FBI Memo re: Interview of Detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay

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Interview of detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. When asked how he was doing the detainee stated "that things were not going well, and that he perceived current U.S. actions as a holy war between Christians and Muslims, propagated by President George Bush's hatred of Muslims and his thirst for killing and blood". "[The detainee] claimed that detainees were often put in freezing cold isolation cells with no blankets for days at a time. He also stated that they (the detainees) are only given the equivalent of 12 hours of exercise per year. He also said that the guards often beat the detainees when they search their cells and also said it was not right to use the Koran as reward/punishment; doing so is disrespectful of the Koran." The detainee also acknowledged having knowledge of the September 11, 2001 attacks before they took place. When asked why he did not call anyone to warn of the attacks so they could be prevented 'stated "that is your job", and that since the government was listening in to his phone conversations, they should have known.

Wednesday, January 8, 2003
Tuesday, May 17, 2005

FD-302 (Rev. I0-6-95)

Investigation on: at
File /I Date dictat

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and
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it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.


On 08JANO3, b6 -1,2,3,4 interviewe' at amp e1ta, uantanamo ay, u s a.:•1, peci.:gent Naval Criminal :Investigative Service (NCIS) and SAI
b7C -1,2,3,4
nvestigation (FBI)]: 1 b7D -1 the interview:was conducted in the English language. After being advised of the nature b7F -1 e interview(:(provided the following information:
At the start of the interview,n7lvas asked how he was doing. He responded that things were not going well, and that he perceived current US actions as a holy war between
b6 -3,4
Christians and Muslims, propagated by President George Bush's hatred of Mt's' . t i s ' thirst for killing and blood. When asked if he sees himself as a la:QidieriiIn the holy war b7C -3,4 responded that he only sees himself as being here (Cuba). :ent on to say at e nited
b7D -1
States will see many September 11s if we continue to treat innocent people as we do (referring to
b7F -1
the people detained at Camp Delta). He also said that the demise of the US is imminent.
The discussion then turned to the events of September 11, 2001.1 :was asked if thel9 highjackers were ri:ey did. He responded that "when peo:rt, they b6 -3,4 need to do something back". :belief that the violent actions of Islamic militants are
b7C -3,4
justified by America's hostile an:air:d policies toward the Muslim world was a
b7D -1
constant theme throughout the interview Iso stated that the US wanted to rule the world,
and that other governments, such as the us ians, would do whatever the US government wanted b7F -1
them to do.

kvaq shown nictnres of several individuals . '
b6 -3,4
recognized only Jand then only from see ng him at Camp Delta,
b7C -3,4
earlier reporting in which eported seein:before he was captured. b7D -1 previously reported seein efore his cap:s tim:ving ever seen b7F -1 before. When confronted win.' mese inconsistencies in his stories:laimed that he was not in
his right mind before and must have been mistaken in identifying e men previously.
b6 -3,4
omments often centered on the unfairness of the US kidnaping so
b7C -3,4
innocent Muslimslkeeping them locked up in Cuba without any proof of wrong-doing.
further claimed that if given his day in court, he would be set free. b7D -1

b7F -1
The treatment of prisoners at Camp Delta was also a topic of discussion
b6 -3,4
claimed that detainees were often put in freezing cold isolation cells with no blankets for ays at a
b7C -3,4
time. H -:ed that they (the detainees) are only given the equivalent of 12 hours of exercise
b7D -1 per year.:also said that the guards often beat the detainees when they search their cells (he

b7F -1
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba


265A-MM-C99102 01-08-2003 b6 -1
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DOJFBI 003313

DO -.3,4

b7C -3,4
FE)-30 :ii and often get physically violent with them
b7D -1
. ' Contin
b7F -1
. Page
b6 -3,4
b7C -3,4
b7C -1
dmitted that he had knowledge of the September 11,:2001 attacks on New b7F -1 York and Was ngton efore they occurred. He said that many people in[ :(knew about the
attacks prior to them actually taking place, and that it was practically common knowledge among the
b6 -3,4 people of the mosque (no mention was made of which mosque he was referring to, nor w
b7C -3,4 from whom he first heard that the attacks were to take place). He also said that he called

i: 'what happened in New York and Washington, mistakenly thinking that the
b7D -1
attacks had already occurred. I: 'had heard nothing in regard to such news.
b7F -1 This was because the attacks did not occur for another couple of hours (approximately) after this call
was made. When asked why he did not call anyone to warn of the attacks so they could be
prevented:'stated "that is your job", and that since the government was listening in to his

phone conversations, they should have known.
b6 -3,4
b7C -3,4
b7D -1
b6 -3,4
b7F -1
1 1 theory on why he ended up in Cuba is that 1:-----lcigovernment
b7C -3,4
thought that he was such a threat to them that they had the American governmentk idnap him and turn him over tol:'for torture. b7D -1
b7F -1
b6 -3,4
thought that the rumors of a mass suicide in the camp are true, and that the
b7C -3,4 US could preven it it we treated the detainees better. He also said that it was not right to use the
b7D -1 Koran as reward/punishment; doing so is disrespectful of the Koran.

b6 -3,4 b7F -1
T some of the people in Camp Delta deserved to be here, :stated b7C -3,4 that he thought so finally said that he was not an enemy of the US, and that e nee s to
b7D -1
learn more about am e ore he goes somewhere and fights.
b6 -3,4 b7F -1
b7C -3,4 'was sske1 what he would do when he is released from Cuba, and he said that he would' far from people where he could live with his family.
b7D -1
b7F -1
The interview was concluded.

DOJFBI 003314
