FBI Memo re: FBI Interview of Guantanamo Detainee, Camp Delta

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This FBI memo condenses an interview conducted with a detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. The detainee related his experience when captured in Afghanistan, including seeing an American (supposedly John Walker Lindh) while in detention. He stated that detainees were ordered to be silent \and that he was shown a photo book and asked to identify any of the persons in the photos. The memo is heavily redacted.

Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I I (t:7
II S. Department 01 JustIce Federal Bureau of InvesugatlOn
In Reply. Please Keler 10 hie No
December 31, 2003
b6 -3,4 b7C -3,4
b7D -1 b7F -1
b6 -3,4
In response to Department of Defense (DoD), Cr~m1nal
b7C -3,4
Invest1oat1ve Task Force (CITF), Request for Asslstance (RFA)I , the Federal Bureau of Investlgat10n (FBI) 15 b7D -1 provld1ng the roll erhead memorandum (LHM) for b7F -1 dissem1natlon to for use In the
prosecut 1 on o;.::f-..:c:.a:p:..:t:.::l:.o:.n:.:.:e..:d~====~..:..:..:..:..._::....___________-..

b6 -3,4 was lntervlewea at
-3,4 uantanamo
ay, uoa.~__~~was advlsed that he was be1ng b7D -1 ~ntervlewed to obtaln detaljcrl lofqrmatlon regard1ng the prlson
b7F -1
uprlSlng at Mazar-e-Sharlf. I ~oluntar11y prov1ded the
followlng lnformatlon:
I I re1tp r ated lnformatlon nrovlded 10 nreVlous
1nt.erVlews. 1

~~__~~~~______~~__~~____~_________b6 -3,4 ~___________~~~~~stated that he was led to bel:eve by b7C -3,4 varlOUS peopJ.e t.nat A ghanlstan was a pure Islamlc state and he b7D-1 could pract.lce rellglon freely.' I i'lorpcrl , 1"1 j-'r)oorv W1 th the 'T'a1lban stvle of rule 1n Afahan1stan.1 b7F -1
Pr10r to arrlvlnq 1n Mazar-e-Sharlf,[
b6 -3,4
b7C -3,4
b7D -1
b7F -1
ALI. INI!'CIKAeIefl . ,:ml~AINB::
H:::".EUI IS tmcr.';SET:'!BD
DA"rJi: C9-::0-OO~ E\' 61579:''':'':Il!e.:::;:: .. j" C~-~:-ll;'l Th~s document conta~ns ne~ther recommendat~ons nor conc:us~ons of the FBI It lS the property of the FBI and :s loaned to your agency, It and lts contents are not to be dlstr~butec ou:s~de your agency

DOJ FBI-001769
