Schmidt-Furlow Report Enclosure 29: Summarized Witness Statement

Summarized witness statement of Sargent stationed at Guantanamo from August 2002 to February 2003. She was an interrogator with the Gulf States Team. The Sargent states that she may have touched a detainee or put my hand close to a detainee's face so the detainee had to acknowledge my existence, but never in a forceful or sexual manner. I would get close to a detainee to ensure he was paying attention to me and make sure that he was focused on the interrogation and stated “I would yell at detainee's occasionally to emphasis a point”. And that she would use music to soothe the detainee's, but that the music was “Arabic, not heavy metal, rap or anything like that”. She denies knowing about sleep deprivation being used.

Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

SUMMARIZED WllNESS STATEMENT OF SGTi(b)(6) lwho was interviewed on r· 09 February 2005 at a Conference room at the 2SOth Military Intelligence Battalion
Headquarters, Long Beach, California Her statement was substantially as follows:
I was stationed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (GTMO) from 7 August 2002 to 15 February 2003. While I was stationed at GTMO, I was assigned as an interrogator to the Gulf States Team. I was on loan during late November or early 2002 to the Special Projects Team.
~. During the course ofthe interview I was asked about what I knew about detainee abuse at
Guantanamo."1 was specifically asked about the following acts: Inappropriate use of military
working dogs, inappropriate use ofduct tape, impersonation of or interference with FBI agents,
,. inappropriate use of loud music and/or yelling, sleep deprivation, short-shackling, inappropriate use of extreme temperatures during interrogation, and inappropriate use ofsexual tension as an interrogation technique, to include use oflap dances and simulated menstrual fluids.
I have personal knowledge oftbe following:
1am not aware ofany interrogators being suspended or disciplined for interrogation misconduct.
I was never asked to use sexual tension in my interrogations. I never touched a detainee in a
sexual manner. I may have touched a detainee or put my hand close to a detainee's face so the
detainee had to acknowledge my existence, but never in a forceful or sexual manner. I would get
close to a detainee to erlsure he was paying attention to me and make sure that he was focUSed on
the interrogation
I would yell at detainee's occasionally to emphasis a point.
Music was used in interrogations. SGTkb)(6) land I would use music to soothe the detainee's. The music was Arabic, not heavy metal, rap or anything like that.
I am not aware of sleep deprivation beinp llSed 3Da;nd gn" ,1..+0;"'".... Vb)(S)
I declare under penalty that the foregoing in a trUe and correct summary of the statement given by the witness, SGTj(b)(6) I Executed at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base,-Arizona, on 29 March 2005. .

AR 15-6 GTMO Investigation
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