Letter from Mile Florence Rinaldi of Amnisty International to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld re: Rights of Detainees in U.S. Custody in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay

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Letter is from Mile Florence Rinaldi of Amnisty International in France to Sec. Def. Rumsfeld in conjunction with Amnesty International's memo on rights of detainees in custody. The letter’s author"Urges" the Secretary to "ensure detainees held in US custody are held according to US obligations under international human rights law and standards" particularly with respect to legal proceedings e.g. the right to challenge the lawfulness of their detention in a court of law.

Saturday, May 18, 2002
Wednesday, June 14, 2006



To Mr Dcmafd RUMSfELl) Secretary ofl)efCDCC UNITED STATES
~:Rights ofdetainees in US custody in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay
Dear Secretrary ofDcfence,
I am writing in relation Witb Amnesty Int.cmational's Memorandum to the US Govcmcment on the rights of detainees in US custody in Mghanistan aDd Guantanamo Bay (AMR

I codemn'the athn5cities of 11 September and believe that anyone responsible must be brought
to justice.
However, this search of justice must be conducted in strict compliance with international
hUJllBllitarian law.

r urge you to ensure that detainees held in US custody in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay
arc held according to US obligations UDder .iatemationaJ hWUJ rights Jaw and standards,
including iu particular :
That all detainees are imrned.iatly granted access to legal counsel,
Tha1 all detainees arc: able to cbalIcngc the lawfulness oftheir detmtion in a court oflaw,
That no detainee be brought for trial before a military commission. as proposed in the Military
Order of 13 November 200 I on the grounds that such trial threatens fundamental standards of

justice, "
That the death pcoalty is Dot sought against eny ofthe people takc:n into custody in or outside
the USA, including those currently held in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay,

That DO detainee is sent to a country wbc:re he may be at risk ofserious human rights abuses.

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