Schmidt-Furlow Report Enclosure 24: Statement of Sergeant, Interrogator with the 250th Military Intelligence Battalion at Guantanamo Bay re: Accusations of Abuse of Saudi Detainee During Interrogation

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This summarized statement of a female Sergeant, who served as an interrogator at Guantanamo between August 2002 and February 2003 on the Saudi Arabian Team. She states that she was aware that loud music; yelling; temp manipulation (using air conditioners) were being used, but never saw these techniques used. The sergeant says that all detainees got four (4) hours of un-interrupted sleep in a 24 hour cycle. She also provided information on a constant theme mentioned in other documents. The sergeant states that “The translator mentioned that a detainee could not pray if he were "unclean." She was then instructed to purchase some perfumed lotion and rub it on the detainee. “I only rubbed the detainee's arms” she said. She also addressed another issue concerning an alleged lap dance. This Sargent affirmatively states that she “Never” performed a lap dance on any detainee.

Tuesday, February 8, 2005
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

....,. SUMMARIZED WITNESS STATEMENT OF SGT ~b)(6) f.vas .interviewed on 8 February 2005 at a conference room at the 2SOth M1 Battalion Headquarters, Long Beach, California. The Alpha Company Commander for the 2SOth Military Intelligence Battalion was also present for the interview. Her statement was substantially as follows: 1was stationed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (GTMO) from 07 August 2002 to IS February 2003. At the time I was stationed at GTMO I was assigned as an interrogator on the Saudi Arabian Team and Special Projects Team. . During the course ofthe interview I was asked about what I knew about detainee abuse at Guantanamo. I was specificaJly_asked about the following acts: Inappropriate use ofrniliWyworking dogs, inappropriate"1lSC ofduct tape, impersonation of or interference with FBI agents, inappropriate use of loud music and/or yelling, sleep deprivation, short-shackling, inappropriate use ofextreme temperatures during interrogation, and inappropriate usc of sexual tension as an interrogation technique, to include usc of lap dances and simulated menstrual fluids . I have personal knowledge ofthe following: I graduated from Fort Huachuca Interrogator Course, 97E, seven months prior to my deployment It wr )?)iderstandingJ.hat detainee's were to be allowed four hours ofunintenupted sleep and that Mr. b 6 had to approve the use ofthe extended interrogations. Based on that criteria I never witnessed sleep deprivation being used in interrogations. I heard that the manipUlation of the air conditioners to make the detainees uncomfortable was a permissible technique during the OctoberlNovember 2002 timeframe, but I never saw it used. Both times the Il...Itec~hn~i~qu-e-w-as-a-u--:th-o--:rize:--d:-an--:d/-;-o-r~su~gg-est-e-d:-:b:--Yl;:::Cb:=:)=;(::::S:=)==~~:-"e--::ln:--terro-ga~ti:--o-n-:C::-'ontrol (ICE) Chief. The fITSt incident occurred when my partner and I were interrogating a detainee who refused to stop praying. The translator mentioned that he couldn't pray ifhe were "unclean." Mdb)(S) linstructed me to purchase some perfumed lotion and rub it . . . , !(b)(6) IverbaU a roved the techni ue. I(b)(6) I declare under ~nalty that the foregoing in a true and correct summary ofthe statement given by the witness, SGT 1(~(6) I Executed at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona, on 29 March 2005. rb){S) ~ : Investigating Officer AR 15-6 GTMO fnvestigation c::~~a...:..... _, ..,c t::u~:~a... DOD JUNE 842 000055765
