FBI Memo to the Department of Defense stating that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) interviewed a detainee at Fleet Hospital of Camp X-Ray, Guantanamo Bay. Contents heavily redacted.
U.S. Department o( Justice Federal Bureau of Invesllgation
In Reply. Please ReIer to hIe No
December 31, 2003
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In response to Department of Defense (DoD), Crlmlnal InveS:lgarlve }aSk Force (CITF), Request for Ass1stance (RFA) _ _ the Federal Bureau of Investlgatlon (FBI) lS provl lng tne 0 ~rrQ r ~ randum (LHM) for dlssem1nat1on to for use 1n the prosecutlon of captlone
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Th1S document contalns nelther recommendatlons nor concluslons of the FBI It lS the property of the FB! and lS loaned to your age~cy, ~t and lts contents are not to be dlstrlbuted outslde your agency
ALL rlFOR['l":I~i C:)[(T".HIR:
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