Statement of FBI Special Agent re: Baghdad Temporary Screening Facility Conditions

This document is a statement signed by an FBI Special Agent in the presence of a Supervisory Special Agent. The agent recounts their assignment by the Defense Humint Services Headquarters to lead a Humint Augmentation Team in support of a special mission unit task force in Baghdad. The statement focuses on a secret, overcapacity Temporary Screening Facility not registered with the International Red Cross in accordance with the Geneva Conventions. The facility was made of two sections: Motel 6, which was used to punish uncooperative detainees by confining them in cramped quarters, and Hotel California, which provided the basic accommodations required by the Geneva Conventions. During the agent's assignment they witnessed several detainee abuses, including: sleep and food/water deprivation, water interrogation, sexual harassment, and more. The agent made attempts to report these abuses, all of which were not welcomed. The first report caused him to be banned from the premises by a Sergeant Major, and a later report was "discouraged." Document name: DOJOIG001545.

Wednesday, September 1, 2004
Sunday, April 26, 2009

:t~j> orders to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). After one week oftraining, I reported to the Defense
Humint Services Headquarters (DHHQ) in Ar~gton, Virginia, where my orders were amendedto
Baghda Iraq. I left Andrews Air Force Base on April 28, 2004 and arrived in Baghdad on or about
May 1, 2004. maintained contact with my chain of command at DHHQ, via Major Manfred
Billenstien at DH 8, throughout myassignment in Baghdad. My assignment was to lead a Humint
T) in support of a special mission unit task force in Baghdad. The task force
was comprised ofmilitary sp ial operations unit~ whose mission included the interrogation. of
detainees. The Task Force detenti facility ~as initially designated the Battlefield Interrogation Facility
(EIF), then changed to the Tactical Hal . g Facility (THF), and subsequently changed to the
Temporary Screening Facility (TSF). This fa 'lity was not registered with the InternationalRed
Cross in accordance with the Geneva Conventions d was described as a "screening facility," that
could hold detainees up to 96 hours. However, many de inees remained in the TSF for much longer
periods, often for weeks. There were two sections in the facili which housed the detainees. One
section was known as Motel 6 and the other was designated as Hot California. The facilityhad the
capacity to hold approximately 86 detainees. S L- Division, who was ~-.....l
on active duty orders as a U.S. Army Reserve Major, was assigned as the Officer-in-Charge(OIC) of
the TSF. However;SergeantMajor (SGM) Chris Conklin, the TSF SGM, appeared to be in actual
control ofthe facility. Prior to my arrival in 'Baghdad, S~ ~as pulled fro~ his assignment in
UZbeki~tan and reassigned to the TSF. It is my opinion that SAl \was brought in to "manage"
the first FBI team inserted into the TSF. SAl \was in the TSF on a daily basis, had access to
the entire facility ~~ signed off on paperwork ;ertinent to TS_F operationsD
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Oponmy arri~al at the task force, I immediately had difficu1ti~ withSGMConklin regarding
assignmentof duties to my team members. In light ofthis issue, I contacted MajorBillenstein atDHHQ
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and he . ected me to be diplomatic and comply with the task force's "request." He also advised me
roblems between DR and the task force and requestedI reportto himevery72-96
hours regarding the ituation in Baghdad. SGM Conklin was aware that I was reporting to DHHQ and
Prior to leavingBaghdad,I observed a detainee transfer
arrival, Lieutenant Colonel S Yi,USMCR, had been the seniorDH officerat theTSF. Hewas
ejected from the task force after her orted problems in the TSF to theDHHQ.
began to monitor my act! 'ties with the intent of'having me removed from the task force. Prior to my
and observed approximately six detainees flex c ed and blindfoldedawaiting release fromthe facility.
I overheard a conversation wherein a soldier in theT guard forcemadea statement to the effect "If
we give these guys a sporting chance, how far do you think e should letthem go beforewe shoot
them in the back?" I reported this incident to TSF guard force co ander whoI believe advised
SGM Conklin ofmy comments. Within approximately48 hours I was bannedfromentering the
detention facility. SGM Conklin posted my photograph at the facilityandinstructed the guardforce to
denyme access to the TSF. I believe the manner in which this was donewas designed to embarrass
me in front ofthe other FBI agents who were assigned to the detentionfacility. WhileI was in Fallujah,
severalFBI agents arrived at the TSF. The agent leading this group was S~ ....JIChicago b6
Division. I do not know how many agents were assigned to Baghdadon this assignment, or whattheir
specific role was at ~~ detentionfacilityD
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o ~le in Fallujah, I learned from Chris LNU, an Army interrogator, that there were inhumane
conditions at the Baghdad detention facility. In Motel 6, detainees were housed in plywood cubicles,
4'H X 3'W X 4'D. Detainees were moved to Motel 6 when they were not cooperating
These cubicles were not large enough for an individual to stand up in, and in
at lie down.' The cubicles were unventilated and extremely hot, with the
, ,
temperature getting close t 130 degrees during the day. When the detainees began to cooperate, they
were moved to Hotel'California; which was a section ofthe detention facility that provided the basic
accommodations required by the Ge va Conventions regarding treatment ofprisoners of
I was aware that the detainees in the T were denied showers for periods up to one month
and medical attention. Although each detainee was creened by an individual known as IIDoc,'! there
were problems with detainees receiving prescribed medi tion.
Wbile in Falluj ah, I observed sleep deprivation techni es resulting in a detainee being forced to
stand in excess of 24 hours. I also observed the utilization of foo water deprivation on one detainee:
The interrogators would scream at them in order to keep them awake.
observed this abuse occurring at Fallujah, Chris LNU told me the same thing was going on at the
. Baghdad detention facility.
In Baghdad, there were four separate interrogation booths within the TSF facility. One room
was painted entirely black with only a drain in the floor. I was told that the detainees would be stripped . .
nak~d and be subjec.~ed to water interrogation, which 'Yas very offensive to the Arabic.males.
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DOJOIG 001547
osition as the TSF arc. I was told that the task force was exempt from the policy set forth by
ent ofDefense (DOD) regarding treatment of detainees. I do not recall who told me this.
I was to by CW03 Greg Garcia, an Anny Interrogator with DR, that when the FBI agents
facility, they were assigned to the day shift only. It was my understanding that
the most egregious treatme of detainees occurred at night.
d a conversation between the TSF Administrative Officer, known
to me only as "Sparkplug," and SGM nklin. They were discussing an incident wherein a female
detainee had been stripped.naked and ridden ound in the TSF facility like a pony. They also
referenced an investigation concerning the matter.
I also overheard discussions regarding detainees ing brought to the TSF from Abu Gbraib
Prison shortly after the prison scandal was publicized. I belie d that these detainees were temporarily
transferred to the TSF due to the fact that TSF was a secret detentio facility and therefore,detainees
could be hidden there. S~",,-- Iwas aware ofthese prisoner transfe
the TSF.
. When I returned to the U.S., I reported this information to Major Billenstein. I also reported to
Colonel Waldroup, who was the new arc at DHO-8. I requested to speak with the Deputy Director
ofDH, Brigadier General M. E. Ennis aboutDR operations at the task force, but my request was .
."discouraged." I asserted myright to request mast to the Commanding General and met with him on
June 11,2004. I was advised by Major Billenstien that B. General Ennis went to Baghdad
approximately two w-. eeks later and directed that all DR personnel be removed from the task force and .
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__....J~ will take a voluntary polygraph examination concerning the truth:fu~ess ofthe information
contained in this signed.,sworn statement.
I h e been instructed not to discuss this matter with anyone other than the person(s)
rview, FBlliQ representatives from the Office ofProfessional Responsibility (OPR),
dlor an FBI Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Counselor, or my
uld"I decide to discuss this matter with anyone else, I must first
obtain authorization from the intervie
I have read this statement, consisting this and six other pages, and it is true and correct to the
best ofmy knowledgD
Sworn to and subscribed before me on the September 1, 2004,:ill the city
Supervisory Special Agent
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