Schmidt-Furlow Report Enclosure 30: Summarized Witness Statement

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Summarized witness statement of a Sargent stationed at Guantanamo from August 2003 to February 2003. He was an interrogator for the Special Projects Team. The Sargent stated that during his interrogations he “never impersonated an FBI agent or heard of any other interrogators impersonating FBI agents. However, I would try anything except impersonating clergy, medical or Red Cross. If you can use it and sell it to the detainee I say try it. A lot of interrogators used different "roles". He was also aware of the use of loud music and yelling during interrogations. However, he never denied a detainee food or water and never heard of the “Lap Dance” incident.

Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

SUMMARIZED WITNESS STATEMENT OF SSG~b)(6) \who was interviewed on 09 February 2005 at a Conference room at the 250th MI Battalion Headquarters. f Long Beach, California. His statement was substantially as follows:
I was stationed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (GTMO) from August 2002 to February 2003. At the time I was stationed at GTMO I was assigned as an interrogator for the Special Projects Team from October 2002 to November 2002 and the rest ofthe time I Was assigned to the Central Asia Team.
During the course of the interview I was asked about what I knew about detainee abuse at Guantanamo. I was specifically asked about the following acts: Inappropriate use of military
.;. working dogs, inappropriate use of duct tape, impersonation ofor interference with FBI agents, inappropriate use ofloud music and/or yelling, sleep deprivation, short-shackling, inappropriate use of extreme temperatures during interrogation, and inappropriate use ofsexual tension as an interrogation technique, to include use oflap dances and simulated menstrual fluids.
I have personal knowledge Qfthe following:
I never impersonated ah FBI agent or heard of any other interrogators impersonating FBI agents. However. I would try anything except impersonating clergy, medical or Red Cross. Ifyou can use it and sell it to the detainee I say try it. A lot of interrogators used different "roles."
I am aware of yelling and loud music bern use . .
\ during interrogations. b 6
~ .. I don't recall music being used outside of Camp X_Ray1\-!.~e~w::::o=r::use="1U':em:=:al:T:e:::-artI::::;:·::::;stJ-:J..m=us:::::ic:ti...-....-'
1· like Brittney Spears or Christina Aguilera. Yelling was part of Fear Up Harsh.

We never denied a detainee food or water. ISNllliillrefused food and water all the time. He was ., fasting. L I never witnessed or leaI'd of an interrogator ff i~b!~6!
I (-­

I declare under penalty that the foregoing in a true and correct swnmary of the statement given by
the witness, SSG I(b)(6) IExecuted at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona, on
29 March 2005. .
~ \~ _ ~ AB 15-6 GTMO.lnvestig~tion-i!Khibit ~ of 76 Exhibits
