Summarized witness statement of an Ensign stationed at Guantanamo from July 2002 to October 2002. She was a team leader for interrogators. Asked about various allegations of detainee abuse, she indicated awareness of the use of loud music; yelling (as part of the fear-up approach); late night (3:00 am) interrogations; and temperature manipulation to make the room cold, but was instructed to stop this technique. The ENS says that they "were under a lot of pressure to get info, especially from High Value detainees.
SUMMARIZED WITNESS STATEMENT OF ENSI(b)(6))'Interrogator, who was interviewed on
23 February 2005 at a conference room at the RFTA, Fort Devens, Massachusetts. Her statement was substantially as follows:
I was stationed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (GTMO) from July 2002 to October 2002. I was a Team
leader for Interrogators.
During the course of the interview I was asked about what I knew about detainee abuse at Guantanamo. I was specifically asked about the following acts: Inappropriate use of military working dogs, inappropriate use of duct tape, impersonation of or interference with FBI agents, inappropriate use of loud music iihd/or yelling, sleep deprivation, short-shackling, inappropriate use of extreme temperatures during interrogation, and inappropriate use of sexual tension as an interrogation technique, to include use of lap dances and simulated menstrual fluids.
I have personal knowledge of the following:
Yes I am aware of interrogators Veiling at detainees or olavincr (b)(6)
1(b)(6) S(b)(6) (b)(6)
Li.iltal_lYelling, screaming, or talking directly in the detainee's ear were techniques used in implementing the Fear'Up Approach.
Sleep Deprivation — No. Most of the interrogations I conducted while at GTMO didn't last longer than 2 or 3 hours. We would alter the times we interrogated detainees. For example, waking the detainee un at ' -antis-1n so 'I(b 6) 3 an. to conduct the intepgation; rather than conducting the intern (b)(6) (b)(6)
I heard that some interrogators manipulated the air conditioners to make the detainees uncomfortable, but were told to stop. 1())(6)) !(b)(6)) 1(b)(6) 1(b)(6) 1
We were under a lot of pressure to obtain information from the detainees (especially ISNI(b)(6)
I declare under that e foregoing in a true and correct minunary of the statement given by the witness, ENS b)(6) Executed at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona, on 29 March 2005.
JOI FURLOW vestigating Officer
AR 15-6 GTMO Investigation