Letter from U.S. Senator Arlen Spencer to Valerie E. Caproni FBI re: Documents

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A letter from a U.S. senator to the FBI requesting documents regarding interrogation of enemy detainees.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Thursday, October 29, 2009

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FBI FO#10 FBI-0001003
DOJOIG 006328
'", AAu:t~~~~kR2004 3:.37PM~ SENATOR SPECTER
PliNf NO. 058' . P. 2
FBI FO#10'
Honorable Valene E. Caproni
'General Counsel .' .
. FedeniI Bureau of Investigation
. 9th and Constitution Ave. . .
Was~gton, D.C~
Dear Ms. Caproni:
WM.I1INGTON, oc lOSlO1.'l02
, Dece:m~er 21,2004
• » ••
In the context of oversight 9fFBI activities regarding inte:ci.-ogation of enemy
detainees, please provide rp..y staffin'the appropriate setting the following information, .. '
documentary or otherwise. A.ll ofilie information 1+as been obtained. from the documents
that were released on Monday, December iO. 2004, by the ACLU, and which were
referenced in the New York Times today. NOTE: In many cases the documents .'
. ref~nced below were t:ran.smi:tted hi electronic fonn. ." ..' ' ..
. (1) An unredacted' copy ~ftb.e June 25,2004). ''Urgent Report" to Director
Mueller (perhaps comm,unicated by el~ctronic mail) from Sacramento
Division, which on page. 2 notes thepossibilityofa '~cover.up"·ofd.e~e\
. abuse in the Iraq theater of operations; :' .,
(2) Tp.e Office of General, Coimsel Electronic Conununica:tion ("Ee''), dated May"
19.2004, referenced in the electronic mail from unkno~ FBI pe:rsgnnel . \
stationed in Iraq to M.G. Briese, and inquiring about th.~ definition of the term ",
"abuse" referenced in the 5/1.9/04 Ee;· . . .
(3) All U:nreda~ted copy of a December 5, 2003, electronic mail1 from Unkno,wn .
to Gary Bald. ·Frankie Battle and A.rthur Cum.m:fugs7 entitl~ '.Tmpersonating
FBfat GTMO," regarding a concern that DoD interrogators were .. ','
+ • impersonating Supervisory Special Agents of the FBI; .
(4) . Unredacted copies of documents referenced in a December 9~ 2002. electronic
.: mail from Unknown to Uitkno~ regarding Legal Issues re: GU3.l)t.ana.mo .
" Bay, and referencing (aJ. that Spike Bowman is reviewhig the legal aspects ~f
. [detainee] interviews at G1MO;'.and (b) a review afinterrogatiotl methods by
.apoD lawyer, in which it appears that ''the lawyer worked hard to write a
legaljust:ification for the type ofinterviews·th.ey (the Army) want to conduct
here." Please .provide Bowman reviews and the any review refer,encing, or
any attempt to, write legaljusti~cations for interrogatiori techniques.
(~ Please produce Spike Bo~an for an interview to discuss the legal reviews
and any attempts by other parti~ to write legal justification for interro82;!ion
techniques) and for other purposes referenced in this request; .
..' " '.
FBl:-0001004' .
DOJOIG 006329
..... ·DEC. 21. 2'004 3:37PM,. SENATOR SPEC.TER
.~ .
NO. 058 P, 3
.FBI FottlO
(9) .
. .
. Electronic mail ~ent to General Miller froni FEd The e-mail is referenced in a .
May 13,2004, e-mail entitled "GTMO." .j' .. '
AD.y"FBI concerns and objectionS [that1 were documented and presented to
MG Geoffery Mill~, who oversaw GTMO operations.?' This is refer~ced in
. a document; .
Umedacted copy of electronic communication from Unknown to Unkno';yn,
dated January 21, 2004, entitled "Impersonating Fa!," noting ~at technique,
of impersonating FBI was "approved by the Dep Sec De!" , ".
: Any reports on DoD abuse of detainees by FBI pers0Il;Ilel ..
. Please contact Mark Heilbnm, my Chief Counsel, at 202/224-4259, when the'
documents are available for production. .
.. ~ .. .
, AS/mh
, ..
FBI-000100S DOJOIG 006330
