'more detaii::
was coordinated with FBI rig and P,010,P,e tY Wf ()Jigging FBT Investigation
:47. Using duct ta e to restrain„ I o , or punish p detainee
'a. • I Personally ObterVed this.,cohduct.
b. • Lobtenteddetainee(s). in a condition that led ,me tO belieVe that. this coridutt, had at:tinted..
III D.etainee(s)'fOld hie that this conduct had bediirred.
• Others. who observed this conduct described it to me.
- • I have relevant information' classified above "SECRET,.
RI I never observed, this conduct nor heard -about it from: sorrieoneWho did.
48. Using rapid ,re§' ()Ilse terns rand/or forced cell extractiOns
I. personally- observed tnisc91141.t.
r-obne.od detainees ba bondfflori that led me to belleye that this cOnduct. had Ocafrred. ,
ç 0 P'qtne:gg)1010 MOthat .this; qp.hd uct had bcbUrred.
DOJOIG 000189
I have relevant Information' classified above ' ,SECRET"-.
f. E I never observed thisconduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
49. Using a:Militafy.Working .do,Ten Or near a ,detaineeOther than diking detaineetrans Ortation
- . • I personally- observed thisconduct.
bi • rOberVerl detainee(s) in '4 condition that led Tne. to' believe that this, cortattct tv0 ,qc.currO.
• petal nee(s) told rrie that this conduct had occurred.
‘. • Others Who Observed this conduct described it to me. -
e. IN I he releVant infOrrhatibriCiaSsified above "SECRET".
f, RI I never observed, this conduct nor heard about it from Someone who did,
SO. Threatening to use milltar)i working dogs on or near a detainee
a. • ,I personally,ObserVed this cOriduet.
, • I ObserVed detaineetq ih aCiOnditiohthat led Me to belleVe that,thiS ObbdUct had Occurred.
• Detainee(s) told the that thi_s _co_n.d..u.c..t. h..8..d. _o_cc_u_rr_e_d._ _______ . ...,..m.........._____ • 'Others who observed this conduct described it to. me.
I have relevant information' classified a boveECRET"-.
2 T never-observed this conduct nor heard about it from - someone-Who did.
51.-Using Siiiders,scorpiOns,,Snakes,or_cither animals on Or near a detainee .
a. • , I pers,onallrobserved this:Conduct.
b, III I observed detainee(s) in aConditiorithat led me. to belleVe that this coriduCt had Dc.iirred.
C. • Oetainee(s) Oki rn0 that this Conduct had tiecurre'd.,
• Others ynItici.ob'servpzithtp, conduct described it to me.
• I have relevant triton -nation classified abbVe "SECRET':
f. El I never observed this ei5rilluct nor heard 'about it froM,SomeOne'Who did.
DOJOIG 000190
52. Threatening to .use:Spiders,:ScOrpiOns, snakes ; or other ariirrialS, detainee.
-a. • I personally-observed this conduct.
-.8 1
• I. -observed" detainee(s) in a-condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s) told 'me that this conduct ; had occurred.
,, • Others who observed this conduct' described it to Me.;
.. • t, have relevant InfOrmation classified above 'SECRET.
' I never observed this-conduct nor heard , about it from soirWOri,who d id.
53. Disrespectful statements; handling', ,oractions involving the Koran
a... • I personally observed this conduct
h. • f I.,:.(illgerved d,etairiet,(s) In a,cOridition that led me to, believe tha,t,thiS conduct had Occurred..
c. • Detainee(s) told Pile tliat this, ''cond utt' had pccurred,
el • Others who ObSei-Ved 'this conduct deStribed It to rile.
e. • I haVe releVarit infairriation Classified a beVa "SECRET".
f. Ef I neVerobSerVed thiStOnduet,nOr heard la boa it frorn,sOmeone Who, did.
.54. Shaving a detainee's; 'facial or" Other SS-Or hurh Mate a :detainee
, . • 2I personally observed this..conduct. „ •
, •, Lobserved detainee'() in -a -condition f h4 led' 'me to believe thatIhis conduct: had pccurred.,
c. • 1Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred,
d., • others, who, observed this Conduct described it to me.
e. • I. have rOleYOljt ir,IrPriTIPtiqii classified above "SECRET
f. E never observed this conduct nor heard a but It from,sOmeonev,v,ho did.
55. Placing- a woman's'clOthing on a, detainee
al • I ISOrt0110Y, 911$01Yed thi$ :conduct'. el •, I observed' detainee(S): Ina 'cbtid ition that led tri tb believe that thi, ((induct had oceurred. 111 • 1 etainee(S),told 'me tht 'this' COnduct had Otturred.
DOJOIG 000191
d. • Others who observed this conduct described It to me.
El MI I have relevant information classified above "SECRET". 11 El I heverobserved thiS:conduct nor heard about it from :someone, who did..
5&. Touching a detainee or actin' toward a detainee in-a sexual manner
-, II I personally observed tt)1011cluç3.
b-„: • I, observed,detainee(s) ha condition that led me tO, believe thatthis conduct had 'occurred.
c. • Detainee(S)'tOid me that this conduct had occurred.
d. I others:Who observed thiS COridUct &Scribed it to Me.
e. • I have relevant information Classified above "S,EcRET".
f- Ef I never-ObserVed this-,condUct 'no:Iheard -alad.g it from•sorneoriewtio, d id.
S7. libitt lug detainee(s) who Were nOt, of aIacknow1dged or reg ist:07d aS such by rth6 agency
'cietainitig the perSon:
a; • 1E personally observed this7conduct.
, • I observed -detainee(s1 in a ',condition' that led me; to believe thatthis conduct NO occurred,
c. • betainee(s). told hie that this conduit had pcCgrred.
Others whp observed this conduct described it to me.
I. have releyant Information classified abpve;'-SEtRET":
f. Ei Jr never obserVed, this conduct nor heard:about, it from sorneorte:who- did.
58.. Send Ing e, detainee to another countr for more,agg ressiveiriterrogation
ca. • Jr perSonally ObserVedthib -Coriciliet.
b. • ii.observed detainee,(s), In:a conditiOn that led me: to. belle:V that OAS co,n,duct had otcUrred.
c. • 1Detainee(s)-,tbld rtie that this conduct, had -Occurred.
d. • others, Whb obserVed this cbtitilictdesCribed it tci - .rne.
e. M I have relevant Inforthation Classified above l!SECRET".
f. M Jr never Observed this,condUct-nOr heard aboUt if from zorneane-Vvho did.
DOJOIG 000192
,Sg. Threatening to send a detainee to anothercountry: for detentiorror more,aggressiVeinterrogatipn
a; • li personally observed tiiiszonduct. . , .
• II observed detainee(s) in a.cdnditidri that led mg tbOglieyolhpt this cOridtit, had CiCCOred.
c. .• 'b'etaineeti) told me that thCdndutt had'.:OCCU rred.
• latherS who ObSerVed this. Conduct described it to rile.
. • r Wm relevant information CiasSifiedeboVe "SECRET".
f. El. a neVerObServed, this .ti,nd uct 'nOrlidaed 'about. it Irdni-S -Ortieoriewhd did
Threatening to take actio n, against a detainees= 6mIly
a. • r personally observed this tondutt.
, • 'observed detainee(s) in a.condition that led me to believe thatthis conduct bad :occurred.
c. • ,Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had Pcalrrect ,
d, 0 !Others who observed this conductdescribed it to me„,
e. I .
I. have relevant information classified above "5:.ECRET'',
l' L II never observed this conduct nor heard about if ,fropm,sprneone who did..
;61. (Y;ther -treatment or actiowcausing, severe emotional or is cholo i"cal 'trauma to a detainee.
ra.. DI 0_ ! T persdnally - 01,served this'condkiM .
. C.
U Tobterved detainee(s) in a cOnditidri that led :me tip; believe that this conduct had occurred.
MI :Detainee(s) told tine that thiS nduct had OCturred,
•:1, • Others who obserVed,this cOnduCt.desCribed It to me.
e. • I have relevant information classified above "SECRET'.
f. El- r. neVer Observed thiCoriduct nor' heard about it fibril -sdrlieorie:WhO did.
62. -Other religiouSorSeguar harasSMerit huniillatititi (5,f,' a :detaine,e,
'a. 0 it personally observed this conduct.
b D Irobserved detainee(s) in a'condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
DOJOIG 000193
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
., • Others, who observed this conduct described it to me:
. • t-have relevant information classified above ":$FCREP)..
El I neverobserVed thistoncluct nor heard 'about it from sorneoneWhO Old.
61 Other treatment of a detainee that in your opinion was.unprofessional e unduly harsh or aggressive,
,coercivek bu,slyei Or urilowful
a. • I personally 6bServed this conduct.
b. • I-ObserV,ed. detainee(SY in aCond itiOn that led me to. believe that thiS conduct had badurrea..
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had ,Occurred. _
• Others': Who 'obSerVed this conduct described it to rne
• t haVereleVant information classified above '!SECREP,
f. lg I never observed thisconduct nor 'heard -about it from , someone who; did.
kalif WI: Ya... RP irk
Did YOU obSerVe atiV frilpersOnatiOn Of FBI Personnel byarly,OriedUring n interVieWor interrogation of
'a .detainee?'
:d ''es 0 No
'.65. Did a nydetained brother ,persOntell you that he Qr she hd, WitrieSSed the iinpertOnation Of FBI
;personnel in connection with -a detainee interview or interrogationl
0. Yes 0 No
Are you aware of any "sham r' or "staged' :detainee interviews or interrogations conducted for Members.
Of the t.l:S. ;CbrigreSS or their staff?
0 -Yes No
67. ToNou.r knortiedge, did ,a nv military or Intelligente personnel ever deny or delaY. FBI ,.8QcOs to ,0
FBI Wanted to question because the-detainee had SuStairied, injuries after he WaS Captured?
()ye§ 0 NO
6$7. Did' you ever end your participation' in or observation of interview or interrogation
DOJOIG 000194
because of the interview: or interrogation methods being used?'
Yes No:
%Were o..14 ever told that another FBI employee ended his,:or her partiCipatiOn in or observationt off -0
detainee inteji(ieW brinterrOgatiOn beCauSe Of the ititerVieW , or interrogation rtiethOdS tieing used?
0, Yes No.
70. During -pny.oryouroyerpeas deplpyrn,ents or assignments, did you report any concerns regarding
any detainee interview or interrOga:tiOh P.rattices:, or Other' types Of detainee treatment to an FBI
0 Yes; '0 NO
bu ring any of your overseas -deployments or assig n merits( did you report any >cConcerns regarding
any interrogation practices or other types of detainee treatment you
observed or heard bciut, to a non-FBI supervisor or other non-FBI personnel?
Yes ®1lo1
72. Have you ever been ordered or directed not to report, or discouraged in any may from reporting /
observations or '11PgatiOn related to detainee treatment or interview or interrogaton actions or
:® No
73, Have you experienced any actual or threatened retaliation for reporting observations or [legations
of detainee treatment or interview or interrogation actions or practices? .
0 Yes, € No
74. GptiOnaI> Please provide any additional comments regarding the 'reporting of cOncerns: related to
interview or interrogation techniques, detention practices, orother detainee treatment
7$'! Were you debrietectr Other than the :standard debrief in FP-774 Concerning your overseas
isSignment(s):Or deployrnent(S) after you completea the deployment0 Or aSSignment(S)?
Q-Ye's "•O No-
Additicinal COmrrtents:'aM RO:5rnrrietidatioris::
Thank you for your cooperation in compltinthisue,stionnaai ra
DOJOIG 000195
