FBI Memo re: Interview of Detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay

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Interview with detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee was not comfortable with a female translator and kept his head bowed during the interview. Detainee stated he was in good health and did not complain of mis-treatment. He discussed his previous statements, and and said if they are inconsistant it is because the earlier statements were taken when he was captured in Afghanistan and under duress. He then identified a scar he had on him as the result of a childhood illness, and not a mark of joining Jihad.

Friday, March 7, 2003
Tuesday, May 17, 2005

FP-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)
Investigation on at

File # Date die
This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to
your agency;
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

On 3/07/2003) 1.
b7C -1,3,4 I I was interviewed at Camp Delta, U.S. Naval Base,
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. !translation services for this
vm interview were provided by Contract Linguist

b7F -1
appeared cooperative. He advised that he was in
b6 -3,4
good health and had been trrated weLli . Due to the presence of a
b7C -3,4
female translator, however remained with his head bowed

b7D -1 refused direct eye contact for the duration of the interview. b6 -3,4
b7F -1 b7C -3,4
In response to questions from interviewing agents,
b7D -1
provided the following information:
b7F -1
Lonfirmed his statement from previous interviews
b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1
b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1
b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4 b7D -1 b7F -1
denied possessing any in-depth knowledge about
IW en Presented with the fact that( 'again denied any in-depth knowledge and insisted that he had only the same cursory information he had previously offered.
b6 -3,4
1 1
--1 had no
b7C -3,4
Information regarding other individuals1
b7D -1
When shown a photo of denied b7F -1 ever knowing him or seeing him.
When presented with conflicts regarding previous
b6 -3,4
statements, claimed that they were the results of interviews conducte during his internment in Bagram. According tOb7C -3,4 he was physically intimidated and threatened during b7D -1 interviews and only provided information which he thought would
b7F -1
3/07/2003 Guantanamo Bay, Cuba 265A-MM-C99102, 265A-NY-280350 3/07/2003
DATE 12-03-2004 BY 61579DMH/BcE/ edc 04-CV-4151

DOJ FBI 003324

m302a sikva,te911102 pa SAWMT2S1338fte instance, claimed b6 -3,4
On cm6"Vaanga him awake for five days. The 1/MtMaelon he 2

b7C -3,
Page provided subsequent to this was only provided so that he could

b7D -1

b7F -1
In an unqolicitegLcomment advised interviewing
b6 -3,4 agents that a scary ' was the result of
a childhood remedy for an unknown sickness he had when

b7C -3,4

approximately eight years of age. It was not' 'stated, a

b7D -1

branding which he received as a sign of his dedication to jihad, as
b7F -1 previous interviewers had insisted.

The scar is further described as:


b6 -3,4


b7C -3,4 Size: A rox. in diameter

b7D -1

Source: Create y eating the cut end of the stalks of

b7F -1

an unknown plant and then repeatedly applying) in

circular motions.

According toI I he provided this information as a
b6 -3,4

sign of his honesty.

b7C -3,4

b7D -1

b7F -1


DOJFBI 003325
