Letter from Irene Khan to Donald Rumsfeld re: Hooding of detainees

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Irene Khan the Secretary General of Amnesty International writes to Secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld condemning the use of hoods when transporting and interrogating detainees. Ms. Khan states that the hooding and blindfolding of detainees is considered a violation of international law, should not be allowed and urges humane treatment of those in custody "with full respect for USA's obligations under international standards". They also ask for "clarification of the legal status” of those detained.

Monday, January 7, 2002
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Kat:: 'In A MR/:'i 1101102 nIl' Knnnnahle flMald Kmnsrcld
Omce ofthe Seerclll'Y
The PeJiggOll

Wubiug(QLl DC USA 7Jeiuwy 2002
Dear Sec:n:tuy of'Dcfeuc
AmDesrY IDtcmaUOnal wtlcomes dle =ausratcmCDts madeby a senior U3 miJiWy omeJaJ 111 M~LIID&»L pmllDMI Juuvcll Auw SIu~pri~u inw US ~w;lu:ly wID be givcu ad.cquatt: foOd. shdtcr and mcdiGal carc, aDd arp:s dw III ausp«:ts ill US cu:ttody be treated humanely with &D tC3pCCt for the USA', obliptioua uader illtCmAtioDAl SDlDdards. How.IWIr'. wo IlC c:oDCmusd byphotographs whis:h ~vecec:oady appeared ia tho prca. dIowiag Al.Qa~stsqtecalsooded while t~I'uud 'by US troopc prior to heiDS talcea to castody . facilitie4 wtlcre thcywon1d be interropted. Tho UDitcd NItlm1s (UN) (;ommittee·.gatnAt Tnm-. bas ccmdaiintc11he hoocllng rmcS blinMo14tJ2J.t otsuspec:u dlJriDa fDtmoptlOD u m:ont:JatibJc '. wilb wo uUsolutc p.L'ohibitioll of torture: or other ~cJ. inhnman 0.. dC8JWi.u8 llca1wtuL wnlaincd
\IJldcr the: tIN Cozr.r=tiOD _gainst Tanuzo and Other CnlcJ, IDhmzwa or Dc:pdiDg rl'GatnI~DC or . Paniahment (ConveluiOD asaj~ToTtlD'Ct).' 1M prolu'bitiou oftoItuI'e ancI othc-r mill or-iahuzn:m 1m.tmeat is also coDtaiDed under the Geuv2 Oinvl:!lri~applic:ablo to priSODeft ofwar and any
"thin-j,.::nnns hnr.c de tnmbat: . . . . .. '.
Amm::s1y InL~c.vZUli1lm Ih1&rihc hwcJinK of.~~tIiD dc1Cmion gllllClally may c;o~tiMc:QUeJ trcatrnCltt. nc UN Dod), ofl'zi=ipk3 f'arthe l'rotc:mOD ofAlJ Pl:t:1tI1l$ Wld« A:ry Fotnl orDo_on or Impri3O.mDeAt stA~ thAt! "lbl term '«UOl, inbuzncm or dogradi~ tro:ltmmt orpunichment' ahauld b. i:stapretc.d 10 .. tD c:tmd the wideat po..ibJo lll'Otbc:tion apiDst abuses, whether pbysieal or meAtAl. iDcludUlS the holdiq ot. detaizsed or i21priSiODed remm m conditions which deprive him. temporuily or pcnnanentJy. ot' die u.~nr-slIIY nfbill . namral senses, such as sfaht or heariDlt. or his awarmess otplac:a and the pass1J1,o'{t1mc". Kecping.pri.sollClrS-hoodcd or blindfuldW a1so lnOVClXS thcm.#'Cm.ob$etVfog.orjdcuof)'iIIs:.any.. ~,,;u~Ml.Y ull"Leied,s who USAy cugagc:.i.u WIlSes. . •
The Committee .piNt Toztu:rc has JUlcd that.., _11 as hoodius. the followiDg methods o!intelrOfD'ion YMY.llotb. u:;ecl in:my ~~:Sthey viohlte1he prohi&ition otlO%tUn:
In,.inc-ul""u1lUl7 mGl'lPorUoI l.ociyMicb _koa; ndfylna cw.a' oomp~wilt.Ih"r otltiptlClU UDder tb4 ~v=tIlIDIJIIIISl Tenure. .1l bU C«IOcmIIcd. Ji:lr a.IIq)lc, 1MJ'DUtiDe tlJindI'c ldIna ofJIISpCdI d~,in1o:rropzicm in'rW!rq l1l4I ~of~durillC bIt=opdGII lit bno\.
I AMNESTY um:RNA'TlONAl. I ". _. I 1NTtAN41'I0fY(. xcncrNM1 , I:IRIta'll:01J'QII.l.onoon well( W'I'( U/eO I\ngot.m -r.~ In! t;'NIII'" ("'1 7,u:al\nn III( r.....u.' MI) , .. ,~ I\.c;nI\ Fllr Itt eM.' loA ("" ""'" 115' I.ac rtWiA· t)20 7* 11P ':.&01.": -¥iO.......aIY.otD Wsb: hIqoo:~-'1o...9

'oTiol' 'or JitJN 11: IT. FAX ~oo.s -: i ~ i·
IDd ill-tn:MUnc:n!; ~mvc:lY padDnI) c:wcJ:iQom; playinJ ofloud millie; prolODr.ed ,,1"1' deplivatiC/Jli OueIW, iucNdiua dcarlt tlucauj V.L:.11 $laWu¥; awd "liinJ( &:Old a:fr c;) chID the dc:taincc.1
AmDesty lDtomAticmal bu maapy COJSdcz:arscd the attacb of 11 Scp=mbcr aDd hu called !ortho" ~"J.rO be brought co jumc., irs ACCOrdaDae With mt«n4ti!.w hum&D riglda ltaDcWds. W. wo1&ld draw Y01.1l' attmrioe ~• dCCIt stataDent itilled by t:a Coimninoo IIpiDsf'To'l't\lm in wbicb, ill ocmcIcorzmDIs ~attacks otll September 1M ~macOftdolcaGri mr the victims. the CcmmitU:c teminded NttICS ~tn Che C.:anven1iCID apiut TClrture ofthe mm-dempble 8Idcles ofmOSl oflbe obUpdcjus IIDCIdkm byd1em ill ratifying tbe ConveDCfcm.' 1bo Commiaec cJtaI In padc1alir Aniclcs 1 (whereby "'Do excepdnDll cU"...wst*IICU wlualwawl:.l WII)' be juwuLd 11$ .j~1Wc:aliImCJfaOnuto',. U (probfbftina
c:=fcssiODS cxtoncd by tcn1urc bam! admit10d in ~~cptasU~llh., LurIURr) anc116 ('prohibw~ClUd. i=L1IIDIID or dcgradiDg t:catmanr or p1midImCDt) lIS t!a= lUc:h Prov;siull~ which must bo o'b8elwcl in ~~o.,.W. tr1IGt tb:rtyou will tAIco.n DGOO:aaI)" D1C4SUR:a " to emure tbat1hese pnMsilms aZ8 f'u1Jy ad:bered ~iD the IzatmClt o!~ill US cuaDdy IDllowill& DWJtmy DpcrabDnJ ,n A1ih_I.."•.ad that nn nne will be .nbjected toi.at4lUOptiOD &eClmiQUCS WI2fch breaCb sud1 standaJds. Wo wuuId alJO appreciabl receMq CIaI'lJicatimJ ofthe
I~IWlw ~1lw:Icr ~Li&.U.a:d.. ­

•• ,. I ••••••••••
.. .................... -.....;; ..... ..

lUH DK. CATIC.3JUg7. n:ptminl en 1IfIel',asmplilJlCC tiUh ex: ConY_tjgn'-iJ!lin#'Jort\n: Ute =mmiu..ft~U iD~b)/lsneIi.-.it)' omc..~th..eJlllllhoda, f.cJltcll... hooo4WIlIo -_lmzDDcII.~.
':,'1Itl:nJQt oUlle ~I18fIUt TonIItO WI 111001 (CATJCJX;XVlllMi~.7)
