Letter is from Mile Florence Rinaldi of Amnisty International in France to Sec. Def. Rumsfeld in conjunction with Amnesty International's memo on rights of detainees in custody. The letter’s author"Urges" the Secretary to "ensure detainees held in US custody are held according to US obligations under international human rights law and standards" particularly with respect to legal proceedings e.g. the right to challenge the lawfulness of their detention in a court of law.
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Mile Florence RINALDI
29, rue Ouynemer
01100 Ament
The Honorable Donald Rumsfe1d Secretary ofDefence Office ofthe Secretary The Pentagon Washington DC 203001
Ment. the -,m ofJune 02
Dear Secretary ofDefence.
1 am writing in relation to Amnesty International's Memorandum to the US Government on the rights of detainees in US custody in Afghanistan and Guantinamo Bay (reference: AMR
I condemn the atrocities of 11 September·and believe that anyone responsibJe must be brought . to JUStice.
However this search of justice must be conducted in strict compliance with international human rights law and international humanitarian law,
r urge you to ensure that detainees held in US custody in Afghanistan and GuantAnamo Bay are held according to US obligations under international human rights law and standards. including in particular: '. "
tbat all detainees are immediately granted access to legal counsel, -that aU detainees are able to challenge the lawfulness of their detention in a coun of law,
-thal no detainee be brought for trial before a military commission. a5 proposed in the Military Order of t3 November 200 I, on the grounds that such trial threatens fundamental standards ofjusticc, .
-that the death penalty is not sought against any of the people taken into custody in or outside the USA. including those currently held in Afghanistan an GuantWmo Bay, -that no detainee is sent to a country where he may be at risk of serious human rights
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