Letter from United Nations Special Rapporteur re: Potential Detainee in Kandahar, Afghanistan

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United Nations Special Rapporteur report on allegations of potential detainee abuse at Kandahar, Afghanistan. This is an annex of a report which purports to describe how suspected Taliban detainees were bound and hooded while in U.S. custody in March 2002 in Kandahar, Afghanistan. It is alleged that soldiers punched, kicked and forced to use buckets as toilets while in custody. It is also alleged that the detainees had their heads and beards shaved. There is also a second series of abuse allegations from the Uruzgan Provence of Afghanistan. The reports states “According to the information received, at the scene of the raid they had their hands and feet tied, were blindfolded and hooded, and flown to the US base at Kandahar. It is reported that upon arrival at the base the prisoners were beaten, kicked and punched by soldiers, made to lie on their stomachs with their hands tied behind their backs and-their legs chained. Where upon soldiers walked across their backs.”

Tuesday, October 22, 2002
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

LL %uLl• 4UUO
No.b432 P. 2
67 603) RELEASED IN PART B6 Traimiliket)0 on
Annex Z 54anbek
Summary of Allegations
The Special Rapporteur has received information regarding acts of ill-treatment
allegedly perpetrated by US soldiers during the conduction of military operations in
Afghanistan. In particular, the Special Rapporteur has received information on the
following individual cases:
A compound near Kandahar was reportedly raided by US soldiers on 17 March
2002. According to the information received, at least 31 people were reportedly detained
and later released after it was established that they were members of neither the Taleban
nor aI-Qa'ida. It is reported that the detainees had their feet bound, their hands tied
behind their backs and black hoods placed over their heads while US soldiers allegedly
punched and kicked them. They are said to have been driven to the Kandahar base, where
they were allegedly made to lie on their stomachs on rocky ground and kicked in the
back. As a result, many of them are believed to have sustained variety of cuts and bruises.
They were allegedly held in 10 by five metre cages. each holding between 10 and 18
people, with buckets as toilets for four days. It is also alleged that the detainees had their
beards and heads shaved by the military.
The Umigan province was reportedly raided by US Special Forces on 23 and 24
January 2002. It is alleged that in the course of the operation 27 villa ers, among which
aged 17,1 Aged 40, and aged between 60 B6 been released on 6 136 B 6 and 65, were taken into custody. All 27 people arc said to have
February after two weeks in detention after it was allegedly determined that they were
villagers mistakenly identified by US forces as Taleban or al-Qu'ida members. According
to the information received, at the scene of the raid they had their hands and feet tied,
were blindfolded and hooded, and flown to the US base at Kandahar. It is reported that
upon arrival at the base. the prisoners were beaten, kicked and punched by soldiers, made
to lie on their stomachs with their hands tied behind their backs and-their legs chained.
whereupon soldiers walked across their backs. Two men were said to have lost
consciousness during the beatings, and others to have suffered broken ribs and loosened
teeth. was allegedly kept in solitary confinement in a shipping container for eightdays. An investigation on the facts is reported to have been carried B6
out. The Special Rapporteur would appreciate receiving information on its results.

