Statement of FBI Behavioral Science Consultation Team Psychiatrist re: Investigation of Possible Detainee Abuse at Guantanamo Bay

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Interview (conducted via email) of a former Psychiatrist with the Behavioral Science Consultation Team (BSCT). The interviewee witnessed the use of dogs during the interrogation of a detainee, and observed female interrogators using sexual tension as an interrogation technique. The interviewee also heard of military interrogators yelling at detainees and using loud music during interrogations.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Monday, January 1, 2007


ormer Psychiatrist with the
Behavioral Science Consultation Team (BSCT), sent in an e-mat response on 28 February 2005.
His statement was substantially as follows:

I was stationed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (GTMO) from July to December 2002.

During the course of the interview I was asked about what I knew about detainee abuse at was specifically asked about the following acts: Inappropriate use of military
Guantanamo. I.
working dogs, inappropriate use of duct tape, impersonation of or interference with FBI agents,
inappropriate-iike of loud music and/or yelling, sleep deprivation, short-shackling, inappropriate
use of extreme temperatures during interrogation, and inappropriate use of sexual tension as an
interrogation technique, to include use of lap dances and simulated menstrual fluids.

I have personal knowledge of the following:
'tnessed military working dogs being used in interro on of a detaine
intensive to aste • or e.part of a month in November/December timeframe of 2002. We were told the use of dogs was an approved part o the interrogation plan. Dogs were used to intimidate the detainee by getting the dogs close to him and then having the dogs bark or act aggressively on command. I never saw a dog allowed to bite or otherwise injure a detainee. I never saw dogs used except in the interrogation of this sole detainee. One dog that was used regularly for this was a dog named, "Zeus". I do not recall the name of the handler.
It was common to observe and hear about military interrogators "yelling" at detainee's d •
interrogations. Fwever I only saw loud music used in the interrogation sessions o
uring those interrogations, loud music was commonly employed and was used wi .t e framework of the interrogation plan designed to confuse, disorient, and overwhelm the defenses 5 of this detainee.

exual tension was one of many interrogation procedures approved for use in interrogations of detainees (if approved in the interrogation plan). One example of sexual tension: an interrogator rubbing against a detainee. It was felt that this sort of shocking behavior and might "rattle" the detainee. It would be culturally taboo, disrespectful, humiliating, and potentially unexpected. I did see female interrogators use scented perfumes or oils on their fingertips so that when the interrogator touched a detainee that the oil or scent would be hard to wash off.
It was hoped,
would be frustrating, disconcerting, embarrassing to the detainee. It was done again to enforce a commonly used "futility approach". AR 15-6 GTMO InvestigationExhibit 43 .of 76 Exhibits


All things considered, I am proud as hell at the restraint demonstrated by the interrogators I
worked with.'
I declare under p.that foregoing in a true and correct summary of the statement given by
44 the witness,. Executed at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona, on 29 March 2005.
5vJOHN FURLOW estigating Officer

