Letter from United Nations Special Rapporteurs to Secretary of State Colin Powell re: Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Context of Anti-Terrorism Measures

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Statement from Rapporteurs asking to visit detainees detained on grounds of alleged terrorism in Iraq, Afghanistan, Guantanamo and elsewhere. Next to elsewhere, handwritten note: "Russia and China, Pakistan and Egypt."

Monday, July 19, 2004
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

• J~l.:.-1"3-2004 1.7: 30
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202 642 7385
RELEASED IN FULL l'rot~ctioD ofbumm rir,htJ ud i'wuIam.eIltal freedoms In the ~o"te~ of anti-~35 c.....
terrorism mea.ures
Joint Statement by· participants at the eleventh AnnUJJ Mooting of the Special Rapporteurslrcprcacntativcs, indepcndmt experts and cha:itpcnons of the wor~ing groups ofthe Special Procedurc! of the Commission on Human Righu and of the Advisory SotViCM Programmo
"The Special RapPotteun!rcpretentativC5, indepood.ent experts and chairpersons or the working groups of tbe Special ProccdUItl6 of the Comminion on Human Rights and of the Advisory Services Programmo, t'11l3eling in eleventh annual sC!lsion in Oeneva from 21 to 25 June: 2004. mtQrate the concezIl3 ex-pressed in their statmtc:nt of JUDe 2003 reguding the senous incidence dlat certain measures t41cen in the nam~ of the tight against terrorism may bave 00 the enjoyment of hwnan rights and fund.un~tal freedoms.
They once againlltronsly voice their un~uivocal cond~lion ofte!rOrism in all its forms. At me same timo, tbev reaffura their indivldu~ and c.ollectivo determination to monitor, each within the fi-aJrtework of his or her mandate, those policills, legial~tioJ'), measures and pIactices developed by StUM in the ume of the flgbt against terrorism. with a vi~ t:l alcertB.ining that they erc comistent with internalionAl human fights 3tandards.
Btaring in mind a number of ~developmentS that have !eOously· alarmed the international commtmity with regnd to the status, conditiom of detention and treatment of prisoners in specific pJaus of dctc:ntlon. they express their unanimous dceire that· the Special Rapporteur on lhe Independence of Judge3 and u","yen, Mr. Leandro Despou.y. the Chalrpason.Rappor1cuT of tha Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Mrs. Leila Zeriougui, the Special Rappon:ur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest altainable standard of physicsl and mental heeltl'rl, Mr. Paul Hunt and the Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, lnh\llllm or Oegnding Treatment or Punishment, Mr. Thea \'an Boven. visit, together and at the earliest possible dato, those pe:tsons arrested. detained or tried on grounds of alleaed terrorism or .other violation'. in Iraq, Af~anistllD, tha G\Wltanamo Bay miIi~ryJ~a.s.e~~Yt~.ewhen;);i~a Vlew to aFcertain. caeh withi;tbe confines of their

..-=: andate, ffuliliUllllafiOiifhwnan rightl standards arc properly upheJd with regard to these per901lS, and also to make themselves availabl~ to the authoritieA concerned for consultltion and. advice ot'! !.II issue3 within tholr areas of competmce. They further
expr~ lhe wish that they present the out~me of their lipproachcs and visits to the 6lst fJC3siOD of the Human Rights Commission:'

DATE/CASE 10: 10 DEC 2004 200303827 UNCLASSIFIED
