Letter from Army Officer re: Response to Inquiry in to Status Detainee Abuse Prosecutions

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Responds to inquiry into cases from the 320th military police battalion. Observed assaulting Iraqi prisoners. Describes non-judicial punishments received by three (3) officers, all of whom were redeployed. Signed by Brigadier General Swan.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

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Thank you for your inquiry concerning the final status of the cases concerning the 320 th
Military Police Battalion (320

th). The 320th is United States Army Reserve (USAR) unit from Pennsylvania that was mobilized and deployed to Iraq in sup ort of Operation ha i Freedom. The charges against the former Master Sergeant _, Staff Sergeant Sergeant_ and Specialist —all members of the 320 th— stemmed from an in ident on May 12th, 2003 when soldiers from another unit observed these individuals assault g Iraqi prisoners.
As you are aware, the command dealt with these charges through non-judicial means exercising the provisions of Article, 15, Uniform Code of Military Justice, and the administrative separation process. The specifics of each case follow.
In the case of then Master Sergeant she received a General Officer Article 15 and was found guilty of Dereliction of Duty (Article 92) and Maltreatment (Article 93). Her non-judicial punishment included forfeiture of $1,671.00 per month for 2 months, 30 days of extra duty, and 30 days of restriction to the limits of Camp Doha, Kuwait. She elected not to appeal the Article 15 findings or punishment. The command initiated separation action for serious misconduct and, after MSG_consulted with her counsel, she waived her right to an administrative discharge board. After considering matters presented by MSG _as well as considering matters she wished to present verbally in person, a General Officer directed that MSG 1.1111be separated from the military for commission of a serious offense, given an Other Than Honorable Conditions Discharge (reducing her to the lowest enlisted grade of Private El), and immediately redeployed from the theater of operations.
In the case of then Staff Sergeant _he received a General Officer Article 15 and was found guilty of Dereliction of Duty (Article 92), Maltreatment (Article 93), and making a False Official Statement (Article 107). His non-judicial punishment included forfeiture of $1,141.00 per month for 2 months, 30 days of extra duty, 30 days of restriction to the limits of Camp Arifjan, Iraq, and reduction to Sergeant E5. He elected to not appeal the Article 15 findings or punishment. The command initiated separation action for serious misconduct and, after SGT11111.1consulted with his counsel, he waivedhisri:itit to an administrative discharge board. After considering matters presented by SGT MIN as well as considering matters he wished to present verbally in person, a General Officer directed that SGT... be separated from the military for commission of a serious offense, given a General, Under Honorable Conditions Discharge, and immediately redeployed from the theater of operations.
In the case of then Specialist."'" he received a General Officer Article 15 and was found guilty of Dereliction of Duty (Article 92), Maltreatment (Article 93), and making a False Official Statement (Article 107). His non-judicial punishment included forfeiture of $575.00 per month for 2 months, 30 days of extra duty, 30 days of restriction to the limits of Camp Arifjan, Iraq, and reduction to Private El. He elected to not appeal the Article 15 findings or punishment. The command initiated separation action. After considering matters presented by Private _as well as considering matters he wished to present verbally in person, a General Officer directed that Private_be separated from the military for commission of a serious offense, given a General, Under Honorable Conditions Discharge, and immediately redeployed from the theater of operations.
DOD 006719

As of December 29, 2003, all actions were complete and all three soldiers were
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redeployed to Fort Dix, New Jersey for separation processing. If you require further information, please contact me or LTC MEW at NM
BG Swan
DOD 006720
