Javier Zuniga of Amnesty International letter to Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld asking for permission for an Amnesty International delegation to visit Guantanamo Bay detention facility "to observe the conditions under which prisoners are detained and interview detainees".
, j
W.: TGAMR. 5112002.16
2llmwzr). 2002
AmnestY Int.,nwicuJ wtCItO to )'011 c:arliCl lfaj~ mOlll.ll to "*I.UII/'II11eeC that;l1 tb05C WcCC imu US \:Wi!Ody durini U!e nnet.'ms miliwy openWan, in'AfaJumiswl wW be tretwt hl\JJWl~ly with full ~for th~u JlIlIl1m rfI1lt$ Ullder inwutiOMl Ja",.
A" )TIll tire no doubt a.war=, sin:e t1M: Un\led S1mS beaan 1nn$fmill8 deWneot to Camp XRa,. in the (illantinamn RlIY !laVal bah, tbfItC bas kcI\ ...~tDttruallon_l e'.oJscon1 r.sanlin; n:pons of.up=1:b ofthe treatment nf~detaiI!~ ad otth.: physil::al CU1I4itions under whid!. they 819 be~beld. Cozu;C::UI 11i'~ e"'" bern vorccri "flout die Its-! ~ofUic c!c:tAiuces anlS their ac:ce~' tt infl'.f1WionaU,...~ sal'egu&l~ apply,,,, ro all PlI.'iCmP.tS tm4 detain....
I anr wrttlnll ro 1'eIJl1Clo't pmDl••ion fur en Amncny JIUClDBticmJ doJepJ1nn fa visit th~ GlUlutanano bue in the near tttture. Til obstrV. frrsl-bond the GOJJdiliull~ unlkr wbldJ the pri~... lft ~m.d,w intc:rYi.,... ~.aDd to rccelw. more iD£ornl~abo", tileil \JQUllc:nt Cum SCDUW ntfttiaJI cln s:itc., While we welo.:umo die acc:css exvcn tn tile In..mado=l Comrni=e uf&he P.CI1 Closs. we believp. tb.at It is CQ;antilll that appropriate bUfDIIll ri£hts nr!l'n~icas Md ~hD,"C an opp.?IllUlity to vWt detalnec~Jllul rcpen on cotwliriona•.
AI)"Ou m~be awan:, All ~nestyJntcmal1M1:11 delegation ~the US lIa..u1 base at GUAmanamn 1\IY in S.plOmbcT 1m. tIllwk into tho sitllanon win! ~prdto Cubon GJld IhnillU ~:fl~wt\n ~dNU1ed th~f.f\ct beina bl~~at $ea by tM. US ~riti.::. WI; ""'"to Ap)IIa:i#t!vc ofme acce.~ en,CID by the autbori~.. at tim wm:.
I will.:IIc Il ;naffZDenl~u(OW' Internatlon.' ~to 1:0",", yow offi\:CI in !he near MuTe tn .~./!tIain wbtfllll vi,il c:at\ be &l11Ug\ld. We very mncn hn~thll)'01l will Agree 10 Ia.clliUiIC ~\lA:b a visir.
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