A Military Intelligence Officer was interviewed at Camp Victory by Major General Fay in regards to interrogation plans in place at Abu Ghraib Prison in 2003. The deponent discussed his arrival at Abu Ghraib and the duties he performed while assigned tot he prison facility. He stated "My function as to go through the files of detainees being held at Camp Vigilant and determining who had not been spoken to and still required to be spoke to and then prioritizing them for interrogations. I also went through the files of detainees who had been transferred from Camp Cropper." He then stated ". I felt it was a good idea for me to review the interrogation plans to get a better idea of was going on in the interrogations and I had to get smart on the interrogation plans to be able to talk about them when persons visited Abu Ghraib and asked questions." He then described several incidents where he thought the interrogators were operating at variance to the interrogation plans.
TAKEN AT Camp Victory DATED 2004/06/16
STATEMENT 011111/*
Was reinterviewed on 16 June 2004 by MG George R. Fay,timmow.and I was questioned in reference to interrogation plans: How were interrogation plans created and what happened to them? The investigative team stated they had not been able to find interrogation plans. Again, I stated that I arrived at Abu Ghraib on or about 12/13 September. The unit on site was the 519' h MI BN and I arrived
cou le o days later, elements of
with a small operations group from the 325 th MI BN.
was in charge of the
the 325 th MI BN arrived to form up Tiger Teams. Interrogation Control Elements (ICE). My function as to go through the files of detainees being held at Camp Vigilant and determining who had not been spoken to and still required to be spoke to and then prioritizing them for interrogations. I also went through the files of detainees who had been transferred from Camp Cropper. I reviewed their records and made sure the work we had done was in the file. There were sometimes several documents missing from the detainee files. We would search for them on the database .and made copies of the documents we could find such as missing (IIRs). Interrogation plans were created by the interrogator and then run through the first level supervisor (senior interrogator). This was usually an E-6. The senior interrogator would go through the interrogation plan by adding, mentoring, coaching and then finally come
up with interrogator what was oin to ha en. Once the s • • terrogator approved it, it would go to the ICE OIC, or or approval. 1 do not know if the senior interrogators took every single interrogauon plan to the ICE for
an interro ation lans in e beginning. Sometime in early
approval. I did not a
and I were added to the list of .
s who could approve interrogation plans. I e t it was a good idea for me to .
review the interrogation plans to get a better idea of was going on in the interrogations had to get smart on the interrogation plans to be able to talk about them when
and I
persons visited Abu Ghraib and asked questions. I have no idea who ordered detainees to
I do not
be naked. I have no knowledge of detainees being naked during interrogations. I know it was after the incident with the
remember when I first went to the Hard Site. three interrogators were caught conducting an unauthorized interrogation. I remember this because I didn't know where the area the unauthorized interrogation was. In the beginning, the interrogations were being conducted in tents offset from the operations tent within eyeshot of Camp Vigilant and the Operations area. When we had exceptions an
to policy (such as sleep management) we made a photocopy and provided it to the MT's w what going on. In late November, I walked through the
so that they wo Id
hard site and pointed out that there were two exceptions with
handwritten notes requesting a detainee to be stripped down. He asked me if I wanted them stripped naked. I told him no and I scr tched over the handwritten notes an initialed it. I then went to go speak to his boss
and told her that we had a problem and that she nee e to get with the interrogators that that was a no go. She said she would speak to him. I also tol
bell e the interrogator who had written the statement was I went bac of
He came up to me and told me no problem chief. we
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Initials of pjrson m ing statement
Exhibit I
DOD 000358
TAKEN AT Camp Victory DATED 2004/06/16
• I didn't see any problems. During the time
L c eck and speak to
approved interrogation plans, I di not approve nakedness and I read them thoroughly.
Interrogation plans were kept a soft copy in the database and hard copy in the dossier of
the detainee. I will state that I did go back and looked at some files and there were
screening sheets and IIRs missing. Sometimes an interrogator would take out a
document., review it and use it for other interrogations and sometimes they would get lost.
Personnel in charge of making s a docume tation was in the files were the heads of
sections for each section, such
responsible for QCing the files and making sur the right paperwork was ere. e ICE
was responsible for interrogation files. The Detainee Assessment Board would review
files before they went up to the magistrate cell for the release board. An assessment
written up by the DAB would accompany the file. The assessment had to be there in
order •r the Magistrate Cell to review the files. Perso el working in the magistrate cell
were IN reference to the shooting
incident: was not one o e in • ivi ua s w o respon to the shooting initially. I was
at Chow when the incident occurred. I found out about it when I was passing through the
ICE. I asked about the situation and was told it had been locked down. NO one could o
I was tasked b
in or out because the MPs were going to do a complete search.
111111111to work in hel in identi who from the Iraqi Police were possibly involve
and worked with and myself had two HMWWVs.
entifying the IPs. The MPs and MI
One of the detainees was sitting in the ve c e i
personnel would bring out an IP and the lights of the vehicles would be on shinning on
the IP. The detainee in the vehicle would then identify who from the Ts were possibly
involved. A total of 11 IPs were identified. All IPs were returned back to the Hard Site
typed the list of those identified and
and lined up. Once we completed this task, I
He in turn would turn it over to
provided it to
do not know who ma e t e ecision to keep the 11 IPs detained. was not aware any
interrogations were going on or that dogs were used during interrogations. The dogs
were used to search the cells, but I was not there. I was outside identifying the IPs for
All I
about three and a half hours or so. I do not know who was the MI person in charge.
know is that 1 got my orders and tasking form...MB I do not know if he was
telling other MI persons what to do. There were not supposed to have been any
supposed to happen was gain an
interrogations going on. The only thing that was
assessment of every IP; those on shift and those who would come on shift the following
days. Assessments typically last around 15 minutes and I assume that these assessments
should have been the same, as they are meant not to be lengthy and fast but accurate
enough to identify anyone of intelligence value. This went on for another two to three
I went outside and my
days. The dogs came in to the Hard Site sometime before
understanding was that they only guarded in the open hallway but I never saw the d
never saw the detainees or IPs naked that night. After I completed the task given b
11111111 I passed the area where the IPs were lined up. I do somewhat recall any
the IPs were lined up. No one told mc that
chaotic situation in the area where
interrogation techniques had been lifted and that we had a blanket approval the night of
shooting. I do not know who called the dogs or ordered interrogations. There were no
the :
you old
interrogation plans or results to those interrogations. Q. is there anything else
like to this statement? A. No. /////////////////////////End of Statement//////////////
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DOD 000359