Letter from John Helgerson, CIA OIG, to Jack Goldsmith, OLC, re: suggested modifications to the CIA OIG Special Review

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<p>This letter from John Helgerson, Inspector General of the CIA, to Jack Goldsmith of the OLC addresses the DOJ's proposed modifications to the IG report. Helgerson writes, &quot;we have carefully reviewed the comments of the [DOJ] regarding the Special Review. We concluded that it would not be practicable to recall the Review and integrate those comments into the body of the review . . . however . . . we intend to include your 18 June memorandum with any future circulation of the Review.&quot;&nbsp;[OLC Vaughn Index #42]</p>

Friday, July 2, 2004
Sunday, August 23, 2009

TOP CREW/ ,NOF /MR uentrat inteitigencefigeiTcp Washington, D.C. 20505 Inspector Gemara 703-874-2555 2 July 2004 Mt.. Jack L. Goldsmith III `Assistant Attorney General Office of Legal Counsel Department of Justice Washington, D.C. 20530 Dear Mr. Goldsmith! • 015// This is in response to your letter to the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), dated 18 June 2004, and a memorandum of the same date addressed to me, regarding the "Special Review: Counterterrorism Detention and Interrogation Activities." The DCI has requested that I respond. directly to you. (.-PS7-/ The purpose of the Special Reviw w e to as to document and assess the actions of CIA with respect counterterrorism detention and interrogation activities and to develop recommendations to strengthen the management and conduct of the . activities. We limited the scope of the Special Review to Agency activities and the perspective of Agency officers regarding the activities undet review. In doing so, we attributed factual assertions to the officers making the assertions, rather than drawing factual conclusions that might be inaccurate or be viewed differently by those outside the Agency. - (U//FOUO) We have carefully reviewed the comments of the Department of Justice regarding the Special Review. We concluded that it would not be practicable to recall the Review and integrate those comments into the body of the Review. However, we do agree that it is appropriate for those reading the Review to have the benefit of those comments. Accordingly, we intend to include your 18 June memorandum with any future circulation of the Review. After consultation with you, we• did transmit the memorandum to the 'Chairmen and ranking minority members of the Congressional TOP S T/ ;NOP() DOJ OLC 001077 rbpTI/ J.I195.01Ratrgik Mr. Jack L. ,Goldsmith III Intelligence Oversight Committees. I am also transmitting' the memorandum to the Chairman of the Intelligence Oversight Board, who has already received a copy of the Review. (U) If you have any questions regarding these matters you may contact me or Sincerely, Jdhn L. Helgerson 2 TOP RET// .N.O.D)R11,44-1,ffr DOJ OLC 001078
